Re: LiveNode Server

2015-04-08 Thread David Bovill
Thanks for this Andrew - I learned a lot. I spend a lot of time passing
messages around Livecode objects with a view to making them standalone code
chunks. Debugging works pretty well - but there was a need for a library
and a graphing mechanism - design pattern style. This all adds overhead I
guess when it comes to just reading code, and the design patterns for
callbacks that closures seem to encourage makes this easier by itself?

One thing that would be good to know more about with regard to Livecode is
the memory handling - so when does a peice of code get released from
memory? My understanding is that it does not - except possibly when the
stack it resides in is deleted from memory?

Otherwise my understanding is that like with Hypercard the script is
compiled to bytecode the first time it is executed (which is a relatively
slow step), but thereafter resides in memory to be executed when needed. Is
that about right?

It makes me think of an architecture in Livecode using [[dispatch]] where a
stack is loaded that contains the needed code should the dispatch call not
be handled by the message hierarchy - by default this stack could be
deleted after it is called - so releasing it from memory. Commonly called
handlers could be loaded before hand by a different command and therfore
stay in memory.

On 7 April 2015 at 21:21, Andrew Kluthe wrote:

 1. Livecode messaging is fully asynchronous. Not semi-async.

 Right, when I said semi-async I was referring to the single threadedness of
 livecode (which node shares) along with all the baked into livecode stuff
 that blocks up messages currently: accessing a large file on disk, posting
 some information to a web service with a large json payload being returned.
 It's async, with some pretty hard to work around exceptions (url library
 specifically has been the primary source of past frustration in this way).

 3. Livecode does not have closures = passing anonymous callbacks as
 params to functions so they can be executed later

 As for anonymous callbacks, I totally agree. Most early Node development
 had to overcome the callback hell that these patterns introduce. However,
 almost all of the nodejs projects and libraries I've worked with leveraged
 them heavily or exclusively. Promsies seem to have become the standard way
 of dealing with the callback hell that node was so famous for for a long
 time. Why does node use anonymous functions over the method you linked to
 in the article? Anonymous functions are marked for garbage collection
 immediately after being returned. All other functions at the global scope
 run the risk of needlessly using memory after they run. I've gotten into
 some hairy situations with memory management with these kinds of named
 callbacks (specifically for database access and return of lots of results
 when not scoped correctly).

 Passing a function (not just a name of a function to be used with a send or
 a dispatch later on) as a parameter even in your article still demonstrates
 something LC just can't do currently. In the article he's still using
 closures, it's just got a name instead of being anonymous. It's still a
 closure. LC has ways to accomplish similar things by passing names of
 functions and using dispatch, but I think it's not exactly the same.
 Closures are part of the reason node.js works the way it does and closures
 are one of the pirmary reasons javascript was chosen for node. It's
 certainly possible to do async without them, but closures are what makes it
 easy and kind of a fundamental principle to working in node.js.

 4. But we can easily call / dispatch calls to functions by passing names
 around and we can limit scope by using private handlers or libraries.

 Sure, there is nothing STOPPING us from implementing named callbacks in the
 current fashion or passing the named callback references dynamically as you
 and I mentioned, but from experience trying it this way I feel like it
 makes maintaining large projects built this way a lot more difficult. To
 the point where I ended up completely redoing most of the livecode stuff
 I've written in this way early on because it was getting to be a nightmare
 to maintain a completely separate callback functions rather than the sort
 of nested structure you get in node with callbacks. It takes a lot of
 discipline in placement and grouping of the code that is related in this
 way to come back later and make sense of it. In summary: it can be done,
 but that doesn't mean that it SHOULD be done.

 Kind of a weird long post there. Sorry for the length and probable
 repetition of my points.

 Also, this was something really neat I've used recently to make node work
 in-process with some .NET applications we have. Something that does this
 with node and LC would indeed be the bees knees.

 Specifically the part about it allowing us to write node 

[ANN] Free update: ChartMaker 3.0 Build 65

2015-04-08 Thread
I am pleased to announce a free update for ChartMaker that is LC6.7 and LC7

Full release notes and the new release download are available here,
including a free 30-day trial (or use your existing key to update): 

Note that as a professional product, ChartMaker requires LiveCode
Commercial. However, specific circumstances will be considered for
developers who require unlocked maintenance access for their clients.

Version: 3.0
Build: 65
Release type: Update
Issued: 8 April 2015

ChartMaker now requires LiveCode 5.5 or later. Earlier versions are not

What's New in this build?

This is a free maintenance release that addresses the following issues...

. General LC7 compatibility

. Line charts did not reset formatForPrinting to false. Fixed.

. Incorrect multiple series labelling. Fixed

. XFormat now correctly displays on CMupdateChart

. Utility: Category Display: Wizard: Popup Tip... Now closes as expected

Hugh Senior

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Re: LiveNode Server

2015-04-08 Thread David Bovill
Yes I second that - async file and network I/O. And full REST support -
PATCH I think is not supported - or is that documented?

On 7 April 2015 at 23:44, Andrew Kluthe wrote:

 I'm not using LC server side much so I can't say for sure there in
 reference to this thread and the things we've been discussing. I think the
 direction livecode is going and the state that it is/was (I still use 5.5
 for a lot of things) in to be great.

 If we can get as many of the blocking bits down to a minimum as possible
 (specifically the url libraries), I think it would be perfect. The thing
 that peeved me most is that most of my DB work is not done by directly
 connecting to the database but some sort of api layer. Usually my LC apps
 are just clients for these apis (often built in Node or python if they were
 made in-house). I like the flexibility this gives me. They post some JSON
 and get a JSON payload back. If the payload is large, I've had to do things
 like use curl and some other things to make up for the built-in super
 convenient internet library just sitting locking the application while it
 waits to return. I've converted entire applications out of LC into other
 technology stacks just because of the kludge needed for this one thing. I'd
 love to be able to stream this stuff in a little bit at a time as well. I
 can get some desired results with regular GET request using load url with a
 callback but it doesn't help when I have to post a more complex query. This
 happens in my .NET apps as well, but I use the parallel task libraries .NET
 has to get around the UI lockups. I've been spoiled on some of visual
 studio's tooling features in the meantime too :P (intellisense, jump to
 definitions, some other things that i think will come to LC in time).

 I also have a node-webkit (now nw.js) application that I think would be
 perfectly suited to be done in livecode once things stabilize a bit (this
 has already started to happen) with the newer builds using Chrome Embedded
 Framework. I needed something with all the fine tuned styling I could get
 from web app we already have but running as a standalone against SQLite DB.
 We did this to reuse the same visual cues and javascript libraries that we
 use on the web version. We wanted a copy of the web application that could
 run completely without the internet. I think with just a bit of time, I
 could have used LC to do this comfortably.

 The short answer? An url library that can read a file off disk
 asynchronously (I think this can be done now using some of the other ways
 of doing disk access in LC, but it would be nice if the url(binfile:) bit
 did the same thing) and an url library that can return the response of a
 POST asynchronously (preferably returning chunks as they come in).

 The widgets architecture sets itself up to solve all of my other potential
 wants/needs, maybe even this one.

 On Tue, Apr 7, 2015 at 4:19 PM Richard Gaskin

  Andrew Kluthe wrote:
  1. Livecode messaging is fully asynchronous. Not semi-async.
   Right, when I said semi-async I was referring to the single
   livecode (which node shares) along with all the baked into livecode
   that blocks up messages currently: accessing a large file on disk,
   some information to a web service with a large json payload being
   It's async, with some pretty hard to work around exceptions (url
   specifically has been the primary source of past frustration in this
  3. Livecode does not have closures = passing anonymous callbacks as
   params to functions so they can be executed later
   As for anonymous callbacks, I totally agree. Most early Node
   had to overcome the callback hell that these patterns introduce.
   almost all of the nodejs projects and libraries I've worked with
   them heavily or exclusively. Promsies seem to have become the standard
   of dealing with the callback hell that node was so famous for for a
   time. Why does node use anonymous functions over the method you linked
   in the article? Anonymous functions are marked for garbage collection
   immediately after being returned. All other functions at the global
   run the risk of needlessly using memory after they run. I've gotten
   some hairy situations with memory management with these kinds of named
   callbacks (specifically for database access and return of lots of
   when not scoped correctly).
   Passing a function (not just a name of a function to be used with a
   a dispatch later on) as a parameter even in your article still
   something LC just can't do currently. In the article he's still using
   closures, it's just got a name instead of being anonymous. It's still a
   closure. LC has ways to accomplish similar things by passing names of
   functions and using dispatch, but I 

When is a stack dirty?

2015-04-08 Thread Peter Haworth
After several years of using Livecode, I still don't understand how the IDE
decides when a stack needs to be saved when I quit from it.

As an example,  if I delete a substack by script then quit, the stack isn't
saved.  If I change the vale of a custom property by script then quit, the
stack isn't saved.  Same thing happens if I add a new substack by script.
And if I change the value of a custom property by script.

Surely the IDE should be aware that a save is needed in those

lcSQL Software
Home of lcStackBrowser and
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Re: [OT] Market Share

2015-04-08 Thread Richard Gaskin

Kay C Lan wrote:

 It's normally Richard who comes out with the OS Market Share figures
 and I must admit I normally sort of switch off at that point because
 I've sorta heard it all before - OS X is an ever so small number. I
 mean, some of us like chocolate and others strawberry and no amount
 of statistics is going to make that change. I use what I like, you
 use what suits you.

Agreed. To clarify, I usually bring up OS stats only in response to the 
perennial Why doesn't LiveCode support 
Amiga/BeOS/someOtherDefunctSystem? stuff that comes up from time to time.

Like most Linux users I know, though I may prefer it myself I'm not 
nearly as evangelical about such things as I used to be when I used Macs 
exclusively.  After all, one of the great things about LiveCode is that 
it liberates us from the whims of any single OS vendor, so everyone can 
develop on whatever they prefer and still deploy to all.

So while market share stats should rightfully have zero impact on 
anyone's personal choices, they're useful for developers in assessing 
potential ROI.

But even then their value is limited.  No matter how you slice it, the 
desktop is always a Windows story, with both OS X and Linux relative niches.

And there's more to the story than a single data point of market share: 
 OS X tends to attract an audience of higher-than-average disposable 
income, and Linux tends to attract an audience of code contributors, so 
each offers something uniquely valuable beyond market share alone.

 For reasons I can't explain I always thought that amongst 'real
 programmers' the statistics would be even worse, Windows the majority,
 Linux steamrollering ahead, and OS X a very distant and poor cousin.
 So I found these figures... well unbelievable:

Developer-centric stats like those may be especially interesting to 
those who make developer tools.

That's a good find - I haven't come across it before, usually looking to 
w3schools for dev stats:

The w3schools stats are very different in specifics, but not all that 
different in terms of the overall story of Windows dominance with Mac 
and Linux playing minor roles:

2015   Win8   Win7   Vista NT*   WinXP  Linux Mac   Mobile
February   21.3%  52.5%  0.8%  0.4%  4.5%   5.4%  10.0% 5.0%

There the Mac share is roughly proportionate to total market share, 
while the Linux share is much higher than the frequently-cited 1%, a 
healthy reminder that reliable Linux stats are unusually hard to come by 
given the mix of usage patterns coupled with the way log aggregation 
sites that come up with the mythic 1% figure admittedly alter their data.

But either way, Linux isn't taking over the desktop any time soon, and 
neither is Mac.  But thankfully none of that affects our own personal 
preferences, and all three are good viable choices for working with 

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Systems
 Software Design and Development for the Desktop, Mobile, and the Web

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Re: https in browser on iOS broken?

2015-04-08 Thread Scott Rossi
Possibly related. I haven't tested recently but accessing DropBox directories 
which use https has stopped working since older versions of LC.  I think Pete 
may have logged a bug report on this.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media UX/UI Design

 On Apr 8, 2015, at 6:47 AM, Mark Schonewille wrote:
 Has anyone had problems with https connections on iOS? I try to load web 
 sites using the https protocol. They seem to load, but they don't render.
 The console gives me the following error:
 08-04-15[316]Wed Apr  8 15:03:12 
 MacBook.local Dock[316] Error: kCGErrorInvalidConnection: CGSGetWindowTags: 
 Invalid connection
 Does this look familiar to anyone?
 Best regards,
 Mark Schonewille
 Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
 KvK: 50277553
 Installer Maker for LiveCode:
 Buy my new book Programming LiveCode for the Real Beginner
 LiveCode on Facebook:
 use-livecode mailing list
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use-livecode mailing list
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Re: When is a stack dirty?

2015-04-08 Thread dunbarx

I agree. Even if you put data into a field externally, say from the msg box, 
you are not asked to save the stack upon closing.


-Original Message-
From: Peter Haworth
To: How to use LiveCode
Sent: Wed, Apr 8, 2015 12:35 pm
Subject: When is a stack dirty?

After several years of using Livecode, I still don't understand how the
decides when a stack needs to be saved when I quit from it.

As an
example,  if I delete a substack by script then quit, the stack isn't
If I change the vale of a custom property by script then quit, the
stack isn't
saved.  Same thing happens if I add a new substack by script.
And if I change
the value of a custom property by script.

Surely the IDE should be aware that
a save is needed in those

lcSQL Software
Home of lcStackBrowser and
mailing list
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unsubscribe and manage your subscription

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Re: https in browser on iOS broken?

2015-04-08 Thread Mark Schonewille
Thanks Scott. Good to know that I'm not the only one. I couldn't find 
any reports about this problem and I have reported it as bug 15182.

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
KvK: 50277553

Installer Maker for LiveCode:

Buy my new book Programming LiveCode for the Real Beginner

LiveCode on Facebook:

On 4/8/2015 19:04, Scott Rossi wrote:

Possibly related. I haven't tested recently but accessing DropBox directories 
which use https has stopped working since older versions of LC.  I think Pete 
may have logged a bug report on this.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media UX/UI Design

On Apr 8, 2015, at 6:47 AM, Mark Schonewille 


Has anyone had problems with https connections on iOS? I try to load web sites 
using the https protocol. They seem to load, but they don't render.

The console gives me the following error:

08-04-15[316]Wed Apr  8 15:03:12 MacBook.local 
Dock[316] Error: kCGErrorInvalidConnection: CGSGetWindowTags: Invalid 

Does this look familiar to anyone?

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
KvK: 50277553

Installer Maker for LiveCode:

Buy my new book Programming LiveCode for the Real Beginner

LiveCode on Facebook:

use-livecode mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: LiveNode Server

2015-04-08 Thread Andrew Kluthe
To clarify just a little bit further. The code and objects weren't holding
onto memory, the variables used in that code were due to weird scoping. Big
chunks of db results, etc that persist after I've already done my business
with them and tried to move on.

If I can recommend a book on Javascript, I can't speak highly enough of the
insights given by  JavsScript: the Good Parts from O'Reilly. He provides
some history behind some of the design choices in javascript and some of
the problems still being worked around today in regards to the bad parts.

On Wed, Apr 8, 2015 at 8:41 AM Andrew Kluthe wrote:

 I haven't had many problems with livecode chewing up memory and not
 letting it go (unless I've done something obvious like stash it someplace
 where I would expect it to persist). I think JS in general is prone to
 memory leaks just because of how much of it was designed around the use of
 global variables. All the scoping improvements we've had over the years
 were kind of grafted on top of this design to try and address this.

 In Livecode, memory leaks happen if you are really reckless.

 In most of the JS environments (node, browsers), they happen when you
 aren't careful.

 On Wed, Apr 8, 2015 at 4:54 AM David Bovill wrote:

 Thanks for this Andrew - I learned a lot. I spend a lot of time passing
 messages around Livecode objects with a view to making them standalone
 chunks. Debugging works pretty well - but there was a need for a library
 and a graphing mechanism - design pattern style. This all adds overhead I
 guess when it comes to just reading code, and the design patterns for
 callbacks that closures seem to encourage makes this easier by itself?

 One thing that would be good to know more about with regard to Livecode is
 the memory handling - so when does a peice of code get released from
 memory? My understanding is that it does not - except possibly when the
 stack it resides in is deleted from memory?

 Otherwise my understanding is that like with Hypercard the script is
 compiled to bytecode the first time it is executed (which is a relatively
 slow step), but thereafter resides in memory to be executed when needed.
 that about right?

 It makes me think of an architecture in Livecode using [[dispatch]] where
 stack is loaded that contains the needed code should the dispatch call not
 be handled by the message hierarchy - by default this stack could be
 deleted after it is called - so releasing it from memory. Commonly called
 handlers could be loaded before hand by a different command and therfore
 stay in memory.

 On 7 April 2015 at 21:21, Andrew Kluthe wrote:

  1. Livecode messaging is fully asynchronous. Not semi-async.
  Right, when I said semi-async I was referring to the single
 threadedness of
  livecode (which node shares) along with all the baked into livecode
  that blocks up messages currently: accessing a large file on disk,
  some information to a web service with a large json payload being
  It's async, with some pretty hard to work around exceptions (url library
  specifically has been the primary source of past frustration in this
  3. Livecode does not have closures = passing anonymous callbacks as
  params to functions so they can be executed later
  As for anonymous callbacks, I totally agree. Most early Node development
  had to overcome the callback hell that these patterns introduce.
  almost all of the nodejs projects and libraries I've worked with
  them heavily or exclusively. Promsies seem to have become the standard
  of dealing with the callback hell that node was so famous for for a long
  time. Why does node use anonymous functions over the method you linked
  in the article? Anonymous functions are marked for garbage collection
  immediately after being returned. All other functions at the global
  run the risk of needlessly using memory after they run. I've gotten into
  some hairy situations with memory management with these kinds of named
  callbacks (specifically for database access and return of lots of
  when not scoped correctly).
  Passing a function (not just a name of a function to be used with a
 send or
  a dispatch later on) as a parameter even in your article still
  something LC just can't do currently. In the article he's still using
  closures, it's just got a name instead of being anonymous. It's still a
  closure. LC has ways to accomplish similar things by passing names of
  functions and using dispatch, but I think it's not exactly the same.
  Closures are part of the reason node.js works the way it does and
  are one of the pirmary reasons javascript was chosen for node. It's
  certainly possible to do async without them, but closures are what
 makes it
  easy and kind of a fundamental principle to working in node.js.
  4. But we can easily call / dispatch 

https in browser on iOS broken?

2015-04-08 Thread Mark Schonewille


Has anyone had problems with https connections on iOS? I try to load web 
sites using the https protocol. They seem to load, but they don't render.

The console gives me the following error:

08-04-15 15:03:12[316]	Wed Apr  8 15:03:12 
MacBook.local Dock[316] Error: kCGErrorInvalidConnection: 
CGSGetWindowTags: Invalid connection

Does this look familiar to anyone?

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
KvK: 50277553

Installer Maker for LiveCode:

Buy my new book Programming LiveCode for the Real Beginner

LiveCode on Facebook:

use-livecode mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: LiveNode Server

2015-04-08 Thread Andrew Kluthe
I haven't had many problems with livecode chewing up memory and not letting
it go (unless I've done something obvious like stash it someplace where I
would expect it to persist). I think JS in general is prone to memory leaks
just because of how much of it was designed around the use of global
variables. All the scoping improvements we've had over the years were kind
of grafted on top of this design to try and address this.

In Livecode, memory leaks happen if you are really reckless.

In most of the JS environments (node, browsers), they happen when you
aren't careful.

On Wed, Apr 8, 2015 at 4:54 AM David Bovill wrote:

 Thanks for this Andrew - I learned a lot. I spend a lot of time passing
 messages around Livecode objects with a view to making them standalone code
 chunks. Debugging works pretty well - but there was a need for a library
 and a graphing mechanism - design pattern style. This all adds overhead I
 guess when it comes to just reading code, and the design patterns for
 callbacks that closures seem to encourage makes this easier by itself?

 One thing that would be good to know more about with regard to Livecode is
 the memory handling - so when does a peice of code get released from
 memory? My understanding is that it does not - except possibly when the
 stack it resides in is deleted from memory?

 Otherwise my understanding is that like with Hypercard the script is
 compiled to bytecode the first time it is executed (which is a relatively
 slow step), but thereafter resides in memory to be executed when needed. Is
 that about right?

 It makes me think of an architecture in Livecode using [[dispatch]] where a
 stack is loaded that contains the needed code should the dispatch call not
 be handled by the message hierarchy - by default this stack could be
 deleted after it is called - so releasing it from memory. Commonly called
 handlers could be loaded before hand by a different command and therfore
 stay in memory.

 On 7 April 2015 at 21:21, Andrew Kluthe wrote:

  1. Livecode messaging is fully asynchronous. Not semi-async.
  Right, when I said semi-async I was referring to the single threadedness
  livecode (which node shares) along with all the baked into livecode stuff
  that blocks up messages currently: accessing a large file on disk,
  some information to a web service with a large json payload being
  It's async, with some pretty hard to work around exceptions (url library
  specifically has been the primary source of past frustration in this
  3. Livecode does not have closures = passing anonymous callbacks as
  params to functions so they can be executed later
  As for anonymous callbacks, I totally agree. Most early Node development
  had to overcome the callback hell that these patterns introduce. However,
  almost all of the nodejs projects and libraries I've worked with
  them heavily or exclusively. Promsies seem to have become the standard
  of dealing with the callback hell that node was so famous for for a long
  time. Why does node use anonymous functions over the method you linked to
  in the article? Anonymous functions are marked for garbage collection
  immediately after being returned. All other functions at the global scope
  run the risk of needlessly using memory after they run. I've gotten into
  some hairy situations with memory management with these kinds of named
  callbacks (specifically for database access and return of lots of results
  when not scoped correctly).
  Passing a function (not just a name of a function to be used with a send
  a dispatch later on) as a parameter even in your article still
  something LC just can't do currently. In the article he's still using
  closures, it's just got a name instead of being anonymous. It's still a
  closure. LC has ways to accomplish similar things by passing names of
  functions and using dispatch, but I think it's not exactly the same.
  Closures are part of the reason node.js works the way it does and
  are one of the pirmary reasons javascript was chosen for node. It's
  certainly possible to do async without them, but closures are what makes
  easy and kind of a fundamental principle to working in node.js.
  4. But we can easily call / dispatch calls to functions by passing
  around and we can limit scope by using private handlers or libraries.
  Sure, there is nothing STOPPING us from implementing named callbacks in
  current fashion or passing the named callback references dynamically as
  and I mentioned, but from experience trying it this way I feel like it
  makes maintaining large projects built this way a lot more difficult. To
  the point where I ended up completely redoing most of the livecode stuff
  I've written in this way early on because it was getting to be a
  to maintain a completely separate callback functions rather than the 

Re: hide / show oddities ?

2015-04-08 Thread Alan Stenhouse
There were some posts on this list about 4 months ago re: hide/show objects 

Having struck this today on a project I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s 
something to do with the graphics caching that is being used when we have 
acceleratedRendering set to true.  In our case, we had some scrolling groups 
with subgroups in which each contained buttons that may be shown or hidden at 
times. It appeared as though these weren’t being updated, however, if the 
overall containing group wasn’t visible. Once it was made visible however, 
scrolling the group would update all the child objects ok. However, that’s not 
good enough…

So the solution for now, on entry to this card, is to turn acceleratedRendering 
off, which presumably disables the graphics caching, and all objects are now 
updated correctly. Yet to be seen is the effect this may have on other bits 
that perhaps need the better graphics performance…

So if you’re also seeing strange behaviour with hide/show or setting the 
visible property, try turning off acceleratedRendering to see if that helps. 
(I’d already tried setting the layerMode and it didn’t seem to help).

HTH someone.


Alan Stenhouse

Check out our apps on the App Store:

BeatSpeak - the multilingual talking metronome
EV-Point - Find your nearest Electric Vehicle Recharge Station.
Re-Collections - Make your family history come to life. Every picture tells 
your story.

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Re: Current Player Bugs in LC 7

2015-04-08 Thread Richmond

On 08/04/15 18:18, Peter Bogdanoff wrote:

Thanks, Tom.

This explanation makes sense—the fixes are being rolled into LC 8, rather than 
7. However this leaves 7 with a broken player.

The problem with this is that we seem to have a series of Beta versions; 
the 6.7 line, the 7.0 line and now the 8.0 line;

all introducing jazzy new things.

However, however jazzy those new things might be, it might not be a bad 
thing to have a rock-solid version to be going on with

while all those Beta versions get sorted out.



On Apr 7, 2015, at 2:23 PM, tbodine wrote:

Hi Peter.

I know quite a few of us are anxious to see a break in the log jam regarding
the multimedia player. My takeaway from the webinar last month was that many
issues would clear up when the LC8 multimedia player widget rolls out.  It
will replace obsolete code -- no doubt the source of many bugs -- by
wrapping AV foundation on Mac, Windows 8 multimedia on Win, etc. to
modernize multimedia in LC. My notes say the team expects to write this
very quickly once the underlying support is there.

So, there's hope.
Tom Bodine

View this message in context:
Sent from the Revolution - User mailing list archive at

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Re: Current Player Bugs in LC 7

2015-04-08 Thread Peter Bogdanoff
Thanks, Tom.

This explanation makes sense—the fixes are being rolled into LC 8, rather than 
7. However this leaves 7 with a broken player.


On Apr 7, 2015, at 2:23 PM, tbodine wrote:

 Hi Peter.
 I know quite a few of us are anxious to see a break in the log jam regarding
 the multimedia player. My takeaway from the webinar last month was that many
 issues would clear up when the LC8 multimedia player widget rolls out.  It
 will replace obsolete code -- no doubt the source of many bugs -- by
 wrapping AV foundation on Mac, Windows 8 multimedia on Win, etc. to
 modernize multimedia in LC. My notes say the team expects to write this
 very quickly once the underlying support is there.
 So, there's hope.
 Tom Bodine
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[OT] Market Share

2015-04-08 Thread Kay C Lan
It's normally Richard who comes out with the OS Market Share figures and I
must admit I normally sort of switch off at that point because I've sorta
heard it all before - OS X is an ever so small number. I mean, some of us
like chocolate and others strawberry and no amount of statistics is going
to make that change. I use what I like, you use what suits you.

For reasons I can't explain I always thought that amongst 'real
programmers' the statistics would be even worse, Windows the majority,
Linux steamrollering ahead, and OS X a very distant and poor cousin. So I
found these figures... well unbelievable:

Then again you can use statistics to argue anything. Maybe these numbers
suggest that there's just a lot of confused programmers seeking answers on
OS X ;-)
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Database error?

2015-04-08 Thread Graham Samuel
I’m profoundly ignorant of databases in general and the way LC talks to MySQL 
databases in particular. Gregg Flora gave me a script for a handler which 
communicates with a mySQL database I thought I’d created using the On-Rev 
cPanel: but when I query it by running the script I get this error:

 Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2)

I am 99 percent certain that I have the name of the host, the database itself 
and the user all correct, plus the correct password for that user. Perhaps the 
creation process didn’t really created the database (although the cPanel 
display says it did).

Can anyone suggest what I should do next?


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RE: When is a stack dirty?

2015-04-08 Thread Ralph DiMola
Peter Haworth Wrote:
I can't think of any other program I use where it's my responsibility to
ensure I save any changes I make.

I agree. The other day I changed a custom property and exited out of LC and
it did not ask to save as I expected. So I restarted LC made the change
again then saved manually and closed LC. Took me by surprise. Any change at
all to the stack or any sub stacks should set the IDE dirty flag.

Ralph DiMola
IT Director
Evergreen Information Services

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RE: Import as image as control. Where is it?

2015-04-08 Thread Ralph DiMola
I don't think I get it. 2 questions:

How is..
Set the filename of your image to the modified file on disk
Different from...
put url(binfile:  the filename of img Your image here“) into img Your 
image here“

This is for a mobile app. So even though the stack is carrying the weight of 
the imported image I still need to put the original imported image into the 
copy file pane of the standalone setting if I want change it and then return to 
the original image? 


Ralph DiMola
IT Director
Evergreen Information Services

-Original Message-
From: use-livecode [] On Behalf Of 
Klaus major-k
Sent: Wednesday, April 08, 2015 1:59 PM
To: How to use LiveCode
Subject: Re: Import as image as control. Where is it?

Hi Ralph,

 Am 08.04.2015 um 19:52 schrieb Ralph DiMola
 I have an image control that was created by Import image as control. 
 In some cases I want to change the image to one located on disk and 
 then back to the original. In the property inspector the filename is 
 empty. Where is the imported image and how do I reference it?

Import image as control“ will put a copy of the image file into your stack, so 
there is no reference to the file on disk anymore.

Do like this:
1. Set the filename of your image to the modified file on disk 2. Then later 
use the message box:
put url(binfile:  the filename of img Your image here“) into img Your 
image here“

 Ralph DiMola
 IT Director
 Evergreen Information Services



Klaus Major

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Re: When is a stack dirty?

2015-04-08 Thread J. Landman Gay

On 4/8/2015 1:15 PM, Peter Haworth wrote:

Couldn't the engine let the IDE know that a stack needs to be saved?

I'd think so. It would be a good feature request.

Jacqueline Landman Gay |
HyperActive Software   |

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Re: When is a stack dirty?

2015-04-08 Thread Peter Haworth
QCC # 15184

lcSQL Software
Home of lcStackBrowser and

On Wed, Apr 8, 2015 at 11:38 AM, J. Landman Gay

 On 4/8/2015 1:15 PM, Peter Haworth wrote:

 Couldn't the engine let the IDE know that a stack needs to be saved?

 I'd think so. It would be a good feature request.

 Jacqueline Landman Gay |
 HyperActive Software   |

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 subscription preferences:

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Re: Database error?

2015-04-08 Thread shawnlc
If I remember right MySQL (at least on Cpanel servers) require the database
name to be:  username_databaseName.  You may already realize that, but I'm
gonna throw it out there in an attempt to assist :)

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unable to install 7.0.4-rc3 on vista

2015-04-08 Thread Dr. Hawkins
I don't use this machine a lot, but it's my backup, and my retina is in

the 7.0.4-rc3 installer removed rc2, and failed to install 3--it hangs
until windows stops it.  I've tried multiple times.

Has anyone solved this?

Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
(702) 508-8462
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Re: [OT] Market Share

2015-04-08 Thread Dr. Hawkins
On Wed, Apr 8, 2015 at 9:12 AM, Richard Gaskin

 But either way, Linux isn't taking over the desktop any time soon, and
 neither is Mac

I dropped the original version of my program in '91 or '92, as it was
HyperCard/SuperCard dependent, and mac only made about a 1% intrusion into
law offices.  (Had I known that supercard would ship a dos/windows version
a year later, I would probably be the big player in the field today,
instead of BestCase).

Today, at least around here, iPhone is the strong majority for lawyers, and
iPad is far more common that other tablets.

Macs have followed them in.  Today, over half of the laptops I see with
lawyrs at court are mac . . .

Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
(702) 508-8462
use-livecode mailing list
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Re: When is a stack dirty?

2015-04-08 Thread J. Landman Gay

On 4/8/2015 11:33 AM, Peter Haworth wrote:

After several years of using Livecode, I still don't understand how the IDE
decides when a stack needs to be saved when I quit from it.

As an example,  if I delete a substack by script then quit, the stack isn't
saved.  If I change the vale of a custom property by script then quit, the
stack isn't saved.  Same thing happens if I add a new substack by script.
And if I change the value of a custom property by script.

Surely the IDE should be aware that a save is needed in those

Basically it knows you made a change when you do something manually. 
Changing anything by script is sent directly to the engine and the IDE 
doesn't know about it.

Jacqueline Landman Gay |
HyperActive Software   |

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Re: When is a stack dirty?

2015-04-08 Thread Peter Haworth
Couldn't the engine let the IDE know that a stack needs to be saved?

I can't think of any other program I use where it's my responsibility to
ensure I save any changes I make.  It really makes LC look outdated.

I think there's a global property in the IDE that indicates whether a stack
needs saving or not.  I guess I'll have to change my scripts to set it.

lcSQL Software
Home of lcStackBrowser and

On Wed, Apr 8, 2015 at 10:40 AM, J. Landman Gay

 On 4/8/2015 11:33 AM, Peter Haworth wrote:

 After several years of using Livecode, I still don't understand how the
 decides when a stack needs to be saved when I quit from it.

 As an example,  if I delete a substack by script then quit, the stack
 saved.  If I change the vale of a custom property by script then quit, the
 stack isn't saved.  Same thing happens if I add a new substack by script.
 And if I change the value of a custom property by script.

 Surely the IDE should be aware that a save is needed in those

 Basically it knows you made a change when you do something manually.
 Changing anything by script is sent directly to the engine and the IDE
 doesn't know about it.

 Jacqueline Landman Gay |
 HyperActive Software   |

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 subscription preferences:

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Import as image as control. Where is it?

2015-04-08 Thread Ralph DiMola
I have an image control that was created by Import image as control. In
some cases I want to change the image to one located on disk and then back
to the original. In the property inspector the filename is empty. Where is
the imported image and how do I reference it?

Ralph DiMola
IT Director
Evergreen Information Services

use-livecode mailing list
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Re: Import as image as control. Where is it?

2015-04-08 Thread Klaus major-k
Hi Ralph,

 Am 08.04.2015 um 19:52 schrieb Ralph DiMola
 I have an image control that was created by Import image as control. In
 some cases I want to change the image to one located on disk and then back
 to the original. In the property inspector the filename is empty. Where is
 the imported image and how do I reference it?

Import image as control“ will put a copy of the image file into your stack, 
so there is no reference to the file on disk anymore.

Do like this:
1. Set the filename of your image to the modified file on disk
2. Then later use the message box:
put url(binfile:  the filename of img Your image here“) into img Your 
image here“

 Ralph DiMola
 IT Director
 Evergreen Information Services



Klaus Major

use-livecode mailing list
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Re: When is a stack dirty?

2015-04-08 Thread stephen barncard
On Wed, Apr 8, 2015 at 9:33 AM, Peter Haworth wrote:

 Surely the IDE should be aware that a save is needed in those

I never thought about it.
I save save save save all the time anyway and never trusted the IDE to
remind me.

Stephen Barncard - Sebastopol Ca. USA - Deeds Not Words
use-livecode mailing list
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Re: [OT] Market Share

2015-04-08 Thread stephen barncard
On Wed, Apr 8, 2015 at 8:28 AM, Kay C Lan wrote:

 Then again you can use statistics to argue anything. Maybe these numbers
 suggest that there's just a lot of confused programmers seeking answers on
 OS X ;-)

Nah.  The main reason, I assume, is because it's the only hardware platform
that can run every other platform, all in one box.
Also the quality of the hardware is quality and consistent. And sometimes
it's not worth it to switch around, just develop in the native OS to the
hardware, and use the other OSs in virtual for testing.

Stephen Barncard - Sebastopol Ca. USA - Deeds Not Words
use-livecode mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: Import as image as control. Where is it?

2015-04-08 Thread Klaus major-k
Hi Ralph,

 Am 08.04.2015 um 20:37 schrieb Ralph DiMola
 I don't think I get it. 2 questions:
 How is..
 Set the filename of your image to the modified file on disk

this will only reference the external image file.

 Different from...
 put url(binfile:  the filename of img Your image here“) into img Your 
 image here“

this will put a copy of that file on disk into the existing image object 
Just like „Import as control“ does.

 This is for a mobile app. So even though the stack is carrying the weight of 
 the imported image I still need to put the original imported image into the 
 copy file pane of the standalone setting if I want change it and then return 
 to the original image? 


Once the image has been „imported“, what: put url(„bifile: … into image XYZ 
does) you do not need the image file, 
since it is not referenced anymore.

Hope that helps! :-)

 Ralph DiMola

 Subject: Re: Import as image as control. Where is it?
 Hi Ralph,
 Am 08.04.2015 um 19:52 schrieb Ralph DiMola
 I have an image control that was created by Import image as control. 
 In some cases I want to change the image to one located on disk and 
 then back to the original. In the property inspector the filename is 
 empty. Where is the imported image and how do I reference it?
 Import image as control“ will put a copy of the image file into your stack, 
 so there is no reference to the file on disk anymore.
 Do like this:
 1. Set the filename of your image to the modified file on disk 2. Then later 
 use the message box:
 put url(binfile:  the filename of img Your image here“) into img Your 
 image here“
 Ralph DiMola
 IT Director
 Evergreen Information Services



Klaus Major

use-livecode mailing list
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RE: Database error?

2015-04-08 Thread Ralph DiMola

I use these parameters when opening the MySQL DB. This works for IDE PC, IDE 
Mac and mobile.

revOpenDatabase(mysql, ,cpanelusername_DatabaseName 
,cpanelusername_MyPHPadminDBusername ,Password for yPHPadminDBusername 

Ralph DiMola
IT Director
Evergreen Information Services

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Re: When is a stack dirty?

2015-04-08 Thread Peter Haworth
Well I think that's my problem - I should be able to trust the IDE :-)

lcSQL Software
Home of lcStackBrowser and

On Wed, Apr 8, 2015 at 12:29 PM, stephen barncard wrote:

 On Wed, Apr 8, 2015 at 9:33 AM, Peter Haworth wrote:

  Surely the IDE should be aware that a save is needed in those

 I never thought about it.
 I save save save save all the time anyway and never trusted the IDE to
 remind me.

 Stephen Barncard - Sebastopol Ca. USA - Deeds Not Words
 use-livecode mailing list
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 subscription preferences:

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Re: When is a stack dirty?

2015-04-08 Thread Mark Schonewille

Hi Pete,

The variable gRevStackStatus[Short name of a stack] is set to true 
whenever a control moves or changes as the result of user input. 
Messages triggering an update or gRevStackStatus are openField and 
focusIn for example. I think that moveControl and resizeControl are 
monitored too. I haven't checked which messages are monitored, for a 
long time.

Whenever you bring a stack with a field to the front, the IDE finds the 
first field that has the lockText set to false and the traversalOn set 
to true. This field gets focus and gRevStackStatus is set to edited.

Whenever you try to close a stack, or quit the IDE, LiveCode briefly 
sets the focus to each of the stacks that is currently visible. The 
first field gets the focus and thus the gRevStackStatus is set to true 
--if it has a field.

In other words, the IDE sets gRevStackStatus to true for any stack with 
a field, before you close it, and you will always see a Save dialog for 
these stacks.

If you want to prevent this from happening, you will need to write your 
own frontscript that handles the closeStackRequest, shutDownRequest and 
appleEvent messages.

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
KvK: 50277553

Installer Maker for LiveCode:

Buy my new book Programming LiveCode for the Real Beginner

LiveCode on Facebook:

On 4/8/2015 18:33, Peter Haworth wrote:

After several years of using Livecode, I still don't understand how the IDE
decides when a stack needs to be saved when I quit from it.

As an example,  if I delete a substack by script then quit, the stack isn't
saved.  If I change the vale of a custom property by script then quit, the
stack isn't saved.  Same thing happens if I add a new substack by script.
And if I change the value of a custom property by script.

Surely the IDE should be aware that a save is needed in those


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Re: [OT] Market Share

2015-04-08 Thread Richmond

On 08/04/15 22:25, stephen barncard wrote:

On Wed, Apr 8, 2015 at 8:28 AM, Kay C Lan wrote:

Then again you can use statistics to argue anything. Maybe these numbers
suggest that there's just a lot of confused programmers seeking answers on
OS X ;-)

Nah.  The main reason, I assume, is because it's the only hardware platform
that can run every other platform, all in one box.

Boo to that one.

I run Linux, Windows and Macintosh, due to the good offices of VMware, 
in an Optiplex.


Also the quality of the hardware is quality and consistent. And sometimes
it's not worth it to switch around, just develop in the native OS to the
hardware, and use the other OSs in virtual for testing.

Stephen Barncard - Sebastopol Ca. USA - Deeds Not Words
use-livecode mailing list
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use-livecode mailing list
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Re: Database error?

2015-04-08 Thread shawnlc
Let me add this too.  In Cpanel when you create a database, you're asked to
1) create a database, 2) create a username and password for that database,
and 3) assign a username to that database.  This isn't necessarily the same
as your Cpanel login, but can be if that's how you create your database. And
as I mentioned previously, when connecting to MySQL it's username_database
then your password. Of course you need your domain info.

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Re: When is a stack dirty?

2015-04-08 Thread Jerry Jensen

 On Apr 8, 2015, at 12:29 PM, stephen barncard wrote:
 On Wed, Apr 8, 2015 at 9:33 AM, Peter Haworth wrote:
 Surely the IDE should be aware that a save is needed in those
 I never thought about it.
 I save save save save all the time anyway and never trusted the IDE to
 remind me.

Me too. Save, save, save. I seem to work a lot on things that are crash-y. Not 
LC crashes necessarily, but hangs from drivers and other finicky external 
beasties. Just hitting the Apply button is enough to make me nervous.

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Re: Import as image as control. Where is it?

2015-04-08 Thread Mike Bonner
if the filename property is empty, store the text of the image to a
property or variable, pop in your new image, then to revert, set the text
of image whatever to the text you stored in the property.  If there IS a
filename set, and you want to do the flippy floppy, store the filename
instead, and set it back when you're done.

On Wed, Apr 8, 2015 at 1:47 PM, Klaus major-k wrote:

 Hi Ralph,

  Am 08.04.2015 um 20:37 schrieb Ralph DiMola
  I don't think I get it. 2 questions:
  How is..
  Set the filename of your image to the modified file on disk

 this will only reference the external image file.

  Different from...
  put url(binfile:  the filename of img Your image here“) into img
 Your image here“

 this will put a copy of that file on disk into the existing image object
 Just like „Import as control“ does.

  This is for a mobile app. So even though the stack is carrying the
 weight of the imported image I still need to put the original imported
 image into the copy file pane of the standalone setting if I want change it
 and then return to the original image?


 Once the image has been „imported“, what: put url(„bifile: … into image
 XYZ does) you do not need the image file,
 since it is not referenced anymore.

 Hope that helps! :-)

  Ralph DiMola

  Subject: Re: Import as image as control. Where is it?
  Hi Ralph,
  Am 08.04.2015 um 19:52 schrieb Ralph DiMola
  I have an image control that was created by Import image as control.
  In some cases I want to change the image to one located on disk and
  then back to the original. In the property inspector the filename is
  empty. Where is the imported image and how do I reference it?
  Import image as control“ will put a copy of the image file into your
 stack, so there is no reference to the file on disk anymore.
  Do like this:
  1. Set the filename of your image to the modified file on disk 2. Then
 later use the message box:
  put url(binfile:  the filename of img Your image here“) into img
 Your image here“
  Ralph DiMola
  IT Director
  Evergreen Information Services



 Klaus Major

 use-livecode mailing list
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 subscription preferences:

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Re: When is a stack dirty?

2015-04-08 Thread Peter Haworth
Thanks for the info Mark.  That probably explains what is happening in my
case because the substack I delete is not open at the time I delete it.

What I'm thinking of doing is setting the gRevStackStatus element for the
main stack of the deleted substack in my script which sounds like it should
result in the IDE issuing a save prompt when I quit.  I will probably have
to do the same thing when, for example, I change the value of a custom
property in an unopened stack.

lcSQL Software
Home of lcStackBrowser and

On Wed, Apr 8, 2015 at 1:09 PM, Mark Schonewille wrote:

 Hi Pete,

 The variable gRevStackStatus[Short name of a stack] is set to true
 whenever a control moves or changes as the result of user input. Messages
 triggering an update or gRevStackStatus are openField and focusIn for
 example. I think that moveControl and resizeControl are monitored too. I
 haven't checked which messages are monitored, for a long time.

 Whenever you bring a stack with a field to the front, the IDE finds the
 first field that has the lockText set to false and the traversalOn set to
 true. This field gets focus and gRevStackStatus is set to edited.

 Whenever you try to close a stack, or quit the IDE, LiveCode briefly sets
 the focus to each of the stacks that is currently visible. The first field
 gets the focus and thus the gRevStackStatus is set to true --if it has a

 In other words, the IDE sets gRevStackStatus to true for any stack with a
 field, before you close it, and you will always see a Save dialog for these

 If you want to prevent this from happening, you will need to write your
 own frontscript that handles the closeStackRequest, shutDownRequest and
 appleEvent messages.

 Best regards,

 Mark Schonewille

 Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
 KvK: 50277553

 Installer Maker for LiveCode:

 Buy my new book Programming LiveCode for the Real Beginner

 LiveCode on Facebook:

 On 4/8/2015 18:33, Peter Haworth wrote:

 After several years of using Livecode, I still don't understand how the
 decides when a stack needs to be saved when I quit from it.

 As an example,  if I delete a substack by script then quit, the stack
 saved.  If I change the vale of a custom property by script then quit, the
 stack isn't saved.  Same thing happens if I add a new substack by script.
 And if I change the value of a custom property by script.

 Surely the IDE should be aware that a save is needed in those


 use-livecode mailing list
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 subscription preferences:

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Re: [OT] Market Share

2015-04-08 Thread stephen barncard
On Wed, Apr 8, 2015 at 1:16 PM, Richmond

 I run Linux, Windows and Macintosh, due to the good offices of VMware, in
 an Optiplex.

Really? A virtual hackentosh ? you can use a stock install of Yosemite on
one of those? Without some kind of 'jailbreaking' ?

Stephen Barncard - Sebastopol Ca. USA - Deeds Not Words
use-livecode mailing list
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