

Listen to the noise that Bernie Sunders is making, and do not ignore it,
Bernie is bringing back the ObamaCare but in an expanded way that even Obama
failed to do. It is called Medicare for all. Can it be implemented into
United States? Yes every plan you bring into United States and force it on
the population will be implemented, what critical thinkers like myself do is
to tell you what will happen after it is implemented, United States is going
to become bankrupt. You are going to tax middle class and every one with a
job at least three times you are taxing them today, and then turn around and
cut many services in order to be able to cover the entire population, then
at the end of the day, the country is going to become bankrupt. You never
ever create any program in any country based solely on covering the poor
people, by screwing up the employed people, for you end up with the employed
people losing the value of employment and then you sit with the program
without the money to fund it. Bernie’s Medicare for all can survive only by
agreeing to bankrupt the country, be very wise and run away from it.


These Democratic party systems have been tried in United States many times
and they have failed, for example look at the economic structure of United
States and China, Democrats have been preaching always that capitalism must
be followed by refusing to be a protectionist, So Americans opened up their
markets to every crap out there, and China gobbled it, China on the other
hand protected its economy, as it feeds on the American opened one. Today in
2017, so many Americans are not employed yet Chinese are employed. Now tell
me how Americans gained in refusing to be protectionists. Apart from
companies that give services, all manufacturing companies have left United
States, Amazon is growing up so large that today they want to create a
second  North American head quarter called HQ2 and Toronto is way high in
being a good candidate, but what exactly does Amazon move? Chinese products
than American products. So Amazon gets the containers out of China and start
to distribute these goods at a fast pace. America was built on
manufacturing, which the Democrats are erasing out without a plan to replace
it. That is the very danger you are going to find yourself with yet another
very stupid idea of Medicare for all. Read the pieces below to understand
why my prediction on Medicare for all is the very same I made on ObamaCare.
It is going to fail large but it is going to annoy so many people to a point
of electing even a worse radical than the Trump factor. And you think Trump
is a screw up, you haven’t seen nothing yet.


On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in
                    Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni
katika machafuko" 


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