LC PDF User Guide

2019-12-12 Thread Kurt Kaufman via use-livecode
Thanks so much for bringing this to my attention. I was aware of the LC User 
Guide in the past, but hadn't realized (or had forgotten) that it is in the PDF 
format, and as such, is easy to duplicate and press into service on a tablet 
for browsing or when assistance is required.


Richard Gaskin wrote:
It has more than 650 pages of comprehensive info on using LiveCode,
broken down into well organized sections and subsections, often with
illustrations and screen shots, all put together in a well-indexed PDF.

They call it "LiveCode User Guide", and it's been secretly bundled with
every release of LiveCode for several years. :)

I'm having fun there, but seriously, the User Guide has been pretty good
in recent years. I'm often surprised at how the answers to many forum
questions are covered well in it, yet when I ask about it most people
don't even notice that it's there, the second-from-the-top item in LC's
Help menu.
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Re: Where LiveCode is Now

2019-10-04 Thread Kurt Kaufman via use-livecode
There are probably quite a few who, like me, have used LC/RR/MC for years, 
creating in-house labor-saving devices (for myself, they are mostly of the 
variety "pull A,B, and C from X, rearrange them and format them to Y, and spit 
the result out as a text file").  Could I have [attempted] to write these 
un-glamorous utilities in another language? Probably, but I really am not a 
"natural" programmer, so I greatly appreciate the shortcuts to functionality 
that LC provides. I sometimes watch this list for new developments or other 
news, and I am grateful to be able to query it for help when I need a function 
that I can't figure out on my own. Some bumps here and there, but I am like the 
fact that the discourse here is almost always civil.
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OT: Fascinating read

2018-06-14 Thread Kurt Kaufman via use-livecode
I apologize that, in addition to being someone who almost never contributes
to this list (although I do read the posts I can understand), when I
finally do it's OT. But so it goes:

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Congratulations, community!

2013-02-28 Thread Kurt Kaufman
I'm very glad to see that we all could come together to support this promising 
Even though I'm not doing much programming at the moment, I do use my LC-based 
applications everyday in a professional setting, and have a significant 
interest in seeing continued support for LC.
Thanks to all!

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LiveCode to the rescue (once again)

2012-02-01 Thread Kurt Kaufman
Had a call from a doctor who recently switched medical billers. Seems her new 
biller used software that did not display all of the fields in the 
caret-delimited text files (iPlexus) that were sent as batched bills. It took 
just a few hours (and would have taken some on the list here far less time) to 
whip up a one-trick-pony application to pull the bills that contained data in 
those missing fields, format and display, and enable printing of the data. 

Since I hadn't used LiveCode in a while, I initially made the mistake that I'm 
sure I've made before: confusing the data to be incremented with the counters 
that control the looping. Fortunately, the LC editor let me know immediately by 
indicating that the types on each side of the operand did not match (can't add 
a number to a variable holding a string!).

Anyway, it's another instance of LC being used to quickly provide a solution.

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Re: LiveCode to the rescue (once again)

2012-02-01 Thread Kurt Kaufman
Luckily, here in Bulgaria, as well as in Britain, we never have to face 
medical bills as we have socialised medicine; very civilised.

Having lived in Belgium, in general I can vouch for the civility of the 
socialized medical system. However, I believe that physicians there still have 
to send records of their procedures, etc. to the central medical database. 
Whatever happens in the US, the current system will have to change, as it is 
inefficient and wasteful.

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Re: Scripting a text to binary digits converter

2012-01-02 Thread Kurt Kaufman
More fun with LC's binaryEncode functions (see the card script):

It must be pretty quick to accept from user input an ascii representation of a 
musical note, convert it to binary from which a MIDI file is constructed and 
played, then add the input to an 
as-yet open-ended MIDI sequence (whose current length must be properly 
specified before attempting to update or play)- all in a fraction of a second.
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iOS; Android: manual sound recording level

2011-12-30 Thread Kurt Kaufman
I understand that on both iOS and Android, there is no provision for manual 
adjustment of sound recording levels. I assume that there must be some sort of 
compression scheme used to average the sound levels, with low level sound 
boosted and high level sound clipped.  I also guess that there might be 
problems with background noise at very low sound levels, and distortion at very 
high sound levels. Anyone have experience working with sound recording on these 
two platforms?
Thanks, Kurt
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Re: Audioclips: can't get at the data?

2011-01-08 Thread Kurt Kaufman
Stephen Barncard wrote:
 ...What's needed to make a usable audio file is just to provide the 
 header info, which obviously missing. The binary data with no or special
 headers is stored in the stack as an audioclip. Are there hidden properties
 of the individual audioclip object ( such as sample rate ) that can be found
 before export?...

Isn't there a reference to standard headers for the various sound file 
formats- the way there is for MIDI files?  
For instance, for AIFF:


and for WAVE:

I'm presuming here that in the case of, for example AIFF, the length of the raw 
binary sound data could be read by LiveCode so as to be able to define cksize 
and other chunk components. This could then be added to create the required 

Am I mistaken?  Or would this be too much to bother with?  Perhaps the length 
of audio data, as opposed to MIDI data, makes this method impractical?
Of course, best would be for this to be a built-in function.

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Humor: xkcd- How To Write Good Code

2011-01-07 Thread Kurt Kaufman

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