Re: Inserting a character (LC 7.0.1)

2014-11-03 Thread Tim Selander


I was getting that problem, too, and not just in the script -- 
but field labels, names, etc.

However, the stack I was using I had been doing various tests in, 
including using v7, saving in the old format, re-open in an older 
LC, then again in v7, etc. Lots of 'wrecked' characters replaced 
by ??.

However, when I made a fresh stack in v7 and continued to only 
save it and open it in v7, then all those problems went away. 
Unicode (Japanese) is working everywhere.

Just for your info.

Tim Selander
Tokyo, Japan

On 11/3/14, 7:47 AM, Graham Samuel wrote:

where instead of $ you want some Unicode character copied from a web page or something 
like that. You may even see the character on the screen, but when you close LiveCode and 
reopen the stack in new activation of LC, that glyph is replaced by ?. It 
seems you have to use numToCodePoint and its inverse. But I am still exploring...

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Integrating LiveCode with other C++ Code bases

2014-11-03 Thread David Bovill
I'd like to learn more about the various ways of integrating LiveCode with
other C++ code bases. I'd be grateful for any pointers or reading matter.

I know that there are cool plans in the rod map to make it easy to wrap low
level code in LiveCode / open language:


*Open Language*: With the core refactoring almost complete (LiveCode 7.0)
 we’ve started to turn our attention to the final aspect of this project
 which is to open up the language for extension by anyone. We have been
 prototyping for quite some time now and plans are in place to move this
 project forward at a rapid pace once LiveCode 7.0 is released. We will
 complete network, socket and database libraries with easy to use English
 like syntax as part of the development and testing of this feature. This is
 currently slated as one half of our next major release, currently
 imaginatively named “8.0″.

*Theme / Widgets*: Another important prototype we’ve invested time in is
 codenamed “Widgets”. Our aim is to provide a means for any LiveCode
 developer to extend the control set. This builds on “Open Language” making
 it possible for any developer to extend the language and the UI. While
 still in its infancy, we are really excited about the results which will
 make LiveCode 8.0 a groundbreaking release.

We’re looking forward to showing these prototypes at the upcoming
 conference which we hope will give you a flavour of where the technology is
 going in 2014/2015. This is going to be another special 12 months for

Then there used to be a way to include LiveCode in Xcode projects -- but I
have not heard anything more about embedded LiveCode:


Then of course there is the ability to fork LiveCode and integrate your own
C++ code that way.

*How open language compiles down to byte code?*
What I'd like to know is how LiveTalk / open language compiles down to byte
code. Another project I know offers several scripting languages teh compile
down to LLVM byte-code:


Does LiveCode do the same? If so, could we add LiveCode scripting to other
projects that use the same process of compiling down to LLVM byte-code?
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Re: Progress info from wget or curl?

2014-11-03 Thread Bernard Devlin
I'm sure that a few months ago I came across an updated version of the late
Mark Smith's libRevCurl.  I didn't recognise the name of the person who had
updated it, but it was hosted on somewhere like github (but for the life of
me, I can't find it now).

I may have downloaded it, but if I did so, then the computer where I did
that is now in storage and I don't have ready access to it.


On Mon, Nov 3, 2014 at 1:07 AM, Mark Wieder wrote:


 Sunday, November 2, 2014, 2:56:34 PM, you wrote:

  The point of open process for neither (the for neither is
  actually extra unnecessary typing) is that you are opening the
  process for neither read nor write. He needs open process for read.

 Ah. Right you are. I forgot that Richard only wanted status info.

 Richard- what is it you're trying to do? I go out of my way to avoid
 the wget status information, that's why I'm sending it off to
 /dev/null. Otherwise it gets mixed in with my returned data.

 -Mark Wieder

 This communication may be unlawfully collected and stored by the National
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 this communication in error, please delete it immediately.

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 subscription preferences:

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Re: Opening a stack stored in dropbox's public fold

2014-11-03 Thread Jim Hurley
Thanks Jacque. No it is a fresh link.

But new information. It (go url Dropbox link) works on my MacBookAir, running 
10.9.5 and all versions of RR, but not on my desktop running 10.6.8 (I need 
Rosetta) or any version of RR.

Is Dropbox Mac-version dependent?


 Message: 5
 Date: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 00:11:59 -0600
 From: J. Landman Gay
 To: How to use LiveCode
 Subject: Re: Opening a stack stored in dropbox's public folder
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
 Are you using an old link? I had a similar failure recently and found out 
 that Dropbox had changed the link.  I coded in the new one and it worked 
 again.  It was a little disconcerting that they'd do that.  
 On November 2, 2014 5:01:42 PM CST, Jim Hurley 
 There was a time when this worked, but not now.
 I put 
  go url etc. 
 And I get no such card
 If I put the Dropbox's public link into the address line of Safari I
 get a list of the scripts, so I know the link is OK, 
 Doesn't this work any more in RR?

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Re: (Arbitrarily) Long-Division Script

2014-11-03 Thread Jim Hurley
Hi Igor,

Some years ago, 2002 to be exact, I built a stack that emulated a puzzle I 
The puzzle was to decipher a long division problem where all the numbers had 
been replace by coded letters.
My algorithm is cumbersome--I needed dividends and divisors that yielded all 10 
digits in the long division display. And getting all letter to line up properly 
was tricky.)

But it suggests that it is possible to emulate the long division algorithm in 

Here is that stack. Just run this in the msg box. (This works on my MacBookAir 
but not on my desktop running an older version of OS X. See my reply to Jacque.)

   go url;

That stack displays the long division solution to the problem of dividing a 
random 7 digit dividend by a random 4 digit divisor--provide the display 
includes all 10 digits. (Some of these problems are stinkers.) 

Good luck,


 Message: 15
 Date: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 11:51:13 +1100
 From: Igor de Oliveira Couto
 To: How to use LiveCode
 Subject: (Arbitrarily) Long-Division Script
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
 Hi all,
 I wanted to develop a library to allow me to perform basic maths (add, 
 subtract, multiply, divide) with arbitrarily long numbers in LiveCode. My 
 requirements are simple: 
 - integers and floating-point numbers must be supported as all operands in 
 all operations, to an arbitrarily large number of decimal cases
 - speed is NOT an issue: performances can safely be relatively slow, as it is 
 unlikely that it?ll need to perform hundreds of thousands of operations per 
 - accuracy IS an issue: needless to say, all operations must provide 
 *accurate* and *reliable* results, regardless of how many decimal cases are 
 It proved relatively easy to do the addition, multiplication and subtraction 
 operations in LiveCode. I followed the ?pen-and-paper? algorithm, and it all 
 seems to be working really well - I?m happy to provide anybody with a copy of 
 the scripts off-list, if you wish (just send me an email directly). I?m 
 stuck, however, trying to implement DIVISION. There does not seem to be an 
 ?easy? pen-and-paper algorithm that would support arbitrarily large numbers 
 with unknown number of decimal cases. 
 Most long-division algorithm seems to expect that the number being divided 
 can be of an arbitrarily length, but they expect that the divisor (the number 
 we are dividing BY) is going to be low enough, so that the person making the 
 division will ?know? instinctively how many times it would ?fit? into the 
 number being divided. These algorithms are not recommended once we start 
 dealing with divisor of 3 digits or more. There does not seem to be an 
 algorithm that would allow us to procede ?digit-by-digit? with the division, 
 as can be done with addition/subtraction/multiplication? Or is there?
 Searching Google and Wikipedia has yielded articles about using bitwise 
 operations, or complex mathematical theory, both of which are beyond me. Is 
 there a Math Wiz in this list, who could give us a layman?s explantion of an 
 algorithm that could be used? Any help would be much appreciated!
 Kindest regards to all,
 Igor Couto
 Sydney, Australia

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Re: Progress info from wget or curl?

2014-11-03 Thread Richard Gaskin

Mark Wieder wrote:

Richard- what is it you're trying to do? I go out of my way to avoid
the wget status information, that's why I'm sending it off to
/dev/null. Otherwise it gets mixed in with my returned data.

I've tried a few different combinations of open process ... for read 
but without the sort of result I was hoping for.

What I actually *need* I already have working very well:  I need a 
faceless LiveCode standalone (-ui) running on my VPS to be able to 
monitor processes on other servers, and since libURL doesn't work from 
faceless standalones I needed an alternative.

wget works great for my needs on Linux (curl isn't installed by default 
with Ubuntu), and since wget isn't installed by default on OS X I've 
been playing with curl there for the rare times I might run these 
routines on a Mac.

Along the way I've become so enamored of wget and curl that I started 
day-dreaming about other uses for them, perhaps even as replacements for 
some things I've used libURL for in GUI apps.

Apparently the relatively new Power Shell in Windows finally makes 
scripting on that platform less crippled than DOS had held it back for 
so long, so the notion of writing a single library that would use these 
packages for basic HTTP POST, GET, and maybe a few other things started 
to rattle around in my head.

But that's all just nice-to-have stuff, not at all really needed since 
(aside from the absence of SFTP) everything else I need to do in GUI 
apps can be done well enough with libURL.

It's been interesting, though, learning about wget and curl, very 
rewarding for the tasks I originally set out to use them for.

I appreciate the time and attention you, Monte, and Bernard have 
contributed to this thread.

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Systems
 Software Design and Development for the Desktop, Mobile, and the Web

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Re: Palettes and the selectedObject

2014-11-03 Thread Richard Gaskin

Graham Samuel wrote:
 If I am keying in a field in an ordinary stack window and I stop
 to do something on a palette, I had hoped that the focusedObject
 would remain in the ordinary stack - however it turns out that
 the focusedObject is now the visible card of the palette. Does
 this mean that the previous focusedObject is lost and thus I
 can't use a palette to do an insertion in the field in the ordinary
 stack? Looks like it.

Are you using an editable text field in your palette, or just clicking 

If just buttons remember to turn off the traversalOn property and you 
should be fine.

For editable fields it's a different story, since LiveCode currently 
maintains the xTalk tradition of allowing only one editable field at a 
time.  Would be nice to see that changed, but I imagine it's tricky, not 
just in engineering but in syntax.

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Systems
 Software Design and Development for the Desktop, Mobile, and the Web

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Re: revHHTP

2014-11-03 Thread Todd Geist
Thanks Richard.

Yeah I wouldn't use it as public facing web server.  Although as node.js
points out you can be a fantastic WebServer and be still be single
threaded. But node has the advantage of having a non blocking event loop
which turns out to solve the first big performance bottleneck, without
having to be multi-threaded.

I am interested in two things.  One, a way to make APIs for inter app and
inter process communication.  And two, a way to build the UI for desktop
LiveCode apps with HTML5, CSS, and JS.

In my current project, I have a node.js app running in its own thread as a
separate process, wrapped in side a LiveCode app. LiveCode provides the UI,
and it is self updating etc.  Now that we have a nice chrome browser
object, I could build the UI or parts of the UI in HTML, but for now the
LiveCode UI is fine.

What I needed was a way for the Node application to take to my LiveCode
wrapper app.  This little should be perfect for that.


On Sun, Nov 2, 2014 at 8:55 AM, Richard Gaskin

 Todd Geist wrote:
  I am looking for a copy of the http server written in LiveCode.
  it was called revHTTP, and before that it was mcHTTP
  anyone have a copy?

 There have been a few floating around over the years.  The first was made
 by Dr. Raney himself as a way of demonstrating robust socket
 communications, posted at as back before the turn
 of the century.

 Fun as it was when it first came out, over time browsers have become more
 strict in what they expect in HTTP headers, so that original stack no
 longer works as-is.

 Several years ago Andre Garzia wrote a much-expanded version of that,
 which may be the one you're referring to.  If it's still around it may be
 at his site, but I don't believe it's maintained any longer, and Andre
 recommends using Apache and NginX for serious development.

 Given that LiveCode doesn't yet support threading, I generally agree with
 Andre:  Apache does a good job of juggling multiple simultaneous requests
 by spawning new instances of itself, and spawning new instances of any CGIs
 it may use, like LiveCode Server.  This sort of parallelism through
 multi-processing is important in a production environment where
 simultaneous requests are inevitable and cannot afford to be queued.

 However, not every useful environment is for production of
 publicly-accessible works. :)

 I have a VPS and a local server I use only for distributed processing and
 exploratory development, and along with other tools (I may be able to share
 my LiveHive project within a few weeks; more on that later), while most of
 my communications with those machines is through SSH (sharing keys opens up
 so many interesting LiveCode opportunities with unusually strong security)
 I've sometimes found it handy to have an HTTP interface available on those
 systems for private purposes where I or one of my automated systems are the
 only users.

 In those cases. would be useful if only it output proper
 headers.  So with Andre's permission I backported his header function to, and have posted it to my site under a new name to distinguish
 the revision:

 You're welcome to use it, modify it, and share it.  I've discussed the
 revised version with Dr. Raney and at his request it's available under MIT

 Since LiveCode is single-threaded, the range of applicable use-cases as a
 socket daemon is limited.  It will never bee Apache, and Apache is so
 useful and flexible, and has such a vast supporting ecosystem of learning
 materials and extensions, it's rare that we truly need anything else.

 Moreover, LiveCode Server as a CGI under Apache is a great way to get the
 best of what each brings to the table.  Multi-processing may carry a bit
 more overhead than multi-threading but not as much as one might think, and
 is so absolutely discrete that it's much easier to code for, and in some
 contexts more secure.

 In fact, the overhead with LC is roughly on par in my testing with similar
 use of PHP, Python, or other scripting engines.  And given that we can so
 easily make purpose-built stuff I find many instances where LiveCode
 Server-based solutions are more scalable than similar but much more
 generalized (hence larger) PHP-based systems like Drupal or Joomla.

 All that said, you have an adventurous mind and there's no telling what
 you're up to. :)  The updated mchttpd may be a good fit.  I'd be interested
 in hearing what you wind up doing with it.

  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World Systems
  Software Design and Development for the Desktop, Mobile, and the Web

 use-livecode mailing list
 Please visit this url to subscribe, 

Re: Palettes and the selectedObject

2014-11-03 Thread Bob Sneidar
I think if the pallet begins with “rev” then it is treated as a development 
object, and thus will not affect the focusedObject, but that is off the top of 
my head from reading all the proper posts on the matter. 

Bob S

 On Nov 2, 2014, at 15:25 , Graham Samuel wrote:
 Another probably dumb question.
 If I am keying in a field in an ordinary stack window and I stop to do 
 something on a palette, I had hoped that the focusedObject would remain in 
 the ordinary stack - however it turns out that the focusedObject is now the 
 visible card of the palette. Does this mean that the previous focusedObject 
 is lost and thus I can't use a palette to do an insertion in the field in the 
 ordinary stack? Looks like it. But programs like Apple's Keyboard Viewer do 
 it, and I suppose there must be stuff like that on Windows. The question is, 
 is there a way to do it in LC?
 I know I can tell if a field loses focus (e.g. from a focusOut message), but 
 by then of course the focusedObject will be somewhere else, by definition. 
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Re: revHHTP

2014-11-03 Thread David Bovill
That sounds very interesting Todd - I worked on a few LiveCode based
servers as well, and have a project that I would like to begin exploring
that would use the approach you are talking about - would love to know
more? is it an open source project - would you like any help working on it?

On 3 November 2014 15:37, Todd Geist wrote:

 Thanks Richard.

 Yeah I wouldn't use it as public facing web server.  Although as node.js
 points out you can be a fantastic WebServer and be still be single
 threaded. But node has the advantage of having a non blocking event loop
 which turns out to solve the first big performance bottleneck, without
 having to be multi-threaded.

 I am interested in two things.  One, a way to make APIs for inter app and
 inter process communication.  And two, a way to build the UI for desktop
 LiveCode apps with HTML5, CSS, and JS.

 In my current project, I have a node.js app running in its own thread as a
 separate process, wrapped in side a LiveCode app. LiveCode provides the UI,
 and it is self updating etc.  Now that we have a nice chrome browser
 object, I could build the UI or parts of the UI in HTML, but for now the
 LiveCode UI is fine.

 What I needed was a way for the Node application to take to my LiveCode
 wrapper app.  This little should be perfect for that.


 On Sun, Nov 2, 2014 at 8:55 AM, Richard Gaskin

  Todd Geist wrote:
   I am looking for a copy of the http server written in LiveCode.
   it was called revHTTP, and before that it was mcHTTP
   anyone have a copy?
  There have been a few floating around over the years.  The first was made
  by Dr. Raney himself as a way of demonstrating robust socket
  communications, posted at as back before the turn
  of the century.
  Fun as it was when it first came out, over time browsers have become more
  strict in what they expect in HTTP headers, so that original stack no
  longer works as-is.
  Several years ago Andre Garzia wrote a much-expanded version of that,
  which may be the one you're referring to.  If it's still around it may be
  at his site, but I don't believe it's maintained any longer, and Andre
  recommends using Apache and NginX for serious development.
  Given that LiveCode doesn't yet support threading, I generally agree with
  Andre:  Apache does a good job of juggling multiple simultaneous requests
  by spawning new instances of itself, and spawning new instances of any
  it may use, like LiveCode Server.  This sort of parallelism through
  multi-processing is important in a production environment where
  simultaneous requests are inevitable and cannot afford to be queued.
  However, not every useful environment is for production of
  publicly-accessible works. :)
  I have a VPS and a local server I use only for distributed processing and
  exploratory development, and along with other tools (I may be able to
  my LiveHive project within a few weeks; more on that later), while most
  my communications with those machines is through SSH (sharing keys opens
  so many interesting LiveCode opportunities with unusually strong
  I've sometimes found it handy to have an HTTP interface available on
  systems for private purposes where I or one of my automated systems are
  only users.
  In those cases. would be useful if only it output proper
  headers.  So with Andre's permission I backported his header function to, and have posted it to my site under a new name to
  the revision:
  You're welcome to use it, modify it, and share it.  I've discussed the
  revised version with Dr. Raney and at his request it's available under
  Since LiveCode is single-threaded, the range of applicable use-cases as a
  socket daemon is limited.  It will never bee Apache, and Apache is so
  useful and flexible, and has such a vast supporting ecosystem of learning
  materials and extensions, it's rare that we truly need anything else.
  Moreover, LiveCode Server as a CGI under Apache is a great way to get the
  best of what each brings to the table.  Multi-processing may carry a bit
  more overhead than multi-threading but not as much as one might think,
  is so absolutely discrete that it's much easier to code for, and in some
  contexts more secure.
  In fact, the overhead with LC is roughly on par in my testing with
  use of PHP, Python, or other scripting engines.  And given that we can so
  easily make purpose-built stuff I find many instances where LiveCode
  Server-based solutions are more scalable than similar but much more
  generalized (hence larger) PHP-based systems like Drupal or Joomla.
  All that said, you have an adventurous mind and there's no telling what
  you're up to. :)  The updated mchttpd may be a good fit.  I'd be

Re: Progress info from wget or curl?

2014-11-03 Thread Bernard Devlin
I found Mark Smith's old website.;id=15;url=http%3A%2F%2Fmarksmith%2Eon-rev%2Ecom%2Frevstuff%2F

You could have a look at how he uses open process in that (AFAIR in order
to get feedback from the curl process, he writes to files and reads the
results from them).

Alternatively, I found I have a copy of Andre's RocketsCurl, where he made
calls to curl using shell() (from the old email where I found this
discussed, it was using curl to get round the absence of libURL in the old
CGI engine).  I've never used Andre's implementation, but I'd be surprised
if he was ignoring the responses from curl.


On Mon, Nov 3, 2014 at 3:18 PM, Richard Gaskin

 I've tried a few different combinations of open process ... for read
 but without the sort of result I was hoping for.

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Re: revHHTP

2014-11-03 Thread Todd Geist
Hi David,

Are you thinking of using Node as the server?  Or?

There is definitely some interesting work to be done here.


On Mon, Nov 3, 2014 at 7:45 AM, David Bovill wrote:

 That sounds very interesting Todd - I worked on a few LiveCode based
 servers as well, and have a project that I would like to begin exploring
 that would use the approach you are talking about - would love to know
 more? is it an open source project - would you like any help working on it?

 On 3 November 2014 15:37, Todd Geist wrote:

  Thanks Richard.
  Yeah I wouldn't use it as public facing web server.  Although as node.js
  points out you can be a fantastic WebServer and be still be single
  threaded. But node has the advantage of having a non blocking event loop
  which turns out to solve the first big performance bottleneck, without
  having to be multi-threaded.
  I am interested in two things.  One, a way to make APIs for inter app and
  inter process communication.  And two, a way to build the UI for desktop
  LiveCode apps with HTML5, CSS, and JS.
  In my current project, I have a node.js app running in its own thread as
  separate process, wrapped in side a LiveCode app. LiveCode provides the
  and it is self updating etc.  Now that we have a nice chrome browser
  object, I could build the UI or parts of the UI in HTML, but for now the
  LiveCode UI is fine.
  What I needed was a way for the Node application to take to my LiveCode
  wrapper app.  This little should be perfect for that.
  On Sun, Nov 2, 2014 at 8:55 AM, Richard Gaskin
   Todd Geist wrote:
I am looking for a copy of the http server written in LiveCode.
it was called revHTTP, and before that it was mcHTTP
anyone have a copy?
   There have been a few floating around over the years.  The first was
   by Dr. Raney himself as a way of demonstrating robust socket
   communications, posted at as back before the
   of the century.
   Fun as it was when it first came out, over time browsers have become
   strict in what they expect in HTTP headers, so that original stack no
   longer works as-is.
   Several years ago Andre Garzia wrote a much-expanded version of that,
   which may be the one you're referring to.  If it's still around it may
   at his site, but I don't believe it's maintained any longer, and Andre
   recommends using Apache and NginX for serious development.
   Given that LiveCode doesn't yet support threading, I generally agree
   Andre:  Apache does a good job of juggling multiple simultaneous
   by spawning new instances of itself, and spawning new instances of any
   it may use, like LiveCode Server.  This sort of parallelism through
   multi-processing is important in a production environment where
   simultaneous requests are inevitable and cannot afford to be queued.
   However, not every useful environment is for production of
   publicly-accessible works. :)
   I have a VPS and a local server I use only for distributed processing
   exploratory development, and along with other tools (I may be able to
   my LiveHive project within a few weeks; more on that later), while most
   my communications with those machines is through SSH (sharing keys
   so many interesting LiveCode opportunities with unusually strong
   I've sometimes found it handy to have an HTTP interface available on
   systems for private purposes where I or one of my automated systems are
   only users.
   In those cases. would be useful if only it output proper
   headers.  So with Andre's permission I backported his header function
 to, and have posted it to my site under a new name to
   the revision:
   You're welcome to use it, modify it, and share it.  I've discussed the
   revised version with Dr. Raney and at his request it's available under
   Since LiveCode is single-threaded, the range of applicable use-cases
 as a
   socket daemon is limited.  It will never bee Apache, and Apache is so
   useful and flexible, and has such a vast supporting ecosystem of
   materials and extensions, it's rare that we truly need anything else.
   Moreover, LiveCode Server as a CGI under Apache is a great way to get
   best of what each brings to the table.  Multi-processing may carry a
   more overhead than multi-threading but not as much as one might think,
   is so absolutely discrete that it's much easier to code for, and in
   contexts more secure.
   In fact, the overhead with LC is roughly on par in my testing with
   use of PHP, Python, or other scripting engines.  And given that we can
   easily make 

Re: text labels changed in standalone

2014-11-03 Thread Todd Geist
So am I the only one who experiences this?

Text alignment is off on Mac when I build  standalone.

Is it just me?


On Sat, Nov 1, 2014 at 6:21 PM, Todd Geist


 Why are my text labels not in the same place after I build a standalone.
 It seems like they all move slightly.  Whats the trick?


Todd Geist

(800) 935-6068
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Re: Its time to revive HyperCard

2014-11-03 Thread Bob Sneidar
Duly posted. 

Bob S

 On Nov 2, 2014, at 16:11 , Alejandro Tejada wrote:
 From Slashdot:
 As always, comments are a must read
 in Slashdot.
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Re: Opening a stack stored in dropbox's public folder

2014-11-03 Thread Bob Sneidar
This underscores the inherent problem with writing apps that depend on other 
systems or apps to function. Sometimes it’s unavoidable, but if it can be 
avoided and you can use a system you control, that of course is always the 
better way.

Bob S

On Nov 2, 2014, at 22:11 , J. Landman Gay wrote:

Are you using an old link? I had a similar failure recently and found out that 
Dropbox had changed the link.  I coded in the new one and it worked again.  It 
was a little disconcerting that they'd do that.

On November 2, 2014 5:01:42 PM CST, Jim Hurley wrote:
There was a time when this worked, but not now.

I put

 go url etc.

And I get no such card

If I put the Dropbox's public link into the address line of Safari I
get a list of the scripts, so I know the link is OK,
Doesn't this work any more in RR?


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Re: text labels changed in standalone

2014-11-03 Thread Dave Kilroy
Hi Todd

I've never experienced what you described (or at least never noticed) -
maybe giving some more details will brings others out of the woodwork? How
many pixels offset? Do other controls also move? Is it platform independent?

Kind regards


Some are born coders, some achieve coding, and some have coding thrust upon 
them. - William Shakespeare  Hugh Senior

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on-rev client

2014-11-03 Thread Jim Lambert
Has anyone with a TIO on-rev server been able to get the on-rev client to log 
in recently?

Jim Lambert
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Re: on-rev client

2014-11-03 Thread Matthias Rebbe | M-R-D
Hi Jim,

i just tried just for you. ;)

I have no problems to login with the On-Rev client into my account on TIO.


 Am 03.11.2014 um 18:52 schrieb Jim Lambert
 Has anyone with a TIO on-rev server been able to get the on-rev client to log 
 in recently?
 Jim Lambert
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Re: [OT?] Legitimising a developer as a 'publisher' in Windows 7

2014-11-03 Thread Bob Sneidar
Interesting. What do you do? Run an application that applies the code signing 
certificate to the application? Or is there something in Livecode we would need 
to do? 

Also, is the cert on a per app basis, or is it $95/yr for ALL apps you develop?

Bob S

 On Nov 2, 2014, at 04:09 , Guglielmo Braguglia wrote:
 have a look here : ... is quite cheap (... 
 probably one of the cheapest) and work very well (I use it for several years) 
 Graham Samuel
 2 Nov 2014 09:52 am
 I am not much of a Windows user, but I have a cross-platform app for both 
 Mac and Windows. This works fine on both platforms except that every time (I 
 do mean every time) I start the thing on Windows, I get a warning message 
 from User Account Control asking if I want ... the following program from 
 an unknown publisher to make changes to this computer. Well of course the 
 answer is 'yes', but how can I make myself known to the Windows machine as a 
 known publisher? Is it some ritual I have to go through with Microsoft (I 
 expect it is)? I don't want the paying users of this program to have to go 
 through this warning, but I have absolutely no idea how to stop it.
 Can anyone point me to an idiot-proof explanation about what I have to do?
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Re: (Arbitrarily) Long-Division Script

2014-11-03 Thread Roger Guay
Such strange goings on. This doesn’t work on my MB Pro running Yosemite and LC 
6.6.5 either. Nothing happens! If it hit enter repeatedly I get an “execution 
error . . . can’t find handler . . . hint: go


 On Nov 3, 2014, at 6:57 AM, Jim Hurley wrote:
 Here is that stack. Just run this in the msg box. (This works on my 
 MacBookAir but not on my desktop running an older version of OS X. See my 
 reply to Jacque.)
   go url;

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Re: on-rev client

2014-11-03 Thread Kenji Kojima

My On-Rev client could not connect to Tio On-Rev server. Probably after 
Yosemite (not sure). 
I contacted to On-Rev support, after that I could connect to the server by 
Or-Rev client, but “Debug of On-Rev client did not work. The error message on 
Safari was “Safari Can’t Connect to the Server. Safari can’t open the page 
“” because 
Safari can’t connect to the server “’. 
Kenji Kojima / 小島健治

 On Nov 3, 2014, at 12:52 PM, Jim Lambert wrote:
 Has anyone with a TIO on-rev server been able to get the on-rev client to log 
 in recently?
 Jim Lambert
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Re: [OT?] Legitimising a developer as a 'publisher' in Windows 7

2014-11-03 Thread J. Landman Gay
My client is using ksoftware certs. Applying the cert is done after LC 
is finished creating the app. Once you've been through the rigmarole of 
obtaining the cert (pain in the patoot) you just use ksoftware's utility 
to select your app and click a button that embeds the certificate. It's 
a one-click deal.

You can use the cert on as many apps as you want, and you should, 
because it identifies the app as coming from you as a verified 
developer. When it expires you need to purchase a new one, but if your 
credentials haven't changed then at least you don't need to go through 
the whole verification process again.

The price goes down a little bit if you buy a certificate that's good 
for several years rather than renewing annually.

On 11/3/2014, 12:23 PM, Bob Sneidar wrote:

Interesting. What do you do? Run an application that applies the code
signing certificate to the application? Or is there something in
Livecode we would need to do?

Also, is the cert on a per app basis, or is it $95/yr for ALL apps
you develop?

Bob S

On Nov 2, 2014, at 04:09 , Guglielmo Braguglia wrote:

Hi, have a look here : ... is
quite cheap (... probably one of the cheapest) and work very well
(I use it for several years) ;)

Jacqueline Landman Gay |
HyperActive Software   |

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Re: Inserting a character (LC 7.0.1)

2014-11-03 Thread Richmond

set the text of the selectedText to numToCodePoint(someNumber)

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Shared Doc

2014-11-03 Thread Peter Brigham
 I've shared an item with you.

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Shared Doc

2014-11-03 Thread Peter Brigham
 I've shared an item with you.

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Re: text labels changed in standalone

2014-11-03 Thread Todd Geist
I see it on only on Mac.

Here is a screenshot that shows the same objects in the IDE and in the
Standalone.  They Standalone Font is bigger.

Thanks for any help


On Mon, Nov 3, 2014 at 9:38 AM, Dave Kilroy

 Hi Todd

 I've never experienced what you described (or at least never noticed) -
 maybe giving some more details will brings others out of the woodwork? How
 many pixels offset? Do other controls also move? Is it platform

 Kind regards


 Some are born coders, some achieve coding, and some have coding thrust
 upon them. - William Shakespeare  Hugh Senior

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Todd Geist

(800) 935-6068
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Activation error

2014-11-03 Thread Peter Haworth
Just downloaded and installed LC 6.6.5 and 6.7 onto my Windows 8 box. On
running each of them, I get the usual license activation screen and when I
click the Activate button, I get Error contacting server please try again

My internet connection is working fine and I've tried several times over
the last couple of hours.

Possible license server problem?

lcSQL Software
Home of lcStackBrowser and
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Re: [OT?] Legitimising a developer as a 'publisher' in Windows 7

2014-11-03 Thread Dave Kilroy
Another thing to watch out for is timestamping. If you apply a timestamp as
you code sign a file then when your code signing certificate expires the
certificate on your file continues to be recognised by UAC - if you don't
apply a timestamp then when your certificate expires the certificate on your
file stops being recognised.

So for anything you think might continue being used after the life of your
certificate consider applying a timestamp


PS: I guess if you renew your code signing certificate before it expires
that the certificate on the file will continue to be recognised by verisign
(or whoever) and thus continue to be recognised as valid by Microsoft UAC

Some are born coders, some achieve coding, and some have coding thrust upon 
them. - William Shakespeare  Hugh Senior

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Re: Progress info from wget or curl?

2014-11-03 Thread Mark Wieder

Monday, November 3, 2014, 7:18:11 AM, you wrote:

 Along the way I've become so enamored of wget and curl that I started
 day-dreaming about other uses for them, perhaps even as replacements for
 some things I've used libURL for in GUI apps.

But seriously, httpie:

-Mark Wieder

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this communication in error, please delete it immediately.

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Re: Palettes and the selectedObject

2014-11-03 Thread James Hale
Richard. Wrote: 
 If just buttons remember to turn off the traversalOn property and you 
 should be fine.

This makes sense as a pop up stack menu is just this and it doesn't take focus 
from the underlying field.


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Re: [OT?] Legitimising a developer as a 'publisher' in Windows 7

2014-11-03 Thread Bob Sneidar
Sweet, and easy. I like it. I’ll do this when the time comes to distribute my 
Forms Generator app to my cohorts here at work.

Bob S

On Nov 3, 2014, at 11:29 , J. Landman Gay wrote:

My client is using ksoftware certs. Applying the cert is done after LC is 
finished creating the app. Once you've been through the rigmarole of obtaining 
the cert (pain in the patoot) you just use ksoftware's utility to select your 
app and click a button that embeds the certificate. It's a one-click deal.

You can use the cert on as many apps as you want, and you should, because it 
identifies the app as coming from you as a verified developer. When it expires 
you need to purchase a new one, but if your credentials haven't changed then at 
least you don't need to go through the whole verification process again.

The price goes down a little bit if you buy a certificate that's good for 
several years rather than renewing annually.

On 11/3/2014, 12:23 PM, Bob Sneidar wrote:
Interesting. What do you do? Run an application that applies the code
signing certificate to the application? Or is there something in
Livecode we would need to do?

Also, is the cert on a per app basis, or is it $95/yr for ALL apps
you develop?

Bob S

On Nov 2, 2014, at 04:09 , Guglielmo Braguglia wrote:

Hi, have a look here : ... is
quite cheap (... probably one of the cheapest) and work very well
(I use it for several years) ;)

Jacqueline Landman Gay |
HyperActive Software   | 

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Re: text labels changed in standalone

2014-11-03 Thread Dave Kilroy
Todd that looks like a font and/or font sizing issue - this bug reports something similar to
what you're experiencing (and may be other bug reports closer to what you're

Some are born coders, some achieve coding, and some have coding thrust upon 
them. - William Shakespeare  Hugh Senior

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Re: [OT?] Legitimising a developer as a 'publisher' in Windows 7

2014-11-03 Thread Bob Sneidar
Wait, that is a show stopper. Does this mean that I have to keep the cert 
active otherwise the app will stop working or start popping up an alert?

Bob S

On Nov 3, 2014, at 12:39 , Dave Kilroy wrote:


PS: I guess if you renew your code signing certificate before it expires
that the certificate on the file will continue to be recognised by verisign
(or whoever) and thus continue to be recognised as valid by Microsoft UAC

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Re: Shared Doc

2014-11-03 Thread Pyst Cat
What is this..?  Is this some kind of phishing expedition..?

On Mon, Nov 3, 2014 at 2:50 PM, Peter Brigham wrote:

  I've shared an item with you.

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Re: Shared Doc

2014-11-03 Thread Pyst Cat
What is this..?  Is this some kind of phishing expedition..?

On Mon, Nov 3, 2014 at 2:51 PM, Peter Brigham wrote:

  I've shared an item with you.

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Re: Shared Doc

2014-11-03 Thread J. Landman Gay

On 11/3/2014, 4:54 PM, Pyst Cat wrote:

What is this..?  Is this some kind of phishing expedition..?

Probably malware on his computer. Ignore it.

Jacqueline Landman Gay |
HyperActive Software   |

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Re: [OT?] Legitimising a developer as a 'publisher' in Windows 7

2014-11-03 Thread Dave Kilroy
That's how it is with my provider - and with signcode.exe I have to manually
add the timestamp (it sounds like some other tools to it automatically if
it's a 'one click operation') - not a big deal to do it manually though,
just something to make sure about...

Bob Sneidar-2 wrote
 Wait, that is a show stopper. Does this mean that I have to keep the cert
 active otherwise the app will stop working or start popping up an alert?
 Bob S
 On Nov 3, 2014, at 12:39 , Dave Kilroy lt;




 gt; wrote:
 PS: I guess if you renew your code signing certificate before it expires
 that the certificate on the file will continue to be recognised by
 (or whoever) and thus continue to be recognised as valid by Microsoft UAC
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Some are born coders, some achieve coding, and some have coding thrust upon 
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Re: Shared Doc

2014-11-03 Thread Bob Sneidar
Bear in mind there is a new Ransomware going around. Do NOT click any links. 

Bob S

 On Nov 3, 2014, at 14:54 , Pyst Cat wrote:
 What is this..?  Is this some kind of phishing expedition..?
 On Mon, Nov 3, 2014 at 2:50 PM, Peter Brigham wrote:
 I've shared an item with you.
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Re: revHHTP

2014-11-03 Thread David Bovill
On 3 November 2014 16:06, Todd Geist wrote:

 Hi David,

 Are you thinking of using Node as the server?  Or?

First it is just an interesting environment to explore Javascript and
LiveCode interaction - for teaching, for inter process communication, and
also because there is a lot of useful code in the Node.js world we could

 There is definitely some interesting work to be done here.

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Re: Integrating LiveCode with other C++ Code bases

2014-11-03 Thread David Bovill
And where is the code in the liveCode Github repository that is involved in
parsing and compiling the LiveCode scripts?

On 3 November 2014 11:20, David Bovill wrote:

 I'd like to learn more about the various ways of integrating LiveCode with
 other C++ code bases. I'd be grateful for any pointers or reading matter.

 I know that there are cool plans in the rod map to make it easy to wrap
 low level code in LiveCode / open language:


 *Open Language*: With the core refactoring almost complete (LiveCode 7.0)
 we’ve started to turn our attention to the final aspect of this project
 which is to open up the language for extension by anyone. We have been
 prototyping for quite some time now and plans are in place to move this
 project forward at a rapid pace once LiveCode 7.0 is released. We will
 complete network, socket and database libraries with easy to use English
 like syntax as part of the development and testing of this feature. This is
 currently slated as one half of our next major release, currently
 imaginatively named “8.0″.

 *Theme / Widgets*: Another important prototype we’ve invested time in is
 codenamed “Widgets”. Our aim is to provide a means for any LiveCode
 developer to extend the control set. This builds on “Open Language” making
 it possible for any developer to extend the language and the UI. While
 still in its infancy, we are really excited about the results which will
 make LiveCode 8.0 a groundbreaking release.

 We’re looking forward to showing these prototypes at the upcoming
 conference which we hope will give you a flavour of where the technology is
 going in 2014/2015. This is going to be another special 12 months for

 Then there used to be a way to include LiveCode in Xcode projects -- but I
 have not heard anything more about embedded LiveCode:


 Then of course there is the ability to fork LiveCode and integrate your
 own C++ code that way.

 *How open language compiles down to byte code?*
 What I'd like to know is how LiveTalk / open language compiles down to
 byte code. Another project I know offers several scripting languages teh
 compile down to LLVM byte-code:


 Does LiveCode do the same? If so, could we add LiveCode scripting to other
 projects that use the same process of compiling down to LLVM byte-code?

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Re: revHHTP

2014-11-03 Thread Todd Geist
On Mon, Nov 3, 2014 at 4:32 PM, David Bovill wrote:

 also because there is a lot of useful code in the Node.js world we could

Yes there is :-).

I got an HTTP server going based on the code that Richard provided.
Actually I kind of started over. once I got the basics from the
stack, I realized I wanted to go in a little bit of a different direction.
I wanted something a bit more modular, with a router and a middleware
stack. Also I didn't need static file serving.

Again I was surprised by just how little code it takes to get something
done in LiveCode.

I'll get it up on github ASAP.

As for the node stuff...  It's not tough to get something working. I'll
also try to get an example of that up on github as well.

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corrupted stack message

2014-11-03 Thread larry
I keep getting this message:

There was a problem opening that stack;
stack is corrupted, check for ~ backup file

Luckily I did have the stack backed up.  I copied my backup to the folder 
(6.1.1  on Windows XP) and made a few changes. Then I saved the stack.
When I went to reopen my new stack I got the same message.

Any advice?

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