Re: how to check for unnecessary local declarations?

2015-07-08 Thread Peter M. Brigham
Late to the party, but here's another approach (not fully tested). Iterate the 
function over the full list of stacks/cards/controls of your stacks.

-- Peter

Peter M. Brigham


function findUnusedLocals pObjRef
   -- returns a cr-delimited list of handlerName, tLocal
   --where tLocal is a declared local not used in the handler handlerName
   put the revAvailableHandlers of pObjRef into hList
   delete word 5 to -1 of line 1 of hList
   -- to cope with the odd format of revAvailableHandlers
   repeat for each line h in hList
  put word 1 to 2 of h into hName
  put caseSwitch(word 1 of 
hName,F=function,M=command,G=getprop,S=setprop,*=*) \
into tType
  put tType into word 1 of hName
  put getHandlerFromScript(pObjRef,word 2 of hName, tType) into thisHandler
  put thisHandler into theLocals
  filter theLocals withlocal *
  replacelocal  with empty in theLocals
  replace comma  space with cr in theLocals
  replace comma with cr in theLocals
  filter thisHandler withoutlocal *
  repeat for each line L in theLocals
 if L is among the words of thisHandler then next repeat
 put hName  comma  L  cr after orphanedList
  end repeat
   end repeat
   delete char -1 of orphanedList
   return pObjRef  cr  orphanedList
end findUnusedLocals

function getHandlerFromScript pObjRef, pHandlerName, pType
   -- returns the specified handler from the script of pObjRef
   -- pHandlerName should be the bare name of the handler
   -- if you have duplicate handler names, eg, a function and a command with
   --the same name, or getprop and setprop handlers with the same name,
   --then both/all will be returned, unless you specify the optional pType
   --   as function or command or getprop or setprop
   -- if not found, returns no such handler:  pType  pHandlerName
   -- by Peter M. Brigham, — freeware,
   --based on a discussion on the use-LC list
   -- requires caseSwitch()
   put the script of pObjRef into tScript
   put the revAvailableHandlers of pObjRef into hList
   delete word 5 to -1 of line 1 of hList
   -- to cope with the odd format of revAvailableHandlers
   filter hList with *   pHandlerName   *
   -- now we have all lines with the handlerName
   put caseSwitch(pType,function=F,command=M,getprop=G,setprop=S,*=*) 
 into tType
   if tType  empty then
  -- get only the line with the correct type
  put cr before hList
  set the casesensitive to true
  replace cr  P with cr in hList
  filter hList with tType   *
   end if
   if hList = empty then
  put no such handler:  pType  pHandlerName into tError
  replacewith space in tError -- in case pType is empty
  return tError
   end if
   repeat for each line h in hList
  put line (word 3 of h) to (word 4 of h) of tScript  cr  cr after 
   end repeat
   delete char -2 to -1 of outScript
   return outScript
end getHandlerFromScript

function caseSwitch
   -- does a quick inline switch/case
   -- param 1 is checkValue
   -- params 2+ are in the form matchValue(s)=returnValue
   --separate multiple matchValues with commas
   --and enclose each matchValue=returnValue pair in quotes
   -- if checkValue matches one or more items in matchValue(s),
   --returns returnValue
   -- use a matchValue of * to specify a default value,
   --to be returned if no matches found in the list
   --if the default is *=* then no match returns the original checkValue
   --if no match and no default value specified, then returns empty
   -- examples:
   --put caseSwitch(len(tZip),5=zip,10=zip+4,*=not a zip code) \
  -- into zipCodeType
   --put caseSwitch(item 1 of the abbr date,Sat,Sun=weekend,*=weekday) \
  -- into dayType
   -- from Ken Ray, use-LC list, originally named stsSwitch()
   -- revised by Peter M. Brigham,
   --to allow for an empty checkValue, eg =no input
   --or ,4,5=other or 4,,5=other or 4,5,=other
   --meaning, if checkValue is 4 or 5 or empty, return other
   put param(1) into tCheckValue
   set the itemDel to =
   repeat with x = 2 to the paramCount
  put param(x) into tCheck
  put item 1 of tCheck into tMatch
  put item 2 of tCheck into tRetVal
  replace , with = in tMatch
  -- to avoid having to switch itemdelimiters
  if tCheckValue = empty and tMatch = empty then return tRetVal
  if tCheckValue = empty and (char 1 of tMatch = = or char -1 of tMatch = 
= \
or == is in tMatch) then return tRetVal
  if tCheckValue is among the items of tMatch then return tRetVal
  if tMatch = * then
 if tRetVal = * then
put tCheckValue into tDefault
put tRetVal into tDefault
 end if
 return tDefault
  end if
   end repeat
end caseSwitch

Re: how to check for unnecessary local declarations?

2015-07-06 Thread Bob Sneidar
Thanks Mark. The code to get the script locals looks suspiciously like what I 
suggested. Are you sure Jerry didn’t use Jacques Time Travel stack to steal my 

Bob S

 On Jul 3, 2015, at 11:53 , Mark Wieder wrote:
 On 07/03/2015 11:11 AM, Peter Haworth wrote:
 Nice!  Only thing I don't see is dealing with block comments - the things
 surrounded by /* and */ and possibly spanning several lines.
 There's some DRY cleanup that could be done as well.
 Feel free to make it better and submit the changes.
 It's all on bitbucket, and unfortunately it's a LiveCode stack rather than 
 text files so you can't submit git pull requests, but drop me a note or 
 create an issue.
 Mark Wieder

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Re: how to check for unnecessary local declarations?

2015-07-03 Thread Mark Wieder

On 07/03/2015 11:11 AM, Peter Haworth wrote:

Nice!  Only thing I don't see is dealing with block comments - the things
surrounded by /* and */ and possibly spanning several lines.

There's some DRY cleanup that could be done as well.
Feel free to make it better and submit the changes.
It's all on bitbucket, and unfortunately it's a LiveCode stack rather 
than text files so you can't submit git pull requests, but drop me a 
note or create an issue.

 Mark Wieder

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Re: how to check for unnecessary local declarations?

2015-07-03 Thread Mark Wieder

On 07/02/2015 08:20 PM, Kay C Lan wrote:

Which proves the point that it isn't as easy as you first made out. As you
say, cracking the GLX2 code is probably the easiest route to take and I'd
be surprise if that code wasn't developed over a long period of time of
'discovering' odd edge cases cropping up here and there, that Jerry never
envisage in a single session of coding.

Well, here's the easy part from glx2:

-- gather the script local variables
function getLocals pScript
  local tTemp, tLocals

  filter pScript with local *
  repeat for each line tLine in pScript
put word 2 to -1 of tLine  cr after tTemp
  end repeat
  -- allow for multiple declarations in one line
  replace , with cr in tTemp
  repeat for each line tLine in tTemp
put word 1 of tLine  cr after tLocals
  end repeat
  chomp tLocals -- chomp is in the frontscript, removes trailing cr
  set the tLocals of this card to tLocals
end getLocals

-- here's the part that looks at usage (watch the lineWrap)

  --theHandler here could be the entire script of a single handler
  repeat for each line theLine in theHandler
if word 1 to 3 of theLine is repeat for each then
  put word 5 of theLine into theWord
  if theTemps is empty then
put theWord into theTemps
if theWord is not among the lines of theTemps then
  put cr  theWord after theTemps
end if
  end if
  next repeat
end if
if into is among the words of theLine or after is among the 
words of theLine or before is among the words of theLine or word 1 of 
theLine is repeat then

  put 0 into tWordNum
  repeat for each word theWord in theLine
add 1 to tWordNum
if char 1 of theWord is # or char 1 to 2 of theWord is -- then
  exit repeat
end if
if char 1 of theWord is quote then
  if theTemps is empty then
put theWord into theTemps
if theWord is not among the lines of theTemps then
  put cr  theWord after theTemps
end if
  end if
  next repeat
end if
if theWord is among the items of each,with,into,after,before then
  put word tWordNum+1 of theLine into theNextWord
  if ( is in theNextWord then
next repeat
  end if
  put token 1 of theNextWord into theNextWord
  if theNextWord is not among the lines of theTokens and 
theNExtWord is not empty then

if [ is in theNextWord then
  replace [ with cr in theNextWord
  replace ] with  in theNextWord
end if
if theTemps is empty then
  put theNextWord into theTemps
  if theNextWord is not among the lines of theTemps then
put cr  theNextWord after theTemps
  end if
end if
  end if
end if
  end repeat
end if
  end repeat

 Mark Wieder

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Re: how to check for unnecessary local declarations?

2015-07-02 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon
Hi from Beautiful Brittany (where it is raining, and there is a cool breeze,
while the rest of France is in the high 30’s  :))

In the same vein,

I declare all my variables “global in two ways ; the first which will remain
when testing is finished (i.e.. passing info outside the script); the others
which will be commented out after testing. If I return to this stack at a
later date to modify it, I remove the comments until I have finished testing
again. Whenever I “invent” a variable, I always declare it global, either 
or temporary, and so I cannot end up have unused variables.
Declaring all variables as global, especially when I have some math in my
scripts, running step by step (debug mode) helps check out my math
easily and efficiently.
All my variable names begin with “GV or “LV” which helps me not to make
mistakes. Its the stupid mistakes which add to development time.

Oh ! I forgot ! I sleep little, and so during the night, I plan out my stack
development, even to script layout, Next morning I code, and find that I
have done much of the debugging in my head, diring the night.

Anybody out there got any strange quirks like mine ? (more than 50 years
of programming leaves deep scars …. !!!).

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Re: how to check for unnecessary local declarations?

2015-07-02 Thread Kay C Lan
Which proves the point that it isn't as easy as you first made out. As you
say, cracking the GLX2 code is probably the easiest route to take and I'd
be surprise if that code wasn't developed over a long period of time of
'discovering' odd edge cases cropping up here and there, that Jerry never
envisage in a single session of coding.

On Fri, Jul 3, 2015 at 5:18 AM, Bob Sneidar

 If you remove the asterisks, you would fail to find any code that uses the
 variable. Only lines containing *JUST* the variable name would be found,
 which wouldn’t work. You could add code to analyze the line by replacing
 “(“ and “) with space, then filter for “*”  variableName  “*”. Words at
 the end of the line would not be found however, so you would have to also
 filter for “*”  variableName.

 Bob S

  On Jul 1, 2015, at 23:09 , Kay C Lan wrote:
  Bob, I think you would need to remove the astrisks otherwise if you have
  single letter variables (many use them as counters in repeat loops) or
  words that may appear in other words - lStart, lStartSearch - you could
  easy miss some.
  On Thu, Jul 2, 2015 at 5:47 AM, Bob Sneidar
  Seems you could write a handler to do it pretty easily.
  — get stack script
  — find “local “
  — get word 2 of found line
  — filter with “*”  word 2 of found line  “*”
  — count number of lines. if only 1 then delete that line
  — get list of cards
  — repeat for every card
  — get card script
  — what I just said
  — get list of objects on card
  — repeat for every object on card
  — get script of object
  — do I have to repeat myself again??
  It might be a little more complicated if you have multiple local
  declarations, but not much.
  Bob S
  On Jul 1, 2015, at 06:44 , Tiemo Hollmann TB
  I am using the strict compilation mode. When working over longer time
  project it regularly happens that I have orphaned local variable
  Actually they don't hurt, but I like to keep my code clean and wonder
  there is any hidden feature, which checks for not any more needed local
  declarations (beside scripting a check myself)?
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Re: how to check for unnecessary local declarations?

2015-07-02 Thread Richard Gaskin

Francis Nugent Dixon wrote:

 I sleep little, and so during the night, I plan out my stack
 development, even to script layout, Next morning I code, and
 find that I have done much of the debugging in my head, during
 the night.

 Anybody out there got any strange quirks like mine ?

I've had surprisingly good luck with that myself.

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Systems
 Software Design and Development for the Desktop, Mobile, and the Web

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Re: how to check for unnecessary local declarations?

2015-07-02 Thread Bob Sneidar
Globals are problematic for me as I design stacks and cards to be modular, so 
two stacks with the same utility card for example, would be sharing globals. 
Instead, if I need persistent data, I use properties. I also do not use strict 
compilation. I have a naming system that prevents my ever using the same 
variable twice for different things in the same handler. Even in loops that use 
a counter, the counter variable is very specifically named. 

That being said, it occurs to me that the GLX2 script editor knows what is a 
variable because it color codes them, and also keeps track of them for the 
clairvoyance feature. Crack that code open to see how they do it, and that 
should give you a great way of tracking them yourself. 

Bob S

 On Jul 2, 2015, at 03:20 , Francis Nugent Dixon wrote:
 Hi from Beautiful Brittany (where it is raining, and there is a cool breeze,
 while the rest of France is in the high 30’s  :))
 In the same vein,
 I declare all my variables “global in two ways ; the first which will remain
 when testing is finished (i.e.. passing info outside the script); the others
 which will be commented out after testing. If I return to this stack at a
 later date to modify it, I remove the comments until I have finished testing
 again. Whenever I “invent” a variable, I always declare it global, either 
 or temporary, and so I cannot end up have unused variables.
 Declaring all variables as global, especially when I have some math in my
 scripts, running step by step (debug mode) helps check out my math
 easily and efficiently.
 All my variable names begin with “GV or “LV” which helps me not to make
 mistakes. Its the stupid mistakes which add to development time.
 Oh ! I forgot ! I sleep little, and so during the night, I plan out my stack
 development, even to script layout, Next morning I code, and find that I
 have done much of the debugging in my head, diring the night.
 Anybody out there got any strange quirks like mine ? (more than 50 years
 of programming leaves deep scars …. !!!).
 use-livecode mailing list
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Re: how to check for unnecessary local declarations?

2015-07-02 Thread Bob Sneidar
If you remove the asterisks, you would fail to find any code that uses the 
variable. Only lines containing *JUST* the variable name would be found, which 
wouldn’t work. You could add code to analyze the line by replacing “(“ and “) 
with space, then filter for “*”  variableName  “*”. Words at the end of the 
line would not be found however, so you would have to also filter for “*”  

Bob S

 On Jul 1, 2015, at 23:09 , Kay C Lan wrote:
 Bob, I think you would need to remove the astrisks otherwise if you have
 single letter variables (many use them as counters in repeat loops) or
 words that may appear in other words - lStart, lStartSearch - you could
 easy miss some.
 On Thu, Jul 2, 2015 at 5:47 AM, Bob Sneidar
 Seems you could write a handler to do it pretty easily.
 — get stack script
 — find “local “
 — get word 2 of found line
 — filter with “*”  word 2 of found line  “*”
 — count number of lines. if only 1 then delete that line
 — get list of cards
 — repeat for every card
 — get card script
 — what I just said
 — get list of objects on card
 — repeat for every object on card
 — get script of object
 — do I have to repeat myself again??
 It might be a little more complicated if you have multiple local variable
 declarations, but not much.
 Bob S
 On Jul 1, 2015, at 06:44 , Tiemo Hollmann TB
 I am using the strict compilation mode. When working over longer time on
 project it regularly happens that I have orphaned local variable
 Actually they don't hurt, but I like to keep my code clean and wonder if
 there is any hidden feature, which checks for not any more needed local
 declarations (beside scripting a check myself)?
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how to check for unnecessary local declarations?

2015-07-01 Thread Tiemo Hollmann TB

I am using the strict compilation mode. When working over longer time on a
project it regularly happens that I have orphaned local variable

Actually they don't hurt, but I like to keep my code clean and wonder if
there is any hidden feature, which checks for not any more needed local
declarations (beside scripting a check myself)?






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AW: how to check for unnecessary local declarations?

2015-07-01 Thread Tiemo Hollmann TB
I am talking only about locals WITHIN a handler.

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: use-livecode [] Im Auftrag
von Tiemo Hollmann TB
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 1. Juli 2015 15:45
An: LiveCode User Liste senden
Betreff: how to check for unnecessary local declarations?


I am using the strict compilation mode. When working over longer time on a
project it regularly happens that I have orphaned local variable

Actually they don't hurt, but I like to keep my code clean and wonder if
there is any hidden feature, which checks for not any more needed local
declarations (beside scripting a check myself)?






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Re: how to check for unnecessary local declarations?

2015-07-01 Thread Bob Sneidar
Seems you could write a handler to do it pretty easily. 

— get stack script
— find “local “
— get word 2 of found line
— filter with “*”  word 2 of found line  “*”
— count number of lines. if only 1 then delete that line
— get list of cards
— repeat for every card
— get card script
— what I just said
— get list of objects on card
— repeat for every object on card
— get script of object
— do I have to repeat myself again?? 

It might be a little more complicated if you have multiple local variable 
declarations, but not much. 

Bob S

 On Jul 1, 2015, at 06:44 , Tiemo Hollmann TB wrote:
 I am using the strict compilation mode. When working over longer time on a
 project it regularly happens that I have orphaned local variable
 Actually they don't hurt, but I like to keep my code clean and wonder if
 there is any hidden feature, which checks for not any more needed local
 declarations (beside scripting a check myself)?
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