Re: [UPHPU] Favorite IDE(s)

2014-07-17 Thread Bryan Petty
On Wed, Jul 16, 2014 at 9:12 AM, Justin Carmony wrote:
 So I used to be a bit of a PHP IDE aficionado. I started off with Zend
 Studio, then Net Beans, then Aptana, then Zend Studio again, then Net Beans
 again, and now finally PHP Storm. :P

I made almost exactly the same transition over time. From Zend Studio
to NetBeans to PhpStorm (never tried out Aptana though).

The PhpStorm transition mostly only ever happened since they had a
Mayan sale back in Dec 2012, and it was $25, and for that, I was
more than happy to give it a long-term shot on a bigger project.

My background with full IDEs started with MS Visual C++ well back in
'98 or so. I was so spoiled with well designed IDE features from VC++
that I typically demanded that same level of features from PHP IDEs as
well. I really feel like PhpStorm is able to deliver along those

Bryan Petty


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Re: [UPHPU] Stripe CTF3

2014-01-25 Thread Bryan Petty
On Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 12:13 PM, Joseph Scott wrote:
 Stripe CTF3 is now live -

 You can play at

One of our members is in first place for lvl 2:

Bryan Petty


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Re: [UPHPU] PHP is coming to mobile

2012-10-04 Thread Bryan Petty
Yeah, all the article actually meant was that the language powering
all of the data providing APIs that mobile applications are using will
more frequently be PHP applications.

Though I don't think that has really changed and won't change from
what it currently is. For instance, if there's one thing that Ruby on
Rails apps are wildly known to be amazing at, it's providing a super
fast and efficient REST API with a super short development period, and
that's a large part of what is providing client-side app-enabling
tools for mobile. Those Rails apps often handle over 500 requests per
second (see this old 2007 benchmark: on a single
server where you're lucky to get maybe 60 r/s with an equivalent
(highly optimized) CakePHP-powered app. Then again, maybe this all
depends on either the Yii Framework or CodeIgniter taking off, because
everything I've seen mostly points to these two frameworks being able
to match Rails apps (

Bryan Petty


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Re: [UPHPU] scrambling?

2012-02-10 Thread Bryan Petty
That's because you're still not escaping the $serializePost value for
use in HTML (which contains double quotes). Try
htmlspecialchars($serializePost) instead. Firebug can't decipher
invalid HTML.

Bryan Petty

On Fri, Feb 10, 2012 at 3:00 PM, Merrill Oveson wrote:

 Sometimes I run in situations like this.  It drives me crazy!  Is
 there an easy fix?


 $serializePOST = serialize($_POST);
 print tda href=\customer_information.php?id= . $customerId .
 postArray= . $serializePOST . \View/a/td;

 Now when I look in firebug what I get is scrambled.


 Why doesn't the all the serialized info go after the $postArray variable?
 Why the scramble?

 And how to fix.


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Re: [UPHPU] scrambling?

2012-02-10 Thread Bryan Petty
On Fri, Feb 10, 2012 at 3:30 PM, John Halladay wrote:
 I'd suggest the following to get the values in and out.

 $goes_in = urlencode(base64_encode(serialize($_POST)));
 $comes_out = unserialize(base64_decode(urldecode($goes_in)));

urlencode() is for, well, URLs, not HTML form values, and base64
encoding the string doesn't make a difference at all since you're just
using in place of the appropriate solution of using

I can't believe how many times I see PHP developers using base64
encoding for string values when the whole reason it exists is to
transfer *binary* data in an ASCII format. Yes, it works, but it works
for all the wrong reasons.

Bryan Petty


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Re: [UPHPU] setting in php

2011-09-03 Thread Bryan Petty
On Sat, Sep 3, 2011 at 1:57 PM, thebigdog wrote:
 This is a little off topic; however, it is has helped me in the past. I like 
 use xdebug and the features that it provides with presenting errors for me and
 additional error information (ie stack traces etc). This might be beneficial
 along with your print statements in your current development environment. It 
 helped me on more than a few occasions with errors that I was tacking down.

On a large coding project, I don't understand how anyone can work
without xdebug and an IDE with xdebug debugging support (or whatever
the Zend equivalent is).

Bryan Petty


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Re: [UPHPU] ical feed

2011-09-01 Thread Bryan Petty
On Thu, Sep 1, 2011 at 12:52 PM, Wade Preston Shearer wrote:
 Is anyone consuming the ical feed for the group?

I have this one in my calendar:

Though I still have a generic recurring event on my own calendar for a
simple reminder that there usually is a meeting, but no details about
the specific meeting since I've noticed that this one isn't always

Bryan Petty


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Re: [UPHPU] Server Hosting.

2011-05-03 Thread Bryan Petty
On Tue, May 3, 2011 at 9:30 AM, Brian J. Rogers wrote:
  So for those of you using Linode, how have they handled any downtime? I
  know it's going to happen no matter where you host, but I'm curious to
  know how they treat customers after it happens. SliceHost gave me a free
  month after they had a small problem one night, and they did it without
  me having to ask for it. I feel like that's the kind of treatment that
  will earn my business.

I've been with Linode for almost 7 years now. I've never received a
credit for downtime, but at the same time, the closest thing to a SLA
Linode provides is a 99.9% uptime guarantee, which allows for 43
minutes of downtime per month (it is applicable to a monthly basis at
least), and I've never experienced more than about 2 hours downtime in
my worst year. I think there was once that I did have just over an
hour downtime once, but never requested a pro-rated refund. So to
answer your question at least partially, I'm fairly certain you have
to actually request a refund. Though they respond to support tickets
extremely fast, and have never let me down for the few times I've had
to put in tickets (mostly for upgrades, or billing changes).

You are right, everyone has downtime eventually, though one of the
reasons I have stuck around for so long is because it happens so
infrequently at Linode in my experience. It seems to only happen about
twice per year, it's usually never for longer than 15-20 minutes each
time, and about 70% of the time it's network downtime, leaving the
host online and running without a reboot most of the time. And to be
perfectly honest, it's only happened maybe once in the entire 7 years
when it's been caused by some negligence on part of the Linode staff.
Once was a hard drive on my host failing, though they are configured
in a RAID 1 mirror, so I was promptly moved off the host and no data
was lost.

Linode is always on the ball as far as mitigating any problems very
quickly, then writing up a full report shortly after it's been fixed.
If you're curious, you could always browse
for an idea of what has gone down datacenter-wide, for how long, and
what kind of issues usually pop up. That status page aggregates all
issues across all 5 datacenters btw, most of those issues never
actually affect more than maybe 20% of all Linode customers.

As Jonathan mentioned, feedback from users verges on fanatical, and
I'm certainly no exception, so I'll save you the rest of the details
for the sake of simply providing info in regards to downtime as you
requested. There's plenty of reviews online if you're looking for more

Bryan Petty


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Re: [UPHPU] calendar update

2011-04-06 Thread Bryan Petty
On Tue, Apr 5, 2011 at 11:12 PM, Wade Preston Shearer wrote:
 I have update the calendar feed. There is a new subscription URL, found on 
 this page:

Any chance of a Google Calendar friendly version?

Bryan Petty


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Re: [UPHPU] Payment Processor piece to the credit card puzzle

2011-04-06 Thread Bryan Petty
On Tue, Apr 5, 2011 at 11:36 PM, wrote:
 Check out: ... They have a packaged 
 merchant+gateway setup for as low as $15/mo.

Wow, thanks for sharing, this looks way better than most of the card
processing systems I've had the unfortunate luck of implementing.
Well, other than the fact that almost every existing piece of software
that needs a payment gateway for one reason or another already has
built in support for Though that is usually not that
big of a concern in most cases.

Bryan Petty


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Re: [UPHPU] calendar update

2011-04-06 Thread Bryan Petty
On Wed, Apr 6, 2011 at 12:14 AM, Wade Preston Shearer wrote:
 I just successfully added to a Google Calendar. It didn't work for you?

Weird, the link didn't work the first time I tried to put it in, but
it did after I tried a second time.

Bryan Petty


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Re: [UPHPU] Shopping cart and chat recommendations

2011-04-03 Thread Bryan Petty
On Sun, Apr 3, 2011 at 2:08 PM, Brian J. Rogers wrote:
 I completely agree. I looked at trying to do something custom. I've been
 looking into AgoraCart, Magento, and a few others. Nothing was easy and
 simply, they were difficult to skin without extensive knowledge of how
 that specific cart worked.

If any of you really are actually looking for something much more on
the minimal side and way easier to skin than Magento, X-cart,
OSCommerce, etc, then I actually do recommend looking at OpenCart.
It's one of my new favorites just because it's not bloated, and the
code is very clean and well organized, so it's incredibly easy to skin
in comparison, and it's actually possible to write up usable, custom
functionality fairly quickly. The first shop I ever used OpenCart
with, I managed to build their entire design into an OpenCart skin,
and migrate all of their customers, products, categories, and orders
over in one month flat single-handed... all without hardly any prior
knowledge of OpenCart at all.

You will miss many of the more advanced features of a well adopted
shopping cart like Magento though. OpenCart has an extremely simple
email system that doesn't lend itself well to doing any kind of
targeted marketing for example. It does have a very flexible product
options system, but no customer wishlist system. It has all the basic
features you usually absolutely need, but hardly any of the more
decorative features. On the other hand though, this is a way better
option than building a new cart from scratch.

Overall, it's just a good base system to build on top of. Though,
while it is built on a decent MVC system with basic routing, I wish
the original authors had actually built it on a framework like Zend,
Cake, Symphony, or CodeIgniter to begin with. While the lack of any
dependencies is nice, there is quite a bit of wasted duplicate effort.

Bryan Petty


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Re: [UPHPU] more regex / mod_rewrite help

2011-01-19 Thread Bryan Petty
On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 10:24 AM, Chad Sollis wrote:
 sorry for not being totally clear.  What I want it to do is actually anything 
 without a subdomain, to redirect to  if it has a subdomain, it 
 will be ignored.  Good catch on the QSA.

Ah, ok, so I think this should work instead:

RewriteCond %{HTTPS} =off
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^([^\.]+\.[^\.]+)$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://www.%1/$1 [L,R=301,QSA]
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} =on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^([^\.]+\.[^\.]+)$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://www.%1/$1 [L,R=301,QSA]

Bryan Petty


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Re: [UPHPU] more regex / mod_rewrite help

2011-01-19 Thread Bryan Petty
On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 12:23 PM, Chad Sollis wrote:
 3) Set * to CNAME to

I would recommend only using wildcards with A and  records (where
possible) since wildcard CNAME records aren't supported by all DNS

 4) I have a virtual host that will accept all domains without subdomains. 
 (where the rule below exists).  Default behavior is to redirect at the end to 
 a default domain assuming no matches.

I don't think it's good practice to do something like ServerAlias
*.*.*.* *.*.* since it will match even your other valid VirtualHost
entries. In the likely small chance that it does even work, it
definitely needs to be defined as your very last VirtualHost in the
order that your VirtualHost directives are parsed in the Apache
configuration so it doesn't fall into a recursive request loop looking
for a valid VirtualHost (and may still do so for the sub-domains you
haven't defined yet). I would really just avoid trying this

Bryan Petty


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Re: [UPHPU] website changes

2010-12-13 Thread Bryan Petty
On Thu, Dec 9, 2010 at 7:36 PM, Wade Preston Shearer wrote:
 I am considering replacing the current website with a single page.

I agree. The info mentioned is all I ever look for on a local user group page.

With a highly unused blog on the site, it tends to give the false
impression that it's a dead group if someone doesn't realize that
we're all over on the mailing lists and IRC.

If someone is looking to participate elsewhere as far as blogging, I
think it's plenty good enough to point them over at the only really
active local group of technical bloggers in Utah (that I'm aware of) -
the Utah Open Source Planet feeds. It may not be PHP-specific, but at
least it's active, and mostly everyone knows what you're talking about
anyway. I don't think anyone ever feels as good about not necessarily
owning any content they post on UPHPU as opposed to their own
personal blog (and fed to whatever various feed sites they want to
participate in), and I think that's just one of many reasons it just
doesn't get used.

Bryan Petty


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Re: [UPHPU] Linode

2008-08-31 Thread Bryan Petty
On Wed, Aug 27, 2008 at 9:07 PM, Walt Haas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Anyone have any experience +/- with Linode ( ?

I own two Linodes now, and have been with Linode for 4 years now.

If what you really need is a VPS and not shared hosting or a dedicated
server, and you don't do a lot of monthly transfer, Linode definitely
beats all other VPS providers in my opinion. Network traffic is
probably the biggest drawback to Linode since they don't provide as
much as other providers do when comparing price. All other aspects
make up for that though.

The support is incredibly fast and experienced. Other than the VPS
itself, they provide an extremely powerful control panel with network,
CPU, and disk I/O graphs. They also provide primary and secondary DNS
service (so you don't have to worry about running Bind9 on your VPS or
finding a secondary in another datacenter) with an API if you happen
to manage a lot more than just a few domains. The terms of service
pretty much outlines the basic premise that if what you're doing on
your VPS is legal, they don't have a problem with it (even if you want
to run an IRC server).

They've recently been adding features that come in handy for customers
with multiple Linodes including IP failover and unmetered traffic
between two linodes (in the same datacenter) over a private gigabit
network. So clustering Linodes is also possible if you need a load
balancing setup or otherwise.

Bryan Petty


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Re: [UPHPU] Reliable Hosting

2008-06-12 Thread Bryan Petty
On Wed, Jun 11, 2008 at 3:53 PM, Ash [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Scott Morris wrote:

 512 Mb RAM burstable to 1024
 1800 MHz processor
 50 Gig HDD space
 2,000 Gb monthly bandwidth
 Price range: $50-$65/mo.
 Full root access to install/configure/set things up however I want without
 CPanel, Plesk, or anything like either of these.

 The processor, HDD, and monthly bandwidth is negotiable.  Obviously, I'm
 looking for something with great uptime.

 If you're up for managing it yourself, is good. And they're
 cheaper than $50 / month. You get full root access.


You can get 720MB of dedicated RAM (none of this burstable nonsense
that Virtuozzo hosting providers love to market) even with the cheaper
$40/mo plan, but you will find yourself cut short on the disk space
and bandwidth requirements that you've mentioned here. $60/mo gets you
1GB of RAM, 30GB of disk space (45GB if you pay annually), and
600GB/mo transfer.

Other than being cut short of bandwidth though, they have great
service on reliable networks, a powerful control panel with I/O, CPU,
and network graphs, and some really awesome value added services.

Bryan Petty


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Re: [UPHPU] Source Code Control Options

2008-03-11 Thread Bryan Petty
On Mon, Mar 10, 2008 at 9:24 AM, Wade Preston Shearer
  There are two types of version control systems: centralized and
  distributed. CVS and Subversion are two of the most popular
  centralized options. Git and Arch are two of the most popular (I
  believe) distributed options.

Really? I was under the impression that Bazaar and Mercurial both beat
git, and I know they both beat Arch easily in terms of popularity.
Launchpad mostly runs Bazaar, and they've gained some widespread usage
now. Of course, it's always going to impossible to guage what SCMs
proprietary projects use, but I'm positive those are all mostly on
centralized systems, I don't think they really apply to the
distributed category. I do look forward to seeing what comes of
git-cheetah. It has the possibility of turning the distributed SCM
world upside down, though it'll be some time before that happens
regardless of how good the developers are on the project.

Anyway, like 90% of everyone here, I'd also recommend SVN for this
despite the fact that Mike hasn't given much detail on what he needs.

Bryan Petty


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Re: [UPHPU] Regex problem

2007-12-16 Thread Bryan Petty
On Dec 16, 2007 4:40 PM, Richard K Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  [Alpha w/spaces], [Alpha w/spaces] [Number] [Date] [Alpha w/spaces]
  [Number w/ comma/dot] [Number w/ comma/dot] [Alpha]

 Dave, it should be something like this:

 [A-Za-z\s]+, [A-Za-z\s]+, [0-9]+ [dd-dd-] [A-Za-z\s]+ [0-9,\.]
 [0-9,\.] [A-Za-z]

 This assumes a date of mm-dd-.

Assuming that date format, you need to escape those d characters.
Also, you shouldn't use those in a character class, that won't work as
desired, as you have it, it would match one character, either being a
d, or a -. And one last point, 0-9 in character classes can also
use that shorter symbol I assume you meant to use (\d) as well as \w
(assuming you're fine with including _ as well) works for alpha. So
with subpattern capture, you should have something more like this:

([\w\s]+), ([\w\s]+), (\d+) (\d{1,2})-(\d{1,2})-(\d{4}) ([\w\s]+)
([\d,\.]+) (\w+)

That should be a little more flexible with matching dates that don't
specify the full 2 digits on month and day as well if that's desired.

Bryan Petty


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Re: [UPHPU] Utah Colocation

2007-12-13 Thread Bryan Petty
On Dec 12, 2007 4:21 PM,  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'll look into a dedicated/managed server and see if I can find something at 
 a reasonable price. This server won't be just for websites, email, databases, 
 etc. I'd like to have more control over the server than you can with shared 
 hosting so I can use it for subversion, cvs, etc.

In that case, I'd agree with Dave. Unless you plan on hosting a site
with a large profile (i.e. more than maybe 500,000 page views per
month), a VPS will handle all this fine at a much lower cost with just
as much control over the server. I personally recommend
They've been known to host IRC, and Asterisk (VoIP) servers among many
other exotic services.

Bryan Petty


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Re: [UPHPU] web-based SVN client

2007-10-08 Thread Bryan Petty
On 10/8/07, staff-gmail [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Wade Preston Shearer wrote:
  I think making some web-based tool that does commits might
  potentially pose some security problems.
 That's why I'm so big on distributed source control like Mercurial.
 Sorry, but just think it's the better way to go for 2/3 of the users out

What does distributed source control have to do with this topic? The
subject was web-based commit access, which would be pointless for any
VCS, distributed or not. And as it turns out, no-one hear knows of
such a tool for either.

I'm fine discussing pros and cons of VC systems when that's the topic,
but bringing stuff like this up on a thread that has nothing to do
with it is rather annoying. Does every thread even remotely about
version control have to turn into a debate about which tool is better?

Bryan Petty


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[UPHPU] Votes Requested for Next Meeting Presentation Material

2007-09-25 Thread Bryan Petty
I've been asked to present at next month's meeting, and I have a few
subjects I could cover, so I wanted to see what the majority of the
group wants to see a presentation on.

#1 - svnLogBowser -

This has been a recent production of mine over the last few months in
an effort to ease the headache of reviewing commits and looking for
changes in any Subversion repository. It offers the ability to search
through an entire collection of logs and files within seconds (no more
waiting on TortoiseSVN to retrieve 5,000+ commit logs for minutes to
an hour), as well as filtering down to specific developer's commits
while identifying tags and branches and linking to diffs of commits
when used with ViewVC.

The presentation would be oriented to not only setup, configuration,
and use of svnLogBrowser, but also techniques used in tracking down
changes, and general management of bugs and patches. Maybe a few
minutes spent on branches and tags.

Note that this project is not available for download just yet, but a
1.0 release is coming up in the next week or two. We'll be on the
ground floor of what I hope becomes an integral tool to the
development process for many.

I'd cover some PHP techniques with this, but the PHP side of this
project doesn't really cover anything out of the ordinary. The
interesting aspects of this project involve the Python update script,
which isn't really topical for UPHPU.

#2 - Starting and Managing an Open Source Project

I've founded two open source projects, and an active developer of a
large open source project (wxWidgets) involved with more than 20 other
developers, all with their own objectives, talents, and experience.

Topics covered would be along the lines of available resources and
tools for everything from bug/patch management, web hosting and site
management, community resources (mailing lists, forums, wikis, and
IRC), and other resources built for use by open source projects such
as CIA, Dotsrc, SourceForge, OSU OSL, and Gmane (even if it's not

I might touch a little on how to deal with tough situations with
certain types of problematic people who will find your project (it
happens to everyone), but I think the Google Tech Talk on the subject
covers it better than I ever could.

#3 - MediaWiki Publisher -

The other project I've founded that automates the process of
publishing content inside an installation of MediaWiki to multiple
output formats. It features a PHP-based API for building new output
format generators with a small amount of code and time involved, which
is important currently since there's only 2 output formats currently
supported (XHTML, and HelpBlocks, which generates CHM and HTB

Topics covered here would be object oriented design with PHP (as
MediaWiki Publisher uses an OO design), and if interest is there,
maybe some comparisons of OO features with other programming
languages, namely C++, Python, and Java.

Other than OO design, there's not a lot of material on this project to
present on. The rest of the time would be filled with installing and
using MediaWiki Publisher itself. Maybe there would be time to go over
the process of writing a new parser output format for use with MWP.

Personally, I would prefer to present on #1 or #2, but I'm fine with
#3 if that's what everyone wants to see. I'm happy presenting on
whatever everyone here feels they could benefit the most from.

Bryan Petty


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[UPHPU] Re: Votes Requested for Next Meeting Presentation Material

2007-09-25 Thread Bryan Petty
Ok, so the votes so far:

 #1 - svnLogBowser -

1 Vote: Wade (with Joseph and John Anderson expressing interest)

 #2 - Starting and Managing an Open Source Project

1 Vote: Brandon

 #3 - MediaWiki Publisher -

3 Votes: Clint, John Taber, Victor

Bryan Petty


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Re: [UPHPU] Fluent interfaces

2007-05-11 Thread Bryan Petty

On 5/8/07, Richard K Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Has everyone heard of a fluent interface? It's a term coined by
Martin Fowler that I just learned today. (Wondering if I've been in
the dark about this.)

It's actually a somewhat common approach to many property setting
structure classes in many languages. One that pops into mind since
it's something I work with on occasion more recently is wxAuiPaneInfo
(part of wxAUI in the wxWidgets GUI toolkit). Almost every function
for modifying a property of the object returns a reference to itself:

It allows for you to define full pane properties on a single line:

Bryan Petty


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Re: [UPHPU] Are we facing another standards storm?

2007-05-10 Thread Bryan Petty

On 5/9/07, Victor Villa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Firefox Cairo I just heard about recently, and haven't been able to find a
lot.  I was actually hoping that somebody on the email list could speak on
this if they have info.

It's really just Cairo [1]. The term Firefox Cairo likely comes from
the more recent testing Firefox has done with switching up 2D
rendering backends from whatever it was before to using Cairo. Cairo
has been around for much longer than WPF or family, and is in use in a
number of applications already (many GTK+ controls are drawn with
Cairo now), but it's not really the same at all. Cairo provides a very
nice 2D graphics rendering library, but WPF is really more about
animation (which Cairo does not do) and crosses into the 3D realm. It
just happens to provide this with a nice vector-based API much like


The official site seems to be down at the moment unfortunately.

Bryan Petty


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