ugnet_: Freedom from the truth?

2002-10-21 Thread Abayombo
It was the legendary Sen. Hiram Johnson who said in 1971. In war truth is the 
first casuality.Lost in the hoopla and hysteria sorrounding the Monitor 
incident are some basic facts.
Fact: no helicopter was shot down and before the usual suspects jump on this, 
it is not because Bantariza said so but because the country has only two 
helicopter gunships and reporters were shown both of them.

Fact: reporter Nyakairu did not bother to go the site of the purpoted 
crash.While my friend Vukoni was talking about his dissapointment with 
Onapito and his Journalism collegues,it is the basic tenet of any journalist 
verify information from sources.

Fact:The Monitor Group as well put by Anne is a business entity governed by 
the laws of the country.Its premises are not inviolable in such of evidence 
of a crime by the police.Futhermore as a business entity compliance with the 
law is necessary.For example in the US ,title 39 of the United States code of 
1970 compels all Newspapers to file a report showing ownership,management and 
circulation annually.

Therefore after all is said there is a big difference between the right to do 
something and the right thing to do.

And yes an apology was in order.CNN apologized for carrying a story about US 
massacres near Hanoikilling filed by Peter Anan.well CNN was not raided you 
say.What would happen if the Washington Post published a press release by Bin 
Laden ? wouldnt the bureau be interested in how they got it?

Before you say Al Jezeera does remember Bin laden is not waging war against 
Qatar.As Journalists pursue the truth and hold government accountable they 
should not forget that truth is paramount.Maybe the methods used were 
highhanded but the goal is the same compliance with the law is mandatory even 
for the members of the Fourth estate.

ugnet_: Fwd: Article: Rebels Sign Truce to End Ivory Coast Uprising

2002-10-21 Thread J Ssemakula

Rebels Sign Truce to End Ivory Coast Uprising 

October 18, 2002 

Rebels signed a truce on Thursday to halt a monthlong 
insurgency in Ivory Coast that has killed hundreds of 

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ugnet_: Fwd: Article: Uproar Over a Movie Priest Going His Own Way

2002-10-21 Thread J Ssemakula

Uproar Over a Movie Priest Going His Own Way 

October 21, 2002 


A story of forbidden love has ignited the passions of Mexico's Catholic Church, turning a low-budget movie into the biggest hit in the history of Mexican film. 

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ugnet_: Sanctions urged for Congo plunderers-BBC

2002-10-21 Thread Mulindwa Edward

Well what can I say today, that I told you? No for 
it will not change a thing. The point is I have called for an embargo on African 
minerals for a while, let us fight our dictators when Western countries have no 
interests, but as long as Britain sucks daily minerals from Sierra Leone on the 
backs of those African kids I can not fight the dictator in power. He has all 
powers backed by Britain for with out him Britain looses. UN has started to look 
at it the same way, I believe that this will start to go around Africa, Yes we 
have a problem but US and United Kingdom are the best funders Museveni has ever 
got. Al we need is Africans is to sell this idea. Let us hold on what we have 
clean up our own houses and then renegotiate. Lastly countries with invading 
forces like Kenya should as well start to fight it Kenyans are smart enough to 
run their own army. It is a war and there is no to ways about it.
 The Mulindwas communication 
group"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Monday, October 21, 2002 10:40 
  Subject: ugnet_: Sanctions urged for 
  Congo plunderers-BBC
  Monday, 21 October, 2002, 10:09 
  GMT 11:09 UK -BBC 
  Sanctions urged for Congo plunderers
  Rwandans captured by Congolese 
  A United Nations panel has called on the Security Council 
  to impose financial sanctions against companies and individuals who plunder 
  the Democratic Republic of Congo's wealth. 

Companies named as violating ethical guidelines 

Anglo American 
Barclays Bank 
De Beers In the report, the 
  five-member panel details how the Rwandan government and army, the Ugandan 
  army, and Congolese and Zimbabwean government officials plan to continue to 
  exploit the DR Congo's resources. 
  The central African nation is rich in gold, diamonds, cobalt, copper and 
  coltan, which is used in mobile phones, and medicinal barks. 
  The scramble for those resources has helped fuel a four-year war in which 
  two million people have died. 
  The Council is set to debate the report on Thursday 24 October. 

 More than 27,000 
  foreign soldiers, including at least 20,000 Rwandans, have now left the 
  country, the UN said last week, but fighting is continuing in the east of the 
  country between the rebels of the Congolese Rally for Democracy (RCD) and the 
  Mai-Mai militia, which Rwanda accuses of being supported by the Congolese 
  Most of the 54 companies named are African but the list includes four 
  Belgian diamond firms and the Belgian Groupe George Forrest mining group, 
  which has a joint venture with the US-based OM Group. 
  The panel recommended 29 individuals face travel bans, a freeze on their 
  personal assets and the same financial restrictions as the businesses. 
  Prominent among the individuals named is the Ukranian born arms trader, 
  Victor Bout, who was once described by UK minister Peter Hain as a "merchant 
  of death". 
  Elite exploiters 
  The plunder continues, despite the withdrawal of foreign troops, by "elite 
  networks" running a self-financing war economy on the Democratic Republic of 
  the Congo, the report said. 
  "The elite networks derive financial benefit through a variety of criminal 
  activities, including theft, embezzlement, diversion of public funds, 
  undervaluation of goods, smuggling, false invoicing, non-payment of taxes, 
  kickback to public officials and bribery," it said. 
  Several senior political and military figures are named from African 
  countries including: 
Rwandan army Chief of Staff James Kabarebe 
DR Congo Minister of the Presidency Augustin Katumba Mwanke 
Ugandan army Chief of Staff Major General James Kazini 
Zimbabwe Parliament Speaker Emmerson Mnangagwa 
  The report also names 85 multi-nationals in South Africa, Europe and the US 
  for violating the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) 
  ethical guidelines on conflict zones. 
  These include the world's largest gem and mining firms, such as Anglo 
  American, Barclays Bank, Bayer and De Beers diamond company among others. 
  Cashing in 
  While Rwanda, with the largest force, has withdrawn troops, it has left 
  soldiers behind to operate the "Congo Desk of the Rwandan Patriotic Army," 
  which in 1999 contributed $320m or 80% of the Rwandan military budget, the 
  panel said. 
  Congolese and Zimbabwean government and military officials have transferred 
  the ownership of at least $5bn in assets from the state mining sector to 
  private companies "with no compensation or benefit for the state treasury", it 
  Zimbabwean officials claim their contracts are legal payment for troops, 
  which support the Kinshasa government. 
  The Ugandan army is accused of provoking ethnic 


2002-10-21 Thread Mulindwa Edward

P. O. Box 
5th October 2002To : Special Representative of the Secretary 
GeneralUnited Nations Organisation for Great Lakes RegionAtt.: Ibrahim 
FallNew YorkYour Excellency,RE: MUSEVENI'S 
the people of Acholi, we the undersigned elders write to prompt the 
attention of the United Nations Organisation, ( to be channeled to the 
appropriate UN organ for action) other International Human Rights and Peace 
Activists and the people of Uganda at large about the persistent 
ingenious diabolic design of to exterminate the Acholi polity. 
The people of Acholi have been assiduously monitoring the response/action of 
the Movement Government to the insurgency in the North.The operation 
so far conducted manifested and still manifest a systematic, comprehensive 
sinister implementation of meting human rights abuses, tortures and 
extra-judicial killings of the Acholi to depopulate them. The Movement 
Government has been and is still employing a variety of violent methods 
whose results unfold a salient plan to wipe out the Acholi by refusing to 
accept genuine peace talk and using arrogant provocative language against 
the rebels which make them react by launching attacks against innocent 
civilians, torching their houses, abducting them, conscripting them to 
fight, and eventually exposing them to be killed by the UPDF.This 
pleases the Movement Government and the power to be because the rebels 
abduct and kill the Acholi. The abducted Acholi are exposed to fight 
and the UPDF kill them (the Acholi). The end result is that the rebels 
inflict all human sufferings on the Acholi and kill the Acholi. 
The UPDF also fight and kill the Acholi who are forcefully abducted by the 
rebels. Thus successful ingenious implementation of the Movement 
Government of Museveni vow to wipe out the Acholi. We request that the 
appropriate UN Organ should voice the concern of the people of Acholi to the 
Movement Government and the authority and also cause investigation on the 
abuse of all human rights-related issues such as massive killings by both 
LRA and UPDF. The LRA abduct, torture and kill the innocent Acholi 
claiming they are fighting the Government of Museveni. Meanwhile to 
the Movement Government, such killings are helping to accomplish their vows 
(Museveni's) to wipe out the Acholi by violent killing rather than 
dialogue or peace-talk.We now wish to give the genesis and 
chronology of events to expose the diabolic design to depopulate and 
eventually exterminate the Acholi polity:the AcholiFear of 
Secret Plan to Decimate In 1986 when Kampala fell to Museveni, the 
late General Bazilio Olara Okello expressed fear that Yoweri Museveni had a 
secret plan to wipe out the Acholi people from the map of Uganda. Many 
leading Acholi dismissed Olara Okello's ominous statement as " unfounded 
fear of a defeated soldier" But it is now obvious that Bazilio Olara Okello 
was right. In fact the secret plan to decimate the number of Acholi 
people began as soon as Museveni was sworn in as President of Uganda. In 
order to appreciate the current fears of the Acholi people, we need to 
review Museveni's rule from 1986.The Arrival of Museveni's 
NRA Soldiers in AcholiWhen Museveni's NRA soldiers entered the 
Acholiland, they were received well like in other parts of Uganda. When the 
dust of battle settled, the NRA Field Commanders who appeared to behave 
decently appealed to ex-UNLA soldiers who had then melted away into the 
rural areas to report to nearby Army Units. The Field Commanders swore 
that, since the change of the government was already completed, no 
solider would be harassed individually. The Acholi elders themselves 
supported the Field Commanders' appeal and urged their sons to respond 
as requested. The first few UNLA soldiers who reported to the NRA Field 
Commanders with their guns. They were treated very well. The NRA Commanders 
told them to choose either to join the NRA or to go home and live as free 
citizens. Very few ex- UNLA soldiers opted to join the NRA. The majority 
opted to go to their parents or wives in the rural areas to start new life 
as farmers. They were issued with Certificates of Clearance and happily 
returned to their respective families.The Cause of the Rebel War 
in AcholilandIn May 1986 when the ex-UNLA soldiers had 
generally settled to begin to cultivate their own food crops, a Military 
Spokesman went on Radio Uganda with a terse radio announcement in which all 
ex-UNLA soldiers were ordered to report to the Army General Headquarters, 
Kampala or any nearby Army Unit, within ten days without fail. No reason was 
given for the radio order. This unexplained order scared the already 
settled ex-UNLA soldiers as they recalled what Idi Amin did to the 
Acholi soldiers who responded to the same type of order, announced over 
radio after his military coup against Milton Obote in 1971. For this 
reason many 

Re: ugnet_: Sanctions urged for Congo plunderers-BBC

2002-10-21 Thread Y Yaobang

... The panel suggested that these individuals and companies be given a 
four to five month grace period before the restrictions begin. 

How silly of the Panel to suggest this.  Give the thieves time to re-route 
their loot?


From: Mulindwa Edward [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: ugnet_: Sanctions urged for Congo plunderers-BBC
Date: Mon, 21 Oct 2002 18:46:03 -0400

Well what can I say today, that I told you? No for it will not change a 
thing. The point is I have called for an embargo on African minerals for a 
while, let us fight our dictators when Western countries have no interests, 
but as long as Britain sucks daily minerals from Sierra Leone on the backs 
of those African kids I can not fight the dictator in power. He has all 
powers backed by Britain for with out him Britain looses. UN has started to 
look at it the same way, I believe that this will start to go around 
Africa, Yes we have a problem but US and United Kingdom are the best 
funders Museveni has ever got. Al we need is Africans is to sell this idea. 
Let us hold on what we have clean up our own houses and then renegotiate. 
Lastly countries with invading forces like Kenya should as well start to 
fight it Kenyans are smart enough to run their own army. It is a war and 
there is no to ways about it.
   The Mulindwas communication group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
  - Original Message -
  From: Omar Kezimbira
  Sent: Monday, October 21, 2002 10:40 AM
  Subject: ugnet_: Sanctions urged for Congo plunderers-BBC

  Monday, 21 October, 2002, 10:09 GMT 11:09 UK -BBC
  Sanctions urged for Congo plunderers

  Rwandans captured by Congolese troops

  A United Nations panel has called on the Security Council to impose 
financial sanctions against companies and individuals who plunder the 
Democratic Republic of Congo's wealth.
Companies named as violating ethical guidelines
Anglo American
Barclays Bank
De Beers
  In the report, the five-member panel details how the Rwandan government 
and army, the Ugandan army, and Congolese and Zimbabwean government 
officials plan to continue to exploit the DR Congo's resources.

  The central African nation is rich in gold, diamonds, cobalt, copper and 
coltan, which is used in mobile phones, and medicinal barks.

  The scramble for those resources has helped fuel a four-year war in 
which two million people have died.

  The Council is set to debate the report on Thursday 24 October.

  More than 27,000 foreign soldiers, including at least 20,000 Rwandans, 
have now left the country, the UN said last week, but fighting is 
continuing in the east of the country between the rebels of the Congolese 
Rally for Democracy (RCD) and the Mai-Mai militia, which Rwanda accuses of 
being supported by the Congolese government.

  Most of the 54 companies named are African but the list includes four 
Belgian diamond firms and the Belgian Groupe George Forrest mining group, 
which has a joint venture with the US-based OM Group.

  The panel recommended 29 individuals face travel bans, a freeze on their 
personal assets and the same financial restrictions as the businesses.

  Prominent among the individuals named is the Ukranian born arms trader, 
Victor Bout, who was once described by UK minister Peter Hain as a 
merchant of death.

  Elite exploiters

  The plunder continues, despite the withdrawal of foreign troops, by 
elite networks running a self-financing war economy on the Democratic 
Republic of the Congo, the report said.

  The elite networks derive financial benefit through a variety of 
criminal activities, including theft, embezzlement, diversion of public 
funds, undervaluation of goods, smuggling, false invoicing, non-payment of 
taxes, kickback to public officials and bribery, it said.

  Several senior political and military figures are named from African 
countries including:

a.. Rwandan army Chief of Staff James Kabarebe

b.. DR Congo Minister of the Presidency Augustin Katumba Mwanke

c.. Ugandan army Chief of Staff Major General James Kazini

d.. Zimbabwe Parliament Speaker Emmerson Mnangagwa
  The report also names 85 multi-nationals in South Africa, Europe and the 
US for violating the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development 
(OECD) ethical guidelines on conflict zones.

  These include the world's largest gem and mining firms, such as Anglo 
American, Barclays Bank, Bayer and De Beers diamond company among others.

  Cashing in

  While Rwanda, with the largest force, has withdrawn troops, it has left 
soldiers behind to operate the Congo Desk of the Rwandan Patriotic Army, 
which in 1999 contributed $320m or 80% of the Rwandan military budget, the 
panel said.

  Congolese and Zimbabwean government and