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- TOP 10 Uploaders/Packages | REVU is back up on a new box at the same
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<khermans_> got a new packages, metasploit3
<khermans_> has justin wray come by to try adding it yet?
<khermans_> bug marked as FIX COMMITED
<khermans_> if anyone has this info, please contact me
<khermans_> [EMAIL PROTECTED]
<khermans_> looking to get metasploit into multiverse for Gutsy,
package was made earlier
<khermans_> thanks...
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<RAOF> khermans_: Didn't that have crazy licencing problems?
<khermans_> RAOF, yeah but its all worked out
<RAOF> Ah, cool.
<khermans_> RAOF, we found that basiclaly anything can be placed in
multiverse if it allows redistribution
<RAOF> What bug is marked as fix committed, incidentally.
<khermans_> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/102212
<ubotu> Launchpad bug 102212 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] Metasploit
Framework 3.0 (multiverse)" [Wishlist,Fix committed]
<khermans_> so i am wondering when the package will be installable form apt
<khermans_> i updated to latest Gutsy, apt update, but dont see it
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<khermans_> if you find out, please let me know
<khermans_> i am damn tired, moving from boston to san francisco, got
tons to do tonight and tomorrow
<khermans_> but i wanted to make sure this was all set since cutoff
date is tomorrow
<RAOF> khermans_: Aaah, so it's actually on REVU now, presumably.
<khermans_> the 30th... for multiverse new package
<khermans_> REVU ?
<RAOF> khermans_: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=121
<khermans_> i am reading the second hit
<khermans_> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/REVU
<khermans_> hrmm i dont see it in there...
* ScottK2 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has joined #ubuntu-motu
<khermans_> oh ok nm
<khermans_> it is in there
<khermans_> http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=121
<RAOF> khermans_: It looks like it needs some work.
<khermans_> RAOF, a few things, but not much
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<khermans_>  the errors from linda are warnings, intentionally we left them in
<khermans_> lintian warnings
<khermans_> it is complaining about .svn directories
<StevenK> So repack the tarball
<khermans_> SteveA, no we want the svn entries in the release
<RAOF> Installing files to /usr/local is a very bad thing, too.
<khermans_> due to the nature of the package, it needs security
updates, so leaving the .svn for updating is ideal
<khermans_> RAOF, yeah that needs ot be ficxed
<khermans_> justin was not supposed to upload a pakcage with /usr/local
<StevenK> khermans_: That's *BAD*.
<khermans_> SteveA, whats bad?
<StevenK> I'm not SteveA
<khermans_> .svn?
<khermans_> StevenK, ..
<StevenK> Do NOT encourage users to update installed packages using SVN.
<khermans_> StevenK, but i think you are missing the point
<khermans_> StevenK, metasploit is a security tool
* khermans has quit (Remote closed the connection)
<ScottK2> khermans_: I don't imagine he is.
<khermans_> there will not be a new release for every update
* khermans ([EMAIL PROTECTED]/cisco/x-7f64be9a20688e95) has joined #ubuntu-motu
<khermans_> StevenK, the point is we could remove .svn, but it would
make the package pretty much useless
<khermans_> 6 month old security exploits are too old
<StevenK> But there are better ways than using SVN ...
* jussio1 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has joined #ubuntu-motu
<khermans_> StevenK, yes, but not for a package with restrictive licensing
<khermans_> we cant modify and make an auto-update feature
<StevenK> Ways that don't make baby Jesus cry, for example.
<khermans_> StevenK, ideally yes, but this is multiverse world
<khermans_> StevenK, i understand the reasons for why this is bad
<khermans_> fully...
<khermans_> so let me know how you would do it?
* ScottK2 doesn't understand why the fact that it's multiverse makes
it less bad.
<StevenK> Agreed.
<khermans_> ScottK2, just means we have less control...
<RAOF> khermans_: If the package in useless as shipped, why would we ship it?
<ScottK2> khermans_: Who is the "we" in that statement?
* Hobbsee ([EMAIL PROTECTED]/member/hobbsee) has joined #ubuntu-motu
<khermans_> RAOF, its not *useless*, but just old and outdated
<StevenK> I seriously doubt anyone would advocate that package.
<khermans_> ScottK, "we" are people modifying the package
<khermans_> or maintaining it
<khermans_> StevenK, how can we make it advocated?
<khermans_> StevenK, what needs to be fixeD?
<khermans_> we will work with whatever it needs to get there
<StevenK> But not using methods that are crack-addled?
<khermans_> StevenK, crack-addled?
<StevenK> Yes. Updating installed packages using SVN is utter crack.
<khermans_> StevenK, do you know what metasploit is?
<khermans_> StevenK, for normal packages i would agree
<khermans_> lets say its microsoft tuesday, a patch is released
* Hobbsee waves
<ajmitch> hello Hobbsee
<khermans_> on wednesday hdm uploads a new exploit for metasploit into svn
<Hobbsee> hi ajmitch
<khermans_> to make it easy for the user, we need to keep svn around
<ajmitch> this sounds excruciatingly bad
<khermans_> any suggestions please?
<khermans_> ajmitch, so what is the solution?
<ajmitch> separate the package & the data that needs to be updated?
<khermans_> ajmitch, into what?
<khermans_> there are many many modules
<ajmitch> so that you can ship with some old stuff & update to newer
crack in a directory under /var/cache/ for example?
<ajmitch> that's nice
<khermans_> ajmitch, well then i guess we cant get metasploit into multiverse
<khermans_> the license prevents modification
<ajmitch> that's a shame
<khermans_> we already submitted patches to them, and they integrated
our changes
<khermans_> and this is the best we can do
<khermans_> ajmitch, lots of people would like to see metasploit in ubuntu
<ajmitch> it sounds like something that's not really intended for a
distro release if you must have the very latest & you can't update
data separately
<ajmitch> lots of people would like to see automatix in ubuntu
<khermans_> ajmitch, automatix sucks
<khermans_> ajmitch, metasploit does not :-)
<ajmitch> my point stands
<StevenK> At least we can agree on one point.
<khermans_> ajmitch, so shall i tell the metasploit guys they suck?
<ajmitch> the "lots of people" argument isn't the most convincing :)
<ajmitch> khermans_: you can if you really really want
<khermans_> ajmitch, but this doesnt break your system as automatix
does (exclude the /usr/local) problem
<RAOF> khermans_: You really, really can't ship the data separately?
<ajmitch> but that would be twisting what I said
<khermans_> RAOF,
<khermans_> license is there
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<khermans_> we cant make modifications to the release
<khermans_> i went over this license with a bunch of poeple in here a
few weeks back, and the consensus was that it could go into multiverse
if we didn't modify it
<khermans_> because MSF allows redistribution
<RAOF> Why must everyone write their own bad licence?
<khermans_> RAOF, i agree
<khermans_> RAOF, i told hdm about this
<khermans_> they are making new license for next big release
<khermans_> shall i point them to something -- they wont do GPL for sure
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<khermans_> RAOF, even if we could ship the data separately, i
wouldn't want to create a new package every few days for ubuntu!
<khermans_> thats ludicrous
<RAOF> It's a pity that license is so bad.
<khermans_> :-(
<RAOF> Otherwise you could patch the software, and add an
autoupdate-data type script.
<khermans_> RAOF, we cant patch
<RAOF> Yes, I know.
<ajmitch> spamassassin has a useful script like that
<khermans_> hrm
<RAOF> It's a pity that you can't.
<ajmitch> khermans_: not your fault, sorry :)
<khermans_> ahh whatever
<khermans_> im just going to copy and paste this irc log to msfdev team
<RAOF> Because as it stands, it's just not worth packaging, really.
<khermans_> let those bastards sort it out...
* highvoltage has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
<RAOF> Even if that license made it through archive-admin scrutiny.
<khermans_> i c ... too bad...
<khermans_> to, just for the record, the correct solution is to modify
the license
<RAOF> You posted a debian-legal thread earlier, right?
<khermans_> and to separate the packages into code/data portions
<khermans_> not have them update via svn
<khermans_> RAOF, yes
* freeflying ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has joined #ubuntu-motu
<RAOF> And that debian-legal thread pretty much said "Woah, we can't
touch this with a 10' asbestos pole!", IIRC.
<khermans_> And what license could they use that would allow them to
retain rights so other people don't sell their software under another
name, but allows us to make such changes?
<khermans_> RAOF, lol
<ScottK2> Any MOTU reviewing image info right now?
<RAOF> khermans_: Well... I don't know.  That's not a free license
that they're after.
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<RAOF> But there has to be *some* existing OSI approved license that
they can use.
<khermans_> ok well thanks for the chat ... i will just forget about
it for now ...
<khermans_> thanks guys :-)
<ScottK2> I think (but am not sure) that software with a no commercial
redistribution clause can go into multiverse.
* ScottK2 is reviewing imageinfo then.
<khermans_> ScottK, yes i think we established that
<ScottK2> OK
<RAOF> ScottK2: That's not the actual issue, though.
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<ScottK2> It's not?
<ScottK2> I thought the issue was preventing someone else selling their stuff?
<RAOF> It was, among other things, the "you will defend the
developers" clause, IIRC.
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<ScottK2> Ah.  That one.  Yeah.  I would never advocate that.
<khermans_> ScottK2, yeah but i guess they need to work out a change
for updating properly
<tonyyarusso> A what clause?
<khermans_> RAOF, that was a big clause :-)
<ScottK2> Basically they wanted to say that if you redistribute their
software and they get sued, you'll defend them
<khermans_> Indemnification
<khermans_> You agree to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend Developer and
<khermans_> Developer's owners, contributors, agents, and business
partners from and
<khermans_> against any and all claims or actions including reasonable
legal expenses
<khermans_> that arise or result from Your use of or inability to use
the Software.
<khermans_> Developer agrees to notify You and reasonably cooperate
with Your defense
<khermans_> of any third party claim triggering such indemnification.
<RAOF> Also, that licence didn't seem like it allowed redistribution,
except by pressing the "I accept" button on the website.
<RAOF> However, IANAL :)
<tonyyarusso> crazy
Kristian Erik Hermansen

[needs-packaging] Metasploit Framework 3.0 (multiverse)
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