[TYPES/announce] CfP - 3rd International Conference on Microservices (Microservices 2020)

2020-04-07 Thread Marco Peressotti
[ The Types Forum (announcements only),
 http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]

International Conference on Microservices: Call for Papers

Third International Conference on Microservices

September 8th-10th 2020, Bologna, Italy


Important dates 

- Submission deadline: May 15th, 2020 (AoE)
- Notification to authors: June 26th, 2020 (AoE)
- Camera-ready due: August 7th, 2020 (AoE)
- Early bird registration until: August 7th, 2020 

Theme and Topics

The theme of this edition is the interplay between microservices and the cyber 

- On the one hand, the adoption of microservices is fostering the adoption of 
new architectural patterns and software construction practices; understanding 
the security properties (or the emerging vulnerabilities) of the resulting 
constructs calls for the development of a fresh mindset in analysts, designers 
and testers alike. In addition, the additional middleware and infrastructure 
typically proposed for the management of microservice-based architectures could 
expand the attack surface of the systems.
- On the other hand, the same frameworks could instead prove valuable allies to 
collect security-relevant information and to coordinate defenses. The above 
considerations concern the intrinsic interplay between the fields of 
microservices and security. The broader application context is peculiarly 
sensitive to them: microservices are often adopted as an accelerator of digital 
transformations as the successful past edition(s) of the conference have shown. 
In this light, security issues should be a primary concern for microservices 
researchers and practitioners, as they provide an opportunity to integrate 
security-by-design into the recent advances in software development - triggered 
and amplified by microservices principles, patterns, and technologies.

Topics of interest are not limited to our cyber security theme. We are 
interested in all aspects and phases of the design and implementation of 
microservice architectures:

- Software engineering methods for microservices, specifically (but not limited 
to) agile service design practices, behavior- and domain-driven design
- Identification, specification, and realization of candidate services
- Patterns for IDEAL cloud-native application architectures; service API design 
and management
- Microservices infrastructure components: API gateways, side cars, and service 
meshes; reactive messaging brokers; service registries; service containers and 
cluster managers; infrastructure as code
- Function-as-a-service and serverless cloud offerings; service-based event 
sourcing and data streaming architectures
- Security and other service quality concerns (consistency, availability, 
recoverability) in microservices; dealing with General Data Protection 
Regulation (GDPR) compliance and other data privacy requirements
- Testing for microservices: unit tests, system tests, acceptance and 
regression tests, test-driven service development
- Formal models for microservices
- Verification (both static and runtime) of microservice systems
- DevOps for microservices, in particular (but not limited to) continuous 
deployment and distributed monitoring
- Microservice management: fault, configuration, accounting, performance, 
- Discovery/recovery and reverse engineering of microservices solutions
- Microservice evolution
- Programming languages, notations, and techniques for microservices
- Empirical studies of microservices adoption

We solicit contributed talks based work in progress, scientific work published 
or submitted for publication, or practical experience reports. Authors wishing 
to present their work are invited to submit extended abstracts following the 
submission guidelines. Abstracts and presentations must be in English.

Submissions Guidelines

A submission should describe a talk to be given at the conference in the form 
of extended abstracts with a maximum of two pages. 

Submissions can be based on work in progress, scientific work published or 
submitted for publication, practical experience reports, or practical tool 

They must further be prepared using the EasyChair template (LaTeX, MS Word), be 
in PDF format, printable in black and white on A4 paper, and interpretable by 
common PDF tools. Submissions must be in English.

Contributions will be reviewed and selected by the Program Committee. Extended 
abstracts of accepted contributions will be available electronically before the 


General Chair: 
Maurizio Gabbrielli, University of Bologna (IT)

Program Chairs: 
Marco Prandini, University of Bologna (IT)
Gianluigi Zavattaro, University of Bologna (IT)
Olaf Zimmermann, University of Applied Sciences of Eastern Switzerland, 
Rapperswil (HSR OST) (CH)

[TYPES/announce] 2 new postdoc positions on Frama-C at CEA Paris Saclay

2020-04-07 Thread Julien Signoles

[ The Types Forum (announcements only),
http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]


The Software Security and Reliability Lab (LSL) at CEA Paris Saclay 
(France) is hiring 2 postdoc researchers who will work on Frama-C, its 
code analysis framework for C programs, in the context on the recently 
accepted H2020 European project Ensuresec.

The research topics are:

- Advanced Runtime Assertion Checking of C Programs:

- Extensive Code Security Analyses for Frama-C:

Best regards,
Julien Signoles

Researcher-engineer  |  Scientific advisor
CEA LIST, Software Reliability and Security Lab  |  Department of Software and 
System Engineering
tel:(+33)   julien.signo...@cea.fr

[TYPES/announce] Applied Category Theory 2020 - Second Call for Papers

2020-04-07 Thread Jamie Vicary
[ The Types Forum (announcements only),
 http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]


3rd Annual International Conference on
Applied Category Theory

July 6 – 10, 2020

  * * *

Applied category theory is a topic of interest for a growing community
of researchers interested in studying many different kinds of systems
using category-theoretic tools. These systems are found across
computer science, mathematics, and physics, as well as in social
science, linguistics, cognition, and neuroscience. The background and
experience of our members is as varied as the systems being studied.
The goal of the Applied Category Theory conference is to provide a
platform for researchers in the area to discuss recent progress.

We seek submissions of both original research papers and extended
abstracts of work that's been submitted, accepted, or published
elsewhere. Original research papers we accept will be invited for
publication in a proceedings volume. Some contributions will be
invited to become keynote addresses, and best paper award(s) may also
be given.

ACT2020 will be held entirely online, with all the attendant
advantages: no registration fee, no need to travel, etc. It will
consist of three 2-hour sessions per day, spaced the clock to
accommodate the different time zones of our speakers. All the talks
will be both live streamed and recorded on YouTube. Our goal is a
conference that provides high quality, interactive talk sessions;
generative, high bitrate discussions; and serendipitous interactions
with new people.

The conference will include a business showcase, and it will be
preceded by a tutorial day.  This event follows ACT2018 in Leiden, and
ACT2019 in Oxford.

** IMPORTANT DATES (all in 2020)**

Submission of contributed papers: Sunday May 10
Success notification: Sunday June 7
Tutorial day: July 5
Main conference: July 6 – 10


Two types of submissions are accepted, both of which will be reviewed
using the same standards:

 - Proceedings Track. Original contributions of high-quality work
consisting of a 5 – 12 page extended abstract that provides evidence of
results of genuine interest, and with enough detail to allow the
program committee to assess the merits of the work. Submission of a
work-in-progress is encouraged, but it must be more substantial than a
research proposal.

 - Non-Proceedings Track. Descriptions of high-quality work submitted
or published elsewhere will also be considered, provided the work is
recent and relevant to the conference. The work may be of any length,
but the program committee members may only look at the first 3 pages
of the submission, so you should ensure that these pages contain
sufficient evidence of the quality and rigor of your work.

Submissions should be prepared using LaTeX, and must be submitted in
PDF format. The submission link is available on the ACT2020 web page.


Mathieu Anel, Carnegie Mellon University
Miriam Backens, University of Birmingham
John Baez, Centre for Quantum Technologies
Richard Blute, University of Ottawa
Tai-Danae Bradley, City University of New York
Andrea Censi, ETH Zurich
Corina Cirstea, ETC Zurich
Bob Coecke, University of Oxford
Valeria de Paiva, Samsung Research America and University of Birmingham
Ross Duncan, University of Strathclyde
Eric Finster, University of Birmingham
Brendan Fong, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Tobias Fritz, Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Richard Garner, Macquarie University
Fabrizio Romano Genovese, Statebox
Jeremy Gibbons, University of Oxford
Amar Hadzihasanovic, IRIF, Université de Paris
Helle Hvid Hansen, Delft University of Technology
Jules Hedges, Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences
Kathryn Hess Bellwald, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
Chris Heunen, The University of Edinburgh
Alex Hoffnung, Bridgewater
Joachim Kock, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Alexander Kurz, Chapman University
Tom Leinster, The University of Edinburgh
Martha Lewis, University of Amsterdam
Daniel R. Licata, Wesleyan University
David Jaz Myers, Johns Hopkins University
Paolo Perrone, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Daniela Petrisan, University of Paris, IRIF
Vaughan Pratt, Stanford University
Peter Selinger, Dalhousie University
Michael Shulman, University of San Diego
David I. Spivak, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (co-chair)
John Terilla, Tunnel Technologies
Walter Tholen, York University
Todd Trimble, Western Connecticut State University
Christina Vasilakopoulou, University of Patras
Jamie Vicary, University of Birmingham (co-chair)
Maaike Zwart, University of Oxford

[TYPES/announce] International Workshop on Confluence [IWC 2020] - 2nd CFP

2020-04-07 Thread Samuel Mimram

[ The Types Forum (announcements only),
http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]


  Second Call For Papers

 9th International Workshop on Confluence
June 30, 2020

Collocated with FSCD-IJCAR 2020, June 29 - July 5, 2020


The 9th International Workshop on Confluence (IWC 2020) aims at promoting
further research in confluence and related properties. Confluence provides a
general notion of determinism and has always been conceived as one of the
central properties of rewriting. Recently there is a renewed interest in
confluence research, resulting in new techniques, tool support, certification as
well as new applications. The workshop aims at promoting further research in
confluence and related properties.

Confluence relates to many topics of rewriting (completion, modularity,
termination, commutation, etc.) and has been investigated in many formalisms of
rewriting such as first-order rewriting, lambda-calculi, higher-order rewriting,
constrained rewriting, conditional rewriting, etc. Recently there is a renewed
interest in confluence research, resulting in new techniques, tool supports,
certification as well as new applications.


Due to current travel restrictions in various countries, the meeting will be
held **virtually** this year. The technical details will be given in due time.


- confluence and related properties (unique normal forms, commutation, ground
- completion
- critical pair criteria
- decidability issues
- complexity issues
- system descriptions
- certification
- applications of confluence

The objective of this workshop is to bring together theoreticians and
practitioners to promote new techniques and results, and to facilitate feedback
on the implementation and application of such techniques and results in
practice. IWC 2020 also aims to be a forum for presenting and discussing work in
progress, and therefore to provide feedback to authors on their preliminary

IWC 2020 is a satellite workshop of Formal Structures for Computation and
Deduction (FSCD'20, co-located with IJCAR). IWC 2020 is part of Paris Nord
Summer of LoVe 2020, a joint event on LOgic and VErification at University Paris
13, made of Petri Nets 2020, IJCAR 2020, FSCD 2020, and over 20 satellite
events. Previous editions took place in Dortmund (2019), Oxford (2018 and 2017),
Obergurgl (2016), Berlin (2015), Vienna (2014), Eindhoven (2013) and Nagoya

More information about the workshop can be found in the homepage of IWC.


We solicit short papers or extended abstracts of at most five pages. There will
be no formal reviewing. In particular, we welcome short versions of recently
published articles and papers submitted elsewhere. The program committee checks
relevance and may provide additional feedback. The accepted papers will be made
available electronically before the workshop. The page limit for papers is 5
pages in EasyChair style. Short papers or extended abstracts must be submitted
electronically through the EasyChair system at:

EasyChair style:


- Title and Abstract:  April 17, 2020
- Paper Submission:    April 22, 2020
- Notification to authors:     May   22, 2020
- Workshop date:   June  30, 2020




- Beniamino Accattoli (Inria & LIX, École Polytechnique)
- Mauricio Ayala-Rincón (Universidade de Brasília) - co-chair
- Cyrille Chenavier (Centre Inria Lille)
- Alejandro Díaz-Caro (Universidad Nacional de Quilmes & ICC/UBA-CONICET)
- Maribel Fernández (King's College London)
- Mario Florido (Universidade de Porto)
- Makoto Hamana (Gunma University)
- Philippe Malbos (Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1)
- Samuel Mimram (LIX École Polytechnique) - co-chair
- Camilo Rocha (Pontificia Universidad Javeriana - Cali)
- Daniel Lima Ventura (Universidade Federal de Goiás)
- Femke van Raamsdonk (VU University Amsterdam)
- Johannes Waldmann (Hochschule für Technik, Wirtschaft und Kultur Leipzig)
- Sarah Winkler (Universität Innsbruck)


- FSCD/IJCAR Conference Chairs: Stefano Guerrini (University Paris 13)
Kaustuv Chaudhuri (Inria & Ecole polytechnique, 

- FSCD/IJCAR Workshop Chairs:   Giulio Manzonetto (Université Paris-Nord, 
Andrew Reynolds (University of Iowa, USA)


Mauricio Ayala-Rincón: ayala(at)unb.br
Samuel Mimram: samuel.mimram(at)lix.polytechnique.fr

[TYPES/announce] Update on Workshop on Homotopy Type Theory and Univalent Foundations (HoTT/UF'20) on July 5-6, 2020

2020-04-07 Thread Benedikt Ahrens

[ The Types Forum (announcements only),
http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]


- HoTT/UF 2020 will take place online
- Submission deadline: May 20, 2020

Details below.



Workshop on Homotopy Type Theory and Univalent Foundations

July 5-6, 2020, The Internet


   Abstract submission deadline: May 20, 2020

Homotopy Type Theory is a young area of logic, combining ideas from
several established fields: the use of dependent type theory as a
foundation for mathematics, inspired by ideas and tools from abstract
homotopy theory. Univalent Foundations are foundations of mathematics
based on the homotopical interpretation of type theory.

The goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers interested
in all aspects of Homotopy Type Theory and Univalent Foundations: from
the study of syntax and semantics of type theory to practical
formalization in proof assistants based on univalent type theory.

# Invited talks

* Carlo Angiuli (Carnegie Mellon University)
* Liron Cohen (Ben-Gurion University)
* Pierre-Louis Curien (Université de Paris)

# Submissions

* Abstract submission deadline: May 20, 2020
* Author notification: June 05, 2020

Submissions should consist of a title and an abstract, in pdf format,
of no more than 2 pages, submitted via

Considering the broad background of the expected audience, we encourage
authors to include information of pedagogical value in their abstract,
such as motivation and context of their work.

# Program committee

* Benedikt Ahrens (University of Birmingham)
* Paolo Capriotti (Technische Universität Darmstadt)
* Chris Kapulkin (University of Western Ontario)
* Nicolai Kraus (University of Birmingham)
* Peter LeFanu Lumsdaine (Stockholm University)
* Anders Mörtberg (Stockholm University)
* Paige Randall North (Ohio State University)
* Nicolas Tabareau (Inria Nantes)

# Organizers

* Benedikt Ahrens (University of Birmingham)
* Chris Kapulkin (University of Western Ontario)

[TYPES/announce] Example of running a conference online BCTCS starting now

2020-04-07 Thread Setzer A.G.
[ The Types Forum (announcements only),
 http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]

Dear type theoretits,

if you want to see a conference in theoretical computer science which is 
running fully online, you can
just have a look at it, it is free via Zoom


you might enjoy some talks or just check out how this works out.

Best wishes,
Anton Setzer

From: Types-announce  on behalf of 
Andrzej Murawski 
Sent: 05 April 2020 11:33
To: types-announce@lists.seas.upenn.edu 
Subject: [TYPES/announce] 4th Workshop on Program Equivalence and Relational 
Reasoning (PERR 2020)

[ The Types Forum (announcements only),


Associated with the 32nd International Conference on Computer-Aided 
Verification (CAV 2020)
Los Angeles, CA, United States, July 19, 2020

Submission link: 
Submission deadline: April 24, 2020

Given the rapidly evolving situation regarding COVID-19, the date of the 
workshop may change. Please follow the CAV webpage for details.


PERR is an annual international workshop dedicated to the formal verification 
of program equivalence and related relational problems. It is the 4th in a 
series of meetings that bring together researchers from different areas 
interested in equivalence and related questions. Last year's PERR was held as a 
satellite workshop of ETAPS. PERR 2020 is affiliated with CAV.

Program equivalence is arguably one of the most interesting and at the same 
time important problems in formal verification. It is a cross-cutting topic 
that has attracted the interest of several research communities: denotational 
semantics, deductive software verification, bounded model checking, 
specification inference, software evolution and regression testing, etc. The 
goal of the workshop is to stimulate an exchange of ideas to forge a community 
working on Program Equivalence and Relational Reasoning (PERR).

The workshop welcomes contributions on the topics mentioned below but is also 
open to new questions regarding program equivalence. This includes related 
research areas of relational reasoning like program refinement or the 
verification of hyperproperties, in particular of secure information flow.


- regression verification
- program equivalence
- equivalence of higher order programs
- product programs, relational calculi
- verification of hyperproperties
- program refinement, refinement calculus
- specification of differences between programs
- inferring semantic differences between programs
- transformation validation
- correct compiler transformations
- automata bisimulation
- code equivalence checking in teaching and marking

This is an informal workshop that welcomes work in progress, overviews of more 
extensive work, programmatic or position papers and tool presentations. The 
workshop will have informal online proceedings.


Please submit a short abstract (1-2 pages) of your proposed talk via EasyChair.

- Submission deadline: Friday 24th April 2020
- Submission link: 


- Vincent Cheval (INRIA Nancy)
- Constantin Enea (Université de Paris, co-chair)
- Guilhem Jaber (Université de Nantes)
- Nuno Lopes (Microsoft Research Cambridge)
- Andrzej Murawski (University of Oxford, co-chair)
- Damien Pous (CNRS & ENS Lyon)
- Ofer Strichman (Technion)
- Nikos Tzevelekos (Queen Mary University of London)
- Mattias Ulbrich (KIT)

[TYPES/announce] Two PhD positions in Utrecht

2020-04-07 Thread Wouter Swierstra
[ The Types Forum (announcements only),
 http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]

 Two PhD positions in functional programming

The Department of Information and Computing Sciences at Utrecht
University is currently advertising two PhD positions in
Functional Programming. The candidates will join the Intelligent
Systems group, working with Johan Jeuring, Gabriele Keller, and
Wouter Swierstra.

Besides research, the successful candidate will be expected to
help supervise MSc students and assist in the teaching of

The positions should be filled by September 2020, although the exact
starting date is negotiable.

Research topics

These two positions are tied to two specific topics.

* Programming tutors for Functional Languages (Johan Jeuring)

The focus of the position is on designing new technologies to support
students working in an intelligent tutoring system for functional
programming. We expect to use techniques from dependently typed
programming, refinement types, program synthesis, automated theorem
proving, and more to analyse student programs, and to help students in
taking the next step when developing a program. The candidate will
investigate the design and use of multiple technologies for this
purpose, add them to Ask-Elle, our intelligent tutoring system,
perform experiments with the system, and improve the technologies
based on the outcome of the experiments.

* Compiler verification for a smart contract language (Wouter
  Swierstra & Gabriele Keller)

This project aims to develop a certifying compiler for Plutus Tx, a
subset of the purely functional language Haskell that is used to
implement smart contracts for the Cardano blockchain. The Plutus smart
contract framework is being developed by IOHK for Cardano and the
present project is a joint effort of IOHK and Utrecht University. The
Plutus Tx compiler is based on the GHC Haskell compiler and adds a
translation step from GHC Core to a minimal lambda calculus. Programs
in this lambda calculus are executed during transaction validation in
a sandboxed execution environment in a manner that is crucial to the
security of the blockchain. This project aims to formalise the
semantics of the languages involved, to reason about the
transformation and optimisation steps that the compiler performs, and
finally, to generate a proof object certifying the correctness of the
generated code together with that code.

What we are looking for

The ideal candidates should have a degree in Computer Science, be
highly motivated, speak and write English well, and be proficient in
producing scientific reports. Furthermore, candidates should be able
to demonstrate experience with functional programming languages, such
as Haskell, OCaml, ML, Agda, Idris, or Coq.

What we offer

The candidates are offered a full-time position for four or five
years, depending on the teaching load. The gross salary ranges between
€2,325 in the first year and €2,972 in the fourth year per month for
full-time employment. A part-time position of at least 0.8 fte may
also be possible. The salary is supplemented with a holiday bonus of
8% and an end-of-year bonus of 8.3% per year. The position also
includes a generous allocation of fully-paid vacation days. In
addition we offer: a pension scheme, partially paid parental leave,
and flexible employment conditions. Conditions are based on the
Collective Labour Agreement Dutch Universities. The research group
will provide the candidate with necessary support on all aspects of
the project. More information is available on the website:

  Terms and employment: http://bit.ly/1elqpM7

Utrecht is consistently ranked as one of the best places in the world
to live.

How to apply

To apply please attach a letter of motivation, a curriculum vitae, and
(email) addresses of two referees. Make sure to also include a
transcript of the courses you have followed (at bachelor and master
level), with the grades you obtained, and to include a sample of your
scientific writing, such as your master thesis.

It is possible to apply for this position if you are close to
obtaining your Master's. In that case include a letter of your
supervisor with an estimate of your progress, and do not forget to
include at least a sample of your technical writing skills.

The application deadline for the first position closes on April
29th. You can apply through the University's website:

[TYPES/announce] The Coq Workshop 2020: Second Call for Talk Proposals + COVID-19 update

2020-04-07 Thread Théo Zimmermann
[ The Types Forum (announcements only),
 http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]

  The Coq Workshop 2020: Second Call for Talk Proposals

Find this call online at: https://coq-workshop.gitlab.io/2020

COVID-19 notice:

Due to the COVID-19 outbreak and containment measures in France and in
most other countries, the FSCD-IJCAR conferences to which the Coq
workshop is affiliated will be held as a virtual event, and so will
the Coq workshop.

Since the COVID-19 crisis is affecting everyone's life and since
attending a virtual event requires less planning ahead than attending
a physical one, we have extended the submission deadline.

We invite you to submit talk proposals for the Coq workshop 2020,
which will be held as a virtual event online on July 5-6 2020.

The Coq workshop is part of IJCAR 2020 (https://ijcar2020.org/).

The Coq workshop 2020 is the 11th Coq Workshop.  The Coq Workshop
series (https://coq-workshop.gitlab.io/) brings together Coq
(https://coq.inria.fr/) users, developers, and contributors.  While
conferences usually provide a venue for traditional research papers,
the Coq Workshop focuses on strengthening the Coq community and
providing a forum for discussing practical issues, including the
future of the Coq software and its associated ecosystem of libraries
and tools. Thus, the workshop will be organized around contributed
talks and discussions, supplemented with invited talks, seizing the
opportunity of the 35th birthday of the first release of Coq to spread
this year's edition over two days.

Important dates (UPDATED):
- April 27th 2020 (AoE): Deadline for abstract submission
- May 20th 2020: Notification to authors
- July 5-6th 2020: Workshop

Submission Instructions:

Authors should submit short proposals through EasyChair
(https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=coq2020) in the form of a PDF
extended abstract of at most 2 pages, in full-page single-column style
(using the EasyChair template available at

Relevant subject matter includes but is not limited to:
- Theory and implementation of the Calculus of Inductive Constructions
- Language or tactic features
- Plugins and libraries for Coq
- Techniques for formalization programming languages and mathematics
- Applications and experience in education and industry
- Tools and platforms built on Coq (including interfaces)
- Formalization tricks and pearls

Program Committee:

- Andrew Appel (Princeton University, USA)
- Sylvie Boldo (Inria Saclay, Université Paris-Saclay, France)
- Zaynah Dargaye (Nomadic Labs, Paris, France)
- Stefania Dumbrava (ENSIEE Paris-Evry, France)
- Karl Palmskog (KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden)
- Gert Smolka (Saarland University, Germany)
- Laurent Théry (Inria Sophia-Antipolis, France)

Organizing Committee (co-chairs):

- Emilio J. Gallego Arias
- Hugo Herbelin
- Théo Zimmermann
  (Inria Paris, Université de Paris, France)
  [mail: coq2...@easychair.org]

[TYPES/announce] CFP SEFM - International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods

2020-04-07 Thread Jacopo Mauro
[ The Types Forum (announcements only),
 http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]

  Call for Papers

SEFM 2020

 18th International Conference on
  Software Engineering and Formal Methods

   Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 14-18 September 2020



Abstract submission deadline:  Monday 27 April 2020 (AoE)
Paper submission deadline: Monday 4 May 2020 (AoE)
Paper notification:Friday 26 June 2020
Camera ready:  Tuesday 7 July 2020 (AoE)

Concerning COVID-19

The Program Chairs and the Steering Committee of SEFM 2020 are fully aware
that the  COVID-19 crisis may require the organisation of alternatives to
the scheduled physical conference events, following the recommendations
of relevant national and international bodies, such as the World Health
Organization. Such possible alternative scenarios include the possibility
of remote paper presentations or a full electronic organisation of the
Any measures taken will be communicated via the SEFM website and via emails
to the authors and the PC.


SEFM aims to bring together leading researchers and practitioners
from academia, industry, and government, to advance the state of
the art in formal methods, to facilitate their uptake in the
software industry, and to encourage their integration within
practical software engineering methods and tools.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following
aspects of software engineering and formal methods:

# Software Development Methods
  - Formal modeling, specification, and design
  - Software evolution, maintenance, re-engineering, and reuse

# Design Principles
  - Programming languages
  - Domain-specific languages
  - Type theory
  - Abstraction and refinement

# Software Testing, Validation, and Verification
  - Model checking, theorem proving, and decision procedures
  - Testing and runtime verification
  - Statistical and probabilistic analysis
  - Synthesis
  - Performance estimation and analysis of other non-functional
  - Other light-weight and scalable formal methods

# Security and Safety
  - Security, privacy, and trust
  - Safety-critical, fault-tolerant, and secure systems
  - Software certification

# Applications and Technology Transfer
  - Service-oriented and cloud computing systems, Internet of Things
  - Component, object, multi-agent and self-adaptive systems
  - Real-time, hybrid, and cyber-physical systems
  - Intelligent systems and machine learning
  - HCI, interactive systems, and human error analysis
  - Education

# Case studies, best practices, and experience reports


We solicit two categories of papers:

- Regular papers describing original research results, case studies,
  or surveys. Regular papers should not exceed 15 pages, excluding

- Tool papers that describe an operational tool and its
  contributions. Tool papers should not exceed 6 pages (including
  bibliography) and should include the URL of the tool.

All submissions must be original, unpublished, and not submitted
concurrently for publication elsewhere. Paper submission is done
via EasyChair at https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=sefm2020
Papers must be formatted according to the guidelines for Springer
LNCS papers (see http://www.springer.com/lncs).


All accepted papers will appear in the proceedings of the conference
that will be published as a volume in the Formal Methods sublime of
the Springer's LNCS series.

The authors of a selected subset of accepted papers will be invited
to submit extended versions of their papers to a journal special


Paola Inverardi
University of L'Aquila, Italy
Website: http://people.disim.univaq.it/inverard/

Eelco Visser
Delft University of Technology, Neteherlands
Website: https://eelcovisser.org/


Erika Abraham, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Wolfgang Ahrendt, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Alessandro Aldini, University of Urbino, Italy
Luís Soares Barbosa, University of Minho, Portugal
Maurice H. ter Beek, ISTI-CNR, Italy
Dirk Beyer, LMU, Germany
Frank de Boer (Co-chair), CWI, Netherlands
Ana Cavalcanti, University of York, United Kingdom
Antonio Cerone (Co-chair), Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan
Alessandro Cimatti, FBK, Italy
Marieke Huisman, University of Twente, Netherlands
Alexander Knapp, Universität Augsburg, Germany
Jacopo Mauro, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
Paolo Masci, National Institute of Aerospace, USA
Tiziana Margaria, Lero, Ireland
Peter Müller, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Hans de Nivelle, Nazarbayev University, 

[TYPES/announce] Postdoctoral position on verification of concurrent systems via model learning, Royal Holloway University of London, Deadline: 4 May 2020

2020-04-07 Thread Matteo Sammartino
[ The Types Forum (announcements only),
 http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]

- Application deadline: Midnight, 04 May 2020
- Interview Date: To be confirmed
- Starting date: as soon as possible, flexible due to COVID-19; remote working 
options can be explored.
- Salary: £35,931-£37,979, including London allowance (grade 7, pay scales 
- Duration: 33 months

Applications are invited for the post of Post-Doctoral Research Assistant in 
the Computer Science Department at Royal Holloway, University of London.

Successful applicants will be working on the EPSRC-funded "Verification of 
Hardware Concurrency via Model Learning" (CLeVer) project (EP/S028641/1), led 
by Alexandra Silva (UCL) and Matteo Sammartino (Royal Holloway, University of 

This is a joint research endeavour involving Royal Holloway University of 
London, University College London, and ARM, world-leading designer of 
multi-core chips.

For an informal discussion about the post, please contact Dr. Matteo Sammartino 
on matteo.sammart...@rhul.ac.uk.

# Project Description

Digital devices increasingly rely on multi-threaded computation, with 
sophisticated concurrent behaviour becoming prevalent at any scale. As the 
complexity of these systems increases, there is a pressing need to automate the 
assessment of their correctness, especially with respect to concurrency-related 
aspects. Formal verification provides highly effective techniques to assess the 
correctness of systems. However, formal models are usually built by humans, and 
as such can be error-prone and inaccurate.

The CLeVer project aims to:

- develop a novel verification framework that relies on learning techniques to 
automatically build and verify models of concurrency, with a particular focus 
on multi-core systems.

- apply the framework to real-world verification tasks, in collaboration with 

# The ideal candidate

We are looking for candidates with a PhD in one of the following areas: 
model-based testing and verification, formal methods for concurrency, automated 
analysis of hardware systems. Experience in multiple areas will be valued. 
Candidates ideally should also have strong programming skills.

# Where to apply
