Vibrant media won't save errant cadres
The stars are related to the sun but never obstruct its path
ALTHOUGH they have travelled miles along a misguided path, it is not too late to appeal to them. former NRM and Movement cadres Col. Kiiza Besigye, Maj. Gen. Mugisha Muntu, David Pulkol Brig. Henry Tumukunde, among others, can reconsider their steps, after all they can now even gallivant with a brutal UPC. This appeal stems not from the fact that since they want state power, their individual and collective political careers could still be brighter within the Movement within which they can present their case, and even candidature for office. This political action group is singled out because they are craving for power, which is not a problem in itself except the methods. The old groups, and new support organisations, pressure groups and vested interests they are linking with, and the propaganda apparatus they are using, pose a grave and gathering danger. The rough lingo, obvious and deliberate misrepresentations all point to the fact that they did not and have not weighed their strength in every respect against that of Senior Commander and comrade Yoweri Museveni, and the NRM revolution to avoid acting foolishly to their own fatal detriment. It is often said that the tree that does not bend to the storm gets broken, while the one that bends lives longer because its trunk grows wider and roots deeper. Now that Tumukunde has lent himself to the latest adventurist and populist politics when still serving the army, it would be prudent for the NRM revolution cadres to have deeper reflection of what they want to be. And it is all well for opposition, and human rights activists bankrolled by donor groups to throw their collective weight behind Tumukunde in his present predicament in the military court martial simply because he is dissenting against Museveni. But they ought not to encourage army officers to flout the law, and army rules and regulations with impunity for political convenience because Uganda risks sliding back to the days when soldiers toppled and elected governments. Without prejudice to his cases, it is stupid for opposition groups to side with Tumukunde for cheap politics. Indeed, it is more dangerous for Tumukunde to portray his current woes in political terms in an attempt to gain sympathy because he knows the UPDF methods of work. And the cheap opposition somehow believes that Ugandans, except themselves, are fools, when they now praise Tumukunde who they vilified only months ago without a hearing over safe houses, high-handedness in intelligence gathering, campaigning for Museveni, and alleged beating of people and grabbing land in Kayunga.

In any case, supposing a senior commander plants ghosts on the army's strength and supports a "third term" for Museveni, of what use is he to the army and country? Would the same opposition, when elected, accept an army officer who leads troops to incite them over radio against the elected authority by calling it unfit to lead the country and ought to be replaced?

The best one can demand is that Tumukunde should get a fair hearing and substantive justice. Some senior officers exploiting politicking are deliberating putting the UPDF authority to test, and the force must be firm, swift and decisive because they want to infuse bad and dangerous tendencies to lower ranks. If Museveni is very weak and ready to fall as some argue, then let nature take its course, as there is little gain outshining a feeble superior.

Since Museveni is still firm but some of you believe you are individually more capable, it is prudent to bide your time because he will eventually fade and if you play it right, you can outlive and outshine others to leadership. There seems to be endless efforts by some Movement cadres to turn Museveni into a lame duck because of the magical 2006, but the Movement political force will dismantle this gamble. In contemporary Uganda power politics, there are people who take their status for granted - actually power has gone to their heads, and as a result, they falsely believe they can be above the law, and Museveni! It is the reason some of them are being touted in the media as the establishment political gurus who "turned around" Museveni's 2001 presidential elections fortunes, which were allegedly on the decline. It is therefore not uncommon to read Pulkol or Tumukunde being falsely said to know "all" Museveni's kakuyege network countrywide and to portray them as the "real shakers and movers".

Simple advice to them is, superiority is soothing, but to try and appear above the law is both stupid and fatal in a revolutionary organisation like the UPDF or Movement because you can be isolated or crushed.

The tendency for politicians with grievances to run to the media may appear attractive but is fallacious and unsustainable. Lessons from the stars in the sky teach us that although they are related to the sun, and just as brilliant, they never obstruct her path.

And while there is vibrant media, it will not protect a soldier or politician from facing internal disciplinary measures, and they should not be permitted to ride roughshod on government because they have media support.
Published on: Friday, 3rd June, 2005
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