Re: [UC] 40th Street Inn : Huge Change demands public meetings and open disco...

2007-11-11 Thread Krfapt
In a message dated 11/11/2007 1:30:17 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

40th Street Inn : Huge Change demands public meetings and open discourse

Liz  others:
I have it from a reliable source that the project developers will make a 
presentation at the SHCA annual (election) meeting, this Tuesday (the 13th). 
meeting is scheduled for 7:30 at the Spruce Hill Christian School, 42nd  
Baltimore. This was apparently not mentioned in the announcement mailed to 
With respect to statements circulating about whether or not the developers 
discussed this project in public forums, here's what the same reliable source 
told me in connection with SHCA:

The only meetings with [SHCA] on the hotel proposal were with the zoning 
committee, and those were part of meetings with many other items on the agenda 
and were mainly informational any zoning application was awaiting 
of the project at the Historical Commission level, and [SHCA's Zoning 
Committee] deferred any further discussion of the proposal until that decision 

I strongly urge everyone  interested in this project -- for, against, 
neutral, or undecided -- to attend the SHCA meeting on Tuesday. Candidly (most 
know I'm no fan of SHCA so my opinion here is admittedly jaded), I suspect 
that Tom Lussenhop plans to make a superficial presentation like he did at the 
most recent First Thursday meeting, glossing over the primary community 
objection to the project (the height of the proposed structure), and take few 
questions. But a big showing of concerned neighbors -- whether or not they 
belong to 
SHCA and/or live or work within the nominal boundaries of Spruce Hill -- will 
make it necessary to have a healthy open discussion at the risk of being 
vulnerable to criticism of public meeting claims when the issue comes to the 
Zoning Board of Adjustments in City Hall.
Al Krigman 

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Re: [UC] Forward the next SHCA open and public forum

2007-11-11 Thread Glenn

--- Anthony West [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Lussenhop's proposal envisages zero residents and,
 in fact, anybody 
 who chose to reside in this building would have to
 be at once very 
 wealthy and very stupid. Glenn, you are a noted
 millionaire University 
 City real-estate investor, bankrolled by Penn from
 the git-go. But your 
 own real-estate holdings are strictly
 resident-oriented, if I'm not 
 mistaken; you have no background in hotel real
 estate, do you? This is 
 not an industry you know anything about, then.
 In the 1st Thursday meeting we both attended,
 Lussenhop carefully 
 detailed elaborate plans for hotel guests to have
 their vehicles 
 liveried to remote locations on Penn lots, so that
 no parking would be 
 needed at 40th  Pine. What do you think of these
 plans? Surely you 
 weren't trying to fool your neighbors into thinking
 these plans hadn't 
 been carefully worked out and presented in public.
 In general, I don't believe petty squabbles between
 rival real-estate 
 magnates like Tom and you should be given much space
 on UC-list. I'm 
 sure he wants his millions; I'm sure you want yours.
 As a rule, I don't 
 see Tom prying into your business on UC-list and I
 don't think you 
 should be using our bandwidth to pry into his
 business either. Keep your 
 mutual business to yourselves -- that would be
 better for the rest of us.
 -- Tony West

I wasn't at the Penn first Thursday meeting, my lord!

  Are you trying to lie to our neighbors to attack my
character as you have done so regularly for so many

 Where is the gang to back up your lies and straw man?
 I hope you didn't trade your kingdom for a horse!

The uncensored list was so much better when you of the
cheesehead gang weren't spewing this kind of crap
here. I look forward to it after so many years but it
is a big turn-off to others. 

When a mature adult wishes to engage in a discussion
about the parking/taxi issue, and the plans for a nine
space parking lot, and the absurd assurances about
valet parking; I will engage them in civil discourse
with honest and civil responses. 

But when you cheeseheads fling bullshit, I'll dump it
right back on you so the peasants see their king
covered in do-do.  You cheesheads don't seem capable
of civil discourse.  You continue to rely on the
pompous ass bullying as if it hasn't been exposed!!!

I loved your brilliant analysis of UCHS avoiding the
public forum business.  I don't know anyone that can
blow out such completely useless bullshit while using
such a pompous tone. I'm impressed like everyone else,
your lordship! Spew away, my king, spew away!

The noted millionaire bank rolled by Penn,
Glenn the wanker, liar.

PS. Give my regards to committeeman7 and
voteforandytoy.  I'll tell friends from the FOCP that
the pompous ass says greetings from sweetbarking
[EMAIL PROTECTED]ha, ha, ha.

  I think out of gratitude, the community should ask
  Penn to demolish some of the nearby houses to put
 up a
  parking lot.  It's not fair for the upscale
  of this 110 unit tower to fight over the nine
  parking spots. A parking tower from Pine to
  would help the upscale tourists have convenient
  parking without being forced to turn the SUV's
   Penn is doing so much for us selfish consumers, I
  think that is the least we could offer. 

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Re: [UC] Forward the next SHCA open and public forum

2007-11-11 Thread Anthony West
Excuse me, Glenn, you are correct. You were at the October 1st Thursday 
meeting but not November's. My bad.

So you really were unaware the issue of parking for the Lussenhop 
project had already been addressed in public. Now you know, however.

-- Tony West

I wasn't at the Penn first Thursday meeting, my lord!

  Are you trying to lie to our neighbors to attack my
character as you have done so regularly for so many

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[UC] Who can attend/vote at the SHCA meeting on Tuesday/Campus Inn presentation

2007-11-11 Thread Krfapt
Several people have asked me off-list whether they can participate in the 
SHCA meeting this Tuesday (Spruce Hill Christian School -- 42nd  Baltimore -- 
7:30 pm), if they're not an SHCA member.
I don't recall SHCA ever turning anyone away who wasn't a paid-up member. So, 
presumably anybody can attend and hear presentations like that supposed to be 
given by Tom Lussenhop about the proposed 11-story hotel at 40th  
Pine/Baltimore. I don't know how open the chair (Cindy Roberts) will be to 
questions or 
statements raised by non-members, but she's unlikely to attempt to keep 
non-members from participating in open discussions.
Non-members, of course, won't have the privilege of voting or of making 
motions. This may be important because it's an election meeting. And it also 
may be 
important because there may be some incentive to make and vote on motions 
with respect to SHCA's official position or instructions to its Zoning 
with respect to the campus inn proposal.
Traditionally, SHCA (and most other civic groups in this neighborhood) accept 
dues and register members at the door, so you can join when you get there. 
SHCA once had a brouhaha about denying a person a nomination for the Board of 
Directors based on that person's not being a member -- then refused to take the 
person's registration on the spot. So there's some question whether you can 
opt to shell out your $20 during the course of the meeting if you decide then 
you want to vote on something.
If any of the above is in error, perhaps an SHCA officer (hello, any of you 
out there?) will correct me.
Always at your service and ready for dialog.

Al Krigman

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[UC] lost dog, 45th and Locust

Lost sometime between 10pm Saturday night and 8am Sunday
morning, 2 yr-old female, medium large, all white with some brown
spots (particularly on ears), short hair, answers to Ali

Wears purple collar, no tags.

Reward offered!  Please call 215-382-0970 or 215-435-6015.

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[UC] Parking plan at the proposed hotel

2007-11-11 Thread Glenn
Dear list,

The issue about the proposed parking plan at the
proposed 115 unit Hilton was brought up by an
individual on the list.  Since this issue was brought
up, I want you to get an accurate account based on
what I know.  

There is no well thought out and secure plan as
reported by the individual who attended the Penn First
Thursday presentation.  

First to clarify, this Penn presentation is now a
series of tightly controlled presentations without any
time for discussion.  These 8AM meetings, as Liz
mentioned, do not meet the standards for open public
meetings for attendance by the general community.  The
suggestion that this was some properly announced
public presentation to the community about this Campus
Inn plan is simply nonsense. 

Here is the proposed parking plan as I know it.  

A 9 space surface lot would be on the far west
property line with entrance on Pine.  The upscale
hotel entrance would also be on Pine.

An unsecured assertion is made that valet parking will
drive these out of town guests vehicles to some remote
unspecified parking lots.  Of course, we have to trust
the corporate developers, Penn, and Hilton not to
abandon this at any time in the future they choose.
These unspecified lots will also require a good bit of
effort from that location, and there will be lines at
peak times.  Many of these guests are not going to use
this valet service even if the valet service was
continued.  The closest available lots are not
convenient at all to 40th and Pine.

I have not heard any comment on the taxi situation at
all.  When these extended stay guests go around the
city are they going to use the trolleys as suggested
or taxis?  The first exposure of this hotel plan in
the Oct 10 UC Review had Mr. Lussenhop making a big
point about the trolley lines. I simply don't believe
that the assumptions about these Hilton guests taking
our trolleys is believable. There will certainly be
taxi stands but the developers aren't going to mention
this to us until it is too late.

This is not an issue for the PHC but I have heard no
response at all about handeling taxis.  But have these
developers been forthcoming about a damn thing?

So I agree with Liz, this will cause serious traffic
and parking problems in that area; even if we could
trust the developers!  That area is not a good place
for out of town drivers to be driving lost.  In fact,
as many of us discussed on the list, the situation
(since the new Penn building occupied the end of
Baltimore Ave. in front of the VA) is one of the most
confusing and dangerous in the city.

Hope that clears up the confusion about the earlier
report about some well thought out believable plan 
presented publicly at the Penn 8 AM show for the
anointed. (After the discussion at the Blackwell run
meeting during the Fenton affair, the agenda of the
Penn presentations is so tightly packed, no discussion
is possible. I was not at this Nov. show but got a
report that it was the same packed agenda as Oct. and
Lussenhop's was an abbreviated presentation)


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Re: [UC] Parking plan at the proposed hotel

2007-11-11 Thread Anthony West
A 1st Thursday meeting is neither properly announced nor improperly 
announced. It's simply one source of information on this porject, which 
I shared with the list. 1st Thursday is a good forum for learning 
details of a presentation.

Proper announcements would follow the procedures of ZBA and HC in 
their own meetings.

I never said these plans were well thought out and secure; that is 
Glenn's frothy coloration. It clearly is a plan that has been worked out 
to some degree of clarity. Critics of this proposal must acquaint 
themselves with these plans before they launch into the business of 
finding fault with them.

Without a doubt, any guest staying at that hotel would soon discover 
they can't count on finding an on-street parking space within three 
blocks of the hotel; that's the current situation. So they would be 
forced to contemplate other solutions than simply driving around. 
Whether those solutions would work well enough for community traffic 
flow, I cannot say. I'd want to hear from a traffic engineer.

-- Tony West

Dear list,

The issue about the proposed parking plan at the
proposed 115 unit Hilton was brought up by an
individual on the list.  Since this issue was brought
up, I want you to get an accurate account based on
what I know.  

There is no well thought out and secure plan as
reported by the individual who attended the Penn First
Thursday presentation.  

First to clarify, this Penn presentation is now a
series of tightly controlled presentations without any
time for discussion.  These 8AM meetings, as Liz
mentioned, do not meet the standards for open public
meetings for attendance by the general community.  The
suggestion that this was some properly announced
public presentation to the community about this Campus
Inn plan is simply nonsense. 

Here is the proposed parking plan as I know it.  

A 9 space surface lot would be on the far west
property line with entrance on Pine.  The upscale
hotel entrance would also be on Pine.

An unsecured assertion is made that valet parking will
drive these out of town guests vehicles to some remote
unspecified parking lots.  Of course, we have to trust
the corporate developers, Penn, and Hilton not to
abandon this at any time in the future they choose.
These unspecified lots will also require a good bit of
effort from that location, and there will be lines at
peak times.  Many of these guests are not going to use
this valet service even if the valet service was
continued.  The closest available lots are not
convenient at all to 40th and Pine.

I have not heard any comment on the taxi situation at
all.  When these extended stay guests go around the
city are they going to use the trolleys as suggested
or taxis?  The first exposure of this hotel plan in
the Oct 10 UC Review had Mr. Lussenhop making a big
point about the trolley lines. I simply don't believe
that the assumptions about these Hilton guests taking
our trolleys is believable. There will certainly be
taxi stands but the developers aren't going to mention
this to us until it is too late.

This is not an issue for the PHC but I have heard no
response at all about handeling taxis.  But have these
developers been forthcoming about a damn thing?

So I agree with Liz, this will cause serious traffic
and parking problems in that area; even if we could
trust the developers!  That area is not a good place
for out of town drivers to be driving lost.  In fact,
as many of us discussed on the list, the situation
(since the new Penn building occupied the end of
Baltimore Ave. in front of the VA) is one of the most
confusing and dangerous in the city.

Hope that clears up the confusion about the earlier
report about some well thought out believable plan 
presented publicly at the Penn 8 AM show for the

anointed. (After the discussion at the Blackwell run
meeting during the Fenton affair, the agenda of the
Penn presentations is so tightly packed, no discussion
is possible. I was not at this Nov. show but got a
report that it was the same packed agenda as Oct. and
Lussenhop's was an abbreviated presentation)


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Same old, same old [was: Re: [UC] Parking plan at the proposed hotel]

2007-11-11 Thread MLamond
In a message dated 11/11/07 8:23:35 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Critics of this proposal must acquaint
 themselves with these plans before they launch into the business of
 finding fault with them.
Oh, Tony, what a novel idea!   Has this ever happened, in the history of 
listserv crankiness?

For those who say they didn't have the opportunity to learn more, look at 
what happened when Tom Lussenhop offered to explain his plans to Karen Allen 
a cup of coffee!   She wrote:  I told him no, and to never write to me 
again.  For the record, I don't drink coffee, I don't like him, and I 
don't discuss community business in back rooms.   

What will that response teach developers about the usefulness of offering to 
give out the details of their plans?

And, what happens when people with one opinion try earnestly to engage in a 
listserv conversation with people of a different opinion?   When Karen 
complained that no one was willing to respond to the questions she'd raised, I 
to enter into a discussion, cautioning that ...if you truly want to hear 
another viewpoint, I'll be happy to share mine.  This isn't personal - it's 
in response to your request for other points of view.   

In my reply to her points, writing about the community association zoning 
process which Karen and I both understand pretty well since we sit on a zoning 
committee, I wrote zoning committees generally respect the 
of the nearby neighbors when taking positions on new developmentAt some 
point, to have  the local community association impose its will on a site, in 
absence of complaint from the neighbors, would seem inappropriate.  To have you 
and me, as busybodies from the next neighborhood over, impose our will on the 
project seems even more problematic.

Which Karen spun, a few days later, to read ... I knew I'd be attacked 
for not living in Spruce Hill, like Melani Lamond's attack in her recent email 
calling me a busybody from the next neighborhood over.

Listserv writers tend to have already formed their opinions when they hear 
WHO is involved in a plan.   As I wrote earlier, I don't think their support or 
opposition has much to do with the merits of the proposal; it has more to do 
with the identity of the players.   That's too bad.   We'd work better for the 
good of the neighborhood if we could work for the greater good, rather than 
fight because we aren't the best of friends.

- Melani Lamond

Melani Lamond, Associate Broker
Urban  Bye, Realtor
3529 Lancaster Ave.
Philadelphia, PA 19104
cell phone 215-356-7266
office phone 215-222-4800, ext. 113
office fax 215-222-1101

 See what's new 

Re: [UC] Parking plan at the proposed hotel

2007-11-11 Thread Frank
Really? Details or an overview? It doesn't sound like the presentation  
was very detailed to me.

Sleek. Edgy. Infinitely flexible.

On Nov 11, 2007, at 08:21 PM, Anthony West wrote:

1st Thursday is a good forum for learning details of a presentation

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Re: Same old, same old [was: Re: [UC] Parking plan at the proposed hotel]

2007-11-11 Thread Frank
It would be even more novel if the developer were as upfront and  
honest in public as he wants people to think he is in one-on-one  
conversation. If he were, we would all *know* about his plans already  
and not have to guess. I could be wrong. Maybe *all* developers prefer  
to meet everyone in the neighborhood separately over coffee instead of  
making their plans more traditionally public. I doubt it, though.

I don't know the developer and have only formed an opinion about him  
from his behavior around this project which is far from stellar. If I  
don't want an 11-story hotel 1/2 block from me it has nothing to do  
with my personal feelings about a developer, trust me.

Sleek. Edgy. Infinitely flexible.

On Nov 11, 2007, at 09:14 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

In a message dated 11/11/07 8:23:35 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

Critics of this proposal must acquaint
themselves with these plans before they launch into the business of
finding fault with them.

Oh, Tony, what a novel idea!  Has this ever happened, in the history  
of listserv crankiness?

For those who say they didn't have the opportunity to learn more,  
look at what happened when Tom Lussenhop offered to explain his  
plans to Karen Allen over a cup of coffee!  She wrote:  I told him  
no, and to never write to me again.  For the record, I don't drink  
coffee, I don't like him, and I definitely don't discuss community  
business in back rooms. 

What will that response teach developers about the usefulness of  
offering to give out the details of their plans?

And, what happens when people with one opinion try earnestly to  
engage in a listserv conversation with people of a different  
opinion?  When Karen complained that no one was willing to respond  
to the questions she'd raised, I offered to enter into a discussion,  
cautioning that ...if you truly want to hear another viewpoint,  
I'll be happy to share mine.  This isn't personal - it's only in  
response to your request for other points of view.

In my reply to her points, writing about the community association  
zoning process which Karen and I both understand pretty well since  
we sit on a zoning committee, I wrote zoning  
committees generally respect the wishes of the nearby neighbors when  
taking positions on new developmentAt some point, to have  the  
local community association impose its will on a site, in absence of  
complaint from the neighbors, would seem inappropriate.  To have you  
and me, as busybodies from the next neighborhood over, impose our  
will on the project seems even more problematic.

Which Karen spun, a few days later, to read ... I knew I'd be  
attacked for not living in Spruce Hill, like Melani Lamond's attack  
in her recent email calling me a busybody from the next  
neighborhood over.

Listserv writers tend to have already formed their opinions when  
they hear WHO is involved in a plan.  As I wrote earlier, I don't  
think their support or opposition has much to do with the merits of  
the proposal; it has more to do with the identity of the players.   
That's too bad.  We'd work better for the good of the neighborhood  
if we could work for the greater good, rather than fight because we  
aren't the best of friends.

- Melani Lamond

Melani Lamond, Associate Broker
Urban  Bye, Realtor
3529 Lancaster Ave.
Philadelphia, PA 19104
cell phone 215-356-7266
office phone 215-222-4800, ext. 113
office fax 215-222-1101

See what's new at

Re: [UC] Parking plan at the proposed hotel

2007-11-11 Thread Anthony West
I didn't quote you every word of a10-mn presentation because you didn't 
pay me to take such notes for you. It sounded detailed enough to my ears 
for a first go-around. I suspect more details are to be found in 
somebody's paperwork; I truly do not think business persons are able to 
raise the money needed for investments on this scale without actually 
studying the issue. You seldom see UC-list's chattering class actually 
running numbers on someone else's project.

At a second look, one might ask for a fuller presentation on some of 
these points, if one cared enough or if it was one's business to make 
decisions about them.

-- Tony West

Frank wrote:
Really? Details or an overview? It doesn't sound like the presentation 
was very detailed to me.

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Re: [UC] Parking plan at the proposed hotel

2007-11-11 Thread Kimm Tynan
 You seldom see UC-list's chattering class actually
 running numbers on someone else's project.

I see.  Citizens who are concerned about their neighborhood are now reduced
to ³the chattering class.²


On 11/11/07 10:29 PM, Anthony West [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I didn't quote you every word of a10-mn presentation because you didn't
 pay me to take such notes for you. It sounded detailed enough to my ears
 for a first go-around. I suspect more details are to be found in
 somebody's paperwork; I truly do not think business persons are able to
 raise the money needed for investments on this scale without actually
 studying the issue. You seldom see UC-list's chattering class actually
 running numbers on someone else's project.
 At a second look, one might ask for a fuller presentation on some of
 these points, if one cared enough or if it was one's business to make
 decisions about them.
 -- Tony West
 Frank wrote:
  Really? Details or an overview? It doesn't sound like the presentation
  was very detailed to me.
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[UC] Fallacious argumentation and gang strategy

2007-11-11 Thread Glenn
Dear list,

Here we go again.  The barking cheese gang is coming
back to intimidate community discussions to serve
their masters.  Let’s consider the last posts of
Lamond and West.  

They’re barking loud and clear that the non-plutocrats
should shut up for various reasons.  We’re not traffic
engineers so we should shut up.  Karen is a “busybody
from the next neighborhood,” when she is questioning
issues and offering opinions, but Melani’s collusion
in these backroom dealings while constantly resorting
to the ad hominem argument is just fine  

Hey Mel, I live in Spruce Hill so you should get your
busy body out of my neighborhood’s business or are you
just being a hypocrite? 

 But look at the point the barking cheese gang always
makes in all posts.  Those whom ask questions about
the cronies of their gangs should shut up simply
because their character is so defective and they're
stupid and silly.

With pomposity, Lamond and West  say we little people
should fight through secrecy, outright lies, etc.   We
need to discover the secret  plans of powerful
corporate agendas yet when one of us common citizens
tries to do it and share with the other common
citizens, we get this gang harassment by a pack of

And these same assholes claim that using Penn
resources to set up a censored list was caused by the
incivility of others instead of for the purpose of
creating a safe environment for astroturfing!  The
posts from these clowns to intimidate and silence
discussions have been the biggest cause of incivility
we’ve seen on this list.  If someone tells the jackals
after repeated harassment, to go stick their noses in
some corporate butt; they’re not the cause of the

Again this pathetic mean-spirited gang intimidation is
intended to shut up the real community activists, who
genuinely attempt to serve their community honestly
and with compassion for their neighbors,  while 
intimidating the rest of you.  Yes, they will treat
you like West and Melani are treating Karen and I if
you dare to question their authority as corporate ass

In my opinion, this gang really believes they are
superior to the rest of us since they have been chosen
for corporate ass kissing.  Certainly, no one can look
at the series of posts from West and Melani and think
these two ever try to engage in civil discourse.

1.Distract from the issue with whatever mean
strategies they get addicted too.  2.Demand that
questions are silenced by attacking questioner’s
character.  3.Intimidate the majority of common
citizens from joining in the discussion by sending the
message that ganging up is what all outsiders and
little people will face.

Look at this asinine ideology West and Lamond are so
pompously asserting to shut us up.  Their corporate
friends have no rules when it comes to little people. 
But we cannot even ask questions while their cronies
lie and hide their domineering agendas and plans. 

We catch them trying to jam this hotel through, which
by the way, is exactly what the Penn gang is trying to
do, and Lamond and West assert community citizens are 
in the wrong for not studying secret fucking plans!.  

Penn is already insisting that this hotel must be done
fast because of a tight schedule.  Penn owned the
building for 3 fucking years but we citizens lose our
rights to a fair process because of their tight

Lamond and West are espousing the views of colonialist
war lords and plutocrats.  These aren’t the principals
of citizens in representative democracies.  The
processes they espouse were considered un-American at
one time  So I’m certainly not afraid to challenge
Lamond or West in a civil debate about issues.  But it
seems they are either too fucking stupid or too
addicted to their mean spirited bullying to be capable
of civil discourse about issues.  

Any opinions?  Are Lamond and West too stupid or too
addicted to gang style bullying to engage in civil
discourse?  You will get a UCD door prize for the
correct answer.

Unwilling to ignore the return of barking cheese

In a message dated 7/27/07 6:49:04 PM, kcassidy at writes:  the cool thing about this
software is that i can pre-ban glenn!   This will be
heaven. But, I hope he doesn't know where you live.

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Re: [UC] Parking plan at the proposed hotel

2007-11-11 Thread Anthony West
I care about the neighborhood and the project too, Kimm. I try to think 
honestly about the numbers before issuing pronouncements about them. I 
accept I will never get a deep look into these numbers, but most 
questions about a business plan -- including stuff as basic as Will it 
work well for neighbors? do come down to numbers, at least in part.

It's not enough to say, for instance, Oh, Lussenhop's numbers can't be 
right; we must say, See here are our numbers, which are better than 

I'm more interested in fact-gathering than in judgement right now.

- Tony West

You seldom see UC-list's chattering class actually
running numbers on someone else's project.

I see. Citizens who are concerned about their neighborhood are now 
reduced to “the chattering class.”


On 11/11/07 10:29 PM, Anthony West [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I didn't quote you every word of a10-mn presentation because you
pay me to take such notes for you. It sounded detailed enough to
my ears
for a first go-around. I suspect more details are to be found in
somebody's paperwork; I truly do not think business persons are
able to
raise the money needed for investments on this scale without actually
studying the issue. You seldom see UC-list's chattering class
running numbers on someone else's project.

At a second look, one might ask for a fuller presentation on some of
these points, if one cared enough or if it was one's business to make
decisions about them.

-- Tony West

Frank wrote:
 Really? Details or an overview? It doesn't sound like the
 was very detailed to me.

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Re: [UC] Parking plan at the proposed hotel

2007-11-11 Thread Anthony West
Glenn didn't hear this because he didn't attend the November 1st 
Thursday, so he knows less than those who did (who are under no 
obligation to perform for him, either).

Lussenhop said the estimated average stay for an extended-stay hotel 
(what we're actually talking about, not an upscale hotel) is about one 
week. If there are 95-105 units, he estimated there'd be perhaps a dozen 
turnovers a day. That's one of the major costly features of a normal 
hotel that extended-stay hotels don't need to pay for.

If this number is true, then I have no problem imagining, let's say, 24 
new cab trips on the 300 block of South 40th St. during any one week.

Also, I don't think Lussenhop said anything about a Hilton affiliation 
of his project. I think this is something Glenn just made up all by himself.

-- Tony West

Glenn wrote:

I have not heard any comment on the taxi situation at
all.  When these extended stay guests go around the
city are they going to use the trolleys as suggested
or taxis?  The first exposure of this hotel plan in
the Oct 10 UC Review had Mr. Lussenhop making a big
point about the trolley lines. I simply don't believe
that the assumptions about these Hilton guests taking
our trolleys is believable. There will certainly be
taxi stands but the developers aren't going to mention
this to us until it is too late.

This is not an issue for the PHC but I have heard no
response at all about handeling taxis.  But have these
developers been forthcoming about a damn thing?

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[UC] two-story commercial developments

2007-11-11 Thread anm

A dozen blocks west of the proposed hotel at 40th and Pine, there's a new
development that has a neighborhood excited and pretty much unified.  The 52nd
street business association and newly-formed cultural affairs office Arts West
have just opened new facilities at 623 S. 52nd St.  The corridor has been
marked by internecine squabbles and a couple of false starts in recent years,
but this new iteration seems to have some real momentum.  Membership in the
association is on the rise, and several new businesses have proven to be
enthusiastic contributors to the corridor.  If you haven't been up to 52nd in
awhile, you should make a point of doing so.  Justin's Snacker Corner, Cedar
Supermarket, 52nd Street Flavors (now serving coffee!), Off The Chain thrift
store, Liz and Daughter Hair Forum, Urban Unity...the list of new businesses is
growing almost weekly.  And there are some nice new touches.  Planters freshly
adorned with flowers, new awnings, freshly painted facades and street trees are
really livening things up.  Anyway, it's not my best work, but here are some
video highlights from the Grand Opening:

That's, West Philadelphia's most midwestern blog...


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[UC] 40th St. Inn : Parking and other problems of radically increased density

2007-11-11 Thread Elizabeth F Campion

In my experience:
1. The housing gap is not of a need for hotel space or one week stays, it
is for housing for:
ESL students, other International Scholars, Laboratory and
Medical researchers, 
Touring Theaters (Cast and Crew), advance Business or
Construction teams,
People (and their families) involved in complex, medical
procedures (transplants, etc.)
The most common time need appeared to be around 4-6 weeks
2. Guests-Residents are not house bound.
They will probably leave their rooms for work and again for
They will use a variety of transportation methods including:
Private vehicles
Free Penn Bus  Escort Service
Airport Shuttles
I like the idea of increased and improved public transportation.
More and better Cabs, Car Shares and Public Transportation could ease
traffic while increasing urban vitality.
If there are 9 off street spaces and most are dedicated for passenger
pickup, deliveries, cab stands, valet services, etc. it should be made
very clear to the community.
Further, the off-site valet option needs to be clear, financially
sustainable and guaranteed.
3. About 70% of my tenant-guests want to bring a car.
My assurance that in most cases, cars in urban settings create more
problems than they solve, kept the number of cars to under 40%.
If the same numbers hold true, the proposed Inn will need to accommodate
35-75 guest cars, plus the cars of those employees who drive to work.
I would like to see some clear, believable, guaranteed plan for parking
before I'd vote to approve a zoning change.
4. It takes a lot of supplies to run 100 units of housing.
One example: Laundry -
if done on site, the amount of soap and bleach needed is huge,
off site, linen needs to be moved in and out
Where will the loading take place?
How will it look?
5. 100 units will generate a lot of trash.
Which neighbors will bear the brunt of the noise, smell and view of
dumpsters and compactors?
6. My tenant neighbors are still my NEIGHBORS.
Justifying this location because 95% of the neighboring properties are
tenant occupied seems shortsighted and divisive.
I am reminded that Cynthia Preston, volunteer extraordinary with Town
Watch, the Police Substation, and many activities over many years helping
MANY neighborhood children is 'just a tenant', she is not part of the
debate, but an example that contradicts what seems to be a pervasive
prejudice on this list.
There may be higher turnover rate among tenants, but this neighborhood
has a very low vacancy rate.
I imagine that something unpleasant to the 2007 tenant might also feel
unpleasant to a different 2008 tenant (or home owner).
Taking it a step further, creating traffic, parking, or other density
problems may even discourage further conversion of tenant properties to
owner occupied homes.
Those who despise tenants, should recognize this consequence.
Frank has outed himself as a nearby tenant neighbor.
I value Frank's contributions to this list and our neighborhood.
My Penn student daughter is someone else's tenant on the 3900 block of
I want to know if this development, improves neighborhood conditions for
her and others like her.
She, and her peers, deliver a lot of money and talent to the
They are more than just 'nuisances'.
I am also aware of several nearby homeowners.
The O'Donnell's are not just competitors, they are my niece and nephew
and parents of my great nieces and nephews.
I am proud of their successes, and delighted they were able and willing
to buy the property at 4100 Pine.
I think their choice, to use it as a family compound is respectful of the
neighborhood and that their voices (and objections) should be respected
by the neighborhood.
I would like to hear how other homeowners feel about the plan.
7. One on one meetings strike me as not sustainable for the developer.
Public meetings are key to public understanding and decision making.
Karen should be applauded, not chided, for recognizing the slippery slope
of ego gratification, bribery (or threat) and self delusion that comes
with access to 'back rooms' and 'corridors of power'.
Seems I've offered 7 cents tonight.
All the best!

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Re: [UC] Parking plan at the proposed hotel

2007-11-11 Thread UNIVERSITY*CITOYEN

Anthony West wrote:
Also, I don't think Lussenhop said anything about a Hilton affiliation 
of his project. I think this is something Glenn just made up all by 

glenn did't invent the hilton affiliation. the original 
10/10 uc review article about this proposed hotel stated:

Lussenhop, in partnership with Campus Apartments, plans
to lease the property from Penn and build a Hilton
franchise 10-story boutique hotel on the lot adjacent to
the original building.

but I don't think this kind of nitpicking is useful -- esp. 
compared to the more important things we need to be 
discussing about this proposed hotel. let's all agree to be 
as demanding and rigorous with penn, lussenhop, uchs,  shca 
as we are with each other.

[aka laserbeam®]
[aka ray]
  It is very clear on this listserve who
   these people are. Ray has admitted being
   connected to this forger.  -- Tony West
  Ray's falsehoods are more sophisticated,
   more believable -- Tony West

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