So I ran into an interesting quagmire of dependencies.
The moral of the story, I would like to propose that RC candidates of
apps stay in "unstable" and not trickle into "stable" and maybe not even
into "testing" (this could be a little looser).

Particularly the issue I ran into is that spatialite 2.3.1 isn't in the
repos at all, Lucid has 2.3.0 but it seems stuck on geos 3.1.0 which is
making my QGIS crash. I would upgrade to spatialite 2.4 RC but I'm not
sure that plays nice with GeoDjango yet.

So under my idea
Stable would have 2.3.0 or 2.3.1, QGIS 1.5(Could be upgraded after we
know 1.6 is safe)
Testing would also have 2.3.1, QGIS 1.6
Unstable would have 2.4 RC x

That way in testing there would be a nice reliable set of QGIS, gdal,
spatialite etc that are known to be fairly good and unstable would have
more cutting edge stuff. I realize maverick included spatialite 2.4RC
and think that may have actually been a mistake since the author admits
it's a bit buggy (not to say 2.3.x series doesn't have it's issues). But
more importantly some underlying changes could cause issues for QGIS,
GeoDjango etc. In summary having some slightly older version no longer
available in Debian or Ubuntu might actually be a + to the everyday user
if the distro jumps the gun on an app(in stable of course).

This needs a little fine tuning obviously since GRASS tends to have
really long release cycles and maybe could be summed as the "testing"
ppa has the last known stable release.

Any thoughts?


PS: I'm more than willing to help package, just still new at it. Looks
like gpsprune for Lucid worked and I would love to have that copied to
UbuntuGIS mailing list

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