The Burglars struck again, last night, and ...
        a quick thinking neighbor and
        very fast Police work 
led to the CAPTURE of two men.

Last night at about 04:00, my neighbor Ed was startled from sleep by the
repeated ringing of his doorbell.
He looked out his window to see a man cross the street to his porch.

Soon thereafter, Ed heard someone using tools on his front door.
He dialed 911 and headed downstairs.

As he yelled,
"The Police are on the way", the door was forced open.
Fortunately a chain latch, kept it from flying all the way open.

Ed got a good look at the two men attempting the Break-in.
And he watched where they headed when they left his house.
He saw their tools, and the bag they were carried in.

These were guys, probably in their thirties.
They behaved as if this was NOT their first robbery.
One had acted as a lookout while the other rang the bell.
They were dressed in dark clothing.
They had tools and skills.

The police caught one of the burglars almost immediately.
The other was caught near 46th and Osage.

Ed was able to identify both burglars, so they were held over.
Ed is retired and is prepared to spend time in court helping it insure
these creeps "do time".

When the 2nd thief was caught he still had the canvas bag, but he had
managed to dump his tools somewhere.
Today is trash day, so they may be gone (picked up with the trash)...
... but, if you live between 46th and Springfield and 46th and Osage, 
Please look in or near your front yards, alleys, hedges and trash cans.
If you find a collection of tools that might be useful to criminals
(Screw Drivers, small Pry bars, glass or bolt Cutters, etc)
please report it to the Police.

I'd love to see these guys, who cost Ed some sleep and new locks, go down
for ALL the crimes they committed.
They may be the same team that ripped off Elisabeth/
Maybe they can be forced into a plea that would lead to recovery of some
of the missing items.

I hope the Police are checking auto registrations and home addresses and
using search warrants to recover things that may have been stolen from
others and not yet off loaded to dealers or fences.

It felt good to hear about the successful cooperation of neighbor Ed and
the police.

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