Wow, thanks! and caveat heeded.
   Vectorally (and RTFM) challenged,

   -----Original Message-----
   From:  "Stevenson, Charles"

     Vectoring (is 'vector' a verb?) is built into TRANS already.
     No need to abandon in favour of OCONVS T-correlative.
     You can specify a dynamic array of IDs for the target file to read.
     > I have used the Translate code with OCONVS() function when it
     > is stylistically in keeping with the use of vector functions
     > around it and only because there isn't a vector version of
     >  TRANS(),  but  personally  I  wouldn't  use  it  outside of that
     > custProductIDs = splice(reuse(custId),'*',productIds)
     instead of / as well as this:
     > prices = oconvs(custProductIDs,'TCUST.PRODUCT;X;;99')
     this works fine (even better I think):
     prices = TRANS( 'CUST.PRODUCT', custProductIDs, 99, 'X' )
     But a caution:
     If CUST.PRODUCT <99> is multivalued &/or sub-valued:
     *  T-correlative  converts  all  delimiters  to  spaces when OCONVS
     (consistent with PICK.)
     * TRANS will lower the returned delimiters.
     (almost consistent with PI.)
     - if called from Retrieve, the delimiters are lowered enough to
     keep the association with the dict equivalent of custProductIDs
     which might be multi-SUB-valued or even have TMs or lower.
     - if called from Basic, not that smart, just lowered once,
     so you might lose the association with custProductIDs.
     The above for UV. Mileage for UD may vary.
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