Bapa nyekek anakna kulantaran teu dijilbab--Re: Trs: [Urang Sunda] militer berjilbab? kumaha penyiar televisi?

2007-12-15 Terurut Topik Waluya
 From: Tatang Sariman
 Aki nambiah nya sakedik, dina perkawis anu dirugikeun saleresna sanes mung 
 anu ngalakonan hungkul, tapi oge anu jadi
 pamingpina. Upami eta mulimah teh kagungan caroge, tangtos carogena oge 
 rugel margi bakal ditaros tangelwalerna
 sabage pamingpin keluarga. Kitu deui pala putrina tiasa janten ramana oge 
 kacacandak kabagean dina tanggeng walerna
 eta. Pasti bakal ditakonan engke di akherat.

Aki Tams, kaleresan kuring kenging beja ti Canada, saurang bapa didakwa 
nyekek anak awewena nu umurna 16 taun tepi ka paeh, kulantaran teu make 
jilbab/hijab. Ieu meureun nu disebat tanggel-waler teh kitu? tinimbang engke 
dituntut tanggel waler di akherat, mending we dipaehan ti ayeuna keneh atawa 
ceuk sindiran moderator millis Wanita-muslimah mah kieu: lebih baik dipaksa 
masuk sorga daripada dibebaskan masuk neraka?

Wartosna nyanggakeun:

Dad charged in teen's death

December 11, 2007
Bob Mitchell
Jim Wilkes
staff reporters

A 16-year-old girl is dead and her father has been charged with murder
after an attack in a Mississauga home.

Aqsa Parvez, a student at Applewood Heights Secondary School, had been
on life support in hospital since yesterday morning.

Police went to the family's two-storey home on Longhorn Trail about 8
a.m. yesterday after receiving a 911 call in which a man allegedly
claimed to have killed his daughter.

Paramedics found Aqsa with a faint pulse and rushed her to hospital.
She was later transferred to a Toronto hospital and placed on life

Peel police said this morning that she died overnight.

Friends at the victim's school said she feared her father and had
argued over her desire to shun the hijab, a traditional
shoulder-length head scarf worn by females in devout Muslim families.

Homicide investigators had been standing by, as it soon became clear
the young girl wouldn't survive the attack.

Muhammad Parvez, 57, has been remanded in custody and was to make his
first court appearance today in a Brampton court.

The victim's brother, 26-year-old Waqas Parvez, was also arrested on a
charge of obstructing police.

Neighbours described the family as very private and said several
members from three generations have lived in the two-storey home, near
Hurontario St. and Eglinton Ave., for just over two years.

School chums say Aqsa had been arguing with her family for months over
whether she should wear the hijab.

Pal Ebonie Mitchell, 16, and other friends said Aqsa still wore the
hijab to school last year, but rebelled against dressing in it this

They said she would leave home wearing the traditional garment and
loose clothing, but would often change into tighter garments at

She would change back for the bus trip home.

Sometimes she even changed her whole outfit in the washroom at
school, Mitchell said.

The teen was known to her classmates and Facebook friends as Axa. She
posted several pictures of herself on the website in colourful clothes
and accessories.

At Aqsa's high school, friends gathered in groups yesterday,
struggling to come to grips with what happened and lamenting how she
had quarrelled with her father to the point that she recently moved
out to live with a friend.

She said she was always scared of her dad, she was always scared of
her brother ... and she's not scared of nobody, said classmate Ashley
Garbutt, 16.

She didn't want to go home ... to the point where she actually wanted
to go to shelters.

Friends said the root of her problems was a desire to blend in with
friends at school, to wear the fashionable clothes she liked to buy on
trips to Toronto's garment district, where she went with friends just
last month.

She liked fashion, said Mitchell. We went to different stores; she
was shopping; she bought lots of clothes.

She loved clothes, she loved shopping and she loved taking pictures
of herself, classmate Dominiquia Holmes-Thompson, 16, said outside
the school as friends sobbed at the news.

She just wanted to show her beauty. She just wanted freedom, freedom
from her parents.

She just wanted to dress like us, just like a normal person, said

She was a very kind person, she was really nice; everybody loved her.

Friend Shianne Phillips, 16, said she last spoke with Aqsa on Friday.

She was crying and she was like 'I'm really scared to go home. I
don't know what I'm going to do.' And that was it, Phillips said.

Re: Bapa nyekek anakna kulantaran teu dijilbab--Re: Trs: [Urang Sunda] militer berjilbab? kumaha penyiar televisi?

2007-12-15 Terurut Topik Tatang Sariman
Tangtos sanes kitu, masih aya cara, misalna dibiasakeun ti alit keneh, saolah 
olah bisa sabab biasa. Ngajagi lingkungan utamina di bumi, upami teu tiasa 
keneh sanggakeun wae ka Gusti Alloh, bari teras ngemutan salami nyawa urang 
masih aya urang kedah teras ngemutan sareng ngemutan. Hasil mah sanes urang anu 
nangtoskeun. Teu aya tangeng waler dugi ka kitu mah, paling paling mung dugi ka 
neunggeul anu teu ngabahayakeun, kitu oge ka murangkalih anu can baligh/dewasa 
(7 th teu kersa solat). Upami tos yuswa 16 thn mah tos tanggeng waler nyalira, 
sepuh mung sedih jigahna lamun budakna teu nurut kana agama anu dipercaya. 
Conto bandelna anak ka sepuh kan jaman rosul aya waktos dunia banjir, anakna 
diajakan naek parahu Nabi Nuh as. Oge Nabi Muhamad saw, waktos pamanan kuanjeun 
sakarat, teu tiasa nyebat La Illah Ha illalloh, teu ngirangan karasulanana, 
sabab tos ngalaksanakeun parentah sagemlengna. Dina salah sawios ayat Al Qur'an 
oge disebatkeun (punten hilap ayat ka sabaraha),
 anak, istri sareng harta kakayaan eta sadayana mangrupakeun ujian kanggo urang 
salaku bapa. 

Waluya [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   From: Tatang Sariman
 Aki nambiah nya sakedik, dina perkawis anu dirugikeun saleresna sanes mung 
 anu ngalakonan hungkul, tapi oge anu jadi
 pamingpina. Upami eta mulimah teh kagungan caroge, tangtos carogena oge 
 rugel margi bakal ditaros tangelwalerna
 sabage pamingpin keluarga. Kitu deui pala putrina tiasa janten ramana oge 
 kacacandak kabagean dina tanggeng walerna
 eta. Pasti bakal ditakonan engke di akherat.

Aki Tams, kaleresan kuring kenging beja ti Canada, saurang bapa didakwa 
nyekek anak awewena nu umurna 16 taun tepi ka paeh, kulantaran teu make 
jilbab/hijab. Ieu meureun nu disebat tanggel-waler teh kitu? tinimbang engke 
dituntut tanggel waler di akherat, mending we dipaehan ti ayeuna keneh atawa 
ceuk sindiran moderator millis Wanita-muslimah mah kieu: lebih baik dipaksa 
masuk sorga daripada dibebaskan masuk neraka?

Wartosna nyanggakeun:

Dad charged in teen's death

December 11, 2007
Bob Mitchell
Jim Wilkes
staff reporters

A 16-year-old girl is dead and her father has been charged with murder
after an attack in a Mississauga home.

Aqsa Parvez, a student at Applewood Heights Secondary School, had been
on life support in hospital since yesterday morning.

Police went to the family's two-storey home on Longhorn Trail about 8
a.m. yesterday after receiving a 911 call in which a man allegedly
claimed to have killed his daughter.

Paramedics found Aqsa with a faint pulse and rushed her to hospital.
She was later transferred to a Toronto hospital and placed on life

Peel police said this morning that she died overnight.

Friends at the victim's school said she feared her father and had
argued over her desire to shun the hijab, a traditional
shoulder-length head scarf worn by females in devout Muslim families.

Homicide investigators had been standing by, as it soon became clear
the young girl wouldn't survive the attack.

Muhammad Parvez, 57, has been remanded in custody and was to make his
first court appearance today in a Brampton court.

The victim's brother, 26-year-old Waqas Parvez, was also arrested on a
charge of obstructing police.

Neighbours described the family as very private and said several
members from three generations have lived in the two-storey home, near
Hurontario St. and Eglinton Ave., for just over two years.

School chums say Aqsa had been arguing with her family for months over
whether she should wear the hijab.

Pal Ebonie Mitchell, 16, and other friends said Aqsa still wore the
hijab to school last year, but rebelled against dressing in it this

They said she would leave home wearing the traditional garment and
loose clothing, but would often change into tighter garments at

She would change back for the bus trip home.

Sometimes she even changed her whole outfit in the washroom at
school, Mitchell said.

The teen was known to her classmates and Facebook friends as Axa. She
posted several pictures of herself on the website in colourful clothes
and accessories.

At Aqsa's high school, friends gathered in groups yesterday,
struggling to come to grips with what happened and lamenting how she
had quarrelled with her father to the point that she recently moved
out to live with a friend.

She said she was always scared of her dad, she was always scared of
her brother ... and she's not scared of nobody, said classmate Ashley
Garbutt, 16.

She didn't want to go home ... to the point where she actually wanted
to go to shelters.

Friends said the root of her problems was a desire to blend in with
friends at school, to wear the fashionable clothes she liked to buy on
trips to Toronto's garment district, where she went with friends just
last month.

She liked fashion, said Mitchell. We went to different stores; she
was shopping; she bought lots of clothes.

She loved clothes, she loved