Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite on Alpine Linux

2022-09-20 Thread ralphy

sodface wrote: 
> I haven't tried with the latest, just git as of 6 days ago when I opened
> the issue. Since he commented that he hadn't had a chance to look at the
> redraw issue, I kind of assumed any commits since then wouldn't help,
> unless by accident. I can try again. Yes, I rebuilt the dependencies
> against sdl12-compat too when I was testing.
> The workspace switch redraw delay I'm seeing is long. I think a couple
> times I've seen it finally display jivelite without me doing anything
> but most of the time I have to press a key to force the redraw.
> What WM are you testing with? Do you think that matters? I tested with
> bspwm and herbstluftwm and both acted the same way.

Several of the changes since your fix was applied seem to be related to
rendering.  I'm using fvwm2 on the debian system, which I know doesn't
help you.

I also created a build of squeezeplay for macos using sdl12-compat to
see if there's a similar behaviour to what you're seeing, but again, not
issues with redraw.

The source code I'm using for the sdl dependencies; SDL_gfx-2.0.15,
SDL_image-1.2.5 and SDL_ttf-2.0.11 are from my 'squeezeplay sources '
( and in
most cases are not the latest releases.

I've had display problems in the past after updating them to the latest
versions, so  I've stuck with what works on all the platforms for which
I provide binaries.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite on Alpine Linux

2022-09-19 Thread sodface

I haven't tried with the latest, just git as of 6 days ago when I opened
the issue. Since he said in the issue that he hadn't had a chance to
look at the redraw issue, I kind of assumed any commits since then
wouldn't help, unless by accident. I can try again. Yes, I rebuilt the
dependencies against sdl12-compat too when I was testing.

The workspace switch redraw delay I'm seeing is long. I think a couple
times I've seen it finally display jivelite without me doing anything
but most of the time I have to press a key to force the redraw.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite on Alpine Linux

2022-09-19 Thread ralphy

sodface wrote: 
> I'm not 100% sure but I think @Yatsushiro might just be using my lms
> packages, not jivelite. I'm seeing some issues on my end with the
> sdl12-compat rebuilds of jivelite and dependencies. Specifically,
> jivelite launches ok but when I switch workspaces and then switch back
> the display doesn't repaint which makes it appear like you didn't
> actually switch workspaces until you press a key that jivelite would
> normally respond to (eg the arrow keys, spacebar etc.) and then the
> screen displays jivelite.
> Additionally, on the armv7 chromebase, touching the screen doesn't
> repaint it, only pressing a key does so that's even more problematic. On
> aarch64 and x86_64, I'm seeing that plus other graphics issues depending
> on which skin / resolution you select.
> I guess I need to rebuild the native SDL 1.2 packages and see if it
> still works there and then figure out how to host those packages in a
> way that Alpine doesn't clobber them when you do upgrades.

Have you tried with the latest sdl12compat from git?  There have been a
lot of changes committed in the last week.

I finally had a chance to play with sdl12compat today using the latest
and can't reproduce redraw issues.

I had to rebuild sdl-ttf, sdl-image and sdl-gfx against the sdl12-compat
library before jivelite worked correctly.

I don't have access to my arm based alpine dev system ATM so I've been
using a 32bit intel debian for testing but jivelite has been stable.

I do notice a redraw lag when I switch workspaces and go back to
jivelite.  I can see the other workspace in the jivelite windows for a
second or less but then jivelite updates with the correct window


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite on Alpine Linux

2022-04-17 Thread sodface

Alpine is working on moving all aports that use SDL 1.2 over to SDL 2
either directly I guess or via sdl12-compat. The sdl package has been
moved from the community repo to testing. See this Alpine GitLab commit:

I'm not 100% sure what the impact of this is for anyone running jivelite
on Alpine. Right now, for me and anyone using the packages at we are pulling the sdl dependencies from both the
Alpine repos and my repo for those that Alpine proper didn't have. I
guess worst case is that I'll need to build and host all the sdl related
packages that are needed once Alpine drops sdl 1.2 completely from it's

I've tinkered a bit trying to get jivelite working with sdl12-compat
(and SDL2) but got in over my head pretty quick.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite on Alpine Linux

2022-01-25 Thread sodface

I looked at those attached APKBUILD files again, and while functional,
I've learned a bit more about what the Alpine devs look for in a user
contributed package and if I submitted those as-is I'd be sent packing.
I really should clean those up some and re-post them.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite on Alpine Linux

2022-01-25 Thread sodface

blackbird wrote: 
> Thank you. 
> I have successfully built the jivelite package with the APKBUILD file
> you provided. I have connected a 7" touchscreen to an HP Thinclient t420
> and it is working fine.

Cool, that's a nice setup!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite on Alpine Linux

2022-01-25 Thread blackbird

sodface wrote: 
> I had a request for the APKBUILD files to build the packages needed for
> jivelite on Alpine and which aren't in the official Alpine repos -
> namely, jivelite, sdl_gfx, and sdl_ttf. I still have repos for aarch64,
> x86_64, armv7, armhf and armel up on but I haven't been very
> good at keeping them maintained. For example, right now it looks like I
> only have a jivelite package for x86_64 and armv7. I know I had it for
> at least armhf as well but I think some rsync operation I did (with
> --delete) purged them and I didn't realize what I had done at the time.
> Anyway, the request was for x86, which I've never had a repo for and
> don't really see a future need for so I don't really want to setup a
> builder for it. Attached are the APKBUILD files for the jivelite and the
> two sdl packages so you can build them yourself. Hopefully this is
> helpful.

Thank you. 
I have successfully built the jivelite package with the APKBUILD file
you provided. I have connected a 7" touchscreen to an HP Thinclient t420
and it is working fine.


|Filename: 2022-01-25 21.01.39.jpg  |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite on Alpine Linux

2022-01-23 Thread sodface

I had a request for the APKBUILD files to build the packages needed for
jivelite on Alpine and which aren't in the official Alpine repos -
namely, jivelite, sdl_gfx, and sdl_ttf. I still have repos for aarch64,
x86_64, armv7, armhf and armel up on but I haven't been very
good at keeping them maintained. For example, right now it looks like I
only have a jivelite package for x86_64 and armv7. I know I had it for
at least armhf as well but I think some rsync operation I did (with
--delete) purged them and I didn't realize what I had done at the time.

Anyway, the request was for x86, which I've never had a repo for and
don't really see a future need for so I don't really want to setup a
builder for it. Attached are the APKBUILD files for the jivelite and the
two sdl packages so you can build them yourself. Hopefully this is

|Filename: jivelite-sdl-apkbuild-files.tar.gz   |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite on Alpine Linux

2021-01-13 Thread chill

I received a helpful reply to my question about the permitted rate of
image requests from the Fourmilab Earth viewer.  Although the 'service
denial' message tells me that I've made too many requests within a
10-minute period, the rule itself is apparently that if you make 100
requests without a 10-minute gap then you are locked out.  I ran it
overnight with one request every 15 minutes and I was not locked out. 
This still works rather well as a screensaver, because the cloud imagery
only updates every few hours anyway, and the day/night boundary doesn't
move very far in 15 minutes.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite on Alpine Linux

2021-01-12 Thread chill

sodface wrote: 
> Quoting without comment other than, hard to believe this was written in
> 2003, could have been penned yesterday...

Indeed - quite a character.  I too had a better look around his website
- he's clearly been creative and prolific for a long time, and there's a
lot to like on his site.

Unfortunately, I don't think his Earth Viewer server is intended to be
used to feed a real-time screen saver.  Even at one image every 5
minutes I eventually fell foul of the service denial.  Playing back the
8 hours of 5-minute images that I was able to collect before being shut
out I realised that the cloud cover images only update roughly every 2
hours, so the main thing that changes more rapidly is the day/night
overlay.  The Fourmilab site has a downloadable Windows executable that
could provide the same images without a rate limit, but I don't have a
Windows machine, except a creaky old laptop that is only powered up when
absolutely necessary.  A job for another day could be to set up a
virtual Windows server in the cloud somewhere to run this software.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite on Alpine Linux

2021-01-11 Thread sodface

chill wrote: 
> :)
> I spoke too soon regarding the 2-minute updates.  After a few hours this
> rate also triggered the 'too many in 10 minutes' service denial.  So I
> guess the acceptable rate might vary depending on the server load.  I've
> messaged the site to see what's acceptable for a regular update.  I
> discovered that the person who runs the fourmilab site is also a the
> founder of Autodesk and co-author of AutoCAD (of which I'm a huge fan) -
> wow, a seriously talented individual!

Thanks for the reference chill.  Quoting without comment other than,
hard to believe this was written in 2003, could have been penned
yesterday... wrote: 
> Over the last two years I have become deeply and increasingly
> pessimistic about the future of liberty and freedom of speech,
> particularly in regard to the Internet. This is a complete reversal of
> the almost unbounded optimism I felt during the 1994–1999 period when
> public access to the Internet burgeoned and innovative new forms of
> communication appeared in rapid succession. In that epoch I was firmly
> convinced that universal access to the Internet would provide a
> countervailing force against the centralisation and concentration in
> government and the mass media which act to constrain freedom of
> expression and unrestricted access to information. Further, the
> Internet, properly used, could actually roll back government and
> corporate encroachment on individual freedom by allowing information to
> flow past the barriers erected by totalitarian or authoritarian
> governments and around the gatekeepers of the mainstream media. 

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite on Alpine Linux

2021-01-11 Thread chill

sodface wrote: 
> Excellent, no apologies necessary either, I'm just thrilled to have a
> reply to a thread


I spoke too soon regarding the 2-minute updates.  After a few hours this
rate also triggered the 'too many in 10 minutes' service denial.  So I
guess the acceptable rate might vary depending on the server load.  I've
messaged the site to see what's acceptable for a regular update.  I
discovered that the person who runs the fourmilab site is also a the
founder of Autodesk and co-author of AutoCAD (of which I'm a huge fan) -
wow, a seriously talented individual!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite on Alpine Linux

2021-01-11 Thread sodface

chill wrote: 
> In case anyone else is interested (and my apologies for polluting your
> Alpine Linux thread), note that the Fourmilab site has a limit on the
> rate that images can be requested.  I exceeded this a couple of times
> during testing, and instead of an image I was served up a file that said
> I had exceeded the number of images that can be downloaded within a 10
> minute period.  At that point, in order to be 'unlocked', you have to
> stop all requests for a while.
> I found that one image per minute seemed acceptable, but overnight I was
> again locked out - I'm guessing that small variations in the cron
> interval meant that I had actually asked for 11 images in one 10-minute
> period.  Anyway, the images seem to update by one pixel in just over 2
> minutes, so I've adjusted my cron job accordingly.  It seems that the
> syntax to run every second minute (1/2 * * * *) isn't supported by cron
> under pCP, so instead I used 0,2,4,6,8...54,56,58 for the minutes.  So
> far so good - not locked out yet.

Excellent, no apologies necessary either, I'm just thrilled to have a
reply to a thread :)

I ran into a lot of problems with the weather data pulls, not rate
limits yet, just things like "null" values in the returned json or the
site returning a 503 error rather than a json response, changes to the
METAR text and order of fields etc.  Computers are supposed to be good
at repetition, seems they get bored too and like to mix it up a bit.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite on Alpine Linux

2021-01-11 Thread chill

In case anyone else is interested (and my apologies for polluting your
Alpine Linux thread), note that the Fourmilab site has a limit on the
rate that images that can be requested.  I exceeded this a couple of
times during testing, and instead of an image I was served up a file
that said I had exceeded the number of images that can be downloaded
within a 10 minute period.  At that point, in order to be 'unlocked',
you have to stop all requests for a while.

I found that one image per minute seemed acceptable, but overnight I was
again locked out - I'm guessing that small variations in the cron
interval meant that I had actually asked for 11 images in one 10-minute
period.  Anyway, the images seem to update by one pixel in just over 2
minutes, so I've adjusted my cron job accordingly.  It seems that the
syntax to run every second minute (1/2 * * * *) isn't supported by cron
under pCP, so instead I used 0,2,4,6,8...54,56,58 for the minutes.  So
far so good - not locked out yet.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite on Alpine Linux

2021-01-10 Thread sodface

chill wrote: 
> It seems like local storage for the image works the same way - updating
> a single file in the specified folder results in the screensaver
> updating to that new image.  So I don't need a local http server - I'll
> just have the cron job run my script for fetching the updated file into
> that local folder.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite on Alpine Linux

2021-01-10 Thread chill

It seems like local storage for the image works the same way - updating
a single file in the specified folder results in the screensaver
updating to that new image.  So I don't need a local http server - I'll
just have the cron job run my script for fetching the updated file into
that local folder.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite on Alpine Linux

2021-01-10 Thread chill

Excellent - thank you.  I'll give that a go.  The cron job is a much
better idea than running my own script in the background.  And it's
handy that the Image Viewer screensaver will handle the image updates by
itself.  I'll only need to update my image whenever the sunlit part
moves by one pixel, so I'll do a little sum to work out how often that
needs to be.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite on Alpine Linux

2021-01-10 Thread sodface

Hi chill, as with most things I do, my approach is a bit hacky but it's
working pretty well.  The basic operation (ignoring the mechanics of
generating the image) is:

- Have jivelite configured to use image viewer as the screen saver,
configuring the delay times as desired
- I have separate http server running on my LMS server for other things
already so I'm used that to serve the image list file and image(s)
- Point jivelite to the url of the image list file
- I have just a single entry in the image list file
- The wx.png file is actually a symlink to the real file which is in ram
instead of on disk:
wx.png -> /dev/shm/wxd/png/wx.png
- I have a cron job on the server which runs every minute to regenerate
the wx.png, every run it:
updates the time
updates the current temperature 3 times an hour on minutes 20,40, and
updates the 5 hour forecast at the bottom once an hour on minute 00

I'm pulling the weather data from a couple sites (US) the
forecast is json and the currect observation is a METAR text file.

I was concerned that having a single file in the image list would result
in image viewer just downloading it once and never updating it, but it
looks like based on my server log, that image viewer downloads the list
file and then runs through the list until it gets to the end and then
starts again by starting the process over - so since my list only has
the single entry, my log shows alternating requests, first for the list
file, then for the image, then the list file, then the image, etc. over
and over.  And since jivelite does a bit of a fade between images, the
minute changing actually looks pretty cool.

I've still got some improvements I want to make to the image generation
script, sort of thinking about rewriting it altogether to get rid of
some of the heavier tools I'm using, like jq for the json file parsing.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite on Alpine Linux

2021-01-10 Thread chill

For instance, I'd quite like the real-time cloud cover global map as a
constantly updating screensaver.  This string returns that:


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite on Alpine Linux

2021-01-10 Thread chill

sodface wrote: 
> Working on a weather screensaver for jivelite, using the image viewer.

This looks interesting.  I wish my weather forecast looked like that! 
Is your screensaver ready for sharing?  I'm interested in doing
something with the Earth View Images that can be created here:

My thought is to have the image update once or twice a minute via a
script that's either running continuously in the background or is
started and stopped by the screensaver.  I'm guessing you're doing
something similar by generating the displayed image frequently in the
background in order to keep the displayed time correct.  I never got far
with a dedicated screensaver to do this (displaying the image was
straightforward, but triggering updates eluded me), but your mention of
the image viewer makes perfect sense.  Do you simply point to a specific
folder and just make sure that that folder only contains the current
image?  Does the current image have to have a constantly updated
filename in order for the screensaver to switch to the current image?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite on Alpine Linux

2021-01-10 Thread sodface

Jivelite on Alpine on a HP RP9 touchscreen point of sale machine I got
off ebay.

|Filename: IMG_20210110_083649040_HDR.jpg   |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite on Alpine Linux

2020-12-26 Thread sodface

Working on a weather screensaver for jivelite, using the image viewer.

|Filename: IMG_20201226_110846391_HDR.jpg   |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite on Alpine Linux

2020-11-22 Thread sodface

I live in an apartment and didn't want to mount shelves or brackets to
the wall so I attached some standard 1" diameter black posts used with
wire shelving to the rear of my desk, tied them together with a cross
bar, mounted the speakers and shelf etc.  Sort of a rig job but it's
working ok. I've go the 10" HP touchscreen on a bar that I can swivel
flush to the wall or pull out as shown. Since my desk is just off the
kitchen, I can see it clearly while I'm standing at the island prepping
dinner or whatever.  I have a squeezebox radio in the kitchen too, so
synchronizing the desk and kitchen radio, which is about 15 feet away,
works nicely.

I tried a bunch of different configs which I won't go into but none of
them worked quite right for driving all 3 monitors.  The Wyse 5070 you
can see behind the center monitor, has 3 onboard display ports so it's
driving all three.  The two bigger desk monitors are left and right and
small touchscreen is center top in the display config.  I'm running
xfce4 on Alpine and jivelite is running in a window with frame and title
hidden.  It's working out ok so far.

Picture is blurry, I just can't seem to get a decent monitor shot with
my phone.

|Filename: IMG_20201120_170439807_HDR.jpg   |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite on Alpine Linux

2020-10-05 Thread Jeff07971

Nice !

*Want a webapp ?* Get SqueezeLite-X !

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite on Alpine Linux

2020-10-03 Thread sodface

Some quick tests with Jivelite running on a Wyse 3040 and a 10.1" HP

|Filename: IMG_20201003_092655876.jpg   |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite on Alpine Linux

2020-09-19 Thread sodface

A few notes to self on getting the x86_64 working:

Coaxing Alpine to set the correct screen resolution took me a bit longer
than I'd like to admit.  The default grub command line has "nomodeset"
which I don't think actually does anything for this specific device
(Wyse 3030) with the i915 based video I think you also have to add
"i915.modeset=0" to really disable KMS, so the resolution kept getting
set to 1920x1080 which resulted in tiny text on the 800x480 Uctronics 5"
display.  I added the video= argument to the grub command line:


  jl-01:~# cat /etc/default/grub 
  GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="modules=sd-mod,usb-storage,ext4 nomodeset quiet 
rootfstype=ext4 video=800x480M@60mD"

To start Jivelite on boot, I ended up with what feels like an ugly
solution, but it is working.  I commented out the existing tty1 line in
/etc/inittab and added the /bin/login one per an entry I found in the
Alpine wiki:


  #tty1::respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty1
  tty1::respawn:/bin/login -f root

So this auto logs in root, then I have a .profile file in /root that
runs a script:


  jl-01:~# cat /root/.profile 
  /root/ &

The script figures out which device the touchscreen is,
since it's not the same every boot, sets some env variables, clears and
blanks the framebuffer and starts jivelite:


  jl-01:~# cat 
  for dev in /dev/input/event* 
  tsdev=$(ts_finddev ${dev} 1 2> /dev/null)
  if printf "${tsdev}" | grep -q caught 
  fbset -g 800 480 800 480 32
  export TSLIB_FBDEVICE=/dev/fb0
  export TSLIB_TSDEVICE=${dev}
  export TSLIB_CALIBFILE=/etc/pointercal
  export TSLIB_CONFFILE=/etc/ts.conf
  export TSLIB_PLUGINDIR=/usr/lib/ts
  export JIVE_NOCURSOR=1
  dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/fb0
  /usr/bin/jivelite &

This in addition to the calibration and ts.conf edits documented above. 
As I said, feels ugly, but it's booting up to Jivelite without user
intervention.  There must be a better way to determine the touchscreen
device file, but that's what I came up with for now.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite on Alpine Linux

2020-09-15 Thread sodface

I had a second one of these Uctronics 5" screens, it's as dark and dull
as the other one. This is with Alpine x86_64 on a Wyse 3030 thin client.

|Filename: IMG_20200915_191650626.jpg   |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite on Alpine Linux

2020-01-26 Thread sodface

Here's the "prototype" (that's what I'm calling it so I don't feel so
bad about the botched execution) player based on the Uctronics 5"
touchscreen, pi zero, squeezelite and jivelite on Alpine Linux.  I'm
probably going to rip it apart and redo it all in a couple of weeks when
I come back from work travel.

|Filename: Uctronics_Jivelite_3.jpg |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite on Alpine Linux

2020-01-18 Thread ralphy

That's great!

Too bad about the brightness.  Hopefullly, you find a way to improve it.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite on Alpine Linux

2020-01-18 Thread sodface

Ok thanks to Ralphy, Jeff, Chill, et al, this is now working quite well,
though the screen brightness (lack of) probably is what it is. 

My currently working settings:


  alps:/home/sodface# cat /etc/ts.conf 
  # generated by libts
  module_raw input (null)
  module pthres pmin=1
  module dejitter delta=100
  module linear (null)
  module skip nhead=2

Starting Jivelite with:


  export TSLIB_FBDEVICE=/dev/fb0
  export TSLIB_TSDEVICE=/dev/input/event0
  export TSLIB_CALIBFILE=/etc/pointercal
  export TSLIB_CONFFILE=/etc/ts.conf
  export TSLIB_PLUGINDIR=/usr/lib/ts
  export JIVE_NOCURSOR=1

Alpine includes the file usercfg.txt at the end of config.txt, they want
you to leave config.txt alone:


  alps:/home/sodface# cat /media/mmcblk0/usercfg.txt 
  hdmi_cvt=800 480 60 6

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite on Alpine Linux

2020-01-17 Thread sodface

Well the recompiled SDL seems to be working with tslib.  Touch point
accuracy is good but it's just constantly bringing up the context menu
like I've done a long click instead of just a tap.  Probably a knob that
needs turning in /etc/ts.conf?  I'll mess with it more tomorrow.  I'm
starting to second guess the screen a little, it seems a little dark.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite on Alpine Linux

2020-01-17 Thread sodface

ralphy wrote: 
> There is no way to know what was causing the segfault without building a
> debug version of jivelite and running it in gdb.  Even then if the crash
> is happening within the lua interpreter it becomes even harder to track
> down. 
> Calibration in jivelite won't work unless libSDL 1.2 was compiled with
> libts support.  That should be the only library you need to recompile. 
> I 'helped chill through this for the joggler'
> (

Thanks for the support Ralphy, recompiling sdl as we speak.  I think the
seg fault was just due to not having libjpeg-turbo installed.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite on Alpine Linux

2020-01-17 Thread ralphy

There is no way to know what was causing the segfault without building a
debug version of jivelite and running it in gdb.  Even then if the crash
is happening within the lua interpreter it becomes even harder to track

Calibration in jivelite won't work unless libSDL 1.2 was compiled with
libts support.  That should be the only library you need to recompile. 
I 'helped chill through this for the joggler'


*1*-Touch, *5*-Classics, *3*-Booms, *1*-UE Radio
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite on Alpine Linux

2020-01-17 Thread sodface

Touch is actually working so I'm not sure what the ldd check above
means.  Calibration is off in Jivelite even after running ts_calibrate. 
I guess that's the next issue to resolve.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite on Alpine Linux

2020-01-16 Thread sodface

Ok, duh, I installed libjpeg-turbo and things improved dramatically!  No
crashing and I'm getting album art. I'll let it run over night.  Now to
get touch working.  I think I'm going to have recompile something
against tslib.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite on Alpine Linux

2020-01-16 Thread sodface

Thanks to Ralphy and Jeff I got a little further.  I set the framebuffer
and deleted the .jivelite folder but same thing happened when I started
jivelite, splash screen and that's it.  Next I enabled logging and
changed the skin file that Jeff indicated in his post to
HD_GRID_SKIN_1080 - Bingo!  The splash screen stayed up a lot longer
then it went to icons, very big icons, but icons nonetheless.  I was
able to navigate around with the keyboard and change players.  When I
went to new music jivelite locked up.  Via SSH I could see that the
process was not even listed anymore even though the screen was still
stuck on the new music page and hadn't dropped back to the command

Attached is the log file ending in a segmentation fault.

|Filename: jivelite.log.tar.gz  |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite on Alpine Linux

2020-01-16 Thread sodface

Thanks Gents!!  Thinking about faking an illness and going home to try

I'll update this evening.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite on Alpine Linux

2020-01-16 Thread Jeff07971

sodface wrote: 
> Thanks Jeff.  I am starting it via the local console with a logitech
> wireless keyboard connected (don't think a wireless keyboard should be
> an issue) - I don't get anything after the splash screen, no initial
> setup or anything.  Not sure how to set a skin without the initial setup
> screens showing up - I assume there's a config file I could drop
> somewhere, I just have researched that bit yet and have basically zero
> experience with jivelite.
> //edit now that I re-read your post, you are setting DISPLAY on the
> jivelite system and X forwarding over SSH to your windows (that's
> running an X server?)?  Does that work without X stuff installed on the
> jivelite machine?

linux graphics is really not my thing but I started with Debian minimal
and did not add any X

I use Mobaxtrem as my (windows) ssh client which has built in X server
for forwarding.

Has jivelite populated its settings ?



Other than that I'll leave you with Ralphy, he'll be far better than me


|Filename: 2020-01-16 14_30_21-Window.jpg   |

*Players:* SliMP3,Squeezebox3 x3,Receiver,SqueezeLite-X,PiCorePlayer x3
*Server:* LMS Version:  Latest Nightly on Centos 8.0 VM on ESXi 6.5.0U3
on Dell T320
*Remotes:* iPeng9/Orangesqueeze/PC/Jivelite/SqueezeLite-X
*Music:* 522GB,1.5K albums with 25K songs by 5K artists mostly FLACs

*Want a webapp ?* See

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite on Alpine Linux

2020-01-16 Thread ralphy

sodface wrote: 
> Thanks Jeff.  I am starting it via the local console with a logitech
> wireless keyboard connected (don't think a wireless keyboard should be
> an issue) - I don't get anything after the splash screen, no initial
> setup or anything.  Not sure how to set a skin without the initial setup
> screens showing up - I assume there's a config file I could drop
> somewhere, I just have researched that bit yet and have basically zero
> experience with jivelite.
> //edit now that I re-read your post, you are setting DISPLAY on the
> jivelite system and X forwarding over SSH to your windows (that's
> running an X server?)?  Does that work without X stuff installed on the
> jivelite machine?

No it doesn't work for the console.

To set a custom skin resolution for the console;

Delete the $HOME/.jivelite folder.

Set the console to 1920x1080 using fbset

Set these two environment variables.

# Define custom JogglerSkin size
export JL_SCREEN_WIDTH=1920
export JL_SCREEN_HEIGHT=1080

Start jivelite as select GridSkin (1920x1080) that matches what you set
in the envars.


*1*-Touch, *5*-Classics, *3*-Booms, *1*-UE Radio
'Squeezebox client builds'
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite on Alpine Linux

2020-01-16 Thread ralphy

Let's try turning on all logging.

Copy the attached file as logconf.lua into

Try to run jivellite.

|Filename: jivelite-logconf.lua.txt |


*1*-Touch, *5*-Classics, *3*-Booms, *1*-UE Radio
'Squeezebox client builds'
( 'donations'
always appreciated.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite on Alpine Linux

2020-01-16 Thread sodface

Jeff07971 wrote: 
> When I have built Jivelite on systems from git I've always had to
> redirect jivelite display (over ssh) to my windows machine and set a
> skin that is the resolution of the "local display" to the jivelite
> before jivelite will work OK
> Not sure if this is the problem you are seeing
> Jeff

Thanks Jeff.  I am starting it via the local console with a logitech
wireless keyboard connected (don't think a wireless keyboard should be
an issue) - I don't get anything after the splash screen, no initial
setup or anything.  Not sure how to set a skin without the initial setup
screens showing up - I assume there's a config file I could drop
somewhere, I just have researched that bit yet and have basically zero
experience with jivelite.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite on Alpine Linux

2020-01-16 Thread sodface

Thanks for the reply Ralphy.  I kind of thought I could ignore those
warnings but wasnt 100% sure.  The bigger problem is the blank screen
after the Jive Lite splash screen, in other words, it ain't working.

I found an older post by you with a log config file and put it in
~/.jivelite/userscripts (or something, I'm not at the pi now) and
redirected the output, which seems to have worked except, in order to
get jivelite to build successfully against Alpine's musl libc I had to
fix one issue with calls to backtrace.  My "fix" was to completely
remove the print_trace function from platform_linux.c and the two calls
to it within that file.  I'm not sure how that affects what I should see
in the logfile but other than the libpng warnings I don't see anything

Jivelite is running and not immediately crashing, I just don't get
anything other than the splash screen and then nothing after that.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite on Alpine Linux

2020-01-16 Thread Jeff07971

When I have built Jivelite on systems from git I've always had to
redirect jivelite display (over ssh) to my windows machine and set a
skin that is the resolution of the "local display" to the jivelite
before jivelite will work OK

Not sure if this is the problem you are seeing


*Players:* SliMP3,Squeezebox3 x3,Receiver,SqueezeLite-X,PiCorePlayer x3
*Server:* LMS Version:  Latest Nightly on Centos 8.0 VM on ESXi 6.5.0U3
on Dell T320
*Remotes:* iPeng9/Orangesqueeze/PC/Jivelite/SqueezeLite-X
*Music:* 522GB,1.5K albums with 25K songs by 5K artists mostly FLACs

*Want a webapp ?* See

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite on Alpine Linux

2020-01-16 Thread ralphy

I recently installed debian 9.11 on my wandboard and built jivelite and
noticed the same 2 messages logged on the console.

The warnings are from the system libpng v1.6. When I build jivelite
against the squeezeplay purpose built libraries in /opt/squeezeplay/lib,
which uses an older version of libpng the messages are gone.

If you google the warnings you'll see that the warnings are common to
many applications and not specific to jivelite.

You could redirect stdout and stderr to a file to squelch the warnings.

./jivelite >> /var/log/jivelite.log 2>&1


*1*-Touch, *5*-Classics, *3*-Booms, *1*-UE Radio
'Squeezebox client builds'
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