Just FYI
After having run against the front door without success, I now followed
Björnkes approach to recreate the paint tool with a drag loop and here it
was easy to implement my undo function:

on mouseDown
   xStoreUndo -- mybackup handler
   put the mouseLoc into tOldLoc
   choose brush tool
   repeat while the mouse is down
      wait with messages 
      drag from tOldLoc to the mouseLoc
      put the mouseLoc into tOldLoc
   end repeat
   choose browse tool
   pass mouseDown
end mouseDown

but the question remains. Is it an unimplemented feature to capture the
mouse events also with the paint tools, or is there any deeper sense behind
the sceens not to do it?

> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: use-livecode-boun...@lists.runrev.com [mailto:use-livecode-
> boun...@lists.runrev.com] Im Auftrag von Tiemo Hollmann TB
> Gesendet: Dienstag, 12. Juli 2011 11:33
> An: 'How to use LiveCode'
> Betreff: why don't I get mouse events with brush tool?
> Hello,
> some days ago Björnke taught me that it’s not a bug but a feature that I
> can’t pick the mousecolor while having the brush tool activated.
> Now I am experiencing, that I also don’t get even a mouseDown or mouseUp
> with the brush tool. The dictionary doesn’t says anything about this
> behavior. What I want to do is:
> The user can paint with the brush tool on an image. To supply the user an
> undo with several states, I wanted to make a backup of the image each time
> at mouseDown, so that the user can roll back every newly painted state.
> I tried to choose the brush tool with mouseEnter and make the backup with
> mouseDown (I don’t get the mouseDown event).
> I tried to make the backup with mouseDown and choose brush tool afterwards
> (works only once until the brush tool is choosen in the first mouseDown)
> I tried to switch back to the browse tool with every mouseUp to make the
> backup with next mouseDown (I don’t get the mouseUp event, when having
> selected the brush tool)
> Probably I am again too narrow minded and looking into the wrong
> can anybody point me into another direction, how I can realize my undo
> function?
> Thanks
> Tiemo
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