ugnet_: What Africans should learn from a harsh history

2004-02-01 Thread Vukoni Lupa-Lasaga

What Africans should learn from a harsh history

(Daily Nation)

Over the years I have been thoroughly disturbed, indeed distressed, by 
things that happen, or do not happen, in Africa. At independence in 1963, I 
was a young forward-looking lad, when we sang and swore to replace the 
tedious and stunting colonialism, with hard work and self-determination.

But, alas, soon after independence the continent was gripped by hunger, 
diseases, dictatorship, mass murders and grisly assassinations.

My mind has ever since oscillated between hope and despair, as more and 
more gruesome events have come and passed. Noticing our dereliction and 
derangement, both our former colonisers and new other imperialists returned 
to Africa stealthily, as advisers and also as development partners. In just 
over two decades the imperialists had become the unbwogable managers of our 

Over a week ago, a very close friend of mine, Professor Kings Phiri, a top 
Malawian historian, sent to me his recent inaugural publication entitled: 
History and the Past: The present and Future of Black People. The 
well-written book covers Africas historic relations with the Western World, 
and dwells principally on our pains and woes since the days of the slave 
trade, to the present.

At the end of the book I asked myself three questions. Why, over the years, 
have we allowed ourselves to be exploited, oppressed and despised as a 
race? What have we learnt, as Black People, from our horrid history? And, 
is the white man by nature really so evil and remorseless?

Remember, however, that we have not only been exploited and oppressed by 
the imperialists, we have also been exploited, oppressed and murdered by 
our own Black people, since independence.

And although we often glorify the modern civilisation as saviour from 
treachery and colonialism, at the end of the day man remains a beast, with 
base animal instincts. It is not very long ago since we branched off from 
other prehistoric vertebrates. Unless guarded by strict laws, even your 
neighbour whom you hold in high esteem could easily creep up one night and 
savagely murder you.

But societies have gone through different cultural routes, and those that 
we today regard as developed are those which have managed, through hard 
experience, to bring their lot under strict rule of law, and to instil into 
them the values of discipline, honesty, hard work and inquisitiveness.

Only those societies which over the years have imposed strict laws against 
regression to prehistoric behaviours, and promoted education, and the four 
values which we earlier mentioned - honesty, hard work, discipline and 
inquisitiveness - have moved a step forward.

With the said values you can conquer the world and explore the planets. 
With those values you can develop tremendous wealth and build cathedrals. 
In deed, with those values, one can strike out into the unknown, like the 
ancient navigators did, and create great fortunes for others.

But our dreams for the above transformation will not come about, so long as 
we leave the guidance of our youth and society in the hands of politicians, 
however educated they may be. Politicians yearn for perpetuity in office, 
and always crave for quick money with which to mollify their followers. 
Having borrowed huge funds from the West they get trapped into doing what 
they are told. They, for example, lose the nerve to indict, or to preach 
values that are against western domination.

In deed, because our problems have kept mounting, and our leaders have had 
to turn to the west to solve them, our people have lost faith in their 
ability to move forward on their own.

But the will to build a nation originates from within its people, and not 
from outside. The growth must come out of our own roots, and not through 
grafting on to things that are alien to our society.

Thus, we have to revisit our educational philosophies and theories, to find 
out whether we are bringing up young people with the will to be true 
Africans, and also the will to develop without relying on Western and other 

We have to re-invent our teachers and professors, so that they are able to 
inject the required values into the heads of our youth. Once we reject 
Western patronage, as the Chinese, Japanese and Malaysians have done, all 
the tragedies and humiliations that we get through Western patronage will 
be gone.

The above, I believe, is the message which my great Malawian friend, 
Professor Kings Phiri, must put across to his people. We have been ignored, 
despised and exploited for so long because we have ourselves allowed it to 

Until we turn around the attitude of our people against Western patronage, 
and educate them to be disciplined, hardworking and honest in whatever they 
do, Africa will forever be exploited by the aggressive, assertive, 
exploitative and abusive white and brown races of the world.

Prof Ochieng' is the Director of Research at Masen

ugnet_: Majara is an Idiot!!

2004-02-01 Thread Matekopoko
In a message dated 2/1/2004 4:12:40 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Majara said the district was receiving sh130m, down from sh530m.He was speaking during the 18th NRM Day celebrations at Masindi Stadium on Monday.The RDC, Hassan Galiwango, urged the public to support the lifting of term limits for the presidency.


What is wrong with the statement above?  Majara's district is receiving shs 400 less earmark for developing in Masindi.  This is because the NRM military dictatorship finds it rather appropriate to divert funds meant for Masindi to fight wars in northern Uganda. 

Under the circumstance you would think that somebody with BRAINS would castigate the NRM for adopting a policy which, as a consequence, is doing more harm to Wanainchiees in Masindi.

And yet on the contrary, perhaps for lack of intelligence on his part, the man is busy praising the NRM and calling on people to support Museveni's SAD TERM!

That, fellow citizens, is the ultimate mark of Stupidity!


"The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth becomes the greatest enemy of the state." 

- Dr. Joseph M. Goebbels - Hitler's propaganda minister 

ugnet_: Do love and marriage really go together anymore?

2004-02-01 Thread Owor Kipenji
GEORGIE BINKS:Do love and marriage really go together anymore? January 30, 2004 In the book Still Life with Woodpecker Tom Robbins asks the question that plagues so many people these days - how do you make love stay? Can you make it stay by marrying, by enshrining it legally, by putting a ring on a finger and swearing to love till death parts you from your loved one? According to Statistics Canada, in 2002, there were 1.5 million divorced Canadians - that's 1.5 million people who walked down an aisle, took an
 oath, looked into someone's eyes and said "I do" forever, presumably with a few dreams of what that meant. Apparently, forever felt a little too long after a few years so they decided to call it quits. Was the problem them, or was it just that we expect too much of marriage? Many people speak of spending the rest of their lives with a soul mate. But is it even reasonable to look for a soul mate to be your spouse? Maybe your soul mate is one of your children, who you met in a past life. Or maybe it's one of your best friends. Samantha, Carrie, Miranda and Charlotte all discovered on one episode of Sex and the City that they could be each other's soul mates, instead of hoping to find that in a man. When men and women have such a difficult time trying to figure out what the other is trying to say, is it reasonable to think that they can spend eternity together? And should marriage be based on something as fleeting as what starts out as a chemical
 reaction for many (although not all. For some it's a financial calculation). Marriage is the union job of the love industry. If you've ever been a member of a union, you'll know that once you're in it, you enjoy protection from a number of injustices your employer might choose to wreak upon you. When one marries, there is that false sense of security – the makeup can come off, the undershirt can go on, the bathroom door can stay open. For many it's a safety zone from cheating, from unfaithfulness. But for others, it's a jail, one that must be escaped by sex with random partners. Some say that men don't cheat in a marriage because they want more sex, but that they hate to be possessed 100 per cent by a woman. Cheating is their way of keeping that little bit of themselves. In a Reader's Digest poll last March, 19 per cent of married Canadians between 35 and
 54 admitted wishing during their marriage that they could wake up one morning and not be married. Remember, that's from those who are still married. I have three female friends who to the world appear to be happily married women, but each of them has confided to me she hates her husband. One waits for the final misstep that will justify divorce, another can't oust her mate and the third waits for her affair to be detected. As a wise lawyer once said to me, when I bemoaned the growing number of divorces, "Divorce is all some people have to look forward to." True love for the rest of your life has not always been an expectation of marriage. In the past, marriage was more of a practical economic union, which seems to have morphed into a meeting of the emotions somewhere in the 18th century. But the expectations these days are different and
 when a marriage starts to falter, the couple is urged into counselling, so they can "work" at their marriage. Laura Kipnis in her book, Against Love, mocks the idea of working at a marriage, and the whole counselling industry that goes with it. After all, if you have to work at love, what's it all about? She says obviously maintaining a relationship nowadays is something no one should attempt to do on their own - it's far too complicated for ordinary non-trained professionals. The self help books abound with titles like Love in the Present Tense: How to Have A High Intimacy, Low Maintenance Marriage and The Sex Starved Marriage: Boosting your Marriage Libido. Just add water and it's all fixed. I've spoken to young men about their greatest fears in getting married and sadly they don't focus on falling out of love, but rather that their wife will gain weight, cut her hair and stop having
 sex with them. Is their expectation of marriage simply good sex? Men's Health magazine jokingly refers to marriage as "sex for life" but men soon find out that it's usually anything but. The newborn passion of an affair is like a drug, that people want to prolong by enshrining it in marriage. For the more cynical, marriage to a good breadwinner is the answer. And to some, it's the scene from An Officer and a Gentleman where Richard Gere carries Debra Winger out of her factory job, "saving" her from her life of drudgery. Does any of this do the trick? Many women and men disappear when they marry, complaining about noisy beer drinking friends and gossipy girlfriends. People's careers are sacrificed to meet the agenda of the other person who makes more money. In front of the mirror, people watch as their personalities, their sense of humour, their joy of living disappears rather than flourishes 

ugnet_: A scandal greater than Watergate

2004-02-01 Thread Owor Kipenji
Title: Send this story to a friend
February 1, 2004 

A scandal greater than Watergate 

By ERIC MARGOLIS -- Contributing Foreign Editor
 "We were all wrong," White House chief weapons hunter and longtime war booster David Kay admitted last week. There were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, as the U.S. and Britain had long alleged. Iraq's nuclear weapons, death rays, vans of death, drones of death, mobile germ labs, poison gas factories, hidden weapons depots, long-range missiles, links to al-Qaida - all were bogus. The only thing real is Iraq's oil. If Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction (WMD), as it long insisted, we must draw one of two conclusions. Either President George Bush, and secretaries Colin Powell and Donald Rumsfeld, lied about the global threat they claimed Iraq posed, and deceived Congress and the American people. Or, they were grossly misinformed by their intelligence experts and must be judged fools of the first order.
 If Bush and his team of chest-thumping, self-proclaimed national security experts were really misinformed about Iraq's weapons and capabilities, then they started a war by mistake - and presided over the two biggest national security fiascos since Pearl Harbor: the 9/11 attacks and the invasion of Iraq. It turns out President Saddam Hussein, whom Bush repeatedly branded a "liar," was in fact telling the truth all along when he said all of Iraq's old weapons systems had been destroyed. It was Bush and British PM Tony Blair who weren't telling the truth. Saddam should hire attorney Johnny Cochrane and sue the U.S. and Britain for all they're worth. So, take your pick. The Iraq war either was the Mother of All Lies, or the Mother of All Fiascos. Confronted by these ugly facts, Bush tried to rebrand the unprovoked war against Iraq by claiming it was justified because Saddam was such a horrid man. What arrant hypocrisy. When
 Saddam committed his worst deeds - in the 1980s - he was a close U.S. ally, secretly supported by Washington and London with arms, intelligence, technicians and cash. Now, the White House is trying to blame the Central Intelligence Agency for the Iraq fiasco. CIA director George Tenet may have wronged his agency and the nation by not going public to debunk White House war propaganda over Iraq. But active and retired CIA officers kept warning the public and media (including this writer) that intelligence on Iraq had been deeply manipulated and politicized by a cabal of pro-war neo-conservative ideologues in the Pentagon and the vice president's office. They were ignored. A shadowy Pentagon intelligence unit was created by the neo-cons to whip up war fever against Iraq. It fed either fake or wildly exaggerated reports about Iraq to the White House and Pentagon, which were then trumpeted by the neo-con media. This column has
 maintained for the past 10 years that a campaign of lies and disinformation was being waged against Iraq. Though I detested Saddam, whose brutal secret police once threatened to hang me, I was incensed to see western democracies fabricating war propaganda. I watched with disgust as so-called "Iraq experts" and neo-con propagandists, few of whom had ever been to Iraq, warned night after night on U.S. TV about the "deadly threat" from Iraq. Genuine Mideast specialists were systematically excluded from U.S. media commentary. By challenging war propaganda, I became the object of attacks by colleagues at this newspaper chain, and by other media pundits in the U.S. and Canada. Each week, I was flooded with hate e-mail. "Don't be on the losing side," a close friend warned last year. "Why risk your career and reputation by insisting Iraq has no WMD?" Why? Because I was absolutely convinced of my position, and I passionately hate
 propaganda of all kinds - especially when it comes from western democracies. "Do you feel vindicated?" a radio show host asked me last week. "You predicted a year ago that no WMD would be found in Iraq." Not vindicated. Just dismayed. Dismayed by the continuing widespread indifference - or even approval - by many Americans of the aggression against Iraq that violated international law and basic norms of civilized behaviour. Dismayed by the craven attitude of the U.S. Congress and mainstream media. And deeply concerned by growing hatred for the U.S. around the globe. Too few Americans seem troubled their president either lied or blundered into a horrible mess in Iraq, so far costing 520 American dead, nearly 10,000 casualties and $200 billion US for 2003-04. This is an historic malfeasance far exceeding in gravity Nixon's Watergate scandal or Bill Clinton's prevarications about sex. The war fever and xenophobia fostered
 by the Bush administration continues to grip America. I am not comparing the U.S. to Nazi Germany. But one does begin to understand in all this how the Germans, another educated and highly civilized people, were driven in the 1930s by a campaign of fear and lies, into supporting a policy of ag

Re: ugnet_: Seeking help

2004-02-01 Thread Vukoni Lupa-Lasaga

At 10:42 PM 2/1/2004 +, you wrote:

I need to communicate with Hon Dr Edward K. Makubuya, Minister of Education.

If anyone out there has his email, do me a favour and pass it on to me, 

Mitayo Potosi

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ugnet_: Seeking help

2004-02-01 Thread Mitayo Potosi
I need to communicate with Hon Dr Edward K. Makubuya, Minister of Education.

If anyone out there has his email, do me a favour and pass it on to me, 

Mitayo Potosi

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ugnet_: Helicopters target acholi civilians.

2004-02-01 Thread Anyomokolo

Reports coming from Acholi lands is very disturbing, M7 has deployed a high Tech helicopter and it is targeting any location of human beings. The type of Bombs used are dangerous and destroy all living objects in the surrounding! Could it be  chemical associated? Today the gunship actually have killed more than 80 civilians in Acholi. Will newspaper report about it ? No!
Those who have their relatives serving in the direct systems or have better understanding with NRM and M7 should appeal to M7 directly to spare civilian in Acholi. They masacres civilians and count them as Rebel! Sad and sad indeed, son of Acholi like the Otema Awany should know the blood of our people will not disappear from their door step even if M7 will go away one day. The oOtema awany and company should top the genocide and immediately hence many will prefere to go and die.
Where there is oppression, it will remain a fertile () for resistance!!Post your free ad now! Yahoo! Canada Personals

ugnet_: How Global Warming May Cause the Next Ice Age...

2004-02-01 Thread Mitayo Potosi
Brothers and Sisters,

As anyone of you who have studied/worked in 'Planetary Fluid Mechanics' - 
and/or in general, 'Non-Linear Dynamic Systems', will testify, a journey 
into this field is like being at God's banquent. i.e.   at his High-Table 
and on his rigth hand side to boot.

The Mathematics involved is meaty but not impossible. Young people who want 
to devote their lives to this field will have jobs galore in oil-fields 
etc..., but most of all, when finally going to their grave they will go with 
a big smile on their face.

At the end of the 1940's the greatest minds in Science (theoretical physics) 
speculated that even God could not answer the question: "Why turbulence?".

Brute computing power however has brought us to the promised land.

What the article below is saying is not idle speculation!!Equations 
don't lie!!

Read on

Published on Friday, January 30, 2004 by
How Global Warming May Cause the Next Ice Age...
by Thom Hartmann
While global warming is being officially ignored by the political arm of the 
Bush administration, and Al Gore's recent conference on the topic during one 
of the coldest days of recent years provided joke fodder for conservative 
talk show hosts, the citizens of Europe and the Pentagon are taking a new 
look at the greatest danger such climate change could produce for the 
northern hemisphere - a sudden shift into a new ice age. What they're 
finding is not at all comforting.

In quick summary, if enough cold, fresh water coming from the melting polar 
ice caps and the melting glaciers of Greenland flows into the northern 
Atlantic, it will shut down the Gulf Stream, which keeps Europe and 
northeastern North America warm. The worst-case scenario would be a 
full-blown return of the last ice age - in a period as short as 2 to 3 years 
from its onset - and the mid-case scenario would be a period like the 
"little ice age" of a few centuries ago that disrupted worldwide weather 
patterns leading to extremely harsh winters, droughts, worldwide 
desertification, crop failures, and wars around the world.

Here's how it works.

If you look at a globe, you'll see that the latitude of much of Europe and 
Scandinavia is the same as that of Alaska and permafrost-locked parts of 
northern Canada and central Siberia. Yet Europe has a climate more similar 
to that of the United States than northern Canada or Siberia. Why?

It turns out that our warmth is the result of ocean currents that bring warm 
surface water up from the equator into northern regions that would otherwise 
be so cold that even in summer they'd be covered with ice. The current of 
greatest concern is often referred to as "The Great Conveyor Belt," which 
includes what we call the Gulf Stream.

The Great Conveyor Belt, while shaped by the Coriolis effect of the Earth's 
rotation, is mostly driven by the greater force created by differences in 
water temperatures and salinity. The North Atlantic Ocean is saltier and 
colder than the Pacific, the result of it being so much smaller and locked 
into place by the Northern and Southern American Hemispheres on the west and 
Europe and Africa on the east.

As a result, the warm water of the Great Conveyor Belt evaporates out of the 
North Atlantic leaving behind saltier waters, and the cold continental winds 
off the northern parts of North America cool the waters. Salty, cool waters 
settle to the bottom of the sea, most at a point a few hundred kilometers 
south of the southern tip of Greenland, producing a whirlpool of falling 
water that's 5 to 10 miles across. While the whirlpool rarely breaks the 
surface, during certain times of year it does produce an indentation and 
current in the ocean that can tilt ships and be seen from space (and may be 
what we see on the maps of ancient mariners).

This falling column of cold, salt-laden water pours itself to the bottom of 
the Atlantic, where it forms an undersea river forty times larger than all 
the rivers on land combined, flowing south down to and around the southern 
tip of Africa, where it finally reaches the Pacific. Amazingly, the water is 
so deep and so dense (because of its cold and salinity) that it often 
doesn't surface in the Pacific for as much as a thousand years after it 
first sank in the North Atlantic off the coast of Greenland.

The out-flowing undersea river of cold, salty water makes the level of the 
Atlantic slightly lower than that of the Pacific, drawing in a strong 
surface current of warm, fresher water from the Pacific to replace the 
outflow of the undersea river. This warmer, fresher water slides up through 
the South Atlantic, loops around North America where it's known as the Gulf 
Stream, and ends up off the coast of Europe. By the time it arrives near 
Greenland, it's cooled off and evaporated enough water to become cold and 
salty and sink to the ocean floor, providing a continuous feed for that 
deep-sea river flowing to the Pacific.

These t

ugnet_: Thousands of 'Night Commuters' Flee to Town Centers as War Rages in Northern Uga

2004-02-01 Thread Matekopoko

Thousands of 'Night Commuters' Flee to Town Centers as War Rages in Northern Uganda; Sexual Violence Increases

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Women's Commission for Refugee Women and Children (New York)January 22, 2004 
Posted to the web January 23, 2004 At least 50,000 people - the majority of them children and adolescents - flee their homes nightly as the 18-year war in northern Uganda has worsened. Fearing increased attacks and abduction by the rebel group the Lordâs Resistance Army (LRA), these civilians escape to the relative safety of town centers each night. 

Many of the girls and women among them are sexually abused and harassed along the way, as well as in the areas where they sleep, which the Ugandan government does not protect."Without adequate security, adolescent girls and women are forced to choose between their fear of LRA attack at home and their fear of rape during their nightly flight into town," said Matthew Emry, project manager, children and adolescents project, Womenâs Commission for Refugee Women and Children, who traveled to northern Uganda in December 2003. "Many of these 'night commuters,â as they are known, walk as far as six miles every night and again each morning. Night commuting is increasing and is touching most major towns in war-affected areas.

Night commuter girls and women reported that male youth and Ugandan government military forces are sexually harassing and abusing them. "Five teenage boys approached me in the darkness as I walked into town,"1 one 15-year-old girl in Kitgum said. "They told me they wanted me; I resisted, but they held me for hours by the road, until one raped me." In some cases, girls reported that schools in Kitgum are being used as rape sites in the evening. There is no central reporting system, few services for survivors, and cases are rarely followed up. 

Girls also fear public shame should they choose to come forward. Some parents seek cash payments from perpetrators, thereby making the assault public knowledge.Night commuting started about a year and a half ago after the Ugandan government launched the Operation Iron Fist military offensive against the LRA, which led to a significant increase in violence in the region. 

In response to Operation Iron Fist, which is supported by the United States, the LRA increased its attacks on civilians and its abduction of young people. Night commuters are only a small portion of the 1.2 million people who have been internally displaced by the conflict and live in desperate conditions in northern Uganda. "There is a humanitarian disaster in the region," said Emry

In addition to the threat of sexual violence, night commuters face harsh conditions in sleeping spaces. There are not enough shelters to accommodate them, and many are forced to sleep outdoors, exposed to rain, wind, mosquitoes and unsanitary conditions. 

Consequently, many contract respiratory tract infections, malaria, diarrhea and scabies. Young night commuters also face an increased risk of HIV/AIDS and unwanted pregnancy as a result of sexual violence or unprotected sex. Some aid agencies have struggled to assist night commuters with little or no support from government or United Nations agencies."

The Ugandan government must do more to protect its citizens and put an end to the need for night commuting," Emry said. "But much more must be done right now to protect all internally displaced persons and night commuters, especially girls and women. The United Nations should urgently step up work with the Ugandan government, international donors, nongovernmental organizations and local youth groups to protect civilians, monitor and prevent gender-based violence and provide services to survivors."

"The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth becomes the greatest enemy of the state." 

- Dr. Joseph M. Goebbels - Hitler's propaganda minister 

ugnet_: Updf Could Outsmart Kony

2004-02-01 Thread Matekopoko

Updf Could Outsmart Kony

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New Vision (Kampala)

January 24, 2004 
Posted to the web January 26, 2004 


A bevy of senior army officers has been reduced to men. They have been disarmed, paraded before a military court and charged with, among other things, for enrolling ghost soldiers to fight the Rasta man Joseph Kony.

As an aftermath of this occurrence, the ever predictable Ken Lukyamuzi was on his soapbox proclaiming to all that this whole thing is a ploy by the Museveni government to divert public attention from more pertinent issues like corruption and the just ended school term (I hear it's the third!).

Wow! Finally the controversial legislator is experiencing some brain activity. I have always confined him to that class of people who are only good at chewing carrots and hiding in yam plantations, but his latest revelations have waned that preconception.

When he brought up this issue, I saw the mark of an intelligent man!

Have a drink on me, Ken.

Come to think of it, what is wrong with ghosts doing a job and being paid for it?

The Kenyan national football coach is called Ghost Mulee. He is paid a salary, and I have not seen anyone being taken to court for this. Why then should we parade officers in court for paying ghosts that have been fighting Kony?

We have been caught in this Kony quagmire for bollocks years with no end in sight. When a battalion of invisible souls decides to help us sort out the mess, you parade the appointing officers before court?

What is happening to this country?

Kony has been branded a spiritual-war monger. The best way to deal with him is to pay him in the same currency. He has spirits, then let us use ghosts!

By the way, these are not your ordinary run-off-the-mill ghosts. These are patriotic creatures. They are not out to give people nightmares. They have no intentions of standing for president in 2006. They do not increase fuel prices. And, they do not procure junk products from Belarus. They are just a bunch of celestial beings inspired to tame the suffering of Ugandans.

Ever since capitalism killed the spirit of voluntarism, you do not expect someone to risk their butt pursuing rebels for nothing - you have to pay them.

The army officers' crime is that they sorted out these ghosts salaries on the dot. Mbu, the ghosts could be a fraud just because they were not physically there to sign for their pay cheques. But the bible says, "blessed are those who believe without seeing!" Maybe at the time of payments, they were inside the Sudan.

Mr President, I ask you to pardon the officers implicated in this ghost saga. Ghosts are not like us human beings. Unlike that Bushenyi poet who walked over to you and reminded you of the money you promised him years ago, ghosts are ruthless especially when they have done a job and have come demanding for their salary.

You have no alternative but to pay up, or else you die of a hydro cell (empanama) that is so massive, that you have to push it around on a gadi-gadi, (a wheel barrow -- that is what the ghosts in Nebbi do.)

So do not blame the officers for giving the ghosts what was due to them.

Well, if the officers paid these ghosts for not doing their jobs, then that is another case. But, if the ghosts actually went to the frontline and fought then, ehhh banange, you have to pay.

I compel every Ugandan with the slightest grain of matter beneath their cranium to come up with lasting solutions to the Kony debacle -- this thing has to end.

We have used bees, witch doctors and clergymen. I think using ghost soldiers is not exactly a bad idea. Maybe next time instead of recruiting humans in the army, we should recruit ghosts. Kony has a robust affinity for women, so we should specifically recruit female ghosts.

If they do not wipe out Kony in minutes, then I am not Saggy, the son of Buzu.


Now that is a GOOD ONE!!!


ugnet_: Uganda: the 18-Year Old War That Refuses to Go Away

2004-02-01 Thread Matekopoko
Uganda: the 18-Year Old War That Refuses to Go Away

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UN Integrated Regional Information Networks ANALYSIS
January 28, 2004 
Posted to the web January 28, 2004 Kampala For 18 years, a familiar scene has repeated itself in northern Uganda. Hours after nightfall and without any warning, rebels armed with AK-47 assault rifles march into a village, round everyone up, loot food and burn the village down.It all happens so quickly that none of the rebels' sleepy-eyed victims know quite what to do. But mostly they are simply terrified: they've heard plenty of gruesome stories about the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA). They know this is one of Africa's cruellest guerrilla movements, and they know that some of them won't get out of this alive.

The LRA fighters are particularly vicious. They don't waste any bullets, preferring to select a few people at random, then bludgeon or hack them to death with clubs and machetes. When the killing is over and they are satisfied that they've cleared out every scrap of food from the village's granaries - food being mostly what they're after because it has become scarce in this war-ravished region - they then kidnap as many people as they can to help them carry the loot.

Those kidnapped are mostly children - and they have a long night ahead of them. They will be forced to carry heavy loads for hours on end, and when they reach their destination, the unlucky abductees will experience one of three possibilities: they are abandoned, they are killed on the spot, or they are forcibly recruited as LRA fighters.


Northern Uganda's war is spearheaded by a bizarre cult that wants to topple the government of President Yoweri Museveni and rule the country according to the Biblical Ten Commandments.  The LRA are in many ways unique. Led by a mystic recluse, Joseph Kony, the rebels rarely talk to the media, making it almost impossible to figure out what they want. 

Unlike other rebel groups, they have no administrative organs, control no territory and seem to have no political programme. They live a nomadic existence, wandering through northern Uganda's thick scrubland, sporadically attacking villages and trading centres or ambushing vehicles, before disappearing into the bush.Yet the LRA began as a popular uprising in the north, shortly after Museveni's National Resistance Movement/Army, which was dominated by southerners, seized power in a military coup in 1986.

The uprising was popular because of hostilities between the north and the south that had built up in Uganda ever since the British protectorate was created in 1894. The colonial policies concentrated wealth in the south and drew on cheap labour from the north for military and security purposes.This scenario persisted up until Museveni's coup. 

But that year, in protest against the economic neglect of the north by the wealthier south, a group of ethnic Acholis and remnants of the former regimes of Idi Amin and Milton Obote formed the Uganda People's Democratic Army (UPDA) and took up arms against the newly installed military government.In 1988, the UPDA group split when some of its leaders signed a peace deal with the government. But a splinter group led by the enigmatic Alice Lakwena decided to continue fighting. 

Lakwena imbued the UPDA cause with a unique brand of Christian mysticism, claiming to be in possession of water infused with the Holy Spirit that made her invincible to bullets.Later that year, after Lakwena's group, known as the Holy Spirit Movement, was defeated at Magamaga, near Jinja, she fled to neighbouring Kenya, and her nephew, Joseph Kony, a former catechist who proclaimed himself to be a messianic prophet, took over. 

It was he who then renamed the group the LRA.But the rebellion quickly lost popular support and, under pressure from both the Uganda People's Defence Forces (UPDF) and local resistance, Kony fled to southern Sudan. In frustration, the LRA started focusing their attacks from bases in Sudan on Acholi civilians.That was also when they started abducting children.


Sustained attacks by the LRA in the mid-1990s forced the bulk of the ethnic Acholi population to flee their homes in the northern districts of Gulu and Kitgum, but by the late 1990s, things were calming down, and the displaced began resettling.Then, in March 2002, the UPDF launched "Operation Iron Fist", asserting their determination to crush the LRA once and for all. With the consent of the Sudanese government, the UPDF were allowed into Sudan to root out LRA bases in the country's lawless southern regions.

The results were catastrophic for civilians in northern Uganda. The rebels were forced out of their hideouts and flooded with a vengeance back into Uganda. Tired, hungry and homeless, they vented their wrath on the civilian population - sharply escalating attacks on villages and trad

ugnet_: Museveni Meets Blair in London

2004-02-01 Thread Matekopoko
Museveni Meets Blair in London

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New Vision (Kampala)January 30, 2004 
Posted to the web January 30, 2004 Kampala 

PRESIDENT Yoweri Museveni yesterday met the British Prime Minister, Mr. Tony Blair, at 10 Downing Street in London.The two leaders discussed relations between their countries. They also covered matters on the Great Lakes Region, the Sudan and the situation in northern Uganda, including the LRA terrorism, State House announced yesterday

On Wednesday, Museveni met the British Secretary of State for International Development, Mr. Hilary Benn.They discussed the economy, defence review, democratic and the transition to multiparty politics in Uganda as well as the amnesty.Benn was accompanied by the British High Commissioner, Mr. Adam Wood and other senior officials of the Department for International Development. Museveni also had talks with Baroness Linda Chalker.

Museveni is scheduled to meet Rwandan president Paul Kagame at Lancaster House in London.Museveni was accompanied to the meeting by the Second Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. James Wapakhabulo, the ministers of finance, planning and economic development, Mr. Gerald Ssendaula and that of defence, Mr. Amama Mbabazi.

"The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth becomes the greatest enemy of the state." 

- Dr. Joseph M. Goebbels - Hitler's propaganda minister 

ugnet_: Nothern Peace Crusade Reaches North America

2004-02-01 Thread Matekopoko
Nothern Peace Crusade Reaches North America

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New Vision (Kampala)January 28, 2004 
Posted to the web January 28, 2004 Opiyo Oloya

A delegation of civil society leaders from northern Uganda led by Archbishop John Baptist Odama will arrive in Ottawa this evening for the beginning of a three-day marathon for peace.According to the Vancouver-based Liu Institute which organised the trip that will see the delegation meet government officials and NGOs in New York, Washington, Ottawa, London and Brussels, the purpose of the trip is to "facilitate steps towards a stronger, more coordinated international response to the continuing armed conflict in northern Uganda"

Over the next two days, the delegation will meet senior bureaucrats in the Department of Foreign Affairs, and the Canadian International Development Agency, Uganda-born Senator Mobina Jaffer and the media.The delegation will emphasise the need for prompt action on the ground that would get the government of Uganda and the LRA into peace dialogue.No doubt, there will be plenty of very graphic accounts of what is happening in the villages, especially in the so-called protected camps. So what will the delegation get from Ottawa?

It is important to understand the current political context in Canada.Foremost, Canada currently has a peace mission in Afghanistan as well as smaller forces deployed in Bosnia-Herzegovina, the Middle East and in the Democratic Republic of Congo.So, the idea of a Canadian-led multinational force to northern Uganda may be a bit far-fetched. 

With over 3000 personnel tied down around the world, the Canadian Armed Forces do not have enough bodies to send to world trouble spots.Secondly, with only a month in office and no direct mandate from Canadians, rookie Prime Minister Paul Martin will be reluctant to get too deep into a commitment with uncertain outcomes. Conceivably, Ottawa could take the leadership role in putting together a multinational peace plan involving international peacekeepers in northern Uganda.Such a move has been advocated by no less than Lloyd Axworthy, former Canadian minister for Foreign Affairs. 

A plan put together under Canadian auspices will likely get the attention of European leaders, especially those who bitterly opposed the Iraq invasion.Jacques Chirac of France and Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder of Germany would give such an idea a second look if only to demonstrate to the world that they are not opposed to intervention, so long as it is not unilateral.Furthermore, Ottawa has enormous carrot to dangle in front of the cash-strapped Uganda government. 

For one thing, Ottawa can promise to go to bat for Uganda to get debt relief so long as it agrees to initiate the peace process now.As one of the so-called Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC), Uganda needs all the support to help lessen the impact of its debts -Canada is well connected to provide just such assurance. 

Ottawa also has enough clout to have interests on these debts postponed indefinitely or even waived outright.Through Canadian intervention, monies owed to creditors would be diverted directly for the reconstruction and resettlement programme in northern Uganda. As it is, such a leadership role will require very little by way of cash from Ottawa, merely the exercise of influence over the US, Europe and World Bank.

Canada could also play a more direct role in facilitating the peace process by funding the logistics for the peace process, taking a prominent role in ensuring that all the stakeholders are represented. In this regard, the government can fund one of the many peace organisations to spearhead the process.The Liu Institute is already involved on the ground and with additional funding will move forward into the peace-building phase. 

Regardless of what the official Ottawa response might be, the Uganda delegation will find sympathetic ears with Bill Graham, Canada's minister for Foreign Affairs, and by extension, his boss Prime Minister Paul Martin.Graham, who was in Uganda as a visiting professor at Makerere University, is known to have very strong affinity for the country - one of his best friends is a Ugandan musician from northern Uganda who now lives in the Toronto area. 

Meanwhile, as part of his image as the new kid on the block, Mr. Martin has pledged to do whatever it takes to play a leading role in development issues in development countries, especially in Africa.Martin, unlike his predecessor Jean Chrétien who was committed to Africa, is keen to shed his image as a hard-nosed fiscal conservative and cast himself as liberal-minded. This would be his chance.

The flip side is that the delegation will be politely welcomed to Ottawa, given 15 minutes to brief senior bureaucrats and shown the door, thereby handing a major disappointment for the people of northern Uganda who have suffered tremendously in

ugnet_: War Costs Masindi sh400m

2004-02-01 Thread Matekopoko
War Costs Masindi sh400m

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New Vision (Kampala)January 29, 2004 
Posted to the web January 29, 2004 Kyetume Kasanga
Kampala The Government has slashed its annual conditional grant for roads to Masindi by sh400m, the district chairman, John Majara, has said.He said this followed President Yoweri Museveni's request in 2002 for districts to contribute to the fight against the northern insurgency by accepting the measure.

Majara said the district was receiving sh130m, down from sh530m.He was speaking during the 18th NRM Day celebrations at Masindi Stadium on Monday.The RDC, Hassan Galiwango, urged the public to support the lifting of term limits for the presidency.

"What does Obote and Uganda People's Congress want to do with political power? We gave them power twice and they groomed their people to overthrow them," he said.Local government state minister Dr. Phillip Byaruhanga said the Movement had started harmonising the vision for the country.The well-attended function was marked by a colourful parade mounted by the UPDF, Police, Prisons, private security agencies and tertiary institutions.

The LC3 chairman, Capt. Sam Musinguzi, called for increased production of food crops to fight increasing food prices.He said the district has enough land for agriculture.

"The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth becomes the greatest enemy of the state." 

- Dr. Joseph M. Goebbels - Hitler's propaganda minister 

ugnet_: Uganda: Security Situation in the North And East Still Volatile - UN

2004-02-01 Thread Matekopoko
Uganda: Security Situation in the North And East Still Volatile - UN

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UN Integrated Regional Information Networks January 29, 2004 
Posted to the web January 29, 2004 Nairobi 

The general security situation in some parts of northern and eastern Uganda is still very volatile, according to United Nations officials.Addressing a news conference in the Kenyan capital, Nairobi, on Thursday, the officials, who included the UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator in Uganda, Daouda Toure, said the UN had reorganised itself to respond more effectively to the situation, and its recent advocacy efforts had raised interest in "one of the most forgotten crises" in Africa.

Over the past 18 years, government forces have been battling rebels of the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) in northern Uganda. 

Since last year, the insecurity has spread to parts of the east. This has led to an increase in the number of internally displaced persons (IDPs) in the affected areas."You are talking about 1.3 million people living in camps without adequate sanitation and water, of people who are maimed, abducted and raped - let alone the risks of HIV/AIDS infection - by their own people," Toure said at the launch of a new book by the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) highlighting the northern Uganda crisis. "

You are talking of children who run away from their homes every night to sleep in corridors of buildings in town without shelter over their heads."Entitled "When the sun sets, we start to worry..", the book is jointly published by OCHA's Regional Support Office for Central and Eastern Africa (RSO-CEA) and the Integrated Regional Information Networks (IRIN) in fulfilment of OCHA's mandate to assist and advocate for the rights of people suffering in disasters and emergencies. [An electronic version of the book is available at: 

[http//]Using personal testimonies and powerful black-and-white photographs, the book aims to draw attention to the plight of the many Ugandan children, women and men whose present existence encompasses a degree of misery and horror seldom seen elsewhere."The situation in northern Uganda should not be allowed to go on. That is why we produced this book, after producing some footage and a documentary earlier, to show the plight of the people in that region," Valerie Julliand, the head of RSO-CEA, said.

Eliane Dutoit, the head of OCHA in Uganda, who had just returned from Teso region in eastern Uganda, said she found the situation there calmer, but the IDPs were still scared of returning to their villages."We were told by the local leaders in Soroti that the situation has stabilised. Generally the situation is still very volatile. It involves groups of LRA rebels moving from place to place. One week, a district is safe, then, days later, it is not, so the internally displaced people have adopted a wait-and-see attitude," Dutoit said."

Gulu District is quieter, Kitgum is grim with 80 percent of the people in camps, and Pader is facing serious difficulties. In Lira there are still some sightings of rebels; in Katakwi 150,000 people in camps are not willing at all to return to their villages, and in Apac, 100-110,000 IDPs fled from their locations because of the LRA retreating from Teso," she added.

Dutoit said the main needs of the IDPs were water and sanitation. Some NGOs had brought in emergency staff to try and help the civilians. NGO coordination would also be reinforced in Pader - which she called a forgotten district.Toure urged the parties to the conflict to build confidence and stop pointing fingers at each other. "There is no need for finger-pointing," he said. 

"The situation is sensitive and there is need to build confidence. This book gives you an idea of the deterioration of the situation.""Should the UN be requested to facilitate contacts in this process, we are ready to consider such a request. We are willing to support anything that helps to relieve the suffering there. That is why we are supporting the religious leaders seeking peace in the region," Toure added.

He said the visit to northern Uganda last year by the UN Under-Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, Jan Egeland, had brought the crisis into the international agenda.The LRA, an extremely brutal cult-like armed group led by Joseph Kony, has fought against the government of President Yoweri Museveni for 18 years. It says it wants to replace Museveni's government with a regime based on the Biblical Ten Commandments.

"The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of t

ugnet_: Accept Advice, German Envoy Tells Museveni

2004-02-01 Thread Matekopoko
Accept Advice, German Envoy Tells Museveni

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The Monitor (Kampala)January 29, 2004 
Posted to the web January 29, 2004 Emmanuel N. Mugarura

The German ambassador, Mr Alexander Muhlen, has urged President Museveni to accept advice."When Germany was in shambles after World War II, America sent us food aid. When they gave us advice on how to build democracy, we were grateful. It is not colonialism, it is human," Muhlen said yesterday while visiting the Uganda Human Rights Commission.

He was responding to a question put to him by a journalist about how the donor community feels about Mr Museveni's outburst against donors on Monday.While speaking at the national celebrations at Kololo Airstrip, Museveni told donors to keep off the internal affairs of the country.

He told them to mind their business and leave Uganda alone."What the donor countries and especially the European Union will want to provide is offer to help dialogue based on their own experience, that is not colonialism," the diplomat said.Several donor countries have publicly encouraged Museveni to leave office at the end of his last constitutional term in 2006.In a recent television interview, the US government's acting Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs, Mr Charles Snyder, said his government was talking to Museveni to persuade him to leave.

Museveni is constitutionally ineligible for another term in office and has not publicly said he will seek one.However, a Cabinet proposal to lift the two five-year term constitutional limit would allow him to stand again - and Museveni said on Monday that he would not listen to donor advice on electoral matters in Uganda.Muhlen, however, said that the German taxpayer cannot be offended by the President's outburst because Museveni is judged by his track record and not by what he says."

A German taxpayer has no reason for concern, a political speech is a political speech, it is always intended for different reasons," Muhlen said."Your President's record is good despite what he says."I understand what he said but it doesn't necessarily mean that someone should feel uneasy about the situation."On Uganda's human rights record, Muhlen said that so far the situation is not alarming and that there would be a delegation on human rights from Germany that would give its findings on Uganda.

The UHRC head, Ms Margaret Sekaggya, said Uganda has done well on the human rights path and that women and children groups are the most vibrant."The women are doing a great job in the human rights sector and they have been useful to us," Sekaggya said.

"The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth becomes the greatest enemy of the state." 

- Dr. Joseph M. Goebbels - Hitler's propaganda minister 

ugnet_: Uganda: Journalists React Angrily to Accusations of Being Rebel Collaborators

2004-02-01 Thread Matekopoko
Uganda: Journalists React Angrily to Accusations of Being Rebel Collaborators

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UN Integrated Regional Information Networks January 30, 2004 
Posted to the web January 30, 2004 Kampala Journalists from the independent daily The Monitor have reacted angrily to accusations by the defence ministry that they are Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) collaborators."This is a joke," Monitor FM Radio Editor Andrew Mwenda, one of those so accused, told IRIN in the capital, Kampala. "They are desperate. 

The army lacks confidence because they know they're failing to stop the LRA, so they make all these excuses. In their desperation, they want to blame everyone else. So now they're blaming journalists," he said.

The government caused alarm on last week when, on behalf of the defence ministry, the army spokesman, Maj Shaban Bantariza, suggested that Mwenda and Wanyama Wangah, another prominent reporter for The Monitor, had links with the rebels. 

Bantariza later told Radio Uganda that the army had recovered the telephone contacts of the two journalists from the body of an LRA commander who had just been killed by the army in the north.Under the Anti-Terrorism Act, enacted in parliament in March 2003, anyone caught having dealings with any group classified by the government as terrorists - primarily the LRA - faces a stiff punishment, which could mean the death penalty.

Mwenda reiterated that his telephone number was public and his mobile number could be traced by anyone who telephoned The Monitor and asked for it. "I'm a journalist, so I want to be contactable," he told IRIN.He said he had already told a number of key defence ministry and intelligence officials that he received calls from LRA leaders, so Bantariza's comments "uncover nothing new whatsoever"."I have evidence that UPDF [Uganda People's Defence Forces] soldiers sell guns, ammunition and uniforms to LRA rebels. If they are looking for collaborators, maybe they could look there," he suggested.

Stephen Ouma, the country representative of International Federation of Journalists, said there were concerns the government would use the Anti-Terrorism Act to stifle dissenting voices. "The risk is that the government will now charge journalists who talk to dissidents, opposition politicians or anyone with opposing views," he told IRIN.

But Bantariza said that Mwenda would still have to answer to the law. "Andrew Mwenda says openly he talks to [the LRA leader Joseph] Kony, [Kony's deputy Vincent] Otti and all the others. I would like to remind him he had better read again the government Anti-Terrorism Act, and whether he agrees with it or not, it is still law until it is amended," Bantariza said.

"The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth becomes the greatest enemy of the state." 

- Dr. Joseph M. Goebbels - Hitler's propaganda minister 

ugnet_: IFJ Condemns Spying Allegations Against Journalists in Uganda

2004-02-01 Thread Matekopoko
IFJ Condemns Spying Allegations Against Journalists in Uganda

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International Freedom of _expression_ Exchange Clearing House (Toronto)PRESS RELEASE
January 26, 2004 
Posted to the web January 30, 2004 

The International Federation of Journalists vigorously condemned today allegations made by the Ugandan military linking journalists with LRA rebels, raising fears of prosecution under the anti-terror law."The wild allegations against some of the most prominent journalists in the country are outrageous, especially because the anti-terrorism act still carries the death penalty for any act of terrorism," said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. "They are blatant efforts to systematically stifle voices of dissent and undermine journalists' rights to report in Uganda.

The spokesman of the Uganda People's Defence Forces (UPDF), Maj Shaban Bantariza, told a press conference today that Andrew Mwenda and Wanyama Wangah, journalists working with the independent newspaper The Monitor, were rebel collaborators.

 The military officer stated later in an interview with Radio Uganda that the army recovered the telephone contacts of the journalists from the body of an LRA commander, who was killed by UPDF forces in northern Uganda last week. He added that those mentioned should defend themselves because they are "dealing with terrorists.""It is shocking to see that the army has the audacity to make public and official such nonsense," said Stephen Ouma, General Secretary of the Uganda Journalists' Union. "

Journalists have never been accused by rebels of being government agents or spies because we receive daily email messages from the head of the Presidential Press Unit (PPU)," he added.In March 2002, the Ugandan Parliament adopted an "anti-terrorism" bill, officially tabled before parliament in response to the September 11 attacks on the United States. The bill has been the subject of much contention. No one yet has been charged under the anti-terrorism law, but the IFJ says the most endangered group in the prevailing circumstances are the two journalists. 

The bill threatens the death penalty for any journalist publishing materials deemed to support terrorism."The biggest problem journalists face is that this threat to their impartiality and efforts to report independently and use different sources of information could jeopardise their position," said Stephen Ouma. 

"Government will now and then charge journalists who talk to dissidents, opposition politicians or people with divergent views."The regime recently shut down dozens of privately-owned media outlets that could not pay for their operating permits, including community radio stations."More than half of the radio [stations] of the country are affected by those stringent and unbalanced measures," said White. "This situation and the direct accusations against journalists represent a real threat against press freedom."

The IFJ calls on the Ugandan authorities to condemn the allegations of Maj Shaban Bantariza, revoke the legal threats against journalists and stop harassment against independent media.The IFJ represents over 500,000 journalists in more than 100 countries.

"The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth becomes the greatest enemy of the state." 

- Dr. Joseph M. Goebbels - Hitler's propaganda minister 

ugnet_: Army Under Fire Over Journalists

2004-02-01 Thread Matekopoko
Army Under Fire Over Journalists

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The Monitor (Kampala)January 30, 2004 
Posted to the web January 30, 2004 Badru D. Mulumba & Mwanguhya C. Mpagi

The army has come under fire for labelling some journalists here collaborators of the rebel Lord's Resistance Army."The wild allegations against some of the most prominent journalists in the country are outrageous, especially because the Anti-Terrorism Act still carries the death penalty for any act of terrorism," the International Federation of Journalists said in a statement posted on its Web site on January 25.

"They are blatant efforts to systematically stifle voices of dissent and undermine journalists' rights to report in Uganda," Mr Aidan White, the general secretary is quoted saying.The anti-terrorism law, passed in 2002, allows long detentions without trial of persons thought to collaborate with 'terrorists' and carries a maximum sentence of death.

The LRA is labelled a terrorist organisation. Army spokesman Maj. Shaban Bantariza reportedly told journalists this week that Mr Andrew Mwenda, the station manager of 93.3 Monitor FM, and Mr Wanyama Wangah, the former news editor of The Monitor newspaper, are collaborators after the army found their numbers with dead rebel commanders.

But last evening, Information minister Nsaba Buturo sought to allay fears that the remarks portend a crackdown on independent journalism."We are very careful not to be seen to be harassing those who might be writing stories [that] alarm government," Buturo said.While backing a full investigation, the minister, however, said: "For rebels to have telephone numbers of journalists is okay. The issue of having numbers isn't something that should in itself merit investigation."But yesterday, Bantariza said: "It is not only the numbers; there are more details. 

These fellows have also indicated that there are other dealings including [Mwenda and Wanyama] instructing junior rebels on who to deal with and who not to deal with."In 2002, MP Reagan Okumu (Aswa) was amongst politicians accused of being rebel collaborators.

They were never charged. Bantariza said that the journalists would be investigated.He said that the two journalists have been boasting that they have information about the army. Now, he said, the army also has information about them.Said Buturo: "The investigation should not worry the journalists...It is not a witch hunt; and it is not intended to harass journalists who are covering the war."Mwenda said he has spoken to senior rebel commanders including leader Joseph Kony who has called him twice - a fact that he said is known to senior officials including President Museveni."I really have no feeling about the accusation because it is all trash," he said. "My responsibility is not to be a moral counsellor to the rebels." But IFJ regards the act as a threat to press freedom.IFJ also notes the recent shut down of some privately owned media outlets which could not pay for their operating permits, including community radios.Kampala FM, Mama FM, Power FM and Equator FM were some of the stations affected. "More than half of the radios of the country are affected by those stringent and unbalanced measures," White said. "This situation and the direct accusations against journalists represent a real threat against press freedom."Relevant Links  

IFJ said that Ugandan authorities should dismiss Bantariza's allegations, revoke the legal threats against the journalists and stop harassing the independent media.The LRA has been waging war in northern Uganda, and recently in eastern, for nearly two decades. Abductions and indiscriminate killing of civilians mark its tactics.

"The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth becomes the greatest enemy of the state." 

- Dr. Joseph M. Goebbels - Hitler's propaganda minister 

ugnet_: Do not trust our political messiahs

2004-02-01 Thread Matekopoko

Do not trust our political messiahs 

I refer to the article, Uganda Public Vs Yoweri Museveni (Sunday Monitor, January 4, 2004). As a delegate during the making of the 1995 Constitution, 1 have more than 26 counts against government on the way peoplesâ Constitutional rights have been contravened. I cannot list all of them here but some of them include:- Holding a referendum without following the correct Constitutional procedures. 
- Impoverishing citizens through extremely high taxes 
- Depreciating the currency to 0.7% in 1987.
- Extravagant expenditure on over 300 members of Parliament, But despite all this, it would be disastrous for any Ugandan to get excited to think that the likes of Lukwago are better alternatives.

Persons now in government were trusted by Ugandans in a manner similar to how they are praising the Lukwagos, yet they have let us down. I would therefore urge Ugandans to study the personality of all aspiring leaders before giving them political support.

W.G. Wanendeya,

"The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth becomes the greatest enemy of the state." 

- Dr. Joseph M. Goebbels - Hitler's propaganda minister 

ugnet_: Rescue us Mr President

2004-02-01 Thread Matekopoko
Rescue us Mr President

 I read with great admiration a report, which appeared in The Monitor of January 13.In the article, President Yoweri Museveni was reported to have boasted of having helped the people of Nyabushosi to change their lifestyle to the extent that they are now rich and developed.How I wish such a president could reign forever.However, I humbly request the president to help me out of my present predicament.

My father, Mr Richard Okiror (RIP) who was the sub-county chief of Kuju in the present day Katakwi district, died in 1988 while helping the then National Resistance Army (NRA) to rescue ministers Aporu Okol (RIP), Robert Ekinu (RIP) and Stanislus Okurut who had been abducted by rebels.After the rescue, my father was arrested and executed by the rebels. 

All our cows and other property was taken away by the rebels and the entire home was vandalised. My current MP Mr Ben Etonu, Maj.Gen. Jeje Odongo, Mr Onapito Ekomoloit and Soroti RDC Mr Musa Ecweru among many others, can testify to this.

Since 1996 I have tried to seek compensation but to no avail. We as a family have a lot of land and request you to empower us to exploit it adequately. By doing this, you will have wiped out tears on or cheeks. 

Enos Ejoku Okiror,

"The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth becomes the greatest enemy of the state." 

- Dr. Joseph M. Goebbels - Hitler's propaganda minister 

ugnet_: Let’s stop worshipping politicians

2004-02-01 Thread Matekopoko
Letâs stop worshipping politicians

I always endeavour to keep my self away from Ugandan politicians because there is nothing one can get out of them. Unfortunately and quite irritably, many Ugandans are steadily picking the habit of praising and worshipping politicians whom they support. 

They do this despite the follies that the politicians commit. This is bad because the bad politicians tend to think that all is okay, even when they are committing crimes. 

During the 2001 presidential campaigns, Dr Kizza Besigye was praised to the extent that he came to believe that he would win the elections by all means. He was disillusioned and now lives in exile.Similarly, President Yoweri Museveni is getting so many praises that he has come to believe that he can be president for life with much ease. 

Now he thinks he is the only Ugandan with a vision.And as he keeps on uttering such intriguing statements, his cheerleaders (who in reality are his enemies) continue to praise him and encourage him to make commit more blunders. This is dangerous.

Simon Peter Lukwago,

"The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth becomes the greatest enemy of the state." 

- Dr. Joseph M. Goebbels - Hitler's propaganda minister 

ugnet_: Re: [theafricanobserver] Re: [Ugandacom] REBELS PILLAGE MINAKULU AND ABDUCT C...

2004-02-01 Thread Matekopoko
In a message dated 2/1/2004 1:30:44 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Todayâs edition of the âMonitorâ, independent newspaper of Kampala, contains a surprising declaration by 4th Division commander Colonel Nathan Mugisha, in which he says that the civil war in North Uganda is over. The facts reported above irrefutably prove the contrary. 

When all else fails, one must  simply declare that the war is over!!!. Perhaps, since the war is now over, Nathan  Mugisha  should call upon his dogs of war (UPDF) to  now disengage from Northern Uganda. This would be the most logical move!!!


"The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth becomes the greatest enemy of the state." 

- Dr. Joseph M. Goebbels - Hitler's propaganda minister 

ugnet_: Hi

2004-02-01 Thread vukoni
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2004-02-01 Thread Matekopoko

 General, Brief

The Ugandan rebels of the LRA (lordâs Resistance Army) last night attacked the location of Minakulu, in the northern district of Apach. MISNA sources refer that the raid lasted over two hours, starting at 1:00a.m. local time. The eight government soldiers presiding the zone responded to the fire, resulting in the injury of one. The âOlumâ (âgrassâ, as the rebels are called by the locals) ransacked the residential area, beating to death a 70-year-old man called Albino Obua. While pillaging all the small stores of Minakulu, the rebels also abducted an unconfirmed number of youths, who according to the same sources were forced to transport the loot, particularly food and covers. The situation is however critical also in other zones of North Uganda. MISNA sources in fact report the abduction of minors in the location of Lokojo, 2km south of Kitgum, capital of the homonymous district, and Paimol, Pader district, where fighting is still underway between rebels and government troops. It is impossible to make any estimates on the number of minors captured yesterday and that in all probability will be forcedly recruited in the rebel lines. Based on recent data provided by Monsignor John Bapist Odama, Archbishop of Gulu, in the past years a total of 25-thousand children have been abducted by the LRA. Todayâs edition of the âMonitorâ, independent newspaper of Kampala, contains a surprising declaration by 4th Division commander Colonel Nathan Mugisha, in which he says that the civil war in North Uganda is over. The facts reported above irrefutably prove the contrary. 

"The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth becomes the greatest enemy of the state." 

- Dr. Joseph M. Goebbels - Hitler's propaganda minister 

ugnet_: Letter from Dr. Pheko, Pres. of PAC

2004-02-01 Thread RWalker949
(The President of PAC-Azania, Dr. Pheko, has forwarded this fundraising correspondence for our consideration...please circulate to your networks.)

P.O. Box 6010 Johannesburg 2000 South Africa
Phone: 021-403-3524 Fax: 021-461-9596
January 7, 2004
Mr. Philippe Hasson
Universal Footwear 
18 Island Park, Auckland Street, 
Paarden Eiland
Tel: (27 21) 510 4707
Dear Mr. HassonMost of us are on the front lines, experiencing the uncertainty and daily frustration of trying to survive in a rapidly changing world. Every aspect of our society including crime, education, healthcare and the job market is being challenged. It is necessary to support organisations whose leadership will enable this country to frame new strategies that these challenging issues will demand. The organisation I am asking you to support is the Pan Africanist Congress of Azania (PAC).The PAC elections campaign needs your financial contribution. This will help us purchase signs, postage, printing, radio advertising and other campaign materials. You can be assured that your contribution will be a positive investment in the future of our country.The PAC was founded forty-five years ago. It has evolved from the culture of a liberation movement with a military wing into a strong opposition party. It is impossible to step twice into the same river. It is not only the world around us that has changed since our political programme in the 1960s we have changed too. We have achieved a lot, and in itâs ten-year plan the PAC has much more planned. We have played our part in the renewal of political culture. Topics which we initially introduced such as:q  Land distribution
q  Unemployment grants
q  Resource protection 
q  Free HIV/AIDS medicines 
q  Maintaining basic services under the ambit of a strong state 
q  The knowledge economy 
q  Agriculture reform, food security and sovereignty 
q  Free education 
q  Anti-corruption
All these issues are now taking centre stage. Our party has adopted progressive traditions, values and principles.

Our democratic politics are not simply a matter of making the best out of an inherent necessity. We believe that politics should allow choice between alternatives. The PAC as an alternative political party is based on the need to expose power structures and vested interests that work against the majority of citizens.

Equality & Dignity
The principle of dignity and freedom is at the heart of our policies. At the core of our vision is self-determination. We believe every citizen is unique and deserves to receive equal recognition. For this reason, implementing equality in all its various dimensions is what the PAC believes with strengthen a vibrant democracy. 
Equality demands solidarity and citizen participation. Solidarity makes citizens more responsibility with a strong state supporting their efforts. Our aim is to incorporate the ideas, criticisms and protests of citizens, encourage them to take action and have a voice in developing our country.  We want a society where people have the opportunity to fashion their own lives. Members of our society who need assistance ought to receive it as an _expression_ of solidarity. They are not beggars but equal partners with their own right and duties. Only people provided with an opportunity to start will arise and discover their own way through the varied paths life offers.

Social PolicyThe PAC social policy sets out to safeguard the equitable distribution of key social goods. Our social justice and solidarity extend far beyond the classic policy of redistribution. Our primary policy goal is to prevent poverty and social marginalisation and improve the social situation of those worst within our society. A key project of the PAC is to guarantee a basic standard of living. Mass unemployment is unacceptable; it remains an unresolved issue of social equality without our society. The PACâs political task consists of arranging the social conditions governing our lives in such a way that everyone has an equal right to participate whatever background they are. This means placing people at the centre of every policy. In an equal society, the state sets the framework that gives everyone a chance to develop his or her skills and talents. At the same time, in order to be the architects of their fate, our citizens deserve reliable social safeguards and network to cope with the more difficult situations in life. Our social policy is far remove from that care for others which incapacitates by helping: instead, our social policy is marked by the creation of a socio-political infrastructure that encourages each individuals self-determined development and promote action reflecting and enhancing solidarity with others. The task of the PAC social policy is to ensure conditions and opportunities in life that are equal, an

Re: ugnet_: Re: When the wife earns more - Anyomokolo

2004-02-01 Thread Anyomokolo
Owor Kipenji wrote:
<<...marriage is not about advantages and disadvantages,but about sharing ...>>
Why don't you start brainwashing a little girl? I am too old and I have heard it all before. 
We weigh the disadv and adv of everything we do in this world. Why not marriage? Yeah, "sharing" but at what cost to a woman? 
I know what is good for me and I refuse to go with the flow.
Owor Kipenji <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
Date: Sat, 31 Jan 2004 22:40:46 + (GMT)From: Owor Kipenji Subject: Re: ugnet_: Re: When the wife earns more - AnyomokoloTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I married trouble(Anyomokolo) based on the reasoning you have outlined
regarding marriage,you really have a very very very loong time to 
The main reason being,marriage is not about advantages and disadvantages,but about sharing unless ofcourse you think of the Britany
Spears type of debacle which clearly showed what the Western pop culture takes marriage to be i.e a contract!.
If marriage is indeed a contract,with legalese embedded therein in,we shall continue to see many divorce courts erected and so are prisons to 
quarantine those who behave waywardly.
It will be an institution based on conspiracies and a tendency to out  wit the other in order to gain the advantages you refer to in your comments.
That is the way I see it.
Thank you.
=Anyomokolo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Damn! This was too good. I make sense when in the mood to express my disgust with this dominant culture of marriage. This piece flowed so well until I realized that I mispelled out ways. That just messed up the whole piece. But oh well, you get the point.

Let me respond to you by 'speaking' for myself. I am a single and educated woman. I don't have any kids. I am sexually, biologically, mentally and emotionally very fit. I am young, I work every day, I can cook for myself, I wash my own clothes and clean my own house. I make enough money to take care of three children by myself and still live large. 
Why in the world, in my right head, for God's sake, would I want to get married and lose my freedom to the kitchen where I would be confined to between four walls laboring myself like a horse to make a man, my husband, happy? A total stranger for that matter! Are you crazy? 
Let me mentioned that I was raised to believe that this culture of marriage, is the best way of life for me as a woman. I never asked "HOW" or "WHY" until three years ago. I refused to follow a culture that suppresses my freedom in exchange for a man's best interest. Why should I dedicate my life to caring for another woman's child? Becuase he is my husband? 'Flip' that! I would rather die without having a husband.
A man who is old enough to be the 'head of the house' should get his lazy behind out of bed and cook his own damn food, and wash his own 'flipping' clothes. If he is strong enough to have an erection and have sex every day, he should be storng enough to do all the house work every day. How can a grown man be 'head of the house' when he can't do anything around the house? Please! 
Like I said, I was not raised this way. I was raised in an African home with very strong Luo/African culture. But three years ago, I examined this culture of marriage and realized that it serves me, a woman, no purpose in this world. 
Someone need to explain to me why I should lose my freedom by getting married. That is not all! On top of losing my freedom, I become a sex slaves to a man who could probably become so boring after just one or two years. That is not all! I would labor everyday like a horse; cooking, cleaning and all that. That is not all! On top of all that, this man would be controlling me, telling what to do and yet he wants me to care for him sexually, emotionally, physically and what not, as if he were my own child!  Bullsh*t! A man who can't take care of his own @#$ better go back to his mother's house because I did not bring anyone into this world. My responsibilities are my own children and not another woman's grown up, old piece of ..
To conlude, [EMAIL PROTECTED], I am a very happy woman. I am not lonely and I am not miserable. I live my  life the way I want to. I go whenever I want, come back to my own damn mansion whenever I please, I spend my money however I want to, but most important, I have absolute mental freedom. This include freedom to hangout with the mail man any time I want. I express myself very eloquently without beating around the bush becuase I don't give a damn about my culture nor what men think of me becuase I don't need them, men, for anything. I got my sexual freedom and my own money and that is all that matters to me. I AM A LOT HAPPIER THAN MANY HOUSEWIVES; especially those who are financially dependent on their husbands.

I need only one thing from men and I don't need to get married and go through all that

ugnet_: Fw: [Mwananchi] UN refugee agency urgently appeals for aid for Sudanese fleeing to Chad

2004-02-01 Thread Lisa Toro

- Original Message -
From: Lisa Toro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, February 01, 2004 8:35 AM
Subject: Re: [Mwananchi] UN refugee agency urgently appeals for aid for
Sudanese fleeing to Chad

> George B.N. Ayittey,
> I also feel that African crisis become big business for NGO's, that all
> their actions in African are aimed at prolonging or creating new areas of
> crisis. I feel Equally they should change their strategy if they genuinely
> want to help. They should come with projects that first commit Governments
> to our desired change. These governments are empower with a lot of
> from funds to arms against the will of the vunerable people held hostage
> this killer dictators in all shades and shape, in government or not. for
> example the lobby on their behave to "western doners", even if the
> opposition or pressure groups try telling them that some of their
> are bound to cause more harm than good they just do listen infact the shut
> out the opposition, pressure groups or civil society.   I feel the NGOs'
> themselves are grooming warlords both in and our of Government such that
> their bussiness will go on for years unless there is a sudden hault on how
> the do bussiness.
> Toro.
> - Original Message -
> From: George B.N. Ayittey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Saturday, January 31, 2004 12:36 PM
> Subject: Re: [Mwananchi] UN refugee agency urgently appeals for aid for
> Sudanese fleeing to Chad
> > Lisa,
> >
> > It NEVER ENDS, does it?
> >
> > WESTERN SUDAN -- appeal, appeala and appeal for international aid.
> >
> > BURUNDI -- appeal, appeala and appeal for international aid.
> >
> > CONGO -- appeal, appeala and appeal for international aid.
> >
> > LIBERIA -- appeal, appeala and appeal for international aid.
> >
> > SIERRA lEONE -- appeal, appeala and appeal for international aid.
> >
> > IVORY COAST -- appeal, appeala and appeal for international aid.
> >
> > ZIMBABWE -- appeal, appeala and appeal for FOOD aid.
> >
> > SOMALIA -- appeal, appeala and appeal for international aid.
> >
> > ETHIOPIA/ERITREA -- Another appeal, appeala and appeal for international
> > aid.
> >
> > Has it occurred to our coconut-head leaders that the international
> > community is thoroughly FED UP with incessant African appeals?
> >
> > It seems we are the only people who can't solve our problems and must
> > always unload them onto the international community. We are such a
> > disgrace to our own race. True, we were colonized and oppressed in the
> > past. But that doesn't mean we should not be able to use our common
> > sense. Even illiterate peasants can but many of our "EDUCATED" officials
> > can't. Such a disgrace.
> >
> > George Ayittey,
> > Washington, DC
> >
> >
> >
> > Lisa Toro wrote:
> > >
> > > The Sudanese have just recently signed a peace agreement including oil
> > > resoucres sharing! What on earth is going on?
> > >
> > > Toro
> > >
> > > - Original Message -
> > > From: Chifu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > Sent: Friday, January 30, 2004 5:28 PM
> > > Subject: [Mwananchi] UN refugee agency urgently appeals for aid for
> Sudanese
> > > fleeing to Chad
> > >
> > > Folks,
> > >
> > > >From the UN press release...
> > >
> > > UN refugee agency urgently appeals for aid for Sudanese fleeing to
> > > Chad
> > >
> > > New arrivals escorted to tent in Farachana camp, Chad
> > > 30 January 2004 - Declaring that it is in a race against time, the
> > > United Nations refugee agency today issued an urgent appeal for funds
> > > for its emergency operation to help up to 135,000 Sudanese who have
> > > fled into barren remote parts of eastern Chad from fighting in their
> > > own country.
> > >
> > > "So far, we have not received any contributions for the Chad
> > > emergency for 2004," UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
> > > spokesman Kris Janowski told a news briefing in Geneva. "Funds are
> > > urgently needed because we are in a race against time to relocate
> > > refugees from the volatile border area to safer sites further inside
> > > Chad."
> > >
> > > The urgency was underscored yesterday by the bombing of the town of
> > > Tine when at least 2 people were killed and 15 wounded, Mr. Janowski
> > > said. UNHCR needs to move up to 110,000 people from the volatile
> > > border area before the start of the rainy season in May when the
> > > sandy roads would become impassable.
> > >
> > > Last September the agency appealed for $10.3 million for 2004 to aid
> > > some 65,000 refugees. This figure is currently being revised upwards
> > > in light of ongoing new arrivals of refugees, including some 30,000
> > > in December and another 18,000 in January.
> > >
> > > Mr. Janowski said the agency is "extremely concerned" about the
> > > deteriorating situation in Tine, a town that straddles the border,
> > > which was bombed several times yesterday morning.
> > >
> > > Figh

Re: Fwd: RE: ugnet_: "Kasita ffe twebaka ku tulo"\ Semakula

2004-02-01 Thread Lisa Toro
Ssenya nyange our brother,

Can you tell the world where all the UPC supporters (civilian) in Luwero at
the time of NRA/M incursions in Luwero are? What did Musevnis' Gang do to
them? Are you telling us that of all who lived and still live in Luwero
today there were and  are no UPC supporters? If you can tell us what
happened to those UPC supporters then and through out the NRA/M war to now
then we can start some sincere discussions.


- Original Message -
From: ssenya nyange <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, January 31, 2004 6:51 PM
Subject: FW: Fwd: RE: ugnet_: "Kasita ffe twebaka ku tulo"\ Semakula

> Mw. Semakula,
>  Some netters are still in denial for some selfish
> People like Mulindwa, Akanga and Matek who claim to have been in Luweero
> near Luweero at that time did not "see" these atrocities happening! Their
> anti Ganda campains are an indication that they still want UPC to continue
> where they stopped if given a chance. What future do Uganda have under
> J. SSenyange
> >Note: forwarded message attached.
> >
> >
> >-
> >Do you Yahoo!?
> >Yahoo! SiteBuilder - Free web site building tool. Try it!
> _
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ugnet_: Food industry and the Farmer: Quenched (revised)

2004-02-01 Thread dbbwanika db

Food industry and the Farmer

-	Since Friday 29 and Saturday, 31 January 2004 some parts of Kampala had no power as some parts of the country. There you are with Agro- ecological industry as a niche.

-	Quencher a popular drink (modern, fashioned, stylish) Ugandans buy it with a Christian resolve – but ask then Quencher what? (see Pineapples cheap as season starts Jan 27 - March 2, 2003 in the Monitor.) allejuha 

-	Quencher; Passion fruits, Avocado, Mangoes, Papaws, Cocoa, Lemons, Water Melons, Pineapples, Oranges, Berries, Sweet Bananas or Bogoya? Quencher what?

-	None of the above is Quencher - it is only the maker – the producer of the quencher, the cheers, the NIDO who knows what it is and contains. Aaah I forgot KLIM- fabulous indeed and the MIDDLE CLASS. 

-	Nakasero market in the city center its South African apples – Aaaha- modernity!

-	Are the best fruits imported in Europe and North America the best- usually full of chemicals to preserve them but also grown under influence of extensive growth substances?

-	The question that is interesting is not the above but what makes the people consume these items despite the known dangers YET Africa has a variety of foodstuffs grown organically. 

-	Quencher to Quench.  Soda soda soda – WHAT DOES SODA STAND FOR? 

-	Uganda Bureau of Standards (UBOS) can go to hell! Federation for Uganda Professional Employers (FUE (phew) in short) and 

-	Uganda National Trade Union now being subdivided because Bwanika started the Democratic Farmers Workers Alliance – Uganda (DFWA-U)!

-	Take this from me, those Uganda farmers as their counterpart the EDUCATED CHEMISTS, food hygienist, diet-ist, and agro-nomist BIT THE DUST on Uganda trading town streets with no jobs. 

-	And - the right honourable mayor in Mbarara the other day, found his government wanting as the milk IN- dustry there, crashes BUT we (I mean Uganda) are soon importing to Nigeria. NIDO. KLIM Uganda upbeat about Nigeria milk deal 
 Jan 29, 2004 monitor- one can’t fail to laugh- thanks be to the revolution.

-	It is Programme for Modernisation of Agriculture and poverty eradication or in FOOL Poverty Eradication Action Plan (PEAP). (see Poverty Reduction Efforts in Uganda: The Role of Monitoring and Evaluation New Vision (Kampala) DOCUMENT January 28, 2004)

-	No – let us say Uganda Bureau of standards sets the standards i.e. for MEDICAL REASONS and BACKUP from MULAGO; 

-	all marketable druckible juice products produced or imported in Uganda must  contain 80% - 90% natural products; Passion fruits, Avocado, Mangoes, Papaws, Cocoa, Lemons, water melons, Pineapples, Oranges, berries, Sweet Bananas and Bogoya.  

-	Quencher, Sooda, Soda, Sodda, Ssoda, Sodaa! 7 down and up, splaash!   Quenched finished.

-	Like all MODERNITIES – it is typical of characteristics; sightlessness, de-skilling, de- authentisation, de-localisation, metaphors, de-civilisation, blinding, market slavery- no consumer slavery and the “STATE OF IMPORT TAXATION”.

-	Foreign Direct Investment and Uganda investment authority.

-	If the above question could be answered (i.e. they eat what they don’t know) then Africa has an answer to finding a market for their abundant crops in those markets.

-	Let government through district committees force all Ugandans to have granaries, an acre of each of the mentioned hybrid fruits and a few milk animals i.e. goats or cows buffaloes in Indian produce good milk.
-	FORCEFUL MEANS must do this i.e. a law in combination with A TAX LEVY to cause compliance.

-	The above can only materialise through some simple STRATEGIC INTERVENTIONS like going to Congo or buy junk tanks and helicopters, in allocation of labour, time and resource in hybrid – crop farming like fruits; Passion fruits, Avocado, Mangoes, Papaws, Cocoa, Lemons, water melons, Pineapples, Oranges, berries, Sweet Bananas and Bogoya.

-	Why fruits? (see Pineapples cheap as season starts
By Jovita Mirembe Jan 27 - March 2, 2003 in the Monitor.

-	These are MARKETABLE ITEMS on a world-wide market in huge quantities either as; JUICE CONCENTRATES, LIQUORS, DRIED FOODS, OR PACKED FRESH FOODS.

-	Ambassadorial resource allocation in high consumption countries should seek SUPER MARKET RESOURCE SUPPORT in the purchase of these items.

-	But LOCAL consumption must be first GUARANTEED or developed simultaneously for a continuous process.

-	The above entails scientific backup for evidence of NUTRITIONAL VALUE in combination with massive internet and media information. 

-	Any form of government intervention should focus on the MULTIPLICITY OF CONSUMPTION behaviours of the mentioned items above.

-	Government supported industrial sector therefore must be MULTIPURPOSE i.e. production of juice concentrates, liquors, dried foods, or packed fresh foods.

-	Indeed waste products can be used in making different types of gases – this could be investigated.