
Thursday, May 19, 2005, 8:23:40 AM, you wrote:

JB> On Thursday 19 May 2005 09:58, Mark Johnson wrote:
>> So are functions a kept secret in MV programming or has no-one had any
>> issues with them? I'd like to know so I could either get better with them
>> or ignore them and continue with subs.

JB> Functionally speaking, why would I use a function which can return a single
JB> argument when I can use a subroutine which can return 1 or more?

2 reasons off the top of my head ..

1) allows boolean operation against so you could

if myfucn( .. ) then

I find this much cleaner than

if ... then

2) the original constructs of subroutines and functions (not mv but in
the real programming world :) was that subroutines were passed data in
parameters .. but you couldn't change the parameters .. Functions
allowed for a routine to pass back information.

Now .. true .. like so many other things .. these are not rules in MV
.. but i use this structure (an ask our programmers to do the same) as
I feel it is much easier to *see* what has been changed.

IF i need to modify/passback multiple items either i put them in an
static or dynamic array .. depending.

Some people think it is more work than is necessary .. but that is

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