Political observers believe that the GESTAPO like organization  is cooking up yet another plan  to perpetuate  Yoweri Museveni's NRM  20 year rule  over Ugandans. Now we hear even the so called Ministers  and  members of Museveni's  Parliament have been cooped   into the Organization.  Other political observers are of the view that this so called revitalization of Kalagala Action Plan,  is nothing other then another futile attempt on the part of the now  discredited  NRM  to survive. ..More like a drowning man holding on to a strew!!




KAP Ministers, MPs Meet Friday


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Richard Mutumba

Kalangala Action Plan (KAP) will convene a meeting of all the newly signed up MPs and ministers on Friday.

The main aim of the meeting, to take place at the Parliamentary Main Hall, is to streamline membership procedures.

The Coordinator and Chairman of the KAP Parliamentary wing recruitment drive, Mr Sitenda Sebalu, (Kyadondo East) said close to 180 MPs had joined KAP.

He said KAP would not be used as a campaigning and funding agency for MPs during elections slated for early 2006.

Sebalu said the recruitment drive was aimed at cleaning the Movement of pretenders.

The acting chairman of the Parliamentary Movement caucus, Mr Moses Kizige, said the MPs' recruitment into KAP was to give the agency a new and better image.

He said the national coordinator, Maj. Kakooza Mutale, would remain a founder member in the new organisation.

KAP, which recently launched a massive recruitment drive among Members of Parliament and Ministers, has registered 180 members in Parliament.

The group wants MPs to register as a strategy to bolster its image ahead of next year's general elections.

The recruitment was spearheaded by Sebalu.

KAP targets a membership of at least 250 MPs.

The Chief Mobiliser of the Forum for Democratic Change, Maj. Gen. Mugisha Muntu, said MPs were joining KAP because they feared losing support from NRM in the 2006 elections.

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Muntu advised the people not to penalise their MPs who have joined KAP.

"Voters should forgive their MPs because they have been threatened that if they don't join KAP, the government would identify political opponents to challenge them during the 2006 elections ," Muntu said.

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