Re: [Unattended] AD authentication & Linux installs....

2005-02-24 Thread Jordan Share
Jeffrey C Albro wrote:
If you want to install a FC3 based system, why not just use kickstart?  We 

We want the "nothing but net" pxe install on a blank machine.  The grub
config we drop onthe hard drive would have the ks=nfs:server:/ks.cfg line
in it.
I'm still not clear on what your assumptions are re: kickstart.  We use a 
"nothing but net pxe install on a blank machine".  We boot the linux 
kernel and initrd via pxelinux, and pull our ks.cfg off a webserver.

Here's a sample pxelinux.cfg/default stanza:
label ksf3
kernel vmlinuz-fedora-3.ks
append ks= 

There's no need to boot off the HD and/or use grub just to kick off the 

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[Unattended] AD authentication & Linux installs....

2005-02-24 Thread Jeffrey C Albro

Hi all!  

I'm working on adding AD authentication to unattended.  You would need to 
sucessfully authenticate as a member of a list of users in order to use 
unattended. The code is written in PHP.  I'm looking at adding a system 
call from within dosbin/  I'm looking for suggestions on where 
in the code to add the login check.

Also, I'd like the option of installing Linux (fedora 3 based) by way of  
unattended.  It looks like I could add that option in /etc/master.  Just 
copy the install initrd and isolinux directories, add a grub call, and 
reboot.  Does anyone see anything wrong with that plan?



Jeffrey Albro | Systems Administrator | Boston University
   - Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering -
[EMAIL PROTECTED] |  Photonics, Room 305  | 617-358-2785

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Re: [Unattended] Unattended GUI

2005-02-24 Thread Hugo Monteiro
On Mon, 2005-02-14 at 13:52 +0100, Mario Gzuk wrote:
> Hi,
> after a lot of work it is done. I have rewrite the complete stuff to
> php. And you can download the first release on
> The project is hosted on sourceforge:
> The website is:
> Please use the forums to report problems.
> Please read the FAQ on befor installing.
> You can check a DEMO on
> (testuser, unattended  (this user has only read permissions))
> At this time, the GUI is available in english and german language.
> For questions you can also contact me directly via EMail, ICQ or AIM.
> ICQ: 238216439
> AIM: zukithe1
> I will try to help you with installation and all other things. And with
> questions you help me to write a documentation Well this is still
> missing: a good docu.
> So have fun!
> greetings mario gzuk

This might soung a bit off topic... I'm trying to install the gui in a
debian testing system. Apparently, the php-pear package already comes
with the Auth and DB modules. I downloaded the Sigma module but i can't
find any info on how to install the module.. Could you lend me a hand?

Also ran into an include problem... after running install.php i got

Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: auth
in /home/www/unattended/include/API.php on line 130

any ideas on how can i fix this?

Thanks in advance,

Hugo Monteiro.

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Hugo Monteiro
Telefone : +351 916993183

JavaLi - ADSI, Lda.
Madan Parque   Edifício VI   Campus da FCT/UNL
Quinta da Torre   2829-516 Caparica   Portugal
Telefone: +351 212949666   Fax: +351 212948313   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

javali:~# _

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RE: [Unattended] Using csv

2005-02-24 Thread Moritz Engel
Just rename the to!

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Johan
Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2005 5:09 PM
Subject: [Unattended] Using csv

Hi all, 

I have unattended up and running, with my unattend.txt in the
site-folder. The only thing I still have to do is enter the computername

I'd like to use the unattend.csv to lookup the computername based on
the macaddress. 
Can anyone tell me what steps I have to take after filling the .csv
file with macaddresses and corresponding computernames, 'cause I can't seem
to get it to work...

I'd still like to keep the other info in my unattend.txt and only
use the .csv for the computername. 

Thanks in advance. 


Johan Stevens 

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Re: [Unattended] File copy fails

2005-02-24 Thread Tony Worrall
I had this error on an old desktop machine I was using to test 
unattended, before I started using it on potential production machines.  
The atapi/sys error persisted stayed no matter what I tried with 
unattended so, eventually, I gave up trying to install onto that 
machine, tried another one and *bam* it all worked perfectly!

The only thing I can guess at causing the failed copy error would either 
be a slightly iffy hard drive.

If anyone does discover a fix for this issue, I'd still like to hear it, 
after all, I have an old desktop machine sitting there doing nothing :)

Sorry I couldn't be of more assistance Heather.
Tony Worrall

Heather Coors wrote:
If anyone else has any suggestions or a fix please let me  know as 

Tue, 22 Feb 2005 14:32:51 -0800
I just started using Unattended last week. I was able to get my first 
workstation up and running with no problems. Then I tried my second 
workstation and bam I got the atapi.sys unable to copy error as well. 
I saw you posted on the mailing list you had that issue. Were you able 
to get it resolved?


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