Re: Delete and object from script within the object?

2014-12-03 Thread Björnke von Gierke
send deleteTheImage  myImage to this stack in 0 seconds

On 03 Dec 2014, at 22:57, William Prothero wrote:

 I’m trying to delete an image from a script within that image  LC doesn’t 
 like that because the script in the object hasn’t finished yet.
 —the image script is:
 on mouseUp
   put the name of me into myImage
   deleteTheImage myImage
 end mouseUp
 —In the stack script
 on deleteTheImage imageName
delete image imageName
 end deleteTheImage
 The command failed because the “end mouseUp” has not executed and LC won’t 
 delete the object where a script is running.
 How should I approach this? Is there a command to dispatch a message after a 
 short delay? I know there must be, I just can’t find it.
 William A. Prothero
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Re: EU VAT changes small software businesses

2014-11-27 Thread Björnke von Gierke
So basically, every one of you EU software sellers is going to be fucked.

It seems that using the MOSS is only applicable if you yourself have a VAT 
identification number. Furthermore it seems to be opt in and not mandatory. 
Nontheless, it seems to me that you then will need to do the Vat stuff by hand, 
especially if you do not have a registered VAT identification number yourself, 
and can't use the MOSS. What is the benefit of using the MOSS? They don't tell.

The rules themselves are horribly vague and open to a ton of interpretation. In 
regards to software, an automatic electronic service with no human 
interaction does not apply, using an example of a price comparison service 
site. But selling antivirus software in an automated online shop is included in 
the examples where the new rule applies...  where is the human interaction in 

The best parts are those that try to deal with moving sale-targets, or people 
who buy something trough a local wifi, then disconnect and go trough data 
roaming... Hilarious, if it weren't so sad, especially as a customer supplied 
billing address is NOT a valid proof of location!

Even worse are the rules about re-sale chains, which makes determining whose 
countries tax in the chain of resellers to apply from hard to impossible. This 
is such a top down heavy and unwieldy legislature, it's a wonder it hasn't been 
sued on the basis of being against human rights :-P

This Austrian Page is pretty interesting for trying to be readable, but instead 
is a prime example of legalese-obtuse:

There's also the practical guide Almanach-sized PDF from the EU (love the 
chart on page 61):

VAT rules per country, so you could do it by hand I guess:

On 27 Nov 2014, at 14:23, Matthias Rebbe | M-R-D wrote:

 Hi Ian,
 thanks for bringing this to my attention. Until today i was not aware  that 
 there will be changes in EU law.
 At the moment i use 2 different ways to sell my license keys (which i create 
 with Jacques great tool Zygodact)
 1. Paypal from within my website There i am charging 19% VAT. That´s the 
 german tax rate. 
 2. Kagi. This works very good. What i really love is, that i can use my 
 Zygodact license generation stack. Kagi sent me a Template stack in which i 
 integrated the Zygodact key generation stack.
 So all is now working automatically. Kagi is charging the VAT according to 
 the country of the buyer. They take some money for handling. And to be true, 
 it´s a little more than i would pay for Paypal.
 But i can live with that, because i have no more work except waiting for my 
 payments from them.
 With Paypal i have to add each purchase to my account software/system and i 
 have to create the license manually. With Kagi i just have to add one payment 
 every 3 month (i set it for quarterly payment in my kagi seller account)  to 
 my accounting software.
 So for me this means, i just have to stop offering PayPal as purchase option.
 Am 27.11.2014 um 12:26 schrieb Ian Wood
 I searched and couldn't find any discussion on the list, and this affects 
 rather a lot of us...
 From Jan 1st, business-to-customer software sales within the EU have to 
 charge VAT based on the buyer's country rather than the seller's country, 
 then paying that VAT to that country.
 A question to anyone on the list with a smaller business or selling as an 
 individual - what plans do you have to cope with this?
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Re: hair-pulling frustration

2014-11-16 Thread Björnke von Gierke
On 13 Nov 2014, at 20:09, J. Landman Gay wrote:

 On 11/13/2014, 2:27 AM, Mark Schonewille wrote:
 Really, why wouldn't it be realistic to pay a bunch of students for a
 few hours of beta-testing (or should I say alpha-testing) some time in a
 development cycle?
 There's no way a few hours would catch much in a system as complex and 
 large as LiveCode. It wouldn't make a dent.

Whenever I sit down with LC, I find several problems/bugs/unwanted behaviours. 
Usually, after filing one or two bug reports, I stop using LC, because it's 
just too annoying to run into problems so often, and not being able to 
concentrate on my own tasks.


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Re: Keyboard Shortcuts in Menus

2014-11-11 Thread Björnke von Gierke
Question 1:
The  only works for Windows, where menus can be triggered with the keyboard. 
The character after the  will be the one to trigger, and it'll be shown 
underlined. You can choose any char in a word, it doesn't need to be the first 
one, and the premade ones are chosen as per Windows human interface guidelines 
(for example T being the trigger for 'Cut', or R for 'Clear'). 

Question 2:
I'm not sure, but one thing to note is that if you change menus, you of course 
also need to change scripts, for them to actually do anything useful. So if you 
change quit to exit, you need to accommodate for that in the script. For 
example if you use the Auto Script feature of the menu builder:

--The following menuPick handler was generated by the Menu Builder.
on menuPick pWhich
   switch pWhich
  case New
 --Insert script for New menu item here
-- some parts removed here for example purposes
  case Quit
-- just add this line here for exit to do the same as quit:
  case Exit 
 --Insert script for Quit menu item here
   end switch
end menuPick

On 11 Nov 2014, at 16:32, Graham Samuel wrote:

 I'm using LC 7.0.1. Looking at both the LC User Guide and the Dictionary, I 
 find that I don’t exactly understand the way you put keyboard shortcuts into 
 menus and get them to activate, especially on Windows. I note for example:
 1. The ‘’ character is always present in a menu item which is also intended 
 to work as a keyboard shortcut, but it isn’t always at the beginning of the 
 menu’s text. Is there are reason for this, or is it just wilful eccentricity 
 on the part of the Menu Builder?
 2. In a cross platform app, I use a script at startup to switch the last item 
 of my 'File' menu from the Mac’s ‘Quit’ text
 to the Windows equivalent
 This looks OK on the menu item display, but I don't think this works, even 
 though the standard shortcuts (Cut, Copy, Paste) work in the 'Edit' menu, and 
 they don't look any different in form. Naturally I may just have made a silly 
 mistake, but so far I can't see what it is.
 Can anyone explain what is going on behind the scenes?
 BTW, I don't especially care for the Menu Builder, but it seems that the LC 
 documentation assumes one is going to use it - maybe that's why the 
 documentation is a bit sketchy.
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Re: Livecode Has Stopped Working

2014-11-10 Thread Björnke von Gierke
This should not happen. Did you try uninstalling, then reinstalling LC? Note 
that there is no 64 bit versions of LC, but that doesn't matters, because 32 
bit applications should just work on any windows version. I think you need

On 10 Nov 2014, at 18:58, Ray wrote:

 Recently I had to factory reset Windows on my Acer Aspire, taking me back to 
 8.0.  I re-downloaded Livecode 6.5.2, my favorite I've used for quite a 
 while.  I can launch it by double-clicking it directly, but a double-click on 
 any of my stacks, even newly made empty stacks, launches it and immediately 
 gives me an error that Livecode has stopped working.  I also freeze if I 
 launch Livecode, create a stack and then click Livecode's close box.
 I've found Livecode 7.0.1 (rc 1) works a little better but I'm still getting 
 a lot of freezing and Livecode has stopped working errors.
 I'd like to think it's because I've downloaded a 32bit version of Livecode on 
 my 64bit machine, but I don't see where any of the downloads specify which of 
 these they're for.
 Any ideas?
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Re: corrupted stack message

2014-11-04 Thread Björnke von Gierke
What LC version are you using to save, and what version to open it afterwards?

This message often pops up when you open a stack saved with a newer 
stackFileVersion in an older LC version, one that doesn't know the new 
version. So if you  save a stack with LC 7, and then try to open it with 6, 
then you'll get this message. Apparently a more friendly message was just added 
to the codebase, so future versions of LC  should be more clear about stacks 
which got saved in a newer version.

If this is the case, there's also a toggle in the settings, under files  
memory: Preserve stack file version on stacks saved in legacy format

If however this is not the problem then, I suggest you send both the corrupted 
and the original versions of the stack to, so they can find 
and remove whatever bug causes your stack to be corrupted.

On 04 Nov 2014, at 05:08, wrote:

 I keep getting this message:
 There was a problem opening that stack;
 stack is corrupted, check for ~ backup file
 Luckily I did have the stack backed up.  I copied my backup to the folder 
 (6.1.1  on Windows XP) and made a few changes. Then I saved the stack.
 When I went to reopen my new stack I got the same message.
 Any advice?
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Re: card id not valid

2014-11-01 Thread Björnke von Gierke
The Inspector does not show the ID of cards by default, it only pretends to do 
it, by using card id  as default name. If you change the name, you can 
see the real id appear on top of the inspector window.  This is done in the 
IDE with a script and might possibly be confused in your case (that'd be an IDE 
bug). But maybe you are simply looking at the name of the Card, but assume it's 
actually the ID, when it isn't anymore?

Relevant here is that the card ID can be set by script (but no one should ever 
do that, it's only meant for people who want to recreate stacks from scratch, 
that's also why it's not documented). So maybe you accidentally change the ID 
instead of the layer of the card in your script?

Try this in the multi line message box, or a button, to see the real ID's of 
your cards, independent of weird IDE behaviours and other, similar pitfalls:

repeat with x = 1 to the number of cards
  put the ID of card x  cr after theResult
end repeat
put theResult

On 01 Nov 2014, at 11:18, Friedrich F. Grohmann wrote:

 Thanks for your response.
 So far, indeed, I've reshuffled the cards by setting the number and never
 had a problem. This strange situation arose when I wrote a script to move a
 larger number of cards to the end of the stack and then tried to reconnect
 the moved cards by their new ids to a button script. The really weird part
 is that in a number of cases it works more or less, but for other cards the
 id shown in the card inspector is not recognized at all.
 I have copies of the stack, so not everything is lost, but I just wonder
 how such a scenario is possible and whether the situation could be
 On Sat, Nov 1, 2014 at 5:31 PM, wrote:
 Sounds peculiar, unless the defaultStack has changed.
 Rather copy and paste to re-order the cards, have you tried setting the
 number of the card instead? This will retain the original card ID for
 continued navigation by ID.
 Hugh Senior
 Friedrich F. Grohmann wrote
 I've run into a strange problem with a stack. After changing the order of a
 few cards (by way of copy/paste) a number of the involved cards will not
 respond to go card id xxx. The card inspector clearly indicates both name
 and number of those cards. However, if I try to proceed to the card by its
 id, the message box tells me No such card. If it's go cd yyy and yyy is
 the number of the card, no problem.
 I'm working with Livecode 5.5.4 and the stack involved has served me for a
 number of years so I don't think it is a problem of the version itself.
 Any suggestion how this could be solved?
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Re: need some help with baseConvert()

2014-10-24 Thread Björnke von Gierke
LC is using base32Hex. That means valid chars are 0-9 and A-V. 

See also Wikipedia:

On 24 Oct 2014, at 10:20, Tiemo Hollmann TB wrote:

 I am using:
 put baseConvert(number,32,10) into tResult
  QW I get an error


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Re: RELEASE LiveCode 7.0

2014-10-24 Thread Björnke von Gierke
They could at least improve the fakes a bit right now, because 8 is far away.

On 24 Oct 2014, at 16:13, Trevor DeVore wrote:

 On Fri, Oct 24, 2014 at 10:06 AM, Klaus major-k wrote:
 This has been in Quality Center for more than three years now and we were
 hoping to have
 this finally fixed with the introduction of a Cocoa version:
 One misconception (understandably) with the Cocoa version is that it
 affects how controls are rendered. Unfortunatley this is not the case. It
 does improve how windows are drawn, and how controls like the web browser
 integrate with the rest of the stack controls. But it doesn't change how
 LiveCode draws buttons, fields, etc..
 LiveCode will be able to render native controls on OS X when we get Widgets
 (LC 8).
 Trevor DeVore
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Re: Secure Sockets

2014-10-20 Thread Björnke von Gierke
So can I safely assume that no one ever has tried to use secure sockets in LC?

On 15 Oct 2014, at 18:59, Björnke von Gierke wrote:

 Hi all
 I'm rather uneducated with encryption stuff, so I wanted to try out secure 
 sockets. However, most likely due to my incapability to understand what I'm 
 doing, I've been unable to get a simple example working.
 I've used my own simplest socket client/server stacks from rev online, ran 
 them in two different LC instances (because LC locks up if you do server and 
 client in the same executable), and then I modified them to use secure stuff.
 First I simply set the client to use open secure socket to Funnily this 
 would show what I assumed where encrypted handshake messages on the server 
 side (gibberish). But of course I have no Idea about how to decrypt those, 
 plus, that's probably not how things should work.
 I then Added a secure to the server side by using accept secure sockets 
 on... which would actually result in a connection (note: secure is 
 undocumented for accept so I have made a bug report in regards to that, 
 because it seems to work just fine.) However, If I then try to send a message 
 from the client to the server, it fails with these errors on their respective 
 client: error:14077410:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:sslv3 alert 
 handshake failure
 server: error:1408A0C1:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_CLIENT_HELLO:no shared cipher
 I assume that I am using the commands correctly, but that I guess I do need 
 to specify the server to use a certificate?
 Questions Galore!
 - Has anyone done secure sockets with both server and client implemented in 
 LC (or just the server)?
 - Is it possible to do a secure connection as CLIENT, when the certificate 
 does not exist or remains unspecified on the client side? (I assume this is 
 when I need to specify without verification)?
 - Is it possible to do a secure SERVER and not specify a certificate or a key 
 on the server side? I guess not, but Is it possible to let LC do certificates 
 and keys for me behind the curtains?
 - I'm testing on mac os x, so I can create a certificate using 
 What settings would I need to do there?
 - Is it insecure to issue a certificate for (localhost)?
 - If I got a certificate that is applicable, how do I tell LC to use it as my 
 server certificate?
 - SSLv3 Is deemed insecure. In case I ever get anything working, how can I 
 disable SSL completely, and force my connections to always use TLS or even 
 only TLSv1.2?
 - How about any of the other minuteas of cypher selection and key exchange, 
 how can I do that manually? should I do that manually?
 Thank you for any information, and feel free to answer any questions even if 
 only partially or guesswork. Also feel free to answer questions which I 
 neglected to ask. If I ever get this to work, and have some basic 
 comprehension, I'll make a lesson at, so everyone can 
 benefit in the future.
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Re: Regex wildcard in XML Query

2014-10-15 Thread Björnke von Gierke
I'll just leave this here:

On 09 Oct 2014, at 18:41, Peter Haworth wrote:

 On Wed, Oct 8, 2014 at 9:12 PM, Glen Bojsza wrote:
 Hi Glen,
 Couple of issues with using the above as a regex.
 The period character means any character except newline in a regex.  By
 chance it works for the string you're looking for but it really should be
 escaped with a backslash character.
 The \d{2} looks for two digits and you only have one digit in that
 position in the string.  If you want to allow for 1 or 2 digits, you can
 use either \d{1,2} or \d\d?
 So your regex would be (untested):
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Re: problem with counting words

2014-10-15 Thread Björnke von Gierke
There is no way to search the dictionary, but I have made a replacement for it, 
which can do full searches:

As a side note I really wish trueWord would be named humanWord instead, 
it'd make the distinction to the historic word much more immediate 
comprehensible. On the plus side, the next such keyword can now be named 
falseWord, which is nice, I guess.

On 12 Oct 2014, at 22:04, wrote:

 The other thing I don't understand is this:  Is there any way to search the 
 dictionary on the text of the dictionary and not just on the keywords?
 If there is a way to do that, I don't know how.  It would help a lot.

On 12 Oct 2014, at 21:37, J. Landman Gay wrote:

 BTW, the trueword token was introduced as part of the unicode 
 implementation, so you'll only see it in LC version 7.0. When we all adopt 
 that version, we will be able to choose between the logical word boundaries 
 (trueword) and the historical boundaries (the HyperCard method, which also 
 includes punctuation as part of words.)


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Secure Sockets

2014-10-15 Thread Björnke von Gierke
Hi all

I'm rather uneducated with encryption stuff, so I wanted to try out secure 
sockets. However, most likely due to my incapability to understand what I'm 
doing, I've been unable to get a simple example working.

I've used my own simplest socket client/server stacks from rev online, ran 
them in two different LC instances (because LC locks up if you do server and 
client in the same executable), and then I modified them to use secure stuff.

First I simply set the client to use open secure socket to Funnily this 
would show what I assumed where encrypted handshake messages on the server side 
(gibberish). But of course I have no Idea about how to decrypt those, plus, 
that's probably not how things should work.

I then Added a secure to the server side by using accept secure sockets 
on... which would actually result in a connection (note: secure is 
undocumented for accept so I have made a bug report in regards to that, 
because it seems to work just fine.) However, If I then try to send a message 
from the client to the server, it fails with these errors on their respective 

client: error:14077410:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:sslv3 alert 
handshake failure
server: error:1408A0C1:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_CLIENT_HELLO:no shared cipher

I assume that I am using the commands correctly, but that I guess I do need to 
specify the server to use a certificate?

Questions Galore!

- Has anyone done secure sockets with both server and client implemented in LC 
(or just the server)?
- Is it possible to do a secure connection as CLIENT, when the certificate does 
not exist or remains unspecified on the client side? (I assume this is when I 
need to specify without verification)?
- Is it possible to do a secure SERVER and not specify a certificate or a key 
on the server side? I guess not, but Is it possible to let LC do certificates 
and keys for me behind the curtains?
- I'm testing on mac os x, so I can create a certificate using 
What settings would I need to do there?
- Is it insecure to issue a certificate for (localhost)?
- If I got a certificate that is applicable, how do I tell LC to use it as my 
server certificate?
- SSLv3 Is deemed insecure. In case I ever get anything working, how can I 
disable SSL completely, and force my connections to always use TLS or even only 
- How about any of the other minuteas of cypher selection and key exchange, how 
can I do that manually? should I do that manually?

Thank you for any information, and feel free to answer any questions even if 
only partially or guesswork. Also feel free to answer questions which I 
neglected to ask. If I ever get this to work, and have some basic 
comprehension, I'll make a lesson at, so everyone can 
benefit in the future.



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Re: unlock screen doesn't unlock screen

2014-08-27 Thread Björnke von Gierke
while the screen is locked, in the repeat loop:

wait 0 seconds with messages

Annoying, and weird, I know. But it's been like that since a few versions now, 
so this feature probably will most likely stay like that.

On 27 Aug 2014, at 13:25, wrote:

 Hi list
 I have the following loop :
  lock screen
  repeat 2 times
-- do a lot of things
unlock screen
put myVar into fld myVar
lock screen
  end repeat
 The purpose is to lock the screen so that the heavy data
 processing inside the loop isn't slowed down, but also to
 display the content of myVar at each iteration of the loop.
 But the content of the fld doesn't refresh while the loop runs,
 only when the loop is over... I used to do that with HC, MC
 and earlier versions of Rev and it used to work...
 I'm on OSX 10.5.5 and LC 6.5.2
 Any idea ?
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Re: ChatRev

2014-08-13 Thread Björnke von Gierke
Alright, I'm back, got a brand new router, and everything should be working 

On 10 Aug 2014, at 00:39, Mark Schonewille 

 Hi guys,
 Björnke just told me that a thunder storm took out his internet connection. 
 DSL doesn't work anymore. Consequently, the ChatRev server has been 
 disconnected. The equipment still works and Björnke expects to be back 
 on-line within a few days.
 If you would like to know more about ChatRev, go here:
 but if you want to give it a try, please wait a few days until the connection 
 gets fixed.


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Re: Selling a ticket for RevCon '14

2014-08-13 Thread Björnke von Gierke
I still have this ticket and am offering it for a discount of more then 30% 
less then on the shop. I can't believe that everyone who is thinking about 
going already has their ticket?

On 09 Aug 2014, at 18:33, Björnke von Gierke wrote:

 Hmm, so everyone already has their ticket? Just to be clear, this is more 
 then a 30% price reduction compared to the price from RunRev on the website.
 On 08 Aug 2014, at 03:37, Björnke von Gierke wrote:
 Due to Family business, I'll be unable to go to America this year. Therefore 
 I have a superfluous Premium 4 Day Ticket to RunRevLive, which I am selling 
 for 1700.- USD (or equivalent other currency). First come first serve, 
 please email me directly.
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Re: externalPackages

2014-08-13 Thread Björnke von Gierke
Richard is wrong. The goal is to be able to use any language, including 
anything that is available for the separate OS-es. However, there'll be a 
meta-LC like language, that is not quite LC, but similar-ish, which will allow 
to write externals too. The Idea is that it's similar enough for more people to 
delve in and do Externals then with the current undocumented, not available on 
all platforms, never-really-cared-for mess. Delivery date is somewhen.

On 14 Aug 2014, at 00:25, Richard Gaskin wrote:

 JB wrote:
  Changing the subject a little bit you mentioned
  LiveCode is going to improve things so you can
  actually do more external type code from within
  LiveCode.  Are they going to be using Apples new
  programming language Swift at all?
 I don't think so.  Swift is a very interesting language (made by the same 
 super-genius who made the ground-breaking LLVM), but as far as I can tell 
 Apple intends to make it available only for use on their own platforms.  So 
 for an omni-platform tool like LiveCode, Swift is a non-starter.
 Instead, the new language for widgets in LiveCode will be...LiveCode! :)
 New extensions to the LiveCode language are in development to allow us to not 
 only make custom controls that behave more like built-in controls, but also 
 directly talk to the OS APIs - see this video from Kevin with a sneak preview 
 of what they're working on:
 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Systems
 Software Design and Development for the Desktop, Mobile, and the Web
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Re: externalPackages

2014-08-13 Thread Björnke von Gierke
On 14 Aug 2014, at 01:12, Richard Gaskin wrote:

  Richard is wrong. The goal is to be able to use any language,
  including anything that is available for the separate OS-es.
 Well, it certainly wouldn't be the first time I was wrong.  But given that 
 the engine is currently written in C++ and much of the code is 
 platform-independent, can you tell us more about this real goal and how it 
 fits in with the development of a multi-platform toolkit like LiveCode?

You said there'll only be the new LC-like language to do externals. Instead 
there'll be most available languages, due to the way the new approach is 
different then the current one. One of the possible languages, and of course 
the one that ppl need to use a bit for wrapping the interfaces, will be the 
additional, new LC-like language. That is only concerning the new external 
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Re: sorting

2014-08-09 Thread Björnke von Gierke
sort theList by word 2 of each
sort theList by word 1 of each

sort order is retained in-between commands, that's why it works.

On 09 Aug 2014, at 08:24, wrote:

 I have a field I want to sort.
 Each line has 4 words.
 I want to sort by the first word (ascending) and then do a 2nd sort by the 
 3rd word without changing the order of the first word.
 apple  box
 apple  pie
 apple  zoo
 baby  blue
 baby  rattle
 baby  zoo
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Re: Selling a ticket for RevCon '14

2014-08-09 Thread Björnke von Gierke
Hmm, so everyone already has their ticket? Just to be clear, this is more then 
a 30% price reduction compared to the price from RunRev on the website.

On 08 Aug 2014, at 03:37, Björnke von Gierke wrote:

 Due to Family business, I'll be unable to go to America this year. Therefore 
 I have a superfluous Premium 4 Day Ticket to RunRevLive, which I am selling 
 for 1700.- USD (or equivalent other currency). First come first serve, please 
 email me directly.
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Selling a ticket for RevCon '14

2014-08-07 Thread Björnke von Gierke

Due to Family business, I'll be unable to go to America this year. Therefore I 
have a superfluous Premium 4 Day Ticket to RunRevLive, which I am selling for 
1700.- USD (or equivalent other currency). First come first serve, please email 
me directly.



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Re: From my Spam box: A Newer, Thicker, Stronger . . .

2014-07-09 Thread Björnke von Gierke
A large part of the unicode bloat comes from the dictionaries. They are a kind 
of language descriptor for almost every written language on earth, their 
dialects, and synonym ways to write a character. If you're only really 
interested in european languages, being able to disable 99% of those will make 
the engine as small as it was before the changes. I don't know if disabling 
those will impede people from writing chinese or cyrilic in your app tho, if 
the appropriate definitions where removed.

On 09 Jul 2014, at 10:46, Robert Brenstein wrote:

 On 08.07.2014 at 20:36 Uhr +0300 Richmond apparently wrote:
 Frankly if all I need is a title: I'll make it in a textField in the IDE, 
 tweak it around and do an import
 snapshot so I end up with an image - then no Unicode needed at all. You'd 
 have to be daft to include
 'a bloater' of a library just for the sake of a title.
 Considering that the percentage of applications that do not need text at all 
 (no title, no error message, including no runtime message from the the LC 
 engine) is probably really, really tiny, the question is whether it is worth 
 the trouble to implement and support such a switch.

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Re: We're Funding LiveCode For the Web

2014-07-02 Thread Björnke von Gierke
It's not about who'm you email, it's about what you say.

I'm sure I'm part of those 85%, which is misleading. Why? Because the poll 
asked What technology would be nice to have? please select all that apply.. 
HTML5 was part of that list. Meanwhile Less bugs, and a better coding 
experience was not.

On 02 Jul 2014, at 09:55, Heather Laine wrote:

 If you didn't get a survey request from us, either you are not signed up to 
 receive emails from us (you've opted out of both promotional and newsletter 
 lists), you spam filtered or bounced our mail, or you joined the community 
 after we sent the survey. We sent that survey to every email address that we 
 had permission to mail.
 On 2 Jul 2014, at 07:53, Richmond wrote:
 On 02/07/14 00:09, Terence Heaford wrote:
 On 1 Jul 2014, at 16:16, Heather Laine wrote:
 We surveyed our entire user base and a massive 85% of you want HTML5 
 deployment, ASAP.
 Nobody surveyed me?
 Nor me.
 a massive 85% ???
 our entire user base
 That is not true: all the kids I have taught Livecode to over the last 4 
 (half of who use it for doing things on an on-off basis) were not surveyed.
 Those kids (who, unlike 52 year olds like me, are the future of Livecode)
 and their opinions matter; as do all the other kids around the world
 quietly getting to grips with Livecode.
 Come to think of things; I wonder how many kids younger than say, 18,
 who are tinkering with Livecode know what is meant by HTML5?
 I think Livecode's plan to develop  HTML5 capabilities is marvellous
 (I have already stated that), but their way of promoting it, like a lot
 of their other advertising, leaves a lot to be desired.
 I never buy washing powder because 9 out of 10 housewives prefer
 washing with Livecode!
 I wash with Livecode because I see what it does to my clothes.


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Re: [OT] M. S. Pease

2014-06-19 Thread Björnke von Gierke
I am not sure either. It could be that Mark wants to contact a person, possibly 
called M.S. Pease or similar. I could be wrong of course, maybe It's actually 
about someone else, or not a quest for contact at all? I wonder what it could 
be about?

Maybe he wants an email, to actually be able to write to the person (or another 
person) who send him that email. Or he wants to know why he didn't get an email 
before, and this plea is a way to actually be contacted, ideal via email. On 
the other hand, maybe he's asking for contact of someone whom he previously had 
contact, which would mean there's an interruption in communication happening, 
always a bad thing for someone in the business of communication otherwise known 
as information technologies.

I wonder if the information that he cannot send is also about communication, 
especially as Mark has made available a old fashioned communication device. 
Said device has to be sent physically, so proper contact information is crucial 
for that, and often Mark has asked for people to contact him so he can be able 
to send them information in form of a device (it's based on paper and called 
book I believe, but I only got one of said devices so I can't know for sure 
if other people actually get the same as I did).

Said that, maybe there's a way to send stuff without knowing where the other 
person currently is, I'm sure that'd be a very nice thing. Ideally it'd be 
possible to contact people anywhere at any time, just by knowing they exist, 
I'm sure it'd be a great way to advertise things. For example one could send 
everyone on the world information that stickers are cool, and then everyone 
would know it, because everyone was contacted, no matter where they are. I'm 
sure everyone would like to know that stickers are cool.

I had a short break eating a bread with salami and pickles, and though I'd do a 
little research, and it seems Mark has done this before! Look here for similar 
messages! I never would have known without searching! For example:

I hope Mark will have time to explain the actual meaning of his email himself, 
so we can be more assured of his intentions.


On 19 Jun 2014, at 16:18, Vaughn Clement wrote:

 Hi Mark
 What is the subject of this email?
 Thank you
 Vaughn Clement
 On Thu, Jun 19, 2014 at 7:09 AM, Mark Schonewille wrote:
 Dear M.S. Pease,
 Would you please be so kind to contact We
 have been trying to contact you by e-mail several times, but we get not
 reply from you. Please send an e-mail to aforementioned address. If you
 don't get an (auto-) reply within 24 hours, please try a different e-mail
 address (no Hotmail).
 Best regards,
 Mark Schonewille

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Re: question about ide bug, and usage of LC

2014-05-30 Thread Björnke von Gierke

On 30 May 2014, at 07:11, J. Landman Gay wrote:

 Option-return only works on Macs and will throw an error if you move the 
 stack to any other platform. The standard for a split line in LC is the 
 backslash: \

That's wrong. option-return just inserts a backslash, which then of course 
works everywhere as expected. This is not hypercard. Now if option-return does 
insert a backslash on windows or linux, that I did not test.


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Re: Documentation

2014-05-30 Thread Björnke von Gierke
hmm, if only someone had done something about that...

On 30 May 2014, at 15:27, Peter M. Brigham wrote:

 One problem with the dictionary is that, since it is apparently based on 
 arrays and/or XML, it is not possible to search in the contents of the 
 definitions, only in the defined terms. The majority of the complaints about 
 not being able to find relevant entries would be obviated if searching in the 
 text of the definitions were possible.
 I know that it's considered bad practice not to separate GUI and data, but 
 isn't this a case where the old Hypercard style of a separate card for each 
 entry would work better? The LC find command is lightning fast and very 
 I haven't looked at the way the data is stored in the dictionary in detail, 
 and I have never worked with XML, but I think it should be possible to script 
 a conversion that would create a card-based dictionary.
 -- Peter
 Peter M. Brigham
 On May 29, 2014, at 5:41 PM, William Prothero wrote:
 I can understand the LC community wanting keep the community working toward 
 a single place to go for docs and I know that this issue has been discussed 
 pretty thoroughly on this list. I also appreciate that the changes to LC are 
 massive and I’m so glad that I’m investing my time in a platform that is 
 being modernized to today’s coding standards, not to mention the open source 
 option. I really think a community dictionary effort will emerge as the 
 platform settles into the new features.
 Richard Gaskin will most likely be leading the charge on this, I”m guessing. 
 I really do think it’s a job for the community, at least as it develops. It 
 is extremely difficult for the very experienced to anticipate the stupid 
 newby questions that are going to be asked. Those of us who are educators 
 may have a head start in this area, but every new user will have valuable 
 insight. Although it’s probably a massive job, this list contains many of 
 the questions that the documentation would want to address.
 Best regards,
 On May 29, 2014, at 2:26 PM, Vaughn Clement wrote:
 Hi Bill
 I've been pushing now for a year to get the dictionary and the
 documentation improved. The World Jam last week was one of the places I
 mentioned it once again. I have seen small improvement in documentation due
 to the massive changes being made to LC. I understand the changes required
 to develop media since I go back to the days of interactive video design
 course development.
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question about ide bug, and usage of LC

2014-05-29 Thread Björnke von Gierke
When typing a very long line in the script editor, the editor does not update 
it's size and the scrollbar remains still, while the script editor field 
remains static.

This problem was introduced in LC 6.5.0 or 6.5.1, and is in all versions since 
then, up to the current 7.0.0dp6 and 6.6.2.rc5.

I barely used LC in the last quarter year. But wouldn't this annoy the hell out 
of everyone who uses the script editor daily? Why is this not fixed already? Is 
no one actually using LC to script stuff?

Kevin himself reported it in January:


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Re: Quitting with the close box on Mac

2014-05-28 Thread Björnke von Gierke
My Version? Excuse me? What?

A minor annoyance on Mavericks is that Text Edit does indeed close 
automatically when the last text file is closed, slightly less annoying, so 
does preview. Sadly, I do expect more apps to follow in the next version of OS 

I do like the new saving behaviour tho, It was broken in the last version 
(mountain lion?) But now it works as expected. Yes, it's different from the 
'save/save as...' approach, and in the beginning I was fearing loss of control, 
or non-standard files (again for plain files in text edit). But it works 
hidden, database-style, reliably, and doesn't introduce large storage demands, 
at least as fas as I could tell. It took me about an hour to understand, it 
simplifies workflow, and there is no need to remember if i've made a backup, or 
if i need to save vs. save as vs. export. It's certainly easier to understand 
for beginners, and if there'd be a Björnke doctrine, then 'make it easier for 
beginners' would probably be among the first rules, if not the primary doctrine.

In a sense, the recent discussion about an automatic backup for stacks... 
Mavericks automatic save system and complete version history is actually THE 
solution for that. Just imagine, never hitting save, but always having a save 
of every change you ever made within the stack itself, without cluttering your 
disk and filesystem with dozens of saves, it's amazing if it works properly... 
until the whole file is corrupted ;-)

On 28 May 2014, at 19:19, Richard Gaskin wrote:

 stephen barncard wrote:
 This dumbing down crap should be optional, not forced on us.
 Björnke version: Options can get expensive over time, introducing a form of 
 technical debt.
 TL/DR version:
 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World
 LiveCode training and consulting:
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Re: Quitting with the close box on Mac

2014-05-28 Thread Björnke von Gierke
Ah! Well, I thought you where quite rambly there, and the point was actually a 
simple one. So that's why I did that. I regret nothing. 

On 29 May 2014, at 02:01, Richard Gaskin wrote:

  My Version? Excuse me? What?
 Consider it a customized summary. :)


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Re: Forum: quota?

2014-05-18 Thread Björnke von Gierke
The limit is per account., and you're the weirdo who posts useless images in 
each post. 

Go to User Control Panel - Overview tab - Manage attachments and delete 
them all.

On 18 May 2014, at 14:11, Richmond wrote:

 Sorry, the board attachment quota has been reached.
 Is problematic is one wants to upload an explanatory image.


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Re: Forum: quota?

2014-05-18 Thread Björnke von Gierke

On 18 May 2014, at 15:33, Richmond wrote:

 On 18/05/14 16:20, Björnke von Gierke wrote:
 The limit is per account., and you're the weirdo who posts useless images in 
 each post.
 And you are the person who thinks he's super qualified to decide which images
 are useful or not.

Your follicles are super qualified to be cut into a bob! Your earlobe is 
useless for cutting goat cheese! Your right pinky is a caldera lover! Your 
upper right thigh tendon is useful for Sports!

Also, I didn't even comment on the taste of those pictures :-P

For free image hosting i prefer But then, how'd you make those funny 


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Re: repeat with messages

2014-05-17 Thread Björnke von Gierke
Just for the record, there's a lot of places where you can append more code or 
garbage to properly formatted commands without any error, sometimes functional, 
sometimes not. Basically appendixes of non-functional code. All these examples 
compile without problem:

   split x by return and tab put comma --actually puts , into msg
   convert x to seconds if a
   if field 1 then
   end if 2 - 2

I'm sure there's others. Mark once told me that most probably won't be fixed 
until the dynamic language feature is implemented, because fixing them is just 
too work intensive.

On 17 May 2014, at 05:30, Richard Gaskin wrote:

 Jerry Jensen wrote:
 OK Richard, sorry for the TL;DR. Here is what I was trying to present:
 Mark S. presented a line of code:
 repeat with x = 100 down to 0 with messages
 I was surprised to see, in a single line of code:
 repeat ... WITH MESSAGES
 which isn't in the dictionary syntax description for repeat.
 Mark responded:
 The with messages clause makes a repeat loop non-blocking.
 I tried it - the compiler didn't complain, and it ran. I wondered:
 Then I wondered:
 Sorry for the confusion. I still wonder. Over to you.
 Thanks for that, Jerry.
 I've never seen with messages used in a repeat statement before, and in my 
 test here it does nothing.
 on mouseup
   repeat with x = 1000 down to 0 with messages
  put x into fld 1
   end repeat
 end mouseup
 ...executes on OS X without any visible change to the field until it's done, 
 but the common workaround of adding a wait command:
 on mouseup
   repeat with x = 1000 down to 0
  wait 0 with messages
  put x into fld 1
   end repeat
 end mouseup
 ...allows the field to be updated (on OS X; I can't stress enough that this 
 workaround is only needed on that one platform; Linux and Windows have no 
 such issue, and once 6.7 is released OS X won't either).
 Curious that the compiler doesn't complain - maybe it just ignores everything 
 past the stuff it can use?
 A quick test proves that hypothesis:
 on mouseup
   repeat with x = 1000 down to 0 notwithstanding manbearbig
  wait 0 with messages
  put x into fld 1
   end repeat
 end mouseup
 ...compiles just fine, even though notwithstanding is of course not a 
 keyword, and we all recognize that the ManBearPig is mythical. ;)
 The compiler's errors are generally limited to those things the engine 
 requires to be able to tokenize a script. Ignored elements are anomalies, but 
 apparently won't stop either compilation or execution.
 Feature, perhaps? :)
 PS the thread is now out of control.
 Maybe, but those of us who live for LiveCode trivia like this can't get 
 enough. :)
 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Systems
 Software Design and Development for the Desktop, Mobile, and the Web
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[ANN] Zurich LiveCode user meet

2014-05-16 Thread Björnke von Gierke
Hello LiveCoders,

This June, the first LiveCode meeting in Zurich will happen! The date and place 
have been settled (see below). We're not yet completely sure about what we'll 
actually do during that afternoon, but here's some decided things:

- Mark will give away a copy of his book Programming Livecode for the Real 
Beginner. Get it directly from the author!

- A suggested topic of discussion: Why doesn't LiveCode catch on, why don't 
People get it?

- If you have a fun topic idea, want to demo your software or would like to 
present something a bit longer/more formally then don't hesitate to contact me 

- If the weather is right I'll do a historic tour trough the city of Zurich on 
the day after the meeting (Sun, 29. June).

Saturday 28. June 2014 13:00 to 17:00 (extension into dinner very likely)

Karl der Grosse
Kirchgasse 14
8001 Zürich

An afternoon of talking, socialising, having fun

Related Links:

The Book:
The Barock Chamber:

Please contact me if you need a place to stay at, or have other questions.



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Re: Does exists LiveCode Server Portable...

2014-05-13 Thread Björnke von Gierke
I'm not sure I understand your question correctly, so here's two answers:

Any livecode standalone can be a server. All you need to do is to use the 
accept socket command. For example, the ChatRev server runs from an IDE 
installed on an old ibook. But it could as well be a windows standalone (which 
it was some years back).

If you however mean the livecode server thing that runs in a web server, then 
you probably can't run it as server without apache or iss. however, you can run 
livecode locally as a non-server engine where it will behave exactly like a 
server, outputting text to the shell instead of a http connection.

Maybe you can specify a bit more detailed what the goal is, and why you want to 
work around zone alarm?

On 13 May 2014, at 01:44, Alejandro Tejada wrote:

 Hi All, 
 LiveCode could open a socket to send and receive 
 data from other applications. 
 Does exists a method to create a portable 
 LiveCode server that runs locally without 
 installing any file in the computer? 
 In one of my computers, every application 
 that opens a socket must be authorized 
 by the user because Zone Alarm ask for 
 Notice that I run many versions of 
 LiveCode and none of them are installed. 
 I launch LiveCode from their own 
 folder. All versions of LiveCode are within 
 the Documents folder, not installed inside 
 the Windows Program folder. 
 View this message in context:
 Sent from the Revolution - User mailing list archive at
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Re: [OFF] Cool Plugins

2014-05-10 Thread Björnke von Gierke

On 10 May 2014, at 05:40, Mark Wieder wrote:
 Friday, May 9, 2014, 8:15:13 PM, you wrote:
 If we could work out a way to share the work on this with RunRev, anyone
 here interested in rolling up their sleeves to help?
 You mean trying to work with a rev team that spent six months ignoring
 the fact that nobody could log into revOnline? No thanks.

Yes, and every time the community starts to talk business about this, someone 
from RunRev swoops in and says we have an amazing thing in the pipeline, just 
you wait!, making all contributors vanish and the calls to action cease. It's 
been years of this, and nothing has ever come from RunRev. 

Said that, I'm all for self help, and maybe this time will be different, so 
let's try!

I think we need a curated experience, where categories are merged and split 
based on consensus. I am going to make a stack right now to show an example of 
category management.


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Re: [OFF] Cool Plugins

2014-05-10 Thread Björnke von Gierke
Alright here's a first version of a category management stack, including some 
'dummy' example stack interface elements, to show off how it works. It's mostly 
a way to avoid category clutter right now.

On 10 May 2014, at 10:07, Björnke von Gierke wrote:

 On 10 May 2014, at 05:40, Mark Wieder wrote:
 Friday, May 9, 2014, 8:15:13 PM, you wrote:
 If we could work out a way to share the work on this with RunRev, anyone
 here interested in rolling up their sleeves to help?
 You mean trying to work with a rev team that spent six months ignoring
 the fact that nobody could log into revOnline? No thanks.
 Yes, and every time the community starts to talk business about this, someone 
 from RunRev swoops in and says we have an amazing thing in the pipeline, 
 just you wait!, making all contributors vanish and the calls to action 
 cease. It's been years of this, and nothing has ever come from RunRev. 
 Said that, I'm all for self help, and maybe this time will be different, so 
 let's try!
 I think we need a curated experience, where categories are merged and split 
 based on consensus. I am going to make a stack right now to show an example 
 of category management.
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Re: Zurich meeting this summer

2014-05-09 Thread Björnke von Gierke
Alright everyone 

People interested in a meetup in Zurich, last chance to have a say on the date!


On 01 May 2014, at 21:20, Björnke von Gierke wrote:

 Hi persons who use LC
 Just a quick reminder that we're currently planning a meet-up in Zurich. 
 There's already a few interested persons. So if you are also interested, 
 please send me an email, so I can let you know directly about 
 when/what/where, as soon as we've decided on anything. Don't forget to also 
 fill out the times that you're most likely available on this form:
 PS: If you need help about where to stay in Zurich or info about additional 
 activities, don't hesitate to ask those questions as early as possible!
 On 20 Apr 2014, at 01:40, Björnke von Gierke wrote:
 Hi everyone
 Me and Mark are starting to prepare a meetup in Zurich (Switzerland), late 
 June or early July.  If you’re interested in joining us, it’d be great to 
 know when you’ll be able to participate. Please take two minutes to fill out 
 this date tableau:
 Also, if you are interested, PLEASE SEND ME AN EMAIL directly, so I can let 
 you know about venue and exact date/time, as soon as we know more about 
 Currently we aim to sit around, talk about LiveCode and have fun. Obviously 
 knowing German or being Swiss is not a requirement. If you're from further 
 away, I'm in the process of finding suitable accommodations. Maybe we'll do 
 a tour trough the city the day before or after? Nothing has been decided 
 yet, so please send us suggestions, questions, etc.
 We can’t wait to meet up!
 Bjoernke von Gierke
 Mark Schonewille
 Hoi Zsäme
 Ich und Mark denken darüber nach ein Treffen in Zürich zu organisieren, 
 irgendwann ende Juni oder Anfang Juli. Falls du interessiert bist, währe es 
 extrem hilfreich zu wissen dass du teilnehmen willst. Wähl doch bitte deine 
 möglichen Termine in dieser Tabelle aus:
 Ausserdem SCHICK MIR EINE EMAIL, damit ich dich direkt über Austragungsort, 
 Datum und Zeiten sowie andere Details direkt informieren kann, sobald wir 
 mehr darüber wissen.
 Wir wollen vor allem rumsitzen, quatschen und Spass haben. Schweitzerdeutsch 
 ist natürlich keine Voraussetzung. Ich suche derzeit nach 
 Übernachtungsmöglichkeiten für Leute von ausserhalb. Vielleicht gibts auch 
 noch einen Stadtrundgang am Vortag oder so was? Wir haben uns noch nicht 
 festgelegt, also schickt uns auch eure Vorschläge, Fragen, und so weiter.
 Wir freuen uns schon aufs Treffen!
 Björnke von Gierke
 Mark Schonewille


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Re: Zurich meeting this summer

2014-05-09 Thread Björnke von Gierke
Hello Kaveh

Currently we're only thinking about an afternoon with talking, coffee, etc. and 
then possibly Supper. However, As Mark will come from the Netherlands, there 
will be additional stuff we'll do. For example I'm thinking about doing a tour 
trough the historic city of Zurich the day before or after the meeting. Also, 
don't hesitate to mail me directly, if you need help with finding a place to 
stay at.

If you're interested (even if you don't know yet for sure), don't forget to 
fill out the time table:

I'll send you a direct email as soon as we know more about when/where/what, if 
that is ok to you.


On 09 May 2014, at 14:08, Kaveh Bazargan 

 Hi Bjoernke
 I am potentially interested. How long are you thinking of meeting? I am in
 London but can fly over.
 On 20 April 2014 00:40, Björnke von Gierke wrote:
 Hi everyone
 Me and Mark are starting to prepare a meetup in Zurich (Switzerland), late
 June or early July.  If you’re interested in joining us, it’d be great to
 know when you’ll be able to participate. Please take two minutes to fill
 out this date tableau:
 Also, if you are interested, PLEASE SEND ME AN EMAIL directly, so I can
 let you know about venue and exact date/time, as soon as we know more about
 Currently we aim to sit around, talk about LiveCode and have fun.
 Obviously knowing German or being Swiss is not a requirement. If you're
 from further away, I'm in the process of finding suitable accommodations.
 Maybe we'll do a tour trough the city the day before or after? Nothing has
 been decided yet, so please send us suggestions, questions, etc.
 We can’t wait to meet up!
 Bjoernke von Gierke
 Mark Schonewille
 Hoi Zsäme
 Ich und Mark denken darüber nach ein Treffen in Zürich zu organisieren,
 irgendwann ende Juni oder Anfang Juli. Falls du interessiert bist, währe es
 extrem hilfreich zu wissen dass du teilnehmen willst. Wähl doch bitte deine
 möglichen Termine in dieser Tabelle aus:
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 Austragungsort, Datum und Zeiten sowie andere Details direkt informieren
 kann, sobald wir mehr darüber wissen.
 Wir wollen vor allem rumsitzen, quatschen und Spass haben.
 Schweitzerdeutsch ist natürlich keine Voraussetzung. Ich suche derzeit nach
 Übernachtungsmöglichkeiten für Leute von ausserhalb. Vielleicht gibts auch
 noch einen Stadtrundgang am Vortag oder so was? Wir haben uns noch nicht
 festgelegt, also schickt uns auch eure Vorschläge, Fragen, und so weiter.
 Wir freuen uns schon aufs Treffen!
 Björnke von Gierke
 Mark Schonewille
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Re: LiveCode Performance Examples

2014-05-09 Thread Björnke von Gierke
I looked at some of my old stack that I knew they where slow-ish... and they're 
all much faster now, probably due to the new graphics engine handling stuff 
with lots of points better. So sadly I can't send you any slow stacks *tears up*

Nontheless here's what I tried, all stacks have to do with graphics that use 
markers to draw areas:

On 09 May 2014, at 18:58, Michael McCreary wrote:

 Dear List Members,
 Over the next few months, we'll be working on improving the performance of 
 LiveCode. We'll be looking at all aspects of the product, but will be 
 focusing particularly on the graphical side of things.
 Naturally, we have earmarked a few areas of the engine where we think can 
 improve things. These have come primarily from our knowledge of the engine's 
 internals. Whilst it's all well and good improving these areas, if they don't 
 offer any real improvement to the end user, or the use case for the 
 improvement is limited, there's little point in pursuing them.
 This is where you come in.  We want to know how you use LiveCode and what 
 areas you think can be improved on performance wise. Having real world 
 examples of slowdowns and performance bottlenecks will allow us focus our 
 energies on improving the correct areas.
 So, if you have any example stacks demonstrating where you have experienced 
 poor performance in LiveCode, we'd really like to see them. Ideally they'd be 
 stacks where the problem has been isolated allowing us to measure performance 
 (and any subsequent improvements due to our work). But anything goes really. 
 It can be surprising how such simple things can have a seemingly very large 
 impact on the performance of an app.
 Either post your stacks to the list or, if you prefer, email them directly to 
 We have no fixed agenda as to how we're going to approach this, so your input 
 really will help direct our efforts.
 Many thanks,
 *Michael McCreary . Runtime Revolution Ltd
 LiveCode - Unleash Your Killer App*
 mail : 25a Thistle Street Lane South West, Edinburgh, EH2 1EW
 email :
 company : +44(0) 845 219 89 23
 fax : +44(0) 845 458 8487
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Re: Modularising Code

2014-05-08 Thread Björnke von Gierke
I really would love to hear your reasoning about why start using (library) is 
not what you want to use (or it's brethren front script and back script).

Alternatively there's of course using 'send' and 'call' (more modern 
'dispatch'), instead of relying on the natural order of the message path.

There's also behavior scripts of course, but I think they're more useful for 
repetitive handlers, not for different calls to a database, but someone who 
actually likes them should probably talk about wether they're appropriate or 

If you want to go super crazy you can also do it like I did, and use sockets to 
have the db run in another program... but that's of course a different topic ;)

On 08 May 2014, at 13:28, Terence Heaford wrote:

 I have been reading up on Library Stacks but in this instance I do not feel 
 this is the solution I require.
 I have a Project that needs access to a SQLite database and has many calls 
 into that database from functions and commands which at the moment I have 
 placed in the mainstack script.
 In order to make the script more manageable I would like to have the SQLite 
 scripts modularised and separate from any other scripts in the mainstack 
 which I also may wish to modularise at some point.
 I have placed all these scripts together in the mainstack to allow them to be 
 easily called from all other parts of the project and to have easy access to 
 user properties of the mainstack.
 What is the best way to achieve this type of modularisation within the 
 LiveCode IDE?
 All the best
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Re: Modularising Code

2014-05-08 Thread Björnke von Gierke
Oh. Well I don't. If there's too many handler in one object, I tend to either 
fuse unnecessary functions or move stuff up or down the message path. 

Some people use fake empty handlers as folders. And there's of course the open 
source GLX2 editor, which has folders.

On 08 May 2014, at 14:34, Terence Heaford wrote:

 You can organise your code in folders/nested folders from within the IDE.
 How do people overcome this limitation? That is my question.


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Re: Big bug smackdown! - check your In Box

2014-05-05 Thread Björnke von Gierke

If you've submitted bug reports previously, you should have received an email 
from RunRev listing all your bugs. Please test each of those outstanding bug 
reports in the most recent version of LC.

On 05 May 2014, at 17:07, Richard Gaskin wrote:

 Thanks to everyone who pitched in with the testing of v6.6.2RC3 over the 
 weekend.  10 new bug reports were submitted, and the dev team is looking into 
 those this morning.
 Looking at the bigger picture of RunRev's Big Bug Smackdown:
 Over the years many of us have submitted bug reports, and although 
 recently-submitted reports have usually been acted on very quickly, there are 
 many older bug reports still in the system.
 One of the challenges with older reports is that so much has happened with 
 the engine since they were submitted, esp. in recent versions, that many of 
 these issues have been addressed in the course of making other changes to the 
 engine.  Each of these needs to be re-tested to see if the problem still 
 exists in newer versions.
 Looking at the scope of this challenge, Ben came up with a remarkably 
 convenient solution:
 If you've submitted any bug reports to the LiveCode bug database, by now you 
 should have received an email from RunRev listing all those that are 
 outstanding, with a convenient link to open it in your browser.
 Right now their focus is on bugs rather than enhancement requests, so your 
 email should include only bugs for now - once those are addressed the team 
 will be in a good position to triage enhancement requests later.
 Please take some time over the next week or two to test each of those 
 outstanding bug reports in the email sent to you against either the most 
 recent shipping version, 6.6.1, or the next release, 6.6.2 RC3.
 Those of you who've already begun on this have made a noticeable difference:  
 of the 450 outstanding bugs prior to the mailing, that number has now been 
 reduced to 327, with more than 60 bug reports having been closed by members 
 of the community.
 I recognize that testing can be time-consuming, and we all have other work to 
 attend to as well.  In fact, I've only re-tested a handful of the reports in 
 my own list, though I plan to finish them by the end of this week.
 Each of us uses LiveCode in different ways, some of us needing database 
 support, others multimedia, etc., and with a language as rich and flexible as 
 LiveCode this sort of effort from each of us is needed to ensure the work we 
 do with LiveCode is solidly supported.
 Challenging as it is for all of us, thorough QA initiatives like this will 
 help us all have a LiveCode we can rely on for the work we do, and be proud 
 to share with our friends and co-workers.
 For anyone who didn't get the original email Ben sent out, next week he'll be 
 sending out a second email noting the subset of your bug reports still 
 outstanding in the system.
 Thanks to all those who've been re-checking their reports, and those who will 
 doing that over the next two weeks.
 Richard Gaskin
 LiveCode Community Manager
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Re: Zurich meeting this summer

2014-05-01 Thread Björnke von Gierke
Hi persons who use LC

Just a quick reminder that we're currently planning a meet-up in Zurich. 
There's already a few interested persons. So if you are also interested, please 
send me an email, so I can let you know directly about when/what/where, as soon 
as we've decided on anything. Don't forget to also fill out the times that 
you're most likely available on this form:



PS: If you need help about where to stay in Zurich or info about additional 
activities, don't hesitate to ask those questions as early as possible!

On 20 Apr 2014, at 01:40, Björnke von Gierke wrote:

 Hi everyone
 Me and Mark are starting to prepare a meetup in Zurich (Switzerland), late 
 June or early July.  If you’re interested in joining us, it’d be great to 
 know when you’ll be able to participate. Please take two minutes to fill out 
 this date tableau:
 Also, if you are interested, PLEASE SEND ME AN EMAIL directly, so I can let 
 you know about venue and exact date/time, as soon as we know more about those.
 Currently we aim to sit around, talk about LiveCode and have fun. Obviously 
 knowing German or being Swiss is not a requirement. If you're from further 
 away, I'm in the process of finding suitable accommodations. Maybe we'll do a 
 tour trough the city the day before or after? Nothing has been decided yet, 
 so please send us suggestions, questions, etc.
 We can’t wait to meet up!
 Bjoernke von Gierke
 Mark Schonewille
 Hoi Zsäme
 Ich und Mark denken darüber nach ein Treffen in Zürich zu organisieren, 
 irgendwann ende Juni oder Anfang Juli. Falls du interessiert bist, währe es 
 extrem hilfreich zu wissen dass du teilnehmen willst. Wähl doch bitte deine 
 möglichen Termine in dieser Tabelle aus:
 Ausserdem SCHICK MIR EINE EMAIL, damit ich dich direkt über Austragungsort, 
 Datum und Zeiten sowie andere Details direkt informieren kann, sobald wir 
 mehr darüber wissen.
 Wir wollen vor allem rumsitzen, quatschen und Spass haben. Schweitzerdeutsch 
 ist natürlich keine Voraussetzung. Ich suche derzeit nach 
 Übernachtungsmöglichkeiten für Leute von ausserhalb. Vielleicht gibts auch 
 noch einen Stadtrundgang am Vortag oder so was? Wir haben uns noch nicht 
 festgelegt, also schickt uns auch eure Vorschläge, Fragen, und so weiter.
 Wir freuen uns schon aufs Treffen!
 Björnke von Gierke
 Mark Schonewille


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Re: How to encode/decode PHP - LC on Win/Mac?

2014-04-29 Thread Björnke von Gierke
If the php files are executed by a web-server (like apache), then you probably 
have an encoding header supplied with each request. To find out the encoding 
you can query the URL in LC, and then use the libURLLastRRHHeaders() function. 
Note that sometimes the headers are badly made, and do not actually match the 
encoding of the data. In such a case you can only guess.

Alternatively, did you try to use the isoToMac() function?

On 29 Apr 2014, at 14:29, Tiemo Hollmann TB wrote:

 Does it depend on on which
 platform they are originally written? Does it depend on the FTP-transfer
 options? Does it depend on the server platform (Unix)? Do I have to set a
 coding in the PHP, like the charset in HTMLs?


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Re: Delivering Files with lcServer ?

2014-04-25 Thread Björnke von Gierke
I think most websites set the target to a new website in the link, to avoid 
having stuff randomly load within iframes. so i suggest to just make the link 
have a target of _blank or maybe _top. Then put the .lc code into its own 
independent file.

Also make sure to set the content-transfer-encoding to binary in addition 
to the content-type to application/zip (I don't think your'e allowed to 
define several content-types in one definition, and it might choose one of 
them at random, or just the last specified one).



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On 25 Apr 2014, at 08:38, Scott Rossi wrote:

 Thanks Simon.  This will likely do what I need.
 But I'd really like to know how to do this with lcserver.  That's the
 point, right?  Not to have to rely on PHP?  :-)
 What's the LC equivalent of what readfile() is doing below?
 Thanks  Regards,
 Scott Rossi
 Creative Director
 Tactile Media, UX/UI Design
 On 4/24/14 11:03 PM, Simon Smith wrote:
 Hi Scott
 I have done something similar in php before, where a page loads, and then
 the file starts downloading a few seconds later, without leaving the main
 The main page contains a refresh tag that loads the script that starts the
 meta http-equiv=refresh content=2;url=sendfile.php /
 and then the sendfile.php consists of:
 header('Content-type: application/pdf');
 header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=' .
 basename('filename.pdf') . '');
 header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary');
 Hope this helps.
 On Fri, Apr 25, 2014 at 7:21 AM, Scott Rossi
 Hi Peter:
 I started setting up a test page to demonstrate, and now I can't get
 anything to work, not even my single page test which worked a dozen
 yesterday.  [sigh] Not sure what changed.
 At any rate, I've seen PHP examples that involve setting content headers
 to facilitate a file transfer, so I figured since lcserver operates
 similarly, it should be possible to initiate the download of a zipped
 (or any file).
 Any examples out there that someone can point me to?
 Thanks  Regards,
 Scott Rossi
 Creative Director
 Tactile Media, UX/UI Design
 On 4/24/14 6:17 PM, Peter W A Wood wrote:
 Hi Scott
 What is the URL of the iframe? Does it include characters such as ?
 On 25 Apr 2014, at 08:29, Scott Rossi wrote:
 Hello List:
 I'm hoping someone knowledgable about server stuff has a solution to
 problem I have delivering a file using lcServer via an iframe.
 I'm using lcServer with the following code to trigger a file
 put url (binfile:files/ into theFile
 put header Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=  quote  quote
 put new header Content-Type: application/force-download
 put new header Content-Type: application/zip
 put new header Content-Type: application/octet-stream
 put new header Content-Type: application/download
 put header Content-Description: File Transfer
 put header Content-Length:  the length of theFile
 put theFile
 This appears to work fine from basic web page -- a download is
 in the browser and the file is written to the drive.
 When I run the same code on a page within an iframe, I get the raw
 code posted to the iframe. :-(
 All pages reside in the same domain (no cross domain issues) so I'm
 at a
 loss on how to deal with this.  Any ideas?
 Thanks  Regards,
 Scott Rossi
 Creative Director
 Tactile Media, UX/UI Design
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Re: playing an mp3 file

2014-04-24 Thread Björnke von Gierke
They'll need quicktime.

On 24 Apr 2014, at 01:17, wrote:

 I know I can play a .wav file without having to use a player.
 But I want to play a .mp3 file and for that I think I have to use a player, 
 And if I do use a player to play an mp3 file, then build my app as a 
 standalone for Windows, do I need to include anything in the app?  I mean, if 
 the user doesn't have Quicktime, will they still be able to play the mp3 file?
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Zurich meeting this summer

2014-04-19 Thread Björnke von Gierke
Hi everyone

Me and Mark are starting to prepare a meetup in Zurich (Switzerland), late June 
or early July.  If you’re interested in joining us, it’d be great to know when 
you’ll be able to participate. Please take two minutes to fill out this date 

Also, if you are interested, PLEASE SEND ME AN EMAIL directly, so I can let you 
know about venue and exact date/time, as soon as we know more about those.

Currently we aim to sit around, talk about LiveCode and have fun. Obviously 
knowing German or being Swiss is not a requirement. If you're from further 
away, I'm in the process of finding suitable accommodations. Maybe we'll do a 
tour trough the city the day before or after? Nothing has been decided yet, so 
please send us suggestions, questions, etc.

We can’t wait to meet up!

Bjoernke von Gierke
Mark Schonewille


Hoi Zsäme

Ich und Mark denken darüber nach ein Treffen in Zürich zu organisieren, 
irgendwann ende Juni oder Anfang Juli. Falls du interessiert bist, währe es 
extrem hilfreich zu wissen dass du teilnehmen willst. Wähl doch bitte deine 
möglichen Termine in dieser Tabelle aus:

Ausserdem SCHICK MIR EINE EMAIL, damit ich dich direkt über Austragungsort, 
Datum und Zeiten sowie andere Details direkt informieren kann, sobald wir mehr 
darüber wissen.

Wir wollen vor allem rumsitzen, quatschen und Spass haben. Schweitzerdeutsch 
ist natürlich keine Voraussetzung. Ich suche derzeit nach 
Übernachtungsmöglichkeiten für Leute von ausserhalb. Vielleicht gibts auch noch 
einen Stadtrundgang am Vortag oder so was? Wir haben uns noch nicht festgelegt, 
also schickt uns auch eure Vorschläge, Fragen, und so weiter.

Wir freuen uns schon aufs Treffen!

Björnke von Gierke
Mark Schonewille


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Re: scrollbar question

2014-04-05 Thread Björnke von Gierke
on mouseUp
   put the thumbposition of me
end mouseUp

On 05.04.2014, at 09:41, wrote:

 I'm using a scrollbar to allow the user to set a value, but I am writing the 
 value to a text file for later use and don't want to constantly update the 
 file as the user drags.
 Is there a way to capture the final scrollbar value and then update the file 
 when the user is finished dragging?  I tried on mouseLeave but couldn't get 
 that to work.
 Thank you in advance!
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Re: Home stack

2014-04-04 Thread Björnke von Gierke
The home stack's name is home. But it is not your stack, it belongs to the 
IDE, and does IDE stuff. If you make a standalone, there won't be a home stack 
in it, unless you make one. There is no need to manipulate or interact with the 
home stack, unless you write your own IDE, where it servers a purpose as the 
first stack that is automatically loaded before anything else. This is not 
HyperCard ;-)

For example, go home is not really meaningful, even if it'd work, because you 
can have many stacks, from many different files, all open at the same time. 
It'd only be a synonym for go to the stack that is named home, a rather 
redundant feature. So if you want the boss of your own project, you probably 
want the mainStack of this stack, or the topStack or possibly the 
defaultStack. You never want the home stack, ever.

On 04.04.2014, at 09:15, Alain Farmer wrote:

 Hello Mark,
 Long time no 'see'.
 Yes, but where is the Home stack ? What is its name ?
 How come the commands mentionned didn't work ?
 Can I edit the script of home ?
 Alain F.
 On Friday, April 4, 2014 2:53:30 AM, Mark Schonewille wrote:
 The Home stack contains a bunch of functions and commands for setting up 
 the IDE when LiveCode starts. Some of these commands and functions are 
 also useful to other parts of the IDE. I don't think the Home stack 
 handles licensing; that should be the engine now. You should be able to 
 edit the Home stack in the commercial version too.
 Best regards,
 Mark Schonewille
 Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
 KvK: 50277553
 Installer Maker for LiveCode:
 Buy my new book Programming LiveCode for the Real Beginner
 LiveCode on Facebook:
 On 4/4/2014 06:24, J. Landman Gay wrote:
 On 4/3/14, 7:51 PM, Alain Farmer wrote:
 Is there still a Home stack in LiveCode ?
 Are following expressions still supported ?
 * go home
 * edit the script of home
 There's a home stack but it isn't useful to us, there's nothing much in
 there. It stores the licensing check in the commercial version, so you
 won't be able to edit the script if you're running that. I'm not sure
 how it acts in the community version, I've never looked, but I wouldn't
 be surprised if it were empty.
 If you are looking for a way to keep a library of your own handlers, use
 a plugin stack that opens as a library on launch.
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Re: codepointProperty

2014-04-04 Thread Björnke von Gierke

On 04.04.2014, at 19:30, Richmond wrote:

 I wonder why 'codepointProperty' is not for general-purpose use (it is stated 
 any explanation) as it looks an extremely useful tool . . .

Richmond, your usage and expertise of unicode is way beyond general-purpose. 
Therefore you're hereby granted a certificate to use whatever you please, 
offered to you by the BvG heritage institute of you should already have known 

Go ahead and do whatever you want :-P

have fun


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Re: Multi user sqlite via shared-cache mode?

2014-03-12 Thread Björnke von Gierke
I do use sqlite in networked environment, by having written my own server  
client in LC. It's pretty trivial, and there's no parallelity, because sqlite 
only ever 'sees' the server, which is exactly one sql client. Here's an early 
example that is missing most error checking (this is an older version and for 
the productive version I added lots of errors, logging, etc.):

-- server
on mouseUp
   if the label of me = start server then
  set the label of me to stop server
  accept connections on port (field port) with message connectionAttempt
  set the label of me to start server
  close socket (field port)
   end if
end mouseUp

on connectionAttempt theIP
   read from socket theIP until return with message gotMessage
end connectionAttempt

on gotMessage theIP theProtocol
   delete char -1 of theProtocol --return used as protocol delimiter
   if theProtocol = query then
  read from socket theIP until return with message queryDB
   else if theProtocol = write then
  read from socket theIP until return with message writeDB
   -- else
   -- never happens, unless public accessible
   end if
end gotMessage

on queryDB theIP theQuery
   delete char -1 of theQuery --return from the protocol
   put field database into theDB --path to sqlite file
   put revOpenDatabase(sqlite, theDB,,,) into connID
   put unidecode(uniencode(theQuery),utf8) into theQuery
   put revDataFromQuery(comma,,connID,theQuery) into myResult
   revCloseDatabase connID
   put unidecode(uniencode(myResult,utf8)) into myResult
  if myresult =  then --query empty
 write queryResult  return  0  return to socket theIP
 close socket theIP
 write queryResult  return  length(myResult)  return  myResult to 
socket theIP --return not needed
 close socket theIP
  end if
end queryDB

on writeDB theIP myQuery
   delete char -1 of myQuery --return from protocol
   put field database into theDB --path to sqlite file
   put revOpenDatabase(sqlite, theDB,,,) into connID
   put unidecode(uniencode(myQuery),utf8) into myQuery
   revExecuteSQL connID,myQuery
   put the result into myResult
   revCloseDatabase connID --sets the result to 
   write writeOK  return to socket theIP
   close socket theIP
end writeDB


function queryDB theQuery --theQuery is a sql statement, as understood by LC 
(no multiline, no ;)
   replace return with  in theQuery --just to make sure...
   put the milliseconds into theIdent
   put field IP  |  theIdent into theIP
   open socket to theIP
   write query  return  theQuery  return to socket theIP
   read from socket theIP until return
   put it into theMessage
   delete char -1 of theMessage
   if theMessage = queryResult then
  read from socket theIP until return
  put it into theAmount 
  delete char -1 of theAmount
  if theAmount = 0 then
 put sqlempty: No entry found into theResult
 read from socket theIp for theAmount chars
 put it into theResult --no return at end, do not delete char -1
  end if
  put  error: Server can't query:  return  theMessage into theResult
   end if
   close socket theIP
   return theResult
end queryDB

function insertDB theCommand --any sql that's not SELECT
   put the milliseconds into theIdent
   put field IP  |  theIdent into theIP
   open socket to theIP
   write write  return  theCommand  return to socket theIP
   read from socket theIP until return
   put it into myReply
   delete char -1 of myReply
   if myReply = writeOK then
  put  into myReply
  put  error: Server wrong:  return  myReply into myReply
   end if
   close socket theIP
   return myReply
end insertDB

 On Tue, Mar 11, 2014 at 7:41 AM, Michael Gruenthal
 I¹m interested in having a small (20) number of users simultaneously
 connected to an sqlite DB on a shared network drive as an alternative to
 hosting on a server. 


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Fwd: New chunks

2014-03-12 Thread Björnke von Gierke
sent to wrong list.. resend.

I like this approach. However I think two problems still remain:

Problems with libraries and substacks still remain. A stack property that is 
able to set a whole stack to some kind of 'word legacy mode' would therefore be 
very useful.

Word was always unintuitive with punctuation and quotes, so while we're at it, 
why not make word more intuitive? But If you change that, the legacy way of 
word handling should not be removed, because it was somewhat useful. The 
existing word could also theoretically be improved to work with csv parsing, 
that would be very neat. However, either of these ideas about changing how word 
works can't be handled by a simple find/replace in the ide.

On 12.03.2014, at 11:00, Kevin Miller wrote:

 I think having slept on it my initial suggestion is this:
 We introduce a new legacyWord property for the current word behavior
 What you propose as naturalWord is simply the “word chunk. Most existing 
 users – in time – and all new users, will want to use this. It is the only 
 way to deliver transparent Unicode. I hate having to make new users use 
 naturalWord, unicodeWord or anything else like that, from now until the dawn 
 of time.
 When the IDE opens a stack in pre 7.0 format, a dialog pops up informing the 
 user of the change and asking if they want to update their scripts. If yes, 
 we use find and replace to swap out word for legacyWord in their scripts.
 Kind regards,
 Kevin Miller ~ ~
 LiveCode: Everyone can code
 From: Benjamin Beaumont
 Reply-To: LiveCode Developer List
 Date: Tuesday, 11 March 2014 18:15
 To: LiveCode Developer List, How to use 
 Subject: New chunks
 Hi All,
 We're in the process of adding some new chunk types in LiveCode 7 and we 
 would appreciate suggestions for a particular chunk name.
 The new chunk types are:
 naturalword (breaks on unicode word boundaries)
 sentence (breaks on unicode sentence boundaries)
 paragraph (Same behaviour as current 'line' chunk)
 The first chunk is called 'naturalword' because 'word' is already in use. 
 Renaming the current 'word' chunk to 'token' to free up 'word' is not an 
 option for backward compatibility. We are also limited by the current parser 
 which doesn't allow us to use the form:
 put natural word 1 of this is a string of words
 'naturalword' is the clearest internal suggestion at the moment and we'd love 
 to get the input from community members if there is an even clearer option.
 Warm regards and thank you for your input.


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disable mousedoubleup

2014-03-11 Thread Björnke von Gierke

I wanted to disable mousedoubleup for a short time on a specific object, but it 
seems it's not possible to do this whit the doubleclickinterval, as that is not 
available on windows.

The problem is of course that in this stack people will click very fast and the 
double events will then swallow some of the interactions. Is there any other 
workaround to react to the mouse events, but none of the double ones?


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Re: Grouping controls within a group

2014-02-27 Thread Björnke von Gierke
You can also use the start / stop editing command while locking the screen. 
Basic testing shows it that just messing with relayerGroupedControls doesn't 
help... Could be nice if that'd be possible. Until then, the following works:

on mouseUp
   lock screen
   start editing group 1
   group button 1 and button 2
   stop editing
end mouseUp

On 27.02.2014, at 00:58, Peter Haworth wrote:

 I have a need to group controls within an existing group into a subgroup by
 script, but I get a runtime error when trying to do that - in 6.5.2 the
 message is Object cannot be grouped.
 Any ideas on how to do that?  The only way I can think of is to ungroup the
 main group, group the selected controls to form the subgroup, then group
 the subgroup and the rest of the controls to reinstate the main group, but
 that's pretty scary!
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Re: Support for Mac OSX 10.5

2014-02-26 Thread Björnke von Gierke
On 25.02.2014, at 18:08, Mark Schonewille 

 No longer supporting OSX 10.5 will definitely be a blow in the face for the 
 educational market!

I agree with the direction of Mark's point, but maybe not with the way he 
assesses it's severity. 

Maintaining good terms with the educational market is something that comes up 
often, as a good strategy to get new blood into the LC mindshare. Not having an 
up to date engine for older Mac OS versions is definitely a way to say 
educational market? uninterested.

In addition, if actions and communications form RunRev regarding educational 
markets where more stringent and less confused overall, removing older OS 
versions would not be an issue, because other narratives would carry messages 
of dedication and will to support schoolish endeavours.


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Re: Support for Mac OSX 10.5

2014-02-26 Thread Björnke von Gierke
Oh I forgot to say: I appreciate this conversation started by Ben/RunRev 
immensely, and think these kind of questions should be asked several times each 
month, ideally as often as any kind of decisions, for example syntax changes, 
come up.


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Re: RELEASE LiveCode 6.6 DP1

2014-02-23 Thread Björnke von Gierke

On 21.02.2014, at 16:36, Björnke von Gierke wrote:

 So my suggestion would be to update errorDialog, maybe make a synonym for 
 people used to other languages. And then add an assert control structure (or 
 even just modify try to be able to use it in that way).


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Re: RELEASE LiveCode 6.6 DP1

2014-02-23 Thread Björnke von Gierke
Alright I think I've said what I wanted on assert, so my next problem is with 
the SQLite syntax changes. The new binary mode is in fact just the default 
SQLite way to use binary. 

Because of that, I strongly would prefer to make that the default, and 
deprecate the LC way of storing binary in sqlite. However that's of course not 
really an option, because it'd have the possibility of breaking old code. The 
chosen approach is also highly flawed, because developers will always have to 
use the binary option for all new code, forever, or be incompatible with all 
other SQLite implementations worldwide.

Because those two options are suboptimal, I think the approach should be 
changed in this way instead of what RunRev has proposed:

- Binary data should always be written into SQLite in the standard SQLite way.
- When reading, LC converts binary data to normal binary data without user 
interaction, no matter how it is stored in the db, wether it's LC-properietary 
or standard 
- Remove the binary option from the revOpenDatabase function

That way, new code doesn't need to include additional options forever, and 
backwards compatibility is still guaranteed.


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Re: assert

2014-02-23 Thread Björnke von Gierke
on mouseUp
  assert 1 + blah
end mouseUp

on assertError dont, remember, amountOfParameters
  put dont  remember  amountOfParameters
end assert

see release notes of 6.6 dp here:

On 23.02.2014, at 14:31, Richmond wrote:

 Right; so here I am on a Sunday afternoon feeling
 suitably postprandial . . . and looking at the notes for 6.6 dp1
 and playing around with ASSERT
 Set up a stack with a button with this script:
 on mouseUp
   assert 1 is 2
 end mouseUp
 as per notes.
 SO? Where is any sort of result
 tried this script:
 on mouseUp
   put assert (1 is 2) into fld fOUT
 end mouseUp
 that one threw a bluey
 as did:
 on mouseUp
   put assert (1 is 2)
 end mouseUp
 So, I made another button with this script:
 on mouseUp
   if 1 is 2 then
  put Yup into fld fOUT
  put Nope into fld fOUT
  end if
 end mouseUp
 which worked perfectly.
 SO; assert is meant to be a way to check for runtime errors
 [which in my example above it certainly does NOT look like]
 WHERE is one expected to see fails or succeeds
 or, how does one know if assert has either failed or succeeded?
 Why not just run one's original script and see it the da*n things works?
 if the condition fails, then an assertError message is sent to the object 
 containing the
 Where does the programmer see the assertError message?
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Re: RELEASE LiveCode 6.6 DP1

2014-02-21 Thread Björnke von Gierke
Alright, thanks everyone for explaining this. I see now that assert does 
something that existing capabilities didn't do: Make your own errors up.

I still think that adding an assert command (of all things) is a completely 
wrong way to do that tho. What i'd want is this to use existing capabilities, 
instead of sidestepping how things work right now. Maybe a control structure 
would be a lot more in touch with the existing ways?

Another approach could be something similar to exit (exit to error?), coupled 
with an operator or a function. I think a command is extremely weird, why would 
a random command exit the handler? it's so weird :(

In addition I'd use it directly with the existing (if weirdly named) 
errorDialog message (assertError synonym?). In fact that one already does 
everything the newfangled assert does (including the global that Richard asked 
for, if I read the lockErrorDialogs correctly), the only thing it doesn't do, 
is to allow the user to issue custom errors that would trigger the function, 
but of course that can be added. 

So my suggestion would be to update errorDialog, maybe make a synonym for 
people used to other languages. And then add an assert control structure (or 
even just modify try to be able to use it in that way).


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Re: RELEASE LiveCode 6.6 DP1

2014-02-20 Thread Björnke von Gierke

On 16.02.2014, at 22:13, Peter Haworth wrote:

  Seems like it's really meant to detect the
 infamous this should never happen situation rather than expected errors.,

Alright, if that is the case, why isn't it done in the engine WITHOUT adding 
another command? why do WE need to add random commands to our code? Wouldn't 
some message or global property that changes the behaviour of bug-detection 
that the engine already has to do anyway be better? In fact, it is my 

Maybe I still don't understand the way this command works, but I guess this is 
what it should be doing as far as I see from the discussion:

1. The developer doesn't know wether the code he's writing works or not (due to 
whatever reason)
2. He has to anticipate that, and put asserts all over his script in semi 
random places, inflating the codesize and reducing readability
3. He handles the assertMessage message and produces error handling code there.

Now compare this to what already is possible:

1. An unexpected error occurs (like: 1 + text)
2. use the errorDialog message to handle it, and produce error handling code 

I really don't see how the assert command is improving anything, but as I said, 
I don't understand what it does. So what is possible with assert that isn't 
already done better with existing capabilities, and if that's the case, why is 
the assert command a better addition then modifying the existing capabilities.

For reference here's what i found in regards to handling unexpected bugs like 1 
+ text:

errorDialog message
executionContexts property
scriptExecutionError message
lockErrorDialogs property (not sure what this is supposed to do, isn't the 
error dialog IDE-specific? Also the documentation is wrong or weirdly worded 
about errorDialog messages not being sent when it's false)


errorMode property (only server)
scriptParsingError message (probably wrong kind of error?)


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Re: RELEASE LiveCode 6.6 DP1

2014-02-20 Thread Björnke von Gierke

On 20.02.2014, at 16:37, Richard Gaskin wrote:

 The key point there is that both only catch things the engine considers 
 Assert compliments those by providing for things which may be syntactically 
 correct and completely executable, yet are errors within the context of the 
 business logic of your app.

I'm not a smart man, and can't imagine any such error ever happening in a 
program. Can you give a simple example where you'd use assert to catch that 
kind of error?


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Re: RELEASE LiveCode 6.6 DP1

2014-02-15 Thread Björnke von Gierke
Can someone elaborate why assert is better then using is true/false, and what 
additional things it adds?

I don't feel i can do the following otherwise: Please do not be afraid to try 
it out as we need feedback to develop it further. (page 7, )


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Re: Dollar Sign Variables

2014-02-13 Thread Björnke von Gierke
 I was wondering the same thing. How in the world does one program without the 
 Jaw dropped.

I graciously insert put commands when something isn't working as expected, then 
fix the problem and remove the puts again. Only works with code that I've 
created myself though, because other people tend to use far more functions and 
commands, which unnecessarily complicates things. The main advantage is that 
the IDE in general, as well as my own stacks, are faster with debug mode off. I 
actually like that finding bugs and removing them is annoying, because then I 
think twice before making random changes.

Said that, I found myself using the debugger a bit more recently, mostly 
because It helps with seeing why code does what it does, not so much to find 
code that isn't doing what it's supposed to do.


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Re: Send and the context

2014-02-08 Thread Björnke von Gierke
You might be interested in the call command.

On 08.02.2014, at 07:34, Bob Sneidar wrote:

 This may bore most of you to tears so please disregard if it doesn’t interest 
 What I am attempting is to be able to get values from objects on a card that 
 is not the current card, or even in the current stack, like fields and states 
 of buttons, without enumerating the entire path to the objects themselves. 
 This is because the card is designed to be portable, that is, to be placed 
 into any stack. The first time you go to the Database Setup card, all the 
 sqlYoga database connections will be initialized, connections tested, and 
 then connections made. It also has some database utility functions I use. 
 I’ll share it with the community when I am done shaking out all the dust 
 Now I do have a few globals I use, and could do everything with globals if 
 necessary, but that seems messy to my mind. Also, globals prevent the card 
 from working properly in multiple stack environments! I might have a Database 
 Setup card in several different stacks, and they all need to behave 
 discreetly. (This is why Stack Local variables would be HUGE!) 
 That is the back story. Now there are times when I need to get the values of 
 objects on the Database Setup card of the current stack without actually 
 going to the Database Setup card itself (I might be in a substack and it 
 might be modal for instance) so I inserted the script of a button with all 
 the Database Setup handlers into the message path, and then “send” commands 
 to it, so that statements like:
 put field “fDBType” into theDBType — this field resides on the Database Setup 
 would execute in the context of the Database Setup card. This threw Object 
 Not Found errors, so I thought maybe it’s because the script was inserted 
 into the message path. I then tried this with another button on the Database 
 Setup card whose script was NOT inserted into the message path and got the 
 same result! 
 At that point I put in this handler into the script of the Database Setup 
 on test
  put the short name of this card
 end test
 Whether I send or dispatch I get the current card of the current stack.
 If however:
 on test
  put the short name of me
 end test
 I now get “Database Setup” whether I use send or dispatch! Well… that IS what 
 I want I suppose. That prompted this thread. If this is the expected 
 behavior, then I really do not understand at all what the dictionary means by 
 “execution context”. I DID however find one other difference between send and 
 dispatch: You can send a command but NOT a function! Dispatch works with 
 commands AND functions. 
 At any rate, it’s academic. I solved the problem by putting this handler in 
 the Database Setup card script:
 function getConnection theDBObject
   switch theDBObject
  case primary
 put the hilite of button btndbPrimary of me into aConnection 
 put (the backgroundcolor of button btnPriConnected of me is 
 lightgreen) into aConnection [connected]
 put field fPriDBType of me into aConnection [dbtype]
 put field fPriDBHost of me into aConnection [dbhost]
 put field fPriDBPort of me into aConnection [dbport]
 put field fPriDBName of me into aConnection [dbname]
 put field fpriDBUser of me into aConnection [dbuser]
 put field fPriDBPass of me into aConnection [dbpass]
  case secondary
 put the hilite of button btndbSecondary of me into aConnection 
 put (the backgroundcolor of button btnSecConnected of me is 
 lightgreen) into aConnection [connected]
 put field fSecDBType of me into aConnection [dbtype]
 put field fSecDBHost of me into aConnection [dbhost]
 put field fSecDBPort of me into aConnection [dbport]
 put field fSecDBName of me into aConnection [dbname]
 put field fSecDBUser of me into aConnection [dbuser]
 put field fSecDBPass of me into aConnection [dbpass]
   end switch
   return aConnection
 end getConnection
 Now my database back scripts can call this function, and because the button 
 containing the back scripts exists on the same card, they execute in the 
 context of that card. (Whew!) 
 On Feb 7, 2014, at 09:02 , Mike Bonner wrote:
 Ah k. I understand what you're saying now.
 The OP points out that put the short name of this card is returning the
 current card (as per the dictionary, and the behavior in the OP matches
 If things remain the same and the message is sent to the card itself
 (like it was in the OP) then the handler in the card can put the short
 name of me and it will work because the handler is executing in the card,
 but if the message is sent to an object on a card the short name of me
 will return the object name not the card name. So one would have to do

Re: [OT] will amuse you Linux fans

2014-02-08 Thread Björnke von Gierke

On 08.02.2014, at 17:09, Andrew Kluthe wrote:

 My response was directed towards Bob.
 On Sat, Feb 8, 2014 at 10:08 AM, Richmond richmondmathew...@gmail.comwrote:
 On 08/02/14 17:51, Andrew Kluthe wrote:
 Those who choose to obey the laws are either those who are the
 beneficiaries of such instruments, or to whom the instrument has rendered
 all other choices and possibilities unworthy of consideration. The point
 that even in western democracies, people don't actually have a choice in
 the matter. You obey or you are punished. That is the presupposition of
 whole concept: removal (whether it is perceived as voluntary or otherwise)
 of choice to those who know properly how to do the choosin'.
 Government in North Korea is maintained by the same force and threats as
 is in most any western democracy. The difference being that in western
 democracies the populace is encouraged to take an actionable role in their
 own subjugation and the subjugation of others in an attempt to feel like
 belong and have agency in such matters. We are allowed to choose wallpaper
 patterns for the homes we are allowed to live in by being obedient enough
 to be granted some kind of economic privilege. In exchange for our
 co-operation, we earn a chance at a more personally satisfying (to some)
 servitude. Should any groups of people in a western democracy decide
 against being servile, we know for sure that force will arrive there to
 restore servility.
 I'd prefer not to allow my liberty to be (or at least work to prevent from
 being) bound by involuntary contracts like constitutions, writs and the
 And after reading over the thread again I'd like to point out:
 Those who choose to obey the laws (that they themselves are protected by
 might add) do not need to be compelled.
 This phrase strikes me now as something very similar to what a gangster
 might say when attempting to expand a protection racket.
 I'm not suggesting that you
 To whom does you refer to?
 Unless that is cleared up somebody is going to feel their nose has been
 put out of joint :)
 are a gangster or run a protection racket, of
 course, but that the logic being implied by your concept of governance
 lines up perfectly with what I am describing. I think that we are in
 agreement about function but just have different biases and perspectives
 into those functions.
 On Sat, Feb 8, 2014 at 1:48 AM, Richmond
 On 08/02/14 07:06, Bob Sneidar wrote:
 Only upon the lawless. :-) Those who choose to obey the laws (that they
 themselves are protected by I might add) do not need to be compelled.
 There is a small problem there.
 I am sure that most of us here on the Use-List would applaud a North
 Korean who broke certain of that
 country's draconian laws,
 and, furthermore,
 do not feel groovy about the sort of compulsion that goes on there.
 Now that is one end of a continuum, and the question is, and always has
 where one should decide breaking a law is legitimate protest and where it
 a crime.
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Re: [OT] Haiku

2014-02-06 Thread Björnke von Gierke
I see nothing on that page which would indicate an end to the project?

On 05.02.2014, at 09:07, Richmond wrote:

 It seems that Haiku (a.k.a. BeOS rediviva) has bitten the dust:


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Re: 6.5.2 Doesn't Remember Script Editor Location

2014-01-30 Thread Björnke von Gierke

On 30.01.2014, at 14:08, Ray wrote:

  Could you please point me to a lesson/steps or something which would help me 
 write a backscript in a plugin and have it open automatically?

Well the first stop would obviously be to read the backscript entry of the 
dictionary. I have a similar setup as mark, only my stack allows the editing of 
label fields when in browse mode. There's several ways to include code in the 
message path, for example I use start using stack instead of backscript or 

A so called plugin is simply a stack that resides in the plugin folder within 
the user extension folder of the IDE. To see where your IDE has stored that 
folder, go to the Preferences, and select FIles  Memory (it's at the 
bottom). Also check out the development menu: development - plugins - 
plugin settings

Also see this lessons:

As a test, you can make a stack that reports the location of the mouse when you 
click in browse mode, to do that just make a new stack with this code in its 
stack script (also make sure to rename the card accordingly):

on openstack
  if the target = card  quote  my own plugin  quote then
start using this stack
  end if
  pass openstack
end openstack

on mouseUp
  put the mouseLoc  return  the screenMouseLoc
  pass mouseUp
end mouseUp


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Re: EditBackground Message?

2014-01-29 Thread Björnke von Gierke
a quick look in to the dictionary says no, so unless it's undocmented, there's 

On 29.01.2014, at 02:24, Scott Rossi wrote:

 Anyone know if there's related message sent when the  editBackground of a 
 stack is enabled (or start editing group xyz)?  I want to trigger some object 
 positioning within a group when the group is edited.
 Scott Rossi
 Creative Director
 Tactile Media, UX/UI Design
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Re: Just confirming, groups themselves don't receive mouse messages, right?

2014-01-29 Thread Björnke von Gierke

On 29.01.2014, at 15:13, Geoff Canyon wrote:

 Is there a way to make it so that groups themselves can receive
 messages directly?

No. The only way is, to have an opaque rectangle graphic or other object that 
fills the whole area of the group. You can send the ink of the graphic to noop, 
so it's invisible. Hmm, apparently noop is discouraged from use as of 5.0... 
maybe blndDst is a good replacement?

On a side note, why is today experienced-users-ask-about-groups day?


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Re: LiveCode and HTML

2014-01-29 Thread Björnke von Gierke
The problem is that you need the engine for livecode to run. For example, in 
websites running from an apache server, it's possible to add the engine as a 
cgi. This is called livecode server, and it can be found here:

But that's not what you want. you want the engine to run within a website 
that's running within the iBooks application. As far as I know, there's no way 
to add the engine there. So the answer to your question about running LC as 
part of html5 is no, it's not possible. but not because of it being html5, but 
because it's in or iBooks for iOS.

On 29.01.2014, at 17:04, Sergio Schvarstein wrote:

 I need to know if there is any way for using LiveCode within HTML5.
 Concretely, I need to use a simple game I wrote in LiveCode as part of an 
 iBooks author page.
 Is there any way for converting or embedding it for HTML5 ?
 Thanks and Regards.


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Re: Timing oddity

2014-01-25 Thread Björnke von Gierke
As far as I can see you're not doing a lot, but repeating that often. In a 
sense I'd thing you're actually timing repeat with var = 1 to var vs. 
repeat for var, instead of in what ways arrays change the math operations. 
Do the same test with the same math operation in the loops, does that yield the 
same result? Whatever you did to your code,  I think it makes it hard to read, 
and I certainly can't copy paste that to do my own tests.

On 25.01.2014, at 07:31, Geoff Canyon wrote:

 10 11.326327 0.710837 15.933786
 100 11.854238 0.662299 17.898622
 1000 12.105847 0.698076 17.341732
 1 12.502957 0.773339 16.167497
 10 13.145294 0.813667 16.155618
 100 12.737516 0.886334 14.371008
 I ran the code below and got those numbers. I had assumed that array math
 would be faster than iterating manually, and it is, but I also assumed that
 the speed difference would increase for larger arrays, and it doesn't --
 the array math is about 16 times faster, almost regardless of the array
 Oddly, on a different Macbook, the ratio was about 6, again for multiple
 sizes of the target array. Not sure why that would be.
 *on* mouseUp
   *repeat* with arrayLog = 1 to 6
  *put* 10^arrayLog into arrayCount
  *put* 10^(7 - arrayLog) into repeatLoopCount
  *repeat* with i = 1 to arrayCount
 *put* random(100) into X[i]
 *put* random(10) into Y[i]
  *end* *repeat*
  *put* the long seconds into T
  *repeat* repeatLoopCount
 *repeat* with i = 1 to arrayCount
*add* Y[i] to X[i]
 *end* *repeat*
  *end* *repeat*
  *put* the long seconds - T into T1
  *put* the long seconds into T
  *repeat* repeatLoopCount
 *add* Y to X
  *end* *repeat*
  *put* the long seconds - T into T2
  *put* arrayCount  T1  T2  T1 / T2  cr after R
  *delete* variable X
  *delete* variable Y
   *end* *repeat*
   *put* R
 *end* mouseUp
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Re: [OT] Mavericks Auto Save and Red Traffic Light plus Back Dot

2014-01-23 Thread Björnke von Gierke
Go to System Preferences, and select the General tab. Slightly bellow the 
middle, there's a checkmark saying ask to keep changes when closing 
documents. Unselect it. Make sure to restart applications now, and then the 
new behaviour should immediately show up. 

For example in text edit, documents should show a grey – edited after their 
name, but not the red dot thingy. You can still force a save, which will 
include a milestone-type of save (some are also created automatically, usually 
when a document is closed), you can browse trough the revisions in time 
machine, even if you have no backup hard disk connected.

On 23.01.2014, at 02:49, Kay C Lan wrote:

 As this is the largest community of Mac users I know please forgive me for
 asking this off topic question here.
 I'm on 10.9.1 MBP 15 Retina, I have the latest versions of TextEdit 1.9
 (310) and Pages 5.0.1 (1478)
 I recently purchased OS X Mavericks - The Missing Manual as I find these
 Missing Manuals have a wealth of little tidbits which help maximise your
 use of what ever program.
 It states in this book that Apple programs such as TextEdit, Pages all Auto
 Save whenever you stop typing or pause your workflow. You can even Quit
 these applications and all your work is saved and available when you reopen
 the document - the inference is that you are not presented with any type of
 dialog box when you Quit because the document is already saved. Also,
 because of all of this, the convention of changing the Red traffic light
 icon at the top left of the widow, to show a black dot in it - indicating
 you have unsaved changes, no longer happens.
 Well, that's not what I'm experiencing.
 I open a TextEdit or Pages document and as soon as I make changes the Red
 Traffic Light icon changes to include a black dot in the the middle. I can
 leave it for 10-15 min and nothing changes, there is no Auto Save, and if I
 Quit the program I'm asked if I want to Revert, Cancel or Save.
 To me, absolutely nothing has changed in this regard.
 Is anyone else seeing this or are you all as per the book?
 I'm thinking of submitting an errata but thought I'd better check first
 that somehow by the grace of God I happen to be the only one that has
 Mavericks behaving exactly how I expect OS X to behave.
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Re: [off] Xojo Update

2014-01-17 Thread Björnke von Gierke
Ooohhh that's real basic, you had me worried that i had missed a mature 
dev-environment completely xD

On 17.01.2014, at 15:14, Mike Kerner wrote:

 For everybody who is married to LC, and remembers the big fat lead it has
 over other tools, Xojo is getting closer:
 On the first day, God created the heavens and the Earth
 On the second day, God created the oceans.
 On the third day, God put the animals on hold for a few hours,
   and did a little diving.
 And God said, This is good.
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Re: Using sockets

2014-01-16 Thread Björnke von Gierke
On 15.01.2014, at 01:14, Peter Haworth wrote:

 The dictionary adds to the confusion when, in the write to socket entry, it
 says the socket id is an ip address followed by a port when it's actually
 followed by a socket.

I agree that there's some small inconsistencies in naming sockets vs. ports, 
but it's actually easy.

For example, if you think of IP's as houses, then ports are their (thousands 
of) doors. Sockets are the little roads between two of those doors (yes even 
for the same house). Unlike in the real world, those roads are only constructed 
and paved when you open a socket. The communication happens as so called 
packets, you can imagine those as very stupid pedestrians, whom always will 
follow a single road (Note that LC does a great job at obsfucating the packeted 
nature of IP communication).

So a socket is always a connection between two ports. One of them is always the 
server, and the other is always the client. As a test, try to open a port, and 
query the openSockets, it will list the open ports. You'll see an outgoing port 
on the server, and an incoming port on the client. They exist because there's a 
socket opened.

 However it only mentions the socketTimeoutInterval.

I found the socketTimeout message to be useless. Here's some of it's properties 
(from memories of a few years back, I could be remembering wrong on some of 

- It will fire if nothing is happening on the socket (no reads or writes 
pending), in regular intervals
- It will fire if a non-blocking read or write is pending or unhandled
- It will fire during long reads or writes, while they are happening
- It will not fire if there is no socket open

In other words, according to LC, everything is always timing out, making the 
message completely useless in my view (maybe it can be used to find out that 
the socket is unexpectedly closed, because there sure as hell is no other way 
to find that important info out in LC...).


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Re: Any work around for no SFTP in LC?

2014-01-16 Thread Björnke von Gierke
I haven't had to do this myself, but as you said it has come up her and there. 
As far as i know, sftp is easier to achieve then ftps, but there's several ways 
for both. Of course only as long as you don't ship for mobiles, where you're 
generally fucked (but hey, at least it's secure to download crapware, so 
mobiles got that going for them I guess).

1. Use an existing ftp software,and interact with it

This is what most people seem to do, it's done either trough shell, 
applescript/vba, open process or sockets. Of course you'd need to ship and 
install the other software for customers. Anyone who did it?

2. Use secure shell (only for sftp, NOT ftps!)

Modern OSes all have ways to open ssh (secure shell) to remote hosts via 
command line, and there are also third party secure command line tools, just as 
there are third party ftp tools. The relevance of secure shell is, that sftp is 
usually run as an extension of ssh (needs ssh 2), where ssh does the secure 
part, and then there's something similar to a 'normal' ftp session run after a 
secure shell connection is established. You probably need to pipe a lot, 
because there's no non-blocking shell() in LC. There's people who know a lot 
about command lines on the list (not me), so it might even be possible to 
cheaply commission this.

3. Implement sftp/ftps in LC natively

Using the build in secure socket support it's possible to implement a secure 
shell client, and then build sftp commands on top of that. Similar, you'd need 
to use secure socket and then implement standard ftp on top of that for ftps 
(well there's also the TSL way to negotiate about security after connecting, 
but i'm not sure if that needs to be on top of a secure socket, or if it's an 
alternative?). Anyway, that's a lot of work.

4. add ftps/sftp to the engine

currently there are non secure implementations for ftp on iOS as well as 
Android. They're not part of the libURL stack, but of the engine. Similarly, 
one could add secured ftp protocols to the engine directly, either by binding a 
open source library, or by implementing it in c or c++ yourself. There's 
probably a ton of c++ developers somewhere in the world who would love to do 
either on commission, but i have no idea how to find even even one.

5. RunRev

Oh right, you can of course wait for RR to finish 'refactoring' the language 
and other tasks they deemed more important. Up to now that only has taken them 
years, with no visible progress...

Further reading: (according to 
fileZilla this is the version to use for sftp)

I'm sure some people can pitch in with what kind of workarounds they've used to 
achieve ftps?

On 16.01.2014, at 15:20, Jim Schaubeck wrote:

 I need to support SFTP for a project ...


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Re: moving files

2014-01-12 Thread Björnke von Gierke
there's also revcopyfile

On 13.01.2014, at 01:22, stephen barncard 

 On Sun, Jan 12, 2014 at 4:18 PM, Monte Goulding
 that might be it.  Feature added in 1.1.1  One of the more non-intuitive
 commands like destroystack.


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Re: Best way to refresh screen

2013-10-01 Thread Björnke von Gierke
Most likely your examples are part of larger scripts. Always make sure that you 
unlock the screen as often as you lock it. 'lock screen' is symetrical 
additive, and not on/off switches like most other properties. So if you do two 
locks, and one unlock the screen is still locked. If that is not your problem, 
sometimes LC can be a bit cautious with screen refreshes, it tries to do some 
optimisation by not actually showing all screen changes all the time.

In that case try to experiment with wait. Personally I like this form to 
force a screen refresh (again, only if lock screen is not enabled):

wait with messages for 0 seconds

note that 'with messages' can impede the speed of your code, and I haven't 
tested if it's actually better then without. However it seemed to be the best 
way to make sure (again if lock screen is not enabled somewhere) to get a 
screen refresh.

As a final note, if your script runs in a 'resizeStack' handler, never use lock 
screen (again because of internal optimisation the screen is actually already 
locked in an opaque way).

On 01.10.2013, at 01:36, wrote:

 This seems like it should be easy, but I can't find anything in the 
 I have a large map image that I want to draw onto. I have defined a viewport, 
 which is a graphic rectangle and all parts of the map that are not within the 
 viewport are hidden. The large map will move around, magnify, etc. This all 
 works. I want to draw symbols on the visible part of the map, and in order to 
 make this efficient, I take a snapshot of the part of the map that's in the 
 viewport and will use that for the symbols. 
 To do the snapshot, I first set the visible of the snapshot image to false, 
 take the snapshot of the map, then set the visible of the snapshot image to 
 Set the visible of snapShotImage to FALSE
 take snapshot -- this takes the snapshot of the snapsShotImage
 Set the visible of the snapShotImage to TRUE --this does not refresh the 
 I can get it to work if I do:
 Set the visible of snapShotImage to FALSE
 take snapshot -- this works
 wait 0.2 seconds
 Set the visible of the snapShotImage to TRUE --this does refresh the screen
 Is this the best way to force a screen refresh???
 William Prothero
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Re: Converting Python

2013-09-18 Thread Björnke von Gierke
I'm on Waddinghams side here. Do as other language is integrated with the 
alternateLanguages. If something isn't in the alternateLanguages, it does not 
belong into do as other language. So what you'd probably need to convince 
him (and me) of, is to find a reliable way to get available languages into the 
alternateLanguages, and then make the execution of the language work  with 
do after that.

So the real linux-related problems are therefore:

1. Is there any os-suplied way to query available scripting languages 
(excluding random executables that do not belong)? For example, simply dumping 
$path into alternateLanguages is probably too broad and unreliable.

2. Is there a way to run scripting languages without going trough a shell-like 
wrapper (because mark has said he wants it to work the same as on other 

In the end, wouldn't your goal be easier achieved with a modified shell() 
function that allows to pass fields as if they're files (for multi-line 

On 17.09.2013, at 22:22, Mark Wieder wrote:

 Tuesday, September 17, 2013, 10:51:44 AM, you wrote:
 In the meantime, what could we do with that we can't do by
 calling Python/Perl/etc. from the command line via shell?
 To avoid repeating myself, see my last comment in the forum thread.
 The tl;dr: probably nothing, especially for one-liners, but it gets
 progressively more complex once you start executing longer scripts.
 And I still think there's a cognitive difference between
 do tScript as perl
 get shell(perl  tScript)
 -Mark Wieder
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Re: OT: Sparkleshare

2013-09-10 Thread Björnke von Gierke
sounds like fun, but the advantage of dropbox is the free space, which this 
does not have, because you need to host it yourself. on the plus side, you'll 
be able to test it easily on github yourself :)

On 10.09.2013, at 18:21, Mark Wieder wrote:

 Does anyone have any experience with Sparkleshare? We're looking into
 it as an alternative to Dropbox, and since it's built on git, I'm
 curious about how it handles multiuser issues like file conflicts.
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Re: Datagrid: Edit row, save to database

2013-08-28 Thread Björnke von Gierke
sure, i suggest you check out the lessons, mosg dg stuff is documented there:

for example:

On 28.08.2013, at 13:53, Pascal Lehner wrote:

 Hi all,
 Sitting in the Indian sun and writing on my hobby project. (Sorry for
 that.. ;-)
 Couldn't be better if there wasn't that one thing I cannot figure out just
 I load data from several tables (main table: ingredients) from a a SQLite
 database into a data grid.
 Now I wan't to provide an option to edit such displayed rows within the
 data grid. The user should be able to click on a certain field and then
 edit it however he wishes. When clicking save (or upon exiting this field),
 these data should be saved back to the database. Kinda like Excel can do.
 Also, there is fields where he should be able to chose from a drop-down
 menu (like 'categories') since these are linked tables and I only store the
 index no in the 'ingredients table'.
 Similarly, I wan't to provide an option to add new rows but I think that's
 going to be a similar command/code.
 Is there an easy way to do that?
 If not, I might just display several fields with the data for him to edit
 below the grid but that probably isn't what a user expects from such a
 Thanks in advance.
 Best regards,
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Re: How to build webcam application

2013-08-26 Thread Björnke von Gierke
there's existing services for that, like or

On 26.08.2013, at 01:01, Mark wrote:

 Hi all,
 I was wondering how to go about building a desktop application that would 
 allow people to watch my band play live at a gig.
 These people are not able to attend the gig, so I was thinking that this 
 client and host app would allow them to watch and listen in a live scenario.
 Anyone have any ideas about how to go about this?
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Re: The encoding property

2013-08-26 Thread Björnke von Gierke
i think your list is overzealous. For example considering abbr, abbrev, 
abbreviated (from teh abbreviated docu entry):

Note: The abbreviated keyword is implemented internally as a property, and 
appears in the propertyNames. However, it cannot be used as a property in an 
expression, nor with the set command.

There's quite a few of these kewyord-properties maybe try to match against all 
entries, not just property entries?

What about desktop, are you sure that's not supposed to be desktop folder 
(various folders: engine, documents, etc.)?

Statusicons (and it's entourage) are marked as beta in the releasenotes (been 
like that for years).

Said all that, there's certainly valid ones, like columndel (rowdel), because 
it's a valid syntax but not documented. But I suggest you weed the list down 

On 26.08.2013, at 23:46, Peter Haworth wrote:

 Here's the list of entries in propertynames that have no matching entry in
 the dictionary.  There's quite a few understandable omissions such as
 abbrev, english,system(why are they in the propertynames?).  Maybe I
 should put this into a QCC report?
 lcSQL Software
 On Mon, Aug 26, 2013 at 2:22 PM, Peter Haworth wrote:
 I've entered bug# 11129 at the QCC.
 Came across another property that causes the same problem - flaggedRanges.
 That's also interesting because flaggedRanges is not in the dictionary.
 I think I'm going to make a simple stack that checks the output of the
 propertynames against the Bjornke's SQLite db of the dictionary to get a
 definitive list of properties which have no dictionary entries.
 lcSQL Software
 On Mon, Aug 26, 2013 at 1:12 PM, J. Landman Gay 
 On 8/26/13 2:14 PM, Peter Haworth wrote:
 If you try to get the encoding of the templatefield, LC aborts with no
 error message.  Getting the encoding of a real field works OK.  Happens
 5.5.0, thru 6.1.1(rc3).
 I realize this is pretty obscure but I do have a need to do this and
 wondering if anyone else has come across this bug?
 Yeah. Write it up for us?
 Jacqueline Landman Gay |
 HyperActive Software   |
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Re: html tags recognized by htmlText

2013-08-25 Thread Björnke von Gierke
 Meanwhile Bjornke has come up with a way to convert the doc files into
 a SQLite database, and that makes it faster, more maintainable, easier
 to use, and more flexible. Unfortunately his converter doesn't work on
 linux, but the resulting database is cross-platform.

I can't really test on Linux, but most likely the problem is with where 
LiveCode stores it's user add ons. 

In LC, go to the Preferences Menu - Files  memory Pane - User 
extensions (at the bottom)

That one needs to be set to a writeable, existing folder. LC does not check if 
the folder exists. If that is not the problem, you might need to check if the 
dictionary is stored differently by the IDE on linux:
 put the cCustomizationPath of stack revpreferences 

Tho.. that knowledge wouldn't really do you any good...

err.. yeah xD


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Re: posting binary-data to livecode-server - how to get progress information

2013-07-18 Thread Björnke von Gierke
look at the dictionary :)

On 18.07.2013, at 15:44, Matthias Rebbe wrote:

 what is liburlexpect100? Could please explain?
 Am 18.07.2013 um 15:36 schrieb Björnke von Gierke
 try fiddling with the liburlexpect100
 On 18.07.2013, at 13:15, Matthias Rebbe wrote:
 i am uploading binary files from a livecode app to a livecode-server script 
 using the post method. This works well w/o problems. When posting larger 
 files it would be nice to see the progress of the upload.
 How can this be accomplished?
 I tried to define a callback using libUrlSetStatusCallback w/o success.
 I also tried to use the urlprogress message, also w/o success.
 Do i have to add something to the livecode-server script or 
 is it not possible to get information about the upload progress?
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Re: sqlite ios pragma

2013-07-18 Thread Björnke von Gierke
ah too bad.. At this point i'd go and ask support, if runrev disabled something 
or used a different driver version (or different compile), then they'll 
probably know why this doesn't work on iOS. Not that that would actually help 
right now, but maybe it's an easily fixable bug in the external?

On 18.07.2013, at 16:46, Mike Kerner wrote:

 It works fine in the IDE/Mac/Windows, so when I took it over to iOS and it
 didn't work, I spent a couple of hours trying to debug other things before
 I found out that NONE of the PRAGMAs seem to work.
 On Thu, Jul 18, 2013 at 5:37 AM, Björnke von Gierke wrote:
 No, you're on your own there. I'd think it weird to not work there tho.
 Did your code work in the ide?
 On 17.07.2013, at 19:46, Mike Kerner wrote:
 I found out about this because I couldn't get PRAGMA to work in the
 simulator when it works fine on the desktop.  So, BvG, are you saying it
 works for you on iOS?
 On Wed, Jul 17, 2013 at 1:08 PM, Peter Haworth wrote:
 Yes, saw them after I made my post, sorry.
 lcSQL Software
 On Wed, Jul 17, 2013 at 9:05 AM, Mark Schonewille wrote:
 Hi Pete,
 Have you read my next post and Björnke's follow-up?
 Best regards,
 Mark Schonewille
 Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
 KvK: 50277553
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 We have time for new software development projects. Contact me for a
 On 17 jul 2013, at 17:38, Peter Haworth wrote:
 Can't speak for iOS but on the desktop, PRAGMA is just another SQLite
 statement that can be executed fine via revDataFromQuery.
 lcSQL Software
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 On the first day, God created the heavens and the Earth
 On the second day, God created the oceans.
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  and did a little diving.
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 On the first day, God created the heavens and the Earth
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   and did a little diving.
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Re: sqlite ios pragma

2013-07-17 Thread Björnke von Gierke
To be precise, the following code works for me (some parts removed):

   put the selectedText of me into theName
   put revopendatabase(sqlite,field path,,,) into theID
   put revDataFromQuery(comma,,theID, PRAGMA table_info =  theName) into 
   if myPragma begins with revdberr then
  answer error in Database: Pragma failed:  myPragma  return  myQuery
  exit to top
   else if myPragma   then
  repeat for each line theLine in myPragma
 put item 3 of theLine  comma after theTypes
  end repeat
  delete char -1 of theTypes
   end if

On 17.07.2013, at 11:44, Mark Schonewille wrote:

 Hi again Mike,
 I've just been told that PRAGMA does exist on the desktop version of LiveCode 
 now (thanks Björnke). It might also work on iOS. Perhaps you need to post 
 some code.
 Best regards,
 Mark Schonewille
 Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
 KvK: 50277553
 Use Color Converter to convert CMYK, RGB, RAL, XYZ, H.Lab and other colour 
 Buy my new book Programming LiveCode for the Real Beginner
 Fill out this survey please
 On 7/16/2013 05:40, Mike Kerner wrote:
 anybody trying to use that combination:  PRAGMA in sqlite on ios?
 Everything else with this DB seems to work fine, but PRAGMA does not -
 returns 0 whether I do PRAGMA database_list or table_info(tableName)
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Re: on-rev reliability ?

2013-07-09 Thread Björnke von Gierke
I have not made any sophisticated solutions on on-rev. However, The servers 
where seldomly down for me. I was on Loki, and during the server move was 
transferred to tio. I don't think i've had many major downs, altho I am mostly 
judging it by the availability of email service (am not checking my site 

I too have seen a lot of mentions of thor downtimes. It seems to me, that one 
is a dirty server somehow, at least compared to the ones I was/am on.

Said that, if you worry about downtime so much, I am very sure that a single 
failure shared hosting point like on-rev is not what you want, not even my 
experience. Neither would of course be dreamhost, networksolutions or other 
such services. You'd need a dedicated machine (rack space), or a cloud based 
account like amazon offers. Those do cost money and are harder to set up and 
also need more work to maintain.

On 09.07.2013, at 20:32, wrote:

 Hi folks,
 I'm back on this list after a few of years (although I never stopped using
 I'd like to get opinions and experiences about on-rev...
 I have been using the service for almost 3 years via 3 different accounts,
 and have
 built professional apps  websites on LC  on-rev, and several companies
 are using these apps
 and have built their business around them.
 Everything worked seamlessly for almost 2 years, but last february 
 march, we
 started experiencing huge  frequent server (thor) crashes and slowdowns,
 which put us
 in a terrible situation towards our clients who threatened to sue us
 because we weren't
 delivering the service they paid for...
 Meanwhile, one of our accounts was moved to a new server (pancake) but it
 appeared that
 something went wrong during the move, because we experienced random bugs
 in some
 scripts that lead to corrupted data in DBs and random errors in
 automatically generated
 pdf files (invoices for instance)... To solve this problem, I had to move
 all scripts, files and
 DBs to another account of ours still on thor...
 Last but not least, for the last few days, we had a few server crashes
 again, and of course
 our clients yelling at us... Last week-end I also noticed some erratic
 behavior during ftp
 transfer that lead to corrupted scripts and huge bugs in web pages...
 Searching through the list archives I found a few posts mentioning that
 thor was down
 again, but nobody seemed to be in a panic business-wise because of that...
 So finally, here's my question / request : we have the feeling that most
 of the problems
 are due to the fact that thor is a shared server and that some other
 on-rev users are
 playing dirty games, and we are thinking of moving our accounts to a
 dedicated server.
 Before subscribing to on-rev, I had a Revolution engine installed on a
 dedicated Linux
 server an experienced crashes or slowdowns only 2 or 3 times a year, not
 every 2 or
 3 days...
 Does anyone on this list have built rather sophisticated with Livecode 
 on-rev ?
 If yes, how do you deal with all those server problems ?
 Thanks in advance for any opinion, and sorry for the long post...
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Re: preparing a stack for printing

2013-06-30 Thread Björnke von Gierke
oops, i forgot that I asked this question :(

(un)luckily I still have this nagging feeling i'm doing things wrong :)

the printable area is not the printRectangle, and when I test that by making a 
rectangle the size of the card while the card is the size of the 
printRectangle, i get a large right- as well as somewhat down-shifted printouts.

i'm still interested in a more precise/different way to find out the actual 
width and height of what I can print into (assuming flexibility with allowing 
any settings to change). This is my current approach:

put item 3 of the printRectangle -  item 1 of the PrintRectangle -
item 1 of the printMargins - item 3 of the printMargins into

put item 4 of the printRectangle -  item 2 of the PrintRectangle -
item 2 of the printMargins - item 4 of the printMargins into

I somewhat suspect the printgutter to maybe shift this around.. haven't tested 
that tho.

On 10.06.2013, at 21:51, J. Landman Gay wrote:

 On 6/10/13 10:24 AM, Björnke von Gierke wrote:
 I'm trying to print a kind of report, and am weirded out by all the
 different rectangles and widths that are available (printRectangle,
 printPaperRectangle, printPaperSize, printMargins, etc.)
 All I want is the printable area, so I can set the width and height
 of my stack to that amount, then print the first card.
 It seems that the below lines produce an approximation amount, but
 it's not completely correct. The approach also so weirdly backwards
 and roundabout! I guess my question is, isn't there any way to get
 the same or a better result more easily?
 put item 3 of the printRectangle -  item 1 of the PrintRectangle -
 item 1 of the printMargins - item 3 of the printMargins into
 put item 4 of the printRectangle -  item 2 of the PrintRectangle -
 item 2 of the printMargins - item 4 of the printMargins into
 All printers include areas of the paper that they can't print on. Usually 
 that's about a quarter inch on the sides and a half inch at the bottom and 
 sometimes the top, but each printer is different. The printRectangle gives 
 you the actual area that the printer is capable of printing to.
 The printMargins add extra space to that area, so you don't want any 
 printMargins. Set all the printMargins to zero.
 Method One:
 If the card objects are not exactly at the edges of the card, then the card's 
 blank space will also be added to the printout. If you want objects to appear 
 exactly within the printer's available area, place card objects at the very 
 edges and top of the card. Usually that means you need to make a separate 
 stack just for printing because in the real stack it looks bad.
 After all that is done, you can just print directly using the printRectangle 
 to determine the size the card should be:
   set the rect of this stack to the printRectangle
 Set the printing stack's visibility to false so that the user can't see it 
 move to the top left of the screen. You'll probably want to rearrange the 
 objects at the edges of the newly sized card before printing.
 Method Two:
 Alternately you can print the card into rect and use the printRectangle as 
 the target rect. This won't require a separate printing card. That is easier 
 but this method will resize the card objects, which may or may not be what 
 you want:
   print this cd from the topLeft of firstObject to the bottomRight of 
 lastObject into rect the printRectangle
 Jacqueline Landman Gay |
 HyperActive Software   |
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preparing a stack for printing

2013-06-10 Thread Björnke von Gierke

I'm trying to print a kind of report, and am weirded out by all the different 
rectangles and widths that are available (printRectangle, printPaperRectangle, 
printPaperSize, printMargins, etc.)

All I want is the printable area, so I can set the width and height of my stack 
to that amount, then print the first card.

It seems that the below lines produce an approximation amount, but it's not 
completely correct. The approach also so weirdly backwards and roundabout! I 
guess my question is, isn't there any way to get the same or a better result 
more easily?

   put item 3 of the printRectangle -  item 1 of the PrintRectangle - item 1 of 
the printMargins - item 3 of the printMargins into myEffectivePrintWidth

   put item 4 of the printRectangle -  item 2 of the PrintRectangle - item 2 of 
the printMargins - item 4 of the printMargins into myEffectivePrintHeight


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Re: Another bizarre Apple patent troll case, in which Runtime Revolution plays a bit part

2013-06-02 Thread Björnke von Gierke
Of large importance to this list is the third last paragraph, (last link on the 
first page of two):

Milekic had never written a line of code or taken a programming class; he told 
a Philly tech publication that his touchscreen software was built with a 
program called RunTime Revolution, which says it makes programming learnable 
by anyone who can use a computer.

On 02.06.2013, at 05:26, Howard Bornstein wrote:
 Howard Bornstein
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Re: bundling multiple database queries and getting a result

2013-06-02 Thread Björnke von Gierke
You can't do multi line sql with livecode, you have to issue them separately. 
So for example in SQLite this works to reduce latency:

repeat 20 times
   revexecuteSQL theConnID, INSERT INTO table (column) VALUES 'blah'
end repeat
revexecuteSQL theConnID, END TRANSACTION

Dunnow if it'll help in a networked environment when doing queries tho.

On 01.06.2013, at 20:45, Dr. Hawkins wrote:

 My initial forays haven't been successful.
 I want to pull unrelated things, likely from different tables, from the
 same database as part of a single inquiry
 something like
 begin transaction;
 SELECT a, b, c FROM firsttable;
 SELECT name,address FROM othertable WHERE ID=47;
 The inquiries aren't really related, but the latency in an offsite query
 means that a series of inquiries slows down the program.
 I've tried
 SELECT val FROM baggins_bilbo001_dinfo WHERE kywd='dFirstName';
 SELECT val FROM baggins_bilbo001_dinfo WHERE kywd='dLastName';
 Which returns 0 from revExecuteSQL
 I've tried leaving off the begin/commit with revDataFromQuery, but only the
 last query gets executed.
 Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
 (702) 508-8462
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Re: LC Users - in the Bristol, Southhampton,Taunton triangle

2013-05-31 Thread Björnke von Gierke
They're not on mailing lists or forums, instead they're slaving away on their 
code :)

On 31.05.2013, at 17:44, Peter Haworth wrote:

 So where are all the users?


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Re: Dictionary woes

2013-05-26 Thread Björnke von Gierke
weee... I'm not xD

On 25.05.2013, at 21:45, Richmond wrote:

 Everybody should be really glad that
 the dictionary problem that occurred with 6.0.1
 seems to have been sorted out.
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Re: randomly order a list

2013-05-24 Thread Björnke von Gierke
Seems someone beat us to entering this feature request:

On 24.05.2013, at 12:04, Dave Cragg wrote:

 Nice one, Alex. I spent an hour convincing myself that the sA array could 
 contain duplicate elements after the loop, until the penny dropped. Remind me 
 never to play cards if you're shuffling. :-)
 On 24 May 2013, at 00:41, Alex Tweedly wrote:
 Yes, that's a good shuffle for small data, but a bit slow for larger data 
 sets. I dug out an old function I wrote a few years ago (and converted it to 
 LC); this would be faster for large data sets (time taken grows linearly 
 rather than by the square of the number of lines).
 local sA, sIndex  -- filled with random shuffle index, returned one-by-one 
 from fn calls
 function shuffleLines pSource
  put empty into tNew
  put the number of lines of pSource into tNum
  -- fill an array with 'self' numbers
  repeat with i = 1 to tNum
 put i into tA[i]
  end repeat
  repeat with n = tNum down to 1
 put random(n) into tRand
 put tA[tRand] into sA[n]
 put tA[n] into tA[tRand]
  end repeat
  put 0 into sIndex
  sort lines of pSource by _shuffle()
  return pSource
 end shuffleLines
 function _shuffle
  add 1 to sIndex
  return sA[sIndex]
 end _shuffle
 -- Alex.
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Re: [ON-REV] by the way what happened to on-rev ftp editor?

2013-05-23 Thread Björnke von Gierke
i suggest you contact

On 23.05.2013, at 17:04, Robert Mann wrote:

 • Last week, on opening on-rev editor version 2 (latest?!) i got a msg kind
 of a new version is on the way.. just.. go and get a pint of beer! set of!
 (actually there was new download link but did not work)
 • Today the editor just freezes (wanted to try an alternative upload to
 interarchy), no beer! no more msg.
 View this message in context:
 Sent from the Revolution - User mailing list archive at
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Re: randomly order a list

2013-05-23 Thread Björnke von Gierke
So much misinformation in this thread :(

The random function works! it uses the same code as many other programs to do 
random stuff. Of course it's using a semi random list, but the technicalities 
about when random is not random enough does not come into place for sorting 

sort the lines of theList by random(the number of lines in theList)

This too works. there's no need to make an arbitrary large number _BECAUSE IT 
MIGHT IN SOME CASES DECREASE RANDOMNESS_. Mostly when your variable grows 
bigger then anticipated, so usually you're fine. But still, don't use arbitrary 
magic numbers, it's just bad coding habits.

As for the original poster: DO NOT SET THE RANDOMSEED Then your code will 
start to work as expected, or as erroneous as you coded it ;-)

On 23.05.2013, at 03:16, Jacques Hausser wrote:

 Chris, I think Randy has put his finger on something: the * is before any 
 number or letter in the ASCII numeration. I do not know what the random 
 function uses when randomizing a set (I was not even aware of this 
 possibility) but that could well be the ASCII value(s) of the first char(s). 
 Le 23 mai 2013 à 02:36, Randy Hengst a écrit :
 Well Chris, I'm sure you've already tried this, but when this kind of thing 
 happens to me… in other words, when a script is correct, but the results are 
 wrong… I've messed something up later in the script with another put 
 statement that overrides it. Maybe the place in the script where you've 
 removed the *
 My debugging skills are not top notch… So, I'd brute force things and put an 
 answer tPossibleAnswers after each line to see what is happening… and 
 again at the end of the handler.
 I'd be interested in what you discover.
 be well,
 On May 22, 2013, at 4:34 PM, Chris Sheffield wrote:
 Thanks for the suggestions everyone, but I'm still getting strange results, 
 and I'm beginning to think there's something I'm doing that's affecting use 
 of the random() function. Not really sure what it would be though. Here's 
 my code:
 set the itemDel to tab
 put *  item 3 of sRecSet into tPossibleAnswers -- correct answer
 put cr  item 4 of sRecSet after tPossibleAnswers -- distractor 1
 put cr  item 5 of sRecSet after tPossibleAnswers -- distractor 2
 sort lines of tPossibleAnswers by random(99) -- randomly re-order the 
 This app pulls words from a database and presents three possible answers to 
 choose from. The asterisk above is used to identify the correct answer 
 after the sort takes place. It's removed later on. The sort only works 
 randomly one time. After that, the same sort order is used every time, so 
 the correct answer *always* ends up listed first. It doesn't matter if I 
 use a very high number or if I use 'the number of lines of 
 tPossibleAnswers'. Something is very strange. Just as a quick test, I added 
 a button to the card with this inside:
 put one  cr  two  cr  three into tLines
 sort lines of tLines by random(the number of lines of tLines)
 answer tLines
 This seems to work just fine. Yes, it does mean getting the same order 
 sometimes twice or maybe even three times in a row, but not usually more 
 than that, which would be fine in this case. So I'm not sure what's going 
 on with my actual code. I'm no longer setting the randomSeed or anything 
 like that.
 The other strange thing is no matter what I try, if I use the random() 
 function or the any keyword in anyway, I get similar results. Something is 
 affecting the randomness. This is for an iOS app, btw, if that makes any 
 difference to anyone. This might be kind of a dumb thing to do, but the 
 only other thing I can think of would be to add several more lines of data 
 to the three actual possible answers, then sort the whole thing, then 
 somehow filter out everything I added before the sort. With more lines, 
 maybe I'd get better results?
 Thanks again,
 On May 22, 2013, at 3:03 PM, Dar Scott wrote:
 I think you are going to get the first line of the original list (correct 
 answer) about half the time.  Does that seem right to you from what you 
 have seen?  The correct answer will be in the first two about 80% of the 
 Using the larger argument for random should give you better proportions.  
 You should get it in the first line a third of the time.  
 If you only interested in the first line, there might be some methods that 
 are clearer and more fun.
 On May 22, 2013, at 11:59 AM, Chris Sheffield wrote:
 I have a list of three words that I need to be randomly sorted. To start 
 with, the first word is the correct answer to a question. I want to 
 re-order the list so that the correct answer may be the second or third 
 word, and not necessarily the first. How can I do this successfully every 
 time? The docs give an example like this:
   sort lines of myVar by random(the number of lines of myVar)
 But this only seems to work 

Re: Continuing a script after cloning a stack

2013-05-23 Thread Björnke von Gierke
I think you could do something like this:
clone this stack
set the name of this stack to my new stack
go stack my previously only stack

use lock screen and/or go hidden respectively hide stack to reduce screen 

On 23.05.2013, at 21:12, Peter Haworth wrote:

 I have a script that clones a substack, followed by some other commands to
 rename the cloned substack and set it's mainstack.  As soon as the clone
 command is issued, control passes to the cloned stack and the rest of my
 script is ignored.
 That's pretty much expected behavior but I'm wondering if there are any
 tricks that would allow my script to continue processing or perhaps some
 other method of duplicating a stack.  I tried copying the stack to the
 clipboard followed by a paste but control passed to the new
 stack immediately after the paste.
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Re: [ON-REV] by the way what happened to on-rev ftp editor?

2013-05-23 Thread Björnke von Gierke

On 23.05.2013, at 21:21, Matthias Rebbe wrote:

 Support email address for on-rev related things is
 i suggest you contact

Ah right, email both ;-)


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Re: randomly order a list

2013-05-23 Thread Björnke von Gierke
Yes, that is why I myself lean towards a feature request. For example the 
following line could tell the engine to make a unique random number for each of 
the supplied lines, to not have the problem with lines that come first getting 
a higher probability:

sort theData by random(the number of lines in theData) of each

On 23.05.2013, at 21:57, Dar Scott wrote:

 I don't think anybody is claiming that random() does not work.  (Some random 
 number generators will break with a bad seed, but that is outside the scope 
 of discussion.)  When Chris thought random() was broken, most people 
 suggested he look at his code around the sort.  
 The problem is that randomly assigning sort values will distort the sort 
 because of the handling when sort values are equal.  The sort value is 
 assigned independently for each line or item.  That means some will be the 
 In the same sense, if I sorted on length of the item, those items with the 
 same length will keep the same order.  In this random() case, some will have 
 the same randomly selected number.  
 Large values to random() reduces the distortion.  For random(2) and a list of 
 2, the first will be first again 75% of the time.  For random(3) and a list 
 of 3, it will be first 53% of the time.  For random(99) it seems to be 
 first 50% of the time for either of those cases.
 I think you do have a point about lists eventually becoming larger than the 
 large number.  If random does something reasonable with an super large number 
 than that might be better.  
 On May 23, 2013, at 12:54 PM, Björnke von Gierke wrote:
 So much misinformation in this thread :(
 The random function works! it uses the same code as many other programs to 
 do random stuff. Of course it's using a semi random list, but the 
 technicalities about when random is not random enough does not come into 
 place for sorting lines.
 sort the lines of theList by random(the number of lines in theList)
 This too works. there's no need to make an arbitrary large number _BECAUSE 
 IT MIGHT IN SOME CASES DECREASE RANDOMNESS_. Mostly when your variable grows 
 bigger then anticipated, so usually you're fine. But still, don't use 
 arbitrary magic numbers, it's just bad coding habits.
 As for the original poster: DO NOT SET THE RANDOMSEED Then your code 
 will start to work as expected, or as erroneous as you coded it ;-)
 On 23.05.2013, at 03:16, Jacques Hausser wrote:
 Chris, I think Randy has put his finger on something: the * is before any 
 number or letter in the ASCII numeration. I do not know what the random 
 function uses when randomizing a set (I was not even aware of this 
 possibility) but that could well be the ASCII value(s) of the first 
 Le 23 mai 2013 à 02:36, Randy Hengst a écrit :
 Well Chris, I'm sure you've already tried this, but when this kind of 
 thing happens to me… in other words, when a script is correct, but the 
 results are wrong… I've messed something up later in the script with 
 another put statement that overrides it. Maybe the place in the script 
 where you've removed the *
 My debugging skills are not top notch… So, I'd brute force things and put 
 an answer tPossibleAnswers after each line to see what is happening… and 
 again at the end of the handler.
 I'd be interested in what you discover.
 be well,
 On May 22, 2013, at 4:34 PM, Chris Sheffield wrote:
 Thanks for the suggestions everyone, but I'm still getting strange 
 results, and I'm beginning to think there's something I'm doing that's 
 affecting use of the random() function. Not really sure what it would be 
 though. Here's my code:
 set the itemDel to tab
 put *  item 3 of sRecSet into tPossibleAnswers -- correct answer
 put cr  item 4 of sRecSet after tPossibleAnswers -- distractor 1
 put cr  item 5 of sRecSet after tPossibleAnswers -- distractor 2
 sort lines of tPossibleAnswers by random(99) -- randomly re-order the 
 This app pulls words from a database and presents three possible answers 
 to choose from. The asterisk above is used to identify the correct answer 
 after the sort takes place. It's removed later on. The sort only works 
 randomly one time. After that, the same sort order is used every time, so 
 the correct answer *always* ends up listed first. It doesn't matter if I 
 use a very high number or if I use 'the number of lines of 
 tPossibleAnswers'. Something is very strange. Just as a quick test, I 
 added a button to the card with this inside:
 put one  cr  two  cr  three into tLines
 sort lines of tLines by random(the number of lines of tLines)
 answer tLines
 This seems to work just fine. Yes, it does mean getting the same order 
 sometimes twice or maybe even three times in a row, but not usually more 
 than that, which would be fine in this case. So I'm not sure what's going 
 on with my actual code. I'm no longer setting the randomSeed

  1   2   3   4   5   >