[U2] BLAT with Outlook Calendar/Appointments

2006-12-21 Thread Mark Johnson
While this isn't a U2 or even an MV question, someone may have some guidance.

I've installed BLAT on a few MV clients systems with very favorable results. I
don't want to entertain any U2-specific email utilities or SENDMAIL unless all
other options are exhausted.

There's something in Outlook whereby a user can be in an appointment and
'send' that appointment to a recipient and it shows up in their calendar
program as an appointment. It may or may not show up as a regular email. But
it definitely shows up as an appointment.

My client uses Outlook at the manager's desk and the MV system can send
scheduled calls as emails to the sales and technical traveling people's
blackberrys. But they would like to deliver the appointments further to the
recipient's calendar.

I'm all ears.

Thanks in advance.
Mark johnson
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RE: [U2] BLAT with Outlook Calendar/Appointments

2006-12-21 Thread Tony Gravagno
Mark Johnson wrote:
 My client uses Outlook at the manager's desk and the MV system can
 send scheduled calls as emails to the sales and technical traveling
 people's blackberrys. But they would like to deliver the appointments
 further to the recipient's calendar.

You're trying to use familiar tools to do unfamiliar things.  It would be
better to use the tools which Microsoft provides to accomplish the specific
tasks that are before you.  A great many things can be done to link MV apps
with Outlook. Have a look at this recent blog posting:
http:// removethisNebula-RnD.com/blog/general/2006/11/outlookappt1.html

To give you an idea of other possibilities, here is a link which describes
one of our older products which is no longer offered:
http:// remove-this-part-tooNebula-RnD.com/products/manager.htm
(It was written in VB6 and I write code with .NET differently these days.
All of the features described on that page can be delivered as individual

The main idea is, let me know what your ultimate goal is for interfacing
your app to the outside world, and we'll come up with components to suit
your needs.  Internally, we're using mv.NET for everything, for all MV
platforms.  If you want to do the same thing, contact me about getting a
developer's kit.

BTW, note that the example also shows that it's possible to interface these
components with DesignBais and other GUI tools.  You name it, I'll probably
say it can be done.

Tony Gravagno
Nebula Research and Development
TG@ yes,remove-this-anti-spam-textNebula-RnD.com
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