2017-09-09 Thread Herrn Mulindwa Edward

THE MEMO: Trump puts the GOP on notice

BY   NIALL STANAGE - 09/09/17 06:46




White House: Expect more outreach to Democrats

President Trump’s shock deal with the two top Democrats in Congress was a
shot across the bows of his own party — and the after-effects are

Some insiders forecast that Trump is headed for a definitive break with
Republican leadership, seeking to forge a new political identity after a
divisive first stretch in office. Others suggest the deal could be a one-off
and that the president will return soon enough to mocking Democrats and
catering to his base.

The deal, struck in a White House meeting and passed by Congress, funds the
government and raises the debt ceiling for three months, exactly the terms
sought by Senate Minority Leader
 Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) and
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.). Trump backed them his over
the wishes of his own party, and his own Treasury Secretary,
 Steven Mnuchin. 

But some in Trump’s party are still scratching their heads as to what the
president is hoping to accomplish by allowing those fiscal fights to recur
in December, when Democrats are likely to have more leverage to extract
concessions. By then, the holidays will be looming, while funds for relief
efforts in the wake of Hurricane Harvey will already be on their way.

One aide to a conservative House Republican, who asked for anonymity to
discuss the matter candidly, lamented that the GOP as a whole “did not have
a game plan” to deal with the debt ceiling.

The aide added that Trump’s deal seemed “short-sighted” given that he has
“given the Democrats another moment to argue for changes” without facing any
obvious political downside for doing so.

Others see Trump’s actions as more evidence that the president is not a
conservative in a conventional sense. Rather, he zigs and zags depending on
his own whims, and his assessment of how he can turn a situation to his

“He is a guy whose success in politics has come from defying convention and
protocol,” said Democratic strategist Tad Devine, who worked on Sen.
 Bernie Sanders’s
(I-Vt.) 2016 presidential campaign. “I think he wants to get back to using
the power of the presidency to his advantage, and it doesn’t matter to him
if it’s to the Republican Party’s advantage or not. 

“He’s not in it for the party,” Devine added. “He’s in it for himself.”

Trump’s propensity to go his own way has been sharpened because of his
frustration with Republican leaders in Washington. 

Trump had an uneasy relationship with the GOP establishment during his

After he won, he watched Congressional Republicans fail ignominiously to
repeal and replace the Affordable Act — also known as ObamaCare — despite
having promised voters they would do just that since the law’s inception in

The president used his Twitter account to jab repeatedly at Senate Majority
Leader   Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.)
after the legislative push ran aground in the Senate. Aides to the president
have been expressing exasperation about Ryan for even longer. 

Some Republicans believe it was this animus, more than anything else, that
moved Trump to side with the Democrats. 

“I think he cut this deal with Pelosi and Schumer to punish Ryan and
McConnell,” said GOP strategist Rick Tyler, who was communications director
for Sen.   Ted Cruz’s (R-Texas)
presidential bid last year. From Democrats, Tyler asserted, “he really got
nothing in return.” 

Still, there is wariness from virtually every quarter about trying to
predict Trump’s next moves.  

While some insiders who spoke to The Hill argued that the president was
staking out a more centrist course in the hope of moving more legislation,
others dissented. 

It was just as likely, they suggested, that the debt deal could be an
exception, and that Trump could return to mocking Democrats before long.

Trump “is himself like a hurricane,” said Tyler. “There is this enormous
cone of uncertainty. You think he is going to move in one direction and then
he shifts direction and goes somewhere else.”

Brad Blakeman, a GOP strategist who served on President George W. Bush’s
White House staff, said Trump was motivated above all by a need to expedite
aid in the wake of Hurricane Harvey. 

Blakeman cautioned Democrats against doing a victory lap over the deal,
especially if they hope 


2017-08-26 Thread Herrn Mulindwa Edward


As many of you were laughing for Democratic party judges were frustrating
the travel ban, I stood in these very forums and I said that the
administration actually does not need to impose a ban on any country, what
they need to do is to stop issuing visas from any country. Ocen Nekyon stood
up right and said that it cannot be done for it will be rejected too. Here
we go, effective yesterday Friday, POTUS, the president of United States,
issued a directive to the American embassies in four countries, to limit
issuing visas to their citizens, thus complicating them from coming to
United States. And the reason is because those countries, are rejecting  to
take their deportees,  or are refusing to corporate with United States when
it sends back their people. The order added that further sanctions may be
imposed on the so-called “recalcitrant” countries to coax or force them into
accepting their citizens who have been deported from the U.S. 


The affected countries so far are Cambodia, Eritrea, Guinea and Sierra
Leone. More countries are going to be added in the near future. If you are a
citizen of Cambodia, Eritrea, Guinea and Sierra Leone, your application for
a visa to come to United States is going to face an uphill per the executive
order signed last night, by the president in an effort to fulfill his
campaign promise. If you have a Democratic party judge out there, that can
stop that order and he or she has a law or a power to instruct the American
embassies out there, to issue the visa through a crappy court order, bring
him/her on. Now if you are a Democratic party member and you have a time to
riot, start marching to the air ports so that American embassies out there
start to issue visas pronto.


And that is today’s official I told you so.


On the 49th Parallel  

 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in
Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni
katika machafuko" 


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