
I think you have the answer already. topics moved to community die, albeit
I have no idea what the subscription numbers are for community verses this
list, but most of us lack the time or inclination to participate in the
majority of the 'diatribe' (my word choice) that might otherwise occur in
the community list.

This list is comprised of users, administrators, VAR's, and IBM'ers. It
isn't reasonable to expect that a user, administrator, VAR, or IBM with a
homemade script, derived or created solution, a different approach that
solved the issue, etc. would give away their knowledge or work for free,
although many may be willing. If the 'solution; addresses the needs of a
poster, and it isn't a 'blatant' ad, I see no reason to restrict whom may
reply, or that the Subject line be amended to reflect 'Ad'. Some of us may
even mention products that are not ours to sell, and we aren't required to
change the subject to 'Ad'.

The only change in moderation I'd like to see is that, if it is known that
sending a topic to community sends it to its (perhaps) untimely death, but
there is technical merit to continuing the conversation, don't move it.
Eventually, the topic will die it's own death; there may, however, be a
chance that someone writes something that someone else finds enlightening.
Not many, but there has been a topic or two that I thought was banished
prematurely, and I wasn't about to subscribe to community to find out 'how
it ended'.


Bob Wyatt 
u2-users mailing list
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