When Museveni Reported Kagame to the British


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Andrew M. Mwenda

It is August 28, 2001 and President Yoweri Museveni is seated at State House, Nakasero, penning down a letter to British Secretary for Overseas Development, Claire Short.

"I am embarrassed to have to communicate with you about the deteriorating situation in the bilateral relations between Uganda and the Government of Rwanda," the letter begins without ceremony.

"We have no doubt that Rwanda is planning aggression against us either using proxies or even directly," President Museveni drops his bomb shell.

"There are some Ugandan army officers who ran from here, jumping bail or fleeing potential persecution for a number of crimes, to Rwanda," the letter continues.

Well, we know that already, so what is new? "Since some months ago, these officers, who we hear were given amnesty in Rwanda, have been frantically telephoning many serving officers in Uganda asking them to betray their country by spying for Rwanda and fighting our government and people," the President writes.

Now this is new!

What is more? "Furthermore, they have been recruiting Ugandan youth and taking them to Kigali for military training."

Really? Well Yoweri is not yet done, so he gives more ink: "We are now sure that they have opened three training centres around Kigali with the full support of the Rwanda government."

This is getting serious! And Yoweri, son of Esteri Kokundeka and Amos Kaguta has very good intelligence. "We hear that they have also opened another centre for the same purpose in Rutshuru, a part of eastern Congo they control." Jeez!!

"Meanwhile, their intelligence is very aggressively inquiring about the strength of various army units of ours and so on," the President writes and now comes to the crunch.

"Right Honourable Minister, we have just defeated the protracted terrorism organised against us by Sudan, both in the west of Uganda and in the north. We cannot countenance nor tolerate another round of terrorism this time organised by Mr. Kagame whom we sacrificed so much to stand with when the whole world was either against their cause or indifferent to it," the letter warns.

"I am therefore writing to you for two reasons," President Museveni now zeros in on the real beef of this five-page letter concerning an eminent round of terrorism to Uganda from Rwanda, "First of all, to inform you about the sad and childish developments here which, nevertheless, are very grave for this region."

Sad and childish, but grave for the region!!

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So what is the second reason?

Next week in Strange But True!

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