Re: [UC] Who do sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police report to?

2007-09-26 Thread Kimm Tynan

Several years ago, I was involved with an effort through Philadelphia
Interfaith Action (PIA) to establish community policing pilot projects in
four target areas in the city, one of which included part of western
University City and Southwest Philly below Kingsessing Avenue.  The model
had proven very successful in other cities including NYC.  It combined beat
cops walking a beat in order to truly know and develop relationships with
the community, with a Community Policing Team of community members who would
commit to be in close relationship with the officers.  The Community
Policing Team¹s job was twofold.  One, to support the beat cops by providing
info, introducing them to others, and providing moral and political (small,
generic, nonpartisn  ³p²) support for their work.  Team members were
expected to communicate with the officers on a very regular, ideally daily,
basis (like, the cops wold stop at each Team member¹s house as they made
their rounds each day.)  Second, the Team was supposed to hold the beat
officers accountable to the community through regular Team meetings.

Sounds great, huh?  Not to then Commissioner Neal.  Now, I, and you, dear
reader, have to take all of this with a grain of salt.  Neal was the most
USELESS, spineless, gutless, ballless, visionless (have I covered the entire
anatomy yet?), (OOPS!  I forgot BRAINLESS) do-nothing, nobody,
yesman-to-his-political-masters bureaucrat police commissioner that I have
seen in over eighteen years of living and organizing in this city.

That said, Neal freaked at the idea.  The part of Al¹s post that most
resonated with me was his comment that ³One would think that sworn officers
of the Philadelphia Police Department, regardless of where they went in the
morning to report for work, operated through the Department's highly
structured and ostensible chain of command.²  The analysis that we developed
in our strategy meetings was that the police department is structured and
organized along military lines, and our proposal to have cops in a close,
accountable relationship with lowly community residents was phenomenally
threatening to that hierarchical organization and structure.

Not everyone in the PD opposed it.  Neal¹s two top deputy commissioners were
supportive.  One was a lamebrain, but the other (I forget their names) was
one of Timoney¹s colleagues in NYC.  Bratton, maybe?  He had worked with the
NYC project and based on his experience was extremely supportive.

The local effort failed for reasons other than The Commish¹s opposition.
The other three pilot projects eventually got off the ground, after bitter
warring and only with a great deal of hostility from Neal.  I don¹t recall
how things went elsewhere, but Logan was one of the pilot projects that got
off the ground, and I remember the reports at our citywide strategy meetings
­ the beat cops were thrilled, the community was seeing results.

I eventually left PIA over unrelated issues, and I¹m not sure it exists
anymore, so I guess even where the effort was launched, it may have
ultimately failed for reasons other than its intrinsic merits.

But, after all that ­ and even acknowledging the difference that a change in
commissioners might make . . . . The idea of a Philly PD lieutenant with an
office in the UCD and giving out cards as if he is UCD staff??  HELLO,
folks!  Pardon my French, but would you wake the f*** up?  UCD is a wholly
unaccountable, totally non-community-based, totally non-grassroots animal.
And the Philly PD will house their officers there, and allow them to
distribute UCD business cards (Al, you better be 101% correct about your
information)?  Why the *&%$ is that officer not in Cedar Park Neighbors¹
office, giving out CPN¹s business card?  Too narrow?  What about the
University City Community Council?  I don¹t know if it even still exists.
And let me clarify ­ I share a good deal of the skepticism that Ray and
Glenn and Wilma regularly express on this list of the local (and nonlocal)
civic institutions.  But, hell, I¹ll prefer them anyday to the
Penn-manufactured, corporate-beholden animal that is UCD.  If they can
control the police, then they are not the benign street sweepers/garbage
collectors/light installers that hey are characterized as.

In summary - my anger is twofold.  One is that the Philly PD has entered
into a relationship with a wholly nongrassroots organization like the UCD
when it fought tooth-and-nail a similar relationship with a grassroots
community organization.  Some of that can be attributed to a change in
leadership.  But a lot of it is, I think, revealing ­ a relationship with
UCD is less threatening than a relationship with community people is.
Second, this is a perfect example of the ³astroturfing² that folks have
complained about.  The UCDs and Manayunk Development Corporations and
countless CDCs ­ the business and landlord and corporate interested entities
­ supplant the true, community driven, grassroots, representative

Re: [UC] Missing Cat - possibly seen

2007-09-26 Thread emko

Margie, maybe you could forward these links to Ann.


On Sep 26, 2007, at 8:39 AM, Linda Lee wrote:

I think I may have seen this petite tabby kitty Tuesday morning, on
Larchwood between 44th & 46th, north side of street.  Blue collar  
and purple
tag.  Couldn't get close enough to see what was on the tag.  I've  
left a

message for Ann.  If you live between 43rd & 45th, Larchwood and Pine,
please keep an eye out for her.


Have you seen Meadow?  Small (8#) female tabby, front left paw light
orange, a few dark stripes around tail, wound on base of tail,  

blue collar with a tag. Missing since Sept. 18th. Please call Ann

Ann asked me to post this for her. (She is not on the listserv.)  
Her cat is

missing from the 4500 block of Osage.


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Re: [UC] Who do sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police report to?

2007-09-26 Thread Wilma de Soto
At FIRST, I thought you were mentioning Officer Gerry McLaughlin.

According to Google, Lieutenant John McCurdy has been a distinguished Police
Officer for 22 years and a Lieutenant.  Nothing to be sneered at to be sure.

The UCD Quest Newsletter was the main source for this information when I
consulted Google.


On 9/26/07 1:12 PM, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> One would think that sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police Department,
> regardless of where they went in the morning to report for work, operated
> through the Department's highly structured and ostensible chain of command.
> I discovered this morning that this may not be the case. Or, at least, that
> the people at UCD and the police officer who has a desk at the UCD
> administrative building, don't necessarily think so.
> I attended a meeting at which Lieutenant John McCurdy made a short
> presentation, then handed out business cards so people would know how to
> contact him.
> Only, they weren't Philadelphia Police Department business cards. In fact,
> they weren't City of Philadelphia business cards in any form.
> They were (you guessed it) standard UCD business cards with "lt. john
> mccurdy/city of philadelphia police department" (all in lower case, as shown)
> where the name and position of a UCD employee would normally go.
> This is a serious, if symbolic problem. Especially given that many people in
> this area think UCD has already usurped too many powers that it should not
> have, given it's accountability only to its primary patrons. And use of this
> business card by a sworn City of Philadelphia police officer with
> extraordinary powers obfuscates the fact that the chain of command and
> responsibility goes right up through the ranks at 55th & Pine through the
> Police Commissioner, City Council, and the Mayor -- without a nod to anybodyat
> UCD. It is totally unacceptable.
> Lt McCurdy is probably guilty of nothing more than extremely poor judgement.
> Wendell Lewis and the others who make the decisions at UCD are more likely
> guilty of at least trying to obfuscate their actual role in the neighborhood,
> and perhaps of making yet another subtle power grab.
> Always at your service & ready for a dialog,
> Al Krigman -- 36-year local resident and housing provider
> See what's new at   and
> Make AOL Your Homepage
>  .

Re: [UC] Re: [offlist] Who do sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police report to?

2007-09-26 Thread emko
I totally agree. It's always freaked me out that "police" with  
different priorities from police sans quotes are out patrolling. If I  
were a different gender and a different age bracket it would freak me  
out more.


On Sep 26, 2007, at 2:56 PM, Jim Cummings wrote:

Great they are "accredited" I don't want cops who are accredited but
cops who are accountable.


Jim Cummings wrote:

Who do sworn officers of the Penn Police report to? You know those
people who can give tickets and make arrests around UC?


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Jim Cummings

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Re: [UC] Pick-Pockets

2007-09-26 Thread SKnight

That is a wonderful story!  Thank you.
Sande Knight
  - Original Message - 
  To: University City List 
  Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2007 4:57 PM
  Subject: Re: [UC] Pick-Pockets

  SKnight wrote:
  > Liz's recent post about pick-pockets in Europe reminded me of my own 
  > experience while waiting for a subway train in a tube station on my way 
  > home from school in London while I lived there.
  > It was rush hour, hence a lot of people crammed the platform.  I became 
  > aware of hovering and sensed that something was wrong.  As my arms came 
  > down protectively around my body, I yelled, "Get away from my bag," at 
  > the top of my voice to the crowd.   They immediately acted in unison and 
  > moved as if one organism to surround me and push away the two 
  > intruders.  One man accused one of them of trying to take my purse.  The 
  > other man had been swarming nearby as if to await the pick-pocket when 
  > he was to have grabbed my stuff.
  > The two perps immediately yelled out that they had done nothing wrong, 
  > effectively damning themselves, as they moved away and lost themselves 
  > in the crowd.  The crowd stayed around me protectively while we waited 
  > for the next train on the Victoria Line.  I caught an eye from several 
  > people there and smiled back with faint tears.  Then the train arrived 
  > and we entered the compartment.

  I was standing on a crowded bus, in rome, years ago, when an 
  attempt was made to lift my wallet. I felt 'something' at my 
  back pocket and whipped around, just in time to see the 
  guy's empty hand snap back inside the folded trench coat he 
  had draped over his arm. I was FURIOUS. I started pointing 
  but nothing happened, nobody did anything. so I got off the 
  bus and it wasn't until I was back in the states that I 
  realized I had been calling him a PARTY-POOPER.

  anyway, that was rome.

  [aka laserbeam®]
  [aka ray]
 "It is very clear on this listserve who
  these people are. Ray has admitted being
  connected to this forger."  -- Tony West
 "Ray's falsehoods are more sophisticated,
  more believable" -- Tony West

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  For more information please visit 
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  list named "UnivCity." To unsubscribe or for archive information, see

Re: [UC] Pick-Pockets

2007-09-26 Thread UNIVERSITY*CITOYEN

SKnight wrote:
Liz's recent post about pick-pockets in Europe reminded me of my own 
experience while waiting for a subway train in a tube station on my way 
home from school in London while I lived there.
It was rush hour, hence a lot of people crammed the platform.  I became 
aware of hovering and sensed that something was wrong.  As my arms came 
down protectively around my body, I yelled, "Get away from my bag," at 
the top of my voice to the crowd.   They immediately acted in unison and 
moved as if one organism to surround me and push away the two 
intruders.  One man accused one of them of trying to take my purse.  The 
other man had been swarming nearby as if to await the pick-pocket when 
he was to have grabbed my stuff.
The two perps immediately yelled out that they had done nothing wrong, 
effectively damning themselves, as they moved away and lost themselves 
in the crowd.  The crowd stayed around me protectively while we waited 
for the next train on the Victoria Line.  I caught an eye from several 
people there and smiled back with faint tears.  Then the train arrived 
and we entered the compartment.

I was standing on a crowded bus, in rome, years ago, when an 
attempt was made to lift my wallet. I felt 'something' at my 
back pocket and whipped around, just in time to see the 
guy's empty hand snap back inside the folded trench coat he 
had draped over his arm. I was FURIOUS. I started pointing 
but nothing happened, nobody did anything. so I got off the 
bus and it wasn't until I was back in the states that I 
realized I had been calling him a PARTY-POOPER.

anyway, that was rome.

[aka laserbeam®]
[aka ray]
  "It is very clear on this listserve who
   these people are. Ray has admitted being
   connected to this forger."  -- Tony West
  "Ray's falsehoods are more sophisticated,
   more believable" -- Tony West

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For more information please visit 

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[UC] Pick-Pockets

2007-09-26 Thread SKnight
Liz's recent post about pick-pockets in Europe reminded me of my own experience 
while waiting for a subway train in a tube station on my way home from school 
in London while I lived there.

It was rush hour, hence a lot of people crammed the platform.  I became aware 
of hovering and sensed that something was wrong.  As my arms came down 
protectively around my body, I yelled, "Get away from my bag," at the top of my 
voice to the crowd.   They immediately acted in unison and moved as if one 
organism to surround me and push away the two intruders.  One man accused one 
of them of trying to take my purse.  The other man had been swarming nearby as 
if to await the pick-pocket when he was to have grabbed my stuff.

The two perps immediately yelled out that they had done nothing wrong, 
effectively damning themselves, as they moved away and lost themselves in the 
crowd.  The crowd stayed around me protectively while we waited for the next 
train on the Victoria Line.  I caught an eye from several people there and 
smiled back with faint tears.  Then the train arrived and we entered the 
Sandra Knight 

[UC] Re: [offlist] Who do sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police report to?

2007-09-26 Thread Jim Cummings
Great they are "accredited" I don't want cops who are accredited but
cops who are accountable.

> Jim Cummings wrote:
> > Who do sworn officers of the Penn Police report to? You know those
> > people who can give tickets and make arrests around UC?
> __
> This email has been scanned by the MessageLabs Email Security System.
> For more information please visit
> __

Jim Cummings

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Re: [UC] Who do sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police report to?

2007-09-26 Thread Jim Cummings
Right and they are responsible to the Trustees of the University of
Pennsylvania, I suppose. Does that scare anyone?

> It is my understanding that the Penn Police Department is a real police 
> department independent of the Philadelphia Police Dept.. So are Temple's and 
> the Housing. Authority police.  If I remember right, Penn's dept is the 5th 
> largest in the state.
> Andy
> -
> Andrew Frishkoff
> Neighborhood Economic Development Director
> Philadelphia Neighborhood Transformation Initiative
> 1515 Arch Street, 12th Floor
> Philadelphia, PA 19102
> 215-683-2026 - phone
> 215-683-2015 - fax
> - Original Message -
> From: "Jim Cummings" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 09/26/2007 01:35 PM
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [UC] Who do sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police report to?
> Who do sworn officers of the Penn Police report to? You know those
> people who can give tickets and make arrests around UC?
> Jim Cummings
> On 9/26/07, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >
> > One would think that sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police Department,
> > regardless of where they went in the morning to report for work, operated
> > through the Department's highly structured and ostensible chain of command.
> >
> > I discovered this morning that this may not be the case. Or, at least, that
> > the people at UCD and the police officer who has a desk at the UCD
> > administrative building, don't necessarily think so.
> >
> > I attended a meeting at which Lieutenant John McCurdy made a short
> > presentation, then handed out business cards so people would know how to
> > contact him.
> >
> > Only, they weren't Philadelphia Police Department business cards. In fact,
> > they weren't City of Philadelphia business cards in any form.
> >
> > They were (you guessed it) standard UCD business cards with "lt. john
> > mccurdy/city of philadelphia police department" (all in lower case, as
> > shown) where the name and position of a UCD employee would normally go.
> >
> > This is a serious, if symbolic problem. Especially given that many people in
> > this area think UCD has already usurped too many powers that it should not
> > have, given it's accountability only to its primary patrons. And use of this
> > business card by a sworn City of Philadelphia police officer with
> > extraordinary powers obfuscates the fact that the chain of command and
> > responsibility goes right up through the ranks at 55th & Pine through the
> > Police Commissioner, City Council, and the Mayor -- without a nod to
> > anybodyat UCD. It is totally unacceptable.
> >
> > Lt McCurdy is probably guilty of nothing more than extremely poor judgement.
> > Wendell Lewis and the others who make the decisions at UCD are more likely
> > guilty of at least trying to obfuscate their actual role in the
> > neighborhood, and perhaps of making yet another subtle power grab.
> >
> > Always at your service & ready for a dialog,
> > Al Krigman -- 36-year local resident and housing provider
> >
> >
> > 
> > See what's new at and Make AOL Your Homepage.
> --
> Jim Cummings
> You are receiving this because you are subscribed to the
> list named "UnivCity." To unsubscribe or for archive information, see
> .

Jim Cummings

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Re: [UC] Who do sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police report to?

2007-09-26 Thread Jim Cummings
Who do sworn officers of the Penn Police report to? You know those
people who can give tickets and make arrests around UC?
Jim Cummings

> One would think that sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police Department,
> regardless of where they went in the morning to report for work, operated
> through the Department's highly structured and ostensible chain of command.
> I discovered this morning that this may not be the case. Or, at least, that
> the people at UCD and the police officer who has a desk at the UCD
> administrative building, don't necessarily think so.
> I attended a meeting at which Lieutenant John McCurdy made a short
> presentation, then handed out business cards so people would know how to
> contact him.
> Only, they weren't Philadelphia Police Department business cards. In fact,
> they weren't City of Philadelphia business cards in any form.
> They were (you guessed it) standard UCD business cards with "lt. john
> mccurdy/city of philadelphia police department" (all in lower case, as
> shown) where the name and position of a UCD employee would normally go.
> This is a serious, if symbolic problem. Especially given that many people in
> this area think UCD has already usurped too many powers that it should not
> have, given it's accountability only to its primary patrons. And use of this
> business card by a sworn City of Philadelphia police officer with
> extraordinary powers obfuscates the fact that the chain of command and
> responsibility goes right up through the ranks at 55th & Pine through the
> Police Commissioner, City Council, and the Mayor -- without a nod to
> anybodyat UCD. It is totally unacceptable.
> Lt McCurdy is probably guilty of nothing more than extremely poor judgement.
> Wendell Lewis and the others who make the decisions at UCD are more likely
> guilty of at least trying to obfuscate their actual role in the
> neighborhood, and perhaps of making yet another subtle power grab.
> Always at your service & ready for a dialog,
> Al Krigman -- 36-year local resident and housing provider
> See what's new at and Make AOL Your Homepage.

Jim Cummings

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[UC] Who do sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police report to?

2007-09-26 Thread Krfapt
One would think that sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police Department,  
regardless of where they went in the morning to report for work, operated  
through the Department's highly structured and ostensible chain of  command.
I discovered this morning that this may not be the case. Or, at least, that  
the people at UCD and the police officer who has a desk at the UCD  
administrative building, don't necessarily think so.
I attended a meeting at which Lieutenant John McCurdy made a short  
presentation, then handed out business cards so people would know how to 
contact  him.
Only, they weren't Philadelphia Police Department business cards. In fact,  
they weren't City of Philadelphia business cards in any form.
They were (you guessed it) standard UCD business cards with "lt. john  
mccurdy/city of philadelphia police department" (all in lower case, as shown)  
the name and position of a UCD employee would normally go.
This is a serious, if symbolic problem. Especially given that many people  in 
this area think UCD has already usurped too many powers that it should not  
have, given it's accountability only to its primary patrons. And use of this  
business card by a sworn City of Philadelphia police officer with extraordinary 
 powers obfuscates the fact that the chain of command and  responsibility 
goes right up through the ranks at 55th & Pine through the  Police 
City Council, and the Mayor -- without a nod to anybodyat  UCD. It is totally 
Lt McCurdy is probably guilty of nothing more than extremely poor  judgement. 
Wendell Lewis and the others who make the decisions at UCD are more  likely 
guilty of at least trying to obfuscate their actual role in the  neighborhood, 
and perhaps of making yet another subtle power grab.  

Always at  your service & ready for a dialog,
Al Krigman -- 36-year local resident  and housing provider

** See what's new at

[UC] Fwd: response to email

2007-09-26 Thread Dave Axler

 Here, with her
permission, are Jane Golden's email comments on my listserve posting.
I'll offer my my response when time permits.



-Original Message-
From: jane golden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Dave Axler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sun, 23 Sep 2007 12:27 pm
Subject: response to email

Here is the email for 
list-serve. Thank you





Hello Mr. Axler,

I am writing in response to your 
email that was unfortunately distributed to an entire list serve. I feel the 
need to clarify many things.


We at Mural Arts work exceptionally 
hard (like 6 /7 days a week)to bring art education programs to close to 3000 
kids as well as work with many communities in the creation of close to 150 
of public art annually. We have training programs for artists, for college-aged 
students, we work in shelters and prisons. In addition, we have new initiatives 
for kids who are deeply at-risk. And beyond that, we are now doing sculpture 
gardens, mosaics, frescos, getting lots cleaned and helping communities receive 
other city services.


So to be painted with such a broad 
brush, in such a negative way clearly took me by 


Let me state my side of the 


History of 

The Ethiopian 
Community Center has been on 
our waiting list for a long time. It seemed like a really good project. We met 
with neighbors, some expressed support, and some expressed concerns. We heard 
from people who wanted the mural and those who didn't. We felt we were working 
out problems so we moved forward with a design a year ago, 
and unveiled it. Quite frankly, we were almost ready 
to go but ended up hesitating because we felt the community was not 
totally in support. So to act like we didn’t listen is just wrong. Had we 
proceeded with the mural a year ago would have left us vulnerable to criticism 
but we paused instead of charging forward. 


So many things happen in a city that 
we have no control over. Buildings go up, there are billboards, houses torn 
down, just change - life in an urban center is fluid and dynamic - changes 
happen all the time. At Mural Arts we try (maybe not perfectly) to inform 
people, have discussion, and in the end, we want people to be heard. Recently a 
public sculpture was placed along the Parkway near the Art Museum. I live 2 
blocks from that sculpture-  did anyone consult me or my neighbors? Were 
there meetings? I also heard that some very tall buildings are going up along 
Spring Garden - I have yet to be invited to a meeting, I would appreciate any 
invitation, even one that comes in late. I say all this not to critique the 
sculpture (I like it) or anyone else, I am just saying, that comparatively 
speaking, Mural Arts goes out of its way to try to reach out. Most evenings and 
many Saturdays we are out at meetings - and this has been the case for 


The project was revived because the 
people from the community center really wanted the mural, because people called 
me saying we should re-consider it and that the Ethiopian community would see 
this project as a spot of beauty and hope. They made a moving, 
eloquent plea for consideration and we decided to re-open the project for 


When this first came up again, I met with a few neighbors and 
Center to see if 
there was a compromise solution – whether we could paint the mural on a 
material we sometimes use - this material would, in a sense, protect the 
surface. It was a very positive, respectful discussion and I left the meeting 
feeling very good about the neighborhood and the level of civic discourse. 


(By the way, the building is NOT for 
sale. This was verified tonight. We have no interest   - obviously – 
in painting murals on buildings that are for sale. Why would we do that? It 
makes no sense. That was false information you stated in your 


When we decided to try to bring up 
the project again, we decided to try to get a smaller gathering of immediate 
neighbors – we wanted to hear people’s thoughts to decide if it was worth 
forward or not. We knew if we heard positive things we could move forward, if 
people dissented we would not. 


We have a small community mural 
staff – we have two new people and one person who just broke her ankle in 5 
places. The artist  (who by the way has degrees from Sarah Lawrence and an 
MFA from Penn and is a great artist) did the flyer as a favor to us and she 
passed flyers out. I know (and apologize) it was short notice, she was 
going to do it last week, but could not. 


We try our best and most of the 
time, we do give plenty of notice and have a high rate of success -  I 
knew about her delay but encouraged her to move forward because 
we felt that it would be good to take the pulse of the community. If no one 
showed up, we knew we would have to re-flyer and reach out again. It was 
probably not a good decision on my 

[UC] Crime : Catch Frank's "New detective"

2007-09-26 Thread Elizabeth F Campion
In light of so many recent crimes, this old post of Frank's might give
folks entree to one of the people being paid to solve the problem.
There are some good exchanges on the blog.
Note: Crime occurs everywhere there are criminals, not UC.
Ed, the guy who thwarted a Burglar here in UC was robbed, in an upscale
bookstore in a 'good' neighborhood, in Dublin, Ireland, in July 2007.
I am headed to Paris for a few days in the fall (my first trip to Europe)
with a group of nuns.
Our itinerary is museums and cathedrals, and a big warning is, Europe is
overrun with clever pick pockets.
A recent rape (of an elderly woman, in her home) occurred in "safe"

Date: Tue, 29 May 2007 15:11
Subject: [UC] New detective
A Philadelphia Policeman posted this to PhillyBlog. I feel certain there
are people on the list who have a thing or two to say: 

I just wanted to inform the readers of the University City/West Philly
thread that I have been reassigned to the Special Investigations Unit of

Myself and another detective are now responsible for 18th District
Robberies and Burglaries. The 18th District covers south of Market St
from 30th to Cobbs Creek. The southern border is to Baltimore Ave in most
cases to give you a general idea of the area.

Being that we are going to be held repsonsible for robberies in the area,
I would prefer that we didnt have that many to handle in the first place.
I would rather be proactive in preventing robberies as opposed to showing
up after the fact every time and trying to solve them.

Not living in the area, I would like to hear some opinions from residents
on how to protect you. What I mean is, what areas do you avoid? Where
have you had bad experiences and where do you feel the least safe in
general? I can look at crime maps and guess, but I prefer to hear from

I have my ideas already about what to do at a certain spotgetting
lighting and a greater police presence at the 46th St El stop being
number 1. There are too many robberies on Farragut St regarding Septa
commuters and if you go out there at night you can see why.

Any and all input is appreciated and welcome.


Re: [UC] Missing Cat - possibly seen

2007-09-26 Thread Linda Lee
I think I may have seen this petite tabby kitty Tuesday morning, on
Larchwood between 44th & 46th, north side of street.  Blue collar and purple
tag.  Couldn't get close enough to see what was on the tag.  I've left a
message for Ann.  If you live between 43rd & 45th, Larchwood and Pine,
please keep an eye out for her.


> Have you seen Meadow?  Small (8#) female tabby, front left paw light
> orange, a few dark stripes around tail, wound on base of tail, wearing
> blue collar with a tag. Missing since Sept. 18th. Please call Ann
> 215-472-5883
> Ann asked me to post this for her. (She is not on the listserv.) Her cat is
> missing from the 4500 block of Osage.
> Margie
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2007-09-26 Thread Frank

Sleek. Edgy. Infinitely flexible.