RE: [Unattended] Never mind; continue about your daily business ( was biosinfo.txt not found when using unattended with XPSP2 integrated M V LS)

2005-09-16 Thread Don Morrison

That last comment from Moritz is how I did it --  

Under Windows you can use WinIso or similar... 
it works!
regards, Moritz

I just opened the linux boot iso with WinIso, extracted the cfg file, edited
the parameters, and put it back.  Relatively painless.  I have a local
install account and the unattended CD is the only 'one' that uses it to
connect to the deployment server.  Pretty much what you described and it may
have taken 10 minutes including download time.

I can see that you are frustrated and I agree with most of your points but
it doesn't seem productive to get on the list and hammer the guys doing the
work for their coding style.  Anytime you go to another dev team they have
their own way of doing things - you shouldn't barge in and tell them they
are wrong.  Before you get hotter ... I agree with most of your points and
Pat has talked about some work on the file layout (there are a bunch of
posts on the list about this) but it turns out that in most shops once you
have a working setup you aren't given the time to fine-tune like we would
all like.

I have gained literally hundreds of hours by using this offering and I can
say it took me a little while to get my head around it but it has been
well worth it.   

If you want to talk to me, openly, about the problems and frustrations and
perhaps get some insight into my use model I would be happy to give you a
call.  Just let me know.

Don Morrison
Technology Department Manager 
The National Judicial College

 Yes, Ryan, thank you, I do understand what mkisofs -quiet -o 
 linuxboot.iso -b isolinux/isolinux.bin -c isolinux/ 
 -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size
 4 -boot-info-table iso does.  I have hacked Dreamcast 
 bin/cues before.  My point is that hunting through 
 z:\linuxboot\Makefile for the mkisofs parameters and 
 obtaining a copy of mkisofs that works on XP and going 
 through a *rebuild*[1] of the iso is more work than it should 
 be in order to change three tiny yet critical parameter 
 defaults that are extremely unlikely to be acceptable at a 
 real Windows production site.
 But whatever.  I'll concede that making the change to the 
 Linux boot CD is unlikely to happen more than once for a 
 production site, so this amount of work is negligible in the 
 long run.  Are you willing to concede the scripts are largely 
 unintelligible as written?
  The filesystem in the CD is not like your regular filesystem. 
  You can't just replace/edit the files in place and expect 
 it to still 
 Funny.  If I make a multi-session bootable Windows XP CD, I 
 can rewrite \i386\winnt.sif to my heart's content.
 Chris Doherty
 Helpdesk Analyst
 Crompton Co./Cie a Chemtura Company
 Elmira: (519) 669-1671 x319
 [1] What would you call creating a bootable ISO9660 image 
 from source files, a second time?  I call it a rebuild.

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RE: [Unattended] Sugestion or Request...

2005-02-15 Thread Don Morrison
Thirded? :P

I agree that the placement of the packages (and in my case, scripts also) is
not optimal.  I want to just ping the list with a thought and then I will
devote some more time to this later ... Beware ... May ramble a bit.

I would suggest that we use a site setting/variable so that we can each
determine the placement of our files.  It could be something that maps it
out for each package or just a %PKGIDPATH%.  I think it might be a little
hard to get consensus from everyone on where they should all live, as some
of us with few applications will want a simple/flat structure while others
will want to really break it up.  (I can see that this would get more
valuable as you need to support multiple versions of the same application,
or have fixed deployment 'images' for a specific department.) 

Having said that, I wouldn't want to break any stock functionality in
Unattended.  I could see us leaving things as they are -- so you use the
prepare script to get everything to start, then a rearrange to move it where
you want it ... The complication comes in wanting adobe_reader_package in
/packages/viewers/adobe/... And java in /packages/java/

Hmmm, perhaps this would work --

Perhaps naming/versioning of packages.  So you would have something like:

:: Install Adobe Reader

:: OPTIONAL: Install Sun Java Virtual Machine
:: URL|ALL|http://javadownload.blah|packages/jre1.5.0_01.msi

In the batch files from Unattended and on your site you would have a setting
that says:


It would add some overhead, but maybe not as much as I am thinking.  If
there were a front-end for this it would be even better, but we are already
stringing together an ungodly amount of scripts to get this truly marvelous
software to work.

I would like to see something like this personally.  Instead of agreeing
where everything should be, let's just agree how everything should be named
and we should be good to go.  In fact, the information could be added
without a *huge* change .. I think.  Heck, given the format above the
prepare script could attempt to find the PKGIDPATH and if there isn't an
entry then it would fallback to default.  Yeah, I can see that working.

On a side note: This addresses the package storage area, but not really the
script storage issues that may arise, Of course, that may bring forth
thoughts of an index of packages  scripts rather than storing it all with
the install directives.  (Although, I am a big fan of atomic configuration
information -- i.e., each install knows what it needs to be performed.)


Don Morrison

-Original Message-
From: Michael Kahle [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, February 14, 2005 2:50 PM
To: Unattended List
Subject: [Unattended] Sugestion or Request...

Would it be possible to remove all software from the root of the
unattended/install/packages directory and instead move them to a folder
within the packages directory?

I am not trying to make noise here, but thought that others might have a
similar experience/desire as I do.  I not only use unattended for
unattended installations, but also as my software repository on the
network.  If someone wants a particular piece of software installed I simply
map a drive to the unattended server browse to packages and manually install
the package I want.  I also store additional information in the directory
with the package, like documentation on how to do the manual install or
pdf's on how to use the software for other peoples reference.

For example, when running the prepare script it places the java jre in the
root of the packages directory.  I move the install to a folder called
java and then put my documentation in the directory with the installer.  I
then go to the scripts directory and modify the script that installs it to
reflect the path to where the software resides.  Now when I update the
scripts from CVS with the script-update bash script, it overwrites my
changes and I have to update it all over again.  I realize that I can
exclude whichever files I want to so that I don't break compatibility, but
this is not entirely convenient.

I guess what I am suggesting is some standard structure that we could use
with unattended that would clean up the packages and updates directory that
makes better sense.  Perhaps even separating the packages sub directories
into something like:

Humm... Looking at the above, separating packages into opensource, freeware,
commercial is kind

RE: [Unattended] How much is a multiuser license for XP pro ?

2005-01-25 Thread Don Morrison

Windows XP pricing differs greatly from organization to organization.  For
instance, I am on the University of Nevada, Reno (USA) campus and we pay
less then $50/year for each full-time equivalent employee (FTE).  This
covers operating system and Microsoft Office licenses for all my users and
my lab machines -- this is known as our Campus Agreement.  I have heard or
other names but your best source for this information is at the Microsoft

Hope this helps out.  Good luck.

-Original Message-
From: Felipe Navarrete [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 25, 2005 8:54 AM
Subject: [Unattended] How much is a multiuser license for XP pro ?

How much is a multiuser license for XP pro ?
Anybody know ?

Felipe Navarrete

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RE: [Unattended] OK, couple of new problems/questions

2004-12-03 Thread Don Morrison

I had a similar problem and found that my admin password wasn't compatible
with the linux install method -- when I used a simpler password everything
worked.  I didn't spend too much time working on the problem but I assumed
that the samba client must not have liked it.  Now, months later I have
found that windows doesn't like that password sometimes either -- eh, no
worries.  Anyway, check if there may be some 'weird' characters in your
password and test it with something simple.  All this assumes that you have
put the data into your unattend.txt correctly:



Good luck.

-Original Message-
From: Scott Adams [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, November 29, 2004 10:02 AM
Subject: [Unattended] OK, couple of new problems/questions

I have gotten everything working for the windowsXPsp2 install using the
linuxboot method and it works great, I have the unattend.txt file setup like
I would like. Only two questions, or maybe they would be problems, I put the
administrator password in the unattend.txt file but it still asks for it and
if I do not enter anything then it is blank when the machine finishes the
install, I am assuming this is a problem with something not picking up the
adminpassword from the unattend.txt or some such.  The second is a question,
what file do I put the //server/folder (//ntinstall/install change) and
the userid and password so that I do not have to enter them all the time,
remember I am using the linuxboot method.

Thanks for the great program and the help.

Scott Adams
Computer Network Instructor
SEARK College
Pine Bluff, Arkansas

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RE: [Unattended] Install Samba Shared printer

2004-10-06 Thread Don Morrison

I have a script that uses a basic xml file to store the resources for our
network.  Then a login script parses that file and maps the drives or
printers for the user.  The code could easily be modified to make the
mappings permanent instead of the expectation that they run each time.  You
will notice that the xml has shares as well as printers and has an attribute
called groups -- this lets the script selectively map the resource based on
NT Group.

A sample xml looks like this:

   !--[BEGIN XML] --

  server name=server1
 resource name=main_share type=share mapas=v:
groups=executive /

  server name=dbserver
 resource name=files type=share mapas=p: groups=ALL /

  server name=print
resource name=executive type=printer groups=ALL /
resource name=frontoffice type=printer groups=ALL /
resource name=sales type=printer groups=sales /


If you are interested I can send on a working example.  The code is broken
up into functions intended to be used by a higher-level script, but I think
I can throw something together.  I don't have the concept of domain
selection as my script assumes that these users are logging in to my domain
- otherwise they wouldn't be getting this login script.  :)

Let me know.

 -Original Message-
 From: Justin Beckley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Friday, October 01, 2004 11:02 AM
 Subject: Re: [Unattended] Install Samba Shared printer
 Sorry for the long delay in a response, but I have been busy 
 trying to get this thing figured out.  This script will not 
 be run every time a user logs on.  Instead there will be a 
 printer icon on the Desktop that says Enable Printing or 
 something.  Only after the user double-clicks that icon will 
 this script get executed.  This prevents everyone from 
 hitting the samba server every time they login.
 Here's what I came up with so far, and a brief description of 
 the coming revision.  This script supposes that the 
 printer(s) you are mapping to are installed on the computer 
 on ports LPT[x-y].  I will add in some logic to read this 
 information from a file that I will keep in C:\NETINST\ 
 printers.txt.  Basically for every printer that gets 
 installed on the computer a line in the printers.txt file 
 will look like this:
 LPTx \\print-server\printer
 LPTy \\print-server\printer1
 The script would read that file and map the printers that are 
 listed in that file.  Right now that doesn't happen, but that 
 is where this script is headed.  School keeps getting in the 
 way... something about an education, I don't know.
 Right now it just installs one printer that is specified in 
 the script, but here it is if anyone is interested in what we 
 are currently working on.  The explanation follows.
 REM Lines that begin with REM are ignored REM This script 
 will prompt users for their name and passwords REM so that 
 they can map network printers
 REM Create some Objects to use for our networking and 
 password stuff Dim net Set net = 
 CreateObject(WScript.Network) Set oScriptPW = 
 CreateObject(ScriptPW.Password) Set nUser = 
 REM Grab out Domain name and username from our objects Domain 
 = nUser.UserDomain UserName = nUser.UserName
 REM Check to see if the user is already logged into our 
 domain REM If they are in the proper domain, dont do anthing 
 but if they REM have logged in locally, give them an inputbox 
 for their username if Domain = my_domain Then else UserName 
 = InputBox(Please enter your domain user name, Domain 
 Username,,100,100) end if
 REM WScript.StdOut.WriteLine vbCrLf  Your username is   
 UserName REM This appears on the command line since VBScript 
 cannot mask input REM in our input box. It asks for the 
 password, and allows you to type REM it in, but nothing is 
 echoed out WScript.StdOut.Write Type password and press the 
 Enter key: 
 strPasswd = oScriptPW.GetPassword()
 REM Create us a new shell object for mapping the printers REM 
 This should be able to work on our existing objects, but REM 
 I would recieve errors and stuff. Ill look into debugging REM 
 those later Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject(WScript.Shell)
 REM Specify our command to run
 strCommand = net use LPT2: \\print-server\printer 
 REM Run our command
 Set oScriptExec = WshShell.Exec(strCommand  /USER:  
 REM Assign the output that went to stdout to a var strOutput 
 = oScriptExec.Stdout.ReadAll REM Wait .5 sec
 REM Newline
 REM print out our results
 WScript.Echo strOutput
 REM blank line
 The script will create a popup box that asks for thier domain 
 user name if they are not logged into our domain.  Next it 
 drops to a command line to ask for your password because 
 VBscript cannot hide entries in a 

RE: [Unattended] palm desktop install

2004-09-16 Thread Don Morrison

I haven't done much automating this, but what I remember reading was that
the install had to be done for every user, and that you wanted that to
reside in C:\Program Files\Path\To\Palm\%username%

I had some luck manually installing it this way so it may help.  Then again
maybe not.  Good luck.


 -Original Message-
 From: Julien TOUCHE [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Saturday, September 11, 2004 2:01 AM
 To: Unattended List
 Subject: Re: [Unattended] palm desktop install
 Eugene Kotlyarov a écrit :
  Julien TOUCHE wrote:
  i'm trying to install palm desktop on multi-users windows 
 but get the 
  problem than by default palm desktop is one-user only ...
  with appdeploy, i create the following scripts, but could not 
  identify all reg of HKEY_CURRENT_USER and other stuff i need to 
  migrate to HKEY_USERS/.DEFAULT or some other place.
  It's rather strange but it is under
  HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\U.S. Robotics\Pilot Desktop
 not only that
 HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\U.S. Robotics\Palm Quick Install 
 HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Palm and some 
 and so on
 but exporting these only in HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT is not 
 sufficient to make it work or maybe it must be done 
 individually ... (sic)
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RE: [Unattended] RE: mozilla 1.7.1 update

2004-07-15 Thread Don Morrison
I spent a good deal of time fighting with this one tonight.  I saw that bug
Paul, and read up some on some other sites.  Seems that folks are
repackaging this until the installer is fixed.  I was able to get it to run
almost completely silent.

* Download the installer package
* Start the installation
* Let it hang on the first screen
* Grab the setup directory from my temp folder
* Cancel the installation
* Push that directory out to packages
* Edit the config.ini in several places
  - to silence the install location screen and the download screen
* Run setup.exe with the -ma -ira switches
* You get install progress screen but it doesn't require input
* Left with only the Installation Finished screen, wanting a click on

I attempted to comment out the section that displays the finish screen but
the install just sits there.  Frustrating but they seem to have escalated it
for the 1.0 release of FireFox.  At this point you could AutoIt I guess.
Just one click.  If anyone is interested I can put that together with my
edited config.ini and post them.


 -Original Message-
 From: Paul Baumgardner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2004 6:37 PM
 To: Don Morrison; 'Steven Piercy'
 Subject: Re: [Unattended] RE: mozilla 1.7.1 update
 The -ma -ira switches don't seem to work.  The installer just 
 sits there asking where you'd like to install Firefox.  None 
 of the buttons are responsive except the Cancel button.
 I found there was a bug filed for this issue:
  -Original Message-
  From: Don Morrison [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday, July 15, 2004 01:11 AM
  To: ''Steven Piercy''
  Subject: [Unattended] RE: mozilla 1.7.1 update
  Steven -
  I was looking at FireFox yesterday and it doesn't look like 
 the same 
  installer.  I think the FireFox installer is just a nice way of 
  uncompressing the files into directories (the way you had 
 to install 
  previous versions) -- I couldn't find anything about 
 getting it to run 
  silently.  There are some posts on the site 
 about it.  
  I would be willing to help out if needed.
   -Original Message-
   From: Steven Piercy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2004 4:08 PM
   Subject: mozilla 1.7.1 update
   ok - SF bounced my bat file attachment, so just grab the 
 text below
   here is a slightly modified version of the mozilla.bat - for
   mozilla1.7.1  (cause of a security flaw: ;) - just figured it 
   wasn't enough to require a patch.
   anyway here it is (i know... why brag about a total of 8 changed 
   characters - well, its been a few weeks and nobody else 
 updated the 
   - I'll attach a copy too
   note: I don't see a bat for firefox or thunderbird on the 
 cvs either 
   (likely the same install syntax) - want me to add em?
   or just be shellfish?
   I use firefox myself... nice and no IE holes... no Opera 
 ads... just 
   me and a nice fast browser :-)
   :: OPTIONAL: Install Mozilla
   @Echo off %Z%\packages\mozilla-win32-1.7.1-installer.exe -ma -ira
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[Unattended] Mozilla FireFox 0.92 Install

2004-07-15 Thread Don Morrison
I have this working well enough for my use and thought I would share.  No
matter what combination of flags and settings I couldn't get the setup to
complete with out the Installation Successful screen.  I *was* able to get
rid of the Install Path and Downloading dialogs.  So with a sprinkle of
AutoIt it is good enough for jazz.  ;)

To get 0.92 to play nice you have to edit the config.ini file once you have
extracted the setup files.  I edited it in 2 places:

[Dialog Select Install Path]
Show Dialog=FALSE

[Dialog Downloading]
Show Dialog=FALSE

Then used the attached AutoIt script to run the setup with the -ma -ira
switches. (I also attached the .bat file, renamed to .txt)  I extracted the
setup files to the packages\firefox092 directory.

Let me know if this bails on anyone.

:: OPTIONAL: Install FireFox 0.92
@Echo off


:: Install FireFox 0.92 - with a little help from AutoIt AutoIt %Z%\scripts\firefox092.aut

Description: Binary data

[Unattended] RE: mozilla 1.7.1 update

2004-07-14 Thread Don Morrison
Steven -

I was looking at FireFox yesterday and it doesn't look like the same
installer.  I think the FireFox installer is just a nice way of
uncompressing the files into directories (the way you had to install
previous versions) -- I couldn't find anything about getting it to run
silently.  There are some posts on the site about it.  I
would be willing to help out if needed.


 -Original Message-
 From: Steven Piercy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2004 4:08 PM
 Subject: mozilla 1.7.1 update
 ok - SF bounced my bat file attachment, so just grab the text below
 here is a slightly modified version of the mozilla.bat - for
 mozilla1.7.1  (cause of a security flaw: ;) - just figured 
 it wasn't enough to require a patch.
 anyway here it is (i know... why brag about a total of 8 
 changed characters - well, its been a few weeks and nobody 
 else updated the cvs)
 - I'll attach a copy too
 note: I don't see a bat for firefox or thunderbird on the cvs 
 either (likely the same install syntax) - want me to add em? 
 or just be shellfish?
 I use firefox myself... nice and no IE holes... no Opera 
 ads... just me and a nice fast browser :-)
 :: OPTIONAL: Install Mozilla
 @Echo off %Z%\packages\mozilla-win32-1.7.1-installer.exe -ma -ira
 This SF.Net email is sponsored by BEA Weblogic Workshop FREE 
 Java Enterprise J2EE developer tools!
 Get your free copy of BEA WebLogic Workshop 8.1 today.
 unattended-devel mailing list

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RE: [Unattended] OT: NT4 Tape Driver

2004-06-16 Thread Don Morrison

I had this same problem [NT4.0 + Exchange 5.5] and ended up writing a script
that would shut-down the Exchange services every night (in the correct
order), backup the Exchange store files, then restart the services (in the
correct order).  It was the only way I was able to workout solid backups
without putting a tape drive in that box.


 -Original Message-
 From: Michael Kahle [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Friday, June 11, 2004 12:47 AM
 Subject: [Unattended] OT: NT4 Tape Driver
 This is off topic to unattended, but I thought you guys might 
 have some ideas.  I have a NT4.0 server that is running MS 
 Exchange 5.5.  I have started backing up all the servers in 
 my environment using Rsync.  This works great, but there is 
 one more piece of the puzzle remaining.  I need to backup my 
 Exchange 5.5 database using the msbackup.exe utility.  The 
 only problem is that the msbackup.exe utility requires a tape 
 device to write to.
 :(  What I am hoping is that someone knows of a driver that I 
 could install on the NT4 server that would look like a tape 
 device that is configurable to write to the disk somewhere.  
 That way, I could use msbackup.exe to write to this tape 
 device and then Rsync could once a day grab this file off of 
 the server.
 I would love to hear of a solution for this.  Thanks.
 This SF.Net email is sponsored by the new InstallShield X.
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RE: [Unattended] Sharing unattended install scripts

2004-03-31 Thread Don Morrison
  In an ideal world, should all unattended users be adding 
 their scripts 
  to the main unattended distribution, or is it desirable to keep the 
  included set of scripts to some limited, manageable set?
 Personally, I'd like to see a /contrib. directory with 
 optional scripts. The scripts within the contrib. directory 
 would have to be copied into /install/scripts before becoming 

I like the contrib idea.  I plan on adding a bunch for the particular
applications needed here and it would be great if others can benefit from my

 Is anyone else creating scripts and sharing them via  their own web 
 pages or elsewhere?
  I would think that with unattended's growing user base that 
 a lot of 
  scripts are probably being generated.  It would be nice if 
 sharing of 
  these scripts was better facilitated.  Providing a 
 description of how you want this handled on the unattended 
 web site would be great.
 I'm not sure how this would best be handled. I assume that 
 the mailing list works well enough to not warrant any new 

I can also volunteer bandwidth/server space for keeping these if it is
deemed necessary to store them in another way.  I work on a college campus
and we have plenty of room for this kind of thing. ;)

 I have been working on a how to build unattended scripts 
 faq, its still a work in progress. 

Jeff, I took a look at your example script ... Very nice!


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[Unattended] Package creation question (Macromedia Studio MX 2004)

2004-03-27 Thread Don Morrison
Have been working on the Macromedia Studio MX 2004 installation and have it
pretty much done.  Just had a methodological question for you all.

When installing Flash MX 2004 if you have one or more Netscape compatible
browsers (Mozilla, FireFox, etc) you get a window asking if you would like
to install the Flash Player for any of these browsers (it isn't an
InstallShield window).  If you don't have any of these browsers the standard
silent install goes off without a hitch.  So, if you are going to install
Flash after the browsers then you need an AutoIt script, if not then the reg
batch is fine.  

Have any of you had something like this come up?  I looked through the
AutoIt documentation and I don't see how I can handle waiting for a window
that may never show up except to give it a crazy long timeout (which seems a
bit evil).  [This time I did read the installers page :) and noticed that there
are several applications mentioned there that have similar problems as far
as custom dialog windows.]

Still, I figure that I will be putting at least Mozilla on my machines so
the AutoIt script I should work.


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RE: [Unattended] JRE2 Install command switch

2004-03-24 Thread Don Morrison
Doh! I didn't see the qb in the Sun silent install page.  I am glad that
what I reasoned was happening was correct -- just wish I had re-read the
installers page first.  grin

Maybe this is the deal with the space (from the Sun silent install page):

In the various command line examples below a space appears between the /v
and the quote (); i.e., /v . The space is required for 1.4.2_01 and higher
releases that are installed by the Windows Installation method (aka
install from the web). For Windows Offline Installation no space should

And yet, when I read about the install formats is sure looks like we use the
Windows Offline method.


All that information and no real answer.  I love computers.

-Original Message-
From: Patrick J. LoPresti [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2004 8:06 PM
To: Adam Peart
Subject: Re: [Unattended] JRE2 Install command switch

Adam Peart [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 And here I like seeing the progress bar' because it tells me the 
 computer is doing something and isn't frozen, as well as how it's 
 going.  Just my two cents.

Yeah, I like progress bars too, which is why I opted for /qb instead of /qn
like Sun documents.

The package is just an InstallShield Basic MSI installer:

I am a little surprised that the space is required, since I am almost
certain I used to install the JRE without it...  I wonder what is going on
here, exactly.

But whatever works :-).

 - Pat

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This SF.Net email is sponsored by: IBM Linux Tutorials
Free Linux tutorial presented by Daniel Robbins, President and CEO of
GenToo technologies. Learn everything from fundamentals to system
unattended-info mailing list

[Unattended] Some ideas from the new guy

2004-03-22 Thread Don Morrison
Greetings list,

First off I want to say thank you for such a great product. I started
using Unattended last year and then got into a ton of budgeting, planning,
etc so our XP upgrade, the main reason for starting to use Unattended, was
delayed. But now, with all that over (for now), I have downloaded the newest
version and am currently running the very rockin prepare script!  So thanks
and hats off to all of you.

On to the real reasons for this message:

Package Management
I was reading through the mail list archives and saw that package management
is something that is needed/wanted.  I agree wholeheartedly. I wanted to see
if we were on the same page here -- Package management in the way I read it
is a system that would keep an Unattended server up to date with the latest
patches, hotfixes, application installers, etc. Does that seem a fair
assumption? If so, perhaps we could adopt a similar strategy to the Gentoo
Portage system. (For those of you not familiar with Gentoo or Portage ...
Gentoo is a distribution of Linux and Portage is a package management system
written for said distro.) I use Gentoo on a number of machines at work and
love the portage system. It handles a lot more than we might need for
unattended but some of the design principles seem to be a good fit. Having a
central registry of all these packages that we can sync to would be ideal.
Letting maintainers update these packages would be even better. Has anyone
put specific thought into this? If so, what was it? And, what would be the
next steps? If we all need it and it is just going to need someone to write
it I would like to volunteer. My expertise is in web programming anyway,
that seems a logical way to do it. I have a ton of bandwidth at work (I am
on a university campus) and could have a test server up nice a quick. If no
one else has really looked into this I can start to formalize my thoughts
and present a design recommendation to the list.

Post Install Usage
Or, Client Package Management. The other side of the coin is that if our
servers are updated with the latest packages how do we keep the client
machines going. I know that this is a little out of the scope of an
Unattended install project, but like I mentioned above ... All the scripts
are written for package installation, it would seem practical to reuse this
immense effort. I know that some of you have thought of this, or are doing
it. If you are already doing some of this, is it through login scripts? Or
some other way? Using a subset of the Unattended logic in login scripts
makes sense to me. My thought is that this would apply to adding
applications (packages) to an existing machine as well.

The Rest(TM)
These aren't as thought out as the stuff above (ha!) but I wanted to get
them out there while I was thinking of them. [Most of this is predicated on
me having a decent inventory (asset management) system in place. I am
getting ready to write one up though, and figured if any of this fits I can
take it into account.]

* Administrative interface: Here is an example -- I know I am having a new
user start, they are going to get the base install, the sales install, and a
couple of other apps too. I log in to the web interface of my Unattended
server, select the machine from my inventory, select the os, select base,
sales, then select the other applications from my catalog of installs. This
creates a file like the .csv examples so that the appropriate os and
applications are installed. (If all this logic is being used to maintain the
machines as well, you could log in and select an application to *add* to a
specific machine and it would be the next time the logged in!) The admin
side could also be used to maintain site configuration files, like the
[_meta] info.

* Logging: When a machine is built the log files (or entries) are stored on
the server and accessible via the administrative interface. This allows me
to see what has been done to a specific machine. These entries would be
written when software is added as well.

* License counts: Now I am just wishing aren't I? If I have a fixed amount
of licenses for a specific application I can decrement that number when it
is selected from the interface (or maybe when it is installed), unless the
user is already licensed for it...etc etc

Does any of this sound like it could be usable by someone other than me? 

If so, what kinds of technologies would you like to see used? I tend to lean
toward the stuff that can run on multiple platforms (the LAMP framework is
good for that).
 - For the web stuff would you rather see PHP, or Zope, or ASP , or ??
 - How about data storage (MySQL, MS SQL, or ??)

I know this is pretty scatter brained but I have had it all on my mind for
several months now and finally have some time to throw at it. I am not
putting these ideas out there in the hopes that someone else will do it -- I
am soliciting