
The Speaker of Parliament – Hon Edward Ssekandi
Deputy Speaker- Hon Kadaga
Members of Parliament
IGP. Major. Wamala Katumba
CID Elizabeth Kutesa
Vice President Prof. Gilbert Balibaseka Bukenya
Prime Minister – Hon. Apollo Nsibambi
Minister of Foreign Affairs Hon. James Wapakhabulo
Minister of State for Security - President's Office Hon. Betty Akech
Minister of Internal Affair Hon. Dr. Ruhakana Rugunda
Minister Of Justice Hon. Janat Mukywaya
All Political Party Leaders

- We in the Democratic Farmers Workers Alliance – Uganda; have adequately discussed our political line and action on the subject matter.

- We are DEMANDING the government of Uganda to explain to the nation why the assassins AND NOT THE PLANNERS (MASTER MINDER) of the murder of Professor Dan Mudoola (Prof. Dan Mudhola ) are in jail?

- The premeditated assassination of Professor Dan Mudoola is on our agenda of hunting down past crime master minders that must be resolved if Uganda is to go forward.

- We are demanding that the full police investigation report in the assassination of Prof. Dan Mudoola be made public to all Uganda news media, the Uganda parliament and the Uganda High Court.

- That a full process of where and how the murder weapons used in the assassination of the Hon. Professor Dan Mudoola came into the possession of criminals.

- DFWA-U wants to make it very clear - the planners, the master minders of the assassination of Professor Dan Mudoola must be brought up to justice as a matter of AGENCY.

- If this condition is not met fully, within the full limits of the Uganda laws – we are going to use other means the constitutional offers us to reach our gaols and unravel the conspirators covering criminals.

- For all political forces covering up such criminals and their acts their days are numbered and MUST COME OUT IN FULL; for once and disassociate themselves for murders under the Uganda courts of Law.

- Otherwise they the political forces are part of the criminals and criminal gangs who have been murdering our people with impunity.

- The people who planned and caused the murdered of Professor Dan Mudoola should face justice NOT ONLY small EXECUTIONERS.

- All our supporters to do as we have done in the past – demand and forward detailed information of the political forces behind shielding criminals in our society using taxpayers money and in particular the assassination of Professor Dan Mudoola to all members.

No Uganda will ever again die in vain to serve political goals

When Festo Androa Asenua sought divine intervention to kill from the
traditional shrine of witchdoctor Ali in Geregere village, in Lugazi,
his wish was granted.

Androa together with Joseph Denis Kakooza were hired assassins,
contracted by people from the October 9th Movement. Their target was
Prof. Dan Mudhola, then vice chairman of the Constitutional Review

The mission was to eliminate Mudhola and frustrate the Commission's

On February 20, 1993 at 7.30p.m as Mudhola, with a colleague Dr Francis
Kidubuka, were having a drink at Container Bar next to Paris Hotel in
Wandegeya, Androa and Kakooza hurled a grenade, that sniffed them out,
and seriously injured Prof. Katorobo - all dons at Makerere University.

Everything had gone according to plan but ghosts, which haunted Androa,
compelled him to go to Ali - for cleansing.

Ali advised his client to dance at the grave of one of his relatives in
Lugazi. But he had also tipped off the police after hearing a narration
of the killings.

As Androa danced at the grave one evening, the police swooped down on
him and he was hauled in.

But his associate, Kakooza, had disappeared.

Several months later, however, Kakooza stole a bicycle and he was

After being in custody for days, he confessed to a police constable
that he could not live with the haunting voices of the dons he had
helped kill in Wandegeya.

Uganda's most notorious men: How they were caught
Monitor Jan 18 - 24, 2004



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