SQLite .import can´t make it work

2017-11-20 Thread Javier Miranda via use-livecode
Please excuse me, a minute ago I inadvertedly sent a previous message that
I did not finish to redact.  The script I sent  creates de database
(aguacab.sqlite), also it creates the table asociados, but fails to fill
the table with data from the CSV file datos.csv.

I am certain datos.csv exist in the specified location also I am certain
that it contains data.

This is the portion of the script that is not working:

*put* specialFolderPath("documents") & "/datos.csv" into tCSVPath

*put* ".mode csv" into tSQL

revExecuteSQL gConnID, tSQL

*put* ".import " & tCSVPath & " asociados" into tSQL

revExecuteSQL gConnID, tSQL

Your help will be appreciated.  Resolving this issue will enable me to
populate a datagrid, perform modifications there and update the database to
later try everything to compile a mobile app.


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SQLite .import can´t make it work

2017-11-20 Thread Javier Miranda via use-livecode
Friends, please inspect this short script:

*local* tDBPath, tCSVPath

*on* mouseUp

*put* specialFolderPath("documents") & "/aguacab.sqlite" into tDBPath

*put* revOpenDatabase("sqlite", tDBPath, , , , ) into gConnID

*-- Crea Tabla*

*put* "CREATE TABLE asociados (codi char(5), nombre char(120))" into tSQL

revExecuteSQL gConnID, tSQL

*-- Llena tabla con datos.csv*

*put* specialFolderPath("documents") & "/datos.csv" into tCSVPath

*put* ".mode csv" into tSQL

revExecuteSQL gConnID, tSQL

*put* ".import " & tCSVPath & " asociados" into tSQL

*put* tSQL

revExecuteSQL gConnID, tSQL

*end* mouseUp
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Android SDK

2017-03-06 Thread Javier Miranda V. via use-livecode
Hi friends, I installed the most current release of the Android SDK and all the 
packages starting form Android 4.0.3 (API Level 15) package up to 7.1.1 (API 
Level 25).  I am using a OS X Sierra, so the SDK was installed in 
/Users/javiermiranda/Library/Android/sdk   (I navigate to that directory and 
effectively I verify the SDK is there).  The problem is that that folder is not 
recognized as a valid Android SDK


Javier Miranda V.
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Detect lat/long Intersections

2016-09-24 Thread Javier Miranda V.
In my effort to get insight about the operations of a public transportation 
company, I was finally able to get the location of the units (buses), using 
LiveCode´s GET URL and the platform´s API they use for tracking. While I still 
need to “polish" some operations with the returned JSON, Array etc.  I came 
with something I have to resolve:  How can I determine that a bus has entered 
an area? The returned information (JSON) I got has the lat and lng name/value 
pairs. I also have the lat/lng of the point(s) I want to monitor.

Hope the above is understandable, any help welcome!

Javier Miranda V.
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A DataGrid is not a spreadsheet

2016-07-28 Thread Javier Miranda V.
Dear friends, is it safe to say that a data grid is not a spreadsheet? I mean, 
you can not create a new data grid and then just click in a empty cell and 
enter data. 

With some practice and reading documentation, I am able to populate a datagrid 
with data from a database, and using a Table field in situation in which the 
user must fill-in data seems limited.  


Javier Miranda V.
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Re: LiveCode Quits

2016-05-19 Thread Javier Miranda
Dave, I tried renaming the "My LiveCode" folder, before installing, I also
removed all of the LiveCode registry entries, but I still cant use

After I try to the software (and fail to run), I see a newly created My
LiveCode folder.  What do you mean wirh "Preferences"?  Do you have any
other suggestion?


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LiveCode Quits

2016-05-18 Thread Javier Miranda
Hi friends, hope you can help me with this,  I downloaded LiveCode 8
Community Edition, but it quits after I click on the big green button
"Start Interactive Tour" of the Start Center.  If instead of trying the
Tour I open a Stack, the Open Dialog appears and the selected Stack opens
for a second and quits immediately.  I uninstalled it and erase everything
including some Registry entries I found, but the problem persists.  I am
sure it´s something in my machine, it´s running Windows 10.


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Re: Using FileMaker as ODBC Source

2015-09-16 Thread Javier Miranda
Bob,  thank you for your advice, I think you are right, I'll give some of
the tools for manage DBs a try.

Peter, thank you for your reply, I was trying revMoveToLastRecord only to
test how this cursor thing works in LC

Best regards,

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Using FileMaker as ODBC Source

2015-09-14 Thread Javier Miranda
Hi friends, can you take a look to this code please? 

on mouseUp
   put "ODBC" into theDBType 
   put "localhost" into theDBHost
   put "SACyV" into theDBName
   put "Admin" into theDBUser
   put  “bcdea" into theDBPassword
   put revOpenDatabase( theDBType, theDBName , theDBHost, theDBUser, 
theDBPassword ) into theConnectionID
   put revQueryDatabase( theConnectionID, "SELECT * FROM Almacen") into 
   revMoveToLastRecord theCursor
   --put the result  (It puts false in the msg)
   put revCurrentRecord(theCursor) + 1 into field RegAct
   put revDatabaseColumnNamed(theCursor, TotRec) & return & Total into field 
   set the endValue of Scrollbar Marcador to revCurrentRecord(theCursor) + 1
   set the  thumbposition of Scrollbar Marcador to 1
   put revDatabaseColumnNamed(theCursor, ItemID) into field ItemID
   put revDatabaseColumnNamed(theCursor, Producto) into field Producto
   put revDatabaseColumnNamed(theCursor, Marca) into field Marca
end mouseUp

It successfully establishes a connection to a datasource (A FileMaker 13 
database), makes SQL query, put some values into certain fields in the card and 
put the fields of the record in the corresponding cards fields.
The problem is doesn’t “like” revMoveToLastRecord theCursor.
I tried to use these commands To navigate the records in the result set:
- revMoveToFirstRecord 
- revMoveToPreviousRecord 
- revMoveToNextRecord 
- revMoveToLastRecord 
But none of them seems to work. Is this a limitation of the ODBC driver? And  
if it is, what have to be done to navigate the records in the cursor?

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Re: Field retrieved from a Mongo document display wrong characters

2014-09-24 Thread Javier Miranda
Dear Jacqueline, thank you for your help.  In Mongo everything is UTF-8,
converting the string returned by the server to UTF-16 worked perfectly.
Let me add that I see great potential using LiveCode as a front end to


Javier Miranda V.
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Field retrieved from a Mongo document display wrong characters

2014-09-19 Thread Javier Miranda
I have a local Mongo Server and a LiveCode Stack to work as front end to
it.   When I enter Se cambiarán los bornes (please note the accent), in a
LiveCode field, the text is properly shown, inserting it as a document to a
Mongo collection also works fine, the field is saved OK in the document. I
can see it using the Shell. The problem is that, when I retrieve the
document back to LiveCode, the field receiving the field shows: Se
cambiarían los bornes. Trying to find the reason I found that the
encoding of field resul , the field receiving the accented string is
Native. Can you help finding the way to make this strings show the right

The code in the button retrieving the document from mongo is:

on mouseUp

local theMongo, theDB, dbText, theCole, thePreg, theQuerry

put empty into field resul

put C:\mongodb\bin\mongo.exe localhost:27017/ into theMongo

put BatGar into theDB

put BatRegisinto theCole

put '  field F1  ' into toFind

put { quote  _id  quote  :   toFind  } into thePreg

put ; printjson(db.getLastError()) into dbErr

put  .find(  thePreg  );into theQuerry

put var c=db. theCole  theQuerry into dbText

put  while(c.hasNext()) after dbText

put  printjson(c.next()) after dbText

put dbErr after dbText

put theMongo  theDB   --eval   quote  dbText  quote  into dbText1

put shell ( quote dbText1  quote) into dbResultado

put the number of lines of dbResultado into nro

put line 3 to (nro - 1) of dbResultado into field resul

if field resul is  empty   then

Answer warning El Documento NO ha sido encontrado.  El sistema no
tiene registrada una Batería con el ID:field F1  with OK


Answer warning El Documento ha sido encontrado, ID:field F1
with OK

end if
end mouseUp

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2014-03-08 Thread Javier Miranda
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Re: Use of Shell to get JSON from a MongoDB

2014-03-08 Thread Javier Miranda
Thank you Mark, I was abre to fiel fiel A  with the Mongo results, the I
use líne 3 to - 1 to get rid of the 2 first línes. The problem is now
that the documents dont have antes explicit _id anda Mongo create antes
ObjectId, that MergJSON refieres to parse.

Any ideas?


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Use of Shell to get JSON from a MongoDB

2014-03-05 Thread Javier Miranda V.
After strugling and finally understand with help from friends at
Stackoverflow, how the find() command works in the interative javascript
shell of MongoDB, now I know that find() returns a cursor.


But still have some problems trying to get JSON from my local MongoDB.

db.test.find() -- This works in the shell because, internally it iterates in
the cursor contents to show the documents.

It show the same documents when you:
var c = db.test.find() 
while ( c.hasNext() ) printjson( c.next()) 

The thing now is how to code this in LiveCode, I tried this in a mouseup

put shell(C:\mongodb\bin\mongo.exe --eval var c = db.test.find() ; while (
c.hasNext() ) printjson( c.next() )) into pJSON 
put pJSON into fld A -- this step is only to seewhat is the result,
pJSON, once all is worj=king will be passed to a function to make it an

But what i get in field A is:

MongoDB shell version: 2.2.7
connecting to: c
Sun Mar 02 01:12:52 SyntaxError: missing variable name (shell eval):1

Hope you can guide me!


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Re: LiveCode for iPad dev

2013-06-25 Thread Javier Miranda
Thank you Mark, I think the best thing I can do right now is wait until
having all the information for the project.

Also thank you Collin  for remind me the name of th Apple product, I even
prodcuced a multimedia CD for The Jesuit Missions in the Eastern region of
Bolvia, it was a great experience. Now I remember that something I liked
from the Apple Media Tool was it's graphic interface.

Certainly I'll come back to you with more questions!


Javier Miranda V.
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LiveCode for iPad dev

2013-06-24 Thread Javier Miranda V.
Hi friends, I have been inactive for many months.  I am happy to see how 
LiveCode has evolved and matured, also by inspecting the list,I see familiar 
names, certainly this is a great community.  Plese let me share something for 
you, a couple of weeks ago a pharmaceutical laboratory approached me asking for 
an application to be run on their 100+ iPads, I don´t have the characteristics 
of their requirement but I see this as a great opportunity to  work with 

Can you guide me a little on what steps I should take in order to get a better 
understanding of the components I have to investigate to create an application 
for iPads that would enable the users to share information contained in a 
server.  I think this is more or less the best general description of the 
application that needs to be built. 

I have a reasonable background as programmer and have bee in contact with 
HyperCard, SuperCard, MetaCard, a product from Oracle Media Objects, a product 
from Apple (surprisingly I don´t remember the name!), Revolution and now with 
LiveCode, so the whole Stack paradigm is clear for me.  I have just DL the 
latest LiveCode Community editio but I know that if the project is better 
stablished I will have to go to one of the alternate LiveCode products, which? 
I don´t know.

Sure of having your support, and thanks in advance for your suggestions.

Javier Miranda V.

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Re: LiveCode for e-book production

2011-02-02 Thread Javier Miranda V.
Thank you very much for your posts regarding this topic.  Your feedback will be 
very helpful, I´m glad you find it interesting, this confirms the great 
characteristics and features of LiveCode and the great community around it.


Javier Miranda V.

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Re: LiveCode for e-book production

2011-01-31 Thread Javier Miranda V.
As I can tell by your responses I find LC can effectively be used as tool for 
e-book preparation and also as a reader.  Thank you for your responses, now 
it´s something related on establishing the scope of the project.  The idea 
would be to produce a reader capable to reading publications created with LC, 
which would include all the multimedia amenities, navigation, internal and 
external links.  


Javier Miranda V.

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LiveCode for e-book production

2011-01-29 Thread Javier Miranda V.
Dear friends, can you please give me your opinions on using LiveCode for e-book 
production?.  I know LiveCode, being so powerful, can handle complex projects 
involving lots of logic and structures, but is it suitable / practical to use 
it for e-book production?.  The possibility of compile for the new mobile 
operating systems is something wonderful that I would like to to use coupled 
with the multimedia capabilities.  

I will be looking forward for your impressions about this.


Javier Miranda V.

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Re: How to show an image in a field?

2010-12-06 Thread Javier Miranda V.
on mouseUp
  set the imageSource of char 1 of field aaa to  1009
  set the imageSource of char 1 of line 3 of field aaa to 1008
  set the imageSource of char 1 of line 5 of field aaa to 1011
end mouseUp

Where field aaa is the field in whis¡ch the images will be inserted
1009, 1008 and 1011 are the id of the images


Javier Miranda V.

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