BAF and other things - I am confused...

2015-08-18 Thread Rolf Kocherhans
I didn’t wanna chime in into all those discussions, but I am totally confused by
the LiveCode mothership recently, and I have to now.

I am confused with the new BAF License and all the talk about SVN.

It is very clear to me that SVN does make a lot of sense to everyone. Therefore
I programmed a plugin and made it available to all for free already in 2012
( ).
Monte also had a go at the subject in a much more professional way !

Now when I read about Business App Framework features here: it says:

The BAF separates out parts of a project into individual files, with template 
and scripts stored as text.

Is this not what SVN needs ?
Can we now all stop talking about creating an SVN Plugin or beg LiveCode to
incorporate SVN into the IDE because we now just need to buy the Business 
since all the work is already done ?

And if it is not so, can someone from the Mothership please show us in a Movie
or similar way what the BAF exactly does ?!
How could one decide to buy or not to buy it when we know so little about it.

Second question:

The new Widgets and the new LiveCode Builder language, when and how do we get 
information about how to use the Language ?

I had a look at all the movies and blog posts, but to be honest, for me the 
present info is not
at all enough to feel confident that I can create widgets on my own !

Can the mothership please chime in ?

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Re: Restore corrupted stack

2015-08-18 Thread J. Landman Gay

On 8/18/2015 12:44 AM, Peter Bogdanoff wrote:

I saw this sort of corruption in the past (LC 5 or 6) where a stack
functions correctly as far as I could tell while it is open. When it
is closed and reopened the corruption message appears. In my case, I
left the LC 7 stack open for some days, while making backups from the
Finder. Not until I quit and reopened it did I find out it was bad.

Now you've got me worried. I've been working on a LC 7 stack for days 
too without closing it.

Please send your corrupted stack to the QCC so they can fix it before it 
happens to me too.

Jacqueline Landman Gay |
HyperActive Software   |

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Re: Open Source Kickstarter Report Card

2015-08-18 Thread RunRevPlanet
Hello Peter,

Any chance of some basic improvements like edit bookmarks, or find and replace
in text selections, with better keyboard shortcuts before Intelligent Code

Peter TB Brett said:

  My *guess* is that we'll have something
  basic out by the end of the year

Scott McDonald
Components, Controls, Tools and Resources for LiveCode

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Re: Open Source Kickstarter Report Card (Updated)

2015-08-18 Thread Matthias Rebbe | M-R-D

 Am 18.08.2015 um 04:45 schrieb Peter W A Wood
 There have been quite a few comments and clearly a number of different views 
 amongst members of the community. I would like to add my perspective.
 The LiveCode Kickstarter campaign was very unusual in that the LiveCode could 
 fulfil all of the rewards without actually having to complete the project. 
 The rewards consisted of gifts and existing LiveCode products.
 In one sense, LiveCode completed the Kickstarter campaign when all the 
 rewards had been delivered. I’m sure that Kickstarter would take this view.

But then the Kickstarter campaign is not yet completed. ;) The printed 
dictionary reward was not yet sent.

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RE: Open Source Kickstarter Report Card (Updated)

2015-08-18 Thread Lynn Fredricks
 If your app includes FOSS, it must not cause any 
 non-FOSS Microsoft
  software to become subject to the terms of any FOSS license.
 Although Microsoft didn't name it, it's talking about GPL.
 But is it?  GPL v2 and v3 are both on the OSI list of approved 
 licenses (whatever that means; OSI is a much younger org than 
 FSF, and while I appreciate their work and tend toward their 
 politics more than the FSF's, naming their list Approved 
 complicates things unnecessarily, and IMNSHO smacks of simple 

I think the writer is a bit off here, and maybe Microsoft is reiterating
something that should be obvious, but for some may not be.

My read on this is that you can use any of these licenses, but regardless,
you understand that your license cannot effectively create an unauthorized
sublicense of a non FOSS whatever as a FOSS whatever. 

For example, you cannot use my closed source component in your FOSS project
and therefore sublicense and release my closed source component as FOSS.

Or am I misreading this?

Best regards,

Lynn Fredricks
Paradigma Software

Valentina Server: The Ultra-fast, Royalty Free Business Reports  Database

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Re: Open Source Kickstarter Report Card

2015-08-18 Thread RunRevPlanet
Richard said:

  All the cool new greenfield stuff will
  be just a playground for an aging
  audience of a fixed size if newcomers are
  disappointed with very basic

That's the thing, because I know how *awesome* LiveCode is, I have been willing
to put up with the IDE as it stands.

Then the Kickstarter Campaign reached the target, and gave me hope that the IDE
would improve.

But when LiveCode 8.0 DP came along (and internal debugging code
notwithstanding) it is disappointing. I was under the false impressions that
after putting up with 7.0, version 8.0 was to be the good one.

But no, it is even slower and it feels like it is conspiring to waste my time
when I try to do tests as have to watch as menus redraw, the editor scrolling,
or I am waiting for the text cursor to appear.

Richard said:

  If I were running the show (and there
  are many reasons most people are glad
  I'm not) I'd take my best engineers
  and put them on the script editor
  full-time until it's clean, robust,
  and performant.

Wise words.

If the LiveCode tech blog had periodic updates about this sort of work (not the
you won't believe the amazing things we have for you in the future type) and DP
builds so we can test and feedback, then I would feel much more easy about the
direction and ability of LiveCode to deliver.
Scott McDonald
Components, Controls, Tools and Resources for LiveCode

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Re: Open Source Kickstarter Report Card (Updated)

2015-08-18 Thread Peter W A Wood


The first thing to note is that LiveCode Ltd has open-sourced LiveCode under 
the GPL licence. It is freely accessible on Github.

The second thing to note is that the majority of the Kickstarter rewards have 
been delivered. Only delivery of printed copies of a new updated dictionary 
after final Kickstarter project delivery remains to be completed.

There seems to have been three other major deliverables promised in the main 

Deliverable Status
Re-engineer the whole platform  Completed
A new technology: “Open Language”   Early alpha of the 
pre-requisite LiveCode Builder released (LiveCode 8.0)
Open Language 
will be in a release after LiveCode 8.0
A new visual editor Early alpha released 
(LiveCode 8.0)

There were a number of deliverables promised through stretch goals which were 

Deliverable Status
Resolution Independence Completed
Pluggable ThemesPluggable Themes will 
be in a release after LiveCode 8.0
Cocoa   Completed
Physics Engine  Physics Engine will be 
in a release after LiveCode 8.0
Windows/Phone 8 Theme   Windows/Phone 8 Theme will be 
in a release after LiveCode 8.0
Vector Shape Object Vector Shape Object 
will be in a release after LiveCode 8.0
Reworked Multimedia Support 
New Player  Completed on OS X. 
Windows in release LiveCode 8.0. Linux ???
Multi Channel Sound OS X : Linux : Windows 
Sound Recording ???
New Browser Control OS X, Windows 
completed. Linux with LiveCode 8.0

I’d appreciate if somebody could let me know the status of the items about 
which I’m unclear and any mistakes I have made.



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Re: Open Source Kickstarter Report Card (Updated)

2015-08-18 Thread Peter W A Wood

 On 18 Aug 2015, at 14:32, Matthias Rebbe | M-R-D wrote:
 Am 18.08.2015 um 04:45 schrieb Peter W A Wood
 There have been quite a few comments and clearly a number of different views 
 amongst members of the community. I would like to add my perspective.
 The LiveCode Kickstarter campaign was very unusual in that the LiveCode 
 could fulfil all of the rewards without actually having to complete the 
 project. The rewards consisted of gifts and existing LiveCode products.
 In one sense, LiveCode completed the Kickstarter campaign when all the 
 rewards had been delivered. I’m sure that Kickstarter would take this view.
 But then the Kickstarter campaign is not yet completed. ;) The printed 
 dictionary reward was not yet sent.

Thanks. I missed the printed dictionary reward. New  Revised PRINTED LIVECODE 
SYNTAX DICTIONARIES with hundreds of updated language terms after final 
Kickstarter project delivery”

So I was wrong and the rewards were connected to the project after all.

I wonder what “the final Kickstarter project delivery” means in practical 
terms. All stretch goals completed?

I will update my report card.



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Re: Open Source Kickstarter Report Card

2015-08-18 Thread Fraser Gordon

On 18 Aug 2015, at 13:33, Richmond wrote:
 If Kevin made me IDE Czar […]

I, for one, welcome our new IDE overlord ;)


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Re: Open Source Kickstarter Report Card

2015-08-18 Thread Richmond

On 18/08/15 06:58, RunRevPlanet wrote:

Peter said:

   I have no doubt that these promises
   were very genuine. Clearly, LiveCode
   hasn’t been able to deliver them in
   the time they expected.

I never doubt the sincerity of LiveCode Ltd. and the team behind it.

I don't think anyone is impugning LiveCode's sincerity, but actions and 

are not the same thing.

I do feel that somehow, LiveCode is behaving like a lot of children 
trying to be terribly grownup and not managing it.

The 'main problem' as I see it does NOT have to do with the Kickstarter, 
the goals,

the stretch goals, the BAF, or anything at all like that.

What is a problem is the way LiveCode come across in their publicity 
stuff they keep e-mailing us:
it appears arrogant, inconsiderate, and most decisions they have taken 
are inadequately explained

(otherwise we wouldn't have had a gazillion postings about this recently).

I do feel that all the Kickstarter donors, at the very least, deserve 
more comprehensive and well-thought out explanations of decisions
taken by LiveCode central, and those who hold commercial licences 
probably deserve more.

Hence my remark recently (which nobody commented on) that LiveCode might 
do well to hire a PR officer
to do the PR and let the clever programming boffins get on with 
developing LiveCode.

Let's have some 'fun':

1. From now on children who don't do their homework at my school will be 
sent home forthwith,
on the understanding that if they appear at the next class without the 
homework they will simply be ejected again.
I will shout at them, hurl their books across the room and do my best to 
make them realise what stupid little sh*ts

they are in front of the other children.

2. Unfortunately there has been an increase in children coming to 
classes without their homework. In an attempt to
rectify this problem I will ask children who come without homework to 
sit in the entrance hall and do that homework.
Obviously this is not really satisfactory as they will miss the teaching 
that takes place while they complete work they
should have done at home. I would be grateful if parents could explain 
this to children, and while I realise that all
parents lead busy lives, do their best to ensure their children do do 
the small amount of homework they are given.

Now those 2 paragraphs are theoretical messages I could send to parents 
of children who attend my school.

I am sure that everybody will realise that #2 is a far better way of 
dealing with the situation, as well as the fact that

it is couched in more tactful language.

But when a major feature which would be a tangible improvement for *everyone*
using LiveCode is pushed to the end of the roadmap it is frustrating.

Indeed, and if LiveCode could give us some sort of a GANTT chart that 
was regularly updated so that each of us could see how each of her/his pet

stretch goals was coming along that might make things less frustrating.

Certainly one of the things I understand about Open Source is 'Open' and 
that means not hiding one's light under a bushel, and some

sort of accountability.

* First it was open source that was going to help make the Next Generation IDE.

* Then it was the magic of widgets that would boost productivity.

* But I later discover the LiveCode Builder language needs to be finished to
empower widgets and IDE.

2 years after the projected completion of all the goals and stretch 
goals and many are coming after LiveCode 8 does make one wonder.

* In the meantime, LiveCode HTML 5 deployment is also coming, soon...

Here is my point and regret: every month that a new user downloads LiveCode,
plays with the IDE, and then leaves (likely never return) and laughs with her
colleagues about a code editor that doesn't have bookmarks or search and replace
in selected text, is a month wasted in building up the LiveCode user base.

Forget the big plans and clever stuff like code completion or code tips, just
deliver basic functionality that should be standard in any IDE worthy of he name
Integrated Development Environment straight out of the box and then maybe the
tire kickers will stay and the number of users grow.

Scott McDonald
Components, Controls, Tools and Resources for LiveCode


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Re: Open Source Kickstarter Report Card (Updated)

2015-08-18 Thread Roger Eller
You'd think that a software company would make the dictionary available as
a searchable e-book too, if not an actual mobile app for all supported
platforms, and made with LiveCode itself.
On Aug 18, 2015 3:22 AM, Peter W A Wood wrote:


 The first thing to note is that LiveCode Ltd has open-sourced LiveCode
 under the GPL licence. It is freely accessible on Github.

 The second thing to note is that the majority of the Kickstarter rewards
 have been delivered. Only delivery of printed copies of a new updated
 dictionary after final Kickstarter project delivery remains to be completed.

 There seems to have been three other major deliverables promised in the
 main campaign:

 Deliverable Status
 Re-engineer the whole platform  Completed
 A new technology: “Open Language”   Early alpha of the
 pre-requisite LiveCode Builder released (LiveCode 8.0)
 Language will be in a release after LiveCode 8.0
 A new visual editor Early alpha
 released (LiveCode 8.0)

 There were a number of deliverables promised through stretch goals which
 were met:

 Deliverable Status
 Resolution Independence Completed
 Pluggable ThemesPluggable Themes
 will be in a release after LiveCode 8.0
 Cocoa   Completed
 Physics Engine  Physics Engine
 will be in a release after LiveCode 8.0
 Windows/Phone 8 Theme   Windows/Phone 8 Theme will
 be in a release after LiveCode 8.0
 Vector Shape Object Vector Shape
 Object will be in a release after LiveCode 8.0
 Reworked Multimedia Support
 New Player  Completed on OS X.
 Windows in release LiveCode 8.0. Linux ???
 Multi Channel Sound OS X : Linux :
 Windows ???
 Sound Recording ???
 New Browser Control OS X, Windows
 completed. Linux with LiveCode 8.0

 I’d appreciate if somebody could let me know the status of the items about
 which I’m unclear and any mistakes I have made.



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Re: Open Source Kickstarter Report Card (Updated)

2015-08-18 Thread Richmond

On 18/08/15 05:12, Peter W A Wood wrote:

I have updated my KickStarter report card thanks to the information about the 
new player for Windows being planned for LiveCode 8.0 that Tom Bodine kindly 

As I understand, the phrase “new visual editor” refers to the new IDE.


The first thing to note is that all the Kickstarter rewards have been delivered.

There seems to have been three major deliverables promised in the main campaign:

Deliverable Status
Re-engineer the whole platform  Completed
A new technology: “Open Language”   Early alpha of the 
pre-requisite LiveCode Builder released (LiveCode 8.0)
Open Language 
will be in a release after LiveCode 8.0
A new visual editor Early alpha released 
(LiveCode 8.0)

There were a number of deliverables promised through stretch goals which were 

Deliverable Status
Resolution Independence Completed
Pluggable ThemesPluggable Themes will 
be in a release after LiveCode 8.0
Cocoa   Completed
Physics Engine  Physics Engine will be 
in a release after LiveCode 8.0
Windows/Phone 8 Theme   Windows/Phone 8 Theme will be 
in a release after LiveCode 8.0
Vector Shape Object Vector Shape Object 
will be in a release after LiveCode 8.0
Reworked Multimedia Support 
New Player  Completed on OS X. 
Windows in release LiveCode 8.0. Linux ???
Multi Channel Sound OS X : Linux : Windows 
Sound Recording ???
New Browser Control OS X, Windows 
completed. Linux with LiveCode 8.0

I’d appreciate if somebody could let me know the status of the items about 
which I’m unclear and any mistakes I have made.



Does after LiveCode 8 mean 8.1 or does it mean 9 or maybe 10? 
Because that could make quite a difference.


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Re: Distribute beta versions of iOS app

2015-08-18 Thread Colin Holgate
The server itself has to be HTTPS, for over the air installs to work on iOS 7.1 
or later.

 On Aug 18, 2015, at 1:03 AM, J. Landman Gay wrote:
 uses SFTP to transfer to the server? How did you do that?
 No, it doesn't use SFTP for the actual transfer.

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Re: Open Source Kickstarter Report Card

2015-08-18 Thread Richmond

On 18/08/15 03:13, Richard Gaskin wrote:

RunRevPlanet wrote:

 Richard Gaskin wrote:
 RunRevPlanet wrote:
 I understand that things take longer than expected, but when I read
 the Kickstarter Campaign it is clear that the new IDE is a core
 part of the next generation. It is not a stretch goal, and is
 repeatedly emphasised as a core part of the project.


 Why do I care about a new IDE, because I know programmers who won't
 use LiveCode because of it. Sure, that is their loss and they miss
 out on the wonderful tool that is the xTalk language and LiveCode.

 But the fact remains that the way a new IDE was a core feature of
 Kickstarter Campaign acknowledges that:

  1. The current IDE is less than beautiful.
  2. The current IDE is not designed around today’s usability standards.

I'd be interested to know where one can find these usability 
standards, and by whom they are authorised to
be 'standards' - personally I think today's usability standards is 
another of those essentially empty phrases

used to bully people.

If by today's usability standards it is meant that LiveCode's IDE has 
to look like all the other IDEs out there, then it is
time for everybody to standard up and say Cheese! together, as the 
great thing about LiveCode is that IT IS NOT

THE SAME as all the other IDEs out there, and nor should it be.

Being new will only guarantee that it's new, not necessarily that it 
will improve the workflow.

improve the workflow - Ooo, another load of old testicles - I wonder 
who actually has a workflow?

Surely one works the way one works (inefficiently, in my case)  - the 
IDE is, after all, just the icing
on the cake, and, well, yes, the Metacard IDE does leave a bit to be 
desired (and, Lo! Kevin worked that out donkey's

years ago, and we have been through 2 fairly similar LiveCode IDEs).

Now, as the LiveCode IDE is a bit like LEGO, i.e. it is made up of bits 
and pieces that fit together, one can monkey around with it
as much as one wants to end up with a GUI one likes (I know, I've 
monkeyed, and anyone is welcome to one of my bananas), so

the need for a new IDE/GUI is a bit unclear.

What usability standards do you feel are not well reflected in the 
current IDE, and if Kevin made you IDE Czar tomorrow what are the 
first three things you'd do to fix that?

If Kevin made me IDE Czar I would suggest a series of online pages to 
explain the current IDE far rather than make a new one.

But, much as Kevin may love me (?), he is not going to make me IDE 
Cazr, nor would I want that job.

The 'problem' is that picture linked with a promise. One cannot put 
the daemons back in Pandora's box.

Kevin and Co. must be cursing under their collective breath about that 

What MIGHT solve the 'problem' is a wee guide on how to muck around with 
the IDE/GUI so one can make a bespoke version

should one so wish.

Personally I just make the menuBar and the toolBar black with white text.


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RE: BAF and other things - I am confused...

2015-08-18 Thread John Dixon


 Second question:
 The new Widgets and the new LiveCode Builder language, when and how do we get 
 information about how to use the Language ?
 I had a look at all the movies and blog posts, but to be honest, for me the 
 present info is not
 at all enough to feel confident that I can create widgets on my own !
 Can the mothership please chime in ?

The spec is here:
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Re: Open Source Kickstarter Report Card (Updated)

2015-08-18 Thread Peter W A Wood

 Does after LiveCode 8 mean 8.1 or does it mean 9 or maybe 10? Because 
 that could make quite a difference.

It means that I don’t think it is going to be in any of the LiveCode 8.xx 
releases based on my memory of snippets of information on this list and in the 
forums. (Which could well be wrong).

I didn’t know whether to use LiveCode 9 or LiveCode 10 for the major release 
after LiveCode 8. I remember it being mentioned by one of the LiveCode team 
that “Open Language” was going to be such an improvement that the release of 
LiveCode that included would be called LiveCode 10. (To be fair to the LiveCode 
team, this was said before Windows 10 was announced as the name for Windows 8 + 



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Re: Open Source Kickstarter Report Card (Updated)

2015-08-18 Thread Richmond

On 18/08/15 16:07, Peter W A Wood wrote:


Does after LiveCode 8 mean 8.1 or does it mean 9 or maybe 10? Because 
that could make quite a difference.

It means that I don’t think it is going to be in any of the LiveCode 8.xx 
releases based on my memory of snippets of information on this list and in the 
forums. (Which could well be wrong).

I didn’t know whether to use LiveCode 9 or LiveCode 10 for the major release 
after LiveCode 8. I remember it being mentioned by one of the LiveCode team 
that “Open Language” was going to be such an improvement that the release of 
LiveCode that included would be called LiveCode 10. (To be fair to the LiveCode 
team, this was said before Windows 10 was announced as the name for Windows 8 + 



Surely some mistake there, aren't we expecting LiveCode X ?

That's going to be a long, long wait for some of those Kickstarter goals.


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iOS Tab Bar Icon Limits

2015-08-18 Thread Brahmanathaswami
Will Apple reject your app if you have more than 5 items on the bottom 
tab bar?

Swasti Astu, Be Well!

Kauai's Hindu Monastery

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No Messages Until Scroll

2015-08-18 Thread Dan Friedman
Greeting!  I'm having an issue with a group of objects receiving a touchStart 
(or touchEnd, mouseUp or mouseDown) message.  The problem is on iOS only 
(haven't tried Android yet, but works fine on the Mac).  This is a group of 
buttons that are being scrolled by a mobile scroller.  If I drag the group so 
it scrolls even 1 pix, then it works.  If the scroller (or group) hasn't 
scrolled at all since it was created, no messages are getting send to the group 
or any objects in the group.

Anyone had this problem?  Or know what might be causing this?  Any advice is 

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Importing UTF-8 files

2015-08-18 Thread J. Landman Gay
Should I be using file or binfile to retrieve unicode text from a 
UTF-8 text file? I thought I should be using binfile, but after 
textDecoding the data, text chunking and delimiters break when I do that.

Jacqueline Landman Gay |
HyperActive Software   |

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Copy and Paste from LiveCode text fld in Mobile

2015-08-18 Thread Brahmanathaswami

USE CASE: I need to offer the user the ability to copy out text on 
mobile (not cut) for passing to twitter or email or facebook on both iOS 
and Android

I am using a plain text field, textContent on a single card textReader

unlocked, traversal on... for importing text files to the stack for 
users to read... and results from searches etc.

When I open in Mobile...I don't get the option, on mouse down.,where the 
small copy, cut widget opens in iOS... where you can drag to make a 
selection... this would also be done on a scrollable region (since there 
is more text in the field than the the field can show...)

Swasti Astu, Be Well!

Kauai's Hindu Monastery

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Re: Copy and Paste from LiveCode text fld in Mobile

2015-08-18 Thread Scott Rossi
Are you using a native mobile input control (text field)?  A LiveCode
field by itself won't offer this.  Note that there are two input controls:
a single line and multi-line.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, UX/UI Design

On 8/18/15, 1:32 PM, Brahmanathaswami wrote:

USE CASE: I need to offer the user the ability to copy out text on
mobile (not cut) for passing to twitter or email or facebook on both iOS
and Android

I am using a plain text field, textContent on a single card textReader

unlocked, traversal on... for importing text files to the stack for
users to read... and results from searches etc.

When I open in Mobile...I don't get the option, on mouse down.,where the
small copy, cut widget opens in iOS... where you can drag to make a
selection... this would also be done on a scrollable region (since there
is more text in the field than the the field can show...)

Swasti Astu, Be Well!

Kauai's Hindu Monastery

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Re: Importing UTF-8 files

2015-08-18 Thread Jerry Jensen
Thanks for the link. I need to “grow up” and move some stacks to 7. I will need 
to re-re-learn about unicode before it bites me.
.Jerry Jensen

 On Aug 18, 2015, at 1:50 PM, Brahmanathaswami wrote:
 i would highly recommend a deep read of the read me docs for 7.05 where 
 there is super detail info on all the unicode changes
 so much changed, mission critical stuff, a lot easier, but you need to do it 
 OH! the release notes for 7.1 don't have any of the unicode business... I 
 don't know where LC is documenting that now..
 So I extracted this for my own ref
 Swasti Astu, Be Well!
 Kauai's Hindu Monastery
 J. Landman Gay wrote:
 Should I be using file or binfile to retrieve unicode text from a UTF-8 
 text file? I thought I should be using binfile, but after textDecoding the 
 data, text chunking and delimiters break when I do that. 
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Re: Importing UTF-8 files

2015-08-18 Thread Monte Goulding
I don't think it would hurt to use file for utf-8

Sent from my iPhone

 On 19 Aug 2015, at 5:41 am, J. Landman Gay wrote:
 Should I be using file or binfile to retrieve unicode text from a UTF-8 
 text file? I thought I should be using binfile, but after textDecoding the 
 data, text chunking and delimiters break when I do that.
 Jacqueline Landman Gay |
 HyperActive Software   |
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RE: No Messages Until Scroll

2015-08-18 Thread Ralph DiMola
Haven't had the problem. The only things off the top of my head is message
path, layers or silently failing scripts. I'd put an answer dialog at the
top of the mouseup handler for the group and button and see what you get. 

Ralph DiMola
IT Director
Evergreen Information Services

-Original Message-
From: use-livecode [] On Behalf
Of Dan Friedman
Sent: Tuesday, August 18, 2015 3:25 PM
Subject: No Messages Until Scroll

Greeting!  I'm having an issue with a group of objects receiving a
touchStart (or touchEnd, mouseUp or mouseDown) message.  The problem is on
iOS only (haven't tried Android yet, but works fine on the Mac).  This is a
group of buttons that are being scrolled by a mobile scroller.  If I drag
the group so it scrolls even 1 pix, then it works.  If the scroller (or
group) hasn't scrolled at all since it was created, no messages are getting
send to the group or any objects in the group.

Anyone had this problem?  Or know what might be causing this?  Any advice is

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RE: No Messages Until Scroll

2015-08-18 Thread Ralph DiMola
Is this a bug or expected behavior? I guess I have never seen it because
when I create the scroller I always set the v/h scroll to something even if
it's zeros.

Ralph DiMola
IT Director
Evergreen Information Services

-Original Message-
From: use-livecode [] On Behalf
Of Scott Rossi
Sent: Tuesday, August 18, 2015 3:43 PM
To: LiveCode Mail List
Subject: Re: No Messages Until Scroll

Yes, I've run into this, or something related to it.  It seems that controls
within a scrolling group are non-responsive until the group has been
scrolled (or received some scroll message).  A workaround that seems to get
things going is, after creating the scroller, set the scroll value of the
scroller to some value, like 0 or its current scroll value.  Once this value
has been set, controls respond to mouse/touch events.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, UX/UI Design

On 8/18/15, 12:25 PM, Dan Friedman wrote:

Greeting!  I'm having an issue with a group of objects receiving a 
touchStart (or touchEnd, mouseUp or mouseDown) message.  The problem is 
on iOS only (haven't tried Android yet, but works fine on the Mac).  
This is a group of buttons that are being scrolled by a mobile 
scroller.  If I drag the group so it scrolls even 1 pix, then it works.  
If the scroller (or group) hasn't scrolled at all since it was created, 
no messages are getting send to the group or any objects in the group.

Anyone had this problem?  Or know what might be causing this?  Any 
advice is appreciated!

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Re: Importing UTF-8 files

2015-08-18 Thread Brahmanathaswami
i would highly recommend a deep read of the read me docs for 7.05 
where there is super detail info on all the unicode changes

so much changed, mission critical stuff, a lot easier, but you need to 
do it right.

OH! the release notes for 7.1 don't have any of the unicode business... 
I don't know where LC is documenting that now..

So I extracted this for my own ref

Swasti Astu, Be Well!

Kauai's Hindu Monastery

J. Landman Gay wrote:
Should I be using file or binfile to retrieve unicode text from a 
UTF-8 text file? I thought I should be using binfile, but after 
textDecoding the data, text chunking and delimiters break when I do that. 

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Re: Importing UTF-8 files

2015-08-18 Thread J. Landman Gay

On 8/18/2015 3:50 PM, Brahmanathaswami wrote:

So I extracted this for my own ref

Thanks for that. As Monte said, it turns out file works, but I didn't 
expect it because the entry for textDecode talks about binary files. If 
the dictionary user notes still worked I'd add a comment about that. It 
seems the LC team is ahead of me and has made open file and url 
(file:) compatible with unicode text. I should have known.

I read the change notes when they first came out but obviously I forgot 
a bunch of it. I'll read your link.

Jacqueline Landman Gay |
HyperActive Software   |

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Re: No Messages Until Scroll

2015-08-18 Thread Dan Friedman


That did the trick!  Many thanks!  


 Yes, I've run into this, or something related to it.  It seems that controls 
 within a scrolling group are non-responsive until the group has been scrolled 
 (or received some scroll message).  A workaround that seems to get things 
 going is, after creating the scroller, set the scroll value of the scroller 
 to some value, like 0 or its current scroll value.  Once this value has been 
 set, controls respond to mouse/touch events.
 Scott Rossi
 Creative Director
 Tactile Media, UX/UI Design

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Re: Importing UTF-8 files

2015-08-18 Thread Monte Goulding
The thing is importing using file mode changes the line endings which is 
perfectly fine in UTF8. It's still UTF8 afterwards which is why textDecode 
still works. You could just textDecode then script the replacement of the line 
endings but it's probably easier for the engine to do it.

Sent from my iPhone

 On 19 Aug 2015, at 7:32 am, J. Landman Gay wrote:
 Thanks for that. As Monte said, it turns out file works, but I didn't 
 expect it because the entry for textDecode talks about binary files.

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Re: Open Source Kickstarter Report Card

2015-08-18 Thread Richmond
I'm messing around, as one does, in a scaffy carpark attached to the 
Conservatoire in Sofia, Bulgaria, having thrown one son on a plane to the 
States and waiting for the other from Germany.

But I digress . .  

Reading a book from 1999 about Visual  Basic 6 . . .

AND what do I see?  The Visual Basic Integrated Development Environment,
to which my immediate reaction is 'fioch'!

Although I can see why it might appeal to some people, and it is rather 
of that picture.

I suppose this really comes down to whether you like the Photoshop IDE or the 
GIMP one:
I prefer the latter; although I have to admit it was a shock after moving to it 
after Photoshop
about 12 years ago.

My main 'beef' with an IDE of the VB6 type is that it blocks the desktop from 
view and doesn't
seem good if one wants to rearrange where one's palettes sit on the screen.

Things might prove a bit awkward if one wants to make a stack as big as one's 
desktop if one
cannot shunt palettes around and about.

Of course this is all about taste (meaning it's all in the mouth) so it would 
seem best, if an
all-in-one IDE like the VB6 one is to be introduced to have it as one of 2 


from my jail-broken, recycled iPad 1

On 19 Aug 2015, at 00:57, RunRevPlanet wrote:

 Richmond said:
 I'd be interested to know where one can
 find these usability standards, and by
 whom they are authorised to be 'standards'
 I know of no single website to visit that lists usability standards.
 When I think of such a concept, it is more about tools working in a way that I
 do not have to switch my way of thinking too much when I go from one to 
 As a concrete example, in the Windows world Ctrl+H is most commonly used as 
 keyboard shortcut for Find and Replace. No one is bullying tool vendors into
 using this shortcut, but muscle memory is a wonderful time saver and stops me
 from having to think so hard when coding when a tool vendor does follows the
 A different type of example of what I see as a usability standard, is that all
 the other IDE's I use do not put the Variables and Breakpoints list on 
 panes of the same window. Forcing me, not only to use he mouse to switch 
 them, but also preventing me from viewing them both at the same time.
 Such an arrangement that currently exists in LiveCode does not break any 
 but is hardly what I would call as good an arrangement used by other IDEs 
 I can see them both *and* the entire call stack list simultaneously. There is 
 good reason for LiveCode to be different when the current arrangement is less
 convenient and forces me to work harder.
 These are just two examples, but the are other issues listed in my previous
 As far as I am concerned, the Next Generation IDE is not about making 
 new and shiny just because it looks cool and copies what every other tool 
 is doing.
 It is instead about making LiveCode a tool that doesn't make me have to 
 a different set of rules and conventions while working in it and doing common
 basic actions, as compared to other popular editors and IDEs.
 Following expected conventions also reduces the chance of new users dismissing
 LiveCode immediately they try do some simple actions that all of the other
 programming tools do, but LiveCode cannot.
 To me usability standards are all about increasing the user base, and reducing
 the effort of my hands and brain when in LiveCode.
 Scott McDonald
 Components, Controls, Tools and Resources for LiveCode
 use-livecode mailing list
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Re: Distribute beta versions of iOS app

2015-08-18 Thread Brahmanathaswami
We have budget for this and so I'm going to buy your app... least we can 
do for all that you give to us!

I have FTP off on the server by default. no one from anywhere for any 
reason can log in with clear text, its just not done, period. (why LC HQ 
doesn't get this and provide this as part of lib URL is beyond me... 
end my perennial rant on no SFTP in the engine

One day you can add the option to use rSync provided the user has her 
SSH key installed... this also work/around no SFTP.

J. Landman Gay wrote:

Not exactly. The app itself can't be distributed as-is, you need to 
build a special distribution package. That's the tedious part that 
AirLaunch automates. You can find info on how to do that on the web. 
It's a lot of futzing around, and ater a while I got tired of it and 
wrote AirLaunch. 

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SFTP support [was: Re: Distribute beta versions of iOS app]

2015-08-18 Thread Peter TB Brett

On 2015-08-18 22:42, Brahmanathaswami wrote:

I have FTP off on the server by default. no one from anywhere for any
reason can log in with clear text, its just not done, period. (why LC
HQ doesn't get this and provide this as part of lib URL is beyond
me... end my perennial rant on no SFTP in the engine

The LiveCode engine can already do secure communication using SSL 
(Secure Socket Layer).  It would *probably* be possible to use secure 
socket to implement FTPS (FTP over SSL) in scripts, without any engine 
changes (i.e. in libUrl).

SFTP is not FTPS or FTP.  It's an unrelated file transfer protocol that 
runs over Secure Shell (SSH).  It would be a relatively large project to 
add it to the engine, because we would be able to use the existing 
secure network communication support in LiveCode, and we wouldn't be 
able to use *any* of the existing FTP support in LiveCode.

The regular requests for SFTP support are noted and SFTP support is on 
our internal list of feature requests -- indeed, I was recently 
discussing it with Mark Waddingham.  However, it will be a large project 
that will involve writing and thoroughly testing a lot of new, 
security-critical code.  When we have the resources available to 
implement it, it will therefore very likely be introduced an extension 
available to LiveCode Business customers.

In the meantime, you could work around the absence of SFTP support 
(while maintaining server security) by creating an HTTPS web service 
that allows uploads only by authenticated clients which provide a valid 
API token.

One thing I don't understand - please can you explain why you can't just 
do your uploads by shelling out to the scp or rsync commands?


Dr Peter Brett
LiveCode Engine Development Team

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Re: Open Source Kickstarter Report Card

2015-08-18 Thread RunRevPlanet
Richmond said:

  I'd be interested to know where one can
  find these usability standards, and by
  whom they are authorised to be 'standards'

I know of no single website to visit that lists usability standards.

When I think of such a concept, it is more about tools working in a way that I
do not have to switch my way of thinking too much when I go from one to another.

As a concrete example, in the Windows world Ctrl+H is most commonly used as the
keyboard shortcut for Find and Replace. No one is bullying tool vendors into
using this shortcut, but muscle memory is a wonderful time saver and stops me
from having to think so hard when coding when a tool vendor does follows the

A different type of example of what I see as a usability standard, is that all
the other IDE's I use do not put the Variables and Breakpoints list on different
panes of the same window. Forcing me, not only to use he mouse to switch between
them, but also preventing me from viewing them both at the same time.

Such an arrangement that currently exists in LiveCode does not break any rules,
but is hardly what I would call as good an arrangement used by other IDEs where
I can see them both *and* the entire call stack list simultaneously. There is no
good reason for LiveCode to be different when the current arrangement is less
convenient and forces me to work harder.

These are just two examples, but the are other issues listed in my previous

As far as I am concerned, the Next Generation IDE is not about making something
new and shiny just because it looks cool and copies what every other tool vendor
is doing.

It is instead about making LiveCode a tool that doesn't make me have to remember
a different set of rules and conventions while working in it and doing common
basic actions, as compared to other popular editors and IDEs.

Following expected conventions also reduces the chance of new users dismissing
LiveCode immediately they try do some simple actions that all of the other
programming tools do, but LiveCode cannot.

To me usability standards are all about increasing the user base, and reducing
the effort of my hands and brain when in LiveCode.
Scott McDonald
Components, Controls, Tools and Resources for LiveCode

use-livecode mailing list
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Re: BAF and other things - I am confused...

2015-08-18 Thread JB
That looks really nice!

They have put a lot of work into it.
It sounds like you cannot use any
pointers yet or access everything in

John Balgenorth

On Aug 18, 2015, at 5:43 AM, John Dixon wrote:

 Second question:
 The new Widgets and the new LiveCode Builder language, when and how do we 
 get more
 information about how to use the Language ?
 I had a look at all the movies and blog posts, but to be honest, for me the 
 present info is not
 at all enough to feel confident that I can create widgets on my own !
 Can the mothership please chime in ?
 The spec is here:
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Re: Open Source Kickstarter Report Card

2015-08-18 Thread AndyP
I like the IDE set-up arrangement as it is with the floating panes. It is an
especially workable when using a two monitor set-up. If the single view
arrangement were to be implemented in a new IDE then the option to un-dock
the script editor at the bare minimum should be an option.

I agree that the current IDE look and feel looks tired and may put new
potential users of LiveCode how about a middle step of revamping
the look of the existing pallets and allowing the user to theme the current
IDE arrangement?

Andy Piddock 

My software never has bugs. It just develops random features. 

Copy the new cloud space, get your free 15GB space now:
Get Copy 

Script editor Themer for LC  

PointandSee is a FREE simple but full featured under cursor colour picker / 
finder.  - made with LiveCode
View this message in context:
Sent from the Revolution - User mailing list archive at

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Re: Open Source Kickstarter Report Card

2015-08-18 Thread Paul Hibbert
I totally agree, I use Photoshop dialy and while I’m quite happy with a one 
window type of environment for image editing I really don’t feel it would be 
appropriate for app development.

However, there are some areas that I feel could be improved in the LC IDE, so I 
wrote my own plugin to help organise LC just how I like it, and then made 
another plugin to add some shortcuts that I prefer, so for me a better designed 
IDE doesn’t mean one pane for everything, but more options for custom 
shortcuts, tabbed panels that can be docked together etc. and options for 
arranging the IDE just how you like it and then being able to save those 

Photoshop is actually a very good model for a flexible working environment, 
especially for people that work on multiple monitors, it can be set up like you 
use GIMP with separate floating panels, or with docked panels or with a 
backdrop to obscure the finder and other distracting apps with shortcuts to 
make all open panels disappear (and reappear!). All of these settings can be 
saved as different workspaces, if LC could do that I would be really impressed 
and I’m sure many others would too.


 On Aug 18, 2015, at 20:59, Richmond wrote:
 I'm messing around, as one does, in a scaffy carpark attached to the 
 Conservatoire in Sofia, Bulgaria, having thrown one son on a plane to the 
 States and waiting for the other from Germany.
 But I digress . .  
 Reading a book from 1999 about Visual  Basic 6 . . .
 AND what do I see?  The Visual Basic Integrated Development Environment,
 to which my immediate reaction is 'fioch'!
 Although I can see why it might appeal to some people, and it is rather 
 of that picture.
 I suppose this really comes down to whether you like the Photoshop IDE or the 
 GIMP one:
 I prefer the latter; although I have to admit it was a shock after moving to 
 it after Photoshop
 about 12 years ago.
 My main 'beef' with an IDE of the VB6 type is that it blocks the desktop from 
 view and doesn't
 seem good if one wants to rearrange where one's palettes sit on the screen.
 Things might prove a bit awkward if one wants to make a stack as big as one's 
 desktop if one
 cannot shunt palettes around and about.
 Of course this is all about taste (meaning it's all in the mouth) so it would 
 seem best, if an
 all-in-one IDE like the VB6 one is to be introduced to have it as one of 2 
 from my jail-broken, recycled iPad 1
 On 19 Aug 2015, at 00:57, RunRevPlanet wrote:
 Richmond said:
 I'd be interested to know where one can
 find these usability standards, and by
 whom they are authorised to be 'standards'
 I know of no single website to visit that lists usability standards.
 When I think of such a concept, it is more about tools working in a way that 
 do not have to switch my way of thinking too much when I go from one to 
 As a concrete example, in the Windows world Ctrl+H is most commonly used as 
 keyboard shortcut for Find and Replace. No one is bullying tool vendors into
 using this shortcut, but muscle memory is a wonderful time saver and stops me
 from having to think so hard when coding when a tool vendor does follows the
 A different type of example of what I see as a usability standard, is that 
 the other IDE's I use do not put the Variables and Breakpoints list on 
 panes of the same window. Forcing me, not only to use he mouse to switch 
 them, but also preventing me from viewing them both at the same time.
 Such an arrangement that currently exists in LiveCode does not break any 
 but is hardly what I would call as good an arrangement used by other IDEs 
 I can see them both *and* the entire call stack list simultaneously. There 
 is no
 good reason for LiveCode to be different when the current arrangement is less
 convenient and forces me to work harder.
 These are just two examples, but the are other issues listed in my previous
 As far as I am concerned, the Next Generation IDE is not about making 
 new and shiny just because it looks cool and copies what every other tool 
 is doing.
 It is instead about making LiveCode a tool that doesn't make me have to 
 a different set of rules and conventions while working in it and doing common
 basic actions, as compared to other popular editors and IDEs.
 Following expected conventions also reduces the chance of new users 
 LiveCode immediately they try do some simple actions that all of the other
 programming tools do, but LiveCode cannot.
 To me usability standards are all about increasing the user base, and 
 the effort of my hands and brain when in LiveCode.
 Scott McDonald
 Components, Controls, Tools and Resources for LiveCode

Re: Open Source Kickstarter Report Card

2015-08-18 Thread Monte Goulding

 On 19 Aug 2015, at 3:22 pm, Richard Gaskin wrote:
 The Viewer widget needed for that UI will be very nice for us, but I fear 
 making an IDE based around it, as it would no longer be truly LIVE CODE.

I agree, personally I’d like a full screen script editor with an object tree on 
the side and possibly a properties pane on the other side but for the actual 
stacks I think a toolbar and floating palettes and our stacks as real windows 
is more logical.
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Re: BAF and other things - I am confused...

2015-08-18 Thread Peter TB Brett

On 2015-08-18 14:57, Roger Eller wrote:

I recommend working through the step-by-step guide that Georgia wrote:

It's quite easy to follow and it's a great intro to LiveCode Builder.

That is a great intro, but where are the details of the language?  
you draw with commands as in #5, how do you draw other shapes / 

and set their attributes?

If you go into the Dictionary in LiveCode 8:

* use the menu at the top left to select the LiveCode Builder 

* click on library on the left
* select com.livecode.canvas from the list

You will rewarded by a very long and comprehensive list of syntax 
related to drawing.


Dr Peter Brett
LiveCode Engine Development Team

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Re: BAF and other things - I am confused...

2015-08-18 Thread Roger Eller
On Tue, Aug 18, 2015 at 8:50 AM, Peter TB Brett

 On 2015-08-18 11:17, Rolf Kocherhans wrote:

 The new Widgets and the new LiveCode Builder language, when and how do
 we get more
 information about how to use the Language ?

 I had a look at all the movies and blog posts, but to be honest, for
 me the present info is not
 at all enough to feel confident that I can create widgets on my own !

 I recommend working through the step-by-step guide that Georgia wrote:

 It's quite easy to follow and it's a great intro to LiveCode Builder.


 Dr Peter Brett
 LiveCode Engine Development Team

That is a great intro, but where are the details of the language?  Since
you draw with commands as in #5, how do you draw other shapes / objects,
and set their attributes?

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Re: Bug getting group name, plse check

2015-08-18 Thread Peter M. Brigham
+1  --  bookmarked!

-- Peter

Peter M. Brigham

On Aug 17, 2015, at 11:39 AM, Mike Bonner wrote:

 Its pretty easy to set up a custom search engine in google.  I created a
 cse restricted to 4 sites. and the nabble site.  I'm sure there are settings that
 might help it work better.

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Re: Bug getting group name, plse check

2015-08-18 Thread Mike Bonner
Theres so MUCH content in the forum, it seems to take over the results.
Might be better to have it in a separate engine, and if there is still an
online dictionary, set one up for that too.

On Tue, Aug 18, 2015 at 8:16 AM, Peter M. Brigham wrote:

 +1  --  bookmarked!

 -- Peter

 Peter M. Brigham

 On Aug 17, 2015, at 11:39 AM, Mike Bonner wrote:

  Its pretty easy to set up a custom search engine in google.  I created a
  cse restricted to 4 sites. and the nabble site.  I'm sure there are settings
  might help it work better.

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How to Go to The Edinburgh Fringe Festival

2015-08-18 Thread Jana Doughty
Hi Everyone,

If you know Edinburgh, you might know The Fringe Festival. It's that time
of year when street performers, dancers, DJs, and buskers take over the
Royal Mile with flyers, music, and tomfoolery. It's awesome.

Our staff came up with a list of recommended Fringe favorites. So whether
you're an Edinburgh local looking for something to see or a LiveCode fan
abroad, we hope you'll enjoy getting to know the Fringe's 2015 flavor!



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