RE: [U2] Unidata replication

2006-09-04 Thread Tom Dodds
There was an article in the Spectrum magazine not to far back about just
this subject.  If you look at this link you can find the article.  It has a
step by step procedure for implementing backup with rsync.

We use it to backup about 36 gigs every night from and AIX server to a Linux
backup server, it only takes about 10 minutes when the database is active,
and the database in only off line for a couple of seconds.  Shown below is
the log file from our process.

rsync of koidb began at 02:00:00 on 09/04/06.
Suspension of file updates is active
Snapshot for file system /koidb created on /dev/dbbkuplv
Suspension of file updates is inactive
UniVerse was back online at 02:00:02 on 09/04/06.
rsync of koidb finished at 02:03:27 on 09/04/06.
rsync of koiprogs began at 02:03:27 on 09/04/06.
rsync of koiprogs finished at 02:03:29 on 09/04/06.

This is not a very active system, but this shows the process.  We actually
have a system where we keep disk images of the backup for the last 7 days,
the last 5 Fridays, and the last day of the month for 13 months.  All of
this is available down to the field level.


Tom Dodds
513-563-2800 Cincinnati Office
708-234-9608 Chicago Office
630-235-2975 Anywhere Cell

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Steven Frost
Sent: Sunday, September 03, 2006 10:04 PM
Subject: [U2] Unidata replication

Hi, I was wondering if anybody uses rsync to keep a development database
in step with another system
between 2 tru64 Unix Alpha boxes.
At present we use rcp after first putting the source data in read-only
(dbpause) mode.
But this copies every file regardless of whether any changes have been
I think rsync copies changed files either by comparing datestamps and
file size, or doing block checksum comparison.
We copy about 60GB down a long 300km fibre 10M/bit pipe which takes 30
hours, so doing a 'changed blocks' only rsync
process would save a lot of time.

Steven Frost

35 Junction Street
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New Zealand

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Re: [U2] Using DICT items in basic program

2006-09-04 Thread Mark Johnson
Thank you Brian for your observations.

I'm of the Jurrasic Pick era with 95% of my world being mv and the other 5%
being MS Access. I am enjoying the GUI development environment of Accuterm
and may convert upcoming MS clients to that GUI front end on top of D3 as
the client doesn't care that much about back end databases when it has a
nice front end.

I've inherited many, many systems (45 in the last 10 years alone) with their
incredibly diverse and over-written methods for many, many tasks. Certainly
I've not seen everything but I've seen a ton of programming of which I can
extract the best methods to continuously add to my own personal library of
what's effecient. I can also ignore the less intelligent ineffeciencies.

My download utility's purpose is for the one-time project. It's pretty much
a TCL only command issued typically by the only cook in the kitchen, me.
I've written many portable subs that I install at all of my clients for
their recurring needs. While there could be some extension of
unidata/universe that allows direct writing to a PC folder, most
implementations don't have it that easy. The native ones don't have it at

Thus I develop my subroutines and tweak them per mv flavour on which they're
installed. Thus whether it's UD/UV, D3, Mvbase, Microdata or native systems,
DOWNLOAD works the same as well as most of my subroutines.

If I were to add DOWNLOAD to a proc or a program, my experience would
prevent me from performing 5 million executes and approach the solution with
a more effecient method. I have subs that easily make CSV's or simple HTML's
and have automated many import/export facilities including unix-ftp, MS-ftp,
VB scripts and other contemporary attachments.

Thus, if my clients were to convert to other version of MV, only my subs
need be changed and not the local changes in dozens if not hundreds of

One sub that answered the original post is called GET.DICT(FILE, ID, VAL)
which has the embedded English sentence mentioned earlier. I use it in
DOWNLOAD as well as I've put it in regular CUSTOMER maintenance or other
single item programs to get the results of a complex expression instead of
writing the same code again. If the logic is complex or has the possibility
of being changed, business-wise, changing the dict reference causes its use
elsewhere to be changed as well.

One thing I miss in D3 that I enjoy in UD/UV is the more advanced called
subs from dict items. D3's versions can only pass (return) one parameter in
the parameter string. It has access (ACCESS()) to the item-id, file and
record but only once you're in the sub. It also gets a little funky when
returning multi-valued values.

The joy in the UD/UV called subs is that the sub being called doesn't care
if it's called from English or a basic program. Thus, the intelligence can
be shared whereby in D3 is has to be replicated or managed in a more klugy
way. Score one for U2.

My 3 cents.
Mark Johnson

- Original Message -
From: Brian Leach [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, August 03, 2006 9:24 AM
Subject: RE: [U2] Using DICT items in basic program


 You both make good points. Mark was responding to a specific requirement
 (how to get a single field for a single record) with one working and
 cross platform solution. Obviously getting a tranch of data requires a
 different solution. I don't think Mark was seriously suggesting that a
 million executes is a way to go.

 Personally I would now look towards XML as that seems to be the best
 option for integrating the enquiry and development languages - finally
 something native to close that gap in the PICK model - though in the past
 have used everything from REFORMAT (slow but predicatable) to creating
 compound I Descriptors of the form:

 CONVERT(@FM:@VM:@SVM,CHAR(1):CHAR(2):CHAR(3),field1:@FM:field2:@FM ...)

 and doing a SELECT .. SAVING that descriptor. Each ReadNext then gets an
 entire row - just CONVERT() the delimiters back again - and the result is
 extremely fast. Doesn't work well with WHEN clauses though - but then few
 things really do :(

 Tim's point about DOWNLOAD does have some merit. But Mark is an old pro
 (sorry, forgive the 'old' bit ! ) and I'm sure he writes his utilities in
 way that other developers can work out what they do grin. Calling a
 utility without looking to see how it works first - well that's just lazy.
 And it's not just MV that will screw up in those cases! You wouldn't
 to call a SQL Server or Oracle stored procedure without some DBA's
 would you?

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RE: [U2] Using DICT items in basic program

2006-09-04 Thread David Jordan
This concept is something that the PICK world needs to look at.
Intersystems Cache deals with Data Objects which is a combination of data
and business logic.  That data object is written once and used everywhere
from a query, from in a program, from a web services, from .Net, java, etc.
This appears to work quite efficiently in Cache although I have not had the
chance to play with it.

I am sure that I am not the only developer out there who has explored this
concept in PICK and thought it would be highly effective if it could be done
efficiently.  Consider Total Price = Qty * Unit Price.  This would be
duplicated in an application from an Enqlish statement to a data entry
program, to report programs to a web client, etc.  Every one duplicating the
reading of Qty and Unit price from the database and writing the calculation
for each application.  Consider now we need to add tax or a customer
discount, that logic would need to be duplicated through every program,
wouldn't it be nice if we just had to change it in one place.  Maybe this is
a future development direction for the IBM folks to consider.


David Jordan
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