Hey folks,
So some of you who watch the goings on and discussions in GNOME upstream may 
have noticed this bug(1) and the surrounding discussion about enabling 
accessibility everywhere in GNOME 3.6. I've decided to start this thread for 2 
reasons, first, a heads up that this is coming in both GTK 3.5/3.6, and GNOME 
shell 3.5/3.6, i.e the required changes to support this have been made in git 
master for both projects. THe second reason is to start a discussion as to 
whether we want to carry this, or revert the change and stick to what we have 
in precise, i.e enable accessibility with a gsettings key.

I would like to go with upstream on this change because it allows us much more 
flexibility in how we can offer accessibility profiles, and it opens up an 
avenue to create a system upstream to allow projects/organisations and 
individuals to develope and use their own custom accessibility profiles. There 
are also recent changes made to make sure there are no performance degredations 
for the desktop if no assistive technologies are running. In other words, you 
won't see any slow down in nautilus or other apps that have a lot of GTK 
widgets in tree views/icon views, unless Orca or some similar technology is 
running. The other upshot is that it allows anybody to use accerciser or other 
tools to quickly check their application for accessibility compliance, without 
having to do the gsettings log out and log in dance to get it enabled.

Yes we could revert things and go back to how things were, but it will be 
harder to carry sed patches in the future, and patches will need to be carried 
on several packages, at-spi, GTK, and GNOME shell, and maybe even clutter at 
the least.

I welcome further thoughts and discussion. If we decide to carry these changes 
from upstream, I'll make sure relevant patches are sent to our own projects, 
unity et al to work with these new changes, and will make sure to have the new 
atk-bridge library available ASAP when it is released, since GTK and GNOME 
shell will depend on it.


(1) https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=677491

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