Ed - Your description describes the raison d'ĂȘtre of NebulaMail.
You'll find a link to this and other POP3/IMAP solutions here:
Due to ever decreasing demand for "tools" (despite high demand
for "solutions"), I haven't kept NebulaMail up to date on U2.  So
if you really need a pure BASIC POP3 solution for U2 then some
time will be required to get this product back up to speed.

I highly recommend that everyone remember PickWiki.com and do a
search there before posting to forums.  You can significantly
jumpstart your queries by coming to the table with a list of
solutions to compare and contrast.

I've already created a link in that SendAnEmail page to this
thread so others who visit the wiki will benefit from the
suggestions and wisdom provided here.  That's the way a wiki

And for anyone else who has interest in helping to keep that
resource current and rich, information is on the site and you can
email me for details.  It's really VERY simple...    

Tony Gravagno
Nebula Research and Development
TG@ remove.pleaseNebula-RnD.com

> From: Burwell, Ed
> Here's a high-level view of what I'm envisioning:
> 1. Our Unidata application sends an email to the outside world,
> the recipient certain options.
> 2. The recipient hits REPLY, types a few characters and hits
> 3. Our rs/6000 receives the email and put it "somewhere".  
> 4. Our Unidata application could periodically check that 
> "somewhere" for received mail and do whatever with it.

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