Sr. Francis Joseph, R.A. will open the convent at 1001 S. 47th (the
corner of Springfield) on Monday, December 3, 2007 at 7:30 PM, for
neighbors to explore "UNITY IN THE FAMILY".  This is another in a series
of  "First Monday with the Assumption Sisters".

All are invited to: 
        hear a respected speaker, Sr. Rose Adams, IHM
        participate in a Q&A
        end the evening with light refreshments.

The presentation will touch upon the merger of two local Catholic
parishes, St. Francis de Sales (SFdS) and Most Blessed Sacrament (MBS).
It is timed to coincide with the beginning of Advent.
For non Catholics it is an opportunity to explore common ground and
extend the definitions of "family".
Themes will include:
        Giving and receiving
        Valuing family and experience
        Using emotional tools* to heal and bond
                *Compassion, Communication, Conversion, Courage and

Participants will be guided in meditations on unity.
Free handouts will be available to assist in future, self directed
meditations upon healing and strengthening the ties within family and

I have found these "First Monday" meetings to be peaceful, yet
provocative, interludes in my much too busy life.
I am honored that Sr. Fran asks me to forward the messages to the group.
Imagining my friends and neighbors challenged to improve, in a safe
place, with cookie rewards, sets me on a path I'd like to follow through
the Holidays.

All the best!

--------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Francis Joseph <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2007 11:16

Monday evening, December 3 at 7:30 P.M. ADULT FAITH FORMATION:
SR. ROSE ADAMS UNITY IN THE FAMILY You will be happy you were here for 
this one. Happy Weekend. Love SFJ
Sr. Francis Joseph, R.A.
1001 S. 47th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19143
Saint Joseph's University

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