[Ugnet] Re: [Mwananchi] Govt, Donors Meet Over '06 Transition

2005-03-13 Thread Edward Mulindwa


As always friends talk some very small talks. Yes 
you are a fellow Ugandan but let us put it on record you are not my friend. But 
still I can whisper in your ear on a Sunday snowy morning like this one. So my 
Un-Friend here goes the whisper. Looong Long time ago. There was a man, 
a veeery bad man called President Apollo Milton Obote, this man used to be a 
leader of our nation called Uganda. This man at a time used to use some 
interesting words, like "In five years we (Meaning Ugandans) will 
 That was a Uganda development plan. That is the end of my 

I am just sick and tired to read on and on 
about what the Donors can do or will do for Uganda. And I wish Gook's brother in 
law, Ow'ekityiibwa Kabonero or Gook's Brother Muniini Mulera can save me from 
asking this same question, of What is it that Obote was capable to do to 
make this economy work that the Twalre's have failed to?

Let me go to my bed before stress gets the better 
of me. Have a good Sunday my friend, hope you did not post this one for it has 
just bumped my stress up so high that I need a bed.

Yea the Days continue to be very strange 

Owuwo Edward Mulindwa
E Toronto
The Mulindwas Communication Group"With 
Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in 
Groupe de communication Mulindwas "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans 

  - Original Message - 
  To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; ugandanet@kym.net 
  Sent: Sunday, March 13, 2005 1:54 
  Subject: [Mwananchi] Govt, Donors Meet 
  Over '06 Transition
  Mwatu Owangee!!
  Govt, Donors Meet Over '06 Transition




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  Monitor (Kampala)
  March 12, 2005 Posted to the web March 11, 2005 
  Richard MutumbaKampala 
  The government yesterday met with representatives of the 
  donor community in Uganda over growing concerns at the slow pace of the 
  country's political transition process.
  The meeting chaired by Prime Minister Apollo Nsibambi was 
  attended by government ministers whose ministries' activities are directly 
  related to the political transition.
  British High Commissioner, Mr Adam Wood, led the donors. 
  Details about the outcome of the meeting were scanty by press time.
  However, The Monitor established that the donor community 
  is worried that a number of activities under the political roadmap are behind 
  The Prime Minister, Prof. Apollo Nsibambi, had on Thursday 
  summoned to his office ministers directly responsible for the process to try 
  to address the donors' concerns before facing them yesterday (Friday).
  The State Minister for Justice and Constitutional Affairs, 
  Mr Adolf Mwesige, represented his ministry while the State Minister for 
  Finance (General duties), Mr Mwesigwa Rukutana, represented Finance. Other 
  ministries and agencies represented included Internal Affairs, Parliamentary 
  Affairs, Police, and the Electoral Commission.
  Minister Rukutana confirmed to The Monitor that the 
  government side had met representatives of the donor community over the 
  The donor group includes the United States, Canada, Japan, 
  and the European Union.
  According to sources in the Prime Minister's office, the 
  donors are concerned that the government has not recruited sufficient police 
  personnel to oversee the referendum and general elections slated for later 
  this year and early next year respectively.
  Minister Rukutana, however, said that his ministry had 
  made some funds available to the Justice, Law and Order Sector, under which 
  the police force falls, to enable them address the issue of personnel.
  "We are making some funds available and it will be up to 
  the relevant authorities to allocate the money according to their needs," the 
  minister said.
  The donors are also concerned that many activities under 
  the political roadmap are behind schedule. They cite voters' education, which 
  has not started yet.
  According to the roadmap, it would have started on March 
  1, 2005.
  The donors further argue that legislation related to the 
  political transition has not been given the priority it deserves. This 
  includes the Constitution (Amendment) Bill, the Political Parties and 
  Organisations Act, and the Presidential, Parliamentary and Local Government 






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[Ugnet] Muntu denies rift with Besigye

2005-03-13 Thread Matek Opoko
Muntu denies rift with Besigye By Matsiko wa Mucoori  Patson Baraire Mar 13, 2005 

RUKUNGIRI – The opposition Forum for Democratic Change launched its first district branch here yesterday afternoon at a colourful ceremony punctuated by withering criticism of President Museveni, and emphasis on party unity.
Mr Mugisha Muntu, the FDC co-ordinator for organisation and mobilisation, led the charge saying that if Mr Museveni seeks another term, he might fall badly.
“Who knows what will happen between today and March next year?” said Muntu, a retired major general, while speaking at Rukungiri Catholic Social Centre shortly before the opening of the branch office. “He may try and we knock him out.”

ACTION TIME: (L-R) FDC chiefs Sabiiti, Muntu and Latigo leading supporters to the commissioning of the party branch offices on Republic Road in Rukungiri town late yesterday afternoon (Photo Felix Basiime).
Presidential and parliamentary elections are likely to be held in March 2006.
Muntu, in a message aimed at the party faithful, also dismissed reports that there is a rift between him and party chairman Kizza Besigye as has been reported in The Red Pepper. 
“Besigye and I are one, nobody is undermining the other,” he said.
I am not foolish to conflict with Besigye, he added. He said the merger of Dr Besigye’s Reform Agenda pressure group with the Parliamentary Advocacy Forum and the National Democrats Forum in August last year got the NRM, Museveni’s party, into a panic. 
He said the NRM is now trying to fight back by “propagating divisionism” within FDC. “They may continue writing through The Red Pepper but that will not divert FDC from its stated objective” of bringing change to the country, Muntu said.
The opening of the Rukungiri branch marks the beginning of FDC’s programme of establishing party branches countrywide.
Muntu said that if Museveni does not stand again, next year’s elections would be free and fair. But if Museveni dares stand again, he said, the President will realise the futility of the effort.Museveni has not said he will run again. However, opposition politicians and other political observers believe that his government’s proposal to amend the Constitution and allow a President run for as many times as he or she is elected is a ploy to have Museveni run again.
The former army commander further dismissed claims that there will be chaos if Museveni leaves power. Said Muntu: “Who is going to cause this chaos? I want Museveni to tell the people of Uganda who is going to cause that chaos. We are praying for him to retire if he loves his country as he says.”
Agago MP Ogenga Latigo represented Besigye, who has been exiled in South Africa since his unsuccessful presidential run in 2001, as the chief guest.Besigye’s speech was played to the large and excited crowd on an audiocassette.
Other FDC officials who addressed the crowd included Mr James Musinguzi, Mr Reagan Okumu, Capt. Charles Byaruhanga, Mr Wafula Oguttu, Mr Augustine Ruzindana, Mr Jack Sabiiti and Maj. Ruranga Rubaramira.
They all accused Museveni of breaching his 2001 campaign manifesto promise that he would not seek the office of President again.
Representatives of several diplomatic missions attended the launch. The heavy deployment of anti-riot police did nothing to dampen the upbeat mood at the function that passed off without incident. 
Muntu, Sabiiti, and Latigo led the FDC supporters, waving the V sign and carrying Besigye posters, in a 300-metre march from the Social Centre to Besigye Building on Republic Road in the town centre where the party office is located. 
The office was opened at 5:20 p.m. From Rukungiri, the party heads out to Ntungamo or Kamuli in the coming weeks.

© 2005 The Monitor Publications.

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[Ugnet] UPC registration certificate delayed

2005-03-13 Thread Matek Opoko
UPC registration certificate delayed By Evelyn Lirri Mar 13, 2005 

KAMPALA - The Uganda Peoples Congress party has blamed government for its failure to obtain a party registration certificate on time. 
Dr James Rwanyarare, UPC's Presidential Policy Commission chairman, raised the complaint during a telephone interview with Sunday Monitor at the weekend.
The Constitutional Court recently set April 17 as the deadline by which all political parties should have registered. Failure to do so will mean that such a party ceases to legally exist.
Rwanyarare said: "You know they have been saying they don't have money, then the government bureaucracy." UPC submitted their forms to the Registrar of Parties on January 10, 2005 for verification. A certificate should have been issued at least a month after that. Rwanyarare said: "We are not worried about the certificate because we shall get it. We are now moving to the countryside and I have already sent people there to start campaigning."Other parties, which have registered include the Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) and the National Resistance Movement Organisation (NRM-O). The Democratic Party (DP), still mired in leadership wrangles, is yet to register. NRM moves,from now on, should and must be very closely scrutunized..any tricks which the NRM tries to play must be exposed for what it is. MO

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RE: [Ugnet] Archives of UgandaNet

2005-03-13 Thread Y Yaobang

I have not received messages from Ugandanet for sometime. My e3mail is not full. What is going on?
From: Kiggundu Mukasa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Subject: [Ugnet] Archives of UgandaNet
Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2005 09:00:44 +0300

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