[REQ] Use Mhonarc as an (external) archiver instead of pipermail (internal)

2007-05-01 Thread shirish agarwal

Hi all,
  When clicking on mailing list archive even with dates the resulting
list is a flat list  one never comes to know when a particular discussion
started or ended right there. Other lists system make this pretty much easy.
For e.g. http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/grub-devel/2007-04/index.htmlshould
be easy to know what I mean. We have been using GNU Mailman
   Now apparently the ugliness of dates is because of how pipermail
does it stuff. There is a link
http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py?req=showfile=faq04.004.htp which
shows how this can be achieved. Lemme know what u guys think. Cheers !
 Shirish Agarwal
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Re: Newest Testing Report of Ubuntu 6.10 from BSTQC China (Jianggw)

2007-04-29 Thread shirish agarwal

Message: 4

Date: Sun, 29 Apr 2007 14:33:28 +0800
Subject: Newest Testing Report of Ubuntu 6.10 from BSTQC China
To: ubuntu-devel-discuss@lists.ubuntu.com
Content-Type: text/plain;   charset=gb2312

Hi, there

Thanks for reading this email.

April 29th, 2007. After the hard work of guys in our company
BSTQC(Beijing Software Testing  QA Center), we release our new all-sided
testing report for Ubuntu-6.10 which we finished several days before. In
our testing report, we've listed:

 19S2-bug(very serious),
 108  S3-bug(middle serious),
 106  S4-bug(normal),

 Totally  266  bugs.

Even the new Ubuntu 7.04 has been released, this report would be very
valuable for all developers and users.

You can download it from BSTQC ftp server. If anyone has problems with
downloading the testing report, please contact me by sending email to

If some one could provide downloading server outside of China and put
this testing report on your server, it would be great appreciated!

FTP address:

username: ostl

password: ostl_ubuntu

The subdirectory of newest testing report is ubuntu 6.10, please
check them.

The all-side testing of newest Ubuntu 7.04 are ongoing, we will
release the testing report as soon as possible.

Thanks!  Best regards!

Hao Kong - BSTQC
National Application Software Testing Labs
Beijing Software Testing  QA Center
Add:Building 3A,Zhongguancun Software Park,
Shangdi,Haidian District,Beijing,China 100094

 Hi all,

I have a feeling of deja vu about this one.  There are no. of points
which u need to think about:-

1.  While we are very much thankful for the bug report but this is not the
mailing list or the place where you wanna send this. A better place would
have been https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-bugsquad more
specifically join the bug-squad team.

2.The format is a .doc format which makes things pretty bulky and
inconsistent. I just cleaned up your 3 MB .doc file  saved it  got the
same file in .odt format for 142 KB. Although it took me atleast 4 hrs. to
do the cleaning up but one good action deserves another. I have put up the
cleaned up file at

3. One of the other things was that most of the bugs seem pertinent to
Applications per-se which begs the question are these bugs in Ubuntu or the
parent/upstream applications per se. For e.g. any of the bugs which are
openoffice.org related, did you check them with let's say the same version
in some other linux distro. or it could be a short-coming in the parent
application per se. Also while you have put up the name of the OS there is
no mention of the version of the application which is also very much needed.
For e.g. openoffice has an excellent qa team which looks at all the bugs
very seriously. http://qa.openoffice.org/ . There are even test-scripts
there which would make your job whole lot easier if you had not been using
them.  I say this because quite a few of these seem to be translation issues
which should be handled by the applications themselves.

4. Ubuntu itself has a dedicated bug-reporting site at
http://bugs.launchpad.net . The only thing is one has to register  keep
track when the developers say something. You could also simultaneously file
the bug upstream  give a link there which would make things easier for

 In the present format  way its unusable for anybody. In case if you have
any more doubts, issues feel free to connect with me off-line or bug me
either on jabber or freenode where I'm known as shirish. Take care, keep up
the good work.
 Shirish Agarwal
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Re: Opening development for Gutsy Gibbon

2007-04-26 Thread shirish agarwal

Message: 5

Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2007 10:11:21 +0200
From: Dennis Kaarsemaker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Opening development for Gutsy Gibbon
To: ubuntu-devel-discuss@lists.ubuntu.com
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

On wo, 2007-04-25 at 14:58 +0200, Matthias Klose wrote:
 The Gutsy Gibbon archives are now accessible, and will be openend
soonish for
 normal upload and syncs from Debian.

For those that don't read planet: A gutsy-changes rss feed is available
at the usual *-changes feed location.
Dennis K.

Time is an illusion, lunchtime doubly so.

Hi Mathias,
interested to know where that feed is also. :)

 Shirish Agarwal
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Re: Proposal: Ubuntu Metadistribution

2007-04-21 Thread shirish agarwal


What I want is to combine the worlds of several free operating systems
with the philosophy of Ubuntu:
ease of use, shiny new releases every eye blink , cool community,
business awareness  but - with the combination
of several operating systems under Ubuntu - the _full_ choice the free
software world gives.

Let me specify this - with the things I wrote above in mind- in the
example of Ubuntu/OpenSolaris:

The original OpenSolaris with its libs and docus and userland (in the
OpenSolaris world these are called consolidations)
+ The packages to get all the functionality of a Ubuntu Release (CD/DVD)
from the Blastwave repository (this is
a repo which gives the Solaris user an apt-get like structure.
+ The Ubuntu specific programs and packages ported to OpenSolaris (for
example the installer, the update notifier but
also the Gnome adaptations of Ubuntu).
Please have in mind here that the OpenSolaris world stays as it is and it
is known to the user (with some very little adaptations).

This all combined in the Ubuntu repositories , with the apropriate user
mailing lists and forums, tested for half year release
as Ubuntu/GNU/Linux is tested and released every six months.

(Port this example to the other proposed operating systems FreeBSD,

The end user gets a web-site,
where he clicks and chooses the operating system he wants to
where he clicks and chooses the desktop environment and experience he
wants under the chosen OS (Gnome,KDE,XFCE)
where he clicks and chooses the kind of release he wants to download
(CD/DVD, mybe USB sticks in the future).
So in the end every one would get :
the __full__ choice  the world of free software gives the user
but with the community support structure of Ubuntu today.

I hope that my example made it clear what I proposed.

Hi Gueven,
   Its an interesting concept, what you are suggesting is a kind of
installer script which kicks off  pulls software from different
repositories  spits a release at the end (similar perhaps to Garnome,
Gentoo builds, a sort of script Mann2003 is supposedly to pull software from
various repos http://ubuntusoftware.info/ultimate/ )  but while they have
very specific environments in mind yours is much more larger. Issues right
from licensing (every distro. is not under GPL license) (user agrees to each
specific license seperately ? ) while downloading, to testing the scripts.
Add to that the additional hardware platforms: AMD64, Alpha, i386, MIPS,
68000, PowerPC, Sparc, Sparc64, VAX, Zaurus its truly a manmoth exercise.
AFAIK there is/was some talk of dropping official PowerPC support for Ubuntu
although community support would be there. Further AFAIK there are only some
30 odd developers who are doing everything from building packages from
source, to answering newbie, bug squashing etc. which does take a lotta time
I guess.

Thank you for your questions.


Of course I'm just a user of the distro. so some things I might just get
plain wrong. But that's how I see it. It's a great suggestion but is it a
good time for doing something like that. I would guess it would have more
success if its a community effort rather than the official. At some point if
it becomes stable, more functional then there would be possibility of it
being on the official list. You could also think of starting it on the
ubuntuforums 3rd party project  see the kind of response you get for the
project. Who knows it might turn out to be the biggest thing since sliced
bread. :)
 Shirish Agarwal
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Re: [RFC] ShipIt CD-RW

2007-04-18 Thread shirish agarwal

Date: Tue, 17 Apr 2007 21:19:45 -0600

From: Conrad Knauer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [RFC] ShipIt CD-RW

I can think of a few reasons why this is a bad idea, not the least of
which is that the alpha/beta versions have big disclaimers to NOT
install them on production machines (e.g. including because the
installer itself might do bad things).


Hi all,
   RFC I guess Request for Comments. (lol).  I beg to digress with
Conrad. I'm a big supporter of testing the Herd CD's but its the cost of the
CD's which does turn me off. Hence my testing is only from the beta stage.
I've got 1 80 GB HDD which is exclusive for testing. Now it would be cool on
Canonical's part if we have some custom art RW CD's for those people who are
ready to engage with the whole testing cycle making it easily distinguished.
It would also go in a long way in making us feel a part of the community. I
do agree however that there is a danger of it becoming a poor man's supply
store but that can be easily corrected by looking at people's contribution
in form on bugs filed, any specifications filed, activity on the channels,
all of which could be automated to a certain extent.
I've also  been ordering few CDR's of the final build so as to give-away to
friends or to be used to show-off the Live CD  capabilities of Ubuntu.
Lastly, from the shipit site Canonical does have a list of interested people
who are supporters of the project  can use that to harness good-will as
well as engage the community from time to time but that's beside the point.
  Hope I got my point across, hoping for more healthy discussion on the

 Shirish Agarwal
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issue with usplash for last 2 weeks

2007-04-14 Thread shirish agarwal

Hi all,
  Sorry to bother u guys. But this bug
https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/usplash/+bug/102378 is tearing my
hair out. Guys desperate, looking for a solution. thanx.

 Shirish Agarwal
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support for .metalink

2007-04-12 Thread shirish agarwal

Hello Everybody,
  Is there possibility to have ubuntu .metalink for i386 (English) 
AMD (English) atleast somewhere for people to start using .metalink. I am
sure there are people who have pretty high speeds which would benefit
everybody as people would be able to download faster. The site to know more
about metalinking is www.metalinker.org and there is a GUI python based
.metalink editor at http://hampus.vox.nu/metalink/ which people could/should
use. To know more about .metalink wikipedia is also very cool.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metalink . There is already a mini-repository
at http://metalink.packages.ro/ which can be used. Also KGet is supporting
the .metalink format so we do have a download manager which supports it.
  Although I have nothing to do with metalinker.org in any
commercial sense but do like the idea. There may be few things which might
not be perfect, but seems a logical way as people get mroe speeds  then are
able to max their connection, using this. Lemme know what u guys think :)
 Shirish Agarwal
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making apport a robust application.

2007-04-10 Thread shirish agarwal

Hi all,
   I have made a spec. at
https://blueprints.launchpad.net/apport/+spec/shirish . It is actually a big
brain dump so different aspects of apport has been thought about. It is not
at all fleshed out as it is my first spec. If somebody can help me in making
it better fleshed out, if it needs to be trimmed or whichever way. Lemme
know guys. Thanx in advance.
 Shirish Agarwal
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