

There has been many hurricanes in United States, thus we have several
presidents to watch and compare how they defend the population. For the
record most of the victims of New Orleans are to today not paid, for the
insurance companies failed to get a penny out of the Obama administration to
pay the blacks in New Orleans.  There are a few steps that have been decided
on in this tragedy. And I am going to base mainly on Huston. Water is
rescinding, but at a very slow pace. Now there are various reports that
development and putting slabs all over the  place is the cause, that might
be true to a point, but much of the ground of Huston is actually clay. It
simply does not want water to sink through it. Secondly, Democrats have been
very reluctant in approving appointed officials, in fact at the rate
Democrats are approving appointed people, it is going to take this
administration 11 years to get all posts filled up. Well it has come back to
hit the electorate, many decisions on Harvey are held because the government
positions are empty. If you fail to get assistance thank the Democrats that
are refusing to approve the appointments. So here we go with the facts.


1} I think today the operation is turning from saving to recovery, so we are
about to get the real Harvey effect after all closed homes start to be
opened and we know what is exactly in there.

2} People that have tried to go back to their houses, have started to rip
their homes and throwing the garbage on streets, thus city trucks are
rolling out today, in fact some started to roll out yesterday.

3} There is an emphasis to get all accessible schools and hospitals open

4} All employees of the city of Huston must report for work on Tuesday.

5} The Huston School Board, I think it is actually called The Huston
Independent School district, has about 191 schools, thus accommodating about
130,000 students. If your child is among those students, be informed that
he/she is going to be entitled to three meals a day for free, for the entire
2017-2018 school year, effective today.

6} When you consider only numbers, economic analysists are stating that the
economic cost of Harvey only for South Eastern Texas is going to be between
$51 and $75 billion dollars. At least $23 billion in property worth only.
This ranks Harvey the costliest storm in American history.

7} After activating 14,000 members of the Texas National Guard, The Governor
announced that he was seeking an additional 10,000 National Guard members
from other states.

8} In my original posting last week, I said that this storm was going to go
at sea and turn around to come back, yes it has come back and it has hit
Louisiana whereby by this posting 35 people have already died. It is not
clear how long Harvey is going to pound Louisiana but be very confident that
we are going to have two states stalled for a very long time.


As all hands are on board to defend the people of Texas, there is some very
bad news for them, you see most of the funding the president is trying to
get for this tragedy, he needs an approval from the senate. There are bills
that already waiting to be tabled to that effect. But Senator John McCain
against all advises from his doctors, has decided to come back to the Senate
come next week. Good  luck to all in Texas and Louisiana.


On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in
                    Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni
katika machafuko" 


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