Re: tree package to be included out-of-the-box

2009-11-20 Thread Daniel Robitaille
On Fri, Nov 20, 2009 at 6:27 PM, Chris Jones wrote:
 Ok, this is really starting to bug me. Why is the tree package not
 installed by default in Ubuntu? Other distros such as Fedora have it
 installed by default.

 I know it's easy enough to install at only ~500kb, but it irks me as
 it's a command I use all the time and I think it is just something/a
 command that should be included without the user having to install it.


I think we all have our personal pet packages we would like to have
installed by default, and all our answers would be a bit different
from each other.  Mine are flip and vim (instead of the default

There is just so much space available to whatever become the Ubuntu
default, and every kb counts; and it's not like the extra few seconds
to install them in the few cases during the year I setup a system
totally from scratch will kill me.

Daniel Robitaille

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Re: Ubuntu-devel-discuss Digest, Vol 35, Issue 54

2009-10-27 Thread Daniel Robitaille
On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 11:18 PM, Jan Claeys wrote:
 Op maandag 26-10-2009 om 14:36 uur [tijdzone -0700], schreef George
 Oh right and also none of them play in

 If anyone knows how to debug this stuff I'd love to try, but really it
 works with Firefox on Windows and Mac but not Linux, Fail.

 Well, I got a We're sorry the video you've selected cannot be streamed
 outside of Canada movie, so it seems to work on linux too...   ;-)

except that it seems if you actually live in Canada, the flash video
doesn't actually play.

I have the exact problem than George, and Google searches seems to
indicate that others may also have the same problem.  I wouldn't
qualify this as a showstopper for Karmic and I wouldn't be surprised
this is not a Ubuntu problem but something they do on's side,
but it is annoying nevertheless for the the few Canadians Linux users
out there who cannot to access the online videos from our national

By the way,  this is the bug report George opened about this:

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Re: Did we really release 8.04?

2008-07-07 Thread Daniel Robitaille
On Mon, 07 Jul 2008, Emmet Hikory wrote:
 This isn't a CLI vs. GUI issue, it's that some upgrade cases don't
 work well for special reasons.  Some of these are difficult to encode
 in terms of provides, conflicts, and replaces, and some are even
 impossible.  Upgrade Manager (which also has a cli client) has
 information about these special cases that allow the upgrade to

update-manager has a cli client? Never heard of it.  How do you call it?

On one of our server I'm about to embark of the road of the double upgrade
Feisty to Gutsy to Hardy, so that may be an interesting option.

The command-line help of update-manager (at least in Feisty) doesn't 
seem very promising about the command line option to use to stay in cli mode.


 Daniel Robitaille

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Re: Did we really release 8.04?

2008-07-07 Thread Daniel Robitaille
On Mon, 07 Jul 2008, Scott Kitterman wrote:

 On Mon, 7 Jul 2008 13:57:26 -0400 Daniel Robitaille [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 update-manager has a cli client? Never heard of it.  How do you call it?
 sudo do-release-upgrade
+1 for the availability  of that command
-1 for it's name.  Even something like update-manager-cli would have made it 
to discover. (or call it using a special command-line flag to update-manager)

Someone else asked earlier today about why the special capability of
update-manager is not rolled into apt.

I always wondered why it is a delta between Debian and Ubuntu that seems
to stay around and possibly even get worse between releases. Is there a
technical reason why all of this special IA shouldn't be included in apt?
apt-get dist-upgrade is something a lot of technical users are more
used to (and natural at) than update-manager or do-release-upgrade when
doing upgrades via the command line.


 Daniel Robitaille

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Re: Adobe Acrobat Reader Plugin

2007-12-01 Thread Daniel Robitaille
Evan wrote:
 I know that Ubuntu comes with a program to read pdfs, but one of the 
 features I miss from the full Acrobat Reader is the browser plugin that 
 displays pdfs in the browser rather than launching them in a new window. 
 Is there a way to achieve this in Ubuntu? If so, I'd like to nominate it 
 for Hardy.

isn't that something mozplugger can do by calling evince?

But it seems it doesn't work in some cases:

  Daniel Robitaille

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Re: /usr/local/bin in $PATH in system scripts?

2007-05-08 Thread Daniel Robitaille
On 5/8/07, Fergal Daly [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I can't see any real benefit to including /usr/local/bin and I can
 find plenty of people in the forums who can't start *-admin,
 presumably due to problems similar to mine,

I personally use /usr/local/bin to install my own version of Firefox,
without the need to uninstall the Ubuntu's version of Firefox.  Since
/usr/local/bin/ is ahead of /usr/bin in the standard $PATH of users,
if I have a /usr/local/bin/firefox  it is picked up by default by all
my users.

Daniel Robitaille

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Re: More Ubuntu Wallpapers

2007-03-05 Thread Daniel Robitaille
On 3/5/07, Alec Wright [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi All,
 I've been wandering recently, why doesn't Ubuntu come with more
 wallpapers? It currently only comes with three wallpapers, all of which
 are made on the computer; whereas Windows XP comes with lots of very
 nice wallpapers, including actual photos. For those who don't know what
 I'm talking about, here are a few examples (I home Microsoft don't hunt
 me down for this):

 I am aware that because Ubuntu is free and open source, it would not be
 possible to hire professional photographers, but I expect that there
 would be some people in the Ubuntu community willing to donate photos
 which they have taken to Ubuntu. For example, if you went on holiday and
 took a picture of an important landmark, and the photo looked
 professional, the photo could be considered for inclusion in Ubuntu as a
 desktop background, if the photographer was willing to publish it under
 an appropriate license.

 An obvious way of getting pictures form photographer to developer is via The higher rated user uploaded photos should be
 considered by the developers for inclusion in Ubuntu.

by the way, the photographer who took some of the background pictures
used  for Vista put some of the pictures that didn't make the cut into
Vista on his web site.

That could be a nice PR move by Canonical to ask him to do a
photoshoot for a future version of Ubuntu :)

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Re: feisty needs newer ndiswrapper

2007-02-24 Thread Daniel Robitaille
On 2/24/07, golfer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I see feisty currently has only ndiswrapper 1.30, while current stable
 version is 1.37.  I need at least 1.31 to get my wireless card
 working.  Could we get an upgrade?

 golfbuf :~$ modinfo ndiswrapper
 description:NDIS wrapper driver
 author: ndiswrapper team [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 srcversion: 3EE6A57143A2DD3C2D1269A
 vermagic:   2.6.20-8-generic SMP mod_unload 586
 parm:   if_name:Network interface name or template (default:
 wlan%d) (charp)
 parm:   proc_uid:The uid of the files created in /proc
 (default: 0). (int)
 parm:   proc_gid:The gid of the files created in /proc
 (default: 0). (int)
 parm:   debug:debug level (int)
 parm:   hangcheck_interval:The interval, in seconds, for
 checking if driver is hung. (default: 0) (int)

Someone already filled a report in Launchpad about this:

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Re: Feisty wireless issue noticed on a blog

2007-02-23 Thread Daniel Robitaille
On 2/23/07, Conrad Knauer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The review of wireless, especially WPA, in Herd 4 is glowing, but
 there is one issue he mentions (I don't have a wireless connection, so
 I'm just forwarding this along :)

 The network manager software is smart enough to remember all of your
 network credentials, but it requires you to create a master password
 to secure these passwords. So every time you reboot or come back from
 hibernation, you have to log into Ubuntu AND log into the network
 keyring. In my opinion, this is redundant and the network keyring
 should see that you have already authenticated yourself.

 He mentions that there is a work-around here:


I think the bug report about this is, and it is an old one from
Dapper's time, is:

At least I don't experience anymore on my laptop in Feisty the
multiple keyring password prompts where you are asked 2 or 3 times in
a row to unlock your keyring before network-manager can reconnect to a
protected network:

That workaround in that blog you found seems interesting.  I'll have
to give it a try.

Daniel Robitaille

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Re: Allowing passwordless login via GDM

2007-02-22 Thread Daniel Robitaille
On 2/22/07, Jan Claeys [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On do, 2007-02-22 at 15:54 +0100, Ouattara Oumar Aziz wrote:
  Should we do the same mistakes as in windows ? I think having a
  password is better cause we should teach people about security
  measures. and that gdm password thing's a pretty simple thing but
  means a lot.

 True, but I see at least one exception: young children don't know how to
 enter a username  password.  OTOH they don't need administrator (sudo)
 rights of course...

what I did in that situation was to have the young kids account
autologin without  a password after 20sec via gdm.  That account
obviously didn't have any admin rights.  If a grown up wanted to login
into their own account, they had 20 secs to do it after the machine
booted into gdm, or via the fast-user-switch-applet from within the
kids session.  So the kids just had to turn on the computer, and
within a minute they were in their user session without any
interactions.  With the appropriate icons setup in the panel or in the
desktop, they will all ready to go to play, even if they don't know
how to read.

But kids can learn pretty easily about username/password   And by the
time they know how to read and type my experience is that they will
use the password method rather easily.  I known that my oldest son,
once I created his first own user account and password, was pretty
excited to have his own like his parents.  His password is still a bit
weak, but we'll work on this later on :)

Daniel Robitaille

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Re: flash player 9 -don't include it in Feisty

2007-01-18 Thread Daniel Robitaille
On 1/18/07, t u [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I usually don't write to tell stuff like this, but this is just

 I was using Flash 7  Fx 2 with Dapper and I was very happy. After the
 release of the interview with Torvalds, I updated to Flash 9 (after it
 was announced not to be a beta anymore).

 For the last two days, Fx crashed about every 20 minutes on flash-using
 sites like youtube. I read about similar experiences with Flash betas at
 the forums too. Fx never crashed on me before...

 I would like to ask the devels not to include Flash 9 in our
 repositories... It is too damn buggy, and it's not worth the bad PR
 Feisty might get with crashing Firefoxes...

 Thanks for your patience in reading this

I have been using Flash 9 for weeks, with the first 2 beta and now the
final, with Firefox in Dapper, Edgy, and now Feisty, and I can't
remember having one single crash due to flash.  And I use it quite
regularly (i.e, daily) on various online sites.

So I'm not experiencing the type of crashes you are seeing.I
wonder what makes some people seeing these crashes, and not others.
And being a close source plugin, I suspect we'll never know...

Daniel Robitaille

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