[Ugnet] RE: the 1966 crisis IV

2005-07-10 Thread jonah kasangwawo


Elsewhere, the Lukiiko was also not inactive. After Obote suspended the 
Constitution on 24th February, it passed a resolution in a meeting on 26th 
February 1966 calling on all MPs representing Buganda in the National 
Assembly to inform the Lukiiko about the circumstances that led to the 
suspension of the Constitution. They also appealed to the people in Buganda 
to remain calm and peaceful.

The Lukiiko sat again on 28th February and passed the following resolution:

The Lukiiko meeting held on 28th February 1966, has most carefully examined 
the pronouncements made by the Prime Minister, Dr. Milton Obote, on 22nd 
February 1966, in which he assumed full powers of the Government of Uganda 
and on 24th February in which he suspended the Constitution.

The Lukiiko unreservedly objects to these acts which are contrary to the 
provisions of the Constitution of Uganda which the Prime Minister swore to 
abide by on assuming office on 9th October 1962.

The Lukiiko calls on the Prime Minister to restore the Constitution of 
Uganda forthwith.

One day after the President published his two letters, the Lukiiko passed 
another resolution:

The Great Lukiiko sitting today on 5th March 1966, strongly endorses and is 
in full agreement with the President's stand as expressed in His 
Excellency's three successive statements of 28th February, 3rd March and 
4th, 1966, in which the President voices complete disagreement with and 
disapproval of the Prime Minister's action of assuming all powers and 
suspending the Uganda Constitution.

The Lukiiko wishes to make it absolutely clear that it recognises the 
President of Uganda as the Head of State and the Vice-President, in his 
Office as the next in line to the President, as is provided for in the 
Constitution of Uganda.

The Lukiiko also reaffirms its Resolution passed on 28th February 1966, in 
which it disagreed with the Prime Minister's action of taking it upon 
himself to suspend the Constitution of Uganda and appeals to all Members of 
the National Assembly to do all they can to get the National Assembly 
convened at the earliest possible date to resolve this burning issue.

The Lukiiko passed yet another resolution on 12th March, the gist of which 
was that since the Prime Minister had failed to respond to the Lukiiko's 
earlier resolutions urging him to revoke his actions, they now regarded them 
and his future actions unconstitutional and would not be party to them. 
Obote responded by writing to the Katikkiro on 28th March in regard to the 
earlier Lukiiko resolutions. However, the Prime Minister merely reiterated 
what he had been saying before and failed to explain where he derived the 
authority to suspend the Constitution. The Lukiiko consequently passed 
another resolution on 13th April noting this fact and demanding that the 
Constitution be restored immediately.

On 15th April, Obote surrounded the Parliament with troops and introduced 
without notice a new form of constitution which was put to vote that very 
day. It was adopted without debate and by MPs who had not even had a chance 
to see it. The Prime Minister then informed the MPs that they could find 
their copies in their pigeon-holes - hence the name 'pigeon-hole 
constitution'. The most significant changes to the Constitution was the 
position of the Kingdoms whose federal status was abolished while Obote 
increased his powers.

The Lukiiko, in a sitting on the next day, considered these new developments 
carefully and maintained the position of it's earlier resolutions. On 18th 
April 1966 the Lukiiko issued a lengthy statement in which it stressed it's 
stand against the abrogation of the Constitution by the Prime Minister, it's 
belief in the federal system of governance and the universal human rights 
principles as laid down in the UN standards. The Lukiiko maintained that the 
Uganda Constitution of 1962 was the true basis for Uganda's unity and 
stability and strongly protested Obote's breach of the country's supreme 

After there had been no positive reaction from the Prime Minister and 
realizing that the basis upon which Uganda had become independent had been 
demolished, the Lukiiko passed a resolution on 19th May demanding the 
removal of the central government from the territory of Buganda by 30th May 
1966. Obote reacted by declaring a state of emergency throughout Buganda on 
23rd May. On 24th May, Obote ordered troops of the Uganda Army under the 
command of Idi Amin to storm the Kabaka's palace. Armed forces were deployed 
all over Kampala and in many parts of Buganda. Thousands of civilians were 
killed but Sir Edward managed to escape from the palace and into exile in 
the UK where he died in abject poverty in 1969.

These then were the events leading to the request by the Lukiiko for the 
removal of the central government from Buganda territory. I hope that in 
future, before people like Ocaya p'Ocure simply make declarations that 
Mengo wanted 

[Ugnet] Baghdad Recuits, UK eyes troop cuts

2005-07-10 Thread Matek Opoko
Baghdad recruits, UK eyes troop cuts 

By Alastair Macdonald Sun Jul 10, 5:48 AM ET 

BAGHDAD (Reuters) - A suicide bomber killed at least 16 people and wounded more than 40 at an Iraqi army recruiting center in western Baghdad on Sunday, hospital sources and police said. 

One Interior Ministry source put the death toll at 22.
The attack, claimed by al Qaeda's Iraq wing in an Internet posting, was the bloodiest in a week that has seen something of a lull in mass killings. Some insurgents have turned on other targets, including, in al Qaeda's case, top foreign diplomats.
A suicide car bomber also killed three civilians and wounded 10 near the local authority building in the ethnically tense northern oil city of Kirkuk on Sunday, police said. Four police were killed and three wounded further north near Mosul when a suicide bomber hit the motorcade of a district police chief.
Baghdad's Muthanna airfield recruitment station, near the city center, has been struck before, part of a sustained campaign by Sunni Arab insurgents against the Shi'ite-led government's fledgling security forces.
Those troops and police are a vital element in Washington's publicly proclaimed strategy of withdrawing its 140,000 or so troops over time and putting Iraqis in the front line of fighting the revolt among the once-dominant Sunni minority.
The British government responded to a newspaper report that it and Washington had plans to halve their forces in Iraq by next year by saying this was just one scenario.
A spokesman for the Pentagon, which has said the war in Iraq could last years, insisted it had no schedule for withdrawal.
Thirty-nine people from Muthanna airfield were being treated at the nearby Yarmuk hospital, medical sources said, and 16 bodies had been received there.
Several police sources said at least 42 people were wounded and that 18 people had been killed. The bomb went off as people were starting their working day in the capital.
Recruitment to the police and army has surged in recent months, with thousands of unemployed young men willing to face great risks for the prospect of a good salary. Bombers have frequently mingled with them before blowing themselves up.
Though the government and its U.S. sponsors insist that the new Iraqi army be drawn from across the country's complex ethnic and sectarian mix, disgruntled Sunni Arabs, who formed the elite of Saddam Hussein's military, accuse the government of forming a mostly Shi'ite and Kurdish force directed against them.
Such tension has fueled suggestions that Iraq could descend into civil war in the absence of a major U.S. military presence.
Passions flared in one mainly Shi'ite district of eastern Baghdad on Sunday as word spread of the overnight massacre of a local family of nine, who were shot in their beds. Police had no immediate leads but relatives leveled accusations at Sunnis.
A document from Britain's Defense Ministry, leaked in London's Mail on Sunday newspaper, said the British and U.S. governments had plans to reduce their troop levels in Iraq by more than half by mid-2006, handing over to Iraqi forces.
The memo, apparently written by Defense Secretary John Reid, said Britain would cut its force to 3,000 from 8,500 and Washington also had a plan to cut its forces to 66,000. 
"Emerging U.S. plans assume 14 out of 18 provinces could be handed over to Iraqi control by early 2006," the memo said. 
"There is, however, a debate between the Pentagon/Centcom, who favor a relatively bold reduction in force numbers and the multinational force in Iraq, whose approach is more cautious." 
President Bush has responded to opinion polls showing falling popularity for his Iraq policy by telling voters that U.S. forces will stand down "as Iraqis stand up." 
U.S. commanders on the ground say they are pleased with the progress Iraqi forces but caution that training will take time. 
Reid said in response to the report: "We have made it absolutely plain we will stay in Iraq for as long as is needed." 
In Washington, Pentagon spokesman Lieutenant-Commander Joe Carpenter, said: "I am not aware of any decided-upon timeline." 
(Additional reporting by Faris al-Mehdawi and Waleed Ibrahim in Baghdad, Heba Kandil in Dubai, Aref Mohammed in Kirkuk and Maher al-Thanoon in Mosul)

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[Ugnet] In Eastern Uganda....

2005-07-10 Thread Matek Opoko
You Move Kaguta as in chess!!

UWA evicts 1,000 in Kapchorwa, says FDC

David Mafabi

The Uganda Wildlife Authority effort to restore the national park colonial boundaries has left over 1,211 people in Kapchorwa landless, the district chairman of the opposition Forum for Democratic Change, Mr Peter Kamuron, has said. Kamuron said the Benet of Kapchorwa have been rendered landless and are squatters on their own land, living in camps under poor sanitation. “While government addresses the issue of internally displaced people living in camps in northern Uganda due to the Lord’s Resistance Army rebellion, there are over 1,000 Benet people of Kapchorwa displaced by UWA living in camps constructed on a rock who urgently need help,” Kamuron said. He was addressing a political rally at Kapchorwa Boma Ground on July 2, shortly before the launch of FDC offices in Kapchorwa town.Kamuron is a former National Resistance Council Member for Kween County.He said when the government transferred the authority of Mt. Elgon National Park to UWA in 19
 UWA made stringent rules that left many people landless.Tension between UWA and the local residents is surging as UWA is in the process of restoring the national park boundaries as they were during the colonial period. Kamuron told the FDC team led by the interim chairperson, Ms Salaamu Musumba, that the government had done nothing to end the Karimojong cattle rustling in which 1,700 people were killed and 34,000 displaced and over 8,000 head of cattle stolen in the last four years.He said Ngenge sub-county that lies between Nakapiripiriti and Sironko has been deserted because the armed Karimojong have turned it into a cattle rustling corridor. Musumba said since the Movement government has not given them security for 20 years, they should abandon it. “A government that does not provide security for its citizens and does not bother about the living conditions of its people is as good as dead. This is the time the people of Kapchorwa should dam
 p the
 Movement government,” Musumba said.
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2005-07-10 Thread Edward Mulindwa




angry at govt over Kabaka’s land 


MENGO is angry at the central government over alleged allocation 
of tracts of the Kabaka's land in Kiboga to Rwandese refugees. The 
land, part of the famous 9,000 square miles, has also been allocated 
to senior UPDF officers, district councillors and officials.
Kalangala RDC Katenda Luutu (formerly posted to Kiboga) confirms 
that Rwandese refugees have been allocated part of the Kabaka's land 
in Kiboga.
"I witnessed this when I was serving as RDC in Kiboga. These 
people were ferried in buses and trucks in the night, I tried to 
fight it by arresting them but they had stronger forces behind," 
Luutu said recently. However, the district chairperson, Mr Siraje 
Kizito Nkugwa, distanced himself from accusations that he backed the 
move. He said: "I was not even around when the district council 
passed that resolution." 
Further information filtering out of Kiboga cites six current and 
retired officers who got part of the said land. They include: Lt. 
Gen. Elly Tumwine, Col. Paddy Kashumba, Col. Kizza Besigye, Col. Sam 
Kawagga, Col. Livingstone Kateregga. Officials in Kiboga District 
have also reportedly allocated themselves part of the said 
land.Other sources told Sunday Monitor that Kiboga district 
councillors and administration officials recently passed a 
resolution to sell more of the said land to interested developers. 

Buganda kingdom deputy Premier Kaaya Kavuma said Kiboga land 
belongs to the Kabaka but government decided to leave it under the 
custody of the district. "What is happening in Kiboga justifies our 
dissatisfaction. We have remained unhappy because that land has not 
yet been returned to us," he said, adding that Mengo would take 
legal action against the illegal tenants in Kiboga.
The kingdom's Minister for Cabinet Affairs, Youth and 
Information, Mr Peter Mayiga, told Sunday Monitor that Mengo is 
unhappy that the Buganda Land Board lacks powers over the said 9,000 
square miles. "Government instead gave the land to districts under 
the district land boards which have not done enough to protect it" 
he said.
Mayiga said the kingdom was still studying the situation and a 
collective response would be announced soon. "Land is not like a 
fruit, which can be carried away," he said.
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[Ugnet] yaobang is back!

2005-07-10 Thread Y Yaobang
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[Ugnet] Lost generation grows in Yoweri Museveni's Uganda

2005-07-10 Thread Matek Opoko

Lost Generation Grows in Uganda 
NPR-Jul 08 7:56 AMCommentator Leroy Sievers talks about what he saw when he documented the effect of Uganda's civil war on children in the northern part of the country. The documentary is part of a project for Human Rights Watch. 

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[Ugnet] (no subject)

2005-07-10 Thread LilQT4851

Land, gender and stalled DRB: An opportunity to get it right? 


Africa and her poverty have become the subject of a global debate. Our wounds and our failures are being beamed all over the globe in the expectation that the citizens of the G8 world will do enough campaigning to encourage their governments to find a way of getting us out of the mess in which we have been wallowing for the last four decades (or possibly 500 years, if you take the really long view).
One of the strong messages coming out of the aid-to-Africa debate is that we are expected to start doing things very differently from the way it is perceived we have been doing them in the past. 
Relations between men and women will have to change and move towards gender equality; stealing of public money will have to be curbed; there should be more open and more regular elections, etc, we all know the list. These are the necessary steps we are told to take to be able to move towards more sustainable development and a complete break with the culture of poverty.
However, the English say that "necessity is the mother of invention", and the best evidence of their belief in that saying can be found in what they and their colleagues in the G8 club have done here in Africa. Not just now, but in the past that is still with us.The last two decades of the century before last found British society (as well as the rest of Europe's), very poor, sharply divided, crisis-ridden and constantly on the brink of revolt and revolution.

POVERTY WAR: Leaders, taking part in the G8 summit in Gleneagles, Scotland, listen to British Prime Minister Tony Blair (C) on Thursday. AFP photos
This was a direct result of their self-created industrial revolution that swept through Europe from the 1840s onwards, moving millions of people from an agricultural way of life into the mines, shipyards and factories, turning them into "wage-slaves", and destroying the remnants of village and community life that had managed to survive their feudal systems. The ordinary people reacted increasingly violently to this oppression and exploitation.
The Irish writer Oscar Wilde observed that England was simply "the first and the most deeply penetrated of all the British colonies". 
As a way out of these problems, the Europeans found it necessary to find new territories to settle their growing populations and to create new markets for their goods as well as ever-cheaper labour to exploit. Cecil Rhodes, the British inventor of Rhodesia (now Zambia and Zimbabwe), explained it most clearly: "I was in the east end of London yesterday and attended a meeting of the unemployed. 
I listened to the wild speeches, which were just a cry for "bread, bread, bread", and on my way home pondered over the scene and I became more than ever convinced of the importance of imperialism. My cherished idea is a solution for the social problem, i.e. in order to save the 40m or so inhabitants of the United Kingdom from a bloody civil war, we colonial statesmen must acquire new lands to settle the surplus population, to provide new markets for the goods produced by them in the factories and mines. The Empire, as I have always said, is a bread-and-butter question. If you want to avoid civil war, you must become imperialists."
This strategy enabled them to begin providing somewhat higher standards of living for their own people and even buy off a section of them, thus diminishing the threat of rebellion.

BASICALLY AGRARAIN: A Kenyan farmer plucks ripe coffee berries. 

Nigerois boys walk by grazing cattle on their way to help parents working in a field.
It was a strategy of survival, where the capitalist counties turned themselves into imperialist, empire-owning countries – the beginning of globalisation – and has so far worked quite well for them, providing a new lease of life on which they as the G8 are surviving up to today.
Poverty questionThis is where Uganda, and other places like it, comes in.
"Uganda" was invented in the 1880s as a necessary part of the solution to those British problems mentioned earlier, and politically imposed on our recent ancestors in 1894. From that day onwards, Uganda has been little more than a vast income-generating project for the powerful interests that drive the economies of the countries now known as the G8.
Today, Uganda ranks as one of the countries with the poorest populations in the world. It is this poverty that the G8 countries say that they are committed to resolving, all by 2015.
Our governments of the last decades have been supported and encouraged in carrying out policies that would, say the globally wise, make it easier to attract help, solve inequalities and create wealth. 
In its current form, the Domestic Relations Bill (DRB), which incidentally predates the G8 initiative by a few decades – is a piece of proposed legislation that would address one of the concerns: gender inequality. The laws regarding land use and management are also of 

[Ugnet] It is a Hima Dynasty

2005-07-10 Thread Matek Opoko
‘It is a Hima dynasty’ 
I want to agree with the author of the article, Museveni's Dynasty Not Welcome Here (Daily Monitor, June 30). However, I want to correct the erroneous belief by the same author that the dynasty Museveni is bent on creating is a Nyankole dynasty. It is not. It is a Hima dynasty.
I know many people outside what used to be called Ankole, before it was fragmented into different districts, cannot tell the difference between Bahima and Bairu (a misnomer surely!) Culturally, physically, socially, in other words, ethnically, Movement propaganda notwithstanding, the two groups of people are very different and do not interact socially except for appearances' sake because the Bairu are superior numerically and the Movement gurus want people to believe that they do not segregate their fellow countrymen. 
Just look at the top commanders in the army or key ministers and all the top managers in the country. It is therefore important that Ugandans and the world at large be aware of this.
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2005-07-10 Thread Edward Mulindwa

Lest We Forget; These Were Blair's 
Bombs By John Pilger 
t r u t h o u t | Perspective 
Sunday 10 July 2005 
In all the coverage of last week's bombing of London, 
a basic truth is struggling to be heard. It is this: no one doubts the atrocious 
inhumanity of those who planted the bombs, but no one should also doubt that 
this has been coming since the day Tony Blair joined George Bush in their bloody 
invasion and occupation of Iraq. They are "Blair's bombs", and he ought not be 
allowed to evade culpability with yet another unctuous speech about "our way of 
life", which his own rapacious violence in other countries has despoiled. 
Indeed, the only reliable warning from British 
intelligence in the run-up to the invasion of Iraq was that which predicted a 
sharp increase in terrorism "with Britain and Britons a target". A House of 
Commons committee has since verified this warning. Had Blair heeded it instead 
of conspiring to deceive the nation that Iraq offered a threat the Londoners who 
died on Thursday might be alive today, along with tens of thousands of innocent 
Three weeks ago, a classified CIA report revealed 
that the Anglo-American invasion of Iraq had turned that country into a focal 
point of terrorism. None of the intelligence agencies regarded Iraq as such a 
flashpoint before the invasion, however tyrannical the regime. On the contrary, 
in 2003, the CIA reported that Iraq "exported no terrorist threat to his 
neighbours" and that Saddam Hussein was "implacably hostile to Al-Qaeda". 
Blair's and Bush's invasion changed all that. In 
invading a stricken and defenceless country at the heart of the Islamic and Arab 
world, their adventure became self-fulfilling; Blair's epic irresponsibility has 
brought the daily horrors of Iraq home to Britain. For more than a year, he has 
urged the British to "move on" from Iraq, and last week it seemed that his 
spinmeisters and good fortune had joined hands. The awarding of the 2012 
Olympics to London created the fleeting illusion that all was well, regardless 
of messy events in a faraway country. 
Moreover, the G8 meeting in Scotland and its 
accompanying "Make Poverty History" campaign and circus of celebrities served as 
a temporary cover for what is arguably the greatest political scandal of modern 
times: an illegal, brutal and craven invasion conceived in lies and which, under 
the system of international law established at Nuremberg, represented a 
"paramount war crime". 
Over the past two weeks, the contrast between the 
coverage of the G8, its marches and pop concerts, and another "global" event has 
been striking. The World Tribunal on Iraq in Istanbul has had virtually no 
coverage, yet the evidence it has produced, the most damning to date, has been 
the silent spectre at the Geldoff extravaganzas. 
The tribunal is a serious international public 
inquiry into the invasion and occupation, the kind governments dare not hold. 
Its expert, eyewitness testimonies, said the author Arundathi Roy, a tribunal 
jury member, "demonstrate that even those of us who have tried to follow the war 
closely are not aware of a fraction of the horrors that have been unleashed in 
Iraq." The most shocking was given by Dahr Jamail, one of the best un-embedded 
reporters working in Iraq. He described how the hospitals of besieged Fallujah 
had been subjected to an American tactic of collective punishment, with US 
marines assaulting staff and stopping the wounded entering, and American snipers 
firing at the doors and windows, and medicines and emergency blood prevented 
from reaching them. Children, the elderly, were shot dead in front of their 
families, in cold blood. 
Imagine for a moment the same appalling state of 
affairs imposed on the London hospitals that received the victims of Thursday's 
bombing. Unimaginable? Well, it happens, in our name, regardless of whether the 
BBC reports it, which is rare. When will someone ask about this at one of the 
staged "press conferences" at which Blair is allowed to emote for the cameras 
stuff about "our values outlast [ing] theirs"? Silence is not journalism. In 
Fallujah, they know "our values" only too well. 
While the two men responsible for the carnage in 
Iraq, Bush and Blair, were side by side at Gleneagles, why wasn't the connection 
of their fraudulent "war on terror" made with the bombing in London? And when 
will someone in the political class say that Blair's smoke-and-mirrors "debt 
cancellation" at best amounts to less than the money the government spent in a 
week brutalising Iraq, where British and American violence is the cause of the 
doubling of child poverty and malnutrition since Saddam Hussein was overthrown 
The truth is that the debt relief the G8 is offering 
is lethal because its ruthless "conditionalities" of captive economies far 
outweigh any tenuous benefit. This was taboo during the G8 week, whose theme was 
not so much making poverty history as the 


2005-07-10 Thread Edward Mulindwa

Face up to the 
We all know who was to 
blame for Thursday's murders... and it wasn't Bush and Blair Nick CohenSunday July 10, 2005The 
Observer The instinctive response of a significant portion of the rich world's 
intelligentsia to the murder of innocents on 11 September was anything but 
robust. A few, such as Karlheinz Stockhausen, were delighted. The destruction of 
the World Trade Centre was 'the greatest work of art imaginable for the whole 
cosmos,' declared the composer whose tin ear failed to catch the screams. 
Others saw it as a blow for justice rather than art. They persuaded 
themselves that al-Qaeda was made up of anti-imperialist insurgents who were 
avenging the wrongs of the poor. 'The great speculators wallow in an economy 
that every year kills tens of millions of people with poverty, so what is 20,000 
dead in New York?' asked Dario Fo. Rosie Boycott seemed to agree. 'The West 
should take the blame for pushing people in Third World countries to the end of 
their tether,' she wrote. 
these bleak days, it's worth remembering what was said after September 2001. A 
backward glance shows that before the war against the Taliban and long before 
the war against Saddam Hussein, there were many who had determined that 'we had 
it coming'. They had to convince themselves that Islamism was a Western 
creation: a comprehensible reaction to the International Monetary Fund or 
hanging chads in Florida or whatever else was agitating them, rather than an 
autonomous psychopathic force with reasons of its own. In the years since, this 
manic masochism has spread like bindweed and strangled leftish and much 
conservative thought. 
All kinds of hypocrisy remained unchallenged. In my world of liberal London, 
social success at the dinner table belonged to the man who could simultaneously 
maintain that we've got it coming but that nothing was going to come; that 
indiscriminate murder would be Tony Blair's fault but there wouldn't be 
indiscriminate murder because 'the threat' was a phantom menace invented by 
Blair to scare the cowed electorate into supporting him. 
I'd say the 'power of nightmares' side of that oxymoronic argument is too 
bloodied to be worth discussing this weekend and it's better to stick with the 
wider delusion. 
On Thursday, before the police had made one arrest, before one terrorist 
group had claimed responsibility, before one body had been carried from the 
wreckage, let alone been identified and allowed to rest in peace, cocksure 
voices filled with righteousness were proclaiming that the real murderers 
weren't the real murderers but the Prime Minister. I'm not thinking of George 
Galloway and the other saluters of Saddam, but of upright men and women who sat 
down to write letters to respectable newspapers within minutes of hearing the 
'Hang your head in shame, Mr Blair. Better still, resign - and whoever takes 
over immediately withdraw all our forces from Iraq and Afghanistan,' wrote the 
Rev Mike Ketley, who is a vicar, for God's sake, but has no qualms about leaving 
Afghanistan to the Taliban and al-Qaeda or Iraq to the Baath party and al-Qaeda. 
'Let's stop this murder and put on trial those criminals who are within our 
jurisdiction,' began Patrick Daly of south London in an apparently promising 
letter to the Independent. But, inevitably, he didn't mean the bombers. 'Let's 
start with the British government.' 
And so it went on. At no point did they grasp that Islamism was a reactionary 
movement as great as fascism, which had claimed millions of mainly Muslim lives 
in the Sudan, Iran, Algeria and Afghanistan and is claiming thousands in Iraq. 
As with fascism, it takes a resolute dunderheadedness to put all the 
responsibility on democratic governments for its existence. 
I feel the appeal, believe me. You are exasperated with the manifold faults 
of Tony Blair and George W Bush. Fighting your government is what you know how 
to do and what you want to do, and when you are confronted with totalitarian 
forces which are far worse than your government, the easy solution is to blame 
your government for them. 
But it's a parochial line of reasoning to suppose that all bad, or all good, 
comes from the West - and a racist one to boot. The unavoidable consequence is 
that you must refuse to support democrats, liberals, feminists and socialists in 
the Arab world and Iran who are the victims of Islamism in its Sunni and Shia 
guises because you are too compromised to condemn their persecutors. 
Islamism stops being an ideology intent on building an empire from Andalusia 
to Indonesia, destroying democracy and subjugating women and becomes, by the 
magic of parochial reasoning, a protest movement on a par with Make Poverty 
History or the TUC. 
Again, I understand the appeal. Whether you are brown or white, Muslim, 
Christian, Jew or atheist, it is uncomfortable to face the fact that there is a 
messianic cult of death which, like European fascism 


2005-07-10 Thread Edward Mulindwa

Clues emerging in London blasts 

July 9, 2005 

LONDON-- Police issued a stunning revision Sunday, shrinking the time between 
deadly explosions in the London Underground to just seconds, not 26 minutes as 
first reported, and saying the blasts were so powerful that none of the 49 known 
dead has yet been identified. 
Many bodies still lay buried in a rat-infested subway tunnel and frantic 
relatives begged for word about others still missing in the worst attack on 
London since World War II. 
Investigators also said the bombs that brought the British capital to a 
standstill Thursday were made of sophisticated high explosives. While it was 
possible the explosives were industrial or military materials obtained on the 
black market, investigators said it was too early to pinpoint where the 
terrorist bombers got the ingredients. 
Investigators declined to say if they were looking for specific suspects, but 
repeated their assertion that the bombings bore the signature of al-Qaida, the 
terror network blamed for the Sept. 11 attacks on the United States. The 
organization, headed by Osama bin Laden, has gained a reputation for 
sophisticated timing in its terror strikes. 
"It will be some time before this job is completed and it will be done with 
all the necessary dignity to the deceased," said Andy Trotter of the British 
Transport Police. 

Transit officials originally said the blasts occurred over a 26-minute span, 
but computer software that tracked train locations and electric circuits 
subsequently determined the first blast shattered the rush-hour commute at 8:50 
a.m in Aldgate station, east London, with the next two erupting within 50 
A fourth explosion tore through a double-decker bus near a subway entrance, 
killing 13 people, nearly an hour later. The attacks hit as President Bush and 
other G-8 leaders were holding a summit in Scotland and a day after London was 
named the host city for the 2012 Olympics. 
Deputy Assistant Police Commissioner Brian Paddick said the near-simultaneous 
nature of the attacks indicated timers-- not suicide bombers-- set off the 
explosions. He cautioned, however, that the investigation was in an early stage 
and nothing had been ruled out. 
As sobbing relatives held pictures and searched for missing loved ones at 
subway stations around the city, crews looked into reports of more than 1,000 
people missing. While police said they expected the death toll to rise, a 
significant increase was not expected. Most of the missing-persons reports were 
not believed connected to the bombings. 
More than 20 people injured in the blasts remained in critical condition, and 
an unknown number of bodies remained in the Russell Square subway tunnel, where 
heat, dust and dangerous conditions slowed crews trying to reach the corpses 
trapped beneath the wreckage. Many London subway lines run more than 100 feet 
below ground. 
"It is a very harrowing task," said police detective Jim Dickie. "Most of the 
victims have suffered intensive trauma, and by that I mean there are body parts 
as well as torsos." Many of those who worked to recover bodies had done the same 
work during December's devastating tsunami in the Indian Ocean. 
Forensics experts were relying on fingerprints, dental records and DNA 
analysis to identify the victims. To help with DNA matches, police were asking 
for hair samples from those believed to be family members of some victims. 
Riders were returning to Underground stations, but warily and in smaller 
"There's just less people," student William Palmer, 23, said at the Chancery 
Lane subway stop. "Everyone's looking around a little bit more." 
The system was set for its first real test on Sunday when 20,000 cricket fans 
were expected to travel to the British capital for a match between England and 
When asked about the claim of responsibility by a group calling itself The 
Secret Organization of al-Qaida in Europe, Prime Minister Tony Blair told the 
BBC on Saturday it was "reasonably obvious that it comes from that type of 
Little was known about the group, but its name was attached to an Internet 
statement that claimed responsibility for the Madrid commuter train bombings 
that killed 191 people in March 2004, the last major terror attack in Europe. 
A second claim appeared on a Web site Saturday, this one signed Abu Hafs 
al-Masri Brigades, a group whose name invokes the alias of Mohammed Atef, bin 
Laden's top deputy who was killed in a U.S. airstrike in Afghanistan in November 
But terrorism experts said the group had no proven record of attacks, and 
noted it had claimed responsibility for events in which it was unlikely to have 
played any role-- the 2003 blackouts in the United States and London that 
resulted from technical problems, for example. 
At King's Cross station, near the site of the deadliest of the three subway 
bombings, service was partially 


2005-07-10 Thread Edward Mulindwa
LONDON (AFP) - The former head of Scotland Yard warned that the London bombers 
were probably British and that there were many people in the country willing to 
take part in such atrocities. 

The terrorists at the centre of the London bombing this week will almost 
certainly be British born and bred, brought up here and totally aware of 
British life and values, Sir John Stevens told the News of the World.

He said he had heard suggestions the bombers, who killed at least 50 people and 
injured some 700 in the Thursday morning rush hour, had come from abroad.

But that's just dangerous wishful thinking, a damaging illusion, wrote 

I'm afraid there's a sufficient number of people in this country willing to be 
Islamic terrorists that they don't have to be drafted in from abroad, he said 

Stevens said he thought the likely suspects would be apparently-ordinary 
British citizens, young men conservatively and cleanly dressed and probably 
with some higher education.

Highly computer literate, they will have used the internet to research 
explosives, chemicals and electronics, he went on.

They are also willing to kill without mercy -- and to take a long time in 
their planning. They are painstaking, cautious, clever and very sophisticated.

Stevens said that unlike other organised groups like the 

 The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
Groupe de communication Mulindwas 
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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2005-07-10 Thread Edward Mulindwa

'It's Imperialism, 
Professor Noam Chomsky, MIT 7-8-5


Fighting the so-called, phony and staged 'War On 
Terror' takes a back seat to Bush's #1 Objective: Controlling the center 
of the world's major energy resources and supplies: Iraq - with the 
world's 2nd largest known oil reserves! 
In his June 28 speech, President Bush asserted that 
the invasion of Iraq was undertaken as part of "a global war against 
terror" that the United States is waging. In reality, as anticipated, 
Half-truths, MISinformation and HIDDEN AGENDAS have 
characterised official pronouncements about U.S. war motives in Iraq 
from the very beginning. The recent revelations about the rush to war in 
Iraq stand out all the more starkly amid the chaos that ravages the 
country and threatens the region and indeed the world. 
In 2002, the U.S. and United Kingdom proclaimed the 
right to invade Iraq because it was developing weapons of mass 
destruction. That was the "single question," as stressed constantly by 
Bush, Prime Minister Blair and associates. It was also THE SOLE BASIS on 
which Bush received congressional authorisation to resort to force. The 
answer to the "single question" was given shortly after the invasion, 
and reluctantly conceded: The WMD didn't exist. Scarcely missing a beat, 
the government and media doctrinal system concocted NEW pretexts and 
"Americans do not like to think of themselves as 
aggressors, but raw aggression is what took place in Iraq," national 
security and intelligence analyst John Prados concluded after his 
careful, extensive review of the documentary record in his 2004 book 
"Hoodwinked." Prados describes the Bush "scheme to convince America and 
the world that war with Iraq was necessary and urgent" as "a case study 
in government dishonesty ... that required patently UNtrue public 
statements and egregious manipulation of intelligence." The Downing 
Street memo, published on May 1 in The Sunday Times of London, along 
with other newly available confidential documents, have DEEPENED THE 
The memo came from a meeting of Blair's war cabinet on 
July 23, 2002, in which Sir Richard Dearlove, head of British foreign 
intelligence, made the now-notorious assertion that "the intelligence 
and facts were being fixed around the policy" of going to war in Iraq. 
The memo also quotes British Defence Secretary Geoff Hoon as saying that 
"the U.S. had already begun 'spikes of activity' to put pressure on the 
British journalist Michael Smith, who broke the story 
of the memo, has elaborated on its context and contents in subsequent 
articles. The "spikes of activity" apparently included a coalition air 
campaign meant to PROVOKE IRAQ INTO SOME ACT that could be portrayed as 
what the memo calls a "casus belli." 
Warplanes began bombing in southern Iraq in May 2002 " 
10 tons that month, according to British government figures. A special 
"spike" started in late August (for a September total of 54.6 tons). "In 
other words, Bush and Blair began their war not in March 2003, as 
everyone believed, but at the end of August 2002, six weeks before 
Congress approved military action against Iraq," Smith wrote. The 
bombing was presented as defensive action to protect coalition planes in 
the no-fly zone. Iraq protested to the United Nations but didn't fall 
into the trap of retaliating. For U.S.-UK planners, INVADING IRAQ WAS A 
FAR HIGHER PRIORITY than the "war on terror." That much is revealed by 
the reports of their own intelligence agencies. 
On the eve of the allied invasion, a classified report 
by the National Intelligence Council, the intelligence community's 
center for strategic thinking, "predicted that an American-led invasion 
of Iraq would increase support for political Islam and WOULD RESULT IN A 
DEEPLY DIVIDED IRAQI SOCIETY prone to violent internal conflict," 
Douglas Jehl and David E. Sanger reported in The New York Times last 
In December 2004, Jehl reported a few weeks later, the 
NIC warned that "Iraq and other possible conflicts in the future could 
provide RECRUITMENT, training grounds, technical skills and language 
proficiency FOR A NEW CLASS OF TERRORISTS who are 'professionalised' and 


2005-07-10 Thread Edward Mulindwa
Tony Blair Ordered 
The London Bombings 
Former MI6 operative: The mainstream media 
ignores vital evidence of an inside job.
By Michael James in Frankfurt, Germany

Rested after a good night's sleep in the Gleneagles Hotel, Tony Blair 
glanced nervously at his watch and wondered if the bombing of the London 
transport system would take place on schedule. London's Chief of Police, Sir 
Ian Blair, and MI5 boss, Eliza Manningham-Buller, had promised to keep him 
firmly in the loop; and Jack Straw had advised him that the Israelis had been 
Blair caught a glimpse of himself in the dresser and checked his 
profile. Carole, his personal image advisor, had told him to soften the 
pronounced jaw when seated next to Bush. You're overdoing the Winston thing, 
she had said pointedly. Killing people was yesterday; starving Africans and 
rainforests is now the thing. She was wrong about the killing, of course. The 
good Miz Caplin would never understand his rites of passage, at least not in 
the Brethren's sense of the term. And yet something was still bothering him. 
The intelligence services had been caught off balance by Mossad's 
unwelcome intrusion into matters they considered a strictly British affair. 
Having the headline Israel Warned Blair Two Days Before Attack splashed 
across the front pages of an otherwise complicit print media was something to 
be avoided at all costs. Binyamin Netanyahu would go ahead with preparations 
for his press conference and allow himself to be advised by Scotland Yard 
shortly after the first blast. If MI5 were to dally in their attacks on 
commuters, he would have no choice but to claim that Scotland Yard had warned 
him prior to the event, and the Blair government would have to hope that the 
British people would not notice the obvious irregularity. 
Back in London, Netanyahu dropped security protocol and looked 
cautiously out of his hotel window. Reflecting on his long years of experience 
in helping to finance and organise terror attacks on Israeli citizens to 
provoke world outrage against the rightful inhabitants of his stolen country, 
he knew that errors would be made and officials would let their tongues slip 
when the heat was on. Press reports would have to be altered at short notice 
and the volume turned up loud until all the world would hear nothing but al 
Qaeda, alQaeda, al Qaeda. It had worked before and it would work again. The 
Goyim, whether American or British, would once more be led by the nose to 
believe the official version of events. Binyamin snickered inwardly at Eliza 
Manningham-Buller's chosen title for the fictitious terror group. The 
nonsensical Secret Group of the al Qaeda Organisation in Europe suggested to 
him that Manningham-Buller had probably spent her childhood reading nothing 
  than Enid Blyton's Famous Five and Secret Seven adventure books. Yes, 
that was it, the Secret Seven on the seventh of July. How apt. How very 
Whatever, the British had insisted on bombing close to the venue at 
which he had been billed to deliver an important seminar, if only to give the 
attacks, in the words of an MI6 liason officer, a real whiff of al Qaeda. The 
Liverpool Street bombing would even lift the hotel in which former New York 
City mayor Rudy Giuliani was staying. The Prime Minister of Ontario, Dalton 
McGuinty, was also close to the epicentre. The British government and their 
Freemason paymasters in the City of London were sure sending a message to the 
Americans and Canadians: We're back in control of the terror game now. This 
time, the British Crown is playing for keeps. 
But the clock was ticking, and still no word. Hashem, Netanyahu 
growled softly, deliver us from the ignorant Goyim and their slow-witted 
At 8.40 am, Mad Dog Spencer stepped into the third carriage of a 
subway train bound for Aldgate and Liverpool Street Stations. He knew he would 
have very little time to leave the package behind in a shabby plastic bag and 
put sufficient distance between himself and the ten pounds of high explosives 
strapped to a timer. The latex treatment, which had given him the facial 
appearance of a down-and-out, was beginning to itch. Such inconveniences would 
have meant nothing to him back in the days when working in Kabul with his old 
MI6 friend, Clive Newell. It was Newell who had introduced him to the legendary 
CIA asset, Osama bin Laden, then known by his American codename Tim Osman. 
Those were the days: fighting the Soviets back-to-back with artificial Islamic 
terror groups financed out of London, courtesy of the Bank of Credit and 
Commerce International. 
Spencer remembered Clive fawning over Osama as our baby, and his 
raging against the CIA's unwarranted incursions on the British Crown's right to 
use the fledgling al Qaeda gang as it saw fit. 


2005-07-10 Thread Owor Kipenji
All this is Obote's fault. Afterall Mutesa is already 36 years dead.
KipenjiEdward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Mengo angry at govt over Kabaka’s land 


MENGO is angry at the central government over alleged allocation of tracts of the Kabaka's land in Kiboga to Rwandese refugees. The land, part of the famous 9,000 square miles, has also been allocated to senior UPDF officers, district councillors and officials.
Kalangala RDC Katenda Luutu (formerly posted to Kiboga) confirms that Rwandese refugees have been allocated part of the Kabaka's land in Kiboga.
"I witnessed this when I was serving as RDC in Kiboga. These people were ferried in buses and trucks in the night, I tried to fight it by arresting them but they had stronger forces behind," Luutu said recently. However, the district chairperson, Mr Siraje Kizito Nkugwa, distanced himself from accusations that he backed the move. He said: "I was not even around when the district council passed that resolution." 
Further information filtering out of Kiboga cites six current and retired officers who got part of the said land. They include: Lt. Gen. Elly Tumwine, Col. Paddy Kashumba, Col. Kizza Besigye, Col. Sam Kawagga, Col. Livingstone Kateregga. Officials in Kiboga District have also reportedly allocated themselves part of the said land.Other sources told Sunday Monitor that Kiboga district councillors and administration officials recently passed a resolution to sell more of the said land to interested developers. 
Buganda kingdom deputy Premier Kaaya Kavuma said Kiboga land belongs to the Kabaka but government decided to leave it under the custody of the district. "What is happening in Kiboga justifies our dissatisfaction. We have remained unhappy because that land has not yet been returned to us," he said, adding that Mengo would take legal action against the illegal tenants in Kiboga.
The kingdom's Minister for Cabinet Affairs, Youth and Information, Mr Peter Mayiga, told Sunday Monitor that Mengo is unhappy that the Buganda Land Board lacks powers over the said 9,000 square miles. "Government instead gave the land to districts under the district land boards which have not done enough to protect it" he said.
Mayiga said the kingdom was still studying the situation and a collective response would be announced soon. "Land is not like a fruit, which can be carried away," he said.___Ugandanet mailing listUgandanet@kym.nethttp://kym.net/mailman/listinfo/ugandanet% UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM http://www.infocom.co.ug/
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[Ugnet] [abujaNig] Re: [Mwananchi] RE: Here Comes TROUBLE: The CUTLASS Heads To Scotland (G-8 Summit)

2005-07-10 Thread Edward Mulindwa
You know some times I just wonder the mechanism of a white populace. Iran has 
been a problem to all the west, we have nuclear research that we wanted to get 
involved in and to put an end. The Europeans have tried to talk to Iran, the 
Americans have had their fingers itching for bombs to fall on Iran. As 
silliness comes Iran had an election and the enemy of the Americans was not 
elected. George Bush has moved very fast to call him a terrorist.

Zimbabweans watch out Pat Anderson has an agenda this is not about shack houses 
this is an agenda. The problem with her agenda is that even if Sadam Hussein 
left power, Iraq had to be attacked for it is an agenda. 

May all The Zimbabweans who will be killed under her agenda rest in peace.

 The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
Groupe de communication Mulindwas 
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie

  - Original Message - 
  From: Dr. Valentine Ojo 
  Cc: TalkNigeria ; Pan-Africanist Forum ; Africare-Newpublications ; AbujaNig 
; Naijanet 
  Sent: Saturday, July 02, 2005 6:18 PM
  Subject: [Mwananchi] RE: Here Comes TROUBLE: The CUTLASS Heads To Scotland 
(G-8 Summit)

  Why him? Who else can they invite? Who else still serves white interests in 
Africa, and still calls himself an African intellectual? The Jonas Savinmbis, 
the Moise Tshombes, the Mobutu Sese Seko, the Tsvangarai (or that clown in 
Zimbabwe) of Africa are now a dying breed.you have to look hard to find one.


  And they found him.today before the US senate, tomorrow, before an 
Australian, British, or Canadian Commission, and now before a Commission on the 
repartitioning of Africa in the 2005.


  Remember the Germans under Bismarck, hosted the first portioning conference.


  Only difference this time, a renegade African intellectual is being invited 
as observer - how white nations carve up black nations to satisfy their greed 
for Africa's resources.


  Val Ojo


  -Original Message-
  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of tnygb
  Sent: Saturday, July 02, 2005 12:40 PM
  Subject: [Mwananchi] Re: Here Comes TROUBLE: The CUTLASS Heads To Scotland 
(G-8 Summit)


  Why you? Ever thought about that?

  Tony Ogbo

  --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], George Ayittey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Your angry CUTLASS has been invited by the German Marshall Fund and
  the Partnership to
   End Hunger and Poverty in Africa to participate in a Conference in
  Edinburgh. The
   invitation is pasted below. Airfare and hotel are all taken care of
  by them. This
   Conference is a pre-up for the G-8 Summit that begins on July 8 in
  Scotland. Other
   invited guests include Paul Wolfowitz, the new head of the World
  Bank, and the
   presidents of Ethiopia, Ghana, Mozambique, Nigeria, and Senegal. And
  the CUTLASS will
   be there among them.
   African leaders want a Marshall Aid Plan for Africa and the German
  Marshall Fund is
   sending the CUTLASS to meet them? You wait. Pray that the CUTLASS
  does not meet any
   coconut bobbing up and down the bogs of Scotland or some dark alley.
  Chei! It will be
   butubutu brutal.
   This whole brouhaha over debt relief and increased aid to Africa is
  so humiliating and
   sickening. It perpetuates racist notions about Africa: That Africa
  is so hopelessly
   incapable of governing itself that its salvation now rests on rock
  concerts attended
   by rich white kids. Every 10 years, a major international campaign
  is launched to help
   save Africa: 1985 (Live Aid), 1996 (UN Special Initiative for
  Africa, and now (2005).
   In 1985, 20 years ago, Live Aid was organized by rock artists to
  raise $100 million to
   save famine victims in Ethiopia. What happened to the money and how
  come Ethiopia is
   still starving?
   Say what you want about historical wrongs and the moral
  obligation of the rich
   nations to help but the spectacle of African leaders, groveling and
   themselves the West to beg, beg, and beg for aid reinforces racist
  notions about
   Sambo. Do you see Asians and Latin Americans humiliating
  themselves with such
   begging? Yet, Africa, with its immense mineral wealth, can't even
  feed itself. What
   resources does Singapore, Taiwan or Japan have?
   Africa has been reduced to a pauper in rags in the midst of stunning
  wealth by a
   leadership that lacks even the most elementary understanding of how
  to govern and
   develop a country. Even the traditional rulers know how to better
  run their kingdoms
   and states. Development to modern and educated African leaders
  means developing
   their pockets and seeking foreign investment means investing the
  loot in a foreign
   country. Why is Nigeria, with all its oil wealth, still poor? What
  happened to the
   over $400 billion in oil revenue that 

[Ugnet] [abujaNig] Re: [panafricanistforum] RE: Here Comes TROUBLE: The CUTLASS Heads To Scotland (G-8 Summit)

2005-07-10 Thread Edward Mulindwa
It is the head line of Mwananchi even Chifu Wa Malindi used it. Soon we are 
going to have a side on Mwananchi site to show where we have been called. Just 


 The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
Groupe de communication Mulindwas 
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie

  - Original Message - 
  From: Dr. Valentine Ojo 
  To: George Ayittey 
  Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; TalkNigeria ; Pan-Africanist Forum ; 
Africare-Newpublications ; AbujaNig ; Naijanet 
  Sent: Saturday, July 02, 2005 10:03 PM
  Subject: [panafricanistforum] RE: Here Comes TROUBLE: The CUTLASS Heads To 
Scotland (G-8 Summit)

  I knew that was coming...

  -Original Message-
  From:   George Ayittey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent:  Saturday, July 02, 2005 9:46 PM
  To:  Dr. Valentine Ojo
  Cc:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]; TalkNigeria; Pan-Africanist Forum;
  Africare-Newpublications; AbujaNig; Naijanet
  Subject:  Re: [Naijanet] RE: Here Comes TROUBLE: The CUTLASS Heads To
  Scotland  (G-8 Summit)

  And Val,

  Who invites you anywhere? Ghaddafi? Babangida? Castro? Osama bin Laden? If
  someone invites you, we can at least say that your VIEWPOINT is receiving
  recognition. But NOBODY invites you and you are stuck in an intellectual
  like a hippo.

  Say what you want about Ayittey but at least Ayittey gets around and does
  something. And what do you do? NOTHING apart from posting one-liners.
  useless to Africa.

  George Ayittey,
  Washington, DC

  Dr. Valentine Ojo wrote:

   The Conference at Edinburgh is that of African nations meeting in Britain.
   Did you not realize that?
   Our Georgie Boy is appearing before his African peers - pardon the slip -
   before his masters and sponsors, to plead Africa's cause.
   Great, what!
   Val Ojo
   -Original Message-
   Of Edward Mulindwa
   Sent: Saturday, July 02, 2005 9:40 AM
   Subject: Re: [Mwananchi] Re: Here Comes TROUBLE: The CUTLASS Heads To
   Scotland (G-8 Summit)
   Is Ayittey going to Edinburgh to inform Africans how their problem is
   by the same, and how they have to solve it them selves?
The Mulindwas Communication Group
   With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
   Groupe de communication Mulindwas
   avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie
   - Original Message -
   From: paanderson2003 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Saturday, July 02, 2005 8:09 AM
   Subject: [Mwananchi] Re: Here Comes TROUBLE: The CUTLASS Heads To Scotland
   (G-8 Summit)
   Great stuff!  I`m sure you will do a great job as always. If you get
   the chance, bend a few ears, African and European, plus US and
   anybody else who is listening!
   Have a great trip, take an umbrella (see forecast link) at least it
   won`t be too hot (weather)  but will still be pleasant. Watch out for
   the protestors in Edinburgh, also, I`ve just checked the TV guide for
   next week, so if you have any leisure time, there is a feast of
   programmes on Africa to see, mainly on BBC but on other channels.
   By the way, the rock concerts are supposed to be about raising
   Bon Voyage!
   --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], George Ayittey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Your angry CUTLASS has been invited by the German Marshall Fund and
   the Partnership to
End Hunger and Poverty in Africa to participate in a Conference in
   Edinburgh. The
invitation is pasted below. Airfare and hotel are all taken care of
   by them. This
Conference is a pre-up for the G-8 Summit that begins on July 8 in
   Scotland. Other
invited guests include Paul Wolfowitz, the new head of the World
   Bank, and the
presidents of Ethiopia, Ghana, Mozambique, Nigeria, and Senegal.
   And the CUTLASS will
be there among them.
African leaders want a Marshall Aid Plan for Africa and the
   German Marshall Fund is
sending the CUTLASS to meet them? You wait. Pray that the CUTLASS
   does not meet any
coconut bobbing up and down the bogs of Scotland or some dark
   alley. Chei! It will be
butubutu brutal.
This whole brouhaha over debt relief and increased aid to Africa is
   so humiliating and
sickening. It perpetuates racist notions about Africa: That Africa
   is so hopelessly
incapable of governing itself that its salvation now rests on rock
   concerts attended
by rich white kids. Every 10 years, a major international campaign
   is launched to help
save Africa: 1985 (Live Aid), 1996 (UN Special Initiative for
   Africa, and now (2005).
In 1985, 20 years ago, Live Aid was organized by rock artists to
   raise $100 million to
save famine victims in Ethiopia. 


2005-07-10 Thread Edward Mulindwa

55 Nations: US Should Close Guantanamo 


On the day America marked its 229th birthday, 
lawmakers from 55 countries received a report criticising the handling 
of prisoners at the U.S. military base at Guantanamo and called for its 
Though the 15-page report to members of the 
Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe's Parliamentary 
Assembly absolved the U.S. of torture and abuse claims at the detention 
facility, it argued that the facility is ineffective in fighting the 
"war on terrorism" and damaged the U.S. reputation, particularly among 
democratic countries. 
"We know it is not possible for closure in two 
weeks... but a one- or two-year calendar should be drafted for closure 
of this jail," said the report's author, Anne-Marie Lizin, speaker of 
the Senate in Belgium and executive secretary of the assembly's 
Committee on Democracy, Human Rights and Humanitarian Questions. 
U.S. Representative Alcee Hastings, who is also the 
president of the Parliamentary Assembly, declined a request for an 
American reply to the report but noted that "there is robust debate in 
the United States about Guantanamo." The report will contribute to that 
discussion, he said. 
Hastings and Representative Steny Hoyer called the 
report "balanced," and said they wanted further U.S. hearings on the 
According to Hastings, although he did not endorse the 
call for closing the facility, "I have strong feelings about the holding 
of people without trial." 
The Bush administration has consistently refused to 
close the Guantanamo center claiming it is producing valuable 
intelligence in the "war against terrorism". 
The report found that the transfer of prisoners to 
Guantanamo "at the time was justified by reasons of security," it added 
that the "exceptional procedures set up did not always function in an 
appropriate manner." 
Instead, the report suggests that imprisonment has 
furthered "a deep hatred of the United States" in prisoners who already 
held strong religious and political beliefs contrary to American 
It also argues that many of those detained at 
Guantanamo "are there by mistake or are only second-rate combatants who 
know very little about theplots of Al-Qaeda leaders." 
Although Lizin said the U.S. military refused several 
requests for assembly members to inspect the facility, the report 
indicates there was sufficient information from members of Congress, the 
Pentagon and observers who have visited the prison to reach conclusions 
and make recommendations. 
It concludes that, although interrogation techniques 
used on prisoners at Guantanamo "are hard..., they do not constitute 
acts that would be considered torture." 
The report predicts that leaving the Guantanamo 
facility open "will become completely counter-productive," also warning 
that real or supposed abuses could seriously affect the treatment of 
American military personnel in future conflicts. 
Gitmo shutdown protests 
Feminist author Gloria Steinem on Monday joined about 
200 protesters to demand the closure of Gitmo, saying holding prisoners 
indefinitely without charging them violates the values upon which the 
United States was founded. 
Steinem compared Guantanamo to the kind of autocratic 
rule early colonists were trying to flee from. 
"They came to escape the very things - detention 
without due process, bias, a religious government ... that we protest 
today," Steinem said. 
Some detainees have been held at the camp in Cuba for 
more than three years without being charged. The U.S. government 
contends the prisoners are "enemy combatants" and are not entitled to 
constitutional protections. 
Rachel Meeropol, a lawyer with the Center for 
Constitutional Rights that has filed lawsuits in federal court 
challenging the detentions, also addressed the crowd. 
The Bush administration "has claimed the power to 
kidnap men anywhere in the world and hold them, interrogate them, detain 
them without any process of law," said Meeropol, the granddaughter of 
Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, who were executed in 1953 after being 
convicted of conspiring to commit espionage for the Soviet 

[Ugnet] PM of Cape Verde to visit the US

2005-07-10 Thread RWalker949
(This press release is courtesy of Br. Manu Salah, he also recommends the following url for our consideration Cabo Verde Online - Amilcar Cabral, Pereira, Pires, Veiga and Mascarenhas - legends leve forever ... if you have any specific questions, please contact our brother directly at [EMAIL PROTECTED] )

For Immediate Release: July 7, 2005 
For More Information, contact:
Bernadette Coelho
Public Information Officer
(508) 979-1414
(New Bedford) – Mayor Frederick M. Kalisz, Jr. will welcome the Prime Minster of the Republic of Cape Verde to New Bedford next week. His Excellency José Maria Pereira Neves and the government delegation accompanying him will be in New Bedford on Monday, July 11th, as part of a ten-day visit to the United States, which begins tomorrow.  Mayor Kalisz said, “Once again, we are extremely proud and honored to welcome Prime Minister Neves to New Bedford, a city rich in Cape Verdean heritage and culture. The contributions made to the city of New Bedford by those of Cape Verdean heritage continue to strengthen the fabric of our community.”  “This visit gives the Cape Verdean American community a wonderful opportunity to affirm its interest in strengthening those existing ties with Cape Verde and to convey their views directly to Prime Minister Neves and members of his cabinet,” said Adonis Ferreira, the city’s Director of Cultural Affairs.  The visit of Prime Minister Neves will include a community meeting at the UMASS Star Store building from 11 a.m. to noon, a flag raising ceremony at City Hall at 1:00 p.m., and visits to the Ernestina, the New Cape Verdean Band Club, the Bisca Club and the Cape Verdean American Veterans Association. The community meeting and flag raising are open to the public.
On July 13th and 14th the Prime Minister will visit Washington, DC to promote the signed historic Millennium Challenge Account Compact between the governments of Cape Verde and the United States. He will meet with federal officials and will participate in a reception offered by the Cape Verde Embassy welcoming the Diplomatic Corps, U.S. Government Officials and the Cape Verdean Community of the Greater Washington DC Metropolitan area in honor of the 30th anniversary of the Independence of Cape Verde.
Prime Minister Neves last visited New Bedford in September of 2003.
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2005-07-10 Thread Edward Mulindwa
Explosions In London - Who Stands To Gain? Israel Warned, Cover-up In Progress
Prisonplanet | July 07 2005

BREAKING: Scrambled cover-up to try and change prior knowledge story.

Original reports stated that Binyamin Netanyahu was warned BEFORE the first 
blast, now all the Associated Press reports are being changed to say he was 
warned AFTER the first blast, for example this article. 

The article linked below that we saved in our own format (and the website that 
carried it has strangely since crashed) said that Netanyahu was warned before 
the first blast.

Israel are now denying they got a warning. 

BREAKING: Scotland Yard says it got a warning before the attack and told 

The Israeli Embassy in London was notified in advance, resulting in Finance 
Minister Binyamin Netanyahu remaining in his hotel room rather than make his 
way to the hotel adjacent to the site of the first explosion, a Liverpool 
Street train station, where he was to address and economic summit.

Full article here.

The warning contradicts the fact that the original explanation of a power surge 
went out for an hour or more. They knew it was an attack but put out a false 
explanation. Plus why did Netanyahu get a warning and the victims didn't?

We have been told that the events unfolding today were inevitable, London's 
transport network has been hit with multiple explosions. Both the Underground 
and Buses have been hit. Events are still unfolding. 

We predicted this would happen over a year ago after analyzing the propaganda 
and fearmongering that was being ratcheted up to the extreme in London. Paul 
Joseph Watson has predicted these events as imminent several times on The Alex 
Jones Show in recent months.

Tony Blair is not in London but safely tucked up in Scotland with 7 other World 
Leaders including President Bush. The political eyes of the world are on 
Britain this week. The Mayor of London Ken Livingstone is in Singapore where 
the IOC has just awarded the Olympic Games to London, he is rushing back to the 

Just like the events of 9/11, ask yourself, who stands to gain from this? Could 
this have been organized by any group other than one who has direct unlimited 
access to all areas of London's transport grid at all times? 

The similarities with the Madrid bombing of 3/11/04, which we have persistently 
highlighted as an inside intelligence operation, are stark with bombs on 
separate trains set off within minutes of each other as the trains neared the 
stations. The so called perpetrators were quickly linked to an Al Qaeda cell 
in Europe but later as we reported were linked to the Spanish Security service. 
They then mysteriously Killed themselves as this information was seeping out. 
It then became apparent that Spain's government was using the bombings for its 
own gains and many went to the streets in Spain to declare they knew that their 
own government was behind the attacks. Further Intelligence was withheld by the 
government, we expect the same will happen in Britain after today's attacks.

This has MI5 written all over it. Just watch that national ID card legislation 
sail through. Only 15% of the country supported the government after the last 
election, this will ensure total fealty to a smarmy Blair and whatever he wants 
to do. Ken Livingstone and the opposition parties will now have no grounds to 
reject ID card legislation, especially with the Olympics coming to London in 

The police state measures they'll get out of this will be overlaid onto all 
forms of transport. In fact, you won't be able to travel without the ID card. 
Although MI5 operations are normally more sophisticated than things like 9/11, 
in that the evidence linking it to the government is more carefully covered, 
just watch for the evidence of inside involvement to trickle out. MI5 have been 
caught involved in IRA bombings multiple times over.

Alex has said over and over that as attacks on different sections of the 
transportation grid occur they are going to have police state setup in the 
areas. Now it will be on the buses, subways etc. 

FLASHBACK: Schumer Wants Airport Screening Technology in Malls

The military-industrial complex has the motive in this latest atrocity. Every 
major western government, including the British, has been caught red-handed 
carrying out bombings against their own people and blaming it on external 
enemies. It is mainstream news in Spain that the government was involved in the 
3/11 bombing. The London 7/7 bombings are nothing different. Government ghouls 
are now all over television spreading the fear to encourage the people to 
submit to the war on terror. Support our work, spread the word, expose who is 
gaining power from terrorism, or our freedoms will be lost.

Hours after the attacks the media is still not providing extensive coverage. We 
would expect to see hundreds of eyewitness accounts and footage of the train 
stations. Independent London reporter Simon 

[Ugnet] [abujaNig] Re: [Mwananchi] RE: What about invitations to Africa, George?

2005-07-10 Thread Edward Mulindwa
Val Ojjo

Odwe is a Ugandan and the reason of his reasoning is not a request but a 
demand. We are not silly we do not want to be fade by ridiculous Oxfam, we need 
to be left alone. And we will be left alone calmly or we will do it the Amin 
way, for you know what? Even to today the Pat Anderson's types that screwed the 
innocent Masais in Kenya have never faced a judge.

Val Ojjo go to UK and rape a White girl and see if it will take this kind of 
ages for you to face the judge. That is the difference between us and Pat 

 The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
Groupe de communication Mulindwas 
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie

  - Original Message - 
  From: Dr. Valentine Ojo 
  Cc: TalkNigeria ; Pan-Africanist Forum ; Naijanet ; Africare-Newpublications 
; AbujaNig 
  Sent: Tuesday, July 05, 2005 8:18 PM
  Subject: [Mwananchi] RE: What about invitations to Africa, George?

  With this in mind the culprits of this borrowed pride sale their views with 
very little if at all any input from the masses they claim to speak for. They 
reduce fellow Africans they view as less educated than themselves to rubber 
stamps than participants in the struggle. They hold nothing but contempt for 
any opposing views. More so if such is a fellow African. No wonder why most of 
our next generation innocently shows more pride in anything but truly who 
they're. We have our work cut out for those of us who see this. - joseph odwe



  Fellow Africans:


  This is a MUST SHARE! Please read rest of Odwe's views for yourself, and take 
a stand.


  Val Ojo


  -Original Message-
  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of joseph odwe
  Sent: Tuesday, July 05, 2005 5:31 PM
  Subject: RE: [Mwananchi] What about invitations to Africa, George?


  Brother Kapinga

  The answer is simple. I had adressed this in my lost piece titled The 
effects of a borrowed pride to Africa. The reason why our educated guru's can 
not take pride in meeting fellow African is because of: (1) They belief above 
anyone else from on the land. Thus percieve themsleves justified to tell their 
views down, also always right in their held view. The superiority syndrome 
passed unto such individuals through years of subtly veiled abuses especialy in 
the streets of the white man's corridors of so called literacy has knawed 
heavilly on such individual's mental heritage leaving it so shaky to serve as a 
refill foundation on which to view issues with new enlightened capacity. With 
this problem embeded into one's being self belitlings such as I can't aspire 
to lead any African nation thus self propelling above Africa' also reducing 
others to coconut head, door mart, stupid, prosititute etc, can not be 
suprising any more.
  (2) This syndrome like any other affects how one views and or interacts with 
others. When one sees past the spin doctorings the fact is for this breed un 
like the rare ones such Nkame Nkrumah
  Mzee Jomo Kenyata of our world (whose heritage foundation remained the same 
after the so called formal education experince)  do not expect anything brainy 
from fellow black. Thus assuming well qualified by their educational or any 
other social status to articulate what Africa needs or wants upon the masses. 
With this in mind the culprits of this borrowed pride sale their views with 
very little if at all any input from the masses they claim to speak for. They 
reduce fellow Africans they view as less educated or than themselves to ruber 
stamps than participants in the struggle. They hold nothing but contempt for 
any opposing views. More so if such is a fellow African. This reality sometimes 
rares out incase a victim of such to take a princpled stand against the culprit 
as was the recent example between sister Everlyn and brother Ayittey. Just 
imagine the double victimization this would have been if this time he didn't 
pick on the wrong unrerated lioness. Can you imagine with 
 this mentality if Ayitteyi was to be your boss somewhere in the motherland and 
you happen to to hold any degree from U of Washington D.C or similar? How about 
for you a naturally born intelligent elder somewhere in Africa who can't or 
hardly put together a sentance in English would the proffesor even talk to you. 
This reminds me of my childhood experience where the elites sometimes from the 
same familly if not clan chose to communicate in the master's language over 
their own. This goes on all over the world amongst  Africans as we speak.This 
syndrome of a borrowed pride is slowly victimising our unsuspecting next 
generation's perceptions on the role this englisation if I may on our being.
Once again I care less about the spinning ratiolization one may feel tempted to 
apply on this, the fact remains just that. No wonder why most of our next 

[Ugnet] [abujaNig] Re: [Mwananchi] Four London Blasts Kill 40, Injure 300

2005-07-10 Thread Edward Mulindwa

On all Iraqus the British have blown up in Iraq have you ever  posted a 
condolence here? Sorry I forgot The British are the civilized and the Iraqis 
are the uncivilized. Sorry consider my question withdrawn.

 The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
Groupe de communication Mulindwas 
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie

  - Original Message - 
  From: James Ololo 
  To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; AbujaNig ; Naijanet ; Pan-Africanist Forum ; 
  Sent: Thursday, July 07, 2005 11:44 AM
  Subject: [Mwananchi] Four London Blasts Kill 40, Injure 300

  Dea Mwananchi,

  On behalf of my family and I, may the victims, their
  families and friends accept our sincere sympathy on
  this dark day in London. Again, we have seen how
  innocent civilians are victimized and made to suffer
  for a crime they are not part of. At this difficult
  moment, I strongly stand behind Londoners and the
  people of Great Britain as they grief the loss of
  lives of innocent victims who will be not be going
  back to their loved ones and homes tonight.


  --- Dr. Valentine  Ojo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Four London Blasts Kill 40, Injure 300
   July 07, 2005 9:31 AM EDT
   LONDON - Four blasts rocked the London subway and
   tore open a packed
   double-decker bus during the morning rush hour
   Thursday, sending bloodied
   victims fleeing after what a shaken Prime Minister
   Tony Blair called
   barbaric terrorist attacks. Two U.S. law
   enforcement officials said at
   least 40 people were killed and London hospitals
   reported more than 350
   wounded. A senior police official confirmed at least
   33 deaths killed in the
   subway blasts.
   Blair said the terrorist attacks were clearly
   designed to coincide with
   the G-8 summit opening in Gleneagles, Scotland. They
   also came a day after
   London won the bid to host the 2012 Olympics. A
   group calling itself The
   Secret Organization of al-Qaida in Europe claimed
   The explosions hit three subway stations and a
   double-decker bus in rapid
   succession between 8:30 and 9:30 a.m. local time.
   Implementing an emergency
   plan, authorities immediately shut down the subway
   and bus lines that log
   8.4 million passenger trips every weekday. It
   brought the city's
   transportation system to a halt.
   It was chaos, said Gary Lewis, 32, who was
   evacuated from a subway train
   at King's Cross station. The one haunting image was
   someone whose face was
   totally black and pouring with blood.
   Blair, flanked by fellow G-8 leaders, including
   President Bush, said: We
   shall prevail and they shall not.
   Earlier, a shaken Blair said, Whatever they do, it
   is our determination
   that they will never succeed in destroying what we
   hold dear in this country
   and in other civilized nations throughout the
   He departed by helicopter back to London, but said
   the meeting of the world
   leaders would continue. The G-8 summit's agenda got
   sidetracked, however,
   and they decided to delay declarations on climate
   change and the global
   Bush warned Americans to be extra vigilant as they
   head to work after the
   deadly explosions in London. He said he had
   conferred with federal homeland
   security officials back in Washington.
   Much of Europe also went on alert. Italy's airports
   raised alert levels to a
   maximum. The Czech Republic, Hungary, Russia, the
   Netherlands, France and
   Spain also were among those announcing beefed-up
   security at shopping
   centers, airports, railways and subways.
   The U.N. Security Council was to meet later Thursday
   to address the London
   attacks and was expected to pass a resolution
   condemning the blasts, an
   official said.
   A group calling itself The Secret Organization of
   al-Qaida in Europe
   posted a claim of responsibility, saying the blasts
   were in retaliation for
   Britain's involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan.
   The statement also threatened attacks in Italy and
   Denmark. It was published
   on a Web site popular with Islamic militants,
   according to Elaph, a secular
   Arabic-language news Web site, and Der Spiegel
   magazine in Berlin, which
   published the text on their Web sites.
   The authenticity of the statement could not be
   immediately confirmed, but
   terrorism experts said the coordinated explosions
   had the trademarks of the
   al-Qaida network.
   This is clearly an al-Qaida style attack. It was
   well-coordinated, it was
   timed for a political event and it was a multiple
   attack on a transportation
   system at rush hour, said Lawrence Freedman,
   professor of war studies at
   King's College in London.
   European stocks dropped sharply after the blasts,
   with exchanges in London,
   Paris and Germany all 

[Ugnet] [abujaNig] Re: [Mwananchi] RE: Four London Blasts Kill 40, Injure 300

2005-07-10 Thread Edward Mulindwa
Val Ojjo

Thank you very much for your thoughtful posting, it just baffles me when we 
keep on blowing up people in thousands and then we become so sentimental when a 
mere 30 die, that just baffles me.

 The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
Groupe de communication Mulindwas 
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie

  - Original Message - 
  From: Dr. Valentine Ojo 
  To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; AbujaNig ; Naijanet ; 
Pan-Africanist Forum 
  Sent: Thursday, July 07, 2005 12:36 PM
  Subject: [Mwananchi] RE: Four London Blasts Kill 40, Injure 300

  Let us all then pray and hope and work for that day when human beings will 
learn to stop resolving issues, or forcing their believes and ways of life on 
others, by means of violence - no matter how good the intentions or the motive, 
VIOLENCE is always an act of Barbarians.


  And one barbaric act invariably draws other barbaric acts in its wake. For 
the victims, whether you are hit by flying shrapnel from a suicide bomber, or 
smart bombs from high-flying ace pilots in supersonic jets, or sprayed with 
bullets by soldiers in body armors from the inside of an armored vehicle, 
what is the difference?


  Val Ojo 


  -Original Message-
  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of James Ololo
  Sent: Thursday, July 07, 2005 12:14 PM
  To: Dr. Valentine Ojo; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; AbujaNig; Naijanet; Pan-Africanist 
Forum; TalkNigeria
  Subject: [TalkNigeria] RE: Four London Blasts Kill 40, Injure 300


  Yes oga Val,

  My heart extends to the people of Iraq, Palestine,
  Congo and all nations of the world. My sympathy
  extends to every family and friends who'se robbed of a
  life like this barbaric act in London earlier today.


  --- Dr. Valentine  Ojo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I hope you also have it in your heart to extend the
   same sentiments to the
   citizens of Baghdad, Fallujah, Ramala, and all the
   Iraqi cites, to quote
   you, are also innocent civilians...victimized and
   made to suffer for a
   crime they are not part of , and who have been
   subjected to this kind of
   tragedy everyday for the past 3 years, with no end
   in sight.
   Or do this people not grief the loss of lives of
   innocent victims who will
   be not be going back to their loved ones and homes
   everyday? Or do they
   maybe have none?
   Or is you grief and sympathy reserved for only one
   side? It is indeed a dark
   day in London today, but each day has been dark days
   in these Iraqi cities
   for the past three years...what did their citizens
   How about the victims of the on-going proxy
   massacres in the Congo Basin?
   Val Ojo
-Original Message-
   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  On Behalf
   Of James Ololo
   Sent:  Thursday, July 07, 2005 11:44 AM
   To:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]; AbujaNig; Naijanet;
   Pan-Africanist Forum;
   Subject:  [Naijanet] Four London Blasts Kill 40,
   Injure 300
   Dea Mwananchi,
   On behalf of my family and I, may the victims, their
   families and friends accept our sincere sympathy on
   this dark day in London. Again, we have seen how
   innocent civilians are victimized and made to suffer
   for a crime they are not part of. At this difficult
   moment, I strongly stand behind Londoners and the
   people of Great Britain as they grief the loss of
   lives of innocent victims who will be not be going
   back to their loved ones and homes tonight.
   --- Dr. Valentine  Ojo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Four London Blasts Kill 40, Injure 300
July 07, 2005 9:31 AM EDT
LONDON - Four blasts rocked the London subway and
tore open a packed
double-decker bus during the morning rush hour
Thursday, sending bloodied
victims fleeing after what a shaken Prime Minister
Tony Blair called
barbaric terrorist attacks. Two U.S. law
enforcement officials said at
least 40 people were killed and London hospitals
reported more than 350
wounded. A senior police official confirmed at
33 deaths killed in the
subway blasts.
Blair said the terrorist attacks were clearly
designed to coincide with
the G-8 summit opening in Gleneagles, Scotland.
also came a day after
London won the bid to host the 2012 Olympics. A
group calling itself The
Secret Organization of al-Qaida in Europe claimed
The explosions hit three subway stations and a
double-decker bus in rapid
succession between 8:30 and 9:30 a.m. local time.
Implementing an emergency
plan, authorities immediately shut down the subway
and bus 

[Ugnet] [abujaNig] Re: [Mwananchi] RE: African leaders on verge of making history

2005-07-10 Thread Edward Mulindwa
Dr Ojjo

Have you ever thanked them for the food they gave your ancestors in ships as 

 The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
Groupe de communication Mulindwas 
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie

  - Original Message - 
  From: Dr. Valentine Ojo 
  Cc: TalkNigeria ; Pan-Africanist Forum ; Naijanet ; AbujaNig 
  Sent: Sunday, July 10, 2005 3:24 PM
  Subject: [Mwananchi] RE: African leaders on verge of making history



  And because Pat Anderson is White though , she gets special privileges, 


  Are we back in the days of apartheid South Africa, Verwoerd, Ian Smith, 
Botha, North and South Rhodesia, and all those friendly whites who came to 
bring us savages, civilization and slavery?


  Jumping Jesus Christ, talk of Africans with the mentality of kitchen kaffirs!


  And because Patricia Anderson is white, so what? What has she lost, and what 
is she searching for on an ALL BLACK forum? Or is Mwnanachi also an English, or 
maybe even a white word?


  Ed, please help me out here.I am confused. These our white lovers who love 
Africans more than they love even their own people are killing me!


  Val Ojo 


  -Original Message-
  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Edward Mulindwa
  Sent: Sunday, July 10, 2005 12:58 PM
  Subject: Re: [Mwananchi] African leaders on verge of making history




  Pat Anderson is White though






   The Mulindwas Communication Group
  With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
  Groupe de communication Mulindwas 
  avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie

  - Original Message - 

  From: James Ololo 


  Sent: Sunday, July 10, 2005 6:15 AM

  Subject: [Mwananchi] African leaders on verge of making history


  Ndugu Chifu,

  I am sorry to inform you that in order for compete
  freedom of speech to continue on this forum, you must
  stay clear of substantiating any words written by
  another member. Patricia is not new to Mwananchi and
  she is entitled to the same freedom like all of us,
  therefore, let Oga Val attack her in whichever way he
  feels right.

  You can agree with Patricia but you cannot fire shots
  for her. She should fire her own missiles, she is not
  handicaped is she?

  I hope I have not offended anyone with these words.

  Freedom of speech opinion and thought must come to


  --- Dr. Valentine  Ojo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   And by the way, Ndugu Chifu wa Malindi, the newly
   certified psychiatrist
   of Lower Manhattan, who exactly has mental
   comprehension problem here,
   yourself or myself?
   This is what Mrs. Patricia Anderson wrote, and I
   He [George Ayittey] reminded us that London has
   many Africans living there
   and some could have been in the bomb attacks, a
   point I agreed with. He will
   be reporting further next week. - Pat.
   So, Ndugu Chifu, when you claim you read every post
   here but getting back
   to the point, how exactly is she referring to all
   those who were affected
   black or white,  here in this passage?
   Once again I ask, Ndugu Chifu:
   Who has mental comprehension problem here?
   Val Ojo
   -Original Message-
   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf
   Of Chifu
   Sent: Sunday, July 10, 2005 2:49 AM
   Subject: [Mwananchi] Re: African leaders on verge of
   making history
   --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Dr. Valentine 
Did Mrs. Patricia Anderson not let us know that
   she was mourning
   only the
Africans who must have been among the victims, and
   not her fellow
who must also have been among them?
Val Ojo
   Seems you have mental comprehension problem. Inspite
   of my busy 'rat
   race' world in Manhattan I can assure you that I
   read every post here
   but getting back to the point she  was referring to
   all those who were
   affected black or white. At times you just want the
   whole world to
   think you are right even the facts prove you are
   wrong. For once can
   you accept that you erred!! I have done so many
   times brother!!!  I
   forgot you are immortal!!
   Mwananchi is an open forum that discusses/updates
   you on the latest news in
   Africa. It is a group that is made up of 900 members
   worldwide. To join it
   simply go to
   ? LSpots keywords ?? HM ADS ?
   *  Visit your group  Mwananchi

[Ugnet] [abujaNig] The CUTLASS in Edinburgh--- And Me

2005-07-10 Thread Edward Mulindwa

Irrespective Pat Anderson's redundancy, there is a lesson we need to pick up 
from here. And I am going to digress a little and comment on the G8 and Blair's 
let us help Africa crap, for it really fits in Pat Anderson's actions in this 
forum. For a long time now the discussion has been to find a way to help 
Africa, debt relief as another suggestion, in fact Chifu Wa Malindi even 
attacked me for I wrote a piece in Monitor of Uganda opposing debt relief for 
Africa and Uganda to be specific. 
But I want us to back off a little and listen very carefully to the Tony 
Blair's issue. Blair wants the developed nations to double their assistance to 
Africa. He needs to see a debt relief for Africa too. In fact Canada is being 
asked to spend a whopping 7% of our GDP to poor nations.

All that sounds good, but do you realize that Tony Blair is actually the worst 
enemy of Africa? For if Blair wanted to help Africa he should have started in 
London, Tony should go to the safes of the Lords in London, and get out what 
was looted in Africa. Nations wonder why they have to help Africa when it is UK 
looting it the most. In fact one officer I talked to in Ottawa stated it 
perfectly, UK feeds on her kid (Africa) If the kid is not well fade and  is 
malnourished why should we now come in? If money stolen from Nigeria can be 
frozen in Europe, why can't what was stolen in Africa by the British be frozen 
and given back to the original owners? As Tony Blair was speaking in Scotland, 
British companies were not only mining in The Democratic Republic of Congo, but 
they were arming the fighters as well. My MP in Ottawa is not going to vote for 
the legislation to send more money to Africa because we as immigrants are tired 
to have our continent used as a tool. I read all speeches Tony Blair made in 
Scotland and I see no where did he cry about arms sold into Africa. So I 
understand  Tony Blair to say, Africa needs a debt relief for the bastards have 
over paid the debt any ways through their minerals and the population that has 
died in our hands. But no he cannot say that for then the Chifu Wa Malindis of 
today will not clap hands.

Ayitey is a man who tells us daily that Africa's solution is in Africa, we need 
good leadership and we need to stop corruption. Why was it important for him to 
go to UK if the heads of state that were in Scotland do not control our 
destiny? And why is it important for Pat Anderson to tell us where Ayiteey ate 
break fast?

And to our fellow African Mwananchi members, who are  based in Africa and 
especially those that have not been here let me mention some few lines to you

1) New York and Washington are the most expensive towns to live in here, and 
the majority of Africans living in them are on fundraising base. Be very 
careful in this chat room and you will know who is in New York or Washington, 
for if you do not repeat the chorus as it is you will get no funding from no 
where. And if you as an African has a White person in your back pack you are 
now fundraising good. Pat Anderson had to be The official Ayittey spokes person 
this G8. Now all that is very good until when you have to sell your own 
continent and people for the chorus to sell. I have just watched a Canadian 
volunteer group helping kids in Kenya and my first question was very simple, 
why are these kids this way? Is asking for AID becoming a profession in Kenya? 
2)  The people Ayittey mate as reported by his master, are not that important. 
Yes they are important in their jobs but meeting them does not mean Ayittey is 
an angel, so let us take Pat Anderson's posting in perspective. When the G8 was 
being planned as all G8 meetings, a program is set out for people to meet these 
men/women. I happen to be one of the people who get these notices many times, 
and if I wanted to go I surely would have gone. But let me as well say this, if 
I or any one here wants to meet Wolfwitz it does not take a Professor to fly 
from Washington to UK to meet him, you go to his office and make an appointment 
and you will see him. The way these nations run if you need George Bush to know 
your story it can reach his assistant in 30 seconds. The question is very 
simple what does he do with it. Last year I wanted to see The Canadian Prime 
Minister, who was Chrétien. I called his office in Ottawa they told me where he 
was which was in Burnaby BC, I requested for an appointment to see him. And the 
time they had was 5 or 6 hours of the flight to reach BC. I arrived and I saw 

Let Pat Anderson not mislead you that meeting Wolfowitz and Geldoff is the base 
holding the sun in the skys. That is utter nonsense. Any body can meet them, in 
fact both men are useless Wolfwitz is temporarily holding the post, Geldoff was 
rebuffed by our prime minister here as being mouthy.

The problem here is very simple, when you think Pat Anderson has posted 
something outrageously silly, she keeps on posting.
