Fellow Citizens;

..and what did you really expect... this chaps in Yoweri Museveni's UPDF have been fighting   Museveni's wars  right from 1985 in Luwero... that makes it close to  20 years in the BUSH!!!!.. The chaps  fought in Sudan, DRC Congo, Bundibugo, kasese, Bunya , Ituri e.t.c

In  Kinsangani (DRC CONGO) the chaps  were trerrible humiliated   by the  Rwandese  RPF troops  ... I hear Rwandese troops KILLED  quiet a sizeble amont of UPDF troops in gun battles.  Many more perished  in the  Sudan...and still many continue to die in northern Uganda in fights with the so called LRA Rebels.  The irony is that Museveni NRM military dictatorship  never offered any decent burrial for this fallen Ugandans.

Information reaching us, has reavel that many  widows of  fallen  UPDF soldiers do live in execruciating poverty....  the Regime  in kampala refuses to offer  even  mere merge financial assistance to this  widows. Many are simply left fending for themselves  and their kidds!!!

That is Museveni's  NRM!!


force.now even if you are the  Mighty simson  ( in the Bible)

Morale in Army Low, Says General Saleh

The Monitor (Kampala)August 18, 2003
Posted to the web August 18, 2003 Kennedy Lule
Kampala Lt. Gen. Salim Saleh is not happy with the way the army is run.Saleh, who is the commander of the reserve force, bared his heart at a closed meeting with Members of Parliament on the Defence and Internal Affairs Committee on Wednesday.According to MPs who attended the meeting, Saleh said the Uganda People's Defence Forces is ran like the "bush force, NRA", yet circumstances have since changed.Saleh acquired iconic status during the 1981-86 bush war for his battle exploits.He claimed that the morale of soldiers is low because President Yoweri Museveni wants them to sacrifice a lot like in the bush war days.

Saleh told the MPs that Mr Joseph Kony's Lord's Resistance Army rebels are not strong, but have benefited from the weaknesses in the army to sow mayhem in Acholi, Lango and Teso."The general was lamenting that some soldiers can hardly feed their families and even those on the battlefield have poor meals, there is scarcity of uniforms and some [soldiers] are tired and would want to leave the army but cannot easily do so1/4" an MP who attended the meeting told The Monitor.

When contacted yesterday, Saleh said it would be criminal for him to discuss what transpired in a closed meeting."Why don't you ask those people who gave you that information to confirm it?" he said, before hanging up.Mr Simon Mayende (Samia Bugwe South), who chaired the meeting, was guarded. He said Saleh wants the welfare of soldiers improved.

The MP said that Saleh talked about creating a fund to assist the wives of soldiers to engage in productive activities.Saleh also wants the reserve force regularised and streamlined with a law governing its operations and deployment, according to Mayende.Saleh told the MPs that every sub-county in Uganda should have a company (130 soldiers) of reservists, who could be called upon in times of war.

The general said that with a steady reserve force in place, paramilitary groups like the Arrow Boys in Teso and Rhino in Lango now deployed against the rebels, would not be necessary.He argued that with a well-trained reserve force, the cost of running the army would also reduce.Saleh also called for a proper identification system to weed out ghost soldiers.

"The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth becomes the greatest enemy of the state."

- Dr. Joseph M. Goebbels - Hitler's propaganda minister

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