htmlText not supporting target in ?

2016-06-20 Thread
Is this a bug or am I missing something?

I pasted the following URL into a field:

 for the full specs 

Using a click on a button, I enter this into another textfield, where it shows 
as htmlText, so the link is invisible and the “here” is underlined and blue. 

(The field contains more info, which will be shown in a webshop which I’m 
filling with data.)

Switching the field back and forward between html and the actual code works 
But I need to show the link in a new window, so I add “ target=‘_blank’ “ after 
the link: 
 target=‘_blank'>here for the full specs 

And when I switch between the visual text and the html-code, the target-part is 

I’m using LC 0.01, but the same result in 8.02 rc2.

Bug or “hidden feature”?

Met vriendelijke groeten,
Warm Regards,

Ton Kuypers
+32 (0) 477 739 530

Steenweg op Leopoldsburg 100 • B-2490 • Balen • Belgium 

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JSON not working in Standalones?

2016-06-18 Thread

I have a question about JSON, or maybe a bug...

1 field to enter a zip-code of a city.
The code in this field: 

on closeField
   put " 
" into vURL
   replace "" with the text of me in vURL
   put JSONToArray(url vURL) into tCities
   put 0 into vCounter
   repeat for each element vCity in tCities
  add 1 to vCounter
  put tCities[vCounter][Postcode][postcode_deelgemeente] & tab after vCities
  put tCities[vCounter][Postcode][naam_deelgemeente] & cr after vCities
   end repeat
   if last char of vCities = numToChar(13) then delete last char of vCities
   if last char of vCities = numToChar(10) then delete last char of vCities
   set the itemdel to tab
   if the num of lines of vCities = 1 then
  put item 2 of vCities into fld "City"
  put vCities into fld "Cities"
   show fld "Cities"
   end if
end closeField

This will place a list of cities and zipcodes into another field.

The function taken from the documentation:

function JSONToArray pJSON
   local tArray,tKeys
   repeat for each line tKey in mergJSONDecode(pJSON,"tArray")
  put JSONToArray(tArray[tKey]) into tArray[tKey]
   end repeat
   return tArray
end JSONToArray

When you enter a Belgian zip-code like 3500, it will return a list of cities, 
when you enter 2400 it will return only one city.
At least in the IDE it does, when creating a standalone, nothing happens.

I’ve tried this in LC 8.0.0, 8.0.1 (rc 1), 8.0.1, 8.0.2 (rc 1), 8.0.1 (rc 2) 
and 8.1.0 (dp 1).
In all but  8.1.0 (dp 1) I’ve included all extensions, in 8.1.0 (dp 1) the new 
“Inclusions”-tab in the standalone settings is disabled, so I can’t select 
anything there.

Am I missing something?

Met vriendelijke groeten,
Warm Regards,

Ton Kuypers
+32 (0) 477 739 530

Steenweg op Leopoldsburg 100 • B-2490 • Balen • Belgium 

Met vriendelijke groeten,

Ton Kuypers

use-livecode mailing list
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Does anyone see this message?

2016-06-18 Thread
I’ve posted a few messages the last couple of weeks, but although I see a lot 
of other messages posted to this list, I don’t see my own messages…

If anyone sees this message, please reply, so I can figure out what is going on…

Many thanks!

Ton Kuypers

use-livecode mailing list
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Help using database & data conversion

2016-02-16 Thread
After 2 nights I give up!!!
Even though I can’t, I must fix this :-(

I’m using LiveCode Community 7.1.2 (rc 1) on a Mac.

I have a database setup in mySQL, from which I need to retrieve data and insert 
it into a local SQLite database.
Both the online and local databases are setup the same, but store UTF-8 data

In one of the fields in a mySQL database there is the word “bacteriën”.

When I use 
put textDecode(revDataFromQuery(,,dbID, vSQL),"UTF8") into vData
to retrieve the data from the mySQL database, vData contains “bacterin"

When I use 
put textEncode(revDataFromQuery(,,dbID, vSQL),"UTF8") into vData
to retrieve the data from the mySQL database, vData contains “bacteriÎn"

When I use 
put revDataFromQuery(,,dbID, vSQL) into vData
to retrieve the data from the mySQL database, vData contains binary data

When I enter the word “bacteriën” manually in the local database, I can 
retrieve it without any problems, but I just can’t get it in there using the 
regular database functions :-(

Anyone? please? How do I get the correct data in my local database?

Met vriendelijke groeten,
Warm Regards,

Ton Kuypers
+32 (0) 477 739 530

Steenweg op Leopoldsburg 100 • B-2490 • Balen • Belgium

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LiveCode & OpenCart

2016-02-10 Thread

I’ve created a productmanager in LiveCode for a customer for whom I also setup 
a webshop in OpenCart.
Currently I use an export extension to export products and categories from the 
shop to an Excel file, save this Excel file to a tab-delimited file, import it 
into my ProductManager, so the customer can very quick and easy manipulate 
large amounts of products.
When he is done, the ProductManager exports the selected data as text files, 
which I paste into the Excel file, and import again into OpenCart.

Both OpenCart as my app use mySQL as a database, my app uses the one running on 
a PC and OpenCart uses the database installed at the provider obviously.

Anyone any experience in connecting to an online database used by OpenCart, 
using a LiveCode app?

I know there are all kinds of security issues which makes this not so obvious, 
but maybe someone figured out a way to make this connection?

Met vriendelijke groeten,
Warm Regards,

Ton Kuypers
+32 (0) 477 739 530

Steenweg op Leopoldsburg 100 • B-2490 • Balen • Belgium

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LiveCode Mac, importing images from iPhone

2016-01-03 Thread

I’m building an app running on a Mac to manage a large amount of products in a 
It searches in a database using a barcode reader, add product info, pricing, 
remarks, stock, etc. to a database.

But for the product image I would like to be able to take a picture on my 
iPhone and place it into the productfiche automatically.
When I take a picture, it automatically shows up in Photos, when I do this in 
Pages or KeyNote, I select “Photos” from the “media” sidebar and all my pics 
from my iPhone are visible.

But when I try to do this from within LC (7.1.1 or 8.0dp12) nothing happens.

Is there something I need to setup on the Mac to make these visible, or is this 
some nice OSX feature which is not supported by LIveCode?

Met vriendelijke groeten,
Warm Regards,

Ton Kuypers
+32 (0) 477 739 530

Steenweg op Leopoldsburg 100 • B-2490 • Balen • Belgium

use-livecode mailing list
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LC Mac, importing images from iPhone

2015-12-30 Thread

I’m building an app running on a Mac to manage a large amount of products in a 
It searches in a database using a barcode reader, add product info, pricing, 
remarks, stock, etc. to a database.

But for the product image I would like to be able to take a picture on my 
iPhone and place it into the productfiche automatically.
When I take a picture, it automatically shows up in Photos, when I do this in 
Pages or KeyNote, I select “Photos” from the “media” sidebar and all my pics 
from my iPhone are visible.

But when I try to do this from within LC (7.1.1 or 8.0dp12) nothing happens.

Is there something I need to setup on the Mac to make these visible, or is this 
some nice OSX feature which is not supported by LIveCode?

Met vriendelijke groeten,
Warm Regards,

Ton Kuypers
+32 (0) 477 739 530

Steenweg op Leopoldsburg 100 • B-2490 • Balen • Belgium

use-livecode mailing list
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Re: Strange bevavious

2015-12-19 Thread
Hi Mike,

No external drives attached… Wish it was that simple ;-)

Met vriendelijke groeten,
Warm Regards,

Ton Kuypers
+32 (0) 477 739 530

Steenweg op Leopoldsburg 100 • B-2490 • Balen • Belgium

> On 19 dec. 2015, at 16:49, Mike Bonner <> wrote:
> I'm not sure it applies to answer and ask, but I've had issues with opening
> stacks using the open menu item in the past.  Then I unplugged my usb drive
> that is often in power save mode, so that it doesn't have to spin up before
> being able to respond and the trouble went away.  Do you have an external
> usb drive?  (Ihave a 3.5" and a 2.5.  The 3.5 in its dock is much more of
> an issue than the 2.5.  Inertia matters I guess.)
> On Sat, Dec 19, 2015 at 8:42 AM, Thierry Douez <> wrote:
>> 2015-12-19 16:04 GMT+01:00 <>:
>>> Not sure where to post this, but I’ve been experiencing a very strange
>> issue with LC 7 and after some testing with LC8, it seems to have gotten
>> even worse…
>>> It only happens in the IDE on my Mac, not in standalones.
>>> It happens in 10.11.2, but it was there in the previous versions as
>> well, can’t remember when it started.
>>> The issue is that when I use the Open menu to manually open a stack, it
>> takes almost a minute before the open dialog shows.
>>> Also when I use the Open, the Answer or the Ask command it takes between
>> 50 and 70 seconds to show the dialog.
>>> But only the first time after I restart LiveCode, every next time I try
>> to do this, it works as normal.
>>> And it is not LiveCode that is non-responsive, the whole system hangs,
>> that’s why i can tell how long it taken, because even the clock in my
>> menubar is frozen…
>>> During some tests with LC8, it takes anywhere from 2 to 2:30 minutes, so
>> it is getting worse.
>>> I already removes everything from LiveCode, but no difference.
>>> Anybody a suggestion maybe?
>> Hi Ton,
>> and
>> Might be good if you put some words here:
>> Kind regards,
>> Thierry
>> Thierry Douez -
>> sunnYrex - sunnYtext2speech - sunnYperl - sunnYmidi - sunnYmage
>> ___
>> use-livecode mailing list
>> Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your
>> subscription preferences:
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Re: Strange bevavious

2015-12-19 Thread
Thans Thierry, posted my issue in BugZilla, but it looks like I have to live 
with it for a while I guess...

Met vriendelijke groeten,
Warm Regards,

Ton Kuypers
+32 (0) 477 739 530

Steenweg op Leopoldsburg 100 • B-2490 • Balen • Belgium <>

> On 19 dec. 2015, at 16:42, Thierry Douez < 
> <>> wrote:
> 2015-12-19 16:04 GMT+01:00 <> 
> < <>>:
>> Not sure where to post this, but I’ve been experiencing a very strange issue 
>> with LC 7 and after some testing with LC8, it seems to have gotten even 
>> worse…
>> It only happens in the IDE on my Mac, not in standalones.
>> It happens in 10.11.2, but it was there in the previous versions as well, 
>> can’t remember when it started.
>> The issue is that when I use the Open menu to manually open a stack, it 
>> takes almost a minute before the open dialog shows.
>> Also when I use the Open, the Answer or the Ask command it takes between 50 
>> and 70 seconds to show the dialog.
>> But only the first time after I restart LiveCode, every next time I try to 
>> do this, it works as normal.
>> And it is not LiveCode that is non-responsive, the whole system hangs, 
>> that’s why i can tell how long it taken, because even the clock in my 
>> menubar is frozen…
>> During some tests with LC8, it takes anywhere from 2 to 2:30 minutes, so it 
>> is getting worse.
>> I already removes everything from LiveCode, but no difference.
>> Anybody a suggestion maybe?
> Hi Ton,
> <>
> and
> Might be good if you put some words here:
> Kind regards,
> Thierry
> Thierry Douez -
> sunnYrex - sunnYtext2speech - sunnYperl - sunnYmidi - sunnYmage
> ___
> use-livecode mailing list
> Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 
> preferences:

Met vriendelijke groeten,

Ton Kuypers

use-livecode mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: Strange bevavious

2015-12-19 Thread
Same (very annoying) problem :-(

Well, my system doesn’t crash, but it still takes anywhere from 50 to 130 
seconds for the system to unfreeze…

Met vriendelijke groeten,
Warm Regards,

Ton Kuypers
+32 (0) 477 739 530

Steenweg op Leopoldsburg 100 • B-2490 • Balen • Belgium

> On 19 dec. 2015, at 21:49, J. Landman Gay  wrote:
> It looks like a Gatekeeper problem. What happens if you "Allow apps 
> downloaded from Anywhere"?
> On 12/19/2015 12:51 PM, [-hh] wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> the sleeping-disk effect is true here, I can win 1-2 seconds of 3-5 seconds 
>> at start of dialog. But this is with ALL apps, not only LC. And it is for 
>> the first part of the dialog only, before creating the list.
>> The following is logged from the second part of an "open-stack"-dialog, 
>> after selecting a stack filename.
>> MacOS 10.11.2
>> LC 8.0.0-dp11
>> [Begin of selecting a file in dialog's list, Apple's wheel of death starts]
>> 19/12/15 18:56:22,977 LiveCode-Indy[993]: 
>> GetDYLDEntryPointWithImage(/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CacheDelete.framework/CacheDelete,CacheDeleteCopyPurgeableSpaceWithInfo)
>>  failed.
>> 19/12/15 18:57:13,613 tccd[400]: Unable to verify code signing identity of 
>> com.runrev.livecode:  code failed to satisfy specified code requirement(s)
>> [End of dialog]
>> LC 7.1.1
>> [Begin of selecting a file in dialog's list, Apple's wheel of death starts]
>> 19/12/15 18:43:06,644 LiveCode-Community[975]: 
>> GetDYLDEntryPointWithImage(/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CacheDelete.framework/CacheDelete,CacheDeleteCopyPurgeableSpaceWithInfo)
>>  failed.
>> 119/12/15 18:43:36,868 tccd[400]: Unable to verify code signing identity of 
>> com.runrev.livecode:  code failed to satisfy specified code requirement(s)
>> [End of dialog]
>> LC 6.7.8
>> [Begin of selecting a file in dialog's list, Apple's wheel of death starts]
>> 19/12/15 19:40:49,669 LiveCode-Community[1059]: 
>> GetDYLDEntryPointWithImage(/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CacheDelete.framework/CacheDelete,CacheDeleteCopyPurgeableSpaceWithInfo)
>>  failed.
>> 19/12/15 19:41:14,513 tccd[400]: Unable to verify code signing identity of 
>> com.runrev.livecode:  code failed to satisfy specified code requirement(s)
>> 19/12/15 19:41:14,518 tccd[400]: SecTaskLoadEntitlements failed error=22
>> [End of dialog]
>> What to do? I have no disk problems, no, never noticed one. And this problem 
>> is with *every first* open/save-dialog of any LC version I use (6.7.8 is a 
>> bit faster than 7.1.1 and 8.0).
>> (Added to bug report #16612.)
>> ___
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>> preferences:
> -- 
> Jacqueline Landman Gay |
> HyperActive Software   |
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Strange bevavious

2015-12-19 Thread
Not sure where to post this, but I’ve been experiencing a very strange issue 
with LC 7 and after some testing with LC8, it seems to have gotten even worse…

It only happens in the IDE on my Mac, not in standalones.
It happens in 10.11.2, but it was there in the previous versions as well, can’t 
remember when it started.

The issue is that when I use the Open menu to manually open a stack, it takes 
almost a minute before the open dialog shows.
Also when I use the Open, the Answer or the Ask command it takes between 50 and 
70 seconds to show the dialog.
But only the first time after I restart LiveCode, every next time I try to do 
this, it works as normal.
And it is not LiveCode that is non-responsive, the whole system hangs, that’s 
why i can tell how long it taken, because even the clock in my menubar is 

During some tests with LC8, it takes anywhere from 2 to 2:30 minutes, so it is 
getting worse.

I already removes everything from LiveCode, but no difference.

Anybody a suggestion maybe?

Met vriendelijke groeten,
Warm Regards,

Ton Kuypers
+32 (0) 477 739 530

Steenweg op Leopoldsburg 100 • B-2490 • Balen • Belgium

use-livecode mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Search in arrays

2015-12-09 Thread

I know the following should be possible, but I’m nut used in working with 
arrays so some help is highly appreciated…

I have a field containing around 10.000 lines of tab-separated text.
The first item is a unique ID, row 2 contains the main group, row 3 to 5 
contain subgroups and row 6 to 15 contain product info.

I converted this data to an array and are able to get the keys of the main 
group. These are shown to the user in a list field.
But when the user clicks on an item in this field, the next field should show 
the keys of the first subgroup, belonging to the selected main group.

And this for all the subgroups afterwards, to refine the selection of products.

But I have no idea how to filter this array on the selected key… 

Met vriendelijke groeten,
Warm Regards,

Ton Kuypers
+32 (0) 477 739 530

Steenweg op Leopoldsburg 100 • B-2490 • Balen • Belgium

use-livecode mailing list
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Re: Search in arrays

2015-12-09 Thread
Hi Mark,

Either I don’t understand this, or I didn’t explain it correctly…
gArray contains app. 10.000 lines of data
Item 1 is a unique ID
Item 2 contains the supplier
Item 3 contains the main group
Item 4 contains subgroup 1
Item 5 contains subgroup 2
Item 6 contains subgroup 3
Item 7 contains subgroup 4
Item 8 contains subgroup 5
Item 9-15 contains productinfo

I filled a list field with the keys of item 3
When I click on an item in that list, I would like to see a second list filled 
with the keys belonging to the clicked item.

So when I understand your code, this should be:
on mouseUp
put gArray[the selectedText of field “Maingroup"] into field “Subgroup"
end mouseUp
But this doesn’t do anything…

What am I missing?

Met vriendelijke groeten,
Warm Regards,

Ton Kuypers
+32 (0) 477 739 530

Steenweg op Leopoldsburg 100 • B-2490 • Balen • Belgium

> On 9 dec. 2015, at 13:24, Mark Schonewille <> 
> wrote:
> Hi Ton,
> global gArray
> on mouseUp
>  put gArray[the selectedText of field 1][the selectedText of field 2][the 
> selectedText of field 3] into field 4
> end mouseUp
> (mind line wraps)
> Kind regards,
> Mark Schonewille
> Buy the most extensive book on the
> LiveCode language:
> Op 12/9/2015 om 10:49 schreef
>> Hi,
>> I know the following should be possible, but I’m nut used in working with 
>> arrays so some help is highly appreciated…
>> I have a field containing around 10.000 lines of tab-separated text.
>> The first item is a unique ID, row 2 contains the main group, row 3 to 5 
>> contain subgroups and row 6 to 15 contain product info.
>> I converted this data to an array and are able to get the keys of the main 
>> group. These are shown to the user in a list field.
>> But when the user clicks on an item in this field, the next field should 
>> show the keys of the first subgroup, belonging to the selected main group.
>> And this for all the subgroups afterwards, to refine the selection of 
>> products.
>> But I have no idea how to filter this array on the selected key…
>> Met vriendelijke groeten,
>> Warm Regards,
>> Ton Kuypers
>> +32 (0) 477 739 530
>> Steenweg op Leopoldsburg 100 • B-2490 • Balen • Belgium
>> ___
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>> Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 
>> preferences:
> ___
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Helpppppp, LC crashes on opening a project!

2015-10-21 Thread
I’m using LC Community 7.1 and for the second time in a week LC gives the 
cursor of death when I reopen a project!

The first time I was able to retrieve all code using Bbedit, and I was able to 
continue to work, starting all over. I could save, open, close, open again, no 
But yesterday I saved the project, made a copy in the finder as a back-up, and 
now LC hans again when I try to open it…

I also tried 8.0, same result.
I tried to start without any extensions, same result.
Nothing has changed, older projects work fine, only this new one.

Is this my punishment for not developing during the last couple of months, 

Anyone any suggestions?

Met vriendelijke groeten,
Warm Regards,

Ton Kuypers
+32 (0) 477 739 530

Steenweg op Leopoldsburg 100 • B-2490 • Balen • Belgium 

use-livecode mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: Helpppppp, LC crashes on opening a project!

2015-10-21 Thread
Turned off Messages, tried to open the file, same result :-(
There are no pre-open or startup scripts, nothing that should cause this 

Any other suggestions, anyone?

Met vriendelijke groeten,
Warm Regards,

Ton Kuypers
+32 (0) 477 739 530

Steenweg op Leopoldsburg 100 • B-2490 • Balen • Belgium

> On 21-okt.-2015, at 20:33, J. Landman Gay <> wrote:
> On 10/21/2015 12:30 PM, wrote:
>> But yesterday I saved the project, made a copy in the finder as a
>> back-up, and now LC hans again when I try to open it…
> Did you try turning off Messages in the toolbar before opening the stack?
> -- 
> Jacqueline Landman Gay |
> HyperActive Software   |
> ___
> use-livecode mailing list
> Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 
> preferences:

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Re: Helpppppp, LC crashes on opening a project!

2015-10-21 Thread
Hi Mark,

Tried the clean install, tried without extensions, tried LC8, all the same 
But you mention GIFs or other image controls… That might be the issue, it is a 
stack that downloads images from the web and when I closed it, one of them 
probably was showing on the stack…

Met vriendelijke groeten,
Warm Regards,

Ton Kuypers
+32 (0) 477 739 530

Steenweg op Leopoldsburg 100 • B-2490 • Balen • Belgium <>

> On 22-okt.-2015, at 00:50, Mark Schonewille < 
> <>> wrote:
> Hoi Tom,
> I don't have an actual solution, but I could give some suggestions.
> I assume you have a tried a clean install of LiveCode already, without a "My 
> LiveCode" folder in the documents folder (usually it is the documents folder; 
> check the preferences window for the exact location).
> Do you use any libraries or substacks in a very old format, or did you save 
> any of the stacks or substacks in LiveCode 8? Did you perhaps protect a stack 
> with a password using an old commercial edition, while you're now using the 
> community edition?
> Do you have any GIF's (or perhaps other image controls) in your stack, which 
> might be corrupt?
> Is it possible that you created the stack in LiveCode 6.x or older on a Mac 
> (PC) and are now trying to open it in LC 7 on Windows (Mac OS X)? Try using a 
> Mac (PC) again.
> Mark Schonewille
> <>
> Buy the most extensive book on the
> LiveCode language:
> Op 10/22/2015 om 00:39 schreef
>> Turned off Messages, tried to open the file, same result :-(
>> There are no pre-open or startup scripts, nothing that should cause this 
>> behavior…
>> Any other suggestions, anyone?
>> Met vriendelijke groeten,
>> Warm Regards,
>> Ton Kuypers
>> +32 (0) 477 739 530
>> Steenweg op Leopoldsburg 100 • B-2490 • Balen • Belgium
>>> On 21-okt.-2015, at 20:33, J. Landman Gay <> wrote:
>>> On 10/21/2015 12:30 PM, wrote:
>>>> But yesterday I saved the project, made a copy in the finder as a
>>>> back-up, and now LC hans again when I try to open it…
>>> Did you try turning off Messages in the toolbar before opening the stack?
>>> -- 
>>> Jacqueline Landman Gay |
>>> HyperActive Software   |
>>> ___
>>> use-livecode mailing list
>>> Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your 
>>> subscription preferences:
>> ___
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>> preferences:
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Re: Helpppppp, LC crashes on opening a project!

2015-10-21 Thread
And thanks Mark, you got me thinking…

Added the stack as a substack of a new stack, emptied all the fields and 
removed the image and the stack opens again!
Now I know what to to, thanks again!

Met vriendelijke groeten,
Warm Regards,

Ton Kuypers
+32 (0) 477 739 530

Steenweg op Leopoldsburg 100 • B-2490 • Balen • Belgium

> On 22-okt.-2015, at 00:50, Mark Schonewille 
> <> wrote:
> Hoi Tom,
> I don't have an actual solution, but I could give some suggestions.
> I assume you have a tried a clean install of LiveCode already, without a "My 
> LiveCode" folder in the documents folder (usually it is the documents folder; 
> check the preferences window for the exact location).
> Do you use any libraries or substacks in a very old format, or did you save 
> any of the stacks or substacks in LiveCode 8? Did you perhaps protect a stack 
> with a password using an old commercial edition, while you're now using the 
> community edition?
> Do you have any GIF's (or perhaps other image controls) in your stack, which 
> might be corrupt?
> Is it possible that you created the stack in LiveCode 6.x or older on a Mac 
> (PC) and are now trying to open it in LC 7 on Windows (Mac OS X)? Try using a 
> Mac (PC) again.
> Mark Schonewille
> Buy the most extensive book on the
> LiveCode language:
> Op 10/22/2015 om 00:39 schreef
>> Turned off Messages, tried to open the file, same result :-(
>> There are no pre-open or startup scripts, nothing that should cause this 
>> behavior…
>> Any other suggestions, anyone?
>> Met vriendelijke groeten,
>> Warm Regards,
>> Ton Kuypers
>> +32 (0) 477 739 530
>> Steenweg op Leopoldsburg 100 • B-2490 • Balen • Belgium
>>> On 21-okt.-2015, at 20:33, J. Landman Gay <> wrote:
>>> On 10/21/2015 12:30 PM, wrote:
>>>> But yesterday I saved the project, made a copy in the finder as a
>>>> back-up, and now LC hans again when I try to open it…
>>> Did you try turning off Messages in the toolbar before opening the stack?
>>> -- 
>>> Jacqueline Landman Gay |
>>> HyperActive Software   |
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revBrowser sound

2012-01-19 Thread
Maybe somewhat silly, but who can shed a light on this.

My favorite radiostation switched from an iTunes stream to a webstream for 
their internet broadcast.
This means I need to open my browser all the time to listen to the music and 
it's kinda annoying to always have their website open when surfing the 
internet, accidentally closing my music when closing to many windows.

So having some spare time, I created a very basic stack and added a revBrowser 
object and a start/stop button.
Easy as LiveCode is, it took me less then 3 minutes to show the correct page, 
but I can't hear any music :-(

The URL I need to use is

Anyone any idea or suggestions?

Met vriendelijke groeten,
Warm Regards,

Ton Kuypers
+32 (0) 477 739 530

Aardbemden 11 • B-2400 • Mol • Belgium

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Re: PDFs

2011-11-02 Thread
And what's wrong with:

on mouseUp
   answer file Select a PDF
   if it =  then exit mouseUp
   set the filename of player test to it
end mouseUp

Met vriendelijke groeten,
Warm Regards,

Ton Kuypers
+32 (0) 477 739 530

Aardbemden 11 • B-2400 • Mol • Belgium

On 2-nov-2011, at 12:00, Richmond wrote:

 On 11/02/2011 12:40 PM, Mark Schonewille wrote:
 Hi Richmond,
 This imports only the first page of the PDF. IIRC, in the recent discussion 
 on this list, OP wanted to browse a PDF.
 Notwithstanding, that would be better than the 'nothing' currently available 
 in Livecode.
 Best regards,
 Mark Schonewille
 Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
 KvK: 50277553
 Become our partner in sales Start selling Color Converter 
 today. 20% commission!
 On 2 nov 2011, at 08:41, Richmond wrote:
 on the Supercard list:
 Re: [SC] Importing PDF files
 Set pictureData of card graphic PDF to myPDFfilepath
 I wonder ? ? ?
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Re: PDFs

2011-11-02 Thread
I rest my case ;-)

Met vriendelijke groeten,
Warm Regards,

Ton Kuypers
+32 (0) 477 739 530

Aardbemden 11 • B-2400 • Mol • Belgium

On 2-nov-2011, at 16:53, Mark Schonewille wrote:

 Hi Ton,
 Nothing is wrong with that, as long as you're on a Mac. It won't work on 
 other platforms.
 (Of course, SuperCard is Mac-only).
 Best regards,
 Mark Schonewille
 Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
 KvK: 50277553
 Become our partner in sales Start selling Color Converter 
 today. 20% commission!
 On 2 nov 2011, at 16:48, wrote:
 And what's wrong with:
 on mouseUp
  answer file Select a PDF
  if it =  then exit mouseUp
  set the filename of player test to it
 end mouseUp
 Met vriendelijke groeten,
 Warm Regards,
 Ton Kuypers
 +32 (0) 477 739 530
 Aardbemden 11 • B-2400 • Mol • Belgium
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Re: IDE 'Reset'

2011-05-11 Thread
Just my two cents...

To prevent this, I always name my stacks with a prefix... So when the project 
is called mySampleApp, I name each substack with a prefix:
This way I'm always able to open other stacks and copy items and code from them 
to another project.

I even created a small plugin to duplicate an existing project and rename it to 
a new project, using the same naming convention.

If you can't solve the main problem, think about it and create your own 
solution to solve it ;-)


Ton Kuypers

On 11-mei-2011, at 07:52, David Glass wrote:

 I often am working on more than one project at a time, and am trying to come 
 up with a way to do it in LC, particularly when using the GLX framework which 
 creates a bunch of support stacks.
 LC doesn't allow duplicate stack names, so when I go to open another project 
 I get the 'Close, Purge, Cancel' (or whatever it is) message, and I have to 
 select Purge in order to completely remove the first project's stacks, and 
 load the second project's stacks.
 The brute force way would be to have multiple copies of LC running, but that 
 is not really ideal, IMO.
 My second thought (the first one was multiple copies of LC), was a command 
 (or series) in the Message Box that would save, close, and remove from memory 
 everything in the Application Browser, with the end result being an empty 
 Application Browser ready to be repopulated when I open the next project.
 My third thought was to ask here to see if anybody had any other ideas. I'd 
 be interested in hearing if other people have this same issue (maybe it's 
 just me), and if so how you've solved, or worked around, it.
 (technically posting here was my fourth thought, since I'd already posted to 
 the forum; not surprisingly the audiences are somewhat different)
 David Glass - Gray Matter Computing
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usage of dropfolder

2011-04-05 Thread
Hi gang,

I'm stuck, after about 4 hours I have to admit I'm not clever enough for this...

I'm trying to implement a drop-folder based application.
When a file is found in the folder, I need to open it and check for some data 
inside the file.

The actual code to check inside the file takes about 0.01 seconds, so I get a 
result almost immediately. When there are files in the folder when I start, it 
works perfectly.

But when the process is checking every x seconds if there are files in the 
folder, thing go wrong: LiveCode sees a file in the folder, while the finder is 
still copying the file to that folder.
So when I open the file, to read the content, it might still be empty.

The files are jpg, CR2 (= raw images) and tiff files, ranging anywhere from 
10kb to 30 Mb in size, so copying can take a few minutes.

And now my question: How do I know if the Finder finished copying? Checking the 
file size doesn't work.

Any help is more then welcome

Warm regards,

Ton Kuypers

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Re: usage of dropfolder

2011-04-05 Thread
Hi Tom,

Can't do that, everything needs to be setup and controlled by the LiveCode app.
A folder actions would require a regular user to setup this, and you know how 
clever users are ;-)


On 5-apr-2011, at 14:14, Thomas McGrath III wrote:

 Have you tried using a folder action to let you know when something is added 
 to the folder?
 -- Tom McGrath III

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Re: usage of dropfolder

2011-04-05 Thread
There will be a folder published on the network. Any user from any system in 
the network is able to drop files into that folder.
The Mac running the app must be able to drop files in that folder as well.
When files are dropped, they will be copied to the source of that published 
folder, so there is some delay involved.

Only when the files are completely copied to that folder, my app needs to start 

By scripting System Events I know when the mac running the app is copying a 
file, so I can wait until local finder-copies are finished, but I need to make 
sure it will be ok to start processing files when they are copied from a remote 
Mac or PC to the dropfolder.


On 5-apr-2011, at 14:34, Jim Sims wrote:

 On Apr 5, 2011, at 2:21 PM, wrote:
 Can't do that, everything needs to be setup and controlled by the LiveCode 
 A folder actions would require a regular user to setup this, and you know 
 how clever users are ;-)
 If OS X you are talking about, can you write an Applescript for the action 
 you need? Then use that script for what you think the user needs to do?
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CGI, Web/Server Deployment Pack

2011-03-09 Thread

For a couple of months now, I'm stuck with a small problem and maybe some of 
you could explain a few things...

I would love to create webbased products, but the need for the web-plugin 
scares me a little.
Also, I want to be able to use centralized data (mySQL-based) in my local 
clients, but the ports to access the mySQL database is closed in the firewall 
of most companies.

So I started to take a closer look into what I know: LiveCode and more 
specific, deploying for web, the web-server and CGI features of LiveCode

The current LiveCode engine cannot be use as a CGI engine anymore, need to use 
version 3.5 or lower for this. So this is no option.
The (upcoming) Server Deployment Pack is still in beta but it's specs show 
everything I need...

So my question(s):
- Is there already a price set for the Server Deployment Pack?
- Do I need to start writing php-code or php-like code, to work with this 
- What is the difference in deploying for web or using the Server Deployment 

And maybe the most burning question right now:
I need to access my mySQL database, which is accessible through the default 
mySQL port. Because of security-issues, this is not allowed at most companies, 
so I need to create some kind of web-service, that accepts SQL queries and 
returns the result.
Do I need to get a PHP programmer, to do this for me, do I need to use the 3.5 
engine and write some CGI scripts for this, or do I need to get the beta 
version of the Server Deployment Pack?

I've found a tutorial about the CGI by Jacqueline Landman Gay, it seems Rodney 
Tamblyn and Monte Goulding have written a powerful library called LibCGI, but I 
can't find it anywhere. Then lately there is a lot of talk about RevIgnitor, 
but I believe this is a third-party product, only useful when using the Server 
Deployment Pack?

hmmm... way to many questions... Someone, please enlighten me ;-)

Met vriendelijke groeten,
Warm regards,

Ton Kuypers
+32 (0)477 739 530

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Re: using mySQL on a web-based server

2011-03-01 Thread
Hi Andrew,

No, I'm sorry it doesn't...
I know exactly what you mean, but I got no idea how to setup something like 
this :-(

warm regards,

Ton Kuypers

On 1-mrt-2011, at 15:02, Andrew Kluthe wrote:

 I make a nice little controller that accepts the an encrypted email and
 password as post and returns the information being desired from the
 controller in an encrypted string that contains the results (encrypted with
 a different key for transactions back to my client). revIgniters
 ActiveRecord database handlers make it pretty easy to pull data from the
 local db. It has built in security features to cleanse post variables of
 nasties, etc. Then I just build the text string carefully in JSON format and
 encrypt it out. 
 Does this help at all?
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using mySQL on a web-based server

2011-02-28 Thread

Probably a stupid question, but I'm gonna post it anyway...
I'm using a mySQL database on a server, and a livecode app which uses the info 
in that database.
The mySQL is using it's default port (3306), and everything is working ok. 
Except with some of my bigger companies, who closed almost everything on their 
firewall, including (of course) port 3306 :-(

One of the many beauties in LiveCode is it's direct access to data in a mySQL 
database, but what to do when this is not possible due to the above limitations?
Do I need to create a server-side app or a webservice, which accesses the data 
and hands it to my apps through port 80, or are there other options?

Mind you I know jack sh** about writing serverside apps, so any help is 

Met vriendelijke groeten,

Ton Kuypers

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Re: [OT] Intelli-Pubs now available

2011-02-28 Thread
Hi Tom,

Thanks, it is a big need in the graphic industry to create and manage these 
various sizes. Been a problem for a long time, and the problem is getting 
bigger and bigger with the iPad and the various Android tablets arriving, all 
with different resolutions and sizes... 

Warm regards,

Ton Kuypers
+32 (0)477 739 530

On 1-mrt-2011, at 00:56, tbodine wrote:

 Very cool how you can make corrections and mods that adjust in all size
 variations of the ad.  
 Tom Bodine
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[OT] Intelli-Pubs now available

2011-02-24 Thread
Fellow Revolutionaries, also know as LiveCoders!

Just to show off, ;-) you can take a look of what LiveCode can do for graphic 
professionals. I've posted a small video on YouTune (, 
more info can be found at

And some technical info:
it's a Mac-only app, connected to an online mySQL database and communicating 
with Adobe InDesign CS4 and CS5 through AppleScript and JavaScript.

If this had to be done in any other app, I guess it would have taken about 3 
times as long... LiveCode ROCKS!!!

Warm regards,

Ton Kuypers

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Re: remote mySQL connection not working

2011-02-22 Thread
Hi Mark,

No, that's ok, I do have remote access.
Did some more testing and the plot thickens...

When I use put revOpenDatabase(mysql,, DatabaseName, 
UserName, Password) into dbResult it works fine.
But when I use variables (put 
revOpenDatabase(mysql,dbAddr,dbName,dbUser,dbPass) into dbResult) I can't 

Met vriendelijke groeten,

Ton Kuypers

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Re: remote mySQL connection not working

2011-02-22 Thread
I put the variables into the message-box and copied them to my code from 
there... So sorry, the variables are correct, got no idea why this doesn't work.
But because there is nu user-interaction required to set these parameters, I 
just entered them in the code :-)

Met vriendelijke groeten,

Ton Kuypers

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Re: remote mySQL connection not working

2011-02-22 Thread
Hi Terry,

Will give it another try, it must be something like that. Thanks!

Met vriendelijke groeten,

Ton Kuypers

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Re: semi[OT] Preview of Intelli-Pubs

2011-02-03 Thread
After a big attack on our servers, we are back in business, so for those of you 
who are interested or involved in publishing, please visit

Met vriendelijke groeten,

Ton Kuypers

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Re: semi[OT] Preview of Intelli-Pubs

2011-02-01 Thread
Major attack at the servers of my provider, should be up and running asap :-(

warm regards,

Ton Kuypers

On 31-jan-2011, at 21:12, Howard Bornstein wrote:

 On Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 3:41 AM, wrote:
 Please take a look at some screenshots at,
 look forward to some reactions.
 Couldn't get this link to work: the server where this page is located isn’t
 Howard Bornstein
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