ugnet_: Re: ugnet_: Museveni never 'trusted' peasants in bush

2004-05-03 Thread Edward Mulindwa
Amazing how eating change Ugandans. Federalists are now directly fighting
for Museveni. Ugandans. Federalists are today preaching to us how Museveni
is a sincere man. So then a critical thinker comes up and asks only two
paramount questions
(1) Kasangwawo on this very weekend has challenged me on what I feel on
referendum political party's opening and sad term.
(2) DP members have left North America to plead the DP line.

Who is there for the future of our nation??

 The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
Groupe de communication Mulindwas
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie

- Original Message - 
From: emmanuel musaazi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, May 03, 2004 1:56 AM
Subject: RE: ugnet_: Museveni never 'trusted' peasants in bush

 ...this is another silly writer who is clearly attempting to misrepresent
 what the President was puting forward. Infact the writer is actually
 the sincerety and consistency of the President. Firstly, the article shows
 that the President has a full understanding and personal experience of the
 problems of Uganda, which are; illiteracy and poverty and unlike the
 previous governments who exploited these problems, President Museveni is
 working to eradicate them. The writer should know that it is the goal of
 every sincere leader to eradicate the peasant class. I am personally not
 aware of any leader on this planet whose goal is to sustain the peasant
 class. It is counter productive, as the President pointed out to have the
 majority of the population being made up of poor and illeterate people (it
 seems this writer does not think so). The president is clearly achieving
 goal of eliminating the peasant class (or atleast drastically reducing it)
 by creating conditions in the country that make it possible for peasants
 move in to the middle class. This can be seen from statistics that show
 more Ugandans are getting educated (at all levels), poverty levels are
 falling and consequently the middle class is growing. Now if that is not
 plus then i don't know what is. In achieving these goals the quality of
 democracy in Uganda improves. Unless it is not in the interest of the
 opposition to have too many educated Ugandans.

 The President was right in castigating the judge (Kanyaihamba), because
 judge seemed to be saying that democracy was designed for the privilleged
 few who were educated and living in cities. To me (and indeed to any
 democrat), that is a very undemocratic and elitist statement to make and
 is even more scary coming from a judge. The president was simply reminding
 the judge that the fact that people are poor and uneducated does not mean
 that they should completely be cut off from the political processes of the
 nation, afterall as politicians, they are public servants and if you are a
 public servant, you are in office to serve Ugandans, the majority of whom
 happen to be peasants.

 Personally i don't see how the opposition could even think of supporting
 judge's position because it runs counter to the democratic ideals they so
 badly crave for. Think about it, if you say that peasants are not smart
 enought to be involved in democratic processes, then it follows that
 politicians should not therefore be allowed to solicit votes from
 which means that many MPs in parliament (if not all of them) should not be
 there in the first place. You can't eat your cake and have it at the same
 time. If you tell me that i don't deserve a seat at the table because i am
 stupid, then don't come to me for votes, simple. Infact the judge's
 threatens to take away some civil rights from peasants. If the judge was
 America, he would be considered to be a very conservative judge.

 The President's speeaches, pointing out the ills of peasantry (if they is
 such a word), should not be misconstrued to mean that once upon a time he
 hated peasants now he prenteds to like them. His position is akin to that
 a father or mother appreciating the problems and difficulties of their
 children and working had to reduce them. Acknowledging that your son is
 in Mathematics for example, does not follow that you hate your son, that
 silly. Rather you find ways of making him better in Mathematics.

 Finally, it seems that the aim of these opposition writers is to
 mis-interprete everything the President says. Even the obvious is twisted
 mean otherwise and in so doing they come out looking very stupid. Being in
 opposition should not be taken literally as some of these writers seem to
 doing. Sometimes it will be in there interest to acknowledge and agree
 the President where it is necessary as this particular case demonstrates,
 otherwise they may end up shooting themselves in the foot, again as this
 particular case shows.

 From: gook makanga [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: [EMAIL 

ugnet_: RE: [Ugandacom] Up Date Kitgum

2004-05-03 Thread NOC´LADUMAS GEORGES


What are they waiting for? 

Do they proceed from their desire for new governance in Uganda or from the severity of the doggy situation our Ugandan commonality is exposed to?

If the latter bears any superiority then they should commit regardless of the power wielder at state house. 

It is about making the best of the worst situation!!! Uganda democracy is another five.

Otherwise, a logical conclusion is that they neither have the ability or the capability of engagingtheLRA into a meaningful dialogue. And, what would the dialogue be about anyway, considering the magnitude of subsequent barbarism?

One thing seems certain, they have burnt down all bridges and dialogue about political power sharing is invisible at present moment. 

The Uganda government should go at full length to protect our people!!
noc'l gaumoy

Subject: [Ugandacom] Up Date Kitgum 
Date: Wed, 28 Apr 2004 18:06:15 -0400 
UGANDA28/4/2004 12:20 
Church/Religious Affairs, Standard 
揂t least 17,000, perhaps as many as 20,000 people in Kitgum and the surrounding area spent the night away from home, and they will do the same in the days to come. The situation will continue until someone manages to put a stop to the acts of violence carried out by the rebels of LRA (Lord抯 Resistance Army),?a local religious source told MISNA, describing the necessarily 憇tray?existence of thousands of people in Kitgum, capital of the northern district of the same name. 揂t sunset, they are forced to abandon their homes, and are able to return only at dawn the following day, in the hope of finding the belongings that they left behind, and of being able to resume 憂ormal?life, at least until sunset,?said the source. Yesterday, MISNA released the news that thousands of people have been pouring into KItgum for days following reports of attacks and ambushes and persistent rumours that the rebels are mounting a series of large-scale operations. 揟his is a p
 henomenon that is completely new: north Uganda is the only region in the world to have nocturnal displaced people,?continues the source, explaining that 搕he people cannot do otherwise. Every family has now seen a child abducted or a loved one beaten or killed by the rebels? The figures pertaining to this night-time exodus are worrying: 揑n the province of Kitgum, at least 7,000 people are seeking shelter, particularly in church and hospital structures, while there are at least 10,000 in the city,?explains the interlocutor. The displaced are right to flee, says the source: 揘umerous homes were looted last night as well. Fortunately, there were no victims, given that with sundown all the homes empty. However, death comes easily in north Uganda. This morning, for example, intense gunfire was heard around 15 kilometres northeast of Kitgum. I would have liked to have gone to see what was going on, but I soldier stopped me: 搕he roads are not safe ?he told me ?it is better if
  you do not go.擺LC] 
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Re: ugnet_: U.S. Is Losing Its Dominance in the Sciences

2004-05-03 Thread Lisa Toro

What they stole from germans is now over and they 
can not figure out their own!!

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Monday, May 03, 2004 4:14 PM
  Subject: ugnet_: U.S. Is Losing Its 
  Dominance in the Sciences


May 3, 2004
U.S. Is Losing Its Dominance in the 


United States has started to lose its worldwide dominance in critical 
areas of science and innovation, according to federal and private 
experts who point to strong evidence like prizes awarded to Americans 
and the number of papers in major professional journals.
Foreign advances in basic science now often rival or even exceed 
America's, apparently with little public awareness of the trend or its 
implications for jobs, industry, national security or the vigor of the 
nation's intellectual and cultural life.
"The rest of the world is catching up," said John E. Jankowski, a 
senior analyst at the National Science Foundation, the federal agency 
that tracks science trends. "Science excellence is no longer the domain 
of just the U.S."
Even analysts worried by the trend concede that an expansion of the 
world's brain trust, with new approaches, could invigorate the fight 
against disease, develop new sources of energy and wrestle with knotty 
environmental problems. But profits from the breakthroughs are likely to 
stay overseas, and this country will face competition for things like 
hiring scientific talent and getting space to showcase its work in top 
One area of international competition involves patents. Americans 
still win large numbers of them, but the percentage is falling as 
foreigners, especially Asians, have become more active and in some 
fields have seized the innovation lead. The United States' share of its 
own industrial patents has fallen steadily over the decades and now 
stands at 52 percent. 
A more concrete decline can be seen in published research. Physical 
Review, a series of top physics journals, recently tracked a reversal in 
which American papers, in two decades, fell from the most to a minority. 
Last year the total was just 29 percent, down from 61 percent in 
China, said Martin Blume, the journals' editor, has surged ahead by 
submitting more than 1,000 papers a year. "Other scientific publishers 
are seeing the same kind of thing," he added.
Another downturn centers on the Nobel Prizes, an icon of scientific 
excellence. Traditionally, the United States, powered by heavy federal 
investments in basic research, the kind that pursues fundamental 
questions of nature, dominated the awards.
But the American share, after peaking from the 1960's through the 
1990's, has fallen in the 2000's to about half, 51 percent. The rest 
went to Britain, Japan, Russia, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland and New 
"We are in a new world, and it's increasingly going to be dominated 
by countries other than the United States," Denis Simon, dean of 
management and technology at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 
recently said at a scientific meeting in Washington.
Europe and Asia are ascendant, analysts say, even if their 
achievements go unnoticed in the United States. In March, for example, 
European scientists announced that one of their planetary probes had 
detected methane in the atmosphere of Mars  a possible sign that alien 
microbes live beneath the planet's surface. The finding made headlines 
from Paris to Melbourne. But most Americans, bombarded with images from 
America's own rovers successfully exploring the red planet, missed the 
foreign news.
More aggressively, Europe is seeking to dominate particle physics by 
building the world's most powerful atom smasher, set for its debut in 
2007. Its circular tunnel is 17 miles around.
Science analysts say Asia's push for excellence promises to be even 
more challenging.
"It's unbelievable," Diana Hicks, chairwoman of the school of public 
policy at the Georgia Institute of Technology, said of Asia's growth in 
science and technical innovation. "It's amazing to see these output 
numbers of papers and patents going up so fast."
Analysts say comparative American declines are an inevitable result 
of rising standards of living around the globe.
"It's all in the ebb and flow of globalization," said Jack Fritz, a 
senior officer at the 

ugnet_: Scientists Pursue Happiness

2004-05-03 Thread Lugemwa FN

Sanibona! Ninjani?! A happy week to you all. FN Lugemwa

Scientists Pursue Happiness
William J. Cromie

The Gazette April, 2004

Happiness is never as good as you imagine it will be, and it never lasts as long as you think it will. But the same also holds true for unhappiness. That’s the conclusion of scientists who cheerfully study this elusive state.

“When we try to predict what will make us happy we’re often wrong,” says Daniel Gilbert, a professor of psychology at Harvard University. “ Researchers all over the world find the same predictable errors, whether the pursuit involves romance, a new car, or a sumptuous meal.” 

Gilbert uses the results of his study of election outcomes as an example. Many Democrats insist that the re-election of George W. Bush would make them unbearably unhappy. Many Republicans maintain that the election of John Kerry would send them and the whole country into a deep ditch of discontentment for a long time to come. Gilbert compares such forecasts to a 1992 campaign when Bush squared off against Ann Richards for the governorship of Texas. Only one month after Bush won, his supporters weren’t as happy as they thought they would be, and those that opposed him weren’t as sad.

“People are wonderful rationalizers” Gilbert points out. “ They will rearrange their view of the world so it doesn’t hurt as much.” Anti- Bushers he interviewed said things like : “ The governor of Texas really doesn’t have much power.” And “ He wants to be the president , so he’s not going to do anything too dumb or crazy.” 

The same holds true for lovers who breakup. Rationalization quickly replaces devastation. “ She was never right for me,” the spurned lover says. “ I recognized that when she threw the ring in my face.”

What is happiness?

If psychologists all over the county are studying happiness, there must be a good definition of it. Not necessarily. Gilbert compares it to defining a thing like insanity. “ It’s hard to say what it is, but I know it when I see it,” he says. 

Philosophers often give happiness a moral meaning. Aristotle claims that a happy life is a life of virtue. If you are sinful, you can’t be happy. Psychologists don’t go that far. “It simply means feeling good,” Gilbert says with a smile. The feeling that you get when a granddaughter runs into your arms, when you help a lost tourist find her way, when you bite into the perfect hamburger or veggie burger, It’s what tickles the sweet spot in the deep part of your brain.
In other words, every happy person experiences the same feeling, but different things bring on that feeling. When a child jumps into a lap, it may be a transcendental experience for grandma, but just a screeching, wet kid for others. Such differences, however, don’t go as deep as the fact the happiness joyfully jumps over cultural and species lines.

“We haven’t found any society that doesn’t laugh,” notes Gilbert. “Ninety percent of what makes one person happy makes other people happy. That’s no surprise. We share the same brain architecture. And dogs, cats and other mammals probably experience feelings a lot like our happiness.”

That said, happiness is an emotion, and emotions are not meant to be held onto. Fear is an emotion, but you don’t want to hold onto it very long.
What we fear is usually clear but we’re more often wrong than we are right when we try to achieve happiness. Close your eyes and try to visualize what will make you happy: a luxury car, a vacation in the tropics, a sumptuous meal, the blond hunk in the accounting department. When you project yourself into the future like this, researchers agree that you will make a predictable set of errors.

Gilbert and other happiness investigators have asked groups of people to forecast their feelings about things that will make them happy. Each person assigns a number to how she or he will feel, like on a scale of one to 10. After they obtain that car, vacation, or lover, they rate their feeling again.

“Then we subtract the two numbers,” explains Gilbert. “If the difference is zero, then they were as happy as they thought they would be. But as it turns out, the difference is almost never zero.”

How to be happy

“Is there some surgery, pill, program, or religion to help us avoid this robust and insidious bias?” Gilbert asks. He is a pleasant, talkative , theatrical person, like a good stand-up comedian.

“It turns out to be both the easiest and hardest thing to do,” he says. “It’s easy because you have the information you need right in front of you. It’s hard because people don’t want to use it.”
Instead of projecting yourself into the future, trying to imagine how you will feel, just ask someone who has had the same experience, Gilbert advises. Ask the person how they enjoyed dating Lynn, visiting that vacation spot, or choosing that school. “It’s a more accurate way to get information than trying to guess yourself,” he points out. “But people hardly ever use it.”
In one experiment, 

ugnet_: Mixed reactions as NTCs face closure(A Case of inheriting systems we do not know)

2004-05-03 Thread Owor Kipenji
Mixed reactions as NTCs face closure By Yasser Kalyango May 3 - 9, 2004

KAMPALA- The alumni of some National Teachers’ Colleges (NTCs) may soon have no institutions to be proud of. This is because government is to close down some NTCs.
“We shall automatically phase out those National Teachers Colleges. It’s a government policy,” said Ms Beatrice Wabudeya, the minister of State in-charge of for higher education.
NTCs mainly train Grade V or teachers with diploma certificates.The impending closure of these institutions comes after the indicative budgetary performance report released by the ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development. 

Education minister Mr Kidhu MakubuyaAccording to the report only four NTCs would be spared, one in each of the four regions. The impeding closure affects prominent NTCs like Kaliro, Kakoba, Masindi and Arua. 

The report states that the phasing out of the colleges is due to the big numbers of Grade V teachers who cannot be absorbed in the job market and financial constraints the colleges are facing. 
Wabudeya reiterates that the ever-increasing big numbers of diploma holders is the major reason that these NTCs are being scrapped. The only colleges to be spared are Nagongera NTC in the eastern region, Kabale NTC in the west, Mubende NTC in the central and Unyama in northern Uganda.
“We have very many Diploma holders, the job market cannot absorb these ever increasing big numbers. It is just too much, we are remaining with a few that we can fully fund,” Wabudeya said.

Students of national teachers college Nkozi at the new campus after they were dislodged from their original campus by Uganda Martyrs University. Government now wants some NTCs to close shop.She added that even if the proposed Universal Secondary Education were to start this year, there would still be too many teachers for the program. 

She said that the demand for teachers with a degree is high since most of the secondary schools coming up now are mostly privately owned. 
Wabudeya said that most upcoming secondary schools want to employ teachers who have a degree to help them compete with others.
She also said that the closure is part of the government’s plan to create jobs for the already existing graduate teachers and to improve welfare of teachers in the field.
“Everything is under control, a lot has been said about the welfare of the teachers in the country. Phasing out NTCs is one way of controlling the increasing numbers. If these diploma teachers are out, obviously we shall reduce the number of the unemployed graduate teachers,” Wabudeya said.
The NTC’s see the move as unfriendly. For them, the closure is not the best way of reducing the number of teachers. Ms Kellen Mwesigye, the director of Kakoba NTC says that government had not consulted other stakeholders.
“We are the biggest stake holders, we feel we have been left out. The ministry should have discussed the issue with all the stake holders, you can’t believe it— the morale has since gone down ever since the issue was raised in the press,” she said.
Mwesigye said that Kakoba does not have the financial problems as government alleges and that if they do have, they are like any other government institutions, which are cash strapped.
“Even Makerere has financial problems, so that cannot be the reason why the biggest teachers centre in the Western region is closed. These things should be discussed at a high level. People are bitter about the move to close Kakoba,” she said. Masindi NTC is equally unhappy.
According to Mr Vigilious Egunu, the principal of Masindi NTC, other than close the NTCs that have a long history, government should consider using other ways of solving the problem.
“Every one has been concerned about the issue of closing Masindi NTC. Unlike other institutions that are to be closed, Masindi NTC is the only one without a university. Government should first approve the proposed Bunyoro Kitara University and then they can think about closing the only one we have in the region,” Egunu said. 
He added that government has to compensate the people of Masindi if it is to close the institution that has been there for over 60 years. Masindi NTC produces 600 teachers with diplomas and 300 Grade III teachers every year.
Some education experts however share the same view with the government. They believe that the closure of NTCs is overdue. “The closure is a very wise decision, in my view it is a wise and professional idea, rather late though,” said Prof. Kupuliano Odaet of Makerere University’s school of education.
According to Odaet, also former dean of education at Makerere, the country has many universities producing teachers at a graduate level.
“Why produce so many lower level teachers for secondary education when teachers from university could do the job?” he asked. He suggested that government could also reduce the number of unemployed graduate teachers by building model secondary schools in every sub county.

RE: ugnet_: Baganda warned on agitating for Federo - New Vision - 1/5/2004

2004-05-03 Thread Mary Nagadya
Mw. Kasangwawo:

Thank you for your contributions. However, sometimes I
feel that you are engaged in the equivalent of taking
a goat to an opera. Unfortunately, no matter how
frequently such a goat attends the opera, he is
unlikely to ever appreciate it in any sense of the

Otherwise, it'd be amazing to see a person who claims
to be a Muganda fail to grasp a simple idea that a
Muganda's love for his or her Kabaka is independent of
political affiliation. Some just don't get it. There
is nothing to do about that. Let's move on.


--- jonah kasangwawo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Mulindwa  co,
 either you didn't understand what the man said or
 you simply didn't make an 
 effort to read the article carefully. What should be
 worrying us are not the 
 federalists but, according to him, your very own
 party. Referring to the UPC 
 he said: This is the very click that chased and
 deposed the Kabaka in 1966 
 so I urge you to be cautious of these masqueraders
 who have come up during 
 Kabaka's quest for more powers. He further advises
 us to concentrate on our 
 development instead of listening to the likes of
 the Rwanyarares. This is 
 what the honorable minister said and not your usual
 ramblings about 
 feudalism, which you know nothing about.
 From: Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: ugnet_: Baganda warned on agitating for
 Federo - New Vision - 
 Date: Fri, 30 Apr 2004 21:53:03 -0400
 And those are the same sentiments worrying us with
 Federalists Visa Vie 
 Buganda Kingdom. For one must look very carefully
 and look at people who 
 are pleading for this federalism, a man like Mwami
 Lugemwa is a publicly 
 known DP man, the same has been an official of
 external DP branch for some 
 time now. So Lugemwa goes back to Uganda and now he
 is pleading for 
 federalism for he loves Mengo and Buganda King. One
 can not help but ask, 
 is Lugemwa now a KY sympathizer? For the going of
 Lugemwa to Uganda when 
 Museveni is playing with Ugandans to negotiate on
 political partys, drives 
 one to conclude that Lugemwa actually believes that
 Musveni can allow 
 political partys to operate in Uganda. And that is
 not true. Museveni is 
 just using the Lugemwas for his own staying in
 Now Lugemwa goes to Uganda under the burner of
 federalism and fighting for 
 Buganda, and it is Mulindwa who is a non Ugandan
 and who is anti Buganda.
 Like I said to Mwaami Kibuuka, be very careful for
 this feudalism you have 
 started under the cover of Federalism, for you will
 end up hurting Buganda 
 than you ever wished. And the Kabaka's going to
 Museveni to ask for more 
 powers, surely non-critical thinkers that should
 have raised all your red 
 flags for many of us have been here very long,
 unlike the Ssenyange's who 
 were born when UNLF was attacking Uganda to remove
 Iddi Amin.
 But where we are every one is using every one, DP
 will grow through Mengo 
 and Mengo will get more powers from NRM and reform
 will not register as a 
 party yet two days after they will register, to
 Mwaami Kironde in Colorado 
 now starting a political party which is the 45th of
 the 46 partys now.
 What a fucked up nation?
   The Mulindwas Communication Group
 With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
  Groupe de communication Mulindwas
 avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans
- Original Message -
From: Omar Kezimbira
Sent: Friday, April 30, 2004 9:17 PM
Subject: ugnet_: Baganda warned on agitating for
 Federo - New Vision - 
Baganda warned on agitating for
EDUCATION and sports minister Edward
 Kiddu Makubuya has 
 warned Baganda against people who are supporting
 the Kabaka's quest for 
 more power, reports Ronald Kalyango.
This is the very click that chased
 and deposed the Kabaka 
 in 1966 so I urge you to be cautious of these
 masqueraders who have come up 
 during Kabaka's quest for more powers, he said.
He said this recently during a
 guided tour of Kalule in 
 Nyimbwa sub-county, Luweero district where he
 appealed to the residents to 
 initiate income-generating activities to support
 Mengo, instead of 
 listening to the likes of the Rwanyarares.
Makubuya called upon chiefs to
 mobilise the people in 
 culture, discipline and work rather than spending
 time in misleading 
 political rallies.
Makubuya, who is also the area MP,
 toured St. Kizito, Karule 
 R/C and gardens of his electorate where he called
 upon them to be exemplary 
 by guarding against swindling of funds meant for
 development. He also 
 warned councillors agai nst bidding for tenders,
 saying a lot of money had 
 been lost due to shoddy work.
Published on: 

ugnet_: Social networks key to Uganda's HIV success story

2004-05-03 Thread Lugemwa FN

Social networks key to Uganda's HIV success story

30 April 2004Source: 
Uganda's massive decline in HIV infections is attributable to communication about AIDS within local social networks and personal knowledge of someone with AIDS or HIV.
These factors are linked to major changes in sexual behaviour based on risk avoidance, and a reduction in casual sex in particular, according to research published in Science. 
The study reports that the number of HIV-positive Ugandans has fallen from 1.5 million to 500,000 in the past decade — a success rate equivalent to a vaccine of 80 per cent effectiveness. These findings should encourage a re-think of global HIV/AIDS intervention policies, the researchers say.
Link to full article in Science 
Reference: Science 304, 714 (2004)
Link to news story in Nature Science Update 

Quick guides: HIV/AIDS

FN Lugemwa
		Do you Yahoo!?Win a $20,000 Career Makeover at Yahoo! HotJobs 

ugnet_: Ugandans reduced to cannibalism by NRM?

2004-05-03 Thread gook makanga
Police arrest 3 suspected cannibalsBy Henry H. SsaliMay 4, 2004

MITYANA – “I eat dead people.” Those words were spoken yesterday by Mr James Kityo, one of three suspects held by police over cannibalism and possible murder.
Kityo, 32; Mr Rogers Kitumba, 26; and Ms Harriet Namboga, 25, were arrested by police on Sunday after a tip off from residents of Kinvunikidde village in Buye Kikundu parish, about 2km north of Mityana town.
“They are in police custody, we are yet to charge them,” the officer in charge of Mityana Police Station, Mr Tarquins Alawy, said as they exhumed the trio’s victims. 
A woman’s body sliced at the heart, several decomposing body parts heaped in a sack, a human skull and bones were exhumed as horrified residents looked on.
The LCI Chairman, Mr Leonard Kasibante, said residents had on Sunday razed the suspects’ house and about 30 small structures each about a metre high, many of them containing human remains.
The residents braved a heavy downpour yesterday to witness the exhumation and bay for the blood of the suspects as police and the army guarded them. 
The villagers alleged that the suspects are also involved in sorcery and witchcraft.
Several items from their shrine – including bark cloth, cowrie shells, calabashes and bones lay about in the compound.
Namboga said she has only eaten two bodies, including that of an acquaintance.
“They are my brothers,” she said referring to the other two suspects. “One time I visited after they had cooked a person and they gave me some of the meat. We also ate a woman called Betty Nakazzi who used to come here.” 
Kityo said he is also a night dancer (omusezi) who usually gets possessed by his ancestors’ spirits.
Mityana RDC Margaret Kivumbi was horrified. “I have been hearing about night dancers all my life but I have never seen something like this.”
All three relatives confessed they eat dead bodies.
© 2004 The Monitor Publications
Sorcery, cannibalism cast spell over village

SUSPECTED CANNIBALS: Mr Kityo, Ms Namboga, Mr KitimboBy Henry H. SsaliMay 4, 2004

MITYANA - The apparent end began on Sunday morning.
Ms Norah Namutebi complained to the LCI chairman of Kinvunikidde village of ill health after fellow residents James Kityo and Rogers Kitumba had threatened her with death if she did not pay them their 'consultation fee'.
Namutebi, who The Monitor could not find for an interview, reportedly had been consulting the two witchdoctors over two months and they had asked for Shs 500,000 in payment.
She told them that she did not have the money but her only valuable possession was a piece of land in the same village.
But the piece of land also belonged to her children, and therefore she could not give it away.
The witchdoctors told her that she either pays their money or her life was in danger.
Then she started having ailments and contacted the LCs saying the witchdoctors had threatened her. The LCs then swung into ation.
"Yesterday [Sunday] we called an LC meeting, which resolved to search their premises to see how they manage to make people sick," LC I Chairman Leonard Kasibante told The Monitor yesterday.
The council contacted Mityana RDC Margaret Kivumbi who gave them army men to go search the premises.
"Just as we had started, we saw a skull and became suspicious," Kasibante said.
By this time residents were gathering and were in for more shock when decomposing body parts were found heaped in a sack and hidden under one of about 30 small brick structures around the compound.
The residents ran amok and razed the house and the small structures each about a metre high, many of them containing human bones.
"I received a call that people were about to lynch the three suspects [including a woman] so I sent a police patrol car, which rescued them," the Officer in Charge of Mityana Police Station, Mr Tarquins Alawy, said.
The Monitor arrived at the gruesome scene yesterday morning.
Despite the heavy downpour, hundreds of residents awaited a major search of the entire premises.
ConfessionUnder a mango tree sat a young woman guarded by about five policemen."She is the one," residents shouted.
She is the third suspect.
Ms Harriet Namboga, 25, told The Monitor that she has eaten only two people!
Mr Kityo and Mr Kitumba are her brothers and she lives nearby.
She said the first time she ate human flesh she found when her brothers had already prepared the dish and they offered her some of it, to which she didn't object.
The second person she ate was her acquaintance called Betty Nakazzi. "She used to come here" to see Kityo and Kitumba at their shrine."She died and we ate her," Namboga said. 
However, she denied that they had killed the woman. She died of natural causes sometime earlier in the year.
"On their advice, I went to where we had buried her remains and I prayed to the ancestors so that her spirit does not haunt me," she added.
Asked by one of the cops why she ate human flesh with all the goats and chicken around, she remained silent.She was 

RE: ugnet_: Baganda warned on agitating for Federo - New Vision - 1/5/2004

2004-05-03 Thread jonah kasangwawo
Muky. Nagadya,
Thanks for your advice.
I must admit I have many a time felt the same way you feel - I mean 'taking 
a goat to an opera'. I've only been concerned that if the communications 
gang repeats it's lies often enough without any challenge, some people might 
start believing them. I might just take you up on your advice though.

As for Mulindwa being a Muganda, well we now know better, thanks to Mr. 
Dada's clear insight into his background.


From: Mary Nagadya [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: ugnet_: Baganda warned on agitating for Federo - New Vision - 
Date: Mon, 3 May 2004 12:23:39 -0700 (PDT)

Mw. Kasangwawo:
Thank you for your contributions. However, sometimes I
feel that you are engaged in the equivalent of taking
a goat to an opera. Unfortunately, no matter how
frequently such a goat attends the opera, he is
unlikely to ever appreciate it in any sense of the
Otherwise, it'd be amazing to see a person who claims
to be a Muganda fail to grasp a simple idea that a
Muganda's love for his or her Kabaka is independent of
political affiliation. Some just don't get it. There
is nothing to do about that. Let's move on.
--- jonah kasangwawo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Mulindwa  co,

 either you didn't understand what the man said or
 you simply didn't make an
 effort to read the article carefully. What should be
 worrying us are not the
 federalists but, according to him, your very own
 party. Referring to the UPC
 he said: This is the very click that chased and
 deposed the Kabaka in 1966
 so I urge you to be cautious of these masqueraders
 who have come up during
 Kabaka's quest for more powers. He further advises
 us to concentrate on our
 development instead of listening to the likes of
 the Rwanyarares. This is
 what the honorable minister said and not your usual
 ramblings about
 feudalism, which you know nothing about.


 From: Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: ugnet_: Baganda warned on agitating for
 Federo - New Vision -
 Date: Fri, 30 Apr 2004 21:53:03 -0400
 And those are the same sentiments worrying us with
 Federalists Visa Vie
 Buganda Kingdom. For one must look very carefully
 and look at people who
 are pleading for this federalism, a man like Mwami
 Lugemwa is a publicly
 known DP man, the same has been an official of
 external DP branch for some
 time now. So Lugemwa goes back to Uganda and now he
 is pleading for
 federalism for he loves Mengo and Buganda King. One
 can not help but ask,
 is Lugemwa now a KY sympathizer? For the going of
 Lugemwa to Uganda when
 Museveni is playing with Ugandans to negotiate on
 political partys, drives
 one to conclude that Lugemwa actually believes that
 Musveni can allow
 political partys to operate in Uganda. And that is
 not true. Museveni is
 just using the Lugemwas for his own staying in
 Now Lugemwa goes to Uganda under the burner of
 federalism and fighting for
 Buganda, and it is Mulindwa who is a non Ugandan
 and who is anti Buganda.
 Like I said to Mwaami Kibuuka, be very careful for
 this feudalism you have
 started under the cover of Federalism, for you will
 end up hurting Buganda
 than you ever wished. And the Kabaka's going to
 Museveni to ask for more
 powers, surely non-critical thinkers that should
 have raised all your red
 flags for many of us have been here very long,
 unlike the Ssenyange's who
 were born when UNLF was attacking Uganda to remove
 Iddi Amin.
 But where we are every one is using every one, DP
 will grow through Mengo
 and Mengo will get more powers from NRM and reform
 will not register as a
 party yet two days after they will register, to
 Mwaami Kironde in Colorado
 now starting a political party which is the 45th of
 the 46 partys now.
 What a fucked up nation?
   The Mulindwas Communication Group
 With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
  Groupe de communication Mulindwas
 avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans
- Original Message -
From: Omar Kezimbira
Sent: Friday, April 30, 2004 9:17 PM
Subject: ugnet_: Baganda warned on agitating for
 Federo - New Vision -
Baganda warned on agitating for
EDUCATION and sports minister Edward
 Kiddu Makubuya has
 warned Baganda against people who are supporting
 the Kabaka's quest for
 more power, reports Ronald Kalyango.
This is the very click that chased
 and deposed the Kabaka
 in 1966 so I urge you to be cautious of these
 masqueraders who have come up
 during Kabaka's quest for more powers, he said.
He said this recently during a
 guided tour of Kalule in
 Nyimbwa sub-county, Luweero district where he
 appealed to the residents to
 initiate income-generating 


2004-05-03 Thread Edward Mulindwa

We test the system

The Mulindwas Communication Group"With 
Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in 
Groupe de communication Mulindwas "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans 


2004-05-03 Thread Edward Mulindwa

US Torture Commonplace Say Inmate Families 
By Luke Harding 
at Abu Ghraib prisonThe Guardian - UK5-3-4


Abu Ghraib prison, near Baghdad, where stories of US 
guards routinely abusing prisoners come as no surprise to 
For the families standing in the dusty car park of Abu 
Ghraib prison yesterday, the revelations of torture and abuse came as no 
surprise. Every morning, relatives of Iraqi detainees inside the US 
prison, just west of Baghdad, gather in the hope that their loved ones 
might be released. They rarely are. 
The photos of US soldiers abusing and humiliating 
Iraqi detainees may have provoked outrage across the world. But for 
Hiyam Abbas they merely confirmed what she already knew - that US guards 
had tortured her 22-year-old son Hassan. 
Breaking down in tears, Mrs Abbas said US guards had 
refused to let her in. She had so far only managed to see Hassan once - 
two months ago - following his arrest last November. 
"He told me: 'Mum, they are taking our clothes off. We 
are nude all the time. They are getting dogs to smell our arses. They 
are also beating us with cables.' 
"It's completely humiliating," Mrs Abbas said. "My son 
is sick and suffering from hypertension. During the interview the 
American soldiers were standing so close to us. My son was 
Her son had been detained in the Baghdad suburb of 
Al-Dora, after a gang broke into their house. What did she think of the 
Americans now? 
"They are rubbish," she said. "Saddam Hussein may have 
oppressed us but he was better than the Americans. They are 
Yesterday other Iraqis gave similar accounts of what 
goes on inside Abu Ghraib, once a centre of torture and execution under 
The US military last week claimed that "no more than 
20" US soldiers had been involved in abusing and humiliating inmates. 
The vast majority of US guards were not involved, Brigadier General Mark 
Kimmitt suggested. 
Yesterday, however, Abu Salem, who spent six months 
inside Abu Ghraib between August and February, said abuse by US guards 
went on all the time. 
Mr Salem, 41, said he had also known about the 
practice of US soldiers posing for pictures with Iraqi prisoners for 
five months. "This didn't take place in the general camp but in 
individual cells," he said. 
Mr Salem said he had been in the jail shortly before a 
visit from the International Red Cross in January. Until then, detainees 
in the prison wing had been kept naked. 
"The night before the Red Cross arrived, the American 
soldiers gave them some new clothes. They told us that if we complained 
to the Red Cross about our treatment we would be kept in prison forever. 
They said they would never let us out." 
Mr Salem said he had come to the jail, a short drive 
from the town's chaotic vegetable market, to try to find out what had 
happened to his three brothers. They were still inside the prison, he 
said, behind its outer fence and a vast razor wire- topped inner 
Generally, detainees were only tortured in the days 
immediately after their arrest, during interrogation, he added. 
Many of the allegations made by Mr Salem and other 
former detainees yesterday correspond with the damning internal US army 
report into Abu Ghraib obtained by the Guardian and the New Yorker 
Yesterday the mother of one detainee, Samira Hassan, 
said the latest allegations were horribly familiar. 
Her 22-year-old son Abbas had been arrested three 
months ago while walking past a US military base in the Baghdad suburb 
of Amariya. 
She finally managed to see him in prison two weeks 
ago. "He told me they are using electric shocks against the prisoners 
and taking off their clothes. He also told me something I can hardly 
talk about - that the Americans are raping the Iraqi men. 
"This is terrible," Mrs Hassan said. "This is shame 
for us. We have a different culture and different religion. They should 
not do that. 
"We are not talking about one case but of thousands of 
cases," she said. "The Americans said they would bring us freedom. Is 
this what they mean?" 
Not all the detainees 

ugnet_: New Vision: Gulu man trades kid for truck, Lango wants Obote back,etc

2004-05-03 Thread J Ssemakula

Gulu man trades kid for truck
By Chris Ochowun THE Police in Gulu have arrested a couple for allegedly bartering a two-year-old child for a tipper lorry and sh20m. Gulu CID chief Vincent Ouma on Thursday identified the suspects as Godfrey Komakech and Filder Atim, residents of Te-gwana parish in Gulu. Ouma said Komakech received a numberless tipper lorry from a Danish lady, Keizer, in exchange for the baby. “We will punish this man severely. He was recently arrested for stealing two motorbikes but he was released on court bail. This time he stole a baby,” Ouma said. The mother of the baby Janet Akello, 18, a former senior three student of Kyambogo College in Kampala, said she met Komakech last December in Apac district and he promised to help her take care of the baby. She said Komkech was her lover for less than three months. Akello said she had not seen her baby since December, adding that Komakech told her he had taken the child 
 to his relative in Entebbe. She claims that a Danish woman deposited sh20m on Komakech’s account and that he had received a tipper lorry from the same woman in exchange for the child. Ouma said the Police were trying to recover the baby before taking Komakech to court.
Published on: Monday, 3rd May, 2004

Lango wants Obote back
The Uganda People’s Congress Apac branch secretary general Willy Chong recently appealed to President Yowerei Museveni to allow exiled former president Milton Obote return to the country for the 2006 elections, reports Patrick Opio. He told journalists that Obote would make an alternative and reliable candidate when allowed to return.
Published on: Monday, 3rd May, 2004

Adrisi to speak on third term
The former Vice-President in the late Idi Amin’s regime, General Mustafa Adrisi, has promised to give his views on the presidential third term soon, reports Ahmed Angulibo. Speaking to journalists at his home in Anyafio in Arua Municipality after being discharged from Arua Referral Hospital recently, Adrisi said he would make his views on the third term issue public after he had recovered fully. He thanked President Yoweri Museveni for improving the health services in the country, without which he would not have been able to get the excellent medical care he received. “The medical staff were really helpful. I was powerless and my blood pressure and diabetes stood at 180. They put me on a drip and 24-hour surveillance,” he said. Adrisi, who was admitted to a private wing in the hospital with hypertension, diabetes and malaria recently, said the Government had allocated him a monthly medical stipend which covered most of his hospital bi
 lls. He said, however, the accomodation and feeding bill for his stay in hospital exceeded the amount. Adrisi said he was still under medical supervision at home. “The medical superintendant still supervises me at home and has advised me not to talk too much. I have improved,” he said.
Published on: Tuesday, 4th May, 2004

Mukula raps Gulu bishop 
By Christopher Kiwawulo THE state minister for health, Captain Mike Mukula, has reprimanded the Gulu Archdiocese Bishop, John Baptist Odama, over his assertion that the Government has refused to hold peace talks with Kony. “It is not correct for Bishop Odama to say that the Government has refused to talk to Kony. We are willing to talk to Kony,”Mukula said. “There is a peace team already initiated but it is Kony who is not willing to talk,” he added. Mukula was addressing celebrants of the Joint Medical Stores silver jubilee at its headquarters in Nsambya on Friday, where he represented the Vice-President, Prof. Gilbert Bukenya. He said the Government would not relent in their fight against Kony if he continued to refuse to reach a peaceful resolution of the bloody war that has devastated much of northern and eastern Uganda over the last two decades. He said President Yoweri Museveni is camped in the north to ensure that t
 he 18-year-old war ends. Mukula said the situation in Pader was now calm, and people were now leaving the camps and returning home.
Published on: Tuesday, 4th May, 2004 Express yourself with the new version of MSN Messenger! Download today - it's FREE! 

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ugnet_: Good news: Death sentence is going

2004-05-03 Thread J Ssemakula

Good news: Death sentence is going

THE OTHER SIDE OF THE COIN By Paul Waibale Senior THE recent disclosure by the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs, Mrs Janat Mukwaya, that the death penalty is itself on the brink of facing the guillotine is perhaps the best human-interest story of the year. According to Mrs Mukwaya, the Government is considering scrapping the death penalty currently imposed on those convicted of what is known as capital offences. The death penalty will then be replaced by lengthy terms of imprisonment. The story in the New Vision headlined “Death sentence to be replaced” gave only defilement and rape as examples of cases for which the punishment would be changed from the death sentence to imprisonment. But in my contention, the abolishion of the death sentence has to affect the whole range of offences for which the death penalty applies under the current laws. This should include treason, murder, robbery with aggravation, 
 et cetra. The imposition of the death sentence is, in the 21st century, a very old-fashioned mode of punishment, akin to Moses’ Old Testament law of “an eye for an eye” and “a tooth for a tooth.” The argument for such punishment is that it gives the victims or their relatives, in the case of murder, the satisfaction that the culprit has been paid in his own coins. It is also argued that, death being so frightening, the execution of culprit acts as a deterrent. But there is no evidence to suggest that the death sentence has any deterrent effect. In fact, a man who commits aggravated robbery considers it safer to murder anybody in the house who sees him in a bid to destroy the evidence of an eye-witness. It is a fact that cases of murder are more numerous in the United States, where the death penalty still exists, than in Britain where it was abolished several decades ago. You cannot, for example, argue that Christopher Kasoma, the man w
 ho hacked his eight children to death in Wakiso last week, had the time to think about being sent to the gallows when convicted. He was determined to terminate the lives of his children as well as his own. As Mrs Mukwaya pointed out, the death penalty does not give the convict any opportunity to reform, whereas that should be the basic purpose of all forms of punishment. Another negative aspect of the death penalty is its irreversibility. Once the death sentence is carried out, nothing can be done even if enormous evidence emerges which proves beyond all reasonable doubt that the man who was executed was innocent. Imagine what would have happened in South Africa if Nelson Mandela had been sentenced to death and executed by the cruel apartheid regime, a sentence which he escaped miraculously by a whisker. Twenty-six years in jail was indeed a very long time, but not too long for Mandela to come out and become South Africa’s first black Presiden
 t. The theory that every killer must pay for his crime by being killed cannot pass the humanitarian criterion for social administration. It is because humanity has to consider bandits, thugs, and other criminal perpetrators such as Joseph Kony as part of mankind, that amnesty is made available to those who kill, maim and torture their own people. It is against that backdrop that I would appeal to the Government to hasten the scrapping of capital punishment for any offence under the sun. Of course, it will take sometime to amend all the relevant laws on our statute books. But there is one thing the President can do immediately which does not need any amendment of any law. Let him commute all death sentences pending against everybody on the death row to life imprisonment (or in some special cases various terms of imprisonment) and ensure that the hangman is out of business in Uganda.
Published on: Monday, 3rd May, 2004
The abolition of the death penalty in Ugandawould be a welcome development (although I cannot help but feel that it should be reserved for vicious criminals like Milton Obote for his crimes against humanity, e.g. 'panda gari', etc) Stop worrying about overloading your inbox - get MSN Hotmail Extra Storage! 

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ugnet_: re ugnet:

2004-05-03 Thread Maggie Atieno

 thank you mukooza for teachgin g the use of no critical htinker , Maggie
From: "Edward Mulindwa" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]The man lied that the elections were rigid, up to today he has never told us who won or even let the one who won make a Uganda government, non critical thinkers like you still sing the rigging of election and that is how far Whatever you are willing to put up with, is exactly what you will have. We will reach the middle road if we put our minds together and work deligently on an issue.[EMAIL PROTECTED]
		Do you Yahoo!?Win a $20,000 Career Makeover at Yahoo! HotJobs 

RE: ugnet_: Federo is a hot issue!

2004-05-03 Thread jonah kasangwawo
Mulindwa  gang,
what's this verbiage for ?
Your attempt to distract me has been noted, but the issue at hand is 
referenda. Your failure to give the grounds for your contradicting stand on 
the different referenda only expose you as hypocrites. You demand for a 
referendum on federalism but don't want to hear it for the political system 
or the term limits. My question is why ?

From: Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: ugnet_: Federo is a hot issue!
Date: Sun, 2 May 2004 09:51:22 -0400
Do not refuse to understand my stand.
There is nothing to discuss with Museveni period. What Uganda needs today 
an immediate departure of Museveni and we then through other means get a
leadership which can create an environment in which Ugandans can decide
their future.
Look the man lied to the people of Luwero and murdered them
The man lied that the elections were rigid, up to today he has never told 
who won or even let the one who won make a Uganda government, non critical
thinkers like you still sing the rigging of election and that is how far 
The man was with Kayiira in the bush, they agreed to come and attack Lubiri
barracks, Kayiira came Museveni did not show up, he went to Hoima road and
ambushed Kayiira and took all the weapons kayiira collected, he actually
these days came out in open and called Kayiira a useless man.
The man lied to Baganda that he will give them the Kingdom back (1) 
has no authority to return Kingdom and (2) Buganda Kingdom is a joke only
helping Museveni to muzzle the your likes.
He lied to the people of Luwero that he will pay them for their war losses,
to today he has never even paid a single cent to Luwero
Most of the people he used their money to fight that war are some how dead
Edward Mugalu is a clear example.

I can go on and on until next weekend, on lies Museveni has done to
Ugandans, that you refused to notice for a simple reason that you are
focusing on eating on the crams from Museveni's table than the future of
Uganda. Why would I discuss anything with Museveni. Tell me one thing that
he has ever promised and delivered. Or and check your records Kasangwawo
that will show that Museveni's first official speech at city square as a
President, he attacked Ronald Regan, do you remember why?
 The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
Groupe de communication Mulindwas
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie
- Original Message -
From: jonah kasangwawo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, May 02, 2004 6:54 AM
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Federo is a hot issue!
 Mulindwa  gang,

 this is more or less what I was expecting your response to be. You are
 demanding for a referendum on federalism but you are against a 
 political systems and the presidential term limits. What criteria do you
 to decide whether an issue warrants a referendum or not ?
 As the saying goes, you can't have your cake and eat it too !


 From: Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: ugnet_: Federo is a hot issue!
 Date: Sat, 1 May 2004 21:48:51 -0400
 No No I am way out of all that crap, my request is very simple. 
 a killer so is his government and all tricks, and that is why I support
 nothing he does, whether it is the return of Buganda Kingdom or return 
 political partys or sad term. If I was believing into Museveni I would 
 Uganda as DP agents are as Feudalist agents are.
   The Mulindwas Communication Group
 With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
  Groupe de communication Mulindwas
 avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie
 - Original Message -
 From: jonah kasangwawo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, May 01, 2004 12:35 PM
 Subject: Re: ugnet_: Federo is a hot issue!
   I presume you are also for holding a referendum on political systems
   as one on the lifting of presidential term limits, am I right ?
   From: Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Subject: Re: ugnet_: Federo is a hot  issue!
   Date: Fri, 30 Apr 2004 04:27:34 -0400
   Let us have a referendum on it, what is so wrong with that?
 The Mulindwas Communication Group
   With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
Groupe de communication Mulindwas
   avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie
  - Original Message -
  From: Lugemwa FN
  Sent: Thursday, April 29, 2004 3:40 PM
  Subject: ugnet_: Federo is a hot issue!

Re: ugnet_: U.S. Is Losing Its Dominance in the Sciences

2004-05-03 Thread Rehema Mukooza

We are no where! We are to figure out our own thingstoo if we are interested in cutting this scientific dependencyon the West. 

Zakoomu M.
==Vukoni Lupa-Lasaga [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
And where are we in this scheme of things? On Mon, 2004-05-03 at 10:13, Lisa Toro wrote: What they stole from germans is now over and they can not figure out their own!!  - Original Message -  From: J Ssemakula To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Monday, May 03, 2004 4:14 PM Subject: ugnet_: U.S. Is Losing Its Dominance in the Sciences  The New York Times  __ May 3, 2004 U.S. Is Losing Its Dominance in the Sciences By WILLIAM J. BROAD   The United States has started to lose its worldwide dominance in critical areas of science and innovation, according to federal and private experts who point to strong evidence like prizes awarded to Americans and th
 e number
 of papers in major professional journals.  Foreign advances in basic science now often rival or even exceed America's, apparently with little public awareness of the trend or its implications for jobs, industry, national security or the vigor of the nation's intellectual and cultural life.  "The rest of the world is catching up," said John E. Jankowski, a senior analyst at the National Science Foundation, the federal agency that tracks science trends. "Science excellence is no longer the domain of just the U.S."  Even analysts worried by the trend concede that an expansion of the world's brain trust, with new approaches, could invigorate the fight against disease, develop new sources of energy and wrestle with knotty environmental problems. But profits from the breakthroughs are likely to stay overseas, and this country will 
 competition for things like hiring scientific talent and getting space to showcase its work in top journals.  One area of international competition involves patents. Americans still win large numbers of them, but the percentage is falling as foreigners, especially Asians, have become more active and in some fields have seized the innovation lead. The United States' share of its own industrial patents has fallen steadily over the decades and now stands at 52 percent.   A more concrete decline can be seen in published research. Physical Review, a series of top physics journals, recently tracked a reversal in which American papers, in two decades, fell from the most to a minority. Last year the total was just 29 percent, down from 61 percent in 1983.  China, said Martin Blume, the journals' editor, has surged ahead by submitting more th
 an 1,000
 papers a year. "Other scientific publishers are seeing the same kind of thing," he added.  Another downturn centers on the Nobel Prizes, an icon of scientific excellence. Traditionally, the United States, powered by heavy federal investments in basic research, the kind that pursues fundamental questions of nature, dominated the awards.  But the American share, after peaking from the 1960's through the 1990's, has fallen in the 2000's to about half, 51 percent. The rest went to Britain, Japan, Russia, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland and New Zealand.  "We are in a new world, and it's increasingly going to be dominated by countries other than the United States," Denis Simon, dean of management and technology at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, recently said at a scientific meeting in Washington.  Europe and Asi
 a are
 ascendant, analysts say, even if their achievements go unnoticed in the United States. In March, for example, European scientists announced that one of their planetary probes had detected methane in the atmosphere of Mars — a possible sign that alien microbes live beneath the planet's surface. The finding made headlines from Paris to Melbourne. But most Americans, bombarded with images from America's own rovers successfully exploring the red planet, missed the foreign news.  More aggressively, Europe is seeking to dominate particle physics by building the world's most powerful atom smasher, set for its debut in 2007. Its circular tunnel is 17 miles around.  Science analysts say Asia's push for excellence promises to be even more challenging.  "It's unbelievable," Diana Hicks, chairwoman of the school of public policy at the
 Institute of Technology, said of Asia's growth in science and technical innovation. "It's amazing to see these output numbers of papers and patents going up so fast."  Analysts say comparative American declines are an inevitable result of rising standards of living around the globe.  "It's all in the ebb and flow of globalization," said Jack Fritz, a senior officer at the National Academy of Engineering, an advisory body to the federal government. He called the declines "the next big thing we will have to adjust to."  The rapidly changing American status has not gone unnoticed by politicians, with Democrats on the 

RE: ugnet_: Baganda warned on agitating for Federo - New Vision - 1/5/2004

2004-05-03 Thread Rehema Mukooza
Hahahahahahah, thanks Nagadya!Mary Nagadya [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Mw. Kasangwawo:Thank you for your contributions. However, sometimes Ifeel that you are engaged in the equivalent of takinga goat to an opera. Unfortunately, no matter howfrequently such a goat attends the opera, he isunlikely to ever appreciate it in any sense of theword.Otherwise, it'd be amazing to see a person who claimsto be a Muganda fail to grasp a simple idea that aMuganda's love for his or her Kabaka is independent ofpolitical affiliation. Some just don't get it. Thereis nothing to do about that. Let's move on.MN--- jonah kasangwawo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote: Mulindwa  co,  either you didn't understand what the man said or you simply didn't make an  effort to read the article carefully. What should be worrying us are not the  federalist
 s but,
 according to him, your very own party. Referring to the UPC  he said: "This is the very click that chased and deposed the Kabaka in 1966  so I urge you to be cautious of these masqueraders who have come up during  Kabaka's quest for more powers". He further advises us to concentrate on our  development "instead of listening to the likes of the Rwanyarares." This is  what the honorable minister said and not your usual ramblings about  feudalism, which you know nothing about.  Kasangwawo   From: "Edward Mulindwa" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> CC: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: ugnet_: Baganda warned on agitating for Federo - New Vision -  1/5/2004 Date: Fri, 30 Apr 2004 21:53:03 -0400  And t
 hose are
 the same sentiments worrying us with Federalists Visa Vie  Buganda Kingdom. For one must look very carefully and look at people who  are pleading for this federalism, a man like Mwami Lugemwa is a publicly  known DP man, the same has been an official of external DP branch for some  time now. So Lugemwa goes back to Uganda and now he is pleading for  federalism for he loves Mengo and Buganda King. One can not help but ask,  is Lugemwa now a KY sympathizer? For the going of Lugemwa to Uganda when  Museveni is playing with Ugandans to negotiate on political partys, drives  one to conclude that Lugemwa actually believes that Musveni can allow  political partys to operate in Uganda. And that is not true. Museveni is  just using the Lugemwas for his own staying in power.
 Now Lugemwa goes to Uganda under the burner of federalism and fighting for  Buganda, and it is Mulindwa who is a non Ugandan and who is anti Buganda.  Like I said to Mwaami Kibuuka, be very careful for this feudalism you have  started under the cover of Federalism, for you will end up hurting Buganda  than you ever wished. And the Kabaka's going to Museveni to ask for more  powers, surely non-critical thinkers that should have raised all your red  flags for many of us have been here very long, unlike the Ssenyange's who  were born when UNLF was attacking Uganda to remove Iddi Amin.  But where we are every one is using every one, DP will grow through Mengo  and Mengo will get more powers from NRM and reform will not register as a  party yet two days af
 ter they
 will register, to Mwaami Kironde in Colorado  now starting a political party which is the 45th of the 46 partys now.  What a fucked up nation?  Em Toronto  The Mulindwas Communication Group "With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"  Groupe de communication Mulindwas "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"   - Original Message -  From: Omar Kezimbira  To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Sent: Friday, April 30, 2004 9:17 PM  Subject: ugnet_: Baganda warned on agitating for Federo - New Vision -  1/5/2004Baganda warned on agitating for Federo   EDUCATION and sports minister Edward Kiddu Makubuya has  war
 Baganda against people who are supporting the Kabaka's quest for  more power, reports Ronald Kalyango.  "This is the very click that chased and deposed the Kabaka  in 1966 so I urge you to be cautious of these masqueraders who have come up  during Kabaka's quest for more powers," he said.  He said this recently during a guided tour of Kalule in  Nyimbwa sub-county, Luweero district where he appealed to the residents to  initiate income-generating activities to support Mengo, "instead of  listening to the likes of the Rwanyarares."  Makubuya called upon chiefs to mobilise the people in  culture, discipline and work rather than spending time in misleading  political rallies.  Makubuya, who is also the area MP, toured St. Kizito, Karule  R/C and gardens 
 of his
 electorate where he called upon them to be exemplary  by guarding against swindling of funds meant for development. He also  warned councillors agai nst bidding for tenders, saying a lot of money had  been lost due to shoddy work.  Ends   Published on: Saturday, 1st May, 2004   Email this article to a friend.
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ugnet_: Ugandans to re-discover their power

2004-05-03 Thread gook makanga
Ugandans to re-discover their powerBy J. L. OKELLO-OKELLOMay 4, 2004

Since the attainment of political independence in 1962, Uganda has had nine heads of state. 
Its East African neighbours, Kenya and Tanzania, have each had three. The turnover in Uganda is, therefore, uniquely high in the region. 
If the rapid changes in the Presidency had been made through free and fair multiparty competitive elections, Uganda could have qualified to be one of the most democratic countries in the world. 
Unfortunately, the high turnover of Presidents in Uganda is brought about by the political instability the country has experienced.
Attempts to get multiparty democracy entrenched in Uganda have always been shot down by those who use the gun as a short-cut to political power. 
The late terrible dictator Idi Amin Dada was the first to do this in 1971. He then outlawed all political parties. It tool eight years to remove him.
In 1979, after the ouster of Idi Amin, the new Uganda leaders, most of whom had lived in exile throughout Idi Amin's rule, returned and started preparing the stage for their continued staying in power instead of preparing the country for the resumption of multiparty politics. 
This was because they themselves had no political support at the grassroot. They wanted to keep themselves in power while at the same time keeping political parties in abeyance. This plunged the country into terrible political instability.
The first multiparty competitive elections since 1962, were held in 1980. After that election, the losers went to the bush to fight a democratically elected government of Uganda. 
In two years' time, it will be another 18 years without another multiparty competitive election being held in Uganda. 
The reasons why Uganda has failed to sustain viable multiparty democracy are varied. 
One enemy that is against the development of multiparty democracy and political maturity, are the elite of Uganda, who should provide leadership to the largely ignorant masses. 
A great majority of our elite today have become hostages of economic and political survival - courtesy of individual merit ushered in by the Movement. 
They have sacrificed their intelligence and principles at the altar of money. Our elites' major pre-occupation is to maintain their privileges, comfort, ill-gotten wealth and certitudes. 
The disunity that has been promoted among the people of Uganda under the Movement is another major contributing factor to political instability. 
Over the last 18 years, Uganda has been sharply and sadly divided into two parts -South-western and North-eastern Uganda. The former is peaceful, prosperous and developing. 
The latter has been kept constantly insecure; people being abducted, tortured, maimed and killed in large numbers; wallowing in abject poverty; with about 1.4 million people herded into squalid internment camps without the basic necessities of life such as food, shelter, clothing, clean water and medication. 
The divide between is so clear that if we were honest the country would now be having two types of passport: one for South-western Uganda and the other for North-eastern Uganda. 
The internment camps were initiated by government in 1997 to remove the Acholi from the countryside so that they are not killed in crossfire between the rebel Lords Resistance Army (LRA) and the national army. 
Other reasons were to protect the people from abduction by the rebels and deny the rebels intelligence and food supply. 
The measure, which was intended to last only about six months, has now not only taken seven years, and spread from Acholi to Lango to Teso, covering almost precisely the areas which did not vote overwhelmingly for the President in the last two Presidential elections.
The camps were originally called "protected villages". 
But when LRA started defying that "protection" and began to abduct and kill people within the "protected villages," the camps were renamed "Internally Displaced Persons' Camps". The word "protected" has been conveniently but quietly dropped.
These camps are the worst humanitarian tragedy that has befallen the people of North-eastern Uganda. 
Instead of making genuine efforts to end the war, those with power seem bent on the use of clever and psychological tricks to play upon the brokenness of the people in order to attract them to a certain way of thinking. 
The 18-year ban on political party activities by the ruling Movement has done irreparable damage to Ugandans. All this time, the people have been denied opportunity to hear alternative views.
Transparency International (TI) has from time to time rated Uganda one of the most corrupt countries in the world. In a corrupt situation like the one we have, where money speaks loudly, genuine democratic practices cannot thrive. 
The Movement has sustained itself in power using basically two methods: wanton use of public funds to buy support; and the use of violence against political opponents as witnessed in past 

ugnet_: Abasezi

2004-05-03 Thread Ed Kironde

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