Re: [Ur] Ur/Web in production

2014-01-17 Thread Marc Weber
Thanks for the write up.

Eg the slow compliation speed for larger apps have been found by me by a simple
dummy test application long time ago. Now you just proof that it happens
in real world usage.

urweb is cool - but eventually not the end yet. Time will tell.

Marc Weber

Ur mailing list

Re: [Ur] Ur/Web in production

2014-01-17 Thread Marc Weber
Excerpts from Vladimir Shabanov's message of Fri Jan 17 23:14:16 +0100 2014:
  Then I've switched from Postgres to Riak (needed to scale writes since
  RSS reader is very write heavy thing and to simplify cluster operations)
  and started to need more data processing and 3rd-party integration in
  frontend. So my Ur/Web app now links with Haskell and calls its functions
  via FFI.
Maybe also smarter caching could work, eg only cache or keep in memory
the info which feeds got read, and try to store them efficiently in
memory (eg one bit per thread) - or try to pack by storing:
read 1 to 5, 10 to 20 or such.

Sometimes there is a lot you can do this way - just some thoughts
without knowing all details.

Marc Weber

Ur mailing list

Re: [Ur] What about a new project - general purpose ur like language which collaborates with existing languages?

2013-11-24 Thread Marc Weber
Excerpts from Adam Chlipala's message of Thu Nov 21 14:25:54 +0100 2013:
 Lately I'm more interested in replacing common programming languages
 than interoperating with them.
A simple use case would be a library for ur.

Most famous languages come with some kind of library management:
  - scala has sbt,
  - java: mvn, ivy, ..
  - ruby has gems/bundler
  - PHP (pear, maybe others? Never like this one)
  - Haskell: cabal
  - perl cpan
  - nodejs: npm
  - ..

How would you propose solving this task without having a general
purpose programming language?

And if you used a general purpose programming language X you'd be have
trouble to create something like hackage, because you would have to
duplicate the code parsing package descriptions and the like eventually.

Do you already have one in mind which (new language) you'd use to fill
such gap because you say I'm interested in replacing existing languages?

The main problem is tons of existing code nobody can rewrite fast.
Thus there are two options:
- stick to old technology and survive
- choose newer one, rewrite everything, and consider missing deadlines

Maybe its only my point of view. But Ruby, PHP etc have batteries
included to create PDF and so on - that's why I keep telling that
consider this to be important (to me only?) and why its hard for me to
consider urweb to be an option for my projects at the moment.

These are my honest concerns.

Marc Weber

Ur mailing list

Re: [Ur] What about a new project - general purpose ur like language which collaborates with existing languages?

2013-11-21 Thread Marc Weber
Excerpts from Adam Chlipala's message of Thu Nov 21 14:25:54 +0100 2013:
 Lately I'm more interested in replacing common programming languages 
 than interoperating with them.
I agree on that. why target language X if you can do better anyway?

Reasons would be avoiding bottle necks while development takes place.
Thus the idea is to make transition to new technology smoother.

Thanks again for your support and ideas. I guess my next urweb related
project would be hack the compile so that a main.js can be generated
which would run on node.js serving as cron-job/scripting case.

That'll take some time. Thanks again for your support.

Marc Weber

Ur mailing list

Re: [Ur] What about a new project - general purpose ur like language which collaborates with existing languages?

2013-11-21 Thread Marc Weber
 Generating PHP or Node.js code defeats the purpose of Ur/Web to be safe
 (and fast) language for the web.
JavaScript is interesting because
- it as gc, thus you can write even desktop application in it
- js is reasonably fast.
- ur already supports JS generation.
And many/many more (never tested any of those).

Languages like Haskell show that it takes quite some time to get
bindings to GTK/QT and so on. That's why escaping at a different
language which already does this could be of interest in some specific

Sometimes you may have to feed a database with many data.
Eg importing data with inserts only to mysql even using PHP makes the
php process idle and mysql run at 100%. And this may take 8h.
I know about mysqlimport and LOAD data as alternative. But even then an
important of huge data sets can take long.

Another use case would be exploring migrations without hacking the
compiler etc.

By targeting js nodejs would be toy, writing applications would be

Thus succeeding in targeting nodejs would turn ur into a general purpose
language fast.

 Maybe some kind of improved FFI would help, but rewriting the whole
 compiler to support generating PHP?
Forget about PHP. Sorry for mentioning it :)
its only interesting for low traffic sites where the customer knowns
how to unzip the code base himself.

Today there is mostly Server/Web. But in the future there will be
clients such as smart phone/windows 8 apps as well google glasses
extensions and the like ..

I care less about source code transformation - as Adam said there may
be tons of tools soon. I care more about how to describe my
program/algorithm so that it can be translated easily with minimal loss
(code size/speed/accuracy)

Marc Weber

Ur mailing list

Re: [Ur] What about a new project - general purpose ur like language which collaborates with existing languages?

2013-11-20 Thread Marc Weber
Excerpts from Adam Chlipala's message of Wed Nov 20 13:55:17 +0100 2013:
 These other ideas are too nebulous to me,
I'd like to see 
  - an artificial language which gets basics right such as knowing about
side effects (monad), can rewrite continuation passing style (js
backend), ..
Has some kind of exception handling. Eg there must be a way 
to catch get_contents('file-which-doesn't-exist.txt)

  - be able to translate behaviour described in such artificial language
to any project I'm working on whatever language that is.
If its Ur/PHP/C/Haskell/Ocaml/Java/JS, so be it

If such would exist all the tooling around ur could be written

Simple playground use cases:
  - parsing snippets / syntax highlighting for Vim/Emacs/jedit
  - encode emails properly (subject, body_html, body_text, list_of_attachements)
returning blob
  - ...

Ur could already be close. Supporting different backends would
require conditional compilation. Some targets eg support latin1_to_utf8,
other's don't.

Business use cases would be translating API sample code accessing an
online service to all the common languages out there including From
PHP,Scala up to tcl.

Eg like haxe I'd like to declare a

# if js
  inline function query(sql : String, continuation: [rows] - m ()){
nodejs.query(sql, continuation);
# else if php
  inline function query(sql, continuation){

but use a compiler which is strong enough to remove the continuation for
backends which don't require it (eg PHP). Haxe already comes close, but
not close enough yet.

Once you have such generic api implemented for different targets
everything else would be simple.

I guess what I'm looking for is still nebulous, but eventually clearer
than before.
Being able to reuse code is key. But sometimes there are constraints
such as must be run in python interpreter ..

AFAIK: ur comes very close, there is only one thing missing: more
backends and spending more time .. ?

Do you know about anything which already comes closer to my goals?
Eg I know that the theorem prover Isabell is able to generate code for
Haskell and ML or such. (I never used it)

 My research group does have some ongoing work on creating tools to make 
 it easier to implement fancy languages like Ur/Web, and I would hope 
 those tools will some day make a good starting point for project(s) like 
 you propose!
Please consider updating this mailinglist about progress/ links/ .. once
in a while.

In your research group there are also students? Do you think they would
love to continue working on such stuff if there was funding ?
Everybody wants to have a living ..

Marc Weber

Ur mailing list

[Ur] What about a new project - general purpose ur like language which collaborates with existing languages?

2013-11-19 Thread Marc Weber
Excerpts from Adam Chlipala's message of Sun Nov 17 13:49:59 +0100 2013:
 I would be looking for input from others on the best ways to modify the 
 Ur/Web tools to support PhoneGap use.
urweb is nice, and it shines if you use it in its solution space.
However real world applications also need
  - migrations
  - may have to connect to multiple databases
(Yes, I know I could reimplement mysql access using C bindings, but
  - ..

and suddenly urweb looks like to lock you in or cause additional
work. Adam is likely to say urweb was written for high traffic ..
I know. Still overall work could be simplified for ordinary projects,
I'd like to stop reinventing the wheel.

The ocaml/urweb like module system is genious:
You can describe an idea, then instantiate a module and use it.

Eg the example BinarySearchTree from
which is a module taking a paremeter of type Comparable and t.

But why stop here? Why not allow to instantiate such a BinarySearchTree
by telling the compile
- which memory management to use
- which target language
- ..

Sample use case assuming an imaginary special C preprocessor would

  // preprocessed by 
  bt = core.BinaryTree (
comparable = ...
target-language: C
target-memory-management: reference-counting

  bt = bt.add (2, text);

  int r = bt.lookup(2)
printf(%d, r);

Continuing in my imagination I see such (for C)

  JS_PARSER_C_1 = js_parser(for-c, use_boehmgc)
  JS_PARSER_C_2 = js_parser(for-c, 


or such for js:

  JS_PARSER_JS = js_parser(for-javascript);

and so on.

I'm getting tired of reimplementing basic things such as maps, parsers.

Do you know about existing work trying to achive this or getting close ?

If it does not exist, what about trying to get funded by kickstarter and
start work on such?

Would anybody join such effort?

Eg on Haskell there have been 2 job offers:
  In a private mail Tom replied that some of the technologies he's the
  job offer talks about might be open source.

  and this
  Haskell (for server)
  objectiv-c and java (for client-side, such as smartphones)

This shows that there are many use cases for such technology.

Yes, I know about ..
But if there is a project which requires using a java library I'd like
to compile the server to JVM and be done.

Eg Paul Phillips recently has quit TypeSafe. He contributed to the
Scala compiler for multiple years. In his interview he said there is an
order in getting things right =

I cannot write a new compiler on my own, but I'd be willing to
contribute to one.

Eg haxe comes close solving the cross platform issue.
But ther are at least two issues such as
- string type is utf-8 (js backend), and byte
  string on almost all other target platforms. thus s[10] means something
  different depending on platform/encoding used. Luckily this doesn't
  matter for .split(',') or the like.
- No callback contination abstraction (other then tha macro based monax
  monad implementation) which rerquires you to rewrite much code if you
  replace 2 by db.query('select ..', call_back) ..

Marc Weber

Ur mailing list

Re: [Ur] callbacks from the c ffi

2012-09-28 Thread Marc Weber
Excerpts from Greg Samsa's message of Fri Sep 28 03:36:58 +0200 2012:
 I've been happily playing with Ur/Web and am pleased with the results so far. 
  One problem I am stuck on however is creating a callback from Ur, in other 
 words, calling a C function that can then call Ur functions.  Unless I am 
 misreading the docs this doesn't seem to be currently supported.
Talk about what you want to do exactly.

 In looking at the generated C code, the api's generated are very
 straight forward, would it be possible to simply call those from a C
 function or would this have unintended consequences?
Take care about memory management .. If you know whether this is fine
you probably have the answer or you get close to it.

Marc Weber

Ur mailing list

[Ur] exploring folders - I still don't get it.

2012-04-16 Thread Marc Weber
Trying to copy paste all the definitions which I think I need to make
the countFields sample from the tutorial work into my own file and
prefixing it by my_ yields this code, and the error shown at the bottom.
Which magic is happening in the standard library I've missed?

Also where exactly is the recursion (repeat until the attribute set has
been processed) happening?
Is it somewhere hidden in the compiler?

Marc Weber


  (* using my_ to get different names from top.ur / top.urs *)

  con my_folder = K == fn r :: {K} =
tf :: ({K} - Type)
- (nm :: Name - v :: K - r :: {K} - [[nm] ~ r] =
tf r - tf ([nm = v] ++ r))
- tf [] - tf r

  fun my_fold [K] [tf :: {K} - Type]
   (f : (nm :: Name - v :: K - r :: {K} - [[nm] ~ r] =
 tf r - tf ([nm = v] ++ r)))
   (i : tf []) [r ::: {K}] (fl : my_folder r) = fl [tf] f i

  structure Folder = struct
  fun nil [K] [tf :: {K} - Type]
  (f : nm :: Name - v :: K - r :: {K} - [[nm] ~ r] =
   tf r - tf ([nm = v] ++ r))
  (i : tf []) = i

  fun cons [K] [r ::: {K}] [nm :: Name] [v :: K] [[nm] ~ r] (my_fold : 
my_folder r)
   [tf :: {K} - Type]
   (f : nm :: Name - v :: K - r :: {K} - [[nm] ~ r] =
tf r - tf ([nm = v] ++ r))
   (i : tf []) = f [nm] [v] [r] (my_fold [tf] f i)

  fun concat [K] [r1 ::: {K}] [r2 ::: {K}] [r1 ~ r2]
  (f1 : my_folder r1) (f2 : my_folder r2)
  [tf :: {K} - Type]
  (f : nm :: Name - v :: K - r :: {K} - [[nm] ~ r] =
   tf r - tf ([nm = v] ++ r))
  (i : tf []) =
  f1 [fn r1' = [r1' ~ r2] = tf (r1' ++ r2)]
 (fn [nm :: Name] [v :: K] [r1' :: {K}] [[nm] ~ r1']
  (acc : [r1' ~ r2] = tf (r1' ++ r2))
  [[nm = v] ++ r1' ~ r2] =
 f [nm] [v] [r1' ++ r2] acc)
 (fn [[] ~ r2] = f2 [tf] f i)

  fun mp [K1] [K2] [f ::: K1 - K2] [r ::: {K1}]
  (my_fold : my_folder r)
  [tf :: {K2} - Type]
  (f : nm :: Name - v :: K2 - r :: {K2} - [[nm] ~ r] =
   tf r - tf ([nm = v] ++ r))
  (i : tf []) =
  my_fold [fn r = tf (map f r)]
  (fn [nm :: Name] [v :: K1] [rest :: {K1}] [[nm] ~ rest] (acc : tf 
(map f rest)) =
  f [nm] [f v] [map f rest] acc)

  open Folder

  fun countFields [ts :: {Type}] (fl : my_folder ts) : int =
  @my_fold [fn _ = int] (fn [nm ::_] [v ::_] [r ::_] [[nm] ~ r] n = n + 
1) 0 fl

  val c:int = countFields [[A = int, B = float, C = string]]

  val main () =
return xml
  head titleHello world!!/title /head
== CODE END ==

  main.ur|59 col 12| 59:58: Unification failure
  || Expression:  countFields [[#A = int, #B = float, #C = string]]
  ||   Have con: 
  || ((tf :: {Type} - Type -
  ||((nm :: Name -
  ||   v :: Type -
  ||r :: {Type} -
  || [[nm = ()] ~ r] = ((tf r) - tf (([nm = v]) ++ r))) -
  ||  ((tf ([])) -
  ||tf ([#A =, #B = Basis.float, #C = Basis.string]
  ||   -
  ||   Need con:
  || Incompatible constructors
  || Have: 
  || ((tf :: {Type} - Type -
  ||((nm :: Name -
  ||   v :: Type -
  ||r :: {Type} -
  || [[nm = ()] ~ r] = ((tf r) - tf (([nm = v]) ++ r))) -
  ||  ((tf ([])) -
  ||tf ([#A =, #B = Basis.float, #C = Basis.string]
  ||   -
  || Need:

Ur mailing list

Re: [Ur] Supporting 'style' attribute securely

2012-04-15 Thread Marc Weber
Excerpts from Adam Chlipala's message of Sun Apr 15 20:12:00 +0200 2012:
 It's just like using eval() in an unsafe way, but Ur/Web rules out 

Can't you just use it as 'external' function and write a binding for
it in .urp files?

So the point is that all problems are known by reading the .urp file?

So this discussion is about both: The urweb compiler and the HTML parser
you wrote to sanitize / verify that user typed well formed HTML?
Thus if a user wants to design his newsletter for a shop he should be
prevented from using div style=something using a milicious url or
the like?

Marc Weber

Ur mailing list

Re: [Ur] First-Class Polymorphism example

2012-04-05 Thread Marc Weber
 You're not far from a correct solution.
Thanks - finally getting this piece feel so good :)

You should consider adding this as optimization to the tutorial because it
explains what @@ is about and it makes the example even nicer.

What about kind polymorphic type level functions?

  con my_id :: K -- K - K
= K1 == fn t :: K1 = t

  con my_id_2 = my_id my_id
  con my_id_3 = my_id

  gives errors:
  main.ur|130| 130:24: Some kind unification variables are undetermined in 

This seems to work?
  Got it, it requires type annotations:
  con my_idX :: K -- K - K = K == my_id
  con my_idY :: K -- K - K = K == my_id my_id

So trivial assignment is not guaranteed to work.
I'm pretty sure this also is a very nice example..

Next thing I want to understand how fold and folder cooperate..

Marc Weber

Ur mailing list

[Ur] First-Class Polymorphism example

2012-04-04 Thread Marc Weber
shows this example:

  type nat = t :: Type - t - (t - t) - t
  val zero : nat = fn [t :: Type] (z : t) (s : t - t) = z
  fun succ (n : nat) : nat = fn [t :: Type] (z : t) (s : t - t) = s (n [t] z 

  val one = succ zero
  val two = succ one
  val three = succ two

  three [int] 0 (plus 1)
  == 3

  three [string]  (strcat !)
  == !!!

Eg the succ function has t in its return type and in it n:nat arg.
So should urweb be able to deduce type of t automatically? Should it be
possible to replace the explicit :: by an implicit t ::: Type ?

Trying to do so I get some unification errors - is it because I removed
some [t] like args incorrectly?

Marc Weber

Ur mailing list

Re: [Ur] playing audio

2012-01-31 Thread Marc Weber
Hi Gergely,

I don't think this is an urweb issue. You should test that

- the sound file is served (AFAIK for binary content the recommendation
  is to use another webserver such as apache, however writing an
  extension returning blobs for urweb should be easy)
  Thus verify that http://your-appp/foo.wav isn't 404 or such.

- make sure that your browser supports the HTML tags.
  (just put everything into a directory and load the file via file:///
  into the browser)

  If this fails you have to find a flash/silverlight/java applet based
  sound player

This way you can track down what is causing the problem.
Good luck.

Marc Weber

Ur mailing list

Re: [Ur] playing audio

2012-01-31 Thread Marc Weber
Excerpts from Gergely Buday's message of Tue Jan 31 14:28:07 +0100 2012:
 It was not a question whether my browser supports the html tags I
 mentioned but they did not compile with urweb in the first place.
Looks like you should add the missing tags to urweb then. Sorry for
misunderstanding you.

Marc Weber

Ur mailing list

Re: [Ur] debugging xml data

2012-01-05 Thread Marc Weber
Excerpts from Gergely Buday's message of Thu Jan 05 16:15:57 +0100 2012:
 I do not know whether there is already written routines for this task,
 but I have written some util functions to help debugging xml values.
 It strips html tags and newlines from already constructed xml data.
Shouldn't we add regex support instead !?

Then this all can be written as replace '[^]*|\n' with '' or the
like ?

Marc Weber

Ur mailing list

Re: [Ur] Bug Report

2011-12-19 Thread Marc Weber
Try something like this:
  form action=your_logout_func_action
input type=button value=logout

I'm not sure I understand this restriction either.
Maybe there is a better explanation.

Marc Weber

Ur mailing list

Re: [Ur] Linking to C Libraries

2011-12-16 Thread Marc Weber
Excerpts from James Parker's message of Sat Dec 17 02:54:32 +0100 2011:
= uw-ruby
the lib.urp shows how to do it.

Marc Weber

Ur mailing list

[Ur] where to put disjointness proof when concatenating two type level records?

2011-12-15 Thread Marc Weber
con con_type_level_record = fn (n :: Name) (n2 :: Name) (t :: Type) (t2 :: 
Type) = [n = t, n2 = t2]

main.ur|141 col 84| 141:100: Couldn't prove field name disjointness
|| Con 1:  [n = ()]
|| Con 2:  [n2 = ()]
|| Hnormed 1:  [n = ()]
|| Hnormed 2:  [n2 = ()]

Can this be done ?

Probably it should look like this: [[n] ~ [n2]]

Marc Weber

Ur mailing list

Re: [Ur] where to put disjointness proof when concatenating two type level records?

2011-12-15 Thread Marc Weber
I remembered correctly: The wiki talks about it:
Constructing a record type taking two names and two types. Because
disjointness can't be proofed at type level it must be done at
expression level.

My goal was to write a type level projection function - but looks like I
can't do it for this reason.

Marc Weber

Ur mailing list

Re: [Ur] where to put disjointness proof when concatenating two type level records?

2011-12-15 Thread Marc Weber
 I don't think there's a good way to implement type-level projection 
 from records.  If you share some of the context where you want to use 
 such an operation, I may be able to suggest an alternate idiomatic 
Still toying around trying to understand more of the concepts and

Marc Weber

Ur mailing list


2011-11-30 Thread Marc Weber
You should tell us which configure line you used. Eg retry using this
explicitly setting installation path:

  ./configure --prefix=$HOME/urweb-install
  make install

Then all the .so files can be found in ~/urweb-install/lib/* or such
You can add ~/urweb-install/bin to PATH and you should be fine.

If it doesn't I can offer an SSH account on which urweb just works.

I don't have time to trouble shoot the issue right now.

Marc Weber

Ur mailing list


2011-11-30 Thread Marc Weber
Excerpts from sampath kirupa shankar's message of Thu Dec 01 00:20:34 +0100 
 please let me know what to do? I am a very eager student.and want to work 
 on ur/Web.thank you

You have to understand that
- urweb creates a .c file and then
- compiles it using gcc

The compilation result of the .c file is then linked against precompiled
code, shared or static libraries. In this stage a lot of unresolved
references occur for whatever reason. Reasons may be the linker picking
the wrong libraries or not finding them at all. If you're eager you
can now study C and its compilation toolchain for weeks. Exporting
  export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib/urweb
may just work - or it may not.

What to do? Find the .ml code in urweb running gcc. Add some debugging/
trace statements so that you know exactly how gcc and the linker are
invoked - then try to reproduce the errors show above in command line
then try to fix them.

Get a operating system distribution supporting urweb such as nixos
linux - or give me your SSH pub key - then I'll grant you access to a
SSH account supporting urweb - then you can get started instantly.

By the way: Writing in UPPER case is considered SHOUTING - and is very
uncommon - maybe even discouraged. Its used by SPAM mails too often.

Marc Weber

Ur mailing list

Re: [Ur] 1/0 stopping server?

2011-11-28 Thread Marc Weber
 I'd the say the problem is that the resulting binary has even the possibility 
 crashing because of this kind of problem. Exiting with a stack-trace would be 
 fine, but there is no reason the main process should exit just because in 
Yes - I know we don't have stack traces.
I'll open a ticket - because this crashing the server should be fixed.

About Haskell you're right: But you can catch those issues and do both:
show an error message to the user and send an email to the maintainer of
the web-app..

Marc Weber

Ur mailing list

[Ur] ur ready for writing offline apps on windows?

2011-11-28 Thread Marc Weber
Do you feel its suicide to use urweb for creating desktop based applications 
accessing local database data (offline)
for Windows? Obviously the app would run in a localhost:XXX browser
window then.

Has anybody thought about making urweb udpate database schemes
automatically? Then people can upgrade without knowing about database
schemes? Which would be the best way to implement it?

I'd just add a version table keeping data about updates.
If there are newer scheme files = run updates before checking 
that the database still fits the scheme compiled into the application.

Do you see any problems except compiling everything on Windows?

Marc Weber

Ur mailing list

[Ur] MY_ORD = resolving eq class instance / functor?

2011-11-28 Thread Marc Weber
How to make this work?

Trying to understand how classes must be used:

signature MY_ORD = sig
  class strict_less
  val lt : t ::: Type - strict_less t - t - t - bool
  val le : t ::: Type - strict_less t - t - t - bool

structure My_Ord : MY_ORD = struct
  class strict_less a = a - a - bool
  fun lt [a] (f: strict_less a) (x:a) (y:a) = f x y
  (* causing Can't resolve type class instance 
 Class constraint:  Basis.eq a
  fun le [a] (f: strict_less a) (x:a) (y:a) = f x y || x = y

The le implementation does not know which eq implementation to use ?
Is using functor the way to go?

I can't trivially apply the max sample from:

Marc Weber

Ur mailing list

Re: [Ur] MY_ORD = resolving eq class instance / functor?

2011-11-28 Thread Marc Weber
Excerpts from Adam Chlipala's message of Mon Nov 28 15:19:04 +0100 2011:
 Perhaps it would be useful for you to review the concept of type classes 
 in Haskell.  They are very similar in Ur.
I know the Haskell concept inside out. I'm still new to ur :)

 Two solutions that come to mind:
 1) Add an [eq a] argument to [le].
That's what the tutorial did?
Does work now. Sorry for the noise.
Don't know what I did wrong previously.

 2) Extend the definition of [strict_less a] to contain an [eq a], too.  
 (Though this seems to create some dissonance with the words strict less!)
That would have been

structure My_Ord
  class strict_less a = (eq a) - a - a - bool

I hopefully finally got it. Thanks.

Marc Weber

Ur mailing list

Re: [Ur] MY_ORD = resolving eq class instance / functor?

2011-11-28 Thread Marc Weber
Excerpts from Adam Chlipala's message of Mon Nov 28 23:57:50 +0100 2011:
 No, it would be a pair of values, like
  eq a * (a - a - bool)
 or perhaps a record would be nicer.
Does it make a difference passing a - b or (a * b) or {A = a, B = b} ?
For readability only?

Marc Weber

Ur mailing list

Re: [Ur] stateful structure?

2011-11-03 Thread Marc Weber
 Is it possible to write a monad in ur?
Of course it is. Search the mailinglist. There has been some discussion
about it because there are some sealed monads meaning you can't
reuse the definition - but you could duplicate them.

 hash in ur?
ur has more powerful features: type checked dictionaries.

If you want to find out whether ur provides hash like structures
I'd grep for option because there must be a function returning either
a value of a key or nothing.

If it does not exist it can be implemented easily using data types.
Eg have a look at Haskell's source and the Map type:
You can click on the Source links.

I don't know exactly whether ur ships with such an implementation. Would
be trivial to write though.

Marc Weber

Ur mailing list

Re: [Ur] Compiling code at runtime

2011-10-07 Thread Marc Weber
Excerpts from Anand Patil's message of Fri Oct 07 19:08:43 +0200 2011:
 I'm wondering about Ur/Web's suitability as a compilation target for
 scripting languages that are used from a web console. As a very simple
 example, I'd like to write an Ur/Web web application featuring a text
 entry field, in which users can paste Ur programs (perhaps using only
 a subset of Ur), which are then compiled and executed. How feasible
 would this be?

The only way to run ur dynamically is by
- compiling ur
- invoking ur
using kind of proxying

There is no eval like function. In theory the JS backend is using kind
of interpreter so eventually it would be doable in some way.o

It would definitely require some internal changes because the list of
urls urweb apps reply to is hardcoded in the .c files currently

You may want to wait until someone else with deeper knowledge confirms
or corrects my statements.

Marc Weber

Ur mailing list

Re: [Ur] 4th day on working on demo

2011-07-21 Thread Marc Weber
postgresql setup: follow any howto. Then

createdb NAME
psql NAME # does this work?
# load dump:
psql  dump.sql # dump.sql is created by urweb

Then configure your urweb app to use database NAME.

If you want to learn more about the postgresql authentication you have
to read the manual (pdf).

If you run urweb using standalone there should not be that much about
authentication to worry about?

This all has not much to do with urweb. Its only about how to connect
to postgresql database.

If you still can't connect to urweb ping me on, channel
#ur, nickname MarcWeber and I'll try to help you get started.

Marc Weber

Ur mailing list

[Ur] last type decl wins?

2011-04-12 Thread Marc Weber
Should this be rejected?

You can put this into a .ur file top level and still compile it!?

type type_int = int
val y:type_int = 2
type type_int = string
val x:type_int = o

type_int is assigned int and string!

Or am I totally missunderstanding something here?

Marc Weber

Ur mailing list

Re: [Ur] A direction for Ur/Web

2011-03-26 Thread Marc Weber
Excerpts from Adam Chlipala's message of Sat Mar 26 18:56:48 +0100 2011:
 I don't understand which hypothetical design structure of an Ur/Web 
 library you are considering here.  What do you want to do and what do 
 you think would go wrong?

If you use PHP, Ruby, Plone, any dynamic CMS you have a directory called

If you look into it you find 

html{ var here }/html

like syntax.

So this is very very easy for anybody to customize. You don't even have
to know the language the CMS was written in.

Urweb can't do this easily - because everything is compile time.

Now of course you could rewrite the urweb compiler using ur processing
templates at runtime .. That's what I had in mind. in mind does not
mean I want to code it.
It was an attepmt to find out what Gergely had in mind exactly by
providing some ideas because his description about configurability was
not accurate when thinking about what can commonly be done using PHP CMS
systems.  If you let your customers edit the templates you also have to
refuse all kind of guarantees - but that's another story :)

 I'm sure many people use WordPress without being prepared to write any 
 PHP code from scratch.  To me, it doesn't seem crazy that a similar 
 situation could be created for an Ur/Web library, especially when 
 equipped with a GUI for configuration.

Well - all PHP tools which are used by mainstream have this setup:

  1) upload to www directory
  2) run in browser, configure database access, provide admin password, ..
  3) remove /setup direcotry or file

Now setting up the admin password can be done trivially - but not
setting up database connection.

You're right that urweb could go another way: offer a website which
precompiles a binary after database access data has been entered.
Then the binary can be uploaded .. (this means they have to trust your
site doing the compilation ...)

Of course this all can be done - but on job market places you commonly
see requests like
- got code from page xy
- now make these adjustments: ... (change logo ,add flash ,integrate ...)

And this kind of job is easy using PHP (at least those people buying the
codes may have the impression. However I can't imagine how this
customization takes place without starting a business around urweb
offering exactly that: customizations.

Marc Weber

Ur mailing list

Re: [Ur] [PATCH] Allow alt attribute on img

2011-01-24 Thread Marc Weber
Excerpts from Karn Kallio's message of Mon Jan 24 22:02:30 +0100 2011:
 The possibility of an Ur/Web application generating invalid XHTML ( such as 
 empty lists ) has come up on this list before ... in cases such as list 
 nesting the programmer can produce code that does not do that.  But the image 
 element requires an alt attribute and currently Ur/Web does not allow one.  
 The programmer cannot both use images and avoid invalid XHTML.
 Adding an optional alt attribute allows the programmer the choice.

If you managed to understand how this all works in detail explain it to
me so that I can use a DTD of XHTML to generate correct rules (minor
some practical changes such as allowing ul/ul)

Marc Weber

Ur mailing list

Re: [Ur] Announcing an OpenID library

2011-01-05 Thread Marc Weber
Excerpts from Adam Chlipala's message of Sun Jan 02 17:33:50 +0100 2011:
 P.S.: I noticed that, the last time I announced repos for separate 
It was me. I missed that. I thought the static
page was static and I never looked for changes.
I'm going to remove them adding a pointer to the static page instead.

Marc Weber

Ur mailing list

Re: [Ur] little benchmark on querying a table only

2010-12-20 Thread Marc Weber
Excerpts from Gian Perrone's message of Mon Dec 20 08:34:23 +0100 2010:
 I see.  Is the server and client running on the same machine?  If they
 are, I can't see that as being a particularly valid test.
yes. I don't see why this would make the test totally useless?
Caching may take place. Usually I run the same test multiple times
eg PHP - Ur - PHP - Ur
If the first and second run differ significantly I hit something you
described. But this time I didn't.
I reran the test using 10,000 rows:
  urweb:  24.816 tota
  php:0.502 total

This time I even used 

$s .= ...
instead of echo ...; in PHP.
its still faster.
Adding ob_start(); (output caching) doesn't make a big difference.

Of course you don't serve 10,000 rows usually.

I also retried with one row only. Then the difference gets smaller.

So the speed difference occurs somewhere from querying to concatenating
the output.

Marc Weber

Ur mailing list

Re: [Ur] little benchmark on querying a table only

2010-12-20 Thread Marc Weber
Excerpts from Chris Double's message of Mon Dec 20 09:56:27 +0100 2010:
 I tried a quick version that uses an 'each' instead of a of a
 temporary list. Unfortunately my initial attempt resulted in a program
 that never seems to complete compilation. See mantis issue 44.

Adams reply on mantis:

  This is an undocumented behavior of the optimizer, which tries to
  remove all uses of higher-order functions. For your example, this
  involves building a version of [each] for every possible argument,
  which of course includes 1000 different possibilities here! If you
  separate [f] into a separate argument, and put it first (since the
  optimizer only specializes a prefix of initial arguments with
  function types), then everything works fine.

Nevertheless its unsatisfactory that the compiler doesn't stop/  fail in
reasonable time.

If there is an easy way aborting in such case (where its known that
there are 1000+ cases - can you make the compiler fail ?)

It always is a lot better to have a message which tells you what was
going wrong.

I didn't find a way to add a comment to that issue.

Marc Weber

Ur mailing list

Re: [Ur] little benchmark on querying a table only

2010-12-20 Thread Marc Weber
Excerpts from Marc Weber's message of Mon Dec 20 23:19:37 +0100 2010:
 Excerpts from Chris Double's message of Mon Dec 20 09:56:27 +0100 2010:
  I tried a quick version that uses an 'each' instead of a of a
  temporary list. Unfortunately my initial attempt resulted in a program
  that never seems to complete compilation. See mantis issue 44.

Adams reply on mantis:
   This is an undocumented behavior of the optimizer, which tries to
   remove all uses of higher-order functions. For your example, this
   involves building a version of [each] for every possible argument,
   which of course includes 1000 different possibilities here! If you
   separate [f] into a separate argument, and put it first (since the
   optimizer only specializes a prefix of initial arguments with
   function types), then everything works fine.

Another question: Does ml provide some profiling ? Or how do you find
out where the compiler is spending most time?

Did you use this: ?

Marc Weber

Ur mailing list

Re: [Ur] simple example about constructing rects - guarded types?

2010-12-20 Thread Marc Weber
Excerpts from Marc Weber's message of Mon Dec 20 02:41:06 +0100 2010:

I've tried summarizing the examples on the wiki - because they
illustrate several features:
- type level function yielding a function creating an expression
- disjointness annotations

In which way is this related to the
e! guarded expression application?

Marc Weber

Ur mailing list

Re: [Ur] simple example about constructing rects - guarded types?

2010-12-20 Thread Marc Weber
Excerpts from Adam Chlipala's message of Tue Dec 21 00:42:14 +0100 2010:
 Marc Weber wrote:
  In which way is this related to the
  e! guarded expression application?
 The points where these need to be inserted are usually inferred.

The demos make use of it multiple times:

./more/bulkEdit.ur|46| (fn user = dml (update [map fst visible] !
./more/versioned.ur|50| (SQL t.{nm} = {[v]} AND {e [[nm = t] ++ after] !}))
./more/versioned.ur|53| [_] !
./more/dbgrid.ur|385| val wholeRow = @Folder.concat ! M.keyFolder M.rowFolder
./more/dbgrid.ur|406| (WHERE T.{nm} = {...@sql_inject meta.Inj v} AND {exp [[nm 
= t] ++ rest] !}))
./more/dbgrid.ur|409| [_] !
./more/conference.ur|353| dml (update [map fst] ! (ensql r 
./more/orm.ur|73| ++ acc [[nm = ts] ++ after] !)
./more/orm.ur|76| [[Id = (id, row)]] !

Or do those ! have a different meaning?

eg the first line is using update

I've tried adding the ! everywhere at the examples you posted. But nothing 

Marc Weber

Ur mailing list

[Ur] simple example about constructing rects - guarded types?

2010-12-19 Thread Marc Weber
I want to build a simple type constructor: It takes two names and two
types and should build the record type {name1 = type1, name2 = type2}

So this is the trivial implementation (?)

con build_record :: Name  - Name   - Type  - Type  - {Type}
  = fn  (a::Name)   (b::Name)  (c::Type) (d::Type) = [ a = c ] 
++ [ b = d]

And of course urweb can't proof that name1 differs from name2:

  typeexperiments.ur|16 col 69| 16:78: Couldn't prove field name disjointness
  || Con 1:  [a = ()]
  || Con 2:  [b = ()]
  || Hnormed 1:  [a = ()]
  || Hnormed 2:  [b = ()]

So how to fix is? Is this a case where guarded types must be used?
I couldn't find out how to apply it here.

Also looking at this example:

  con rr :: {Type} = [One = int, Two = string, Three = bool, Four = list float] 

  val q : int = @@fold [fn (rx :: {Type}) = (int)]
  (fn [nm :: Name] [t :: Type] [r :: {Type}] [[nm] ~ r] acc = 
1 + acc)
  (0) [rr] (_ : folder rr)

I don't understand why the arguments of the fn lambda are put in square

Is this the polymorphic function abstraction:
  lambda [x ? kappa] = e

which is listed in the expression section of the manual?

Marc Weber

Ur mailing list

[Ur] segmentation fault when inserting 10000 instead of 1000 rows?

2010-12-19 Thread Marc Weber
segfault occurs using both: http and fastcgi implementation.
code: (this replace Enum
module by ur implementation only which still segfaults).

Replacing the fill function by this variant (using 1 instead of 1000) makes 
it segfault:

  fun fill () =
  dml (DELETE FROM t WHERE 1=1); ( fn i =
(nv - nextval s;
(dml (INSERT INTO t (Id, S1, S2, S3, S4) VALUES ({[nv]}, {[S1]}, 
{[S2]}, {[S3]}, {[S4]}
  ) ( 0 10);
  return (page fill xmldone/xml)

However this works:

  fun fill () =
  dml (DELETE FROM t WHERE 1=1);
  max - return 1; ( fn i =
(nv - nextval s;
(dml (INSERT INTO t (Id, S1, S2, S3, S4) VALUES ({[nv]}, {[S1]}, 
{[S2]}, {[S3]}, {[S4]}
  ) ( 0 max);
  return (page fill xmldone {[max]}/xml)

(The difference is that I assign max to 1 and output it after done)

So its the second bad behaviour I found using urweb using maybe non
idiomatic code.

If urweb should be used in production there is still a long way to go. A
comprehensive test suite is missing which catches some cases.

A type system catching most bugs upfront doesn't help me if the
resulting application does not behave the way it should.

So who is interested in stress testing urweb?
Which is the best way to setup test suites which will catch regression
in the future? Even if urweb behaves correctly gcc might introduce a bug
- and I really don't want customers to find them.

Marc Weber

Ur mailing list

Re: [Ur] segmentation fault when inserting 10000 instead of 1000 rows?

2010-12-19 Thread Marc Weber
 So who is interested in stress testing urweb?
 Which is the best way to setup test suites which will catch regression
 in the future? Even if urweb behaves correctly gcc might introduce a bug
 - and I really don't want customers to find them.

I added ticket 43 to mantis. I gave priority major because I feel this
is the weakest point of the whole urweb system.

Marc Weber

Ur mailing list

Re: [Ur] little benchmark on querying a table only

2010-12-19 Thread Marc Weber
Excerpts from Gian Perrone's message of Mon Dec 20 07:58:21 +0100 2010:
 I'm not sure how one is meant to interpret these results, exactly, but
 I'm not convinced that PHP _is_ faster according to the benchmark you've
 posted there.  The 'user' and 'system' values are smaller for the Ur
 implementations.  What is the final 'total' column meant to mean?  I
 thought the output from 'ab' indicated how many requests you can serve
 per second in total, and hence a larger number in the final column would
 be better?

Its the time output of zsh. ab is the benchmark tool which ships with
apache. So you don't see the CPU time of the server process, but the one
of the benchmark tool. The total time is the time it takes until you
see the shell prompt again.
I also compared with http -t20 and -c 10 (concurrency). Apache + PHP was
a lot faster as well.

PHP time drops very fast if you start load configuration options loading
classes. In a real application urweb would outperform PHP very fast.

Marc Weber

Ur mailing list

[Ur] Wiki: Polymorphic_Variants_Usage_Example

2010-12-17 Thread Marc Weber

(* The commented out functions below do not compile .. the Medium constructor 
is not polymorphic;
 * it must decide on one of temp or size type

If you replace the first Medium by _ it compiles.
do those constructors Hot, Medium, Cold, Large, Small share the same
namepsace? If not can I identify the first medium somehow, eg

If so declaration should be prohibited. If its not - why 

fun tempvalue temp =
case temp of
Hot = 10
  | Medium = 5 (* replace Medium by _ and it compiles *)
  | Cold = 1

fun sizevalue size =
case size of
Large = 8
  | Medium = 4
  | Small = 2

From reading the definitions in basis.urs I find it hard to find out how
to use them.  How do you think about comments like this:

(* See manual or

Or do you think this kind of documentation will break thus causing more
trouble than value?

Marc Weber

Ur mailing list

Re: [Ur] SQL error using sqlite

2010-12-16 Thread Marc Weber

I should have taken more care reading the message.

Excerpts from Adam Chlipala's message of Thu Dec 16 16:04:29 +0100 2010:
 BTW, this turns out not to have anything to do with SQLite.  I expect 
 the same error would show up with the other DBMSes.  All of them are 
 meant to be supported soundly by Ur/Web.

The concepts of sequnces (pg) and autoinc (mysql) are very different.
Eg in PG you can have OIDS (auto value which is not an incrementing
number). I don't know how to implement this in MySQL off my head.
(Using triggers would be a way - but does mysql_last_id() return it?)

That's why I'm not sure whether urweb can (and wants!) to support all
RDBMS in the same way.

In fact you must write special code. Eg MySQL allows REPLACE INTO
which es very convenient to use - but isn't (and won't be) supported by
PG for transactional reasons or such.

I'm pretty sure you can use MySQL to write something up which behaves
like sequences - but its not the native autoinc solution.
Unfortunately code is not that portable.

I didn't even try how well MySQL or sqlite works yet. I saw that urweb
supports sequences concluding incomplete MySQL support - which may have
been a false (but definitely healthy :) assumption.

 P.S.: It can be hard to tell whether a message is a bug report, a 
 question, or a discussion starter.  This one seems like a bug report 
 to me, in which case it's more convenient for me if it's opened as an 
 issue in the Ur Mantis, rather than sent to the mailing list.  In 
 general, if you can get a parse error from GCC or a DBMS, then it's a 
 bug. :)  (Except in some cases where you use the FFI to do obscene things)
That's why we post first letting you judge. Discussing issues is more
convenient here.
I tested the following quotings for table names:

  MYSQL: use `foo-bar` or `foo bar`
  sqlite: use foo bar
  postgresql: use foo bar

Marc Weber

Ur mailing list

[Ur] How to implement top-level id function f a = a ?

2010-12-16 Thread Marc Weber
I tried solving the following task: Write function which maps a function
a - b on all values of a record. Because I still have a to try and
error :) I tried splitting the task into pieces:

1) I started using a simple map only (works):
val app : a ::: Type - b ::: Type - (a - b) - a - b
fun app [a] [b] f v1 = f v1 

2) create an id function ensuring the argument is a record.
However I didn't get to trying to ensure its a record because
this test case fails:

  == main.urs ==
  val main : unit - transaction page
  val recIdTopLevel: a ::: Type - a - a

  == main.ur ==
  fun recIdTopLevel [a] b = b

  fun main () : transaction page =
  fun recId [a ::: Type] (b:a) : a = b
  return xmlhead/head
{[ (recId 7) ]} ok
{[ (recIdTopLevel 7) ]} fails see below

main.ur|41 col 14| 41:27: Substitution in constructor is blocked by a 
too-deep unification variable
|| Replacement:  UNIF:U127::UNIF:X
||Body:  (UNIF:P::Type - UNIF:P::Type)

Note: recIdTopLevel and recId should behave the same way.
However only recId compiles (?!)

I'm sure I'm missing something obvious again - or nobody ever tried
writing a simple id function before (?)

Is this a bug?

Marc Weber

Ur mailing list

Re: [Ur] CMS like features ? unsafe XML - encodings?

2010-12-15 Thread Marc Weber
Excerpts from Adam Chlipala's message of Wed Dec 15 15:35:32 +0100 2010:
 types), then simple code like this gets the job done.

  If we are at it: Does it make sense to encode the encoding of a string

 Maybe so, but I'm woefully underinformed about encodings.  The last time 
 I looked into this, I think my conclusion was that sticking with UTF-8 
 could please everybody reasonably well.

Let me quote two lines from gians blog code:

Body = {Nam = Entry Body,
  Show = (fn b = xml{[if strlen b  25 then 
substring b 0 25 else b]}.../xml),

I don't expect C's substring to be UTF-8 aware. In UTF-8 some bytes may
be represented by up to 4 bytes.

And for PDF files there may be a difference - because non-UTF8 fonts
shipped with the viewers in the past - so .pdf files can be smaller.
That is no longer mandatory for the future - however it still seems to
work. But that's a corner case. So for now that case is not important

Eg In Haskell you could use phantom types:

  data UTF8
  data ISOXX

  data Buffer a = Buffer  String

  let x : (Buffer UTF8) = Buffer text

  class ConcatStrs a b c | a,b - c where
concat :: Buffer a - Buffer b - Buffer c

  instance ConcatStrs a a a where
-- same encoding: trivial

  By not providing an instance for ConcatStrs UTF8 ISOXX you disallow
  concatenating them.

Marc Weber

Ur mailing list

Re: [Ur] Handling POST requests that aren't from forms

2010-12-15 Thread Marc Weber
Excerpts from Chris Double's message of Wed Dec 15 09:40:40 +0100 2010:
 How can I write something in Ur/Web to handle this POST?

Whatever the result of this discussion is - do you mind adding it to the
a FAQ on the wiki?

Marc Weber

Ur mailing list

Re: [Ur] json implementation - need some help understanding what's happening here?

2010-12-14 Thread Marc Weber
Excerpts from Marc Weber's message of Tue Dec 14 17:26:51 +0100 2010:
 1) map json?
   Now: What does map json exacly mean? What does mapping over a class
   (json is a class?) do?
just got that part. It gets the class for a record type.

Marc Weber

Ur mailing list

[Ur] CMS like features ? unsafe XML - encodings?

2010-12-14 Thread Marc Weber
Many web applications are using kind of

  xml += div#{xml_content_from_db}/div;

which of course is unsafe. Which is the urweb way?
Is there a blessXml function ?

How can you render unsafe xml in a page?

I had a look at the only listed application on the wiki:

But it seems to be using kind of markup. Neither does it compile.
Something broke it. Last change was in 2009.

Which is the urweb way storing xml in a database and including it into a

If we are at it: Does it make sense to encode the encoding of a string

Eg Ruby 1.9 fixed the encoding hell by disallowing concatenating
different encodings etc - of course nothing is typed statically.

You do something liket this:

which means assume its UTF-8, then encode as ISO-..

Encoding and xml validation has one in common: maybe invalid code may be
taken out of a database - and ur should be able to use it and pass it
over to the user.

Marc Weber

Ur mailing list

[Ur] --- operator

2010-12-13 Thread Marc Weber
Although I fully understand what it does I still don't know how .ur code
looks like which uses --- operator.

Can someone just replace the (* now drop AA .. *) comment by working
code so that I can learn how this is done?
In which way would the existing typing rule have helped me figuring out
what to place there?

  val rc1rc2 = {AA = 7, B = 8}

  val r = rc1rc2 --- (* now drop AA using --- operator *)

  (*  using -- would be:  rc1rc2 -- #AA *)


Marc Weber

Ur mailing list

Re: [Ur] Using Ur/Web to create standalone JS applications

2010-12-12 Thread Marc Weber
Well - do they say something about bandwidth?
Using modem speed you can have unlitimed traffic - and you still can't
serve your customers.

Eg Germany - Korea makes a big difference. linode is about 10 times
faster than xencon.
So comparing different hosting services is not always easy.

Some even let you buy additional traffic.

Which kind of application do you have in mind where this really matters?
Maybe we can help you find an alternative (Eg Amazon cloud like stuff)

You are not specific enough. Which web application do you have in mind?

Marc Weber

Ur mailing list

Re: [Ur] Using Ur/Web to create standalone JS applications

2010-12-12 Thread Marc Weber
Excerpts from Adam Chlipala's message of Sun Dec 12 17:29:17 +0100 2010:
 If you still like it and lack of super-cheap hosting services is an 
 issue, we may be able to work out some VPS sharing on this list.  I 
 wouldn't necessarily be against subsidizing a big chunk of the cost, if 
 the language, tools, and community are being advanced.

I put up the summary on this page:

I'd be willing to help supporting urweb users as well.

So unless you do something like its very unlikely that
hosting will be a constraint (unless your customer imposes them)

Marc Weber

Ur mailing list

[Ur] More questions

2010-12-12 Thread Marc Weber

  Is using mapM the best choice?
  Haskell has sequence or sequence_
  Anyway: No inserts take place. What am I doing wrong?

fun speed_test_insert () =
val numbers = 1 10
dml (DELETE FROM st WHERE 1 = 1);
list - (List.mapM (fn i = dml (INSERT INTO st (Id, A, B, C) VALUES 
({[i]}, {[TEXT A]}, {[TEXT B]}, {[TEXT C]}) ) ) numbers);
return (page refreshed xml{[show numbers]}/xml)

  Tree demo:
  A witness that key belongs to the type class sql_injectable_prim,
  which indicates that both key and option key are fair game to use with SQL

  What does this exactly mean?
  Anyway: What about documenting that in basis.urs?

Marc Weber

Ur mailing list

Re: [Ur] More questions

2010-12-12 Thread Marc Weber
Excerpts from Adam Chlipala's message of Mon Dec 13 00:16:13 +0100 2010:
 Marc Weber wrote:
 I don't see any obvious problem in the above that would lead to no rows 
 being inserted, but I don't know which code for [] you have in 
 mind.  I'd guess there's a bug where it's returning an empty list.

The code can be found in the library playground (- wiki).
You can see that I added {[show numbers]} and the page showed

  0 :: 1 :: 2  [...] :: 10 :: Nil

or such.

postgresql server says:

LOG:  execute uw2: DELETE FROM uw_Main_st AS T_T WHERE (1::int8 = 1::int8)
LOG:  execute uw3: INSERT INTO uw_Main_st (uw_A, uw_B, uw_C, uw_Id) VALUES 
(E'TEXT A'::text, E'TEXT B'::text, $1::text, (- 20::int8))
DETAIL:  parameters: $1 = '1 :: 2 :: 3 :: 4 :: 5 :: 6 :: 7 :: 8 :: 9 :: 10 
:: []'
LOG:  statement: COMMIT

for this code (pay attention to the last lonely INSERT which inserts the
list itself to proof that its not empty):

  table st : {Id : int, A : string, B: string, C: string}

  fun speed_test_insert () =
  val numbers = 1 10
  dml (DELETE FROM st WHERE 1 = 1);
  list - (List.mapM (fn i = dml (INSERT INTO st (Id, A, B, C) VALUES 
({[i]}, {[TEXT A]}, {[TEXT B]}, {[TEXT C]}) ) ) numbers);
  dml (INSERT INTO st (Id, A, B, C) VALUES (-20, {[TEXT A]}, {[TEXT 
B]}, {[show numbers]}) );
  return (page refreshed xml{[show numbers]}/xml)

So would you mind running the same test on your machine?

 BTW, you could write [TRUE] instead of [1 = 1].  IMO, it's slightly 
 nicer looking.

I'd say ur could support DELETE without dummy where. That would be even
prettier :)

 Tree demo:
 A witness that key belongs to the type class sql_injectable_prim,
 which indicates that both key and option key are fair game to use 
  with SQL
 What does this exactly mean?
 [sql_injectable] is an abstract type family.  This means that its 
[...] I'll delay trying to understand all details. I tried asking: Why
is this line necessary. I would have no chance coming up with that line
myself. Shouldn't the information whether a key is nullable be encoded
in the type ?

The code looks like this:

functor Make(M : sig
 type key
 val key_inj : sql_injectable_prim key

Marc Weber

Ur mailing list

[Ur] what about adding short documentation to core library (.urs files)

2010-12-12 Thread Marc Weber
Hi list,

  I feel the lib/ur/*.urs files should contain a little bit more

  Eg there is incl.urs - and I still have no idea what it is about at all.
  Everybody knows what option.urs is about. But what does mem.urs contain?

  Having short names is fine. I'd still appreciate having a short
  description such as

  (* option.urs: This file contains additional functions supporting the
 option type which either holds a value or doesn't *)

  Then you get an idea about wheter you want to learn more about that code
  or not immediately.

Has anyone already written kind of hash / map ?

Marc Weber

Ur mailing list

Re: [Ur] More questions

2010-12-12 Thread Marc Weber
Excerpts from Adam Chlipala's message of Mon Dec 13 01:33:11 +0100 2010:
gcc-4.4.3 (-O0)
It only prints Outer once.

Should I also try other gcc versions?

 With my GCC (and presumably with Marc's, too), it prints only one line 
 of output, though I was expecting two.  It seems GCC is dropping certain 
 side effects that occur inside struct initializers in certain contexts.  
 That is the root cause of the dropped SQL side effects from the larger 
So I'm happy that I didn't try debugging it.
This kind of external issue is something which should be catched by test
suites. That's why we should start one. New gcc versions will be
released. Code will break. We don't want live systems to catch them.

 My reasoning here was that it would be way too easy to accidentally 
 delete all rows from a table.  The need to include an explicit 'WHERE' 
 clause is a kind of are you sure? prompt.
Nobody else will propose this again :)

Thank you!
Marc Weber

Ur mailing list

Re: [Ur] Using Ur/Web to create standalone JS applications

2010-12-11 Thread Marc Weber
Hi Vag,

you may want to consider reading the posts on the archive which were
posted within the last days. A Very similar question was asked.
Adam's reply was something like:

- JS could be done - but nobody spent time on it yet ( The question was about v8
  using js on the server side)
  It seems that you have to persuade him to do so.

- PHP ? Have fun. You probably really don't want it for speed reasons.
  (I know there are other reasons - so I see the value - but I also
  think that getting more examples / tutorials / libraries up and
  runinng is much more important)
  Because you can already generate JS - generating PHP would be doable.
  If you want this maybe try HaXe, it can already generate PHP - but you
  can't compare it to Ur/web

Adam: I hope this reply reflects your attitude. It may be worth to
create a wiki page labeled FAQ ?

Marc Weber

Ur mailing list

[Ur] urweb-library playground - and question about how to complete implemention of enum like class

2010-12-11 Thread Marc Weber
Excerpts from Adam Chlipala's message of Wed Dec 08 23:17:34 +0100 2010:
 There's already a non-trivial standard library in the compiler 
 distribution.  I'm also planning to take that meta.tgz tarball I 
 linked to and turn it into a supplementary standard library specific to 
 metaprogramming (and yes, I'll add a public Mercurial repo Real Soon Now).

You're right, That's why I changed the meaning.

Also pay attention to its description:
quoting myself: 
  code which could be moved into the core library later. Contact MarcWeber using the
  github page to get push / commit access I would have liked to create a
  repository which is easier to get access to (eg by registering at github
  only) But I didn't find a way. I'm fine with creating a more neutral
  name such as later if several users start contributing.
  (I also tried gitorious - but got yet another I'm sorry error .. )

Hope that's fine to everyone for now. I'm willing to change everything -
but for now I use what I'm used to - which works best for me.
So join this effort and let's create some useful code everybody can use.

I also added a test branch. It adds the functions next and prev
to enum - howver it doesn't compile. What am I doing wrong?

== .urs file ==
  class enum

  val mkEnum  : a ::: Type - {ToInt   : a - int,
   FromInt : int - a } - enum a

== .ur file ==

class enum a = { ToInt   : a - int,
 FromInt : int - a,
  Next: a - a,
  Prev: a - a

val mkEnum [a] (x : { ToInt   : a - int,
  FromInt : int - a }) =
{ ToInt   = fn a = x.ToInt a
, FromInt = fn a = x.FromInt a
, Next= fn a = x.ToInt (x.FromInt (a + 1))
, Prev= fn a = x.ToInt (x.FromInt (a - 1))

I try to derive next, prev using FromInt, ToInt.
There may exist optimized versions.
Is it even worth allowing passing those optimized versions - if so how
would this be done?

In Haskell this all is only:

class MyEnm a where
  toInt : a - Int
  fromInt : Int - a

  -- note how next and prev is using toInt and fromInt which will be
  -- defined in instances below
  next : a - a
  next = fromInt . (+1) . toInt
  prev : a - a
  prev = fromInt . (-1) . toInt

instance MyEnm  Int where
  toInt = id
  fromInt = id
  -- prev, next already defined above. But optimized versions could be
  -- specified here

If I look at the amount of code I have to write Haskell wins.

Marc Weber

Ur mailing list

[Ur] Howto make urweb generate invalid XHTML code?

2010-12-11 Thread Marc Weber
Embed the result of this function into your xml. Eg

fun lis lis =
ul id=otnh
  { List.mapX (fn (i) = xmlli{[i]}/li/xml) lis }

embed this xml into your main xml code:

{lis (Nil: list int)}br/

Eg try this validator:

(The html file was generated and uploaded to my server previously)

What's the issue?


without li tags is not allowed according to XHTML.
I agree that its very hard / impossible to check. Eg this would require
special list types which ensure having at least one element or
generating different HTML eg

0 elements:
lino elements/li

vs 1+ elements:

lifirst element/li

Without such different handling for the empty list case you end up
trying to proof this case:

  items - queryCol (a sql query);
  return xml
{lis items}

whose validness depends on the state of the database.

I don't want to blame ur. I'm glad that it makes an exception.

Anyway I think the manual should tell about such corner cases. ur/web
should be honest to its users if possible. A footnote would be good

So I don't consider this a being a bug of Ur - but of its documentation.

How do you think about this?

Marc Weber

Ur mailing list

Re: [Ur] Howto make urweb generate invalid XHTML code?

2010-12-11 Thread Marc Weber
Its getting worse:

Insert this into the w3c validator:
(14 errors).

The dtd says:

  !ELEMENT ul (li)+

which means an ul must contain one ore more li elements. However the ur
code of the demo looks like this:

fun recurse (root : option key) =
queryX' (SELECT * FROM tab WHERE {eqNullable' (SQL 
tab.{parent}) root})
(fn r =
children - recurse (Some;
return xml
  li {f r.Tab}/li

which results in HTML code like this:

ul  - only li tags allowed here.

So in that case ur doesn't even validate nesting order of tags (which
WASH showed that its possible easily)

So what's happening here?

Marc Weber

Ur mailing list

[Ur] left join on same table?

2010-12-11 Thread Marc Weber
I tried copy pasting the example from the demos to try whether ur
supports join on the same table:

  xml - queryX (SELECT a.Id, a.A, b.Id, b.A FROM t1 as a LEFT JOIN t1 as b ON 
( =
  (fn r = xml

It seems it does not - I get messages that a (the alias name) is an
unkown table.

So is the only way generating such joins by using views ?

Marc Weber

Ur mailing list

Re: [Ur] urweb-library playground - and question about how to complete implemention of enum like class

2010-12-11 Thread Marc Weber
Excerpts from Adam Chlipala's message of Sun Dec 12 01:51:15 +0100 2010:
 Marc Weber wrote:
 I would expect that the compiler error messages do a good job of 

*g* - thanks. You've been right. The issue was me not using mkEnum
at all. Works now. Added a second mkEnum2 constructor and used it for
the int instance.

So sorry for the noise.

Marc Weber

Ur mailing list

Re: [Ur] Howto make urweb generate invalid XHTML code?

2010-12-11 Thread Marc Weber
Excerpts from Adam Chlipala's message of Sun Dec 12 02:02:31 +0100 2010:
 You're not seeing some deep technical limitation in Ur/Web, which _does_ 
 check nesting order of tags in a 100% sound way.  Rather, I wasn't aware 
 of this XHTML restriction when I wrote the types for the standard 
 library's HTML tag combinators.  Such code displays well in all the 
 major browsers, right?  I'm not sure it's worth changing, since that 
 means more complicated types in the standard library.
It is. For this reasons: 
Customers hear that pages should validate. So they find a validator and
try to validate a page. If they see 20 errors although the page should
be guaranteed to be bug free ..

But maybe its not that important right now.

Are those the lines which specify HTML tag orders?
val p : bodyTag boxAttrs

I tried enhancing the WASH idea and tried writing a XML library for
Haskell which does 100% validation. However learning about the ul
thing I also introduced a fuzzier wash like checking.

It should be easy to tweak my library outputting the ur code instead of
Haskell code. It reads the .dtd file.

Now I know why I never found the dtd spec in urweb :)

I'd be interested in how fast urweb still is if you do a more strict
validation (let's say ensure 100% of tag order)

I loved the head declaration most (XHTML strict):

!ELEMENT head (%head.misc;,
 ((title, %head.misc;, (base, %head.misc;)?) |
  (base, %head.misc;, (title, %head.misc;

Note how you have two choices to put title !
Trying to verify this can be done - but its getting really really funny
then :)

I really don't get why they made the standard that complicated - and
probably browsers won't care anyway - but validators do ;)
Marc Weber

Ur mailing list

Re: [Ur] left join on same table?

2010-12-11 Thread Marc Weber
Excerpts from Adam Chlipala's message of Sun Dec 12 02:17:36 +0100 2010:
 The other problem is that the SQL syntax extension only recognizes SQL 
 keywords in all caps, so you need to change 'as' to 'AS'.
ok. compiles and runs - great!

Marc Weber

Ur mailing list

[Ur] interfacing with ruby

2010-12-08 Thread Marc Weber
Excerpts from Marc Weber's message of Wed Dec 08 12:45:51 +0100 2010:

I added it to the library and ffi page on the wiki

Enjoy and provide feedback.
I could'nt compile a function which does not take arguments (passing the
conntext id) - so I had to add a dummy parameter.

Marc Weber

Ur mailing list

Re: [Ur] missunderstanding - or serious memory handling issue?

2010-12-08 Thread Marc Weber
 If you're suggesting special memory management for Ruby objects, that 
 would probably be the best long-term solution, but it might not be much 
 better than just using malloc().
Ruby has its own gc - you have to tell the gc to that it should not
collect some vars - because you're holding references to them on C side.

I wondered about whether ur should be able to control the amount of
memory being used by a context. If you use malloc you can hold arbitrary
much data. If you used uw_malloc you knew that ur could apply a limit
and fail. I rewrote it using malloc / free. Its not worth thinking about
for those view bytes. I was also wondering whether uw_malloc should be
used for serving files etc. - probbaly not.

The next I wasn't sure about was speed: Is it worth trying to avoid some
mallocs or not. If uw_malloced data was valid until all callbacks
finished running - I could have used uw_malloc which probbaly is faster
than malloc. Worse: mallocing 2 bytes could realloc prevent from
resizing continuously triggering a retry (?)
I don't know enough about malloc implementations to make a judgment.

Because ur has special knowledge about the memory (it will no longer be
used after a run has finished) it can much better than malloc and free.

That's why it could be worth adding a 
function - or changing the semantics of the existing uw_malloc.
But then you can no longer use realloc.

I should and will stop thinking about it now.

Marc Weber

Ur mailing list

Re: [Ur] interfacing with ruby

2010-12-08 Thread Marc Weber
Excerpts from Adam Chlipala's message of Wed Dec 08 15:25:52 +0100 2010:
 I'm not sure exactly what you're referring to, but, if this is meant as 
 a description of something you wish you could do but haven't been able 
 to, I might be able to help if you can provide details.

I copy pasted the wrong tag. I tried pasting -ruby:

I tried saying: Try the code interfacing with Ruby now - it seems to
work here.

I also added your JSON download to that page. I hope that's fine.

Marc Weber

Ur mailing list

Re: [Ur] Documentation codes

2010-12-08 Thread Marc Weber
Excerpts from Karn Kallio's message of Wed Dec 08 16:08:21 +0100 2010:
Great. Does it make sense to create a new page for each snippet? 

I'd start a ur-snippets page and add all of them to one page. Then you
can even subscribe to changes - so you won't miss new ones.

Even better: What about creating a snippet library?
urweb eliminates dead code so collecting code at the begging could be
interesting to all.

Marc Weber

Ur mailing list

Re: [Ur] Documentation codes

2010-12-08 Thread Marc Weber
Excerpts from Davor Ocelic's message of Wed Dec 08 16:31:45 +0100 2010:
 We could even post snippets with description what we'd like done,
 and wait for someone to fill the solution in ;-)

which vcs ? I'd suggest one of
fossil, git, mercurial, bazaar, monotone

I think its very important that everybody can push without asking.
I know about github and gitorious (git hosting services) which let you
add collaborators easily.

A git gist could do the job as well - however I don't know how long they

fossil is great because it includes a wiki and a bug tracker. So you
could eventually also add tutorials (?) and read them offline.

Any preferences?

Marc Weber

Ur mailing list

Re: [Ur] Documentation codes

2010-12-08 Thread Marc Weber
Excerpts from Davor Ocelic's message of Wed Dec 08 17:15:58 +0100 2010:
 But any other means wouldn't hurt either... git repos (and probably
 all others) can easily be browsed from the web.

You can't copy paste the wiki and run test code easily. Neither can you
use it as library without copy pasting code.
Moving towards a ur standard library would be fine :)

If nobody has a different preference I'm going to create a git gist

Marc Weber

Ur mailing list

Re: [Ur] missunderstanding - or serious memory handling issue?

2010-12-07 Thread Marc Weber
Excerpts from Adam Chlipala's message of Wed Dec 08 02:16:39 +0100 2010:
 None of the callbacks introduced by the compiler itself will ever touch 
 memory in the context-local heaps (which is the kind of memory that 
 uw_malloc() manages). 

Think about it this way:

request 1: is using uw_malloc to store some pointers in the memory block
request 1: is using uw_malloc to get a huge memory block. realloc will
  be called returning a different pointer.
  context change. request2 is issued.
request 2: is using uw_malloc to get some bytes. It is writing to them.
  Those bytes happen to be the ones I stored pointers in
  (request 1)
  calling sleep 3
request 1: now free is invoked. Trying to read pointer from memory which
was overridden by request 2:
request 1: segfault. fine,

By free I mean uw_register_transactional free callback or
uw_push_cleanup callback functions.

You're right: ur itself is not writing to the memory. There is still a
segfault. What's wrong ? Should I be using malloc only?

Marc Weber

Ur mailing list

Re: [Ur] Strategy - UrWeb Backend

2010-12-07 Thread Marc Weber
 My position is that the total time the whole Ur/Web community spends 
 writing libraries to access with the FFI should be negligible compared 
 to the time spent writing the main applications.  Sure, it can be a pain 
 to get C code right, but it's probably worth it, given the long-term 
 performance gains.  Reasonable people may disagree on this.
 I find it very encouraging that an informed developer besides me (i.e., 
 you :]) was able to wrap a Ruby interpreter so easily.  I personally 
 would be more inclined to build an ML or Haskell interface,
I thought about Haskell. But interfacing would have been more
complicated. This way you can use Ur to create Ruby objects and read
them easily - the way you serialized JSON objects.

There is no C function haskell_list_cons(head, tail) you can call AFAIK.

In ruby you can do:

  VALUE i = rb_int_new(20);
  VALUE ar = rb_ary_new();
  rb_ary_add(ar, i);

// prevent them from being garbage collected by ruby gc:

   return ar;

Because ruby is dynamic you can pretty easily wrap almost everything
without coding more C.

Of course you could have written yet another tool to generate AGDTs for
both: Haskell and UR.. But I want to keep thinks simple.

If ruby failed I maybe would have tried racket - or tried getting my job
done using Haskell. I don't know. It seems that I'm very close so I do
no longer think about it.

Marc Weber

Ur mailing list

Re: [Ur] How to design JSON interface?

2010-12-02 Thread Marc Weber
 is recursive types beyond lists;
They can't be serialized AFAIK. There is no representation.
  var d1 = {}
  d1.dict = d1;

So it's fine.

Eg this is what PHP is doing:

  $a = array();
  $a['dict'] = $a; // be careful and assign a reference. = would make a copy!
  echo json_encode($a);

  || Warning: json_encode(): recursion detected in /home/marc/test.php on line 5
  || {dict:{dict:null}}

I'll give it a try. Thank you for being that responsive. :)

Marc Weber

Ur mailing list

Re: [Ur] Generalizing transactions

2010-12-01 Thread Marc Weber
Excerpts from Karn Kallio's message of Tue Nov 30 16:24:43 +0100 2010:
 Adam, now that somebody ( Marc Weber ) is working on an application ( payment 
 gateway ) where the transaction model of Ur/Web does not cleanly apply, is 
 there a chance of you generalizing Ur/Web transactions in a safe, principled 
 way ( that allows representing the semantics of the application's effectful 
 operations within Ur/Web )?  For example, I think that the problem of leaving 
 a permanent record of an event ( e.g. receiving an order and not removing it 
 on failure rollback ) could be handled with a SAGA that has a null 
 compensation for the process of writing the record.

Karn Kallio: I don't know yet whether I'm going to implement them all -
or writing some interfaces to reuse existing code.

SAGA? Wikipedia is refering to:
  * SAGA (computing), a Simple API for Grid Applications
  * SAGA GIS, a geographic information system
Do you talk about any of these two?

The manual says:
context is the type of state that persists across handling a client request

So it looks like I can use uw_(set,get)_global and uw_malloc to keep

I can use the uw_set_global rollback / commit handler to set a flag to
succeeded or failed in the data structure.
I know that the free handler will be called after the request finished
(giving up (fatal error) or suceeding). The flag will tell me whether I
have to trace a failure in a logfile.

Do you want users to print to stderr for logging - or do you want to
introduce a logging function which also adds time stamps etc? (good idea
IMHO) - Does it already exist?

Marc Weber

Ur mailing list

[Ur] How to design JSON interface?

2010-12-01 Thread Marc Weber
I'd like to implement toJson and fromJson which can read typed values
from json representation and back automatically.

I still don't know how to represent this in urweb:

I found:
- the eq class in basis.ur - but the implementation of mkEq is written
  in ml (?)

- the classes in tests/ - but those methods don't take a type of t
  worse: When copy pasting  type_classMod2.ur into my own .ur file it
  fails to compile:

  main.ur|27 col 30| 27:34: syntax error: replacing  TYPE with  UNDER

  Line 27 : val default = fn t :: Type = fn v : c t = v

Is using a class the best way at to implement a formJSON and toJSON

Marc Weber

Ur mailing list


2010-12-01 Thread Marc Weber
Excerpts from sampath kirupa shankar's message of Wed Dec 01 05:45:09 +0100 
 Hi everybody,
 I am Kirupashankar Sampath, a grad student at CSU Fresno, CA. I am interested 
 in Ur and have started a project of proving the safety theorems of Ur 
 language. I am not able to install Ur from the instructions on the home page. 
 I have a windows vista.could anybody please give me a step by step 
 procedure for the installation. Thank you.

If a shell is good enough I can provide an account which is able to run
urweb easily (running nixos linux).
Send me an email if you're interested.

For windows you have the following options:

- linux using virtualization (eg virtualbox) (32 and 64bit)

- linux using a linux kernel which urns natively on Windows (eg colinux,
  32bit only)

- try cygwin (probably nobody has tried running urweb on cygwin before.
  So if you want to get started I'd not spend too much time on it -
  depending on settings cygwin also executes slower due to permission
  checkings etc - Thus its likely that you would be spending more time
  than necessary on configuring etc )

If you have virtualizing support in your computer virtualbox will be the
most simple solution to get up a linux system running because networking
just works etc.

By the way: WRITING UPPER case only could be considered shouting - writing
everything in upper case will triggers a this is spam feeling in my
mind. So I tend to delete mails like this without reading.
Maybe that's because I missed it in the first place (?)

Marc Weber

Ur mailing list

Re: [Ur] Generalizing transactions

2010-12-01 Thread Marc Weber
Excerpts from Adam Chlipala's message of Wed Dec 01 15:50:26 +0100 2010:
 Yes and no.  The global functions will accomplish what you want.  
 However, pointers allocated by uw_malloc() should not be referenced 
 across requests.  You should use regular malloc() for such memory.  Note 
 that uw_set_global() allows you to specify a function to call to free 
 the value you set; for anything that lasts across requests, you do need 
 to start thinking about explicit freeing.

What does request mean exactly?

The user (browser) issues a request. Then urweb will run code and maybe
retry. Therefore its still the same request.

1) request made
2) urweb runs code, C is calling abort (retry)
3) urweb reruns code - this time there is success.

Now will pointers be freed after 2) or after 3)?
From reading request in docs I assumed its always freed after 3).
So you should be more explicit. Probably its best to clarify this in the
description of uw_malloc.

Between 2) and 3) heap may increase. But when will the old heap be
freed? if it was freed after 3) you could use uw_malloc for keeping the
cache data (improving speed)

 Even some of the already-implemented protocols will ignore stderr 
 output.  There is some generic logging stuff implemented now, but only 
 for use by the protocols, as it isn't exposed via contexts.  This seems 
 like a reasonable change to make, and I'll look into it if you open a 
 Mantis issue.
done. I think its not important to have the perfect logging
implementation. I think its important to add function which can be used
so that the implementation can be made perfect without grepping
for printf or cout  ..  statements.

Marc Weber

Ur mailing list

Re: [Ur] Generalizing transactions

2010-12-01 Thread Marc Weber
Excerpts from Adam Chlipala's message of Wed Dec 01 16:14:56 +0100 2010:
 This could have a big impact on memory usage.  You'd essentially need a 
 separate heap for each failed execution whose pointers you want to keep 
How often do you retry? How often do you expect retries?

Complexity would be about adding a linked list. So it would be bearable

I'm fine with your judgement though.

You should also add the info to uw_{set,get}_global

Maybe consider making a difference between request and run and define

What about uw_push_cleanup and uw_pop_cleanup()

uw_pop_cleanup runs the handler. So it looks like the handler should be
run always. However you don't say what happens when you don't pop and
there is no error. Is the hnadler run then ? Thus are all cleanup
functinos run always?

It looks like a bug to me not popping handlers yourself. It can't hurt
saying so if that's the case. Eg adding You should always pop the
cleanup function if there is no error yourself would suffice.

Marc Weber

Ur mailing list

Re: [Ur] interfacing with C or other languages - example system

2010-11-30 Thread Marc Weber
Excerpts from Adam Chlipala's message of Tue Nov 30 00:37:53 +0100 2010:
 Couldn't you just as easily write a C function that takes options as 
 input and then always executes verify-pay-confirm with those options?  
 That would make sure the Ur/Web layer can't introduce zany 
 non-transactional behavior.

In the end you're right. The way to go is create bindings for curl and
cache the replies. If restart happens the cached reply will be
returned. Issue solved.

Does a transaction always last form the begin of generating a result
page until the end?

Thus could I use the commit callback to remove the cache ?

Could I use the context pointer as key to find a cached reply within one
attempt to generate the output page which may be retried?
Thus will the same ctx be passed when a request is rerun?
Or is there no way to limit caching to a HTTP request only?

Marc Weber

Ur mailing list

Re: [Ur] interfacing with C or other languages - example system

2010-11-28 Thread Marc Weber
Excerpts from Adam Chlipala's message of Sun Nov 28 21:58:18 +0100 2010:
 That's right.  The runtime system will also restart if an optimistic SQL 
 concurrency violation is detected, when certain errors are signaled, etc..

Don't know yet whether that's smart behaviour.
How exactly is determined how much heap will be allocated for a request?

There are some cases where you don't want to retry;
Some payment systems redirect customers using a return url
which tells the web system that the customer has entered all the data.

Then the web system is supposed to verify and confirm the data - because
the return url parameters can be manipulated by the user.

However you can't run that confirmation query - which is typically a
http request - twice.

The second time they'll return an error telling you that transaction id
has been used previously.

Worse: Because urweb rolls back everything db related you don't even
have traces about it. So the custmer has to pay - and you don't have an

I can see 3 solutions:
a) write a layer between urweb and the payment service which is caching
  the confirmation results. Bad: You can't use urweb for writing it.
  You could do this caching in C as well - but I'd like to use a higher
  order language to get my jobs done..

b) tell urweb to use a huge heap size so that its very unlikely that the
   issue appears - is there a project configuration option specifying a
   min heap size?

c) never fail for heap reasons. Use a linked list of heap blocks.
   If one is full allocate another one which is large enough and

About the pointer; I'm lucky that it worked.

Marc Weber

Ur mailing list

Re: [Ur] new list of companies / freelancers supporting urweb in the future

2010-11-18 Thread Marc Weber
Excerpts from Adam Chlipala's message of Thu Nov 18 20:31:05 +0100 2010:
 Right now, this is hard, since I have the wiki set up to require 
 explicit granting of write access.  Anyone who wants this access just 
 needs to e-mail me with a wiki account name.

I added some minimal documentation:

So interested people will find it.

Marc Weber

Ur mailing list

Re: [Ur] Some more questions:

2010-11-07 Thread Marc Weber
 CGI doesn't support channels, while FastCGI involves multiple threads in 
 a single process.  Pending channel sends are only stored in-memory and 
 would certainly be lost in a sudden crash.
So its important to tell webservers to only start one instance.

:-( my fault. I should have recognized it.

Back to system().

I made the example from the wiki compile.
I don't understand the scope of regions yet.

quote (manual):

  void *uw_malloc(uw_context, size_t);
  [...] Thus, there is no uw free(), but you need to be careful not to keep 
ad-hoc C pointers to
  this area of memory.

  For performance and correctness reasons, it is usually preferable to use uw 
malloc() instead of malloc().
  The former manipulates a local heap that can be kept allocated across page 
requests, while the latter
  uses global data structures that may face contention during concurrent 

looking at urweb.h there is a uw_free(). So ist he documentation out of
date here? Or is it an internal function?

2) can be kept allocated across page requests
Can I tell urweb to keep or throw away the memory after a request
When is such a region guaranteed to end so that the memory will be
freed? When serving files that way you don't want urweb to eat up all
your memory. Why not use apache? Using urweb it is easier to restrict
access. I don't have a use case - I'd like to be aware of the

Let's assume I used system(cat 200mb.file) and send this to the user
using blob (less than optimal because its not streamed .. But I don't
care for now) .. When would the buffer I allocated to keep the stdout
data be freed again?

Because there is no uw_realloc (?) is the way to go using realloc,
malloc copying the data into a uw_malloc'ed buffer before returning?

Marc Weber

Ur mailing list

[Ur] howto serve arbitrary files (PDF/ icons), and more

2010-11-05 Thread Marc Weber
Which is the ur way to serve arbitrary files such as content-type
application/pdf ?

The PDF files could be 

- generated on the fly (eg by running latex, lout, ...)

- read from a file?

  Eg adding allow url css/* to the configuration file a link to
  css/css.css complied. Status is still 404 (not found)

  I also tried adding path css=./css
  strace showed that urweb didn't even try to load a css.css file.

Does urweb support the system() FFI command? If not is there a small
example which could help getting started with exploring FFI?

system could be used for many quick  dirty implementations.

How to specify the index file which will be used if no path is given?

Marc Weber

Ur mailing list

Re: [Ur] HTTP client requests

2010-11-03 Thread Marc Weber
Excerpts from Chris Double's message of Wed Nov 03 09:36:29 +0100 2010:
 Are there any libraries available in Ur/Web for making HTTP requests
 to other servers? I'd like to be able to call REST and JSON services
 on a remote server and use the results in pages returned by an Ur/Web
 If there aren't any existing libraries, any thoughts on a good way of
 doing this?

The C library curl is a possible solution which should be evaluated ?
Some APIs require HTTPs.
API's I've seen and used requiring HTTP(S) include SMS and payment serivces..

Marc Weber

Ur mailing list