2004-05-26 Thread Edward Mulindwa

From Innocent Gore in ADDIS ABABA
THE African Union 
Peace and Security Council — a body expected to spearhead the fight against 
conflicts and ensure peace, security and stability on the continent — was 
launched here yesterday. Several Heads of State, including President 
Mugabe, witnessed the launch of the council which coincided with the 
commemoration of the 41st anniversary of the Organisation of African Unity, the 
predecessor to the African Union. AU Commission chairperson Mr Alpha 
Konare emphasised the need to establish a tribunal to try mercenaries caught on 
the continent. Referring to the 70 suspected terrorists arrested in 
Zimbabwe in March, Mr Konare said Africa must not be the last refuge of 
mercenaries who exploit and plunder the continent’s wealth. The problem 
of mercenaries on the continent topped debate during a plenary session soon 
after the launch with leaders calling for a speedy solution to the issue. 
The council, comprising 15 members, will deal with peace and security, 
management of disasters, humanitarian aspects, post-conflict situations, 
observance of human rights and conflict prevention. The Commission will 
establish an African standby force comprising five brigades from the continent’s 
regions. A document on the establishment of the force is expected to be 
submitted to the Heads of States at their summit in July. It will also 
compile an early conflict warning system made up of a panel to identify 
potential conflict areas. AU chairman President Joachim Chissano of 
Mozambique said it was important that all regions contribute brigades to the PSC 
and that the force should be in place by 2010. President Chissano said there was 
need for resources to establish the PSC and urged all member states to fully pay 
their dues. He said there was need to build capacities for the PSC and 
called upon developed countries to cancel their debts to Africa, which had 
become a net exporter of capital and natural resources. Mr Konare said 
member-states must demonstrate political will to ensure the success of the 
council. Chairperson of the AU Commission on security Ambassador Djinnit 
said while progress had been made in solving conflicts in many parts of Africa, 
more still needed to be done in Sudan, Burundi, DRC, Cote devoire, Liberia, 
Somalia and Ethiopia and Eritrea. Members of the PSC are Algeria, 
Ethiopia, Gabon, Cameroon, Congo Republic, Ghana, Kenya, Lesotho, Libya, 
Mozambique, Senegal, South Africa, Sudan, Togo and Nigeria. 

The Mulindwas Communication Group"With 
Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in 
Groupe de communication Mulindwas "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans 

ugnet_: UNICEF urges World to keep focus on crisis in the North

2004-05-26 Thread Edward Mulindwa

UGANDA: UNICEF urges world to keep focus on crisis in the north


  Carol Bellamy, UNICEF Executive 
KAMPALA, 25 May 2004 (IRIN) - The executive director of the UN 
Children's Fund (UNICEF), Carol Bellamy, has urged the world to keep focus on 
the "humanitarian emergency" in northern Uganda, where 18 years of conflict has 
devastated the region and displaced up to 1.6 people."The world needs to 
wake up to the enormity of the crisis in northern Uganda. This is one of the 
most serious humanitarian emergencies in the world," Bellamy, who arrived in 
Uganda on Tuesday for a four-day visit, said in a statement."Many 
hundreds of thousands of children are living in conditions of fear and violence. 
They are being denied their basic rights to health, protection and education. We 
need to renew our efforts to alleviate their suffering," she 
added.According to UNICEF, the number of displaced people in northern 
Uganda has tripled over the last 24 months as conflict between the Lord's 
Resistance Army (LRA) rebels and government troops continues. Eighty percent of 
the displaced are women and children, many of whom had been subjected to sexual 
violence and other forms of exploitation.Bellamy is due to visit 
displaced people's camps in northern Uganda on Wednesday. In Lira, she will meet 
children and families living in camps for the displaced to whom UNICEF is 
providing shelter, water and sanitation facilities and helping construct 
temporary classrooms. She would then proceed to Gulu, where UNICEF is training 
local volunteers to provide psychosocial counselling, the statement said. 
According to UNICEF, the LRA has abducted an estimated 12,000 children 
since June 2002. Bellamy called on the rebel group to release all remaining 
child soldiers and abductees from captivity and asked the government of Uganda 
to give better protection to children. Bellamy is also due to meet an 
estimated 44,000 children who walk to sleep in towns from outlying areas each 
night, to avert abduction or attack by the LRA. They are locally known as "night 
Commuters"."The government of Uganda has a responsibility to protect 
these children, and the rest of the world must play its part. So far, the global 
community's response has been woefully inadequate," said Bellamy. "Governments 
to date have pledged just 20 percent of this year's UN appeal for US $127 
million in humanitarian aid for the region."The LRA has been fighting 
the Uganda government since 1986, perpetrating a violent campaign of terror, 
cruelty and child abductions. Many of the young boys whom the rebels abduct are 
forced to fight in the rebel group's ranks, while girls are made sex slaves to 
rebel commanders.

The Mulindwas Communication Group"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is 
Groupe de communication Mulindwas "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans 

Re: ugnet_: Who owns Wakyato/Ngoma Land - The Peasant's Destiny

2004-05-26 Thread Simon Nume
Mr Bwanika

The land bill act as passed should have ensured that these squatters stay on the land and pay 1000 shillings per year forever. What it did was to give the peasant unrealistic hopes and finallynothing.

The land bill is ignored by all, more so M7 and his men.andthe peasants get evicted. 

Ironically its much easier now to evict a peasanton your land, than before the land bill when the land owner had ' a cultural responsibilty/ duty' towardsthe peasant..

Most of the land in Wakyato is mailo land so it probably belongs to some peopleon this net

dbbwanika db [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: - Between 30 - 60, 80 Farmers are evicted from their land in wakyato and other areas in Luwero-Farmers have stayed on land for over 40 years others more than 60 years- Their crops destroyed without being paid or moved to other land and even cattle destroyed-One Mularo women her cattle keeper is imprisoned without charges or any reason for imprisonment being explained!!- Some land has been sold more than three times by people driving UC vechiles -Letters from the forestry department have been produced claiming ownership to land yet ministers and private individuals are cutting down trees to make charcoal for sell!- At the same time ministers and other invidividuals claim ownership to land as t
 forward the UFA ownership- Who owns this land - state minister of defence or the forestry department or people claiming to be government officials.- Why were the people farmer not paid before eviction what does the law say??¨__bwanikaurl:  Join in ug-academicsdb discussion list ID: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Your Email address: url:
		Do you Yahoo!?Friends.  Fun. Try the all-new Yahoo! Messenger

ugnet_: W. Nile recruits COCK that is a good one ..I hear Cock Brigade

2004-05-26 Thread Matekopoko
W. Nile Recruits Cock Brigade

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New Vision (Kampala)

May 26, 2004 
Posted to the web May 26, 2004 

Emmy Allio

DISTRICT authorities in Moyo and Adjumani recently resolved to form a local militia 
group called the Cock Brigade to assist in the fight against the Lord's Resistance 

First deputy premier Lt. Gen. Moses Ali said, We arrived at this decision in order to 
stop the persistent incursions into Adjumani District by Kony rebels.

Ali said the new militia brigade called aulogo, a Madi word for 'cock', would comprise 
1,500 fighters drawn from the two districts and the rest of West Nile region.

I urge the whole of West Nile region to join Aulogo Brigade in order to make it 
impossible for Kony rebels to operate in the West Nile region, he said.

Ali said 156 members had been recruited so far.

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East Africa 
Civil War and Communal Conflict 
We are arming ourselves because we do not want to wait until disaster strikes. We 
share a borderline of over 1,500km with Gulu District and so we are preparing for any 
eventuality, Ali said.

The formation of Cock Brigade brings to four the number of local militias allied to 
the Uganda People's Defence Forces in the fight the LRA rebels.

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ugnet_: Poverty is the worst Weapon of Mass Destruction says Lula of Brazil

2004-05-26 Thread Matekopoko
CHINA  26/5/2004 15:01 
 Politics/Economy, Brief 
e do not accept the fact that in some rich countries cows receive subsidies of two 
dollars a day while half of the world population survives on less than one dollar a 
day,?said the President of Brazil, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, during the World Bank 
summit on poverty reduction in Shanghai, China, adding that poverty s the worst 
weapon of mass destruction? The Brazilian Head of State also said that the 
international agenda is too focussed on security issues, neglecting the serious 
imbalances that continue to affect millions of people throughout the world. According 
to the World Bank, 80 per cent of global resources are owned by just 20 per cent of 
the world population, while a billion people face the daily battle for survival 
with less than a dollar a day. Lula was echoed by the Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao, who 
believes that developed countries should cancel the debt that risks suffocating the 
economies of poorer nations and speed up the transfer of technologies to promote 
development. The president of the World Bank, James Wolfensohn, said that the summit 
had been organised in China because Beijing has managed to rescue roughly 400 million 
people from poverty over the last 20 years, adding that the Chinese model ?involving a 
series of five-year plans ?could be a good example for other countries.[LC]


ugnet_: Pafo searches for 2006 Candidate

2004-05-26 Thread Matekopoko
Pafo searches for 2006 candidate 
By Emma Mutaizibwa 
May 26, 2004

PARLIAMENT - The Parliamentary Advocacy Forum will field a presidential candidate for 
the 2006 presidential election, the groups spokesperson, Salaamu Musumba, has said.

We are going to field a presidential candidate because the Movement has failed, 
Ms Musumba, who is also Bugabula South MP, said on phone yesterday.

Pafo, is a parliamentary caucus opposed to amending the Constitution to remove the 
presidential term limits. Musumba said Pafos presidential candidate will be picked 
from either Buganda or the eastern region.

She said the proposed amendment of Article 105 (2) of the Constitution was a big 
pitfall blotting the democratisation process. 

If the Movement amends Article 105 of the Constitution because it is not responding 
to democratic principles, we have no choice but to field a candidate. We are all 
capable of leading the country, said Musumba.

Article 105 (2) of the Constitution provides that a President can only serve two five- 
year terms. President Yoweri Museveni has kept the country guessing whether he will 
seek re-election after his second and last constitutional term expires in 2006.

Musumba did not name Pafos preferred candidates. She, however, said the candidates 
had already been identified. She said Pafo would register as a party.

We are exercising our rights to organise and add value to the democratisation 
process of this country, she said. Musumba said Pafo is soliciting for $10 million 
(about Shs 20 billion) to draw up its battle lines ahead of 2006.

We are planning to do outreach workshops and civic education around the country, 
she said. Pafo also denied that it had contacted the Egyptian embassy for $10,000.

The latest edition of the Indian Ocean Newsletter said Pafo had discreetly 
contacted the Egyptian embassy for funds. The newsletter said Pafos legal affairs 
secretary Abdu Katuntu (Bugweri) met Egyptian ambassador Mr Maasoum Marzouk on May 7 
in Kampala, over the issue. It also said the envoy held several meetings with 15 Pafo 

Pafo also includes former Movement bigwigs who fell out with the Government for 
opposing the third term. Former Internal Affairs minister Eriya Kategaya is an 
associate member of the group.

Other third term critics include; former Army Commander Maj. Gen Mugisha Muntu, East 
African Legislative Assembly Secretary General Mr Amanya Mushega and former spy boss 
Mr David Pulkol. 


 2004 The Monitor Publications

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ugnet_: Museveni Kagame fighting Proxy wars in Rwanda inspite of sweet talks on the contrary

2004-05-26 Thread Matekopoko

The local and foreign armed groups ontinue representing a threat to the 
population?and an obstacle to peace in east Democratic Republic of Congo. This was the 
statement made this morning by Jean-Marie Guenno, United Nations Under-Secretary 
and representative of peace operations, speaking from Bukavu, in North Kivu, the 
extreme east of DR-Congo. 

DRC heard it from Jean-Marie Guenno ! yep that is right!!!


CONGO-DEM.REPUBLIC  25/5/2004 15:26 
 Politics/Economy, Brief 
The local and foreign armed groups ontinue representing a threat to the 
population?and an obstacle to peace in east Democratic Republic of Congo. This was the 
statement made this morning by Jean-Marie Guenno, United Nations Under-Secretary 
and representative of peace operations, speaking from Bukavu, in North Kivu, the 
extreme east of DR-Congo. Over the past months the border between Rwanda and DR-Congo 
has been theatre to new tension involving the Interahamwe militias ?accused of 
responsibility in the 1994 Rwandan genocide and since in hiding in Congolese territory 
?and the Kinshasa troops. The UN peace force in DR-Congo (known as MONUC) ill 
discourage any attempt of intimidation? added Kofi Annan deputy. Guenno visited 
the new base of the ivu Brigade? which should count a total of 3,700 peacekeepers, 
created to reinforce the peace contingent deployed in the area. The UN representative 
went yesterday to Bunia, capital of the tormented Ituri province, where clashes 
between armed groups ?backed by Uganda and Rwanda for control of the rich mineral 
resources of the zone ?continued until a few months ago, despite the deployment of 
over 4-thousand peacekeepers, whose mandate was reinforced in July of last year and 
authorises the use of force. Speaking in Bunia, Guenno invited the government of 
Kinshasa o reinforce its presence in Ituri? also because n future it will be up 
to the Congolese State to guarantee security?in the district, which today is ensured 
by the UN forces. Before leaving the Ituri capital for Bukavu, the peace forces 
representative reiterated that he military option no longer exists? the armed 
groups of the province formally pledged to respect the disarmament process ?in which 
regard both observers and the population accuse the MONUC of slowness and incapacity 
?but peacekeepers are still subject to sporadic attacks by rebel groups that have 
presided the territory for five years, resulting in the death of over 50,000 and 
displacement of hundreds of thousands. 

ugnet_: Chad approves leader's third term

2004-05-26 Thread Paul Njoki

Chad approves leader's third term
President Deby: Inaugurated multiparty constitution 
Chad's parliament has approved an amendment to the constitution which would 
allow President Idriss Deby to stand for re-election. 
The current constitution only allows the president to stand for two five-year 
terms, and Mr Deby's second term is due to end in 2006. 

Mr Deby's MPS party has a huge majority in parliament and the amendment was 
passed unanimously. 

Opposition parties have called for a national strike in protest. 

A BBC correspondent in the capital, Ndjamena, says that the strike call was 
widely followed, with shops closed and the streets empty. 

The constitutional change was first requested last year by the governing 
Patriotic Salvation Movement (MPS) and would allow a president to stand for re-
election as many times as they wanted, until the age of 70. 

The opposition boycotted the vote. It was passed by 123 votes to 0, with one 
abstention in the 155-seat parliament. 

A two-thirds majority is required to change the constitution. 

Mr Deby, 52, became leader in 1991 when his MPS rebels took power. 

He introduced multi-party democracy in 1996. 


\\\Always be a first rate version of yourself instead of a second rate 
version of someone else.\

Njoki Paul 
University of Pretoria 

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ugnet_: MP Okumu demands Museveni's resignation

2004-05-26 Thread Matekopoko
MP Okumu Demands Museveni's Resignation

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New Vision (Kampala)

May 26, 2004 
Posted to the web May 26, 2004 

Joyce Namutebi

ASWA MP Reagan Okumu has demanded the resignation of President Yoweri Museveni's 
government over the continued massacre of people in northern Uganda by the Lord's 
Resistance Army rebels.

He threatened to seek redress in the Constitutional Court, saying the Government and 
the President had breached Articles 20 (2), 50 (4), 99 (3), 137 (5) and chapter four 
of the Constitution of Uganda.

In a press release issued yesterday, Okumu said Museveni's government should resign 
because it had proved incapable of running a modern state.

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East Africa 
Legal and Judicial Affairs 
Civil War and Communal Conflict 
He said it was a shame that the Government would not apologise over the killing of 
over 40 people in Lukodi village in his constituency recently.

It is now clear that the Government is not interested in protecting the people. Some 
heads must roll in the defence ministry if the Government is genuinely concerned, he 

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ugnet_: Lawyers to Challenge Third term in Court

2004-05-26 Thread Matekopoko
Lawyers to Challenge Third Term in Court

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New Vision (Kampala)

May 26, 2004 
Posted to the web May 26, 2004 

Apollo Mubiru

A GROUP of lawyers is to challenge the third term project in the courts of law, a 
Kampala based advocate, Peter Walubiri, has said.

The Constitution states that all power belongs to the people. This very article has 
been cited several times by the third term proponents, but the people being referred 
to cannot exercise their power because they are so poor, he said.

What the third term agitators forget is that it will be a transition from Museveni to 
Museveni the President. This is a manipulation of people, which needs to be challenged 
in court. I'm sure it will be the biggest case in the Constitutional Court of Uganda 
over time, he said.

Walubiri was yesterday presenting a paper on recent political cases at a public 
interest litigation workshop for lawyers organised by the Uganda Law Society at Hotel 

Walubiri was non-committal on the number of lawyers who were behind the proposal to 
challenge the third term project in court, but said all interested parties, 
politicians and civil society could join their struggle.

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East Africa 
A big number of lawyers are still watching developments in Parliament about this 
issue, but at an opportune moment, we shall move. The sky is the limit as far as 
resistance in that case is concerned, he said.

The Principal Judge, Herbert Ntabgoba, said if it were decided that third term would 
infringe on anybody's rights, then one could bring litigation to prevent 

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ugnet_: UN Condemns KONY Rebel atrocities, pleads for vulnerable

2004-05-26 Thread Matekopoko
UN Condemns LRA Rebel Atrocities, Pleads for Vulnerable

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New Vision (Kampala)

May 26, 2004 
Posted to the web May 26, 2004 

Henry Mukasa

THE UN has expressed outrage over continued attacks on camps in the north and the 
increasing number of homeless children.

UN emergency relief co-ordinator Jan Egeland decried the recent attack at Lukodi camp 
where 41 people were killed and over 7,000 displaced.

I condemn these attacks on civilians and call on the Lord's Resistance Army to stop 
it immediately, Egeland said in a May 21 report released in New York City.

The report said the number of people, especially children and women displaced by rebel 
activities has tripled to over 1.6 million since 2002.

The rebels have abducted more than 10,000 children since June 2002 who are being 
forced to fight and commit atrocities.

The UN launched a Consolidated Inter-Agency Appeal to collect US$109m to finance the 
humanitarian needs of the people this year.

With the year nearly half was, only US$ 22m (just 20%) has been collected.

The situation is exacerbated by the fluid security situation in the region, the report 
issued said.

Meanwhile, Unicef executive director Carol Bellamy has called on both the Government 
and the Lord's Resistance Army rebels to protect children.

In a press release issued in Kampala, Bellamy, who is on a visit to Uganda, said the 
number of people displaced by the rebels has tripled in the past 24 months to 1.6 

The world needs to wake up to the enormity of the crisis in the north. This is one of 
the most serious humanitarian emergencies in the world, she said.

Many children are living in conditions of fear and violence, Bellamy added.

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East Africa 
Children and Youth 
Refugees and Displacement 
Civil War and Communal Conflict 
They are being denied their basic right to health, protection and education. We need 
to renew our efforts to alleviate their suffering, she said.

Bellamy said 80% of the internally displaced people in the north are women and 
children the majority of whom are subjected to sexual violence and many other forms of 

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Re: ugnet_: Poverty is the worst Weapon of Mass Destruction says Lula of Brazil

2004-05-26 Thread RWalker949
Excellent piece.

ugnet_: Ex-rebel to Join UPDF

2004-05-26 Thread Matekopoko

Ex-Rebel to Join UPDF

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New Vision (Kampala)

May 26, 2004 
Posted to the web May 26, 2004 

Ali Mao

MAJOR Sylvio Okot, a senior member of the LRA high command, has said he will join 
hands with the UPDF to end the 18-year-long war.

I have spent most of my time as a combatant. Why should I remove the uniform to save 
my life and leave others suffering in the bush? I will ensure I fight alongside the 
UPDF to end this war, Okot said.

He recently defected to the UPDF in Pajule, Pader district on Tuesday and told 
journalists at Pader army barracks that the hospitality rendered to him by the UPDF 
was a sign of humanity and a path to end the civil war.

Okot, who has spent 16 years in the bush since 1988, said he was scared that when he 
surrenders, the UPDF would kill him.

Okot reported with eight wives, four of whom are mothers, 23 fighters, 20 women, 10 
children and 24 captives.

He encouraged other rebels to give up and join hands with all Ugandans to rehabilitate 
the north.

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East Africa 
Civil War and Communal Conflict 
I have been hearing my colleagues saying they reached well but I knew it was 
government's propaganda to kill us. But I took courage and reported, Okot said.

I am encouraging my colleagues like Abudema, Odhiambo, John Opio and other commanders 
to come out, he said.

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ugnet_: DP wants Ayume Inquest

2004-05-26 Thread Matekopoko
The fact of the matter is that Ayume was Killed by the NRM. Perhaps because of his 
stand on the so called Third Term. Wapakabulo too was killed for the some reason. The 
murder of this two prominent Ugandans was  carried out to  make it look like a motor 
accident!... know the type of motor accident  which the late Idi Amin carried 
out of archbishop Jonani Luwum and then Vice President Mustapha Adrisi.  Ugandans 
shoucld be  very very careful, many more prominent Ugandan  will most definately meet 
thier death under such dubious accidents ( organized by the state) as Museveni and 
his stooges/sycophants  get very desperate by the day for Third Terms. Do not say I 
did not warn you.


DP Wants Ayume Inquest

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New Vision (Kampala)

May 26, 2004 
Posted to the web May 26, 2004 

Henry Mukasa

THE Democratic Party (DP) has called for an inquiry into the death of Attorney General 
Francis Ayume.

In a statement on Friday, DP spokesperson Jude Mbabaali said, The Democratic Party 
demands that in order to promote public faith in the Government, a commission of 
inquiry should be appointed to establish the cause.

He said the commission should involve religious leaders and Ayume's relatives.

He said the party shared feelings with the country that Ayume's death could have 
been a political murder, following media reports on his stand on contentious 
political issues.

Ugandans have a right to know how, when and where Ayume met his death, Mbabaali said.

He died in a motor accident on May 16 at Kyankonwa in Nakasongola district on the 
Kampala-Gulu road.

Police reports and a denial by a minister that the Government had reportedly had a 
hand in the accident have led Ayume's death to be surrounded by mystery.

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East Africa 
Crime and Corruption 
The Police had said a trailer hit the AG's vehicle, but later said a pothole caused 
the accident.

The minister for Works, Transport and Communications, Eng. John Nasasira told 
parliament that the spot of the accident had no pothole but a small hole.

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ugnet_: Rwanda, Isreali/Palestinian Fracas,USA/Iraq Mix-up..and the UN

2004-05-26 Thread Matekopoko
Rwanda, Israeli/Palestinian Fracas, Usa/Iraq Mix-Up And the UN

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Ghanaian Chronicle (Accra)

May 14, 2004 
Posted to the web May 14, 2004 

Arc. Z. Arram

The 10th anniversary of the Rwandan vendetta, with its regrets for what was done and 
what should have been done, is over but on reflection, we have to ask ourselves 
whether it was worthwhile.

In the face of the Israeli and Palestinian eye for an eye warfare; the daylight rape 
of Iraq by USA and her accomplices; the guerilla-style killings by Islamic militants; 
we have to ask ourselves whether the pious memorials of the Rwandan po-grom was 
necessary? Whether we call it genocide; claiming land prophesied for some chosen 
people; Jihad; regime change; fighting terrorism or propagating democracy, if it 
involves killing of people, it is bad and such murderous ventures must all be equally 

The killings in Rwanda have passed and gone. Those who have not learnt any lesson from 
them may never learn, and we should not have spent time and money dwelling on them.

If the UN wants to prove to the world that she means business, she must stop the 
disgraceful events going on between Israel and Palestine; the blood bath being enacted 
by the allied occupiers and the aggrieved sons and daughters of Iraq; and the 
widespread killings by Islamic militants.

None of the protagonists in these trouble spots must be allowed to dictate terms 
because if a nation or group pick up arms against another, it means that nation or 
group has run out of reason.

The UN must go to these hot spots and establish a ceasefire if she wants to be taken 
seriously. No crying over spilt blood in Rwanda.

If the UN feels her hands are tied because the USA is her landlord, she must relocate 
anywhere she deems fit so that she can be free to talk to all the beregerent forces 
the way they must be addressed to lay down their arms.

We must not play games by organising a memorial service for victims of mass murders at 
one part of the world while turning a blind eye to similar murders being perpetrated 
at other parts of the world to keep the military industrial complex in bouyant 

The UN was established to end war and establish peace.

The only way of achieving these noble ends is for the UN to:

(i) Replace worldwide the contraceptive-based Planned Parenthood System that has 
contributed in populating the world with many unruly people and wheeler-dealing 
leaders. Those propagating the existing Planned Parenthood System must be helped to 
study a novel system called Marital Technology, which is a form of superior sex 
education, healthier birth control and nobler family planning. The new system does not 
involve the use of contraceptives that interfere with the reproductive process, 
resulting in the delivery of children with warped psychics. The world can never know 
peace if this contraceptive menace is not curbed or halted entirely.

(ii) Ban the production of weapons of war in the world.

(iii) Stop armies from learning how to kill human beings.

(iv) See to it that spiritual knowledge, character building and deep moral training is 
added to the curriculum of the objective scholarship taught in the schools of our time.

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Central Africa 
West Africa 
Conflict, Peace and Security 
We hope the UN shall implement these suggestions, that is, if she wants to attain her 

We are almost tired of smooth-rapping UN officials who come to sweet-talk us after our 
relations, friends and officials have been massacred by the wicked.

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ugnet_: Not enough to say power belongs to the people

2004-05-26 Thread Matekopoko
Not Enough to Say Power Belongs to the People

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The Monitor (Kampala)

May 26, 2004 
Posted to the web May 26, 2004 

Humphrey K. Rugambanengwe

On May 12 2004, President Yoweri Museveni, in good English, penned a letter to the 
Vice President Prof. Gilbert Bukenya, on the late Wapakhabulo's (R.I.P) submission on 
presidential term limits.

Pint by point he disapproved the following categories of people: Those who doubted his 
intention to seek re-election in 2006. Those who doubted Kategaya's submission that 
Museveni was behind the manoeuvre to lift term limits.

Those who thought that his intention of going to the bush in 1981 was to re-establish 
the rule of law and constitutional order in Uganda, as a panacea for constitutionalism 
and democracy. Those who thought that the days of mob-justice and resistance (read 
violence) in Uganda are over.

Those who thought that he listens and accepts advice. More than ever before, 
Museveni's letter beckons all Ugandans to prepare for hard times ahead.

Museveni indeed understands what the constitution says about term limits. He is not 
mincing words about his intention to abrogate the constitution.

Bukenya, after receiving Museveni's letter, gave an interview to The Weekly Observer, 
in which he conceded that the forum on term limits is parliament.

In any case, one does not need to be a lawyer or professor to appreciate that the 
power to lift term limits is vested in parliament and not 'the people' through a 
referendum. One just has to be an adult of sound mind.

It cannot therefore be said that Museveni is ignorant of the law. It is only fair to 
say that Museveni knows what he wants (power), no matter how he gets it. He knows very 
well that the intended referendum on term limits is for propaganda.

But thanks for the freedom of speech ushered in by the Movement government. The 
vicious 1981 - 1986 war in Luwero was fought in the name of the people but certainly 
not for the people, it is un acceptable to politicise legal matters, just as it is to 
legalise them.

Since he captured state power, the regime of President Museveni has done both. 
Ugandans have all this time been used by Museveni and his cohorts to realise their 
selfish interests.

Which is why when the people of Kibale elected Mr Fred Ahabwe Ruremera L.C.V Chairman, 
Museveni had the audacity to ask him to step aside. The Uganda People's Defence Forces 
(UPDF) was deployed in Congo and Sudan without consulting the people or their chosen 
representatives in parliament.

Buganda's contentious demand for Federo has not been subjected to a referendum. 
Omugabe Prince John Barigye of Ankole was not rejected by the people but by the 
president. As long as Museveni's personal interests are threatened, he will always 
invoke the power of the people to get his way, even if it means sidelining the law.

It is therefore not surprising that Museveni conveniently chose to cite and quote half 
of Article 1(1) of the constitution that All power belongs to the people, 
deliberately leaving out who shall exercise their sovereignty in accordance with this 

It is embarrassing of Museveni to submit that if the Constituent Assembly (CA) failed 
to address the aspirations of the people, it is his duty as President and a resistance 
fighter to do so. This is wrong and a subversion of the supremacy of the Constitution.

If this is Constitutional review, as Museveni submits, one wonders why cabinet did not 
propose to the Sempebwa Constitution Review Commission that Article 1 (1) of the 
Constitution be reviewed and/or amended by deleting the other half which the president 
elects not to quote?

Article 2(1) provides that this Constitution is the supreme law of Uganda and shall 
have binding force on all authorities and persons throughout Uganda, if read together 
with Article 1(1), one would note that, technically, power belongs to the Constitution.

Clause (2) of Article 1 provides that all authority in the state emanates from the 
people of Uganda. The hierarchy of Power therefore descends from the Constitution, to 
the people down to the state.

Museveni's desire to empower the people and fulfil their aspirations is his own 
sentiment, which cannot override the Constitution as it is today. For example, under 
Article 126(1) of Constitution, it is provided that judicial power is derived from the 

But how many people participated in the 3 - 2 Supreme Court verdict to the effect 
that the electoral irregularities in the 2001 President elections were not substantial 
as to annul Museveni's victory?

The Supreme Court needed not consult the people! Likewise, Article 1 (4) of the 
Constitution provides that the people shall express their will and consent on who 
shall govern them and how they should be governed, through regular, free and fair 
elections of their representatives.

Henceforth, if 

ugnet_: What a headache!

2004-05-26 Thread J Ssemakula

What causes headaches?

Mike A.Wilmington, Del.

Dawn A. Marcus, an associate professor at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine’s department of anesthesiology, explains. 
When experiencing a severe, throbbing headache, a person often places his hands on both sides of his head and claims, "It feels like my brain is pushing to get out, so it feels better to hold it in." This sensation gives a false impression that the brain itself is enlarging and causing the pain sensation. Interestingly, brain tissue does not feel pain in the same way skin or other organs do. Because the brain is encased in a hard, protective covering, it has not developed to respond to touch or pressure sensations like other, more exposed parts of our bodies have. Indeed, a brain surgeon can actually cut brain tissue in an awake patient without the patient feeling the knife. 
Head pain instead occurs because of activation or irritation of structures that do sense pain: skin, bone or neck joints, sinuses, blood vessels or muscles. When a person has a brain tumor, pain is usually a late symptom to develop--brain tumors generally only cause pain when they have grown large enough to damage bone or stretch blood vessels or nerves. Neck problems may also result in head pain, with pain from the neck and back of the head often radiating over the top of the head to an eye. Sinus infection or inflammation (usually occurring as part of an allergy reaction), however, is an uncommon cause of recurring headaches. Interestingly, Roger Cady and Curtis Schneider of the Headache Care Center in Springfield, Mo., have shown that 25 to 30 percent of migraine sufferers report nasal symptoms during their typical migraine episodes, and nearly 98 percent of people who believed they had sinus headaches were actually experiencin
 g a migraine. 
The most common types of chronic headaches are the migraine and tension-type varieties. A migraine is an intermittent headache, usually occurring between once a month and twice a week, with each episode lasting eight to 12 hours. Migraine is often experienced as a one-sided, throbbing head pain that limits activities and may be associated with nausea and sensitivity to lights, noises and smells. Tension-type headaches may occur more frequently, and the pain-- typically a dull pressure pain on both sides of the head that does not limit activities--sometimes lasts several days. Both of these kinds of headache occur in response to exposure to internal or external triggers, such as hormonal changes, sleep deprivation, fasting or stress. Exposure to these triggers prompts the brain to signal pain centers that produce a variety of chemical messengers, including serotonin and norepinephrine, which cause expansion of meningeal blood vesse
 ls surrounding the brain. This expansion results in increased blood flow, and blood vessels on the side of the head can become more prominent and tender. As the blood vessels swell they stretch the nerves that surround them, causing these nerves to send signals to the trigeminal system, an area of the brain that relays pain messages for the head and face. Activation of the trigeminal system most commonly causes pain around the eye and cheek, creating the false perception of "sinus" pain. The trigeminal system also sends messages to the hypothalamus, an area of the brain involved in food cravings, and to the upper part of the cervical spinal cord, which may result in muscle spasms in the neck. 
Once the full headache pathway is activated, it becomes more difficult for headache treatments to work effectively. Recent work led by Rami Burstein of Harvard University in both rats and humans has consistently shown that headache medications need to be taken early in a headache episode in order to be effective. Migraine patients often notice that their headaches begin with a throbbing sensation followed by increased skin sensitivity. This increased skin sensitivity, called allodynia, may take the form of scalp tenderness, "painful" hair or pain associated with hair brushing or wearing earrings or glasses. Once allodynia has occurred, headache treatments are much less effective. Carefully recording headache symptoms in a diary can provide a good estimate of when allodynia usually occurs and can help an individual determine when medications should be taken to offer the most relief. 
Although most chronic headaches are not caused by serious disease, a significant change in headache pattern, a lack of effectiveness of previously effective therapy, or the development of new health problems in addition to the headache should prompt a visit to one’s doctor for an evaluation. 
Answer posted on May 24, 2004

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Re: ugnet_: Rwanda, Isreali/Palestinian Fracas,USA/Iraq Mix-up..and the UN

2004-05-26 Thread RWalker949
The problem with this author's piece is that he / she tends to blame the assaulted and aggrieved equally...there can be no symetry between the settler Israel state, or the US, another settler state, and the people who these entities have attacked and deprived of even the most fundamental human rights...

ugnet_: Police probe scandal of dumped unborn babies.(Does this sound like in Africa??????)

2004-05-26 Thread Owor Kipenji


Police probe scandal of dumped unborn babies Story by MIKE MWANIKI Publication Date: 05/27/2004 

The scandal of how the remains of 15 unborn babies came to be dumped next to a city river was last night being investigated by police. 
The babies wrapped in black plastic bags – together with medical waste including bandages, disposable gloves and syringes – were found by appalled residents of Nairobi's South C estate, at the railings of Ngong River bridge, next to the International Christian Centre. 
With the bags were sensitive private documents including a register of patients who had undergone abortions and treatment for sexually transmitted diseases, plus details of the health care they received and the fees they paid. 
Letters from a leading city gynaecologist and a number of companies also lay scattered next to the foetuses. 
In one, a company called Med-tec Toshiba details its conditions for selling a desktop ultrasound scanner to Dr John Nyamu, whose address is given as Afya Centre, Nairobi. 
Another is from Dr Nyamu, who asks the director of the Betting Control Board in the Home Affairs ministry for a licence to operate a raffle called the Cash in Action jackpot lottery. 
He later described the find as an attempt to sabotage his practice and said his firm – Reproductive Health Services – was not in any way involved in abortions. Dr Nyamu, who has run his Afya Centre clinic since 1995, said he was waiting for police to get to the root of the problem. 
He spoke as a security guard, Mr Stephen Mumo, revealed the bags had been dropped the previous night at about 11.30 by three men who were driving a dark blue pick-up. 
"Their intention appeared to throw them over the bridge into the river so that they could be washed away. However, when we accosted them, they panicked and sped-off, leaving them behind next to the bridge rail," he said. And he revealed foetuses and other medical waste were dumped in the river at the same site at least twice a month. 
"I believe they have identified this area as an ideal dumping site, more so during the rainy season, since the fast flowing water washes the debris downstream," he said. 
Mr Mumo, of Patriotic Guards, said he and his colleagues had reported similar incidents to the police but no action had been taken. 
Ngong River meanders through several city estates and pours into Nairobi River near Industrial Area. 
Yesterday's find caused a heavy traffic jam along the Nairobi-Mombasa Highway as motorists and residents milled around trying to catch a glimpse of the grisly sight. 
Children broke down and wept as other curious onlookers – a majority of them women and girls from the nearby Kenya Institute of Mass Communication and other estates – discussed the finds in hushed tones. 
Sports minister Najib Balala was among those who drove through the area and was heard summoning police to the scene on his mobile phone. 
Police later carried away the bags, accompanied by an armed guard. 
Speaking at the scene, Lang'ata deputy police chief Henry Kiambi said they had already begun their investigations. 
They had been given the identities of doctors believed to be involved in the find and had also recovered documents on the clinics involved. 
Mr Kiambi confirmed police had received complaints over the regular dumping but had been unable to catch those involved. 
The pastor of the International Christian Centre outside which the bags were found, Mr Chip Block, said: "This is a sad day for us as Christians since our desire, vision and dream as a church is to give life and we feel bad when we encounter these kind of episode where life has been snuffed out without giving it a chance to live". 
"It's more than just a scene by a river . . . it's more than just something for curiosity's sake; it's a matter of life and death," he continued. 
Pastor Block added: "It's my hope that the visual statement that's being made here will be taken to help the Kenyan nation make a decision against legalising abortion". 
It was not the first time such bags had been found. 
"Some employees had earlier informed me of similar incidents and I reported the same to authorities," he said. "During one incident, we had to clean up the mess ourselves and we made a decision that if it occurred again, we would involve the police and other people and expose what has been happening". 
The centre's administrator, Ms Priscilla Mutiga and supervisor Mr Fred Mugambi said the dumping had been taking place every fortnight since December. 
"We were alarmed last month when street urchins staying near the river refused to open one of the polythene bags, and just walked away after a first touch. We went and opened and found there were foetuses," said Ms Mutiga. 
And Mr Mugambi added that when they reported that find to Lang'ata police "all the police asked us was whether we had arrested anyone, recorded the car's registration number, or taken any photographs." 
On April 23, Mr Mugambi called the Health 

ugnet_: Man jailed for threats on his wife.Is Emancipation at last around the Corner??????

2004-05-26 Thread Owor Kipenji


Man jailed for threats on his wife Story by SOLLO KIRAGU Publication Date: 05/27/2004 

A man was yesterday jailed for one year after failure to raise a Sh2,000 fine for threatening to beat his wife. 
Samuel Nyakundi Ontiri, who appeared before Kericho principal magistrate Joel Ngeno, was charged with creating disturbance likely to cause a breach of the peace at a Brooke Bond Estate camp. 
Prosecutor Reuben Korir told the court the accused used vulgar language on the complainant and threatened to beat her. The offence was committed on May 22 at Kimugu. 
Mr Korir told the packed court that at 6pm, the complainant was in her house when Ontiri called her a prostitute and grabbed her blouse threatening to beat her. 
"The complainant raised an alarm and the public came to her rescue. They arrested the culprit and took him to Chagaik chief's camp," he said. 
Ontiri admitted the offence and asked the court to forgive him. 
He could not raise a Sh2,000 fine and was sent to prison to start the sentence. 
In the same court, a man who menacingly demanded sugar in a neighbour’s house was also sentenced to one-year imprisonment for creating a disturbance. He too had been fined Sh2,000 but he could not raise the amount. 
Mr Korir told the court that Samuel Kibet Langat threatened to hit Ms Chrsitine Maina with a piece of wood after she refused to give him sugar. Lagat committed the offence on May 16 at Ketitui sub-location at 9pm. 
The accused had nothing to tell the court in mitigation. 

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ugnet_: Mine is a crazy marriage

2004-05-26 Thread Owor Kipenji
Mine is a crazy marriage Mukyala Kato May 26, 2004

I will not lie to you that I have been unwell, like we always do when people ask why we have not fulfilled our obligations. The reason I disappeared in thin air last week is because of the shock I suffered.
I do not know how to put it. In one word - I am ashamed. When I returned home from the interview, I found my husband at home.
“Peter, I am surprised you are at home,” I said as I kicked off my shoes. “Are you fine?” “I am fine. Where have you been?” he asked.
“I had gone to check on a friend who is not well,” I lied. Why was he interested in my movement when he never tells me about his?
“Which friend? Celia you are such a liar. So tell me honey, how are you and the baby?” he said as he drew closer. I could see he was uneasy. So I waited to hear what was making him behave the way he was.
In a flash, he went to the kitchen and came back with a glass of fruit juice. “Oh! Thanks a lot, I thought you were completely off romance,” I said with a smile, then made for the bedroom and surprisingly Peter followed me there.
“Honey I want us to talk,” he began, sitting so close to me. My heart began pounding so fast. This was very confusing and uneasy.
“Come on Peter, stop it. Why do you put me on tension,” I asked, unable to hide my anxiety. My mind was so vexed. I was wondering what my husband was about to tell me but I knew it was nothing near good. He did not seem to understand my dilemma though.
“Do not be anxious. I just want to discuss something with you my dear wife,” he said. “There is something I want you to hear from me. It will save us a lot of trouble. But all I am going to tell you does not mean I do not love you.
And please forgive me,” he begged. Then he went on about a mistake that has resulted into a pregnancy of a woman who was next to his office. He was blaming it all on alcohol and too much pressure from his job.
In short, my husband has yet another child outside marriage. I did not answer him or try to find out any more details about the child or its mother. It was like a big stone had been dropped on my head. 
If I have ever felt demoralised in my marriage, there was no worse time than this. I know all these things happen and all men are cheats, but when will this ever end?
All the time I have to put up with a lot of shame, and explanations. I have been wondering to myself, what did I do wrong or what did I fail to do that I should be in such a crazy marriage?
© 2004 The Monitor Publications

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ugnet_: Polls

2004-05-26 Thread Ed Kironde

  Cast Your Vote

Political stability and human
rights in Uganda will improve under
the governance of



Reform Agenda











  Total Votes: 1740


I found this poll on The Monitor and apparently those
who do not think that NRM, RA and UPC can bring about political stability were
in a photo finish with RA. NRM and
UPC are also neck and neck.

How about DP, one of Africas
oldest political parties? How about

Was the pollster against DP? 

There are known knowns - there are
things that we know that we know. There are known unknowns - that is to say,
there are things that we now know we don't know. But there are also unknown
unknowns ... things we do not know we don't know. And each year we discover a
few more of those unknown unknowns.
Us Secretary of Defense 2001 -?

Donald Rumsfeld

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ugnet_: FW: Article: Confusion Is Rampant With Change in the SAT's

2004-05-26 Thread J Ssemakula

Original Message Follows 
Subject: Article: Confusion Is Rampant With Change in the SAT's 
Date: Tue, 25 May 2004 15:53:42 -0400 (EDT) 

The article below from 
has been sent to you by [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

/- E-mail Sponsored by Fox Searchlight \ 


An official selection of the 2004 Sundance Film Festival, THE CLEARING 
stars ROBERT REDFORD and HELEN MIRREN as Wayne and Eileen Hayes - a 
husband and wife living the American Dream. Together they've raised two 
children and struggled to build a successful business from the ground 
up. But there have been sacrifices along the way. When Wayne is 
kidnapped by an ordinary man, Arnold Mack (WILLEM DAFOE), and held for 
ransom in a remote forest, the couple's world is turned inside out. 
Watch the trailer at: 


Confusion Is Rampant With Change in the SAT's 

May 23, 2004 

A revised College Board exam, incorporating a writing test 
and more advanced math, will not make its debut until next 
spring, but confusion about how to deal with the changes is 
already rampant. 

Worry is especially intense among this year's 10th graders, 
the first class that will confront the new test. 

Most colleges seem to be leaning toward allowing that 
transition group, the graduating class of 2006, to submit 
scores either from the old SAT or the new SAT, and, if an 
applicant submits both, to consider the highest one. That 
flexibility creates a unique problem. Should students 
prepare to take the old SAT next winter, midway through 
junior year, or should they concentrate on the new format 
and wait until the spring, or even the fall of senior year? 

Different people have different answers. At Kaplan Test 
Prep and Admission, the advice is to take both. 

"Since so many colleges will take the highest combination 
of scores from the two tests during this transition year, 
we recommend that students in the class of 2006 take the 
current SAT this winter and the new SAT next spring." said 
Jon Zeitlin, Kaplan's general manager of pre-college 
programs, in a press release trumpeting the "unique 
one-time SAT advantage for the class of 2006." 

At Hathaway Brown, a girls' school outside of Cleveland, 
the advice is similar. "I think we're going to say go ahead 
and take it both times," said Anne Ferguson, a Hathaway 
Brown college counselor. "I guess I'm thinking it could 
only be a win-win situation." 

But many guidance counselors see it as a waste of time and 
energy to prepare for two different tests. 

"I'd rather have them wait until March, when they've had 
those extra months of learning and growing, than take the 
old one in January," said Frank Deady, a guidance counselor 
at Unionville High School in Pennsylvania. 

Then, too, some colleges, like those in the University of 
California system, will accept only the new test. 

In Manhattan, Inspirica, a tutoring and test-prep company, 
offered seminars this spring on dealing with the new test, 
attracting crowds of anxious parents of 10th graders. 

The parents first learned the basics: the new test will be 
in three sections, with a perfect score of 2,400, the 
analogies and quantitative comparisons will be eliminated, 
and the new writing section will include a short essay and 
grammar questions. 

Then they heard about the ripple effects of the changes. 

"One of the ramifications of the new SAT that no one's 
talking about yet is what's going to happen to the SAT II 
subject tests," said Lisa Jacobson, the chief executive of 
Inspirica. "Now that there's going to be a writing test on 
the SAT I, the SAT II writing test is going to fall by the 
wayside. A lot of colleges require people to submit three 
SAT II's, and some will now drop back to two. But we've 
heard that some are still going to require three." 

Many colleges have not yet decided how many to require. 

"We are waiting for the herd to see what the herd does,'' 
said Rob Killion, the director of admissions at Haverford 
College in Pennsylvania. "Out of fairness to the kids, we 
are waiting for majority rule. We will decide by early 

Bryn Mawr, Brandeis, Carnegie Mellon, Swarthmore and the 
University of California will require only two SAT II's, 
and Bruce Poch, the dean of admissions at Pomona College, 
said that seemed the likely outcome there, too. "We don't 
want to test these kids to death," Mr. Poch said. "It's 
just too much." 

A few of the most selective schools, Harvard and Yale among 
them, say they will continue to require three SAT II 
subject tests, at least for applicants graduating from high 
school in 2006. But even they sound less than certain how 
long that decision will hold. Marlyn McGrath Lewis, 

ugnet_: FW: Article: Raid in Sudan Claims 56, Villagers Say

2004-05-26 Thread J Ssemakula

Where the heck is AU??
Original Message Follows 
Subject: Article: Raid in Sudan Claims 56, Villagers Say 
Date: Tue, 25 May 2004 15:40:13 -0400 (EDT) 

The article below from 
has been sent to you by [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

/- E-mail Sponsored by Fox Searchlight \ 


An official selection of the 2004 Sundance Film Festival, THE CLEARING 
stars ROBERT REDFORD and HELEN MIRREN as Wayne and Eileen Hayes - a 
husband and wife living the American Dream. Together they've raised two 
children and struggled to build a successful business from the ground 
up. But there have been sacrifices along the way. When Wayne is 
kidnapped by an ordinary man, Arnold Mack (WILLEM DAFOE), and held for 
ransom in a remote forest, the couple's world is turned inside out. 
Watch the trailer at: 


Raid in Sudan Claims 56, Villagers Say 

May 24, 2004 

NYALA, Sudan, May 23 - Arab militiamen killed at least 56 
people in a raid in western Sudan, villagers said Sunday, 
just days after the government declared the region stable. 

On Saturday, the militiamen, known as Janjaweed, raided 
Abga Rajil, a village about 30 miles south of Nyala, the 
capital of South Darfur State, witnesses said. 

Abdel-Rahman Rizk, 29, speaking from a hospital bed in 
Nyala, where he was recovering from a bullet wound to the 
thigh, said the militiamen arrived on horses, camels and a 
car and surrounded the village. 

"They were firing, and people were scattering, and they set 
fire to the houses and then they started picking off people 
as they ran out of their houses," he said. 

Ibrahim Adam, also from the village, said: "The tally of 
those we buried was 56. Forty of them we buried in one 

Others from the area gave the same figure, although an 
official from the Sudan Liberation Army, one of the two 
main rebel groups in Darfur, said he had understood that 46 
had been killed. Independent verification is hard to obtain 
in the remote Darfur region. 

Villagers and rights groups accuse the government of arming 
the Janjaweed to loot and burn African villages and fight a 
proxy war against rebels who started a revolt last year to 
demand a fairer share of power and resources. 

The government denies the accusations, calling the 
militiamen outlaws. 

The United Nations says fighting in the impoverished and 
arid Darfur region has displaced about a million people and 
created one of the world's worst human calamities. 

The rebels signed a cease-fire with the government in early 
April, but have since accused it of several violations. 

The government said last week that Darfur was stable and 
that security would be maintained by the police. But many 
of those displaced from Darfur fear new attacks and are 
reluctant to return to their homes and fields, where they 
should now be planting crops ahead of approaching rains. 

Aid workers fear the spread of disease. "Our priority is 
health," said Muhammad Abdullah, administrative manager for 
the Kas region. "These people are out in the open, and the 
rains will affect the health of the displaced people who 
are already malnourished." 


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ugnet_: FW: Article: The College Aid Crisis

2004-05-26 Thread J Ssemakula

Original Message Follows 
Subject: Article: The College Aid Crisis 
Date: Tue, 25 May 2004 15:34:17 -0400 (EDT) 

The article below from 
has been sent to you by [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

/- E-mail Sponsored by Fox Searchlight \ 


An official selection of the 2004 Sundance Film Festival, THE CLEARING 
stars ROBERT REDFORD and HELEN MIRREN as Wayne and Eileen Hayes - a 
husband and wife living the American Dream. Together they've raised two 
children and struggled to build a successful business from the ground 
up. But there have been sacrifices along the way. When Wayne is 
kidnapped by an ordinary man, Arnold Mack (WILLEM DAFOE), and held for 
ransom in a remote forest, the couple's world is turned inside out. 
Watch the trailer at: 


The College Aid Crisis 

May 25, 2004 

The College Aid Crisis 

Nearly a half-million Americans will be turned away from 
four-year colleges this year for financial reasons, thanks 
to rising tuition costs and declining state and federal aid 
for low- and middle-income students. Congress should modify 
the federal college loan system to deal with this problem. 
A proposed bill would save billions of dollars that could 
then be redirected into grants for tuition aid. 

Right now there are two basic college loan programs. The 
direct loan system, which actually makes a small profit, 
allows students to borrow from the government through their 
schools. Under the vastly more expensive Federal Family 
Education Loan Program, private banks receive federal 
subsidies to make government-backed student loans. Colleges 
can participate in only one of the two systems. In the 
1990's, Congress talked about phasing out the costly 
bank-based program and replacing it with the direct loan 
program. Such a step could save billions of dollars a year 
that could be directed into the federal Pell Grant program, 
which helps pay the college expenses of low-income students 
with outright grants. This common-sense plan was killed by 
the banking lobby, but it has returned in the form of a 
bipartisan House bill known as the Direct Loan Reward Act. 

The bill would encourage the nation's colleges to 
participate in the less expensive direct loan program by 
giving half of the savings to them in the form of Pell 
Grants for needy students. Backers of the loan reform bill 
say it could channel enough money into Pell Grants to 
increase the size of the awards by more than a third at 
some public colleges, raising the maximum grant to about 
$6,000 a year. 

Supporters of the bill calculate that taxpayers may save 
more than $6 billion annually if all of the nation's 
colleges and universities move to the direct loan program. 
But the money saved and the increase in Pell Grants would 
be substantial even if only a significant fraction of the 
nation's colleges made the switch. That result alone makes 
this bill a good idea. 


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RE: ugnet_: Polls

2004-05-26 Thread Y Yaobang

Ed Kironde,
How many times have you voted so far?
From: "Ed Kironde" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: ugnet_: Polls 
Date: Wed, 26 May 2004 17:06:46 -0600 
Cast Your Vote 
Political stability and human rights in Uganda will improve under the 
governance of 
Reform Agenda 
Total Votes: 1740 
I found this poll on The Monitor and apparently those who do not think 
that NRM, RA and UPC can bring about political stability were in a photo 
finish with RA.NRM and UPC are also neck and neck. 
How about DP, one of Africa’s oldest political parties?How about PAFO, 
PIP, NPU and CP? 
Was the pollster against DP? 
There are known knowns - there are things that we know that we know. 
There are known unknowns - that is to say, there are things that we now 
know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns ... things we do 
not know we don't know. And each year we discover a few more of those 
unknown unknowns."Us Secretary of Defense 2001 -? 
Donald Rumsfeld 
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Version: 6.0.679 / Virus Database: 441 - Release Date: 5/7/2004 
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ugnet_: Tell me, where is Uganda’s salvation?

2004-05-26 Thread Mitayo Potosi
To our UPC friends:

This fellow,  Ms Kanabahita, purports to quote Mzee A M Obote  that  - he 
is/was not afraid of a military coup - or something to that effect.

The fellow has never read the essay 'A letter to a London friend' by A M 
Obote. Otherwise, sadly,  he misunderstood it completely.

Why don't you brothers in UPC avail this gem of Mzee's writing for the 
youths of Uganda to read and marvel ?

Tell me, where is Uganda’s salvation?

SIR — There seems to be something fundamentally wrong with Uganda’s 
leadership! Milton Obote abrogated the 1962 constitution and replaced it 
with what has now come to be known as his ‘pigeon hole’ constitution. After 
that he boasted that he was the only African leader who did not fear a 
military takeover! He had five colleagues who were cabinet ministers 
arrested from Parliament in 1965 and detained without trial for five years 
until he was overthrown in 1971! When Idi Amin took over, Ugandans were over 
the moon because they had had enough of Obote’s excesses. But the euphoria 
was shortlived. He started ruling by decree and slaughtering people became 
his favourite pastime. He boasted that he feared nobody except God although 
there was nothing to show any godliness in his behaviour. In his tenure, 
inflation went through the roof. Before Ugandans knew it, he had declared 
himself life president! In 1979 he was toppled and Obote came back to start 
from where he had left off. Five years later he was ejected from power and 
replaced by the NRM government which gave everybody optimism and hope. Under 
President Museveni, the NRM has done extremely well, no matter what 
Museveni’s opponents might say. There was a whiff of fresh air and when he 
declared that his administration was not going to be a change of guard but a 
fundamental change we all cheered and everything that followed in the early 
years of his administration seemed to corroborate his declaration. He 
repeatedly called past leaders swine and in all fairness, they deserve the 
‘compliment’. I But alas! It is now 18 years later and what do we hear? The 
self-same Museveni who fought so hard to establish constitutionalism and the 
rule of law, the man who wrote Sowing the Mustard Seed, has turned around to 
call the Parliament of Uganda a ‘group’.
Uganda’s legal institutions have suddenly become gymnasiums constructed by 
lawyers, and the legal processes are mere gymnastics! He is atte mpting to 
interpret the constitution in bits and pieces against the advice of those 
who understand the law better! by his self-assessment he is the only Ugandan 
with a vision, out of the 24 million! The management of peaceful transition 
seems to be impossible and there seems to be no end to the circus! At this 
juncture, words fail me! All I can ask is where will Uganda’s salvation come 

Joyce Kanabahita
Published on: Monday, 24th May, 2004
Mitayo Potosi
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RE: ugnet_: Polls

2004-05-26 Thread Ed Kironde

I think the
system only allows one IP address; I did not attempt to vote twice to find out
if it can be manipulated if that is what you are up to

There are known knowns - there are
things that we know that we know. There are known unknowns - that is to say,
there are things that we now know we don't know. But there are also unknown
unknowns ... things we do not know we don't know. And each year we discover a
few more of those unknown unknowns.
Us Secretary of Defense 2001 -?

Donald Rumsfeld

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Y Yaobang
Sent: Wednesday, May 26, 2004 7:27
Subject: RE: ugnet_: Polls


How many times have you voted so far?


From: Ed Kironde [EMAIL PROTECTED] 



Subject: ugnet_: Polls 

Date: Wed, 26 May 2004 17:06:46 -0600 




Cast Your Vote 



Political stability and human rights in Uganda will improve under

governance of 




Reform Agenda 












Total Votes: 1740 

I found this poll on The Monitor and apparently those who do not

that NRM, RA and UPC can bring about political stability were in a

finish with RA.NRM and UPC are also neck and neck. 

How about DP, one of Africas oldest political parties?How
about PAFO, 

PIP, NPU and CP? 

Was the pollster against DP? 


There are known knowns - there are things that we know that we

There are known unknowns - that is to say, there are things that we

know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns ... things
we do 

not know we don't know. And each year we discover a few more of

unknown unknowns.Us Secretary of Defense 2001 -? 


Donald Rumsfeld 




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2004-05-26 Thread Edward Mulindwa


Head of state and government:
Yoweri Kaguta Museveni
Death penalty:
UN Women's Convention:
Optional Protocol to UN Women's Convention:
not signed

Further information
Uganda: Soldiers executed after unfair trial
(AI Index: AFR 59/004/2003)

Uganda: Urgent need to end torture following death in custody
(AI Index: AFR 59/009/2003)

Uganda: Open letter to all members of parliament in Uganda urging rejection
the impunity agreement with USA concerning the ICC
(AI Index: AFR 59/008/2003)

All AI documents on Uganda

Covering events from January - December 2003

Rulings by the Constitutional Court allowed political organizations to
participate more freely in public life. Reports of torture increased against
background of government campaigns against crime and terrorism. The
conflict between the government and the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA)
intensified, resulting in a sharp rise in the number of internally displaced
persons to over 1,200,000. There were many cases of violence against women.
Freedom of speech was subject to additional restrictions. Death sentences
continued to be passed and at least three soldiers were executed.


On 21 March the Constitutional Court declared Sections 18, 19 and 21 of the
Political Parties and Organizations Act (2002) null and void as they
contravened the Constitution. This allowed political organizations to
participate more freely in public life, although political parties remained
banned from such participation until they registered with the Registrar

In June Uganda signed a bilateral agreement with the USA providing impunity
US nationals accused by the International Criminal Court (ICC) of genocide,
crimes against humanity and war crimes. US President George W. Bush visited
Uganda in July.

The Sudanese government extended the military protocol allowing Uganda to
out military operations in southern Sudan against the LRA. Senior Ugandan
officers and others were cited as responsible for pillaging resources from
Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) in a report by a UN panel of experts
in the report of Uganda's official Inquiry Commission headed by Judge David

In early May the Uganda People's Defence Forces (UPDF) began withdrawing
from eastern DRC following pressure by the international community.

On 7 November the International Court of Justice postponed the hearing in a
against Uganda concerning armed activities involving violations of
international humanitarian law and massive human rights violations in the

Violence against women

Violence against women prevailed in male-female relations in Uganda. Few
of sexual violence in the home, including rape in marriage and rape of
were prosecuted. Children, including orphans, were frequently subjected to
sexual assault and violence by relatives within the extended family system,
well as by schoolteachers, people helping in the home and other carers.
According to police statistics circulated in May, 4,686 children were raped
2002; there was no indication that this figure was decreasing.

Alice, aged 12, was brought from her native village to Kampala by a maternal
aunt who promised to send her to school. She was left alone with the aunt's
husband, who allegedly raped her three times in one night, threatening to
her if she talked. The girl reportedly told her aunt about the rape, but the
aunt accused her of seducing the husband and beat her in the area of her
genitals. The rape was reported to the police but the case was later

The absence of a law criminalizing domestic violence limited legal recourse
abuse in the home. Between January and September, 2,518 cases of
violence (excluding murder and rape) were reported to the Childcare and
Protection Unit of the Uganda Police Force. However, many cases went
and campaigners argued that the lack of a specific law hampered efforts to
fight domestic violence.

In December a Domestic Relations Bill was presented to parliament for
debate. It
addressed issues such as the criminalization of marital rape, property in
marriage, polygamous marriages, bride price, widow inheritance and minimum
for marriage and cohabitation.

Women and girls living and travelling in areas affected by insurgencies led
the LRA in northern Uganda were raped and suffered other forms of violence,
including abduction and sexual slavery.

On 24 June about 100 schoolgirls were abducted by the LRA following a raid
the Lwala Girls Secondary School in Kaberamaido district in northeast
AI was concerned that at least 15 of the girls might have crossed into Sudan
where they could be at risk of sexual violence.

Torture and death in custody

Throughout the year operatives from the police, various security agencies