How About Use of Magical Powers to Eliminate Kony?

African Church Information Service August 18, 2003
Posted to the web August 18, 2003 Crespo Sebunya

Kampala A recent meeting between a Government minister and witchdoctors to discuss the use of magical powers to dispel the Lords Resistance Army (LRA), a rebel group, underlines growing concern that the Government is desperate to fight the insurgents, whose menace has spread eastwards, from their northern territory.Defence Minister, Ruth Nankabirwa, met the Uganda Traditional Healers Association, led by their chairman, Ben Gulu, and asked for help over the LRA matter."Since Kony uses spirits, it is appropriate that witchdoctors cast their spell and defeat Kony," Nankabirwa is reported to have said.Musanje Kyabaggu, General Secretary of the traditional healers association said they could use spirits as done during their forefathers, in addition to deploying "killer bees".The witchcraft strategy caused widespread concern, forcing the minister to swallow her words.

She wrote to the media, denying such a scheme, as FM stations broadcast quotes by her.Pointing out that she was misunderstood, she elaborated that she felt there was need to counter pervasive belief in superstition rampant in the north, if government was to make headway in its fight against Joseph Kony, the leader of LRA."Many people are reluctant to volunteer information, fearing that Kony's spirits will note them and target them for revenge," she explained.

It is also alleged that Kony's moves have had an impact within the ranks of Uganda People's Defence Force (UPDF), who believe that Kony has supernatural powers.However, some intelligence sources dismiss witchcraft powers in the war, arguing that Kony's informers are quite numerous to the extent that three out of four who attend local meetings in Gulu and Kitgum districts in the north, are LRA informers.

Nevertheless, the use of witchcraft is widespread in Uganda. According to UNICEF statistics, 67 percent of Ugandans consult witchdoctors on all matters, including politics and wealth creation.Though it is widely accepted at individual level, what has raised concern now is that witchcraft could become part of government policy, if the defence minister's move is anything to go by.While many Government officials may not feel uneasy about application of witchcraft, religious leaders are worried about the trend in this mostly Christian country.Critics say the widespread belief in witchcraft is indicative of failure by religious institutions to have practical solutions against the practice.


"The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth becomes the greatest enemy of the state."

- Dr. Joseph M. Goebbels - Hitler's propaganda minister

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