Uganda Troops Accused of Rape


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Barbara Among

Legislators from war torn northern Uganda today accused army soldiers of raping women and children in the internally displaced peoples camps.

"It is a sad situation in the camps, yesterday's case of gang rape by the UPDF was just the limit, it brought tears to our eyes," said Mr Omara Atubo, one of the legislators from the region.

The legislators from the districts of Lira, Gulu, Kitgum and Pader, which have seen the brunt of the 18-year old rebellion against president Yoweri Museveni's government, told parliament that the women in camps are raped by government soldiers who first torture their husbands.

"This is not a new thing, I have reported this to the minister of defence, I wrote to them on March 10th 2005, but got no response, I have complained particularly about the UPDF's 11th battalion in Gulu," said Mr Reagan Okumu, MP for Aswa county in Gulu district.

The latest case of gang rape by the Uganda Peoples Defence Forces (UPDF) was brought before parliament the MP for Kitgum district, Ms Jane Akwero, who said soldiers from the 91st battalion attacked Padibe camp in Padibe sub-county 20 kilometres from Kitgum town, where they beat up men and raped women, robbed them of their money and property.

"The soldiers were from an operation in Larach hills, when they went on rampage and pulled out women, some of them, pregnant and raped them."

When the battlefield turns to be the women's bodies, where will the women turn to," said Ms Akwero.

Ms Akwero said 18 women were raped and one of them was gang raped by seven soldiers who stole from her USh 10,000 ($5). She said another woman was robbed of 15,000 ($8), after being raped.

Kitgum is 453 kilometres north of Kampala. She said this is the first time that such a big number of women have been raped in a single case.

Meanwhile, late today, Mr Okumu was among two MPs arrested and remanded at Kampala's Central Police Station on murder charges.

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Arrested with Mr Okumu, was Mr Nyeko Ochula Michael, MP for Kilak, a county in Gulu district.

The MPs have been charged with murder of Movement chairman Alfred Bongomin.

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