The Memo: Trump pulls off a stone-cold stunner

BY  <> NIALL STANAGE - 09/06/17 06:19





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President Trump for once united Washington on Wednesday — in shock.

Republicans and Democrats alike were left scratching their heads after the
president did a deal with Senate Minority Leader
<> Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) and
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) over the express wishes of the
most senior members of his own party.

Trump signed up to terms proposed by the Democrats on government funding,
which would soon have run out, and the nation’s debt ceiling, which would
soon have been hit.

Crucially, another funding measure and another hike in the debt ceiling will
be required before the end of the year.

That’s a big problem for GOP leaders including Speaker
<> Paul Ryan (Wis.) and Senate Majority
Leader  <> Mitch McConnell (Ky.),
who wanted a longer-term deal, kicking the next likely debt-ceiling increase
beyond the midterm elections in November 2018.

Why did Trump do it?

People in his orbit say that the president was demonstrating to GOP leaders
that they do not have the whip hand — and that, if they repeatedly fail to
move his agenda, the commander in chief is willing to look elsewhere.

“I think it’s a warning shot,” said Barry Bennett, who was a senior adviser
to Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign. “If the Republicans can’t come
together as a majority to do something, the president knows where to get
more votes.”

Beyond the ranks of Trump loyalists, however, the dominant reaction was one
of perplexity.

“I find it very difficult to understand,” said Doug Heye, a former
communications director for the Republican National Committee. “Clearly a
long-term Republican majority and the long-term health of the Republican
Party are not priorities for  <>
Donald Trump.”

Jim Manley, a Democratic strategist and former aide to ex-Senate Majority
Leader  <> Harry Reid (D-Nev.),
pronounced himself “absolutely mystified.”

Manley added: “One of the things it shows me is that [Trump] just doesn’t
care or understand how the Hill operates. There is nothing the Republican
leadership hates more than rounding up votes for the debt limit. And he has
now forced them to take votes twice on it.”

The move is a particular embarrassment for Ryan. On Wednesday morning, the
Speaker had dismissed the parameters of the Democratic proposal as
“ridiculous” and “disgraceful,” only to see the president endorse them a few
hours later.

Ryan had no immediate public comment on the deal.

But other Republicans were not so reticent.

“The Pelosi-Schumer-Trump deal is bad,” read a tweet from the account of
Sen.  <> Ben Sasse (R-Neb.).

Senate Finance Committee Chairman  <>
Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) said he was “not supremely happy,” adding, “I just
think it could be a much better deal than it is. And I think they need more

A showdown late in the year is widely seen as giving the Democrats more
leverage to extract concessions in return for votes to hike the debt

Trump may see an allure in the idea of doing a major deal in December, when
lawmakers are eager to leave for the holidays and the prospect of a
government shutdown seems especially grim.

Hypothetically, such a deal could also encompass issues like a legislative
fix for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) immigration
program and perhaps funding for the southern border wall that Trump
repeatedly promised during his election campaign.

“We’ve all known that Trump and Schumer are deal-makers. The president saw
an opportunity to make a deal,” said Charlie Black, a veteran Republican
strategist. Black added, “It would have been better to have consulted with
the Speaker.”

Trump’s startling decision will spark a whole new round of speculation about
his relationship with Republican leaders in Congress.

The relationship was already fraught.

Aides close to Trump first blamed Ryan, and later McConnell, for the
ignominious failure to pass legislation repealing the Affordable Care Act,
also known as ObamaCare.

The Republican Congress has remarkably little to show for its first eight
months in full control of Washington. And Trump and McConnell reportedly
stopped speaking for several weeks after the health care repeal effort

At the White House media briefing on Tuesday, press secretary Sarah Huckabee
Sanders spoke in blunt and impatient terms about Congress, as she suggested
it needed to pass some form of legislation to address the fate of around
800,000 DACA recipients.

“I don’t think the American people elected Congress to do things that were
easy,” Sanders said. They have a job to do, she added, “and if they can’t do
it, then they need to get out of the way and let somebody else who can take
on a heavy lift and get things accomplished.”

Heye said that Trump’s shock deal the next day ought to be seen against that

Sanders “made it very clear that a Republican-controlled Congress is not
necessarily this administration’s priority,” he said. “So seeing them
negotiating out from under House Republicans is distressing — but it can’t
be totally surprising.”

The administration offered a very different explanation.

Marc Short, the White House director of legislative affairs, told reporters
on board Air Force One Wednesday that the deal will help “to clear the
decks” this month and that it “enables us to focus on tax reform” — the
president’s other major legislative priority.

Trump praised Pelosi and Schumer during the same flight, calling the deal
“very good” and his meeting with them “very, very cordial.” He did not
mention Ryan or McConnell, who were also present.

Could the president be turning away from his own party and positioning
himself as a pragmatist willing to deal with his opponents? Yes.

But it is tough to find anyone who believes there would be a large political
dividend to be reaped by such a gambit, given the intensity of opposition to
Trump among left-of-center voters and his apparent reliance on a fervently
conservative base.

The most common explanation as the deal reverberated through Washington was
also the simplest: that Trump was being Trump, as unpredictable and
turbulent as ever.

Black, asked if the deal was an error on Trump’s part, replied, “I wouldn’t
characterize it as a mistake.”

“People need to understand that this is not a two-party system anymore” he
added. “You have a president in one place, and two parties in their
respective places.”

The Memo is a reported column by Niall Stanage, primarily focused on Donald
Trump’s presidency.




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