[Ugnet] Herald article, Africa Still Needs Revolutionaries

2005-07-16 Thread RWalker949
(Overlooking the tiny insignificant fact that the author makes a obvious psychological slip when he refers to a "Rhodesian" settler as "our own", this analysis is right on point...this was posted by Esdmond Topping...I am sending this separetly to this list as it may be a short time before the owner of the list can get a chance to moderate the original post -- given the number of reicipients on the posting.)

Africa Still Needs Revolutionaries 

The Herald (Harare) 
July 15, 2005 
Posted to the web July 15, 2005 

By Boyd Madikila
AN interesting debate is taking place in Southern Africa, especially coming against the backdrop of the Zuma-Ngcuka saga in South Africa that was ironically legally decided by none other than our own ex-Rhodie judge, Justice Hillary Squires. 
The debate is essentially a leadership question pitting heroes of Africa's political revolution against a new rising force of technocrats. It heralds a sad era in African revolutionary politics in that these "educated natives" forming the technocracy are threatening to eclipse the revered slogan-chanting, gun-toting and activist leadership epitomised by the likes of Che Guevara, Steve Biko, Joshua Nkomo, Robert Mugabe, Kwame Nkrumah and others. 
What makes it more acute is that this new technocracy is a favourite of imperialist forces who, since independence, have become more cunning and deceptive in their endeavours to influence the goings-on in Africa. 
The tragedy of African revolutions is that they have remained largely cosmetic with no direct impact on the socio-economic front for the ordinary peasant and labourer. 
It is true that the freedom fighter was highly successful in unshackling the physical yokes and barriers that kept us on the colonial leash, chained to our miserable inadequacies and confined to the mental and physical boundaries the oppressor had drawn for us. We toasted our traditional brew to this new freedom and thanked our God and ancestors for leading us through it all until we gained the then elusive right to put an "X" onto a ballot paper. 
The Union Jack was pulled down before the humiliated Rhodies and nostalgic British Royalty as a new Zimbabwean flag - full of beauty and history - was proudly raised amid pomp and fanfare. Unfortunately for the common man, the party ended there. 
I refuse to be an average African content with receiving breadcrumbs from the master's overflowing table, because a good Silver Jubilee after independence the blackness in me still screams that the party was, and still is, premature; that the celebrations of black freedom are out of sync with reality; and that the various African revolutions from the Mau-Mau uprising to the Chimurengas have been what we call in Ndebele "imboza". 
This succinct indigenous word refers to a frantically and hastily prepared meal, not fully cooked and not well seasoned either. The land revolution in Zimbabwe often lampooned as a "land grab" by reactionary forces is enough evidence that the people were greatly short-changed at independence. The same revolutionary vibes are resonating with ear-shattering echoes in South Africa, whose name alone suggests how Codesa (Convention for a Democratic South Africa), which wrote the 1994 majority rule constitution) fell short in restoring full socio-economic justice to the oppressed African liberation revolutions, and the African will continue to clamour - and loudly - for socio-economic justice. 
That is the whole question is: Does Africa need a technocratic leadership opposed to the activist leadership? 
If events that surrounded the recent African Union Summit in Libya and the G8 Summit in Scotland are analysed with African insight, then surely Africa still needs activist-cum-freedom fighter leaders. We still need more Joshua Nkomos, Robert Mugabes and Steve Bikos as opposed to the textbook leadership of the so-called technocrats, who are mere natives schooled and intoxicated by "brainwashed" education. 
They sound sophisticated though their logic is baptised in the ephemeral quest for materialism. The technocrats are aloof to the people's needs, confining themselves to their mansions and jobs that pay them nine-figure salaries, typically nerdy and flamboyant in Armani suits and English cuts. 
Africa is not ready for an era of technocracy. Africa still needs a leadership that will demand unflinchingly and unapologetically that the dignity of the African be restored. 
All this hogwash about rule of law, democracy, good governance and other intangible, vague and indefinable political superlatives will not restore nor emancipate Africans from centuries of abuse and disempowerment. 
The technocratic mentality believes that the developed world does not owe Africa anything, hence many technocrats in Africa will not subscribe to the ideals of reparations and compensation when it comes to discussing Africa's poverty and debt burden. 
Instead, they believe that Africa must succumb to the endless supercilious 


2005-07-16 Thread Edward Mulindwa

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2005-07-16 Thread Edward Mulindwa

London Stagecoach Employee Says Bus Bombing 
Paul Joseph Watson/Prison 
Planet | July 15 2005
We received an e mail from an employee of 
Stagecoach, the company responsible for the majority of London buses.
Our contact works a route roughly one mile from 
the site of the bus bombing last Thursday.
The bus driver pointed out that the number 30 bus 
was the only one to be re-routed after the initial bombs went off in the London 
Underground, every other bus carried on its normal journey, but for some reason 
this bus was diverted.
The driver notes the following about CCTV 
"CCTV gets maintained at least 2 or 3 times a 
week and can digitally store upto 2 whole weeks worth of footage. this is done 
by a private contractorSo when I heard that the CCTV wasn't working on a 
vehicle that's no more than 2 years old since last June.I'm sorry that's 
rubbish, I work for the company I know different."
Also a point of interestlast saturday a 
contractor came to inspect the CCTV on the buses at the depot, According to my 
supervisor the person spent more than 20 hours over that 
weekend, 20 hours to see if the CCTV is working? Also that person who came was 
not a regular contractor, for security reasons the same few people always come 
to the depot to carry out work, this time it was different.
Drivers in the depot already think the so called bombers had 
inside help because it was to organised. Some even think it had help from the 
I have received other information suggesting that the CCTV 
is regularly maintained and checked. The police pay the bus company to check it, 
and the bus company makes a substantial profit out of this, so all parties 
benefit from keeping the CCTV systems working.
This information makes it all the more suspicious that the 
bus cameras were not working.
Was the mammoth 20 hour inspection session of the CCTV a 
means of disabling the CCTV, or something even darker? Were the contractors, who 
were not familiar to the bus company employees, actually placing the bomb?

But don't worry, the media are drooling over this picture of 
supposed suicide bomber Hasib Hussain, who we are told detonated the bus 
Well, it's a grainy picture of a Muslim guy with a rucksack, 
case closed! That's good enough evidence for me, I'm going back to sleep.
It's beyond doubt that these four Muslims were framed. They 
were most likely hired as MI6 spies, sent to Pakistan and then brought back and 
told they were to take part in an important exercise to test national security. 
Give them the rucksacks, get them on the trains and then detonate the bombs 
Do you really believe for a second that guys with 8 month 
babies and guys who taught diasbled schoolchildren would want to blow themselves 
up and kill other innocent people?
Staging the London Bombings in Ten Easy Steps
Related: London 
Bombing Archive
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2005-07-16 Thread Edward Mulindwa

New Developments In London Underground Exercise 
Story Will the real Peter Power please stand 
Paul Joseph Watson  
Alex Jones/Prison Planet | July 13 2005
Due to the bombardment of e mails that Peter Power and Visor 
Consultants are receiving on the issue of the London 
Underground exercises, Power has been forced to issue a standard e 
mail response to all inquiries, which forms the basis of his only response to 
the 'exercise' firestorm that has gripped the Internet since this website first 
highlighted the matter on Saturday.
Here are Power's unedited comments in italics with our 
response below.
"Thank you for your message. Given the volume of emails 
about events on 7 July and a commonly expressed misguided belief that our 
exercise revealed prescient behaviour, or was somehow a conspiracy (noting that 
several websites interpreted our work that day in an inaccurate / naive / 
ignorant / hostile manner) it has been decided to issue a single email response 
as follows.
This website certainly never displayed hostility to Peter 
Power or Visor Consultants. In fact we made it very clear that we were not 
saying that Power or Visor were wittingly involved in the bombings. It was Power 
himself who told national radio and television shows that the hair on the back 
of his neck was standing up due to the 'coincidence' of the exercise and the 
actual attack. It is Peter Power who was the first person to make big deal out 
of the exercises.
Many British newspapers reported on drills weeks and months 
before the bomings, but none of them picked up on the biggest story of them all, 
a drill on the day of the attack. Why?
It is confirmed that a short number of 'walk through' 
scenarios planed [sic] well in advance had commenced that morning for a private 
company in London (as part of a wider project that remains confidential) and 
that two scenarios related directly to terrorist bombs at the same time as the 
ones that actually detonated with such tragic results. One scenario in 
particular, was very similar to real time events.
Power has already started to back-peddle from his radio and 
television comments and attempt to minimize the scale of the exercises and their 
similarity to the real attacks. Recall what Power told the BBC.
POWER: At half past nine this morning we were actually 
running an exercise for a company of over a thousand people in London based on 
simultaneous bombs going off precisely at the 
railway stations where it happened this morning, so I still have the hairs on 
the back of my neck standing up right now.
HOST: To get this quite straight, you were running an 
exercise to see how you would cope with this and it happened while you were 
running the exercise?
POWER: Precisely.
So Power has backed off from all three locations being 
exact and is now saying only two were similar, with only one being very similar. 
Which Peter Power are we supposed to believe? He has changed his story in the 
space of less than a week.
Power also admits that the program was part of a "wider 
project," which again broadens the scope of this from being an insignificant 
drill for a small company with no affiliation to the government, to something 
potentially much bigger.
"However, anyone with knowledge about such ongoing 
threats to our capital city will be aware that (a) the emergency services have 
already practiced several of their own exercises based on bombs in the 
underground system (also reported by the main news channels) and (b) a few 
months ago the BBC broadcast a similar documentary on the same theme, although 
with much worse consequences [??]. It is hardly surprising therefore, that we 
chose a feasible scenario - but the timing and script was nonetheless, a little 
Again, at no point did we suggest that Visor were the only 
group linked with drills on the London Underground. It has been known to be a 
target for years. But we rightly pointed out the sheer impossibility of the 
exercise targeting the same stations on the same day at the same time. One 
individual has 
calculated that this is less likely than two people hunting for the 
same grain of sand across the whole world. At the very least it is bizarre. 
Power gave inerviews saying he was shocked by the 'coincidence' and yet now he 
tries to downplay it when the heat is on.
"In short, our exercise (which involved just a few 
people as crisis managers actually responding to a simulated series of 
activities involving, on paper, 1000 staff) quickly became the real thing and 
the players that morning responded very well indeed to the sudden reality of 
As we have asked before, if the exercise was a mere 
coincidence and was not related to any government agency or command structure 
which was involved in managing the aftermath of the attacks, then why did the 
crisis managers respond to the real thing? If they were actively involved in the 
command structure that managed the crisis, then they must have been 

[Ugnet] US dwindling options in Iraq

2005-07-16 Thread Matek Opoko

The fact is that, for no other reason other then political expediency, the American people are NOT being told the thruth by the politicans. It is all like during the days of Vietnam war...Lies lies and more lies until God knows when! In the mean time people are suffering in this ill concieved war effort. The Irony is that all this could have been avoided...if it were not because of the so called "war hawks" who were shouting at the top of their lungs for the US to attack Iraq and launch wars..even before the UN option was completely exhausted!

US dwindling options in Iraq 

By Jon Leyne BBC News, Baghdad 

Bomb attacks have become a part of daily life in Iraq
The prediction by US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld that it could take up to 12 years to defeat the Iraqi insurgency will come as no surprise to his own troops. 
That is the sort of time-scale written into US military doctrine. So it is part of every officer's basic training. 
It will not come as much of a surprise to the Iraqis either. Even the optimists here in Iraq - and there are surprisingly many - do not expect life to improve for many years. 
The problem is with the American public. They have simply not been prepared for this sort of long-term commitment. 
Even in the course of just the last few days, the Bush administration and the professional military have been delivering mixed, often flatly contradictory, messages. 
There were the comments of Vice-President Dick Cheney that the insurgency was in its "last throes". 
Then in a Congressional hearing last week, Gen John Abizaid, the US Middle East commander, bravely pointed out that the violence was stable, or increasing. 
Here in Baghdad, Brig Gen Karl Horst told the BBC recently that on many days the violence was no worse than in Los Angeles or London. 
So it is no surprise that a confused American public is asking where it all went wrong, and, increasingly, calling for the withdrawal of American forces. 
Political route 
With no sign of an end to the violence, the Bush administration strategy is based on two principles. 

The US believes most insurgents are not "hard-core" fighters
There is support for the political process - which has already seen successful elections - and a new democratic government. 
The Americans are pressing for the Iraqis to meet the mid-August deadline for negotiating a draft constitution. 
If all were to go well, that process would lead to an October referendum, then December elections. 
At the same time Washington is encouraging the Iraqi government to engage moderate members of the Sunni Muslim community - in an attempt to undermine support for the insurgency. 
There have even been talks with factions linked to the insurgency, though the Americans stress there have been no direct negotiations with insurgent leaders. 
Stay or go? 
The problem with this strategy is that so far the political progress has had no noticeable impact on the insurgency. 
In fact, if anything the violence has only increased. At the same time, Washington and London are stressing the importance of training the Iraqi security forces to take over control of their own destiny. 
Despite the enormous dangers, the Iraqis are volunteering in impressive number. More than 168,000 Iraqi soldiers and police have already been trained. 
But the effort has been dogged by low quality training and poor equipment. For a long time the Pentagon seemed to be more concerned with meeting numerical targets, rather than focusing on quality. 
On the ground, American soldiers often have little-disguised contempt for their Iraqi counterparts. 
So it is clear the Iraqi forces are not going to have the capability to fight on their own any time in the foreseeable future. 
That leaves Washington with only two options. 
The White House can either prepare Americans for a very long haul - or it could start work on an exit strategy, with all the humiliation that would entail, and the very real danger of an Iraqi civil war. 
For all President Bush's recent expressions of resolve, it is still not entirely clear which option he is going to choose. __Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com ___
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Re: [Ugnet] Re: [Ugandacom] UPDF lower ranks neglected

2005-07-16 Thread Y Yaobang
They say that just as a dog is man's best friend, a gun (not a vote) is a soldier's best weapon; use it to regain your justice and freedom, but not to entrench the dictators.

yEdward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Did you vote for Museveni to be in power? 

You will not vote for him SO WHAT?


The Mulindwas Communication Group"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy" Groupe de communication Mulindwas "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"

- Original Message - 
From: Matek Opoko 
To: ugandanet@kym.net ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, July 16, 2005 4:13 PM
Subject: [Ugandacom] UPDF lower ranks neglected

UPDF lower ranks neglected 
I have served in this institution since 1985. My last promotion was in 1988 to the rank of corporal. Since then, I have been fighting Kony with no chance of apprehending him. I have done nothing for myself since then because my monthly salary is a paltry Shs140, 000.
When shall I ever build a house for myself like the top army brass that own plush houses in Kampala? We were promised bank loans but the top brass have blocked the plan. We are tired of this injustice and the army commander should do something about this. Or else I will not vote Museveni. 
Name withheld on request,Gulu. 

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[Ugnet] Leadership crisis in Uganda.

2005-07-16 Thread B Wambuga
Ugandan leadership in crisis. 
Please read, and enjoy.

Crisis of integrity in Uganda's leadership 

Kizza Besigye

South Africa 
The extent to which Uganda's leaders deceive, manipulate and fleece the people they are supposed to lead has assumed crisis levels. Ordinarily, leaders are supposed to be role models of their societies. In fact, the Constitution provides that the President shall be the "fountain of honour". Yet, you find him, ministers, MPs and other national leaders deceiving infront of cameras. Presently, I have been provoked to express my dismay by publications in the Daily Monitor of July 13. 
President Museveni, while addressing a press conference on July 12, is reported to have said: "As an army officer, Mutale was forgetting that he is barred from making political statements". He also reportedly said: "Tumukunde's electorate, the Army Council, forced him to resign," adding that "if he had not, the council would have recalled him".
It will be recalled that, responding to concerns expressed by the 8th NEC meeting at Munyonyo on June 17, Mr Museveni said: "I will be able to convince the Kakooza Mutales”. This is a person who is directly responsible to him, using or abusing his office and resources (since we are not told that he took leave) with impunity. 
It is now less than two weeks to the referendum-voting day, and he is telling the nation that Mutale is forgetting that he is committing an offence!Even more serious are his assertions regarding Brig. Tumukunde. The President who swore to uphold, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution, knows that MPs (including Army MPs) are only representatives of their constituencies and NOT delegates who carry (as conduits) the views of those constituencies. 
Even if an MP has and expresses different views from those of the entire constituency that elected him, it is no ground for recall of that MP. 
Of course, at the next election, the constituency would determine the fate of such an MP. This is the position of the Constitution that Museveni swore to uphold. If he has any difficulty in understanding the provisions of the Constitution, he has many legal advisors. I challenge him or his legal advisers to contradict the above Constitutional position.
Grounds for recall The grounds for recalling an MP are provided in Article 84(2) of the Constitution as follows: A Member of Parliament may be recalled from that office on any of the following grounds-

Physical or mental incapacity rendering the member incapable of performing the functions of the office; or 
Misconduct or misbehaviour likely to bring hatred, ridicule, contempt or dislike to the office; or 
Persistent deserting of the electorate without reasonable cause. Even where these grounds are cited by a petition of the electorate in the process of recall, the Electoral Commission has the duty to inquire and confirm genuineness of the petition. 
Therefore, if he wants the Army MPs to only serve as conduits of the Army Councils' views, he should amend the Constitution further to make it reflect his wishes. It should also be remembered that the Army Council is not representative of the UPDF since all its members are appointed by him.
However, the above notwithstanding, the President calls a press conference at State House and deceives the nation! As all this is going on, Defence Minister Amama Mbabazi was addressing journalists and writing an opinion article for the country saying that President Bush did not advise Mr Museveni to leave office in 2006.Mbabazi was reacting to press reports, which quoted US ambassador Jimmy Kolker saying that at a meeting between Bush and Museveni, Bush recommended that they both retire to their ranches at the end of their terms. Both the ambassador and Mbabazi asserted that they attended the meeting where this took place. Even if we took the version of Mbabazi that Bush raised the matter of whether Museveni was preparing to retire, its meaning in diplomacy would not be different from that which Bush's ambassador plainly presented. 
BriberyMbabazi must have also forgotten that soon after the said meeting, the government tried to misrepresent what transpired, until a verbatim report of the meeting was published. This reminds me of the saying "banteera bataamanyire nkakabwa k'omwibagiro" meaning that a dog chased from a slaughter-place always believes that it was by mistake (it comes back). Mbabazi pointed out an important caveat by the US officials he interacts with, and which he seems to accept; that "US Administration has no problem with Uganda amending her Constitution if it is done legally and transparently". 
The whole Constitution amendment process was manipulated right from the appointment of the Ssempebwa Commission, through bribery of MPs and the legal Committee, to the roll call voting in Parliament. 
This is the background to the case of the two MPs who the US ambassador reported to have confided in him that they were