ottesville-prescription-america%E2%80%99s-healing> Rwanda’s ghosts in
Charlottesville: A prescription for America’s healing

 <http://www.pambazuka.org/taxonomy/term/8267> Theogene Rudasingwa

Aug 24, 2017

Americans must acknowledge the scourge of open and concealed racism whose
ugly face appears in the form of Charlottesville, hundreds of thousands of
black people and other minorities languishing in incarceration, police
brutality, discrimination against minorities, as well as diseases rampant in
impoverished communities at the bottom of America’s social, economic and
political pyramid.

I am a native of Rwanda who lived through the horrors of genocide. I am
currently a refugee in the United States. As I watch Charlottesville, I
recall with sadness the tragic genocide in Rwanda in 1994 and subsequent
years. In particular, the images of white supremacists in Charlottesville
brandishing torches, chanting anti-Jews, anti-anybody-who-is-not-like-them
slogans of “blood and soil”, painfully brought to life the images of the
dreadful Rwandan militia called Interahamwe (those who attack together).
With machetes and working with the military, security, and ordinary people,
the Interahamwe became a lethal force that decimated close to one million
Tutsis and Hutus in just a hundred days. Rwandans and the rest of the
international community were then left to wonder why it happened, and how to
prevent the recurrence of such utmost trauma inflicted by humans on other

Yet, then in Rwanda, and now in the United States, tragic social events of
such magnitude rarely happen by accident nor instantly. They are preceded by
extremist ideologies, mobilization, organization and a leadership that is
willing and able to champion such causes. In times of fear and rapid change,
rising expectations and legitimate grievances, the combination of an
extremist ideology, a small group of rabble-rousers, demagogues and a
divided population can ignite the spark of pervasive destruction. When
extremists have access to the levers and resources of state machinery, they
can indeed cause deadly and irreparable damage. Only with enlightened and
engaged citizens, institutions working on their behalf and a leadership
infused with the wisdom to build partnerships out of diversity can such
cliques be prevented from seizing power or neutralized in society.

Many argue that President Donald Trump is the immediate and urgent problem
of the United States.  However, President Trump did not miraculously drop
from the heavens. His rise to power tells a story about the man himself.
Even more importantly, it tells a deeper story about American society in the
21st century. A political system captive to big money and military power
gives little choice to citizens. Creative American presidents may push for
some reforms, only to be undone at the expense of the majority of American
citizens. Occasionally the political system produces outliers and anomalies,
but the general direction is to reproduce and maintain the status quo.

>From the standpoint of a black African, I believe that the domestic and
foreign problems of the United States as a nation and world superpower
precede President Trump, and cut across the political divide. They will
remain and intensify long after he is gone. Unless Americans begin to talk
to each other as equal members of the “us” community rather than “others” at
opposite ends of a divided nation, this country is on a perilous journey to
self-destruction that could also potentially destroy the world as we know

To make America heal will require acknowledging and redressing the shameful
stains on this nation’s fabric. The difficult conversation must go to
unpleasant places in history before the founding of the United States, when
populations of Native Americans were wiped out by white settlers. The
gruesome depopulation of Africa, and the enslavement of blacks by whites,
must be considered evils whose legacy endures up to now. Americans must
acknowledge the scourge of open and concealed racism whose ugly face appears
in the form of Charlottesville, hundreds of thousands of blacks and other
minorities languishing in incarceration, police brutality, discrimination
against minorities, as well as diseases rampant in impoverished communities
at the bottom on America’s social, economic, and political pyramid.

Accurate diagnosis and acknowledgement of illness is the first step in the
healing process. A cooperative patient works with a team to execute a
treatment plan. No amount of wishful thinking can be a substitute for
sustained and collaborative action. Across the life span, we spend most of
our time in families, communities, schools, places of prayer, places of play
and work places. What we say and do in these places matters. What do we tell
our children at home? How are we connected within our communities? What are
our children being taught in schools and colleges? What are the national
priorities? Who are the friends and foes of the United States? Are there
core and fundamental ends and means as the United States engages the world?

In the family, we must infuse our children with a spirit of love, peace and
human solidarity as antidotes to pernicious ideologies of racism, fascism,
xenophobia, and terrorism.

America must seek to build communities that are thriving in diversity. The
status quo is simply not sustainable.  Extreme spirits of individualism
coupled with the “us versus them” mentality have created neighborhoods
without neighbors. Americans are “bowling alone,” in the words of Robert
Putnam, author of Bowling Alone, without the networks of trust and social
support that glue communities together.

United States educational, health, and research institutions have built the
knowledge and skills that have put man on the moon, engineered nuclear and
other weapons of mass destruction, mapped the human genome, cloned animals,
built the now-ubiquitous internet, advanced the far reaches of artificial
intelligence, extended the human life-span, and created material abundance
never recorded in the entire history of human civilization. The poor and
minorities must have equal opportunity to access knowledge and skills
critical to building sustainable wellbeing of all.  Most importantly,
American children from K-12 to college must be helped to understand that
human beings belong to one diverse humanity whose wellbeing depends on the
wellbeing of interdependent individuals, families, communities and nations.
They must be helped to appreciate that true physical, mental, and spiritual
health comes primarily from each one of us, enabled by communities and
health systems in which all Americans participate and have equal access.

United States work places should mirror America’s diversity and moral
purpose. The current income inequalities where the top 0.1% earn more than
198 times the income of the bottom 90% is inhuman, dangerous and
unsustainable. They are inhuman because there is no moral justification for
the richest superpower on earth to have homeless, hungry, jobless and poor
people who do not have access to health care. It is dangerous because
inequality is the fertile breeding ground for popular anger and a pretext
for racist ideologies. It is unsustainable because it can lead to

Finally, the United States needs friends and allies across the far ends of
the earth. The crisis born out of Charlottesville has another potentially
catastrophic twin crisis related to North Korea.

As the drums of war have reverberated from the White House and Pyongyang, it
only signals the precarious nature of the global security system based on
the threats of mutually assured destruction. Divided at home, having
alienated most of its traditional allies, and at loggerheads with key
players in the international system, how does the United States hope to
fight and win a quick, decisive war with North Korea?

With trillions of US dollars spent in wars since 9/11, a current (2018)
annual defense budget of $824.6 billion, and limited resources committed to
foreign aid, how does the US hope to win the hearts and minds in other
nations where citizens live on less than $2 dollars a day? It is in some of
these nations that extremist ideologies, its disciples, and terrorists are
born and deployed across the globe. As the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and the
struggles against ISIS, Al Qaeda, Al Shabaab and Boko Haram have
demonstrated, even the mighty US cannot have an easy win only through
drones, bombs and boots on the ground. Supporting foreign despots who make
it easy for greedy corporate America to plunder other nations is not a good
strategy either.  To fight and win a foreign war, you need your own people
on your side. You need allies. You need to win the hearts and minds of the
people in the theatres of war. Above all, it has to be a just war.

The shockingly ugly side of America was displayed in Charlottesville last
weekend. The beautiful and humane side of America was inspiringly
demonstrated yesterday as a diverse community celebrated Heather Heyer, who
was slain by a white supremacist. As they sang “we shall overcome”, and
Heather’s mother courageously stated that the killing of her daughter
“magnified” her, Heyer has joined the pantheon of martyrs slain for a just
cause. Let us remember her, those injured in the attacks, and pray that
America remains committed to ultimately overcome.

As we assemble in houses of prayer, or quiet meditation, let us remember
President Donald Trump who has the solemn duty to protect and defend the
totality of this nation. He is a man who has received much in his life,
including a beautiful family, tremendous wealth, and the most powerful job
in the whole world. Because he has received much, a lot is expected from
him. Perhaps, the greatest gifts he should seek are wisdom, discernment, and
understanding to lead a nation in self-inflicted turmoil. He should pray for
a big loving heart to do no harm, provide the much-needed counsel to restore
to sanity those engaged in extremist ideologies, embrace this nation’s
diversity, enlarge its spiritual and material endowments, and change course
towards the healing of all Americans.

He is old enough to know that there is always another chance to recover from
serious mistakes. It is a learned humility that will be richly rewarded with
abundant grace.

* DR. THEOGENE RUDASINGWA is former Ambassador of Rwanda to the United
States and Facilitator Global Citizenship Conversations, Germantown,
Maryland, USA. E-mail:  <mailto:ngom...@gmail.com> ngom...@gmail.com.




On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in
                    Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni
katika machafuko" 


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